Wildwinds DataBank, Index by Sear RCV [2000] Number
Note:Volumes I (2000, Republic to Domitian), II (2002, Nerva to Severus Alexander) and III (2005, Maximinus I to Carinus) of Sear RCV have superceded the appropriate parts of the 1988 edition.
Syd 226, Gold 60-as, Mars / eagle on thunderbolt - Anonymous Gold 60-as. 211-207 BC. Bearded, helmeted head of Mars right, (VI monogram)X behind / eagle, ROMA below. Crawford 44/2.
Cestia 1 aureus - Aureus of the Republic. 43BC. Bust of Africa in elephant skin / L CESTIVS C NORBA PR SC, Corinthian helmet atop curile chair. Syd 1153, Cr491/1a.
RSC Pre-denarius 4 - Anonymous AR Didrachm. Perhaps struck at Metapontum, 280-276 BC. Helmeted head of Mars left, oak-sprig behind / ROMANO on tablet below head of bridled horse right, ear of wheat behind. Cr13/1, Syd 1.
RSC Pre-denarius 8. Didrachm, Hercules / wolf and twins. - Anonymous AR Didrachm. Rome mint, 269-266 BC. Diademed head of Hercules right, club & lion's skin over shoulder / She-wolf standing right, head left, suckling Romulus & Remus; ROMANO in exergue. Cr20/1, Syd 6.
RSC Pre-denarius 7 - Anonymous. Circa 265-242 BC. AR Didrachm. Helmeted head of Roma right; shield behind / ROMANO, Victory standing right, attaching wreath to long palm; PP right. Crawford 22/1; Sydenham 21; RSC 7.
RSC Pre-denarius 34a. Drachm. Mars / horse head. - Anonymous AR Drachm or Half Quadrigatus of the Roman Republic. Circa 241-235 BC. Helmeted head of Mars right / horse's head right, ROMA below. Crawford 25/3.
RSC Pre-denarius 37. Didrachm, Apollo / horse jumping left. - Anonymous. Circa 234-231 BC. AR Didrachm. Laureate head of Apollo right / ROMA above, horse rearing left. Crawford 26/1; Sydenham 27.
RSC Pre-denarius 32. Didrachm, Anonymous. 230-226 BC. AR Didrachm. Helmeted head of Mars right, club behind / Rearing horse right, club above. Cr27/1; Syd 23.
RSC Pre-denarius 23 - Anonymous. 225-212 BC. AR Didrachm or Quadrigatus. Laureate head of Janus / Jupiter in quadriga driven by Victory who stands outside of chariot; ROMA incuse below. Cr30/1; Syd 64b.
RSC Pre-denarius 24 - Anonymous AR Quadrigatuss or Didrachm. 215-213 BC, the time of the 2nd Punic War. Laureate, janiform head of the Dioscuri / Jupiter right, holding sceptre & hurling thunderbolt, in a quadriga driven by Victory, ROMA below in linear frame. Syd 65i, Cr38/3.
RSC Pre-denarius 24 - Anonymous AR Quadrigatuss or Didrachm. 215-213 BC, the time of the 2nd Punic War. Laureate, janiform head of the Dioscuri / Jupiter right, holding sceptre & hurling thunderbolt, in a quadriga driven by Victory, ROMA below in linear frame. Syd 65i, Cr38/3.
RSC Pre-denarius 24b - Anonymous, base silver quadrigatus-didrachm. 213-212 BC. Laureate head of Janus / Jupiter in quadriga driven by Victory, ROMA raised below. Syd.68, C28/3.
RSC Pre-denarius 25 - Anonymous AR Drachm or Half Quadrigatus. Uncertain military mint in Italy, ca 217 - 214 BC. Laureate Janiform head of the Dioscuri / Jupiter, holding sceptre & hurling thunderbolt, in quadriga driven left by Victory, ROMA in ex. Cr29/4, Syd 67.
