Ancient Coinage of Agrippa II of Judaea

Agrippa II, last Herodian king, AD 56-95.

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Hendin 1278Agrippa II, AE12, Judaea, Caesarea Paneas mint. ca 50-100. Dated local year 6. 1.74g. KAICAΡIA TH KA NEΡωNIAΔI, turreted head of Tyche right. / BAC AΓΡ ETOYΣ AI TOY KA around caduceus between crossed cornucopiae, letter resembling retrograde R below. Hendin 1278; SNG Sofaer 181; RPC 4991.TextImage
Meshorer 119Agrippa II. AE14. Struck under Agrippa I for Agrippa II. AD 40-41. Tiberias-Paneas or Caesarea-Paneas mint. Dated year 5 of Agrippa I's reign. AΓΡIΠΠA YIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΓΡIΠΠA, youthful head of Agrippa II left. date LE (year 5) in left field. / BAΣ AΓΡIΠΠA ΦIΛOKAIΣAΡ, two crossed cornucopiae. Meshorer 119; Hendin (2010) 1243; RPC 4979.TextImage
Meshorer 123Agrippa II. AE18. Struck under Agrippa I for Agrippa II. AD 42-43. Caesarea-Paneas mint. Dated year 7 of Agrippa I's reign. 4.71 g. AΓΡIΠΠOY YIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, youthful draped bust of Agrippa II left. Date L-Z to left and right of an inverted anchor. Meshorer 123-123a; Hendin (2010) 1247; RPC 4987.TextImage
Meshorer 178Agrippa II. AE13, Caesarea Paneas mint. Dated Year 34 = AD 82-83. 1.63 g. BA AΓΡ to right of turreted bust of Tyche right. / Single cornucopia, date ET ΔΛ across fields. Meshorer 178; Hendin 1297; RPC II 2295; Sofaer 258-259; BMC 63-64; Paris 175; SNG ANS 318-320.TextImage
Hendin 471Claudius and Agrippa II of Judaea AE23. Mint of Caesarea Maritima. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IM P P, anchor in wreath. RPC 4848. TextImage
Hendin 581Nero AE24 of Judaea, Agrippa II, on refounding Ceasarea Panias as Neronias. NEΡΩNOΣ KAIΣAΡ ΣEBAΣTOY, laureate bust of Nero right / EΠI BAΣIΛE AΓΡIΠΠI NEΡΩ NIE, legend in five lines within a circle and wreath. Hendin 581; AJC 1.TextImage
Hendin 582Nero AE18 Half-denomination of Judaea, Agrippa II, on refounding Caesarea Panias as Neronias. NEΡΩNOΣ KAIΣAΡ ΣEBAΣTOY, laureate bust of Nero right / EΠI BAΣIΛE AΓΡIΠΠI NEΡΩ NIE, legend in five lines within a circle and wreath. Hendin 1274 (Hendin 582); AJC 2.TextImage
Hendin 583Nero AE14 Quarter-denomination of Judaea, Agrippa II, on refounding Caesarea Panias as Neronias. NEΡΩ KAIΣAΡ ΣEBAΣTOY, laureate head right / EΠI BAΣIΛE AΓΡIΠΠI NEΡΩ NIE, legend in five lines within a circle and wreath. Hendin 1274; (Hendin 583); AJC 3.TextImage
Hendin 586Judaea, Agrippa II AE22. Struck under Nero at the mint of Sepphoris in Galilee during the Jewish War in 67/68 AD. Λ ΔI NEΡΩNO KΛAYΔIOY KAICAΡO C, legend in six lines within circle in wreath / EΠI OYECΠACIANOY EΡHNOΠOΛI NEΡΩNIA CEΠΦΩ, two crossed cornucopias, caduceus between. TextImage
RPC 4846Diva Poppaea and Diva Claudia AE 20mm of Caesarea Panias, Syria. ca 65 AD. Distyle temple with seated figure of Poppaea / Hexastyle temple with figure of Nero. SNG ANS 858; Sear 2058.TextImage
RPC 4868Diva Poppaea and Diva Claudia AE 18mm of Caesarea Panias, Syria. c65 AD. DIVA POPPAEA AVG, distyle temple with seated figure of Poppaea / DIVA CLAVDIA NER, hexastyle temple with figure of Nero.TextImage
