Ancient Coinage of Kolophon, Ionia

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List of all the Kolophon horseman types to aid identification.
BMC 15Kolophon, Ionia, AE10. Archaic head of Apollo left, hair bound with taenia / KOΛ.., Lyre. BMC 15; cf Sear Greek 4351.TextImage
Klein 401Kolophon (or Thraco-Macedonian?) AR Fraction, (0.42g). c 450 BC. Laureate head of Apollo right / Quadripartite incuse square, dot in centre. TextImage
McClean 8046Kolophon, Ionia, AR Drachm. 440-400 BC. Head of Apollo right / KOΛOΦΩNION, Lyre in incuse square. Milne Kolophon 40A; McClean 8046; Pozzi 2410; Weber 2765. TextImage
Milne 5Kolophon, Ionia, AR hemiobol, (0.41g) 520-490 BC, Facing laureate and veiled head of Apollo, leaf at side / HM monogram, within incuse square. SNG VA 7898; Milne 5; Klein 397. TextImage
Milne 7Kolophon, Ionia AR Tetartemorion (0.21g). 490-400 BC. Facing head of Apollo / TE monogram. SNG von Aulock 1999. TextImage
Milne 8Kolophon, Ionia. Circa 525-490 BC. AR Tetartemorion. Facing head of Apollo / TE monogram within incuse. TextImage
Milne 10aKolophon, Ionia. Circa 525-490 BC. AR Tetartemorion. Facing head of Apollo / TE monogram retrograde within incuse square. Milne Kolophon 10A; BMC 4; Imhoof 8 in NC 1895.TextImage
Milne 12AKolophon, Ionia, AR Tartemorion, 350 BC, Facing head of Apollo. / Quadripartite incuse square with dot in centre. Milne Kolophon 12A; SNG von Aulock 7904; Dessau II, 709J. TextImage
Milne 13aKolophon, Ionia. Circa 490-400 BC. AR Drachm (5.50 gm). Period II, Group A. KOΛΦΩNION (retrograde), laureate head of Apollo Klarios right / lyre within incuse square. Milne Kolophon 13; SNG Cop 135; Traite II-2, 1898; Waddington 1484. TextImage
Milne 14Kolophon, Ionia. Ca 450-410 BC. AR Drachm. 5.23 g. [N]OINΩΦΛOK (city name retrograde), laureate head of Apollo right, wearing simple laurel wreath / lyre within incuse square. Milne 14 corr.; BMC 2 (same dies); Pozzi 2408 (same obv. die).TextImage
Milne 25Kolophon, Ionia, AR drachm, 480-450 BC. 5.46g, 16mm. Laureate head of Apollo right / KOΛ-OΦΩ-NI-ΩN retrograde around lyre within incuse square. Milne 25.TextImage
Milne 30Kolophon, Ionia, AR third-obol, ca. 450-400 BC. 6 mm, 0.24 g. Laureate head of Apollo right. / TΡ monogram in shallow incuse. Milne 30; Imhoof GRM 1 (in RN vols. 13-14); Kraay 62 (in SNR 1962); Vienna 34996.TextImage
Milne 33Kolophon, Ionia, AR quarter obol. 490-400 BC. Laureate head of Apollo right / TE monogram, cicada to left, all within incuse square. Milne 33; Imhoof 14; Sear 4343 var (obv type) and 4345 var (cicada).TextImage
Milne 34Kolophon, Ionia. 525-490 BC. AR Tetartemorion (0.31 gm). Head of Apollo right / Incuse square with T-e monogram and grain ear or barley corn. Milne Kolophon 34; Imhoof 13 in NC 1895. TextImage
Milne 35aKolophon, Ionia, AR tetartemorion, 0.27g, 7.71mm. 490-400 BC. Head of Apollo right / TE monogram, astragalos to left, all within incuse square. Milne Kolophon 35A; SNG Tuebingen 2898; Weber 5809.TextImage
Milne 36Kolophon, Ionia, AR Tetartemorion (1/4 obol). 5th century BC. Laureate head of Apollo right / TE monogram, stork standing right, at left, all within incuse square. Milne 36; Imhoof GRM 2; Dessau II 709I; SNG Kayhan 360.TextImage
