Ancient Coinage of Phrygia, Hierapolis

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Armstrong 20 varHierapolis, Phrygia. AE23, semi-autonomous, Homonoia issue with Ephesos. 5.15 g. ΛAIΡBHNOC, radiate and draped bust of Apollo-Lairbenos right / IEΡAΠOΛITΩN K EΦECIΩN NEΩKOΡΩN OMONOIA, two prize wreaths with no letters within them. Var of Armstrong 20; Vienna 19867; Paris 570; Weber 3 in JIAN 1912; Imhoof KM 8; BMC 57. (all with P and E in the wreaths).TextImage
Armstrong 43Hierapolis, Phrygia. AE22 semi-autonomous issue. AD 198-268. 2.14 g. ΔHMOC, laureate head right. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Armstrong 43.TextImage
BMC 6Hierapolis ad Lycum, Phrygia. AE20 semi-autonomous issue. AD 198-268. 2.65 g. BOYΛH, veiled and draped bust of Boule right. / IEΡOΠOΛEITΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. BMC 6; SNG Leypold 1584.TextImage
BMC 13Hierapolis, Phrygia, AE19, 2nd-3rd c. AD. helmeted bust of Athena right, aegis on chest / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Nemesis standing left, holding bridle. BMC 13-15; Paris 564; Hunter 6.TextImage
BMC 16Hierapolis, Phrygia. AE17, semi-autonomous issue. AD 98-217. 3.57 g. Bearded head of Asklepios right, serpent-entwined staff before head. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, winged Nemesis standing left, holding bridle and drawing out the neck of her robe. BMC 16-17; SNG Cop 415; Weber 3 in NC 1913.TextImage
BMC 19Hierapolis, Phrygia, AE19, 98-217 AD. 4.44 gr. Draped bust of Selene or Hekate right, on crescent / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, winged Nemesis standing left, holding bridle and drawing drapery away from her neck. SNG Cop 420; Weber 5 (in NC 1913); SNG Muenchen 220; BMC 19.TextImage
BMC 21Hierapolis Ad Lycum, Phrygia, AE15, semi-autonomous issue, AD 98-217. 2.35 g. Helmeted head of Athena right, aegis on left shoulder. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN (clockwise from top right), Hermes, naked, standing left, holding purse and caduceus, chlamys draped over left arm. BMC 21.TextImage
BMC 23Hierapolis, Phrygia, AE15.2 semi-autonomous issue, AD 98-217. AΡXHΓETHC, radiate, draped bust of Apollo right. (Apollo Archegetes) / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Apollo Kareios standing left, holding branch and bipennis. BMC 23.TextImage
BMC 29-31Hierapolis, Phrygia, AE19, semi-autonomous issue, AD 98-217. 19.5 mm, 5.46 g. Draped bust of Serapis right, wearing polos. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Isis standing left, holding sistrum and situla. BMC 29-31; SNG Cop 426-427; Weber 6-7 in NC 1913; Walcher 2778; SNG vA 3623-3624; Paris 559; Mionnet IV, 579; SNG Righetti 1183; SNG Lewis 1622.TextImage
BMC 32Hierapolis ad Lycum, Phrygia. AE34, semi-autonomous issue, AD 117-192. IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, draped bust of Apollo right. / MOΨOC TOΡΡHBOC, Mopsos standing right, holding branch and bow, facing Torrebos standing left, holding statuette and lyre. BMC 32; Imhoof KM 5; Waddington 6114; Armstrong 16; Weber XX (this coin).TextImage
BMC 35 varHierapolis, Phrygia. semi-autonomous issue, AD 100-276. IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, head of Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy / EYΠOCIA, Euposia standing left, holding corn-ears and cornucopiae with the infant Plutos sitting left in its curve. Unpublished. John Aiello collection. Attributes var of BMC 35-37; SNG vA 3618; Weber 16; SNG Munich 221; Imhoof MG 110 (all holding rudder); Obv. var of BMC 159-160; SNG Cop 464; Weber 13; SNG vA 3660 (Philip I on obv.)TextImage
BMC 38Hierapolis, Phrygia. AE27, semi-autonomous issue, AD 98-217. IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, head of Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy / No legend, Hades driving galloping quadriga right, carrying off the struggling Persephone. BMC 38; SNG Cop 428; Paris 568; Mionnet IV 586; SNG v. Aulock, 3633.TextImage
BMC 42Hierapolis, Phrygia, AE19, semi-autonomous issue, AD 100-200. 4.13 g. ZEYC BΩZIOC, bare head of Zeus right. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Horseman, holding bipennis over shoulder, on horse pacing right. BMC 42; SNG Cop 429; SNG Munich 223; Weber 1-2 in NC 1913; Imhoof MG 106a; Lindgren III 592; Weber 7106; Waddington 6088; Mionnet, Supp VII, 375; Armstrong 69.TextImage
BMC 44Hierapolis, Phrygia. semi-autonomous issue. AD 98-217. 6.56 g. ΔHMOC, bearded, draped bust of Demos left. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN XΡYCO-ΡOAC around and in two lines below, river god Chrysoroas reclining left, holding poppy and corn-ears, resting arm on overturned urn from which waters flow. BMC 44-45; SNG Munich 224; Weber 3-3A in NC 1913; Falter 555; Vienna 32913; Kurth Demos 151-152.TextImage
BMC 49Hierapolis Ad Lycum, Phrygia, AE19, semi-autonomous issue, AD 198-268. 4.54 g. Helmeted head of Athena left, with aegis. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Hermes, naked, standing left, holding purse and caduceus, chlamys draped over left arm. BMC 49; von Aulock 3621; Weber 5 in NC 1913; Waddington 6094; SNG Cop 431; SNG Munich 216.TextImage
