Ancient Coinage of Kelenderis, Cilicia

Celenderis or Kelenderis, in Cilicia Tracheia or Isauria, on the coast of Asia Minor, near present day Anamur in Turkey

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BMC 15Kelenderis, Cilicia. ca 5th Century BC. AR Obol. Helmeted head of Athena left / Forepart of Pegasos left in incuse square. TextImage
BMC 21Kelenderis, Cilicia. Circa 425-400 BC. AR Stater (10.74 gm). Naked rider right, holding whip / Goat kneeling right, head reverted. TextImage
BMC 37Kelenderis, Cilicia. AR Obol, 0.72g; 10mm, ca 350-333 BC. KE above, goat kneeling left, head turned right / horse prancing right. SNG von Aulock 5643; SNG Berry 1267; BMC 37.TextImage
McClean 9055Kelenderis, Cilicia, AR Stater of Persic standard, 18-21mm, 10.51 gr. Ephebus, unbearded, naked, holding whip, sitting sideways on horse galloping right / KEΛEN, goat kneeling right on dotted exergual line, head turned left, T in exergue. McClean 9055.TextImage
Mionnet III, 162Kelenderis, Cilicia, AE22, Civic issue, 100-1 BC. AΘ, turreted and veiled head of Tyche right. Countermark: A / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN ΠY AΡ KΛ, Apollo standing left by column surmounted by a tripod, holding laurel branch. Mionnet III, 162; Paris 405; SNG France II, 734 (this coin); Imhoof KM 13; Ziegler Kilikien 247.TextImage
Sear 5535Kelenderis, AR stater 425-400 BC, 10.46 g. Naked rider, sitting sideways on horse, prancing right. / KEΛ above goat kneeling right, looking back. SNG France 74; Kraay 23 in NC 1962; Sear Greece 5535. TextImage
Sear 5536Kelenderis, Cilicia. 450-400 BC. AR obol, 0.86 gr, 9.48 mm. Forepart of Pegasos left / KEΛ above goat recumbent right. SNG France II, 97-101; Paris 376; Traite 1485; SNG von Aulock 5636; BMC 29; Imhoof KM 5; Sear Greece 5536.TextImage
Sear 5537Kelenderis, AR obol, ca 425-400 BC. 8 mm, 0.78 g. Forepart of Pegasos right. / KEΛ, Forepart of goat left, head right. Sear Greece type 5537; Göktürk 6 var. (Pegasos left); SNG Levante 27-28. TextImage
Sear 5543Kelenderis, Cilicia, AE22. 100-50 BC. Veiled and turreted head of Tyche right, A behind head / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, Apollo, naked, standing left, holding laurel wreath and resting elbow on column on which is a lyre. ΣΩ in upper left field. SNG Cop 96; Imhoof KM 15; SNG von Aulock 5646; SNG Pfalz 722-723.TextImage
SNG Berry 1258 varKelenderis, Cilicia, AR Stater of Persic standard, 20mm, 10.71 gr. Ephebus, unbearded, naked, holding whip, sitting sideways on horse galloping left / KEΛ, goat kneeling left on dotted exergual line, head turned right, serpent to right, club in exergue. SNG Berry 1258 var (serpent). Unpublished with serpent and club on reverse.TextImage
SNG Cop 79Kelenderis, Cilicia, AR obol. 0.73 gr. ca 400-350 BC. Forepart of Pegasos left / KEΛ behind forepart of goat left, head right. SNG Cop 79; Imhoof KM 3.TextImage
SNG France 47Kelenderis, Cilicia AR stater, 450-400 BC. 17 mm, 10.69 g. The youth Ephebus, unbearded, naked, holding whip, sitting sideways on horse galloping left. A below. / KEΛ above goat recumbent left, head turned right. No symbols. SNG France 47; Kraay "Celenderis Hoard" 1; Paris 1973.1.178.TextImage