Hendin 589Vespasian AE27 of Judaea, Agrippa II. AYTOKΡA OYECΠACI KAICAΡI CEBACT, laureate bust of Vespasian right / ET ΔI-BA AΓΡI-ΠΠA in two lines across fields, Tyche, turreted standing left on platform, holding cornucopiae and corn-ears; star in top left field. AJC II, 251, 7.TextImage
Hendin 595Vespasian AE24 of Judaea, Agrippa II. Caesarea Paneas(?) mint, Year 18 = ca 77-79 AD. Laureate head right / Tyche standing left, holding grain ears and cornucopiae; date across field. Meshorer 142, RPC II 2254. TextImage
Hendin 610Vespasian AE27 of Judaea, Agrippa II. Caesarea Paneas(?) mint, dated Year 26 (85-6/6-7 CE). Laureate head right / Tyche standing left, holding grain ears and cornucopiae; date across field. Meshorer 158, RPC II 2275. TextImage
Hendin 610vVespasian AE27 of Judaea, Agrippa II. Laureate bust of Vespasian right / turreted Tyche standing left on platform with cornucopiae and ears of grain; ETOY KS BA AΓΡ ΠΠA (Year 26 = 85/6).TextImage
Hendin 619Vespasian AE26 of Judaea, Agrippa II. Year 27 = 87-88 AD. AYTOKΡA OYEC&Πi;ACI KAICAΡI CEBACTΩ, laureate head right / ETOY - KZBA AΓΡI-ΠΠA, Tyche standing left on platform, turreted, holding full cornucopiae and corn ears, star to left. RPC 2283, Meshorer 166.TextImage
RPC 2282Vespasian, AE35 of Judaea. Time of Agrippa II. Dated year 27. (AD 86-87). (clockwise from top right) AYTOKΡA OYECΠACIANΩ KAICAΡI CEBACTΩN, laureate head right / ETOYC KZ BACIΛEΩC AΓΡIΠΠA, Tyche, kalathos on head, standing left, holding rudder on globe and cornucopiae. Star in upper left field. RPC 2282; Meshorer 39.TextImage
Hendin 591Titus AE26 of Judaea, Agrippa II. Dated year 14 = 74-75 AD. AYTOKΡ TITOC KAICAΡ CEB, laureate head right / L-BACIΛ AΓΡ-IΠOY, Nike walking right bearing wreath and palm branch. RPC 2248.TextImage
Hendin 591vTitus AE26 of Judaea, Agrippa II. Dated year 14 = 74-75 AD. AYTOKΡ TITOC KAICAΡ CEB, laureate, draped and elaborately cuirassed bust of Titus right / L-BACIΛ AΓΡ-IΠΠOY, Nike walking right bearing wreath and palm branch. RPC 2247. TextImage
Hendin 612Titus AE 23 of Judaea, Agrippa II. Year 26 = 86/7 AD. AYTOKΡ TITOC KAICAΡ CEB, laureate head right / ETOY KS BA AΓΡI-ΠΠA, Nike walking right, holding wreath and palm branch. AJC II 32a, RPC 2276.TextImage
RPC 2282 varTitus AE30 of Judaea, with Agrippa II. AD 86-87. 21,57 g. (AYTOKΡ TITΩ) KAI CEBACTH or similar, laureate head right / ETOYC KZ BACIΛEΩC AΓΡIΠΠA, Tyche, kalathos on head, standing left, holding rudder on globe and cornucopiae. Not in RPC or supplements for Titus. RPC 2282 var (this reverse for Vespasian).TextImage
RPC 2290
Hendin 625
Titus AE25 of Judaea, Agrippa II. Year 29 = 89-90 AD. AYTOKΡ TITOC KAICAΡ CEBACTΩ, laureate draped bust right / ETOY KΘ BA-AΓΡIΠΠA, Nike walking right, holding wreath and palm branch. RPC 2290. TextImage
Hendin 600Agrippa II, Judaea, Year 19 (AD 79-80). AE 16mm. ΔOMITIANOC KAICAΡE, laureate head of Domitian right / ETO IΘ BA AΓΡIΠΠ, Nike inscribing shield right.TextImage
Hendin 602Domitian AE22 of Judaea, Agrippa II. Year 24 = AD 84-85. ΔOMET KAICAΡ ΓEΡMANI, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ETO KΔ BAC AΓΡΠI-ΠΠA, Nike walking right bearing palm and wreath.TextImage