BMC 50Hierapolis, Phrygia, AE24, semi-autonomous issue. AD 193-211. 8.82 g. Bare head of bearded Herakles right, club over shoulder / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Hygieia, standing right, feeding serpent in arms, facing Asklepios, standing front, looking left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. BMC 50-51; SNG Munich 219; SNG von Aulock 3622; SNG Cop 430; SNG Righetti 1185; Hunter 1; Berlin 25; Mionnet IV, 582.TextImage
BMC 51Hierapolis ad Lycum, Phrygia, AE24, semi-autonomous issue. AD 193-211. 8.22 g. Head of Herakles right, club over shoulder. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Hygieia standing right, feeding serpent in arms, facing Asklepios standing front, looking left, leaning on serpent-entwined staff. BMC 51; SNG Righetti 1185; SNG von Aulock 3622; SNG Munich 219; SNG Cop 430; Hunter 1; Mionnet Supp IV 582.TextImage
BMC 52Hierapolis, Phrygia, AE18. semi-autonomous issue. AD 98-217. 3.5 G. Bearded head of Herakles right, club over shoulder. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, above and beneath lion walking right. BMC 52; Armstrong 76.TextImage
BMC 57Hierapolis, Phrygia, AE25, semi-autonomous issue. AD 198-268. ΛAIΡBHNOC, radiate and draped bust of Apollo Lairbenos right. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Hygieia seated left on throne, feeding serpent rising to left, a small figure of Telesphorus standing facing behind her. BMC 57; Lindgren III A593A; SNG Cop 435; Weber 7 in NC 1913; Imhoof KM 9; SNG Munich 233.TextImage
BMC 62Hierapolis, Phrygia, AE24, 198-268 AD. 6.59 gr. ΛAIΡBHNOC, radiate, draped bust of Apollo Lairbenos right, countermarked: figure standing left / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Nemesis-Dikaiosyne, winged, standing left, holding scales and cubit rule, wheel at foot. BMC 62.TextImage
BMC 63Hierapolis, Phrygia. AE23. semi-autonomous, 3rd c. AD. ΛAIΡBHNOC, radiate, draped bust of Apollo Lairbenos right, uncertain countermark / IEΡAΠOΛITΩN NEΩKOΡΩN, She-wolf standing left, suckling the twins Romulus and Remus. SNG von Aulock 3628; BMC 63-64.TextImage
BMC 67Hierapolis, Phrygia. AE29, semi-autonomous issue. AD 198-268. 14.7 g. ΔHMOC, laureate head of Demos right. / (clockwise from top right) IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Apollo standing slightly right, holding lyre and plectrum. BMC 67-68; SNG von Aulock 3634; SNG Cop. 436-437; Weber 7-8 in NC 1913.TextImage
BMC 69Hierapolis, Phrygia, AE30, semi-autonomous issue. 17 g. AD 198-268. ΔHMOC, unbearded, laureate head of Demos right, slight drapery on left shoulder. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Mên or hero on horseback, riding right, holding bipennis over shoulder. BMC 69; SNG von Aulock 3635; Franke KZR 136; Weber XV, 3 in NC 1913; Vienna 28725; Armstrong 36; Kurth Demos 331.TextImage
BMC 73-75Hierapolis, Phrygia, AE29, semi-autonomous issue. 11.13 g. AD 198-268. ΔHMOC, unbearded, laureate head of Demos right, slight drapery on left shoulder. Countermark: female deity standing left, holding patera and sceptre within circular incuse (Howgego 278). / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN NEΩKOΡΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. BMC 73-75; SNG Munich 226; Mionnet IV 593; Weber 1 in NC 1913; Vienna 33670; Kurth Demos 342.TextImage
BMC 79Phrygia, Hierapolis, Magistrate Geriousia, 176–225 AD, 24mm, 7.08g. ΓEΡOYCIA; laureate, veiled and draped bust of Gerousia right / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Apollo or Mên on horseback right, holding bipennis (double axe). BMC 79-81; SNG Tuebingen 4030; Weber XV, 6 in NC 1913; SNG Cop 434; Armstrong 54; SNG Lewis 1619-1620; McClean 8821; Lindgren I 969; Weber 7111; Mionnet, IV, 592.TextImage
BMC 87Hierapolis, Phrygia. AE24, semi-autonomous. AD 218-222. IEΡA CYNKΛHTOC, draped bust of the Senate right, countermark: Male figure standing right, holding sceptre or spear and unidentified object; letter to left (Howgego 278) / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN NEΩKOΡΩN, Hades standing right in quadriga, carrying off Persephone, basket beneath the horses. BMC 87-88.TextImage
BMC 89Hierapolis ad Lycum, Phrygia, AE25, semi-autonomous issue, AD 198-268. 6.53 g. IEΡA CYNKΛHTOC, bare-headed, draped bust of the Senate right. Unclear countermark (deity left with patera?). / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN NEΩKOΡΩN around AKTIA in three lines within wreath. BMC 89; SNG Cop 444; Walcher 2780.TextImage
BMC 179Hierapolis Phrygia and Ephesos Ionia, AE22, alliance issue. AD 244-249. ΛAIΡBHNOC, radiate, draped bust of Apollo Lairbenos right / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN K EΦECIΩN NEΩKOΡΩN OMONOIA, clasped hands. BMC 179-180; SNG v. Aulock 3662; Waddington 6112; SNG Cop 467.TextImage
BMC 187Hierapolis, Phrygia, AE20 Pseudo-autonomous issue. Alliance with Ephesos. AD 198-268. IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN K EΦECIΩN, veiled and draped bust of Boule right / NEΩKOΡΩN OMON(OIA), Mên in Phrygian cap, standing right, head left, right foot on bucranium, holding pine cone and sceptre. BMC 187; SNG Copenhagen 470; Franke and Nollé, Die Homonoia-Münzen Kleinasiens, p. 78.TextImage
Helios 5, 928Hierapolis, Phrygia, pseudo-autonomous issue, 3rd c. AD. 2.82 g. ZEYC TΡΩIOC, diademed head of Zeus Troios right / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN NEΩKOΡΩN, Mên standing right, holding pine cone and sceptre, foot on bucranium. BMC 47 var (rev type). Poss. unpublished; Johnston, "Hierapolis Revisited", 83 var (without NEΩKOΡΩN); Armstrong, "Roman Phrygia", 58 var (ditto). Helios 5, 928.TextImage
