BMC 1 | Eumeneia, Phrygia AE14. before 133 BC. Laureate head of Zeus right / EYME-NEΩN in two lines within wreath. SNG Cop 377-378, BMC 1-4; SNG Tuebingen 4004; SNG Munich 201; Sear 5138; Walcher 2774. | Text | Image |
BMC 5 | Eumeneia, Phrygia AE14. before 133 BC. Laureate head of Zeus right. EYME-NEΩN ΔI in three lines within wreath. BMC 5; SNG Oxford 1018; Paris 1084A-1085; Falter 548. | Text | Image |
BMC 7 | Eumeneia, Phrygia, AE17, 1st c. BC. AD 100-276. Magistrate Diophan. Helmeted head of Athena right. / EYMENEΩN ΔIOΦAN, Nike walking left, holding wreath and palm branch. BMC 7-8; Walcher 2771. | Text | Image |
BMC 9 | Eumeneia, Phrygia. After 133 BC. AE 18mm. Helmeted head of Athena right / EYMENEΩN MENEKΡA, Nike walking left, holding wreath and palm. | Text | Image |
BMC 13 | Eumeneia, Phrygia, AE20, civic issue, 133-30 BC. 7.29 g. Magistrate Dionysios Philonidos. Head of young Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy. / EYMENEΩN ΔIONYΣIOY ΦIΛΩNIΔ, tripod; star over serpent-entwined bipennis in left field, star over filleted laurel branch in right field. BMC 13; Mionnet IV 562; Unal Eumeneia 6; Paris 1094; SNG Oxford 1022-1023. | Text | Image |
BMC 15-17 | Eumeneia, Phrygia, AE23, after 133 BC. Magistrate Menekrates, son of Askl-. Head of young Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy / EYMENEΩN MENEKΡAΣKΛHΣ, Tripod-lebes with three handles surmounted by flat cover fringed with spikes, star above, star to left, star to right, bipennis (double axe) with serpent-entwined handle at lower left, filleted laurel branch at lower right. BMC 15-17; SNG Copenhagen 382; SNG Tuebingen 4008; Paris 1095; Mionnet IV, 563; SNG Oxford 1024-1025; Lindgren I 950; Istanbul 14718; Afyon 2973. | Text | Image |
BMC 19 | Eumeneia, Phrygia, AE22, brass, civic issue, 133-30 BC. 7.29 g. Magistrate Mikkalos Apoll. Head of young Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy. / EYMENEΩN MIKKAΛOY AΠOΛΛΩ, tripod; star over serpent-entwined bipennis in left field, star over filleted laurel branch in right field. BMC 19; Afyon 5065 and 1760; Paris 1096; SNG Oxford 1026; SNG von Aulock 3583 and 8366; Mionnet IV, 564; Unal Eumeneia 6; SNG Munich 203. | Text | Image |
BMC 23 | Eumeneia, Phrygia, pseudo-autonomous issue, 176-225 AD. 2.06 g. Bare-headed, draped bust of Hermes right, caduceus before / EYMENEΩN, Athena standing left, holding patera and spear, shield at her side. Imhoof KM 1; BMC 23. | Text | Image |
BMC 24 | Eumeneia, Phrygia, AE23, semi-autonomous. AD 193-230. IEΡA CYNKΛHTOC, bare-headed, draped bust of the Senate right / EYMENEΩN AXAIΩN, cult image of Artemis Ephesia facing, between two stags. BMC 24-25; SNG Cop 389; Lindgren III 583; SNG von Aulock 3586; Unal Eumeieia 56; Mionnet IV 566; SNG Lewis 1591. | Text | Image |
BMC 26-27 | Eumeneia, Phrygia AE19. semi-autonomous issue, AD 30-276. 4.65 g. ΔHMOC EYMENEΩN, bare head of Demos right, slight drapery on left shoulder. / ΓΛAYKOC, river-god Glaukos reclining left, holding two corn-ears, poppy and reed, resting left elbow on an overturned vase, three fish swimming left below. BMC 26-27; SNG von Aulock 3587; Imhoof FG 362; SNG Leypold 1512-1514; Paris 1107 and 1104A; Unal Eumeneia 63; Falter 549-550. | Text | Image |