RSC Anonymous 2 - Anonymous AR Denarius of the Roman Republic. After 211 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right, with triple earring, spike above visor, X behind. / The Dioscuri riding right, ROMA in linear frame below. Syd 168, Cr53/2.
Anonymous Denarii of the Roman Republic, with various symbols, RSC 20a through RSC 20mm - [Anchor] Anonymous Denarius. 209-208 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right; X behind / The Dioscuri riding right; anchor below, ROMA in exergue. Crawford 50/2; Syd 144; BMCRR 21.
RSC Anonymous 3 - Anonymous AR Quinarius of the Roman Republic. After 211 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right, V behind / Dioscuri galloping right, ROMA in relief below. Syd 141, Cr44/6.
RSC Anonymous 21 - Anonymous AR Quinarius. 211-210 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right, V behind / Dioscuri right, below, corn-ear; in linear frame, ROMA. Syd 194, Cr72/4.
RSC Anonymous 33b AR Quinarius, Syd 174a (182-172 BC), Babelon 33 (Gens Hatria?) - Anonymous AR Quinarius. 211-207 BC. Head of Roma right, V behind / Dioscuri riding right, H below horses, ROMA in linear frame in ex. Babelon 22 (gens Hatria?); Cr85/1a, Syd 174a.
RSC Anonymous 4 - Anonymous AR sestertius. After 211 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right, IIS behind / The Dioscuri riding right, ROMA in linear frame below. RSC4, C44/7, BMC13.
RSC Anonymous 9 - Anonymous. 211-208 BC. AR Victoriatus. Laureate head of Jupiter right / Victory standing right erecting trophy; ROMA in exergue. Cr53/1; Syd 83.
RSC Anonymous 36m, (or b, d-e, g-i, k) - VB, AR victoriatus, c. 211-208 BC, No legend. Laureate head of Jupiter right. / Victory standing right, erecting trophy, VB in field, ROMA in exergue. C95/1a.
RSC Anonymous 36j - Retrograde N, AR victoriatus, Nola (?) c. 211-208 BC. Laureate head of Jupiter right, retrograde N below. / Victory standing right, erecting trophy, ROMA in exergue. C94/1, Syd116.
RSC 20d, 20e, 20j, 20r, 20s, 20u, 20w, 20x, 20y, 20gg-ii, Decia 1, & Horatia 1 - [Rostrum Tridens] Anonymous Denarius. Italian mint, 206-195 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right, X behind. / Dioscouri right, rostrum tridens (prow of a war galley) below horses, ROMA in linear frame in ex. Cr114/1, Syd 244.
Lutatia 1 Denarius, Cr125/1, Syd 274. - Q. Lutatius Cerco or Catulus. Circa 206-200 BC. AR Denarius. Helmeted head of Roma right; X behind / The Dioscuri galloping right; Q L C/ROMA below. Crawford 125/1; Sydenham 274; Lutatia 1.
RSC Anonymous 20v - Anonymous. 194-190 BC. AR Denarius (3.30 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right / The Dioscuri riding right; owl below. Crawford 135/1; Sydenham 282; RSC 20v.
RSC Baebia 1 & 1a, Caecilia 1, Maenia 1, Plautia1 & 2 - Cn Baelius Tamphilus Denarius. 194-190 BC. Head of Roma right in winged helmet, mark of value X (= 10) behind / Dioscuri on horseback right, TAMP (in monogram) above, ROMA in linear frame below. Cr133/2b, Syd 334.
AR Denarius 194-190 BC. Head of Roma right in winged helmet, mark of value X (= 10) behind / Dioscuri on horseback right, AV monogram above, ROMA in linear frame below. Cr133/3 and 136/1, Syd 325. Baebia 3, Aurelia 1.
Cn. Baebius Tamphilus. AR Victoriatus. 194-190 BC. Laureate head of Jupiter right, border of dots / Victory standing right, crowning trophy, TAMP monogram between, ROMA in exergue, border of dots. Crawford 133/1.
