BMC 15 | Kelenderis, Cilicia. ca 5th Century BC. AR Obol. Helmeted head of Athena left / Forepart of Pegasos left in incuse square.
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BMC 21 | Kelenderis, Cilicia. Circa 425-400 BC. AR Stater (10.74 gm). Naked rider right, holding whip / Goat kneeling right, head reverted.
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BMC 37 | Kelenderis, Cilicia. AR Obol, 0.72g; 10mm, ca 350-333 BC. KE above, goat kneeling left, head turned right / horse prancing right. SNG von Aulock 5643; SNG Berry 1267; BMC 37. | Text | Image |
McClean 9055 | Kelenderis, Cilicia, AR Stater of Persic standard, 18-21mm, 10.51 gr. Ephebus, unbearded, naked, holding whip, sitting sideways on horse galloping right / KEΛEN, goat kneeling right on dotted exergual line, head turned left, T in exergue. McClean 9055. | Text | Image |
Mionnet III, 162 | Kelenderis, Cilicia, AE22, Civic issue, 100-1 BC. AΘ, turreted and veiled head of Tyche right. Countermark: A / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN ΠY AΡ KΛ, Apollo standing left by column surmounted by a tripod, holding laurel branch. Mionnet III, 162; Paris 405; SNG France II, 734 (this coin); Imhoof KM 13; Ziegler Kilikien 247. | Text | Image |
Sear 5535 | Kelenderis, AR stater 425-400 BC, 10.46 g. Naked rider, sitting sideways on horse, prancing right. / KEΛ above goat kneeling right, looking back. SNG France 74; Kraay 23 in NC 1962; Sear Greece 5535.
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Sear 5536 | Kelenderis, Cilicia. 450-400 BC. AR obol, 0.86 gr, 9.48 mm. Forepart of Pegasos left / KEΛ above goat recumbent right. SNG France II, 97-101; Paris 376; Traite 1485; SNG von Aulock 5636; BMC 29; Imhoof KM 5; Sear Greece 5536. | Text | Image |
Sear 5537 | Kelenderis, AR obol, ca 425-400 BC. 8 mm, 0.78 g. Forepart of Pegasos right. / KEΛ, Forepart of goat left, head right. Sear Greece type 5537; Göktürk 6 var. (Pegasos left); SNG Levante 27-28. | Text | Image |
Sear 5543 | Kelenderis, Cilicia, AE22. 100-50 BC. Veiled and turreted head of Tyche right, A behind head / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, Apollo, naked, standing left, holding laurel wreath and resting elbow on column on which is a lyre. ΣΩ in upper left field. SNG Cop 96; Imhoof KM 15; SNG von Aulock 5646; SNG Pfalz 722-723. | Text | Image |
SNG Berry 1258 var | Kelenderis, Cilicia, AR Stater of Persic standard, 20mm, 10.71 gr. Ephebus, unbearded, naked, holding whip, sitting sideways on horse galloping left / KEΛ, goat kneeling left on dotted exergual line, head turned right, serpent to right, club in exergue. SNG Berry 1258 var (serpent). Unpublished with serpent and club on reverse. | Text | Image |
SNG Cop 79 | Kelenderis, Cilicia, AR obol. 0.73 gr. ca 400-350 BC. Forepart of Pegasos left / KEΛ behind forepart of goat left, head right. SNG Cop 79; Imhoof KM 3. | Text | Image |
SNG France 47 | Kelenderis, Cilicia AR stater, 450-400 BC. 17 mm, 10.69 g. The youth Ephebus, unbearded, naked, holding whip, sitting sideways on horse galloping left. A below. / KEΛ above goat recumbent left, head turned right. No symbols. SNG France 47; Kraay "Celenderis Hoard" 1; Paris 1973.1.178. | Text | Image |
SNG France 48 | Kelenderis, Cilicia, AR Stater of Persic standard, 20mm, 10.7 gr. ca 430-420 BC. Ephebus, unbearded, naked, holding whip, sitting sideways on horse galloping left. Letter Π below / KEΛ, goat kneeling left on dotted exergual line, head turned right, branch of ivy above. SNG France 48. | Text | Image |
SNG France 51 | Kelenderis, Cilicia. Circa 425-400 BC. AR Stater. Naked rider, holding whip, riding sideways on horse left / Goat kneeling left, looking right.