SNG France 48Kelenderis, Cilicia, AR Stater of Persic standard, 20mm, 10.7 gr. ca 430-420 BC. Ephebus, unbearded, naked, holding whip, sitting sideways on horse galloping left. Letter Π below / KEΛ, goat kneeling left on dotted exergual line, head turned right, branch of ivy above. SNG France 48.TextImage
SNG France 51Kelenderis, Cilicia. Circa 425-400 BC. AR Stater. Naked rider, holding whip, riding sideways on horse left / Goat kneeling left, looking right. TextImage
SNG France 56Kelenderis, Cilicia, AR Stater of Persic standard, 21mm, 10.68 gr. 425-380 BC. Ephebus, unbearded, naked, holding whip, sitting sideways on horse galloping left, A below / KEΛEN, goat kneeling left on dotted exergual line, head turned right, ivy leaf and branch above. SNG France 56; SNG von Aulock 5617 (same dies).TextImage
SNG France 68Kelenderis, Cilicia. Circa 425-400 BC. AR Stater (10.75 gm). Horseman right / Goat kneeling right, head turned, D below. TextImage
SNG France 70vKelenderis, Cilicia. ca 425-400 BC. AR Stater. Youth, holding whip, dismounting from horse rearing right / Goat kneeling right, head reverted; T in exergue. SNG Levante 26 var, McClean 9055. TextImage
SNG France 71cfKelenderis, Cilicia. Ca. 405 BC or later. Silver stater (10.72 gm). Naked horseman riding sidesaddle on mount galloping right, holding whip in right hand and reins in left / KEΛE-N, he-goat kneeling right, head reverted, T in exergue. Cf. SNG Paris 71 and SNG Levante Suppl. 10 (legend arranged differently, TL in exergue. SNG Levante -. TextImage
SNG France 75Kelenderis, Cilicia. Circa 425-400 BC. AR Stater. 10.61 g. Naked rider on horseback right, holding whip / KEΛEN, Goat kneeling left, head turned back. SNG Paris 75. SNG von Aulock -; SNG Levante -; Kraay -.TextImage
SNG France 75vKelenderis, Cilicia AR Stater. Circa 425-400 BC. Naked youth, holding whip, riding horse rearing right / KEΛE-N, goat kneeling left with head reverted; T in exergue. TextImage
SNG France 80ffKelenderis, Cilicia. Circa 420-400 BC. AR Obol 9mm, 0.75 g. Forepart of Pegasos right / KE, Goat kneeling right, head left. SNG France 80-92; SNG Levante 27-8. TextImage
SNG France 94Kelenderis, Cilicia. Circa 425-400 BC. AR Hemiobol. Forepart of Pegasos right / Goat kneeling right, head reverted. TextImage
SNG France 103Kelenderis, Cilicia, AR obol, ca 410-375 BC. 9mm, 0.81 g. Helmeted head of Athena left / Forepart of Pegasos left within incuse square. SNG France 103-7.TextImage
SNG France 108Kelenderis, Cilicia. Ca 410-375 BC. AR Hemiobol, 8mm, 0.82 g. Head of gorgoneion facing. / Forepart of Pegasos right with curled wing, all within beaded incuse square. Casabonne type 4; SNG France 108-111.TextImage
SNG France II, 118Kelenderis, Cilicia, AE12, Civic issue, 200-100 BC. 1.5 g. Head of gorgoneion facing / KE, goat kneeling right, looking left, star in right field. Traité II-2, 1494; SNG France II, 118; Paris 395.TextImage
SNG France II, 727Kelenderis, Cilicia, AE22, Civic issue, 100-1 BC. 6.24g. IΣ, turreted and veiled head of Tyche right / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, ΡAC monogram in left field, Apollo standing left by column surmounted by a tripod, holding laurel branch. SNG France II, 727; Paris 399; SNG Pfalz 724.TextImage