RSC Quinctilia 1 - Denarius of the Republic. Sex. Quinctilius, 189-180 BC, Helmeted head of Roma right, X behind / The Dioscuri right, SX Q below, ROMA in exergue. Quinctilia1, Syd 287, C152/1a,b.
RSC Anonymous 5a - Denarius of the Republic, anonymous 189-180 BC, Helmeted head of Roma right, X behind. / Diana in biga right, crescent above, ROMA in exergue. RSC5a, C140/1, BMC574.
RSC Anonymous 35 - Anonymous. 189-180 BC. AR Denarius. Helmeted head of Roma right; X behind / Diana in biga right; wren and TOD below; ROMA in exergue. Crawford 141/1; Syd 345.
RSC Anonymous 20a - anchor - [Anchor] Anonymous Denarius. 209-208 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right; X behind / The Dioscuri riding right; anchor below, ROMA in exergue. Crawford 50/2; Syd 144; BMCRR 21.
RSC Anonymous 32b, 32e, Furia 7, Matiena 1, 2 and 2a, Sempronia 1 - Anonymous AR Denarius. Head of Roma right; X behind / The Dioscouroi riding right, holding spears; D below. Cr171/1; Syd 285; RSC 32b.
RSC Anonymous 5 - Anonymous denarius. 179-170 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right, X behind. / Diana in biga right, crescent above, ROMA in exergue. RSC5, C158/1.
RSC Anonymous 22, 22a and 22b - Roman Republic. Anonymous. Circa 179-170 BC. AR Denarius (3.45 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right; X behind / Luna in biga right; ROMA and prawn below. Cr 156/1; Syd 343.
RSC Juventia 1, Cr161/1, Syd 328 - AR denarius, 179-170 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right, X behind. / Diana in biga right, crescent above, TAL monogram below, ROMA in exergue. Syd 328, Cr161/1, BMC386-7.
RSC Anonymous 20n - Anonymous. 169-158 BC. AR Denarius. Helmeted head of Roma right / The Dioscuri riding right; gryphon below. Cr182/1; Syd 283; RSC 20n.
RSC Furia 13 - Furius Purpurio Denarius. 169-158 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right, X behind / Luna or Diana in galloping biga right, murex shell above, PVR below, ROMA in ex. Syd 424, Cr187/1.
RSC Anonymous 6 - Anonymous AR denarius. 189-180 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right, X behind. / Victory in biga right, whip in hand, ROMA in exergue. RSC6, Syd 376, C197/1b.
RSC Atilia 1 - Atilius Saranus AR Denarius. 155 BC. Head of Roma right, X behind / Victory in biga right, SAR below horses, ROMA in ex. Syd 377; Crawford 199/1a.
RSC Maiania 1 - C Maianius Denarius. 153 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right, X behind / Victory in biga right, C MAIANI below, ROMA in ex. Crawford 203/1a, Syd 427.
Decimia 1 denarius. - Decimius Flavus. 150 B.C. AR Denarius. Helmeted head of Roma right, X behind / Luna in biga r., holding reins & whip; FLAVS below, ROMA in ex. Syd 391. Cr207/1.
Junia 1 denarius. - Caius Junius Caii filius Denarius. c145-138 BC. X behind winged helmeted head of Roma right / the Dioscuri galloping right with spears, C IVNI CF beneath, ROMA in ex. Syd 392.
Itia 1 denarius. - L. Itius. 149 BC. Denarius. Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, X / Dioscuri, below, L. ITI; in exergue, ROMA. Syd 394a. Crawford 209/1.
Pinaria 1 denarius. - Pinarius Natta. 149 BC. AR Denarius. Helmeted head of Roma right, star behind / Victory in biga right, NATTA below, ROMA in exergue. Cr208/1; Syd 390.