Imhoof GM 1Hierapolis, Phrygia AE10, 1.55 gr. 27-100 AD. Lyre / IEΡOΠ-OΛITΩN, serpent on omphalos. Imhoof GM 1.TextImage
Imhoof GRM 4Hierapolis ad Lycum, Phrygia. AE25 semi-autonomous issue. ca. AD 120-268. 9.9 g. IEΡAΠOΛIC, turreted, draped bust of Tyche right. / No legend, Herakles Farnese standing right, naked, leaning on club draped with lionskin, on a rock, right hand behind his back. Imhoof GRM 4 (this coin).TextImage
Imhoof GRM 190Hierapolis, Phrygia. AE18 semi-autonomous issue, ca 160-278. 3.03 g. NEOKOΡΩN, head of Serapis right, polos on head. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Two children sitting facing each other on the ground, playing with astragaloi. Imhoof GRM 190 in RSN 1913.TextImage
Imhoof KM 4Hierapolis ad Lycum, Phrygia, AE28, semi-autonomous issue. AD 70-96. 14.74 g. BOYΛH, veiled and draped bust of Boule right. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Apollo standing right, holding plectrum in his lowered right hand and lyre in his left. Imhoof KM 4; Waddington 6125; Armstrong 46; Weber 13-14 in NC 1913; Martin, Hierapolis 2; RPC II 1304D.TextImage
Naumann 44, 693Hierapolis, Phrygia, AE27, semi-autonomous issue. AD 100-276. 13.28 g. IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Head of Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy / EYBOCIA, Eubosia standing left, holding upright corn-ears and cornucopiae. Unpublished. Naumann 44, 693.TextImage
Paris 1220Hierapolis ad Lycum, Phrygia, AE27, semi-autonomous issue. AD 70-96. 16.33 g. IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, draped bust of the city or Demeter right, resembling Titus, with corn-ear on top of head. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Hades driving fast quadriga to right, holding sceptre and carrying off the struggling Persephone. Paris 1220; RPC II 1304B ("Dionysos"); Weber XXIII, 2 in NC 1913 ("City"); Mionnet Supp. IV, 368a ("Persephone") hand-written addition in Paris edition).TextImage
RPC II 1301Hierapolis, Phrygia, AE26, semi-autonomous issue, AD 69-79. Magistrate Marcellus. 10.35 g. ΔHMOC IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, head of Demos right. / OMO-NOIA-MAΡKEΛ-ANΘY, legend in four lines within wreath. RPC II, 1301; Imhoof KM 1; Armstrong 9; Kurth Demos 329.TextImage
RPC III 2358FHierapolis, Phrygia, AE18, semi-autonomous issue. AD 98-217. 3.3 g. Bearded head of Herakles right. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Nemesis, winged, standing left, plucking neck of chiton and holding bridle. RPC III, 2358F; SNG Cop 422; Paris 1215-1215a.TextImage
SNG Cop 413Hierapolis Ad Lycum, Phrygia, AE32, semi-autonomous issue, AD 98-117. 17.31 g. IEΡA CYNKΛHTOC, draped bust of the Senate right. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Athena standing right, holding spear and resting left hand on shield, facing Hermes standing left, holding purse and caduceus, chlamys draped over left arm. SNG Cop 413; Imhoof KM 6; Weber 10 in NC 1913; Imhoof GRM 3; Armstrong 30.TextImage
SNG Cop 425Hierapolis, Phrygia, pseudo-autonomous issue, ca. 100-225 AD. 4.47 g. Draped bust of Serapis right, wearing kalathos / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Zeus standing left, holding patera and sceptre. RPC online 2039. SNG Cop. 425.TextImage
SNG Cop 432Hierapolis, Phrygia, pseudo-autonomous issue, ca. 176-225 AD. 7.74 g. BOYΛH, draped, laureate and veiled bust of Boule right / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Apollo riding on horseback right, double axe (bipennis) over shoulder. RPC online 9791; SNG Cop. 432.TextImage
SNG Cop 439Hierapolis ad Chrysorrhoas, Phrygia. 198-268 AD. AE 30mm. ΔHMOC, laureate bust of Demos right, slight drapery on left shoulder / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, NEΩKOΡ-ΩN, river-god Chrysorrhoas reclining left, holding holding poppy and corn-ears in right hand, resting left arm on overturned urn from which waters flow. SNG Copenhagen 439.TextImage
SNG Cop 442Hieropolis ad Lycum, Phrygia. AE24, semi-autonomous issue. AD 198-268. ΛAIΡBHNOC, radiate and draped bust of Apollo Lairbenos right. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN NEΩKOΡΩN around ΠYΘIA and star in wreath. SNG Cop 442; Mionnet Supp VII,377(1); Johnston, Hierapolis 55.TextImage
SNG Cop 477Hierapolis, Phrygia. AE23. Pseudo-autonomous issue. 3rd century AD. ΔHMOC, bare-headed, bearded head of Demos right, hair bound with taenia / IEΡOΠO-ΛEITΩN, Poseidon, naked, standing towards right, holding dolphin and trident. SNG Cop 477; Mionnet Supp. VII, 372; Weber NC 1913 p. 145, 1; Kurth Demos 150.TextImage
SNG Munich 221Phrygia. Hierapolis. AE 30, 13.18g. Phrygia, Hierapolis, Mid-2nd Century AD. IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Head of Dionysus right with ivy-wreath / EYBOCIA, Euposia standing left holding rudder and cornucopiae; in the bend of the cornucopia infant Ploutos sitting left, raising right hand towards grapes hanging from the mouth of the cornucopiae. SNG Munich 221 (same dies). BM 35 var. (rev EYBOΣIA).TextImage