SNG France II, 728Kelenderis, Cilicia. AE20 civic issue. ca 200-100 BC. 5.77g. Turreted, diademed, and draped bust of Tyche right, IΣ behind head. / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, Apollo standing left, holding branch and leaning on column surmounted by lyre, HΦ monogram in left field. SNG France 728-729; Waddington 4209; Paris 401; Mionnet III, 160; Imhoof KM 12; SNG Pfalz 725-726.TextImage
SNG France II, 731Kelenderis, Cilicia, AE22, Civic issue, 100-1 BC. Γ, turreted and veiled head of Tyche right / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, EΣ in left field, Apollo standing left by column surmounted by a tripod, holding laurel branch. Paris 415.2; SNG France II, 731 (this coin).TextImage
SNG Lev Supp 10Kelenderis, Cilicia AR Stater. Circa 425-400 BC. Naked youth, holding whip, dismounting from horse rearing right / KEΛE-N, goat kneeling right with head reverted; T in exergue. TextImage
SNG Lev Supp 11Kelenderis, Cilicia. Circa 425-400 BC. AR Obol (8mm, 0.66 gm). Gorgoneion / Astragalos. SNG France 79. TextImage
SNG Lev Supp 129Kelenderis, Cilicia. c2nd-1st Century BC. AE 22mm. Turreted and veiled head of Tyche right, AS behind / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, Apollo standing left, holding laurel, resting on column surmounted by tripod; MW before. TextImage
SNG Lev 17Kelenderis, Cilicia. 450 BC. AR Stater. Naked youth dismounting from horse rearing left / KEΛ, forepart of goat left. SNG BN 43 Var; SNG Levante 17. TextImage
SNG Lev 20Kelenderis, Cilicia AR Stater. ca 425-400 BC. Naked youth, holding whip in right hand, dismounting from rearing horse left / KE-Λ, kneeling goat left with head reverted; branch above. SNG France 48. TextImage
SNG Lev. 23Kelenderis, Cilicia. Circa 425-400 BC. AR Stater. 10.84 g. Naked rider on horseback right, holding whip / KEΛEN, Goat kneeling right, head turned back, dolphin in exergue. SNG von Aulock 5631; SNG Levante 23; Kraay 25a.TextImage
SNG Lev 24Kelenderis, Cilicia. Circa 425-400 BC. AR Stater. Youth, holding whip, dismounting from horse rearing right / Kneeling goat right, head reverted; ivy branch above. TextImage
SNG Lev 25Kelenderis, Cilicia. 400-350 BC. AR Stater, 22mm. (10.72 gm). Naked rider with whip in hand, about to dismount / Goat kneeling right, head turned back, KEΛ above, T below. TextImage
SNG Lev 27Kelenderis, Cilicia, AR obol, ca 420-400 BC. AR Obol 9mm, 0.70 g. Forepart of Pegasos right / KEΛ, Goat kneeling right, head left. SNG France 80-92; SNG Levante 27-8.TextImage
SNG Lev 29Kelenderis, Cilicia. 3rd century BC. AR Obol 10mm, 0.72 g. Horse prancing right within beaded circle / KE, Goat kneeling left, head right. SNG France 116-7; SNG Levante 29. TextImage
SNG Lev 29cfKelenderis, Cilicia. Circa 425-400 BC. AR Obol. Horse rearing right / Goat kneeling right, head reverted. cf. SNG France 116, SNG Copenhagen 92. TextImage
SNG Pfalz 720Kelenderis, Cilicia, AE22. 100-50 BC. Veiled, turreted and draped buyt of Tyche right. A behind head / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, Apollo standing left, holding branch, by column surmounted by a tripod. MH in left field. SNG Pfalz 720; SLG Duesseldorf 10936; Ziegler Kilikien 253.TextImage
SNG Sweden F498Kelenderis, Cilicia, AR Stater of Persic standard, 20mm, 10 gr. Ephebus, unbearded, naked, holding whip, sitting sideways on horse galloping right / KEΛ(EN), goat kneeling left on dotted exergual line, head turned right, ivy leaf above. SNG Sweden I, F498; Kraay in Num. Chron. 1962, no. 20.TextImage