Milne 40cKolophon, Ionis, AR Drachm. 450-400 BC. AR 5.39 g. Laureate head of Apollo right, the hair finely waved / KOΛO-ΦΩ-NION, Lyre with seven strings within incuse square. SNG von Aulock 2004 (this coin). Milne 40c (same dies).TextImage
Milne 46Kolophon, Ionia, AR Drachm, 21mm, ca. 490-400 BC. 5.17 g. Head of Apollo right, wearing taenia / KOΛO-Φ-Ω-N-IΩN, Lyre with seven strings, all within slightly incuse square. Milne Kolophon 46; BMC 4; Mionnet III,108; Michailovitch 846; Weber 5810; Philipsen 2087; SNG Lockett 2798.TextImage
Milne 51bKolophon, Ionia AR Drachm. ca 389–350 BC. Laureate head of Apollo left, hair rolled / KOΛOΦΩN EΡMΩNAX to left and right of lyre. Milne Kolophon 51; Traité II-2, 1917; Weber F2766; Pozzi 2412; SNG Lockett 2279 and 2800. TextImage
Milne 65Kolophon, Ionia. Ca 389-350 BC. AR Drachm. Laureate head of Apollo left / KOΛOΦΩN AΡIΣTEIΔHΣ to left and right of lyre. Milne 65; SNG Fitzwilliam 4405; Hunter 1; Paris 2865; Philipsen 2093. TextImage
Milne 73Kolophon, Ionia. Ca 389-350 BC. Magistrate Laton.. AR Drachm (2.86 gm). Laureate head of Apollo right / KOΛOΦ ΛATΩN, lyre within incuse square. Milne Kolophon 73A; SNG von Aulock 2007. TextImage
Milne 78bKolophon, Ionia, AE Chalkous, ca 385-285 BC. 1.74 g, 11.31 mm. Head of Apollo right, wearing taenia / K-O-Λ-O-Φ-Ω, Lyre or Kithara within linear square, Astragalos to left and right. Milne 78B. SNG Tübingen 2899. Text

Milne 83Kolophon, Ionia, AE chalkous, Period III, ca 389-350 BC. Head of Apollo right, bound taenia, hair in waved locks / KOΛO-Φ-ΩNIΩN, lyre. Ξ below. Milne 83; BMC 16.TextImage
Milne 84Kolophon, Ionia, AE11 Chalkous. 389-350 BC. 1.27 g. Head of Apollo right, hair bound in a taenia / KOΛOΦΩNIΩN ΞH around and beneath lyre. Milne 84; Imhoof MG 35.TextImage
Milne 85Kolophon, Ionia AR Drachm. Magistrate Aminias, Period IV, ca 350-330 BC. Laureate head of Apollo left / KOΛOΦΩNIΩN AMINIANAΣ, lyre with five strings. Milne 85A; Prowe III 830. TextImage
Milne 87Kolophon, Ionia, AR Hemidrachm. 1.15 gr. 330-285 BC. Magistrate Leudamas. Laureate head of Apollo left, hair bound in broad taenia / KOΛOΦΩ ΛEΩΔAMAΣ to left and right of lyre. Milne 87; SNG Fitzw. 4408; Imhoof MG 31; Philipsen 2096.TextImage
Milne 89Kolophon, Ionia AR Hemidrachm. 10.8 mm, 1.40 g. 350-330 BC. Magistrate Straton.. Laureate head of Apollo left / KOΛOΦ ΣTΡATΩN to left and right of tripod. Milne 89; Imhoof Monn. Gr. 30; Weber F2767.TextImage
Milne 91Kolophon, Ionia, AR hemidrachm. 330-310 BC. 1.42g; 11mm. Magistrate Furson. Laureate head of Apollo left / KOΛOΦ ΦYΡΣΩN to left and right of tripod. Milne 91A; BMC 10; Pozzi 2414; Luynes 2591.TextImage
Milne 96Kolophon, Ionia. Ca 389-350 BC. AE Chalkous. head of Apollo right, hair bound in taenia / Lyre / Kithara. Milne 96. TextImage
Milne 104vKolophon, Ionia, AE Dichalkon, 1.71 gr. ca 300 BC. Magistrate Dionysetaros. Laureate head of Apollo right, hair in loose locks / ΔIONYΣETAΡO to left, KOΛ below, forepart of horse right. BMC 23 var; SNG München 548 var; Milne 104 var (all: magistrate's name). Poss. unpublished with this magistrate's name.TextImage
Milne 129Kolophon, Ionia, AE19. 3.25 gr. 330-285 BC. Magistrate Aristophanes. Laureate head of Apollo right, hair in loose locks / KOΛ AΡIΣTOΦANHΣ above and beneath horseman riding right with couched lance. Milne 129; Vienna 36616.TextImage