SNG Munich 224Hierapolis, Phrygia. AE21 semi-autonomous issue. AD 98-217. 5.71 g. ΔHMOC, bearded, draped bust left. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN XΡYCO-ΡOAC around and in two lines below, river god Chrysoroas reclining left, holding poppy and corn-ears, resting arm on overturned urn from which waters flow. SNG Munich 224; BMC 44-45; Weber 3 in NC 1913; Falter 555; Vienna 32913; Kurth Demos 151-152.TextImage
SNG Munich 226Hierapolis, Phrygia. AE32 mm. 198-268 AD. ΔHMOC, unbearded, laureate head of Demos right, slight drapery on left shoulder / IEΡOΠOΛIT-ΩN NEΩKOΡΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Mionnet IV 593; SNG Munich 226 (same dies).TextImage
SNG Righetti 1184Hierapolis, Phrygia, AE19, semi-autonomous issue, AD 100-200. 4.13 g. Bare head of Hermes right, slight drapery on left shoulder, caduceus behind shoulder. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Athena Promachos standing right, wielding spear and holding shield on left arm. SNG Righetti 1184; Waddington 6097; Weber 7 in NC 1913; Armstrong Phrygia 95.TextImage
SNG vA 3620Hierapolis, Phrygia, 18 mm; 3,3 g, AD 100-276. Helmeted head of Athena right, wearing aegis / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Nemesis standing left, holding bridle, right hand raised to her neck. SNG von Aulock 3620 and 8377; BMC 12-15; Mionnet IV, 583-584; SNG Munich 217-218; SNG Cop 417-418; SNG Tuebingen 4020-4022.TextImage
SNG vA 3627Hierapolis, Phrygia. AE23, 5.77 g. Semi-autonomous, AD 220-228. ΛAIΡBHNOC Radiate and draped bust of Apollo Laerbenos right / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN NEΩKOΡΩN, Hygieia seated left, holding patera, feeding a serpent and resting her left arm on a cushion resembling a tympanum. Telesphoros standing on a stool facing, behind the throne. SNG von Aulock 3627.TextImage
SNG vA 3641Hierapolis Ad Lycum, Phrygia. AE21, semi-autonomous issue. AD 198-268. 4.04 g. IEΡA BOYΛH, laureate, draped bust of Boule right. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Men standing left, wearing Phrygian cap, crescent on shoulders, foot on bucranium, holding patera and sceptre. SNG von Aulock 3641; McClean 8822; Lindgren III 593.TextImage
Waddington 2671Hierapolis, Phrygia, AE29, semi-autonomous. AD 117-161. ΔHMOC IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, draped bust of Demos right, hair bound in a taenia, countermark: star in circular incuse in right field / M AY KAΛIKΛHC KAΛOY IΡHNH CEBACTH, Eirene seated left, holding corn-ears and sceptre. (All with the same countermark: Waddington 2671 (misread as a coin of Tripolis, Lydia); Imhoof KM 1-2; SNG Fitzwilliam 4975; Duesseldorf 415; SNG Lewis 1616.TextImage
Waddington 6085Hierapolis, Phrygia, AE15, semi-autonomous. 4.60 gr. Laureate head of Zeus right / IEΡOΠO-ΛITΩN to right and left of Apollo standing front, holding lyre and plectrum. Monogram at lower left and right. Waddington 6085 (same monograms); Head (NC 1913), type II; Armstrong type 66.TextImage
Waddington 6100Hierapolis ad Lycum, Phrygia, AE25, semi-autonomous issue, AD 161-180. 10.2 g. IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, draped bust of Artemis left, quiver behind shoulder. / XΡYCOΡOAC, river-god Chrysoroas reclining left, holding poppy and two corn-ears, resting left arm on overturned urn from which water flows. Waddington 6100; Weber 5 in NC 1913; Imhoof FG 367; Imhoof GRM 188 in RSN 1913; SNG Lewis 1621.TextImage
Waddington 6108Hierapolis, Phrygia, AE24 semi-autonomous issue, AD 218-222. ΛAIΡBHNOC, radiate and draped bust of Apollo Laerbenos right, countermark of Artemis standing right, hound running right at foot / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN NEΩKOΡΩN, Tyche standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae on which sits the infant Plutos. Waddington 6108; Weber Hierapolis 7; Armstrong 98.TextImage
Waddington 6109 varHierapolis, Phrygia, AE25, semi-autonomous issue. AD 198-268. ΛAIΡBHNOC, radiate and draped bust of Apollo Lairbenos right. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN NEΩKOΡΩN, she-wolf standing left, head turned back, suckling the twins Romulus and Remus. Star above. Var of Waddington 6109; Armstrong 102 var; SNG von Aulock 3628; SNG Tuebingen 4033 (all listed without star). Savoca 29 Silver, 253.TextImage
Weber 7121Hierapolis, Phrygia, AE21, semi-autonomous issue in alliance with Sardes, Lydia. AD 244-249. 3.29 g. IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN K CAΡΔIANΩN, laureate head of Demos right, slight drapery on left shoulder. / NEΩKOΡΩN OMONOIA, Mên or hero on horseback riding right, holding bipennis. Weber 7121; Franke-Nollé 866-867; GRPC Lydia 344.TextImage
RPC 2943Augustus AE20 of Hierapolis, Phrygia. ca 5 BC. Magistrate Papias Apellidou. 5.10g. ΣEBAΣTOΣ, bare head right. / ΠAΠIAΣ AΠEΛΛIΔOY IEΡAΠO-ΛEITΩN to left and right of tripod, palm branch above. RPC I 2943; BMC 99; Imhoof KM 16-17; AMC I 392; Paris 1285.TextImage
RPC 2945Augustus AE 20mm of Hierapolis, Phrygia. 4.68g. ca.5 BC. ΣEBAΣTOΣ, bare head right / ΛYΓKEYΣ ΦIΛOΠATΡIΣ IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN to left and right of tripod. BMC 100; RPC I 2945. TextImage
RPC 2955Augustus (or Tiberius), AE19 of Hierapolis, Phrygia. Magistrate Diphilus, son of Diphilus. 5.95 g. KAIΣAΡ ΣEBAΣTOΣ, bare head right / ΔIΦIΛOΣ ΔIΦIΛOY AΡXΩN TO B IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Apollo standing right, holding plectrum and lyre. RPC I 2955; BMC 104; SNG Cop 452; Paris 1290; Waddington 6132; Imhoof KM 24A.TextImage