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SNG France 56 | Kelenderis, Cilicia, AR Stater of Persic standard, 21mm, 10.68 gr. 425-380 BC. Ephebus, unbearded, naked, holding whip, sitting sideways on horse galloping left, A below / KEΛEN, goat kneeling left on dotted exergual line, head turned right, ivy leaf and branch above. SNG France 56; SNG von Aulock 5617 (same dies). | Text | Image |
SNG France 68 | Kelenderis, Cilicia. Circa 425-400 BC. AR Stater (10.75 gm). Horseman right / Goat kneeling right, head turned, D below.
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SNG France 70v | Kelenderis, Cilicia. ca 425-400 BC. AR Stater. Youth, holding whip, dismounting from horse rearing right / Goat kneeling right, head reverted; T in exergue. SNG Levante 26 var, McClean 9055.
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SNG France 71cf | Kelenderis, Cilicia. Ca. 405 BC or later. Silver stater (10.72 gm). Naked horseman riding sidesaddle on mount galloping right, holding whip in right hand and reins in left / KEΛE-N, he-goat kneeling right, head reverted, T in exergue. Cf. SNG Paris 71 and SNG Levante Suppl. 10 (legend arranged differently, TL in exergue. SNG Levante -. | Text | Image |
SNG France 75 | Kelenderis, Cilicia. Circa 425-400 BC. AR Stater. 10.61 g. Naked rider on horseback right, holding whip / KEΛEN, Goat kneeling left, head turned back. SNG Paris 75. SNG von Aulock -; SNG Levante -; Kraay -. | Text | Image |
SNG France 75v | Kelenderis, Cilicia AR Stater. Circa 425-400 BC. Naked youth, holding whip, riding horse rearing right / KEΛE-N, goat kneeling left with head reverted; T in exergue.
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SNG France 80ff | Kelenderis, Cilicia. Circa 420-400 BC. AR Obol 9mm, 0.75 g. Forepart of Pegasos right / KE, Goat kneeling right, head left. SNG France 80-92; SNG Levante 27-8. | Text | Image |
SNG France 94 | Kelenderis, Cilicia. Circa 425-400 BC. AR Hemiobol. Forepart of Pegasos right / Goat kneeling right, head reverted.
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SNG France 103 | Kelenderis, Cilicia, AR obol, ca 410-375 BC. 9mm, 0.81 g. Helmeted head of Athena left / Forepart of Pegasos left within incuse square. SNG France 103-7. | Text | Image |
SNG France 108 | Kelenderis, Cilicia. Ca 410-375 BC. AR Hemiobol, 8mm, 0.82 g. Head of gorgoneion facing. / Forepart of Pegasos right with curled wing, all within beaded incuse square. Casabonne type 4; SNG France 108-111. | Text | Image |
SNG France II, 118 | Kelenderis, Cilicia, AE12, Civic issue, 200-100 BC. 1.5 g. Head of gorgoneion facing / KE, goat kneeling right, looking left, star in right field. Traité II-2, 1494; SNG France II, 118; Paris 395. | Text | Image |
SNG France II, 727 | Kelenderis, Cilicia, AE22, Civic issue, 100-1 BC. 6.24g. IΣ, turreted and veiled head of Tyche right / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, ΡAC monogram in left field, Apollo standing left by column surmounted by a tripod, holding laurel branch. SNG France II, 727; Paris 399; SNG Pfalz 724. | Text | Image |
SNG France II, 728 | Kelenderis, Cilicia. AE20 civic issue. ca 200-100 BC. 5.77g. Turreted, diademed, and draped bust of Tyche right, IΣ behind head. / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, Apollo standing left, holding branch and leaning on column surmounted by lyre, HΦ monogram in left field. SNG France 728-729; Waddington 4209; Paris 401; Mionnet III, 160; Imhoof KM 12; SNG Pfalz 725-726. | Text | Image |
SNG France II, 731 | Kelenderis, Cilicia, AE22, Civic issue, 100-1 BC. Γ, turreted and veiled head of Tyche right / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, EΣ in left field, Apollo standing left by column surmounted by a tripod, holding laurel branch. Paris 415.2; SNG France II, 731 (this coin). | Text | Image |
SNG Lev Supp 10 | Kelenderis, Cilicia AR Stater. Circa 425-400 BC. Naked youth, holding whip, dismounting from horse rearing right / KEΛE-N, goat kneeling right with head reverted; T in exergue.
