Hendin 1278 | Agrippa II, AE12, Judaea, Caesarea Paneas mint. ca 50-100. Dated local year 6. 1.74g. KAICAΡIA TH KA NEΡωNIAΔI, turreted head of Tyche right. / BAC AΓΡ ETOYΣ AI TOY KA around caduceus between crossed cornucopiae, letter resembling retrograde R below. Hendin 1278; SNG Sofaer 181; RPC 4991. | Text | Image |
Meshorer 119 | Agrippa II. AE14. Struck under Agrippa I for Agrippa II. AD 40-41. Tiberias-Paneas or Caesarea-Paneas mint. Dated year 5 of Agrippa I's reign. AΓΡIΠΠA YIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΓΡIΠΠA, youthful head of Agrippa II left. date LE (year 5) in left field. / BAΣ AΓΡIΠΠA ΦIΛOKAIΣAΡ, two crossed cornucopiae. Meshorer 119; Hendin (2010) 1243; RPC 4979. | Text | Image |
Meshorer 123 | Agrippa II. AE18. Struck under Agrippa I for Agrippa II. AD 42-43. Caesarea-Paneas mint. Dated year 7 of Agrippa I's reign. 4.71 g. AΓΡIΠΠOY YIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, youthful draped bust of Agrippa II left. Date L-Z to left and right of an inverted anchor. Meshorer 123-123a; Hendin (2010) 1247; RPC 4987. | Text | Image |
Meshorer 178 | Agrippa II. AE13, Caesarea Paneas mint. Dated Year 34 = AD 82-83. 1.63 g. BA AΓΡ to right of turreted bust of Tyche right. / Single cornucopia, date ET ΔΛ across fields. Meshorer 178; Hendin 1297; RPC II 2295; Sofaer 258-259; BMC 63-64; Paris 175; SNG ANS 318-320. | Text | Image |
Hendin 471 | Claudius and Agrippa II of Judaea AE23. Mint of Caesarea Maritima. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IM P P, anchor in wreath. RPC 4848. | Text | Image |
Hendin 581 | Nero AE24 of Judaea, Agrippa II, on refounding Ceasarea Panias as Neronias. NEΡΩNOΣ KAIΣAΡ ΣEBAΣTOY, laureate bust of Nero right / EΠI BAΣIΛE AΓΡIΠΠI NEΡΩ NIE, legend in five lines within a circle and wreath. Hendin 581; AJC 1. | Text | Image |
Hendin 582 | Nero AE18 Half-denomination of Judaea, Agrippa II, on refounding Caesarea Panias as Neronias. NEΡΩNOΣ KAIΣAΡ ΣEBAΣTOY, laureate bust of Nero right / EΠI BAΣIΛE AΓΡIΠΠI NEΡΩ NIE, legend in five lines within a circle and wreath. Hendin 1274 (Hendin 582); AJC 2. | Text | Image |
Hendin 583 | Nero AE14 Quarter-denomination of Judaea, Agrippa II, on refounding Caesarea Panias as Neronias. NEΡΩ KAIΣAΡ ΣEBAΣTOY, laureate head right / EΠI BAΣIΛE AΓΡIΠΠI NEΡΩ NIE, legend in five lines within a circle and wreath. Hendin 1274; (Hendin 583); AJC 3. | Text | Image | Text | Image | Text | Image |
Hendin 586 | Judaea, Agrippa II AE22. Struck under Nero at the mint of Sepphoris in Galilee during the Jewish War in 67/68 AD. Λ ΔI NEΡΩNO KΛAYΔIOY KAICAΡO C, legend in six lines within circle in wreath / EΠI OYECΠACIANOY EΡHNOΠOΛI NEΡΩNIA CEΠΦΩ, two crossed cornucopias, caduceus between. | Text | Image |
RPC 4846 | Diva Poppaea and Diva Claudia AE 20mm of Caesarea Panias, Syria. ca 65 AD. Distyle temple with seated figure of Poppaea / Hexastyle temple with figure of Nero. SNG ANS 858; Sear 2058. | Text | Image |
RPC 4868 | Diva Poppaea and Diva Claudia AE 18mm of Caesarea Panias, Syria. c65 AD. DIVA POPPAEA AVG, distyle temple with seated figure of Poppaea / DIVA CLAVDIA NER, hexastyle temple with figure of Nero. | Text | Image |