BMC 28 | Eumeneia, Phrygia, 5.96g, 20.2mm, c. 250 AD. EYMENEIA, turreted and draped bust of city-goddess Eumeneia right / EYMENEΩN ΓΛAYKOC above and beneath river-god Glaukos reclining left, himation over lower body, holding reed and cornucopiae, resting arm on overturned urn from which water flows. BMC 28; SNG Cop. 387; Imhoof FMG 363; SNG Munich 204. | Text | Image |
Denizli Museum 8863 | Eumeneia, Phrygia AE12. Civic issue. Ca 133-1 BC. 1.41 g. Bust of Mên right, wearing Phrygian cap. / E-Y-M-E-N-E-Ω-N, between the rays of an eight-rayed star. Denizli Museum 8863 and 7776; Unal Eumeneia 2; Gutknecht Coll. 916. | Text | Image |
Imhoof KM 3 | Eumeneia, Phrygia, AE17, semi-autonomous. AD 193-230. EYMENEIA, turreted, draped bust of Tyche right. AXAIΩN, Kybele seated left, holding patera and resting elbow upon tympanum, lion at her side. Imhoof KM 3; SNG Fitz. 4971; Leake Supp. 16; RPC IV 2013. Unal Eumeneia 58; SNG Leypold 1517. | Text | Image |
Imhoof KM 4 | Eumeneia, Phrygia AE18. semi-autonomous issue, AD AD 193-211. 2.35 g. EYMENEIA, turreted and draped bust of Tyche right. / EYMENEΩN, Apollo Tyrimnaeos standing left, holding patera and bipennis, altar at foot left. Imhoof KM 4; Muenster 1226; Unal Eumeneia 59; RPC IV 9982. | Text | Image |
Lindgren III 581 | Eumeneia, Phrygia, AE17, 133-1 BC. Draped bust of Artemis right. / EYMENEΩN in two lines across fields, bipennis (labrys). Lindgren III, 581; SNG Tübingen 4010; Unal Eumeneia 1. | Text | Image |
Lindgren III 584 | Eumeneia, Phrygia, AE24, semi-autonomous issue. AD 190-230. IEΡA CYNKΛHTOC, draped bust of the Senate right. / EYMENEΩN, Apollo Tyrimnaeos on horseback riding right, holding bipennis over shoulder. Lindgren III 584 (this coin). | Text | Image |
Mionnet IV, 559 | Eumeneia, Phrygia AE20. semi-autonomous issue, AD 30-276. 5.26 g. EYMENEΩN, draped bust of Serapis right, polos on head. / ΓΛAYKOC, river-god Glaukos reclining left, holding two corn-ears, poppy and reed, resting left elbow on an overturned vase, three fish swimming left below. Mionnet IV, 559; SNG Cop 386; SNG Leypold 1515. | Text | Image |
Mionnet IV, 561 | Eumeneia, Phrygia, AE22, 133-1 BC. Magistrate Timokr. Helmeted head of Athena right. / EYME-NEΩN TIMOKΡ, Nike walking left, holding wreath and palm branch. Mionnet IV 561; Walcher 2772. | Text | Image |
SNG Tuebingen 4009 | Phrygia Eumeneia AE12. Turreted head of Tyche right / EYME-NEΩN to left and right of three-footed, conical altar with globe-shaped top on a flat surface, two objects hanging from the ends to left and right. SNG Tuebingen 4009; Paris 1971.394; Unal Eumeneia 3. | Text | Image |
Unal, Eumeneia 55 | Eumeneia, Phrygia, AE23, 1st c. BC. AD 190-230. IEΡA CYNKΛHTOC, draped bust of the Senate right. / EYMENEΩN, Apollo standing left, holding raven and bipennis. Unal Eumeneia 55. | Text | Image |
Waddington 6017 | Eumeneia, Phrygia, AE17, semi-autonomous issue, AD 100-276. Draped bust of Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy. / EYMENEΩN, Kybele seated left, holding patera and resting elbow on drum, lion at her side. Waddington 6017; SNG Cop 383. | Text | Image |