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SNG Lev Supp 11 | Kelenderis, Cilicia. Circa 425-400 BC. AR Obol (8mm, 0.66 gm). Gorgoneion / Astragalos. SNG France 79.
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SNG Lev Supp 129 | Kelenderis, Cilicia. c2nd-1st Century BC. AE 22mm. Turreted and veiled head of Tyche right, AS behind / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, Apollo standing left, holding laurel, resting on column surmounted by tripod; MW before.
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SNG Lev 17 | Kelenderis, Cilicia. 450 BC. AR Stater. Naked youth dismounting from horse rearing left / KEΛ, forepart of goat left. SNG BN 43 Var; SNG Levante 17. | Text | Image |
SNG Lev 20 | Kelenderis, Cilicia AR Stater. ca 425-400 BC. Naked youth, holding whip in right hand, dismounting from rearing horse left / KE-Λ, kneeling goat left with head reverted; branch above. SNG France 48.
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SNG Lev. 23 | Kelenderis, Cilicia. Circa 425-400 BC. AR Stater. 10.84 g. Naked rider on horseback right, holding whip / KEΛEN, Goat kneeling right, head turned back, dolphin in exergue. SNG von Aulock 5631; SNG Levante 23; Kraay 25a. | Text | Image |
SNG Lev 24 | Kelenderis, Cilicia. Circa 425-400 BC. AR Stater. Youth, holding whip, dismounting from horse rearing right / Kneeling goat right, head reverted; ivy branch above.
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SNG Lev 25 | Kelenderis, Cilicia. 400-350 BC. AR Stater, 22mm. (10.72 gm). Naked rider with whip in hand, about to dismount / Goat kneeling right, head turned back, KEΛ above, T below.
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SNG Lev 27 | Kelenderis, Cilicia, AR obol, ca 420-400 BC. AR Obol 9mm, 0.70 g. Forepart of Pegasos right / KEΛ, Goat kneeling right, head left. SNG France 80-92; SNG Levante 27-8. | Text | Image |
SNG Lev 29 | Kelenderis, Cilicia. 3rd century BC. AR Obol 10mm, 0.72 g. Horse prancing right within beaded circle / KE, Goat kneeling left, head right. SNG France 116-7; SNG Levante 29. | Text | Image |
SNG Lev 29cf | Kelenderis, Cilicia. Circa 425-400 BC. AR Obol. Horse rearing right / Goat kneeling right, head reverted. cf. SNG France 116, SNG Copenhagen 92.