RPC 2957Augustus AE18 of Hierapolis, Phrygia. 4.55 gr. Magistrate Charopides Sostratou. ΣEBAΣTOΣ, laureate head right / XAΡOΠIΔHΣ ΣOΣTΡATOY IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Mên on horseback, riding right, holding bipennis over shoulder. RPC 2957; SNG v.Aulock 3645; Armstrong 17.TextImage
RPC 2930Fabius Maximus, AE20 of Hierapolis, Phrygia. Magistrate Charax. 10-9 BC. ΦABIOΣ MAΞIMOΣ, bare head of Fabius Maximus right / ZΩΣIMOΣ ΦIΛOΠATΡIΣ IEΡOΠOΛEITΩN XAΡAΞ to right and left of filleted bipennis. RPC I 2930; BMC 93-94; SNG Cop 447; Paris 1284; SNG Munich 235.TextImage
RPC 2932Fabius Maximus, AE15 of Hierapolis, Phrygia. Magistrate Chareskos. 10-9 BC. ΦABIOΣ MAΞIMOΣ, bare head of Fabius Maximus right / IEΡAΠO-ΛEITΩN-XAΡHΣ-KΩ in four lines within wreath. RPC I 2932; BMC 96.TextImage
RPC 2934Fabius Maximus, AE15 of Hierapolis, Phrygia. Magistrate Bruon. 10-9 BC. ΦABIOΣ MAΞIMOΣ, bare head of Fabius Maximus right / IEΡAΠO-ΛEITΩN-BΡYΩN in three lines within wreath. RPC I 2934; Paris 1282; Waddington 6142.TextImage
RPC 2934AE of Hierapolis, Phrygia. Fabius Maximus Proconsul 10-9 AD. 3.06 g. Struck under Augustus. ΦABIOΣ MAXIMOΣ, head of Fabius Maximus right / IEΡAΠO-ΛEITΩN-BΡYΩN in three lines within dotted border. RPC 2934.TextImage
RPC 2936Fabius Maximus, AE15 of Hierapolis, Phrygia. Magistrate Dorykanos. 10-9 BC. ΦABIOΣ MAΞIMOΣ, bare head of Fabius Maximus right / IEΡAΠO-ΛEITΩN-ΔOΡYKA-NOΣ in four lines within wreath. RPC I 2936; SNG Cop 448; AMC 1385.TextImage
RPC 2939Fabius Maximus, AE15 of Hierapolis, Phrygia. Magistrate Theokritos. 10-9 BC. ΦABIOΣ MAΞIMOΣ, bare head of Fabius Maximus right / IEΡAΠO-ΛEITΩN-ΘEOKΡI-TOΣ in four lines within wreath. RPC I 2939; AMC 1387; Imhoof KM 15.TextImage
RPC 2941Fabius Maximus AE16 of Hierapolis, Phrygia. Magistrate Dryas. ΦABIOΣ MAΞIMOΣ, bare head right / IEΡAΠO-ΛEITΩN-ΔΡVAΣ in wreath. Fabius Maximus was proconsul in Asia in 10/9 BC. TextImage
RPC 2942Fabius Maximus, AE15 of Hierapolis, Phrygia. Magistrate Tryphon. 10-9 BC. ΦABIOΣ MAΞIMOΣ, bare head of Fabius Maximus right / IEΡAΠO-ΛEITΩN-TΡYΦΩN in three lines within wreath. RPC I 2942; BMC 95; Paris 1283; Waddington 6143.TextImage
RPC 2944Caius Caesar, AE16 of Hierapolis Ad Lycum, Phrygia. ca AD 1-4. Magistrate Papias. 2.83 g. ΓAIOΣ, bare head right. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN ΠAΠIAΣ, filleted palm branch. RPC I 2944; Berlin 18241095; Armstrong 19.TextImage
RPC 2946Gaius, AE14 of Hierapolis, Phrygia. ca 5-4 BC. 3.23 g. Magistrate Lynkeus Filopatris. ΓAIOΣ, bare head right / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN ΛYNKEYΣ, laurel branch. RPC 2946; Armstrong 20.TextImage
RPC 2948Gaius Caesar, AE14 of Hierapolis Ad Lycum, Phrygia. 5 BC. Magistrate Kukos. 3.4 g. ΓAIOΣ, bare head right. / IEΡA-ΠOΛEITΩN KΩKOΣ above and beneath laurel branch. RPC I 2948; Paris 1300; Waddington 6145 corr.; Armstrong 21.TextImage
RPC 2950
Caius Caesar, son of Agrippa and Julia, AE10 mm of Hierapolis, Phrygia. ca 5 BC, magistrate Diphilos. ΓAIOΣ, bare head right / IEΡA-ΠOΛEITΩN ΔIΦIΛOΣ, written upwards to left and right of palm branch. SGI 222v. TextImage
RPC 2953ACaius Caesar, AE18 of Hierapolis ad Lycum, Phrygia. 5-4 BC. 4 g. Magistrate Attalos. ΓAIOΣ, bare head of Caius Caesar right. / IEΡAΠOΛEITEN ATTAΛOΣ, laurel branch. RPC I 2953A.TextImage
RPC 2955Tiberius AE17 of Hierapolis, Phrygia. (sometimes attributed to Augustus). AD 5. KAIΣAΡ ΣEBAΣTOΣ, bare head of Tiberius right / ΔIΦIΛOΣ ΔIΦIΛOY AΡXΩN TO B IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Apollo standing right, holding lyre. RPC I 2955; BMC 104; Paris 1290; Waddington 6132; Imhoof KM 24A; SNG Cop 452.TextImage
RPC 2969Claudius AE20 of Hierapolis, Phrygia. M Suillios Antiochos, Grammateus, 50-54 AD. KΛAYΔIOΣ KAIΣAΡ, laureate head right / M ΣYIΛΛIOΣ ANTIOXOΣ ΓΡA IEΡAΠOΛITΩN, Apollo standing right, holding plectrum and lyre. RPC 2969; BMC 112-113; SNG Cop 453-454; Paris 1303-1305; Waddington 6148.TextImage
RPC 2970Claudius, AE20 of Hierapolis, Phrygia. AD 50-54. Magistrate M. Syillios Antiochos. 5.7 g. KΛAYΔIOΣ KAIΣAΡ, laureate head right. / M ΣYIΛΛIOΣ ANTIOXOΣ ΓΡA IEΡAΠOΛITΩN (anti-clockwise from below), Apollo Tyrimneos riding right, holding bipennis over shoulder. RPC 2970; SNG von Aulock 3647-3648; BMC 114-116; SNG Cop 455; Paris 1306; SNG München 241; Righetti Coll. 9659 (this coin).TextImage
RPC I 2975Nero, AE19 of Hierapolis, Phrygia. AD 50-54. 6.8 g. Magistrate Ti. Dionysios. NEΡΩN KAIΣAΡ, bare-headed, draped bust right, countermark: head of Helios right / TI ΔIONYΣIOΣ IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Apollo or Mên on horseback, riding right, holding bipennis. RPC I 2975; BMC 119-121; SNG Von Aulock 3650; Paris 1310 and 1312; Waddington 6149; Imhoof MG 112.TextImage
RPC 2976Nero, AE19 of Hierapolis, Phrygia. AD 55. 5.01 g. Magistrate Chares II Papias. NEΡΩN KAICAΡ, bare-headed, draped bust right, countermark radiate head right (Howgego 3,5) / XAΡHΣ B ΠAΠIAΣ IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Apollo, holding bipennis over shoulder, on horseback riding a horse stepping right. RPC I 2976; SNG Cop. 456; Armstrong 40.TextImage