Milne 130Kolophon, Ionia, AE16. Head of Apollo right, hair bound in a taenia / ΓΛAYKOΣ beneath horseman riding right, spear couched. Milne 130; BMC 28. TextImage
Milne 131Kolophon, Ionia. ca 330-285 BC. AE 18mm. Laureate head of Apollo right / KOΛ ΔHIKΛOΣ, horseman, holding spear pointed forwards and with chlamys flying behind, on horseback prancing right; lyre in upper left field. Milne 131; SNG Cop 162, BMC 29. TextImage
Milne 132Kolophon, Ionia. AE Hemiobol. Magistrate Dionysifanes. Laureate head of Apollo right / KOΛ ΔIONYΣΦANHΣ above and beneath horseman right, chlamys flying out behind, holding couched lance. Lyre at upper left. Milne 132; Imhoof MG 35; cf Sear 4354.TextImage
Milne 145Kolophon, Ionia, AE16 mm, 1.94 gr. ca 330-285 BC. Magistrate Erasinides. Laureate, three-quarter facing head of Apollo, head turned slightly left / KO EΡAΣINIΔHΣ beneath and to left of lyre, palm upright in right field. Milne 145; Imhoof 107 in RSN 1913.TextImage
Milne 145Kolophon, Ionia, AE16 mm, 1.94 gr. ca 330-285 BC. Magistrate Erasinides. Laureate, three-quarter facing head of Apollo, head turned slightly left / KO EΡAΣINIΔHΣ beneath and to left of lyre, palm upright in right field. Milne 145; Imhoof 107 in RSN 1913.TextImage
Milne 153AKolophon, Ionia, AE9, Dichalkon, ca 285-190 BC. Magistrate Dositheos. 1.28 g. Laureate head of Apollo right / KOΛ ΔΩΣIΘEOΣ, forepart of horse right. Milne Kolophon 153A-153B; Imhoof KM 7.TextImage
Milne 176EKolophon, Ionia. AE18, 5.1 gr. 190-30 BC. Apollo head facing slightly left / KOΛOΦON IKEΣIOΣ, tripod, lyre countermark. SNG Cop 183 (same countermark); Milne 176E.TextImage
Milne 174BKolophon, Ionia. AE 18mm, 3.84 gr. 190-30 BC. Apollonides magistrate. Apollo head facing slightly left / KOΛOΦΩNEΩN AΠOΛΛΩNIΔEΣ, tripod, lyre countermark. SNG Cop 182 (countermark: SNG Cop 183); Milne 174B.TextImage
Milne 175Kolophon, Ionia, AE18. 190-30 BC. Magistrate Demetrios. Laureate head of Apollo facing. / ΔHMHTΡIOΣ KOΛOΦΩNIΩN to left and right of tripod. Milne Kolophon 175; Imhoof MG 38; Waddington 1501.TextImage
Milne 178Kolophon, Ionia. 190-30 BC. AE 18mm obol. AΠOΛΛAΣ, Homer seated left, holding scroll, head supported on his left hand / KOΛOΦΩNIΩN, Apollo Kitharoides walking right. Milne 178; BMC 42; SNG vA 2017. TextImage
Milne Period IIIBKolophon, Ionia. Ca 389-350 BC. AR Diobol. Laureate head of Apollo left / KOΛOΦΩ IYΠΠOKΡA or ITOΠOKΡA to left and right of lyre. Magistrate's name not in Milne, BMC, SNG Cop, etc. TextImage
Mueller 1734Kolophon, Ionia, 350-280 BC, AE-19 mm, 4.57 gr. Magistrate Prutanis. Laureate head of Apollo right / KOΛ ΠΡYTANIΣ above and beneath helmeted horseman riding right, holding couched spear. Mueller Collection 1734. Unpublished magistrate.TextImage
MM 21, 626Kolophon, Ionia, AE, 4th-3rd century BC. Magistrate Alkidemos. 5.88 g. Youthful head of Apollo right, hair bound in taenia, upright jewel or horn above forehead / AΛ-KI-ΔH-MOΣ around linear square with lyre within with KO above it. M&M 21, lot 626. Magistrate unlisted in Milne; BMC; Mionnet; SNG Cop; SNG ANS etc.TextImage
SNG Cop 133cfKolophon, Ionia. Circa 6th Century BC. AR Hemiobol (0.43 gm). Archaic diademed head of Apollo facing / HM monogram in incuse square. TextImage