RPC 3139 | Eumenea as Fulvia, Phrygia. Circa 41-40 BC. AE 20mm. Draped bust of Fulvia as winged Nike right / ΦOYΛOYIANΩN ZMEΡTOΡIΓOΣ ΦIΛΩNIΔOY, Athena walking left, holding spear in right hand, shield on left arm. BMC 20. | Text Text | Image Image |
RPC 3140 | Fulvia AE17 of Eumeneia, as Fulvianon, Phrygia. Ca 41-40 BC. Draped bust of Fulvia as winged Nike right / ΦOYΛOYI-ANΩN-ZMEΡTOΡI, three lines within ivy-wreath. SNGvA 8367. | Text | Image |
RPC 3142 | Augustus AE18 of Eumeneia, Phrygia. Magistrate Epigonus. ΣEBAΣTOΣ, laureate bust right, lituus before / EYMENEΩN EΠIΓONOΣ ΦIΛOΠATΡIΣ, tripod. BMC 36. | Text | Image | Text | Image |
RPC 3143 | Livia AE14 of Eumeneia, Phrygia. Kastoris Soteira. HΡA ΛIBIA, draped bust right with hair in bound plait behind neck / EVM-ENEΩN-KAΣTOΡIΣ-ΣΩTIΡA in four lines within wreath. | Text | Image |
RPC 3148 | Livia, AE of Eumeneia, Phrygien. 3.59 g. ΣEBAΣTH, draped bust left / KΛEΩN-AΓAΠH-TOΣ-EYMENE-ΩN in five lines within wreath. RPC 3148: BMC 38. | Text | Image |
RPC 3144 | Tiberius AE17 of Eumeneia, Phrygia. Magistrate Valerius Zmertoris. CEBAC, bare head right / OVAΛEΡIOΣ ZMEΡTOΡIX EYMENEΩN, bull butting right. BMC 35. | Text | Image |
RPC 3147 | Tiberius AE 20mm of Eumeneia, Phrygia. Magistrate Kleon Agepetos. CEBACTOC, laureate head right / KΛEΩN AΓEΡHTOC EYMENEΩN, Zeus standing left, holding patera and sceptre; star to left. BMC 37. | Text | Image |
RPC 3151 | Agrippina Jr AE15 of Eumeneia, Phrygia. Magistrate Bassa Kleonos. AΓΡIΠΠINA ΣEBAΣTH, draped bust right, countermark of double axe behind head / BAΣΣA KΛEΩNOΣ AΡXIEΡHA AYMENEΩN, Kybele seated left, holding patera, resting arm on drum. BMC 44. | Text | Image |
RPC 3151 (2) | Agrippina AE16 of Eumeneia, Phrygia. 2.78 g. AD 54-59. AΓΡIΠEINA ΣEBAΣTH, draped bust right, countermark of male head right / BAΣΣA KΛEONOΣ AΡCIEΡHA EYMENEΩN, Kybele seated left, holding patera and resting left arm on drum. RPC 3151; SNG Righetti 1179; BMC 44-46; Paris 1120-1121; Imhoof GM 681 (but rarely with this countermark). | Text | Image |
RPC 3152 | Agrippina II, AE16 of Eumeneia, Phrygia. AD 54-59. 2.44 g. Magistrate Bassa Kleonos. AΓΡIΠΠINAN CEBACTH, draped bust right. / BACCA KΛEωNOC EYMENEωN in two lines around large head of lion right appearing to emerge from a tympanum. RPC I 3152; Paris 1122; Waddington 6032; SNG Cop 393; Imhoof GM 682. | Text | Image |
RPC 3149 | Nero AE 18mm of Eumeneia, Phrygia. Struck 54/5 AD. Magistrate Julius Kleon. NEΡΩN ΣEBAΣTOΣ, bare-headed, draped bust of a young Nero right / EYMENEΩN IOYΛIOΣ KΛEΩN AΡXIEΡEYΣ AΣIAΣ, Apollo standing left, holding raven and bipennis. SNG Cop 394, BMC 41. | Text | Image | Text | Image | Text | Image |
RPC 3150 | Nero, AE19 of Eumeneia, Phrygia. AD 54-68. 6.07 g. Magistrate Iulios Kleon. NEΡΩN KAICAΡ CEBACTOC, bare-headed, draped bust right. / IOYΛIOC KΛEΩN O AΡXIEΡEYC EYMENEΩN, bipennis. RPC I 3150; BMC 40; Imhoof GRM 2. | Text | Image |
RPC 3150A | Nero, AE18 of Eumeneia, Phrygia. AD 54-68. Magistrate Iulius Kleon. NEΡΩN KAICAΡ CEBACTOC, bare head right. / IOYΛIOC KΛEΩN O AΡXIEΡEYC ACIAC EYMENEΩN, laureate and draped bust of Apollo right, bipennis before head. RPC I 3150A; Naumann 41, 562. | Text | Image |