Hendin 589 | Vespasian AE27 of Judaea, Agrippa II. AYTOKΡA OYECΠACI KAICAΡI CEBACT, laureate bust of Vespasian right / ET ΔI-BA AΓΡI-ΠΠA in two lines across fields, Tyche, turreted standing left on platform, holding cornucopiae and corn-ears; star in top left field. AJC II, 251, 7. | Text | Image | Text | Image |
Hendin 595 | Vespasian AE24 of Judaea, Agrippa II. Caesarea Paneas(?) mint, Year 18 = ca 77-79 AD. Laureate head right / Tyche standing left, holding grain ears and cornucopiae; date across field. Meshorer 142, RPC II 2254. | Text | Image |
Hendin 610 | Vespasian AE27 of Judaea, Agrippa II. Caesarea Paneas(?) mint, dated Year 26 (85-6/6-7 CE). Laureate head right / Tyche standing left, holding grain ears and cornucopiae; date across field. Meshorer 158, RPC II 2275. | Text | Image |
Hendin 610v | Vespasian AE27 of Judaea, Agrippa II. Laureate bust of Vespasian right / turreted Tyche standing left on platform with cornucopiae and ears of grain; ETOY KS BA AΓΡ ΠΠA (Year 26 = 85/6). | Text | Image |
Hendin 619 | Vespasian AE26 of Judaea, Agrippa II. Year 27 = 87-88 AD. AYTOKΡA OYEC&Πi;ACI KAICAΡI CEBACTΩ, laureate head right / ETOY - KZBA AΓΡI-ΠΠA, Tyche standing left on platform, turreted, holding full cornucopiae and corn ears, star to left. RPC 2283, Meshorer 166. | Text | Image | Text | Image | Text | Image |
RPC 2282 | Vespasian, AE35 of Judaea. Time of Agrippa II. Dated year 27. (AD 86-87). (clockwise from top right) AYTOKΡA OYECΠACIANΩ KAICAΡI CEBACTΩN, laureate head right / ETOYC KZ BACIΛEΩC AΓΡIΠΠA, Tyche, kalathos on head, standing left, holding rudder on globe and cornucopiae. Star in upper left field. RPC 2282; Meshorer 39. | Text | Image |
Hendin 591 | Titus AE26 of Judaea, Agrippa II. Dated year 14 = 74-75 AD. AYTOKΡ TITOC KAICAΡ CEB, laureate head right / L IΔ-BACIΛ AΓΡ-IΠOY, Nike walking right bearing wreath and palm branch. RPC 2248. | Text | Image |
Hendin 591v | Titus AE26 of Judaea, Agrippa II. Dated year 14 = 74-75 AD. AYTOKΡ TITOC KAICAΡ CEB, laureate, draped and elaborately cuirassed bust of Titus right / L IΔ-BACIΛ AΓΡ-IΠΠOY, Nike walking right bearing wreath and palm branch. RPC 2247. | Text | Image |
Hendin 612 | Titus AE 23 of Judaea, Agrippa II. Year 26 = 86/7 AD. AYTOKΡ TITOC KAICAΡ CEB, laureate head right / ETOY KS BA AΓΡI-ΠΠA, Nike walking right, holding wreath and palm branch. AJC II 32a, RPC 2276. | Text | Image |
RPC 2282 var | Titus AE30 of Judaea, with Agrippa II. AD 86-87. 21,57 g. (AYTOKΡ TITΩ) KAI CEBACTH or similar, laureate head right / ETOYC KZ BACIΛEΩC AΓΡIΠΠA, Tyche, kalathos on head, standing left, holding rudder on globe and cornucopiae. Not in RPC or supplements for Titus. RPC 2282 var (this reverse for Vespasian). | Text | Image |
RPC 2290 Hendin 625 | Titus AE25 of Judaea, Agrippa II. Year 29 = 89-90 AD. AYTOKΡ TITOC KAICAΡ CEBACTΩ, laureate draped bust right / ETOY KΘ BA-AΓΡIΠΠA, Nike walking right, holding wreath and palm branch. RPC 2290. | Text | Image |
Hendin 600 | Agrippa II, Judaea, Year 19 (AD 79-80). AE 16mm. ΔOMITIANOC KAICAΡE, laureate head of Domitian right / ETO IΘ BA AΓΡIΠΠ, Nike inscribing shield right. | Text | Image |
Hendin 602 | Domitian AE22 of Judaea, Agrippa II. Year 24 = AD 84-85. ΔOMET KAICAΡ ΓEΡMANI, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ETO KΔ BAC AΓΡΠI-ΠΠA, Nike walking right bearing palm and wreath. | Text | Image | Text | Image |