RPC 2980Nero, AE19 of Hierapolis, Phrygia. AD 54-68. Magistrate Lo. Helouios Optomos. 6.11 g. NEΡΩN KAIΣAΡ, bare-headed, draped bust right, countermark: Head of Helios. / ΛO EΛOYIOΣ OΠTOMOΣ IEΡAΠOΛITΩN, cornucopiae; bipennis in left field. RPC I 2980; Imhoof KM 28; Imhoof GM 697 corr.; Vienna 19874; Berlin 149-150; Weber XI-4.TextImage
RPC 2983Agrippina II AE15 of Hierapolis, Phrygia. 3.98 g. ad 54-59. AΓΡIΠEINA ΣEBAΣTH, draped bust right. / MAΓYTHΣ NEΩTEΡOΣ IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Demeter seated left, holding corn-ear and two poppies. RPC I 2983; SNG von Aulock 3649; BMC 127.TextImage
Metcalf 53Hadrian AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm of Hierapolis, Phrygia. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS P P, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right / COS III, Apollo Citharoedus standing right, holding lyre and arrow.TextImage
CNG 70-1007Hadrian AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm. Hierapolis mint, after 128 AD. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS P P, draped bust right / COS III below Great God riding horseback right, cape flowing behind and labrys (bipennis, double axe) over shoulder. Metcalf -. Unpublished. TextImage
SNG vA 3653Antoninus Pius, AE32 of Hierapolis, Phrygia. 138-161 AD. 16.8 g. AYTOKΡA KAICAΡ ANTΩNEINOC, bare head right. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Apollo, wearing long robe, standing right, holding lyre. SNG von Aulock 3653 (this coin); BMC 134; Paris 597; Waddington 6153-6154.TextImage
SNG vA 3654Antoninus Pius, AE of Hierapolis, Phrygia. 138-161 AD. 16.63 g. AY KAI AΔΡIA ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Apollo standing right, holding plectrum and lyre. RPC online 2000; SNG von Aulock 3654.TextImage
BMC 138Faustina II AE20 of Hierapolis ad Lycum, Phrygia. AD 146-180. 5 g. ΦAYCTEINA CEBACTH, draped bust right. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Zeus standing left, holding eagle and sceptre. BMC 138; SNG Cop 459; SNG Tuebingen 4038; Paris 1324; Waddington 6157; SBG Hunterian 1949; Weber 7116; Lindgren I, 971; Falghera 1055.TextImage
BMC 165Commodus, AE32 alliance issue of Hierapolis ad Lycum, Phrygia and Ephesos, Ionia. AD 177-192. 17.6 g. AY KAI M AYΡ KOMMOΔOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN EΦECIΩN OMONOIA, Apollo standing right, holding plectrum and lyre, facing cult image of Artemis Ephesia standing front between two stags. BMC 165; SNG von Aulock 3665; Weber 67; Pera, Homonoia 3; Franke-Nolle Homonoia 650-655; Franke KZR 230; Waddington 6158; Armstrong 8.TextImage
Weber 16Crispina AE20 of Hierapolis, Phrygia. 5.82 g. AD 178-182. KΡICΠEINA CEBACT, draped bust right. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN (clockwise from top right), Hygieia standing right, feeding serpent in arms. Weber 16 in NC 1913; Paris 1328; Noury Bey 1575. RPC temp 2028.TextImage
SNG von Aulock 8381Septimius Severus, AE34 of Hierapolis ad Lycum, Phrygia. AD 193-211. 21.7 g. AY KAI Λ CEΠ CEOYHΡOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Apollo standing front in long robe, looking right, holding lyre, by a table surmounted by a large prize urn, Nike flying left above. SNG von Aulock 8381.TextImage
Hunter 1Julia Domna, AE23 of Hierapolis, Phrygia. AD 193-217. 9.17 g. IOYΛIA ΔOMNA CEB, draped bust right. / IEΡOΠOΛEITωN, Dionysos, naked, standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos, panther at foot left. Hunter 1; Kurth Dionysos 317.TextImage
wwxls 40944Julia Domna AE32 of Hierapolis, Phrygia. AD 193-211. 18 g. IOYΛIA CEBACTH, draped bust right. / IEΡOΠOΛEITΩN, Serapis seated left, holding sceptre, small tripod at foot left. Unpublished. wwxls 40944.TextImage
BMC 21Caracalla, AE22 of Hierapolis Ad Lycum, Phrygia. AD 198-217. 8.75 g. AYT KAI M AY ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right. / IEΡOΠOΛEITΩN, Demeter, veiled, standing left by altar, holding corn-ears, poppy and torch. BMC 21; Weber -; Mionnet -.TextImage
GRPC Lydia 137Elagabalus AE36. Alliance issue of Hierapolis, Phrygia and Tripolis, Lydia. AD 218-222. AYT KAI M AYΡ ANTΩNEINOC CEB, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right, three countermarks: A in wreath (Howgego 667), V in circle (Howgego 814), figure standing left, holding sceptre (unpub.) / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN NEΩKOΡΩN OMONOIA, K TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, the Tyches of Hierapolis and Tripolis, each holding a sceptre, clasping hands. GRPC Lydia 137 otherwise unpublished. TextImage
SNG vA 3658Elagabalus, AE of Hierapolis, Phrygia. 218-222 AD. 20 gr. AY K M AVΡ ANTΩNEINOC CE, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN NEΩKOΡΩN, Athena, holding spear and shield, standing right, facing Hermes standing left, holding purse and caduceus. SNG von Aulock 3658 (this coin).TextImage
Waddington 6163Elagabalus, AE28 of Hierapolis ad Lycum, Phrygia. AD 218-222. 11.39 g. AY K M AYΡ ANTΩNEINOC, laureate and cuirassed bust right with aegis. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN NEΩKOΡΩN, Demeter standing left, holding corn-ears and torch. Waddington 6163; Paris 1314; Johnston Hierapolis 18–19; SNG Munich 244.TextImage
Weber 7117Elagabalus, AE36 of Hierapolis, Phrygia. AD 218-222. AYT KAI M AYΡ ANTΩNEINOC CE, laureate, cuirassed bust right, aegis on chest. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN NEΩKOΡΩN, Apollo standing right, leaning slightly backwards, holding bow and about to shoot an arrow at a large serpent rearing before him. Weber 7117; Armstrong 93.TextImage