Hendin 604Judaea. Domitian and Agrippa II. 56-95 CE. AE 18mm. Dated year 24 (AD 84-85). Laureate head of Domitian / Nike standing left, foot on helmet, inscribing shield.TextImage
Hendin 607Judaea, Agrippa II, AE16, (2.99g) Laureate head of Domitian right. / Palm tree.TextImage
Hendin 609Domitian AE12 of Judaea, Agrippa II. Dated Year 25 = 85/86 AD. ΔOMET KAIC ΓEΡMAN, laureate head right / ET-KE BA-AΓ, cornucpiae.TextImage
Hendin 612Domitian, Agrippa II, 55-95 AD, AE 19.6 mm. Dated AD 85-86 AD. Laureate head of Domitian right / Nike with shield on knee.TextImage
Hendin 615Agrippa II and Domitian. AE 19 mm. IM CA D VES F DOM AV GER COS XII, laureate bust of Domitian right / EΠI BA AΓΡI, date ET KS, winged caduceus between crossed cornucopiae; SC in ex.TextImage
Hendin 616Domitian / Agrippa II ae21 of Judaea. Laureate bust right, IM CA D VES F DOM AV GER COS XII / SC surrounded by inscription and date, EΠI BA AΓΡI; in exergue, date ET KS = Year 26 = AD 86-87.TextImage
Hendin 617Domitian by Agrippa II, AE20 of Judaea. KAICAΡ ΔOMITIANOC, Laureate head of Domitian right / ETOY KS BA AΓΡIΠΠA, Nike standing right, left foot on crested helmet, writing on shield resting on her left knee, (year 26 of King Agrippa). TJC 165a. Hendin 617.TextImage
Hendin 627Domitian, by Agrippa II. 86-95 AD. AE 21 mm. AYTOKΡA ΔOMET KAICAΡ ΓEΡMANIK, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / ETO KO BA AΓΡIΠΠA, Nike standing right, left foot on crested helmet, writing on shield resting on her left knee. AJC II, 257, 48. Hendin 627.TextImage
Hendin 627vDomitian and Agrippa II AE 22mm of Judaea. Year 29 (AD 88-89). Laureate head right of Domitian / Nike standing right, left foot on crested helmet, writing on shield balancing on her knee.TextImage
Hendin 632vDomitian AE 23mm of Judaea, Agrippa II. Caesarea Paneas(?) mint. Dated RY 35 = 94-5/5-6 AD. Laureate head of Domitian right / Nike walking right, ETOY- L EB AΓΡ-IΠΠ. Date variant of Meshorer 180 and RPC 2297.TextImage
Hendin 634Agrippa II. 56-95 C.E. AE 15 mm. AYTO ΔOM, Laureate bust right / Inscription and date within wreath; BA AΓΡ/ET EA. AJC II, 258, 56. TextImage
RPC 2266Domitian, AE27, Caesaraea Paneas, Judaea, struck by Agrippa II, 84-85 AD. IMP CAES DIVI VESP F DOMITIAN AVG GER COS X, laureate head right, wearing aegis / SALVTI EΠI BA AΓΡ AVGVST, altar. ET-KE across fields, SC in exergue. RPC II 2266; Meshorer 26.TextImage
RPC 2267Domitian, AE15 of Caesarea Maritima, Samaria. 3.50 gr. Dated local era 25 = AD 84-85. DOMET KAIC GERMAN, laureate head of Domitian right / ET KE BAC AΓΡ-IΠ, eight-branched palm tree with two bunches of dates. Hendin 1320. TJC 156. AJC II 254,28. RPC 2267.TextImage
RPC 2272Domitian for Herod Agrippa II. AE19, 18.83mm, 4.9 g. AD 85-86. IMP CA D VES F DOM AVG GER COS XII, laureate head of Domitian right, with aegis. Countermark of laureate head right (Howgego 46) on neck / EΠI BA AΓΡI around large SC, date ET KS below. RPC II 2272; Meshorer 36; Paris 168.TextImage
See also: Entry for Agrippa II on the Digital Historia Numorum