Hendin 604 | Judaea. Domitian and Agrippa II. 56-95 CE. AE 18mm. Dated year 24 (AD 84-85). Laureate head of Domitian / Nike standing left, foot on helmet, inscribing shield. | Text | Image | Text | Image | Text | Image |
Hendin 607 | Judaea, Agrippa II, AE16, (2.99g) Laureate head of Domitian right. / Palm tree. | Text | Image |
Hendin 609 | Domitian AE12 of Judaea, Agrippa II. Dated Year 25 = 85/86 AD. ΔOMET KAIC ΓEΡMAN, laureate head right / ET-KE BA-AΓ, cornucpiae. | Text | Image |
Hendin 612 | Domitian, Agrippa II, 55-95 AD, AE 19.6 mm. Dated AD 85-86 AD. Laureate head of Domitian right / Nike with shield on knee. | Text | Image |
Hendin 615 | Agrippa II and Domitian. AE 19 mm. IM CA D VES F DOM AV GER COS XII, laureate bust of Domitian right / EΠI BA AΓΡI, date ET KS, winged caduceus between crossed cornucopiae; SC in ex. | Text | Image | Text | Image |
Hendin 616 | Domitian / Agrippa II ae21 of Judaea. Laureate bust right, IM CA D VES F DOM AV GER COS XII / SC surrounded by inscription and date, EΠI BA AΓΡI; in exergue, date ET KS = Year 26 = AD 86-87. | Text | Image |
Hendin 617 | Domitian by Agrippa II, AE20 of Judaea. KAICAΡ ΔOMITIANOC, Laureate head of Domitian right / ETOY KS BA AΓΡIΠΠA, Nike standing right, left foot on crested helmet, writing on shield resting on her left knee, (year 26 of King Agrippa). TJC 165a. Hendin 617. | Text | Image |
Hendin 627 | Domitian, by Agrippa II. 86-95 AD. AE 21 mm. AYTOKΡA ΔOMET KAICAΡ ΓEΡMANIK, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / ETO KO BA AΓΡIΠΠA, Nike standing right, left foot on crested helmet, writing on shield resting on her left knee. AJC II, 257, 48. Hendin 627. | Text | Image |
Hendin 627v | Domitian and Agrippa II AE 22mm of Judaea. Year 29 (AD 88-89). Laureate head right of Domitian / Nike standing right, left foot on crested helmet, writing on shield balancing on her knee. | Text | Image |
Hendin 632v | Domitian AE 23mm of Judaea, Agrippa II. Caesarea Paneas(?) mint. Dated RY 35 = 94-5/5-6 AD. Laureate head of Domitian right / Nike walking right, ETOY- L EB AΓΡ-IΠΠ. Date variant of Meshorer 180 and RPC 2297. | Text | Image |
Hendin 634 | Agrippa II. 56-95 C.E. AE 15 mm. AYTO ΔOM, Laureate bust right / Inscription and date within wreath; BA AΓΡ/ET EA. AJC II, 258, 56. | Text | Image | Text | Image |
RPC 2266 | Domitian, AE27, Caesaraea Paneas, Judaea, struck by Agrippa II, 84-85 AD. IMP CAES DIVI VESP F DOMITIAN AVG GER COS X, laureate head right, wearing aegis / SALVTI EΠI BA AΓΡ AVGVST, altar. ET-KE across fields, SC in exergue. RPC II 2266; Meshorer 26. | Text | Image |
RPC 2267 | Domitian, AE15 of Caesarea Maritima, Samaria. 3.50 gr. Dated local era 25 = AD 84-85. DOMET KAIC GERMAN, laureate head of Domitian right / ET KE BAC AΓΡ-IΠ, eight-branched palm tree with two bunches of dates. Hendin 1320. TJC 156. AJC II 254,28. RPC 2267. | Text | Image |
RPC 2272 | Domitian for Herod Agrippa II. AE19, 18.83mm, 4.9 g. AD 85-86. IMP CA D VES F DOM AVG GER COS XII, laureate head of Domitian right, with aegis. Countermark of laureate head right (Howgego 46) on neck / EΠI BA AΓΡI around large SC, date ET KS below. RPC II 2272; Meshorer 36; Paris 168. | Text | Image |
See also: | Entry for Agrippa II on the Digital Historia Numorum | ||