wwxls 41817Elagabalus, AE34 of Hierapolis Ad Lycum, Phrygia. AD 218-222. 17.15 g. AYT K M AY ANTΩNEINOC CEB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / IEΡOΠOΛEITΩN NEΩKOΡΩN, emperor standing left by altar at foot left, holding patera and sceptre, being crowned by Nike, holding wreath, standing left behing him. wwxls 41817. Unpublished reverse. Rex 3, 257.TextImage
BMC 146Annia Faustina, AE, 8.43 gr of Hierapolis, Phrygia. ANNIA ΦAYCTEINA CEB, draped bust right, wearing stephane / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN NEΩKOΡΩN, Tyche-Euposia standing left, holding cornucopiae on which is a figure of the child Ploutos, and patera over altar. BMC 146. TextImage
BMC 148Annia Faustina, AE23 of Hierapolis, Phrygia. 221 AD. ANNIA ΦAYCTEINA CEB, diademed, draped bust right / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN NEΩKOΡΩN around A-KTI-A in three lines within wreath. BMC 148; SNG Munich 245. TextImage
Armstrong 131Severus Alexander AE29 of Hierapolis, Phrygia, as Caesar under Elagabalus (AD 221-222). 12.5g. M AV AΛEXANΔΡOC KAIC, bare-headed, cuirassed bust right, countermark of Mên and PA beneath chin (Howgego 278) / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN NE-ΩKOΡΩN, AKTIA above. Prize crown (or urn). Armstrong, "Roman Phrygia..", 131; Johnston 46; von Papen 32.TextImage
Waddington 6170Severus Alexander AE30 of Hierapolis, Phrygia, as Caesar under Elagabalus, AD 221-222. 12 g. M AY AΛEXANΔΡOC KAIC, bare-headed, cuirassed bust right. / IERAPOLEITWN NEWKORWN PYQIA around and below, prize crown with one palm branch. Waddington 6170; Johnston 47; Paris 1345; Turin Lavy 2472; Lindgren III A594a; Mionnet IV, 640; Armstrong 132.TextImage
BMC 149Philip I, AE35 of Hierapolis, Phrygia. 17.6g. AYT dot K dot IOYΛ dot ΦIΛIΠΠOC dot AVΓ, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / (from top centre) IEΡAΠ-OΛE-ITΩN, Two figures standing facing each other, the one on the right a woman in short tunic, each holding patera and spear or sceptre, burning altar between them. BMC 149 cf (description).TextImage
SNG va 3659Philip I, AE32 of Hierapolis ad Lycum, Phrygia. AD 244-249. AYT K M IOY ΦIΛIΠΠOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN beneath hexastyle temple with Apollo standing right within, holding lyre and a laurel tree behind him. SNG von Aulock 3659; Waddington 6171; SNG Tuebingen 4039.TextImage
BMC 172Otacilia Severa, AE of Hierapolis, Phrygia. Homonia with Ephesus. 6.67 gr. M ΩT CEVHΡA, diademed, draped bust right / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN K EΦEΣIΩN NEΩKOΡΩN OMONOIA, two wreaths, inscribed Π (for ΠYΘIA) and E (for EΦECIA). BMC 172; Franke/Nollé 694 (this coin).TextImage
Paris 1353Otacilia Severa, AE25 of Hierapolis ad Lycum, Phrygia. AD 244-249. 7.4 g. M ΩT CEYHΡA, draped bust right. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Apollo standing right, wearing long robe, holding plektrum and lyre, tree behind him. Paris 1353; Mionnet IV, 645; Weber 18 in NC 1913; Armstrong 138; RPC VIII 20722.TextImage
RPC VIII 20720Otacilia Severa, AE24 of Hierapolis Ad Lycum, Phrygia. AD 244-249. M ΩT CEYHΡA, draped bust right. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, tetrastyle temple with Apollo standing right within, holding lyre, tree behind him. RPC VIII 20720; G&N 15, 473.TextImage
RPC VIII 27177Otacilia Severa, AE30 of Hierapolis ad Lycum, Phrygia. AD 244-249. 14.4 g. MAΡK ΩTAKIΛ CEBHΡA CEB, draped bust right. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, Apollo standing right, wearing long robe, holding plektrum and lyre, tree behind him. RPC VIII 27177.TextImage
Weber 6Otacilia Severa AE23 of Hierapolis, Phrygia. AD 244-249. 5.3 g. M ΩT CEYHΡA, draped bust right. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, She-wolf standing left, suckling the twins Romulus and Remus. Weber 6 in NC 1913; Berlin 18274473-18274474; Lindgren I, 974; RPC VIII 26622.TextImage
Weber 7bOtacilia Severa AE25 of Hierapolis, Phrygia, AD 244-249. Alliance issue with Sardes. 7.94 g. M ΩT CEVHΡA, diademed, draped bust right. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN K CAΡΔIANΩN NEΩKOΡΩN OMONOIA, two prize wreaths, the one on the left inscribed XΡ-YCAN and the one on the right inscribed ΠY-ΘI(A). Weber 7b in JIAN 1912; Waddington 6178; GRPC 695. (Small var of BMC 176, Berlin 233 and Weber 72, all with "ΠYΘ-IA", not "ΠY-ΘIA" in the second wreath).TextImage
Weber 8bOtacilia Severa, AE of Hierapolis, Phrygia. Alliance games issue with Ephesos. AD 244-249. M ΩT CEYHΡ, draped bust right. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN K EΦECIΩN NEΩK-OΡΩN OMONOIA around and in fields above and beneath two prize wreaths, inscribed Π and E (for the Pythian and Ephesian games). Weber 8b; SNG Munich 250.TextImage
BMC 170Philip II, AE38 of Hierapolis, Phrygia, alliance issue with Ephesos, Ionia. AD 247-249. AY K M IOYΛ ΦIΛIΠΠOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, aegis on left shoulder. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN KAI EΦECIΩN NEΩKOΡΩN OMONOIA (KAI in monogram form), Apollo standing right, holding lyre, beside cult image of Artemis Ephesia standing front, wearing polos and veil, between two stags. BMC 170; SNG Cop 473; SNG Tuebingen 4044; SNG Lewis 1625.TextImage
