AMNG 1 | Philip I, AE27 Sestertius, Dacia. IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right, seen from the back / PROVINCIA DACIA, Dacia standing left between eagle and lion, holding curved sword and vexillum marked DF. Year mark AN dot I dot. Pick (AMNG) 1; Martin 2.51.2. | Text | Image |
AMNG 2 | Philip I, AE21 dupondius of Dacia. Year 1. IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / PROVINCIA DACIA (no break), Dacia standing left, holding vexilium marked DF and curved sword, lion and eagle at feet. Year mark AN dot I dot in exergue. AMNG 2; Martin 2.52.1. | Text | Image |
AMNG 8 | Philip I, AE28 Sestertius, Dacia. IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right, seen from the back / PROVINCIA DACIA, Dacia standing left between eagle and lion, holding corn ears and vexillum marked XIII; vexillum marked V to left. Year mark AN dot II dot. Pick (AMNG) 8; Martin 2.58.1. | Text | Image |
Moushmov 1 | Provincia Dacia. Philip Sr AE 30 (Sestertius). 248-249 AD. IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / PROVINCIA DACIA, ANIII in ex, Dacia standing left, in long chiton & Phrygian cap, holding curved sword in right hand, & standard inscribed XIII in left hand. To left standard inscribed V . To right of Dacia lion advancing left, to left of Dacia eagle with head turned right, wreath in beak. | Text | Image |
Moushmov 2 | Philip I AE 27 of Dacia. IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / PROVINCIA DACIA, Dacia standing left, lion and eagle at feet, AN III in ex. | Text | Image |
Moushmov 2 | Provincia Dacia. Philip I, AE 28 (Sestertius). AD 246-247. IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / PROVINCIA DACIA, AN I in ex, Dacia standing left, in long chiton & Phrygian cap, holding curved sword in right hand & standard inscribed XIII in left hand, to left standard inscribed V, to right of Dacia lion advancing left, to left of Dacia eagle with head turned right, wreath in beak. | Text | Image |
Moushmov 2 | Philip I AE 29mm of Dacia. Dated local era year 2 (AD 247-248). IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, laureate and draped bust right / PROVINCIA DACIA, AN II in exergue, Dacia standing left, holding sword (logobolon?) and standards of the legions V (with eagle) and XIII (with lion). AMNG I 9; Varbanov 6 var. (obv. legend); Mionnet Supp. II 5. | Text | Image |
Moushmov 3 | Philip I AE 28mm of Provincia Dacia. Dated year 2 = 245/246 AD. IMP M IAL PHILIPPVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / PROVINCIA DACIA, Dacia seated left, holding grain ear and poppy in right hand, sheaf in left, flanked by legionary standards, one with V on banner and eagle's head on shaft, the other with XIII and lion's head; AN•II• in ex. AMNG I 14. | Text | Image |
AMNG 18 | Otacilia Severa, Dacia, AE29 Sestertius. MARCIA OTACILIA SEVERA AVG, draped bust right / PROVINCIA DACIA, Dacia standing between lion, right, and eagle, left, holding curved sword and standard inscribed XIII. To left another standard inscribed V. Year AN dot I dot in ex. Pick (AMNG) 18; Martin 2.71.1. | Text | Image |
AMNG 20 Moushmov 6 | Otacilia Severa, Dacia, AE29 Sestertius. MARCIA OTACILIA SEVERA AVG, draped bust right / PROVINCIA DACIA, Dacia standing between lion, right, and eagle, left, holding curved sword and two standards inscribed V and XIII. Year AN II in ex. Pick AMNG 20; Pick-Martin 2.73.4, Moushmov 6. | Text | Image |
Brunsmid NZ35, 2 | Otacilia Severa, AE27 Sestertius of Dacia. 14.2 gr. MARCIA OTACILIA SEVERA AVG, draped bust right / PROVINCIA DACIA, Dacia in long robe and pointed Phrygian cap standing facing, head left between an eagle with wreath in its beak, facing right, and a lion walking left. Dacia is holding curved sword in left hand and a vexillum marked DF in right hand (attributes in the wrong hands, due to an engraver's error). Year AN dot I dot in exergue. Pick AMNG 17 var (rev. attributes); Brunsmid NZ35, no. 2. | Text | Image |
