Ancient Coinage of Crete, Koinon

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RPC 1022Caligula and Germanicus AE20 of Gortyna, Crete. ΓAION KAIΣAΡA ΓEΡMANIKON ΣEBAΣTON, bare head of Caligula right / ΓEΡMANIKON KAIΣAΡA EΡI AYΓOYΡEINΩ ΓOΡTY, bare head of Germanicus right.TextObvRev
RPC 1030Claudius and Livia AE19 of the Koinon of Crete. 5.09 g. TI KΛAYΔIOΣ KAIΣAΡ ΓEΡMA ΣEBAΣ, bare head of Claudius left / ΘEA ΣEBAΣ, diademed head of Livia right. RPC I 1030, SNG Cop 574; BMC 6.TextImage
RPC 1031Claudius, Antonia and Nero Claudius Drusus AE25 of Crete, Knossos or Koinon. TI KΛAYΔIOΣ KAIΣAΡ ΓEΡM CEB AVΓ, bare head of Claudius right. / ΔΡOY KΛAY ΓEΡM ANTΩNIA, veiled bust of Antonia right, facing bare head of (her husband) Nero Claudius Drusus left. RPC 1031; Svoronos 21.TextImage
RPC 1032Claudius and Valeria Messalina AE19 of the Koinon of Crete. Head of Claudius left / OYAΛEΡIA MEΣΣAΛEINA, diademed head of Messalina right. RPC 1032; Svoronos 25; Mionnet Supp VI, 456.TextImage
RPC 1005Nero & Octavia AE26 of Knossos, Crete. ca 55-60 AD. NERO CLAV CAES AVG IMP VOLVMNIO LVPINO II, bare-headed, draped bust of Nero right, sceptre at shoulder / NERO CLAVD CAES AVG IMP ET OCTAVIA AVGVSTI, confronted busts of Claudia Octavia, draped, crescent moon above, and Nero, bare-headed with star above. SGI 655.TextImage
RPC 1006Nero & Octavia AE27 of Knossos, Crete. ca 55-60 AD. NERO CLAV CAES AVG IMP LVPINO VOLVMNIO II, bare-headed, draped bust of Nero right, sceptre at shoulder / NERO CLAVD CAES AVG IMP ET OCTAVIA AVGVSTI, confronted busts of Claudia Octavia, draped, crescent moon above, and Nero, bare-headed with star above. Vagi 732.TextImage
RPC 13Vespasian AE 19 of the Koinon of Crete. AYT KAI OYEΣΠ YΠATO H, laureate head right / No legend, Artemis walking right, holding bow and reaching for an arrow from the quiver at her shoulder. SNG Cop 576; Svoronos 44; Paris 2858-2860; Mionnet VI, (uncertain) 473-480.TextImage
RPC 25Titus and Julia Titi. AE20, Koinon of Crete. AD 79-81. 19.96 mm, 5.03 g. AYTO KAIΣ TITO YIOΣ (Svoronos, Sear) or AYT.. KAIΣAΡI ΣEBAΣTΩ (RPC), laureate head right. / IOYΛIA ΣEBAΣTH, draped bust of Julia Titi right. RPC II, 25; cf Svoronos 49 and Sear GIC 797.TextImage
RPC 39Domitian. AE25 leaded bronze of Crete. 8.49 g. AD 81-96. ΔOMITIANOΣ KAIΣAΡ, laureate head right / ΔIOΣ IΔAIOΣ, Zeus standing left by altar, holding patera and sceptre. RPC 39; Berlin 12630.TextImage
SGI 966Trajan AR Drachm from Crete. IMP CAES NER TRAIA OPTIM AVG GER DAC PART, laureate bust right, aegis on far shoulder / ΔIKTYNNA, Diktynna seated left on rocks, holding spear and the infant Zeus, helmeted Curetes to either side.TextImage
SNGCop 587Hadrian, AE of the Koinon of Crete. 117-138 AD. AVT KAICAP ADRIANOC, laureate head right / K-K to left and right of basket containing poppy and two grain-ears. Svoronos 123; SNG Copenhagen 587.TextImage
SNG Cop 85Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius AE 33mm of the Koinon of Crete. AYT K T AIΛ AΔΡ ANTΩNINOC CEB E, laureate and draped bust of Pius right / M AYΡHΛIOC KAICAΡ YIOC CEBAC, draped bust of Aurelius right. SNG Cop 85; Svoronos -.TextImage
Svoronos: Numismatique de la Crète Ancienne Free download pdf on
Entry for the Koinon of Crete on the Digital Historia Numorum