SNG vA 5620Kelenderis, Cilicia AR stater, 450-400 BC. 17 mm, 10.65 g. The youth Ephebus, unbearded, naked, holding whip, sitting sideways on horse galloping left. Π below. / KEΛE above goat recumbent left, head turned right towards a branch of ivy with leaf on one twig and large bunch of berries on the other. SNG von Aulock 5620; Kraay "Celenderis Hoard" 8.TextImage
SNG vA 5622Kelenderis, Cilicia. c425-400 BC. AR Stater. Rider on horse sideways; [letter] below / Goat kneeling left, head reverted. TextImage
SNG vA 5631Kelenderis, Cilicia, AR Stater of Persic standard, 18-21mm, 10.83 gr. Ephebus, unbearded, naked, holding whip, sitting sideways on horse galloping right / KEΛEN, goat kneeling right on dotted exergual line, head turned left, dolphin right in exergue. SNG von Aulock 5631; Kraay NC 1962,25.TextImage
SNGvA 5638Kelenderis, Cilicia. Circa 425-400 BC. AR Stater. Naked rider on horseback right, holding whip / Goat kneeling right, head reverted. TextImage
SNG vA 5639Kelenderis, Cilicia, AR Stater of Persic standard, 23mm, 9.89 gr. Ephebus, unbearded, naked, holding whip, sitting sideways on horse galloping right / KEΛEN, goat kneeling right on dotted exergual line, head turned left, A in circle monogram in exergue. SNG von Aulock 5639; Hirsch Coll. 288.TextImage
SNG vA 5642Kelenderis, Cilicia. ca 425-400 BC. AR Obol (11mm, 0.65 gm). Horse prancing right, star above / KE, kneeling goat left with head reverted. SNG von Aulock 5642.TextImage
Weber 7516Kelenderis, Cilicia. c425-400 BC. AR Stater. Naked youth dismounting from rearing horse right / KEΛE-NΔ-EΡITIKO-N, goat kneeling right with head reverted; all within incuse square. TextImage
wwxls BC11055Kelenderis, Cilicia, AE16 civic issue, 100 BC-AD 50. 2.7 g. IΣ (upwards) behind laureate head of king right, circular countermark on chin. / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN beneath goat recumbent left, head right. ΡMΡ monogram (first Ρ retrograde) above. wwxls BC11055; Bucephalus June 2023.TextImage
RPC 1715Domitian and Domitia AE 27mm of Kelenderis, Cilicia. ΔOMITIANOC KAICAΡ, laureate head of Domitian right / ΔOMITIA CEBACTH KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, draped bust of Domitia right. RPC II 1715; SNG France II, 740-741; SNG Levante 546. TextImage
RPC 1716Domitian, AE24 of Kelenderis, Cilicia. AD 81-96. 9.34 g. ΔOMITIANOC KAICAΡ, laureate head right. / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, Demeter, holding torch, driving biga of winged serpents right. RPC II 1716; SNG von Aulock 5648; SNG France 739; SNG Levante 545; SNG Cop 98; Imhoof MG 19.TextImage
Ziegler 259Faustina II, AE23 of Kelenderis, Cilicia. AD 146-180. 5.62 g. ΦAYCTINA CEBACTH, draped bust right. / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, Demeter, holding two torches, driving biga of winged serpents right. Ziegler Kilikien 259; Lederer 87 in RSN 1943; SNG Levante Suppl. 132 (this coin).TextImage
Ziegler 260 varLucius Verus, AE28 of Kelenderis, Cilicia, 13.86 gr. ..AYTOK Λ AYΡ, laureate head right / KEΛENΔE-ΡITΩN, Poseidon standing left, holding dolphin and trident. Unpublished. Ziegler 260 var (Commodus).TextImage