AMNG 29 | Philip II, AE30 Sestertius. Dacia. M IVL PHILIPPVS CAES, bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust right, seen from the back / PROV-INCIA DA-CIA, dacia standing half left, holding curved sword and vexillum marked XIII, vexillum marked V to left. Year AN dot I dot in exergue. Pick 29; Martin 2.83.3. | Text | Image |
AMNG 34 | Philip II as Augustus, AE27, Dacia, Year 3 = AD 248-249. 15.15g, 27.1 mm. Classed as a sestertius. IMP PHILIPPVS AVG dot, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from the back / PROV-NIC-IA D-ACIA (sic), Dacia in long robe and Phrygian cap standing facing, looking left, holding a curved sword and a vexillum marked XIII, another vexillum marked V to left, an eagle and a lion at her sides left and right. AMNG 34; Martin 2.88.5; Varbanov 35. | Text | Image |
Moushmov 7 | Philip II, as Caesar, AE29 of Provincia Dacia. Year 1 = 246-247 AD. IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS CAES, bare headed, draped & cuirassed bust right / PROVINCIA DACIA, Dacia standing left, holding curved sword & standard inscribed DF, an eagle at feet to left, a lion walking left to right, AN•I in ex. Sear GIC 4069, BMC 7. | Text | Image |
Moushmov 8 | Philip II AE 19mm of Dacia. Dated Year 2 (247-248 AD). IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS CAES, bare headed, draped bust right / PROVINCIA DACIA, AN II in exergue, Dacia standing left, holding curved sword & one standard inscribed DF, flanked by eagle & lion. | Text | Image |
Moushmov 10 | Trajan Decius AE27 of the Province of Dacia. IMP TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG, laureate head right / PROVINCIA DACIA, Dacia standing between a lion and an eagle, holding curved sword and standards numbered V & XIII, AN IIII in ex. | Text | Image |
Moushmov 11 | Trajan Decius AE27 of Provincia Dacia. IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / PROVIN-C-IA DACIA, Dacia standing between a lion and an eagle, holding bundle of rice and sceptre. AMNG 41; Martin 3.57.5. | Text | Image |
Moushmov 12 | Herennia Etruscilla AE28 of Dacia. Year 4 = AD 249-250. HER ETRVSCILLA AVG, diademed draped bust right / PROVINCIA DACIA, Dacia standing left holding branch & sceptre, lion & eagle at feet, AN IIII in ex. | Text | Image |
SGI 4219 | Herennia Etruscilla AE28 of Dacia. Year 4 = AD 249-250. HER ETRVSCILLA AVG, diademed draped bust right / PROVINCIA DACIA, Dacia standing left holding curved sword & standards inscribed V and XIII, between lion & eagle, AN IIII in ex. | Text | Image |
AMNG 46 Martin 3-63-1 | Herennius Etruscus, AE26 of Dacia. Q H ETR MES DEC CAES, bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust righ, seen from the back / PROVIN-C-IA DACIA, Dacia in long robe and Phrygian cap standing facing, looking left, holding sceptre and a bundle of rice. Eagle with wreath in its beak and a lion at foot left and right. Date AN V below. AMNG 46; Martin 3-63-1. | Text | Image |
Moushmov 14 | Herennius Etruscus AE26 of the Province of Dacia. Year 5 = 250/251 AD. Q HER ETR MES DEC CAES, laureate draped bust right / PROVI-N-CIA DACIA, Dacia standing between a lion and an eagle, holding a branch & sceptre, AN V in ex. Moushmov 14; AMNG 46; Martin 3-63-3. | Text | Image |
Moushmov 15 | Hostillian AE28 of Dacia. C VAL HOST M QVINTVS C, bare-headed, draped & cuirassed bust right / PROVINCIA DACIA, Dacia standing holding a sword & two standards, flanked by an eagle & lion, AN V in exergue. | Text | Image |