SNG Cop 140Kolophon, Ionia. 490-400 BC. AR Quarter-Obol, 7mm, 0.29 g. Laureate head of Apollo right / Quadripartite incuse square with two dots in centre. SNG Cop 140; Milne 37; Vienna 34994. TextImage
SNG Cop 157Kolophon, Ionia. Ca 330-285 BC. Magistrate Sakrates. AE 13mm. Head of Apollo right / ΣAKΡATHΣ KOΛ beneath and to left of forepart of horse right. TextImage
SNG Cop 174Kolophon, Ionia AE13. 285-190 BC, Laureate head of Apollo right / KOΛ IKEΣIOΣ, Horseman riding right, holding spear. SNG Cop 174; Milne 155; Hunter 4. TextImage
SNG Kayhan 343Kolophon, Ionia, AR tetartemorion. 4.8mm, 0.15 g, late 6th century BC. Head of Apollo left / Quadripartite incuse square. SNG Kayhan 343 ff.TextImage
SNG Kayhan 359Kolophon, Ionia, Kolophon, Ionia, AR hemiobol. 0.315g, 6.86mm, c. 450 - 410 BC. Laureate head of Apollo right / TE monogram, cicada to left, all within incuse square. Milne 33A; Imhoof 14 in NC 1895; SNG von Aulock 2002; SNG Kayhan 359.TextImage
SNG Lewis 894Kolophon, Ionia. 190-30 BC. AE 17mm obol. ΠYΘEOΣ, Homer seated left, holding scroll, head supported on his left hand / KOΛOΦΩNIΩN, Apollo Kitharoides walking right. SNG Lewis 894; SNG Leipzig 1199; Allotte de la Fuye 540; SNG Tuebingen 2916-2919.Text

SNG vA 1811Kolophon, Ionia. Ca late 6th Century BC. AR Tetartemorion. 6mm, 0.41 g. Archaic head of Apollo right / Irregular incuse punch. SNG vA 1811; Klein 357. TextImage
SNG vA 2008Kolophon, Ionia, AE11 Chalkous. 1.24 g. Head of Apollo right, hair in a taenia / K-O-Λ to left and right and beneath lyre within linear square. Milne 75; SNG von Aulock 2008. SNG München 542; BMC 14. TextImage
SNG vA 7902Kolophon, Ionia, AR Tetartemorion. 7 mm, 0.14 g. 525-490 BC. Head of Apollo facing almost fully front / Quadripartite incuse square divided wheel-like, with small circle in the centre. SNG von Aulock 7902; Klein 400.TextImage
SNG vA 7904Kolophon, Ionia, AR hemiobol, 525-490 BC. 8mm, 0.33 g. Archaic head of Apollo right / Incuse quadripartite granulated square with dot in centre. SNG von Aulock 7904; Milne 12; Dessau II, 709J; Klein 401-402.TextImage
SNG vA 7914Kolophon, Ionia, AE12 Chalkous, 330-285 BC. Laureate head of Apollo right / KOΛ ΔHIKΛOΣ, free horse standing right with foreleg raised. SNG von Aulock 7914.TextImage
SNG vA 7915Kolophon, Ionia, AE12 Chalkous, 285-190 BC. Laureate head of Apollo right / KOΛ MHTΡOΔΩΡ, free horse standing right with foreleg raised. SNG von Aulock 7915.TextImage
RPC 1053Domitia, AE19 of Kolophon, Ionia. AD 82-96. ΔOMITIA CEBACTH, diademed, draped bust right / KOΛOΦΩ ΛHTΩ, Leto standing left, holding sceptre. Milne 182a corr (rev legend and Leto described as Apollo); RPC 1053.TextImage
BMC 48Caracalla, AE22 of Kolophon, Ionia. AD 198-217. 5.35 g. AYT M AYΡ ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right. / KOΛOΦΩNIΩN, Zeus-Serapis seated left, polos on head, holding sceptre and extending hand to Kerberos at foot left. BMC 48; Milne Kolophon 203.TextImage
Dessau 813Caracalla AE35 of Kolophon, Ionia. AD 198-217. Magistrate Tib. Claud. Myronus. M AYΡ ANTΩNEINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / EΠI CTΡ TIB KΛAY MYΡΩNOC TO B KOΛOΦΩNIΩN, Hygieia standing right, feeding serpent in arma and facing Asklepios, standing front, looking left, leaning on serpent-entwined staff. Telesphorus wearing hooded cloak standing facing between them. Dessau II 813 (this coin); Milne Kolophon 202A (this coin cited but Telesphorus overlooked); Mionnet Supp VI, 143.TextImage