Cornell 114Commodus, AE22 of Celenderis, Cilicia. AD AD 177-192. 8.96 g. AYT KAI ΔYΡH KOMMOΔOC (sic), laureate head right. / KEΛENΔEΡITωN, Demeter, holding two torches, driving biga of winged serpents right. Cornell 114; Triton V, 1747.TextImage
WWxls 9791Septimius Severus, AE17 of Celenderis, Cilicia. AD 193-211. 2.88 g. ΛOY CEYHΡOC AY, laureate head right / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN (letters N retrograde), Dionysos standing right, resting right arm on a column, holding bunch of grapes and transverse sceptre. WWxls 9791. Unpublished. BMC -; SNG von Aulock -; SNG France -; SNG_Tahberer - etc. Pecunem 37, 568.TextImage
WWxls 40853Septimius Severus AE23 of Kelenderis, Cilicia. AD 193-211. 5.5 g. ΛOY CEYHΡOC AY, laureate head right (barbaric style). / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, Demeter, holding torch, driving biga of winged serpents right. WWxls 40853. Unpublished.TextImage
CNG 733444Macrinus AE 28mm of Kelenderis, Cilicia. AY K M OΠ CEOYH MAKΡEINOC, Laureate and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, Poseidon standing left, holding trident and dolphin. Unpublished. CNG 733444. SNG Lev Supp 135cf.TextImage
SNG vA 5650Elagabalus, AE21 of Kelenderis, Cilicia. AD 218-222. 3.79 g. M AYΡ ANTωNINOC (Ns retrograde), laureate head right. / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN (Ns retrograde), Demeter, holding torch, driving biga of winged serpents right. SNG von Aulock 5650; SNG Levante 548.TextImage
SNG Lev. 553Gordian III, AE29 of Celenderis, Cilicia. AD 238-244. 13.81 g. AY K M AN ΓOΡΔIANOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, Poseidon, naked, standing left, holding trident and dolphin. SNG Levante 553; SNG Righetti 1529.TextImage
SNG Levante Supp. 137Philip I AE20 of Celenderis, Cilicia. AD 244-249. 4.54 g. A K M IO ΦIΛIΠΠOC CE, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, Demeter, holding two torches, driving biga of winged serpents right. SNG Levante Supp. 137 (this coin).TextImage
BMC 46Otacilia Severa, AE24 of Kelenderis, Cilicia. AD 244-249. 8.12 g. ΩTAKIΛIA CEOYHΡA CE, draped bust right. / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, helmeted head of Athena right. BMC 46; Ziegler Kilikien 268-269; Lindgren I 1468; SNG Pfalz 734-735; SNG Tahberer 865 (this coin); SNG Levante 555; SNG France II 748; Paris 413; Waddington 4219.TextImage
SNG Lev 556 Trajan Decius AE 26mm of Kelenderis, Cilicia. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, Poseidon standing left before lighted altar, holding dolphin and trident. BMC 47-48; SNG von Aulock 5653; SNG Levante 556-557; Ziegler Kilikien 271-272; SNG Pfalz 736. TextImage
SNG Pfalz 737Trajan Decius AE28 of Kelenderis, Cilicia. AD 249-251. 8.13 g. AY KAI KY ΔEKION TΡAEIANON, Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, Athena standing left, holding serpent-entwined spear and shield on ground. SNG Pfalz 737; SNG Levante Suppl 141.TextImage
Ziegler 273Herennius Etruscus AE21 of Kelenderis, Cilicia. AD 251. 4.96 g. AY K KY EΡE E MECCION ΔEKKION, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / KEΛENΔEΡITΩN, Demeter, holding two torches, driving biga of winged serpents right. Ziegler Kilikien 273; SNG Levante Supp. 142 (this coin); RPC IX 1329.TextImage
Entry for Kelenderis, Cilicia on the Digital Historia Numorum