AMNG 52 | Trebonianus Gallus, AE28 of Dacia, 9.6g. [IMP C] VIBIO TREBON GALLO AVG, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / PROVINCIA DACIA, Dacia standing left between eagle and lion, holding bundle of rice and sceptre. Date AN V in exergue. Varbanov 66; AMNG 52; Martin 5.54.1. | Text | Image |
Moushmov 16 | Trebonianus Gallus AE28 of the Province of Dacia. Year 5 = 250-251 AD. IMP CRE C VIB TREB GALLVS AVG, laureate, draped bust right / PROVINCIA DACIA, Dacia standing between a lion and an eagle, holding branch & parazonium, AN V in ex. | Text | Image |
Moushmov 18 | Volusian AE26 of Dacia. IMP CC VIB VOLUSIANVS AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / PROVINCIA DACIA, Dacia, standing left with branch & sceptre, between eagle & lion, AN V in ex. SGI 4360. | Text | Image | Text | Image |
Moushmov 18 | Volusian AE28 of Dacia. IMP C C VIB VOLVSIANVS AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / PROVINCIA DACIA, Dacia, standing left with branch & sceptre, between eagle & lion, AN V in ex. SGI 4360. | Text | Image |
Moushmov 19 | Volusian AE Sestertius of Dacia. IMP C C VIB VOLVSIANVS AVG, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right, seen from the back / PROV-IN-CIA DACIA, Dacia standing left between lion and eagle, holding a vexillum marked XIII and sword, with a second vexillum, marked V at her side. In ex: AN V. Pick 53; Martin 5.55.4; Moushmov 19. | Text | Image |
AMNG 58 | Aemilian, AE Sestertius of Dacia. IMP C M AEMIL AEMILIANVS AVG, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / PROVIN-CIA DACIA, Dacia standing facing, holding short sceptre in left arm, over which is a wreath, and holding up a bundle of rice in right hand, eagle and lion at feet. AN VIII in exergue. AMNG 58; Martin 6.54.1. Moushmov 20. | Text | Image |
Moushmov 21 | Aemilian, AE Sestertius of Dacia. IMP C M AEMIL AEMILIANVS AVG, laureate, cuirassed bust right, seen from the back / PROVI-N-CIA DACIA, Dacia standing facing, holding vexillum marked XIII in left hand and curved sword in right hand; vexillum marked V to left, eagle and lion at feet. AN VIII in exergue. AMNG 57; Martin 6.53.3. Moushmov 21. | Text | Image |
Martin 7-54-1 | Valerian AE 25 Sestertius, Dacia, 253-254 AD. IMP P LIC VALERIANO AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PROVIN-CIA DACIA, Dacia standing left, holding two vexilla, one marked XIII and the other marked V, between an eagle and a lion, Year AN VIII in exergue. Martin 7-54-1; AMNG -. | Text | Image |
Moushmov 23 | Valerian I AE25 of Provincia Dacia. Year 8 = AD 253-254. IMP LICI VALERIANVS P F AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / PROVINCIA DACIA, Dacia standing left, holding two standards, between an eagle and a lion. Pick 61. | Text | Image |
Pick 61v | Valerian, AE 28, Dacia. IMP VALERIANVS P F AVG, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right, seen from the back / PROVIN-CIA DACIA, Dacia standing half-left between eagle and lion, holding short sceptre, wreath on arm, and vexillum marked XIII. Year AN VIII in ex. Pick 61 var (obv. legend); Martin type 7.56.x (unlisted with this obv. legend and this reverse. | Text | Image |
Moushmov 24 | Gallienus AE 26 of the Province of Dacia. Year 10 = AD 253-254. IMP GALLIENVS PIVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / PROVINCIA DACIA, Dacia standing left, holding standards, between eagle and lion, AN X in ex. SGI 4525. | Text | Image |
See also: | Helvetica's RIC list ("moesia.xls") in Excel/Open Office format of the bronze eagle and lion types of Dacia for a precise identification according to Pick (AMNG) and Martin | ||
See also: | History and Coinage of Dacia, pdf, by Dave Surber and Dane "Helvetica" Kurth. The page is password protected to stop Chinese theft. Please follow the instructions on that page. | ||
See all Dacia types listed by Moushmov Number | |||
Entry for Dacia on the Digital Historia Numorum |