RPC 1388 | Domitia, AE15 of Eumeneia, Phrygia. AD 81-96. 2.25 g. ΔOMITIA CEBACTH, draped bust right / KΛ TEΡENTVΛΛA AΡXI EVMENEΩN, Kybele seated left, holding patera and resting arm on drum. RPC II 1388. | Text | Image |
BMC 56 | Antoninus Pius, AE26 of Eumeneia, Phrygia. AD 138-161. AYTO KAIC ANTΩNEINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EYMENEΩN AXAIΩN, sacrificial, humped bull standing left with Nike walking left at its side, holding a sacrificial knife. BMC 56-57; SNG von Aulock 3594; Weber 7096; Imhoof KM 8; Waddington 6038; SNG Tuebingen 4014; Yale 125215. | Text | Image |
BMC 58 | Antoninus Pius, AE26 of Eumeneia, Phrygia. AD 138-161. 10.2 g. AYTO KAIC ANTΩNEINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / AXAIΩN EYMENEΩN above and beneath Dionysos and Ariadne, holding lyre, in a biga drawn right by a panther and a goat ridden by Eros playing a flute. BMC 58. | Text | Image |
Imhoof 8 | Antoninus Pius, AE of Eumeneia, Phrygia. 138-161 AD. 9.88 g. AYTO KAIC ANTΩNEINOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / EYMENEΩN ACAIΩN, Nike standing right, holding sacrificial knife and holding a bull standing right, by the horn. RPC online 1990. Imhoof-Blumer KM 8; cf Waddington 6038. | Text | Image |
BMC 59 | Marcus Aurelius AE23 of Eumeneia-Fulvia, Phrygia. AD 161-180. 9.07 g. M AYΡHΛI OYHΡOC KAI, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right. / AXAIΩN EYMENΩN, Heros or Mên, on horseback trotting right, holding bipennis over shoulder. BMC 59; SNG von Aulock 3595; Hunter 2; SNG Cop 396. | Text | Image |
Lindgren I, 953 corr. | Julia Domna, AE23 of Eumeneia, Phrygia. 6.59g. IOYΛIA CEBAC, draped bust right / EYMENEΩN AXAIΩN, Dionysos, loins draped, standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos, panther at feet. Lindgren I 953 corr. ("Aphrodite with peacock"); Kurth Dionysos 619. | Text | Image |
SNG Leypold 1543 | Julia Domna, AE29 of Eumeneia, Phrygia. AD 193-217. Magistrate Nigeros. IOYΛIA ΔOMNA CEBACT, draped bust right. / EΠI AΡXIEΡEΩC NIΓEΡOC B IEΡΩNYM EYMENEΩN AXAIΩN, around and in fields, Tyche standing left, holding rudder on globe, and cornucopiae. SNG Leypold 1543-1544 corr. (E of NIΓEΡOC overlooked); Unal 36.1-2. | Text | Image |
SNG Cop 397 | Geta, AE of Eumeneia, Phrygia. 197-209 AD. 7.88 g. ΠO CEΠ ΓETAC KAI, bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust right / EYMENEΩN ACAIΩNN, Heros or Mên, radiate, on horseback trotting right, double axe (bipennis) over shoulder. SNG Cop. 397; SNG von Aulock 3597. | Text | Image |
BMC 62 | Otacilia Severa AE30 of Eumeneia, Phrygia. Flavius Philikou, high priest. MAΡK ΩTAKIΛ CEVHΡA CEB, diademed draped bust right / EΠ Φ ΦIΛIKOY AΡXI EVMENEΩN AX, Tyche standing left holding rudder and cornucopiae. | Text | Image |
Falghera 2654 | Salonina, AE, 9.19 gr. of Eumeneia, Phrygia. KOΡNHΛIA CAΛΩNEINA, draped bust right, wearing stephane / EYMENEΩN ACAIΩN, Tyche standing facing, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Falghera 2654. | Text | Image |
See also: | Entry for Eumeneia, Phrygia on the Digital Historia Numorum | ||