Milne 199Caracalla, AE21 of Kolophon, Ionia. AD 198-217. 4.48 g. AYT K M AY ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right. / KOΛOΦΩNIΩN, Apollo seated left by altar, holding patera and resting left hand on lyre. Milne Kolophon 199; Mionnet Supp. VI, 148.TextImage
Milne 216AMaximinus I AE22 of Kolophon, Ionia. AD 235-238. 4.2 g. Γ I OYH MAΞIMEINOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right, seen from the back / KOΛOΦΩNIΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Milne 216A; Vienna 31861.TextImage
Milne 222AGordian III, AE31 of Kolophon, Ionia. 8.66 gr. AVT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡ AYΡ MAΡKOY KOΛOΦΩNIΩN around and beneath Apollo seated left, holding branch and resting left hand on lyre. Milne 222A-F; Hunter 8; BMC 50.TextImage
Milne 223Gordian III AE of Kolophon, Ionia. 5.73 g. AYT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / KOΛOΦΩNIΩN, Serapis seated left, holding corn-ears and sceptre, Cerberus at feet. RPC 352; Milne 223.TextImage
Milne 227Philip I, 244-249 AD. AE35 (18.55g). AVT K M IOYΛ ΦIΛIΠΠOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡ AYΡ AICXΡION COΓ KOΛOΦΩNIΩN (partially in monogram form), Apollo Klarias seated left, holding laurel branch and lyre. Milne 227; Lindgren and Kovacs 449.TextImage
Milne 232Otacilia Severa, AE of Kolophon, Ionia. 9.76 g. EΠ CT AYΡ ΛOYKIΩN KOΛOΦΩNIΩN, Apollo seated left, holding branch and lyre. Milne 232.TextImage
Milne 247ATrajan Decius, Kolophon, Ionia, Ae 29, 9.0g. [AYT K] TΡAIANOC ΔEKIOC, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EΠI AYΡ AΛEXANΔΡOC KOΛOΦΩ-NI-ΩN (across fields), naked boxer standing right. Milne 247A.TextImage
BMC 58Herennius Etruscus, AE29 of Kolophon, Ionia. 250-251 AD. KV EΠ ETΠ ME ΔEKIOC KAI, bare-headed, cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡA ΦΛ AΓAΘOKΛEOVC KOΛOΦONIΩN, boxer standing right. BMC 58.TextImage
Milne 251Herennia Etruscilla, AE29 of Kolophon, Ionia. AD 249-251. Magistrate Fl. Agathokleos. EΡEN ETΡOYCKIΛΛA CEB, draped bust right, wearing stephane, on crescent / EΠI CTΡA ΦΛ AΓAΘOKΛEOYΣ KOΛOΦΩ-NI-ΩN (ΠI and TΡ ligate) around and across fields, naked athlete or boxer walking right. BMC 57; Milne Kolophon 251.TextImage
Milne 255Trebonianus Gallus, AE of Kolophon, Ionia. 16.28 gr. 251-253 AD. AVK Γ OVIB TΡEBΩNIABIC ΓAΛΛOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡ KAΛΛIC-TO-Y IEΡEΩC IΩNΩN KOΛOΦΩNIO, TO KOINON TΩ-IΩNΩN in fields, Temple precinct of Apollo Klarios: at the top, front view of the temple with seated deity within, holding branch in right hand and resting left on lyre; humped bull standing left before an altar at the front, surrounded by a semi-circle of the 13 representatives of the Ionian League, each holding a wreath aloft. Milne 255. Mionnet III, 143.TextImage
Note:The Milne references above refer to "Kolphon and Its Coinage, A Study" by J. G. Milne which was published in ANS Numismatic Notes and Monographs 96 in 1941. It is available free to all at Hathitrust thanks to the generosity of the ANS.