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SNG Pfalz 720 | Kelenderis, Cilicia, AE22. 100-50 BC. Veiled, turreted and draped buyt of Tyche right. A behind head / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, Apollo standing left, holding branch, by column surmounted by a tripod. MH in left field. SNG Pfalz 720; SLG Duesseldorf 10936; Ziegler Kilikien 253. | Text | Image |
SNG Sweden F498 | Kelenderis, Cilicia, AR Stater of Persic standard, 20mm, 10 gr. Ephebus, unbearded, naked, holding whip, sitting sideways on horse galloping right / KEΛ(EN), goat kneeling left on dotted exergual line, head turned right, ivy leaf above. SNG Sweden I, F498; Kraay in Num. Chron. 1962, no. 20. | Text | Image |
SNG vA 5620 | Kelenderis, Cilicia AR stater, 450-400 BC. 17 mm, 10.65 g. The youth Ephebus, unbearded, naked, holding whip, sitting sideways on horse galloping left. Π below. / KEΛE above goat recumbent left, head turned right towards a branch of ivy with leaf on one twig and large bunch of berries on the other. SNG von Aulock 5620; Kraay "Celenderis Hoard" 8. | Text | Image |
SNG vA 5622 | Kelenderis, Cilicia. c425-400 BC. AR Stater. Rider on horse sideways; [letter] below / Goat kneeling left, head reverted.
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SNG vA 5631 | Kelenderis, Cilicia, AR Stater of Persic standard, 18-21mm, 10.83 gr. Ephebus, unbearded, naked, holding whip, sitting sideways on horse galloping right / KEΛEN, goat kneeling right on dotted exergual line, head turned left, dolphin right in exergue. SNG von Aulock 5631; Kraay NC 1962,25. | Text | Image |
SNGvA 5638 | Kelenderis, Cilicia. Circa 425-400 BC. AR Stater. Naked rider on horseback right, holding whip / Goat kneeling right, head reverted.
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SNG vA 5639 | Kelenderis, Cilicia, AR Stater of Persic standard, 23mm, 9.89 gr. Ephebus, unbearded, naked, holding whip, sitting sideways on horse galloping right / KEΛEN, goat kneeling right on dotted exergual line, head turned left, A in circle monogram in exergue. SNG von Aulock 5639; Hirsch Coll. 288. | Text | Image |
SNG vA 5642 | Kelenderis, Cilicia. ca 425-400 BC. AR Obol (11mm, 0.65 gm). Horse prancing right, star above / KE, kneeling goat left with head reverted. SNG von Aulock 5642. | Text | Image |
Weber 7516 | Kelenderis, Cilicia. c425-400 BC. AR Stater. Naked youth dismounting from rearing horse right / KEΛE-NΔ-EΡITIKO-N, goat kneeling right with head reverted; all within incuse square.
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wwxls BC11055 | Kelenderis, Cilicia, AE16 civic issue, 100 BC-AD 50. 2.7 g. IΣ (upwards) behind laureate head of king right, circular countermark on chin. / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN beneath goat recumbent left, head right. ΡMΡ monogram (first Ρ retrograde) above. wwxls BC11055; Bucephalus June 2023. | Text | Image |
RPC 1715 | Domitian and Domitia AE 27mm of Kelenderis, Cilicia. ΔOMITIANOC KAICAΡ, laureate head of Domitian right / ΔOMITIA CEBACTH KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, draped bust of Domitia right. RPC II 1715; SNG France II, 740-741; SNG Levante 546. | Text | Image |
RPC 1716 | Domitian, AE24 of Kelenderis, Cilicia. AD 81-96. 9.34 g. ΔOMITIANOC KAICAΡ, laureate head right. / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, Demeter, holding torch, driving biga of winged serpents right. RPC II 1716; SNG von Aulock 5648; SNG France 739; SNG Levante 545; SNG Cop 98; Imhoof MG 19. | Text | Image |
Ziegler 259 | Faustina II, AE23 of Kelenderis, Cilicia. AD 146-180. 5.62 g. ΦAYCTINA CEBACTH, draped bust right. / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, Demeter, holding two torches, driving biga of winged serpents right. Ziegler Kilikien 259; Lederer 87 in RSN 1943; SNG Levante Suppl. 132 (this coin). | Text | Image |
