Germe, Mysia, AE39, semi-autonomous issue. AD AD 238-244. Magistrate Aristoneikos. IERA CYNKLHTOC, bare-headed, draped bust of the Senate right. EPI AIL ARICTONEIKOY GERMHNWN, Apollo, wearing long robe and holding lyre, standing right on tall base between two olive trees, Herakles, right hand raised, holding club and lionskin, walking left on the right, altar between them. Ehling 328; Rhousopoulos 3302 corr. ("Athena" for Apollo), this coin = Vienna 31735; Mionnet Supp. V, 501 corr. (ditto); SNG Cop (Lydia) 129; Paris 343; SNG France 939; Waddington 7036; RPC VII.1, 162. Original image from the Rhousopoulos catalog. Replaced by the image of that coin which was purchased by the Vienna cabinet.