G&M 121, 321Philip II, AE38 of Hierapolis, Phrygia, alliance issue with Ephesos. AD 247-249. AY K M IOYΛ ΦIΛIΠΠOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN EΦECIΩN OMONOIA, Apollo standing right, holding lyre, facing cult image of Artemis Ephesia facing between two stags. G&M 121, 321. Rev. legend var of BMC 170; SNG Cop 473; Lewis 1625 (all with IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN K EΦECIΩN NEΩKOΡΩN OMONOIA).TextImage
SNGCop 473Philip II, AE24 of Hierapolis, Phrygia in alliance with Ephesos. AY K M IOYΛ ΦIΛIΠΠOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN K EΦECIΩN NEΩKOΡΩN OMONOIA, Apollo of Hierapolis standing right with lyre facing Artemis Ephesia, veiled, wearing polos, standing left, stags to either side. SNG Cop 473; SNG Tuebingen 4044; SNG Lewis 1625.TextImage
Weber 7Philip II. AE30 of Hierapolis ad Lycum, Phrygia. AD 244-247. 12.13 g. M IOYΛ ΦIΛIΠΠOC KAI, bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust right. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN, cult image of Artemis Ephesia standing facing between two stags. Weber 7 IN NC 1913; Paris 1361; Prowe III 1734; RPC VIII 20716.TextImage
BMC 188Valerian, AE31 of Hierapolis Ad Lycum, alliance issue with Ephesos. AD 253-260. 12.76 g. AY KE ΠOY ΛIK OYAΛEΡIANOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right with aegis. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN K EΦECIΩN NEΩ-KO-ΡΩ-N OMONYA around, in upper centre and below, Serapis standing right, holding sceptre, facing Artemis Ephesia standing front between two stags. BMC 188; Franke-Nolle 748-750; Weber Hierapolis AIIIf.TextImage
Paris 1055Valerian, AE32 of Hierapolis Ad Lycum, alliance issue with Ephesos. AD 253-260. AY KE ΠOY ΛIK OYAΛEΡIANOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right with aegis. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN K EΦECIΩN NE-OKO-ΡΩ-N OMONYA around, in upper centre and below, Serapis standing right, holding sceptre, facing Artemis Ephesia standing front between two stags. Paris 1055; Franke-Nolle 746; Weber Hierapolis AIIId; Mionnet III, 453.TextImage
SNG Righetti 1189Valerian, AE33 of Hierapolis Ad Lycum, alliance issue with Ephesos. AD 253-260. 13.8 g. AY K Π Λ OYAΛEΡIANOC, laureate, cuirassed bust right with aegis. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN KE NEΩ-KO-ΡΩ-N EΦECIΩN OMONYA around, in upper centre and below, Serapis standing right, holding sceptre, facing Artemis Ephesia standing front between two stags. SNG Righetti 1189; Franke-Nolle 739-740.TextImage
SNG vA 3668Valerian I, AE29 of Hierapolis, Phrygia, alliance issue with Sardes, Lydia. AD 253-260. 9.95 g. AY K ΠOY ΛIK OYAΛEΡIANOC, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN KE CAΡΔIANΩN NEOKOΡΩN OMONYA, Apollo standing right, holding lyre and plectrum, facing cult image of Kore facing between two poppies. SNG von Aulock 3668; SNG Tuebingen 4054; Weber Hierapolis 1D; Waddington 6184; Lindgren III 596; Franke-Nolle 852-856; GRPC Lydia 716.TextImage
Armstrong 32Gallienus, AE28 of Hierapolis, Phrygia, alliance issue with Ephesos. AY K Π ΛI ΓAΛΛHNOC, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. (Obverse double-struck) / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN K EΦECIΩN NEΩKOΡΩN OMONOIA around and beneath Apollo of Hierapolis standing right, holding lyre and plectrum, facing cult statue of Artemis Ephesia. Armstrong 32; Weber Homonoia A1o in JIAN XIV (1912); Berlin 221.TextImage
Armstrong 32 (2)Gallienus, AE25 of Hierapolis, Phrygia, alliance issue with Ephesos, Ionia. AD 253-268. 7.94 g. AY K Π ΛI ΓAΛΛIHNOC, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN K EΦECIΩN NEOKOΡΩN OMONOIA in exergue, Apollo standing right, holding lyre and plectrum, facing cult statue of Artemis Ephesia. Armstrong 32; Weber Homonoia A1o in JIAN XIV (1912); Berlin 221.TextImage
NumisFitz BDB279Gallienus, AE26 of Hierapolis, Phrygia. AD 253-268. Alliance issue with Ephesos, Ionia. 6.48 g. AY K Π ΛI ΓAΛΛIHNOC, diademed (!), draped and cuirassed bust right. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN K EΦECIΩN around, NEΩK-OΡΩN retrograde below, OMON-OIA retrograde in upper centre, two prize urns, each containing a palm branch. Unpublished. Weber -; Franke-Nollé -; Armstrong -; Mionnet -; BMC - etc. Numis Fitz Coins item BDB279 on ebay; Ralf Woellner coll.TextImage
Weber 6Gallienus, AE23 of Hierapolis, Phrygia. Alliance issue with Sardes, Lydia. AD 253-256. AY K Π ΛI ΓAΛΛIHNOC, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. / IEΡAΠOΛITΩN K CAΡΔIANΩN OMONYA NEΩKOΡΩN, above and beneath table on which are two prize crowns, each containing one palm branch, the one on the left inscribed ΠYΘIA, the one on the right inscribed XΡYCA-NΘINA in two lines. Weber 6 in JIAN 1912; Imhoof MG 114; Berlin 235; Franke-Nollé 860; GRPC Lydia 724.TextImage
Weber IVBbGallienus, AE24 of Hierapolis, Phrygia. Alliance issue with Smyrna, Ionia. AD 253-268. 7.88 g. AY K Π ΛI ΓAΛΛIHNOC, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. / IEΡAΠOΛEITΩN K ZMYΡNEΩN NEΩKOΡΩN OMONYA above, on the table front and and beneath table surmounted by two prize urns, inscribed ΠYΘIA and KOINA ACIAC, each containing palm branch. Weber IVBb; Berlin 226; Franke-Nollé 906 corr. ("OMONOYA" in error).TextImage