Ziegler 260 var | Lucius Verus, AE28 of Kelenderis, Cilicia, 13.86 gr. ..AYTOK Λ AYΡ, laureate head right / KEΛENΔE-ΡITΩN, Poseidon standing left, holding dolphin and trident. Unpublished. Ziegler 260 var (Commodus). | Text | Image |
Cornell 114 | Commodus, AE22 of Celenderis, Cilicia. AD AD 177-192. 8.96 g. AYT KAI ΔYΡH KOMMOΔOC (sic), laureate head right. / KEΛENΔEΡITωN, Demeter, holding two torches, driving biga of winged serpents right. Cornell 114; Triton V, 1747. | Text | Image |
WWxls 9791 | Septimius Severus, AE17 of Celenderis, Cilicia. AD 193-211. 2.88 g. ΛOY CEYHΡOC AY, laureate head right / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN (letters N retrograde), Dionysos standing right, resting right arm on a column, holding bunch of grapes and transverse sceptre. WWxls 9791. Unpublished. BMC -; SNG von Aulock -; SNG France -; SNG_Tahberer - etc. Pecunem 37, 568. | Text | Image |
WWxls 40853 | Septimius Severus AE23 of Kelenderis, Cilicia. AD 193-211. 5.5 g. ΛOY CEYHΡOC AY, laureate head right (barbaric style). / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, Demeter, holding torch, driving biga of winged serpents right. WWxls 40853. Unpublished. | Text | Image |
CNG 733444 | Macrinus AE 28mm of Kelenderis, Cilicia. AY K M OΠ CEOYH MAKΡEINOC, Laureate and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, Poseidon standing left, holding trident and dolphin. Unpublished. CNG 733444. SNG Lev Supp 135cf. | Text | Image |
SNG vA 5650 | Elagabalus, AE21 of Kelenderis, Cilicia. AD 218-222. 3.79 g. M AYΡ ANTωNINOC (Ns retrograde), laureate head right. / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN (Ns retrograde), Demeter, holding torch, driving biga of winged serpents right. SNG von Aulock 5650; SNG Levante 548. | Text | Image |
SNG Lev. 553 | Gordian III, AE29 of Celenderis, Cilicia. AD 238-244. 13.81 g. AY K M AN ΓOΡΔIANOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, Poseidon, naked, standing left, holding trident and dolphin. SNG Levante 553; SNG Righetti 1529. | Text | Image |
SNG Levante Supp. 137 | Philip I AE20 of Celenderis, Cilicia. AD 244-249. 4.54 g. A K M IO ΦIΛIΠΠOC CE, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, Demeter, holding two torches, driving biga of winged serpents right. SNG Levante Supp. 137 (this coin). | Text | Image |
BMC 46 | Otacilia Severa, AE24 of Kelenderis, Cilicia. AD 244-249. 8.12 g. ΩTAKIΛIA CEOYHΡA CE, draped bust right. / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, helmeted head of Athena right. BMC 46; Ziegler Kilikien 268-269; Lindgren I 1468; SNG Pfalz 734-735; SNG Tahberer 865 (this coin); SNG Levante 555; SNG France II 748; Paris 413; Waddington 4219. | Text | Image |
SNG Lev 556 | Trajan Decius AE 26mm of Kelenderis, Cilicia. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, Poseidon standing left before lighted altar, holding dolphin and trident. BMC 47-48; SNG von Aulock 5653; SNG Levante 556-557; Ziegler Kilikien 271-272; SNG Pfalz 736. |
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SNG Pfalz 737 | Trajan Decius AE28 of Kelenderis, Cilicia. AD 249-251. 8.13 g. AY KAI KY ΔEKION TΡAEIANON, Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, Athena standing left, holding serpent-entwined spear and shield on ground. SNG Pfalz 737; SNG Levante Suppl 141. | Text | Image |
Ziegler 273 | Herennius Etruscus AE21 of Kelenderis, Cilicia. AD 251. 4.96 g. AY K KY EΡE E MECCION ΔEKKION, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, Demeter, holding two torches, driving biga of winged serpents right. Ziegler Kilikien 273; SNG Levante Supp. 142 (this coin); RPC IX 1329. | Text | Image |
| Entry for Kelenderis, Cilicia on the Digital Historia Numorum | |