Sempronia 2 denarius - L Sempronius Pitio Denarius. 148 BC. Helmeted head of Roma, right / The Dioscuri riding right with spears, L SEMP below, ROMA in ex. Cr216/1.
Terentia 10 denarius. - Denarius of the Republic. 147 BC. Roma right, standing Victory and X behind / Dioscuri galloping right, TER LVC below. Terentia 10, Syd 425.
Cupiennia 1 denarius - L Cupiennius Denarius. 147 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right; cornucopiae behind / The Dioscuri riding right, L CVP below, ROMA in ex. Cr218/1; Syd 404.
Antestia 1 - C Antestius Denarius, 146BC. C ANTESTI behind head of Roma, X below chin / Dioscuri galloping, dog leaping right below horses, ROMA in ex. Syd 411, Cr219/1e.
Aurelia 19 denarius. - Aurelius Rufus. 144 BC. AR Denarius. Helmeted head of Roma right; X behind / Jupiter in quadriga right, holding thunderbolt, sceptre. Cr221/1; Syd 409.
RSC Anonymous 101 - Anonymous Denarius. 143 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right, X behind / Diana in biga of stags right, crescent below, ROMA in ex. Cr 222/1, Syd 438.
Atilia 16 denarius - L Atilius Nomentanus Denarius. ca 141 BC. Head of Roma right, in winged helmet with griffin crest, XVI behind / Victory in biga right, L.ATILI (AT in monogram) below, NOM in ex. Cr225/1, Syd 444.
Aurelia 16 denarius - M. AURELIUS COTTA, AR denarius, 139 B.C. Head of Roma, COTA below, X behind / Hercules holding club in biga of centaurs holding branches. M.AVRELI below, ROMA in ex.: RSC.Aurelia 16, BMC.914, Craw.229/1, Syd.429, Sear#106.
Renia 1 denarius. - C Renius AR Denarius. c138 BC, Helmeted head of Roma right, X behind / Juno Capriotina in biga of goats right, C RENI below goats, ROMA in ex. Cr231/1, Syd 432.
Gellia 1 denarius - Cn Gellius. 138 BC. AR Denarius. Helmeted head of Roma right, XV behind; all within laurel wreath / Mars and Nerio in quadriga right, CN GEL / ROMA below. Cr232/1; Syd 434.
Aelia 3 denarius - P Aelius Paetus Denarius. 138 BC. Helmeted head of Roma facing right / The Dioscuri galloping right, P PAETVS below, ROMA in ex. Syd 455, Cr233/1.
Pompeia 1 denarius - Sextus Pompeius Denarius. 137 BC. Head of Roma, X below chin, jug behind / SEX POMP FOSTLVS, wolf stading right, head turned, suckling the twins Romulus and Remus, shepherd to left, birds on fig tree behind, ROMA in ex. Syd 461, C235/1a.
Baebia 12 denarius - M Baebius Qf Tampilus Denarius. 137 BC. TAMPIL, head of Roma left, X before / Apollo in quadriga right holding bow and arrow, reins & branch; ROMA below, M BAEBI Q F in ex. Syd 489, Cr236/1c.
Lucretia 1 denarius - Cn. Lucretius Trio. 136 B.C. AR Denarius. TRIO, helmeted head of Roma, X before / Dioscuri r.; below, CN. LVCR.; ROMA in ex. Syd 450, Cr237/1.
Servilia 1 denarius - C. Servilius M.f. Denarius. 136 BC. Winged, helmeted head of Roma right, surmounted by head of an eagle, wreath & star behind, ROMA below / the Dioscuri galloping in opposite directions, C SERVEILI M F in ex. Syd 525, Cr239/1.
Trebania 1 denarius - L Trebanius Denarius. 135 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right, X behind / Jupiter in galloping quadriga right, brandishing thunderbolt, L TREBANI below, ROMA in ex. Syd 456, Cr241/1a.
Minucia 3 denarius - C. Augurinus. 135 BC. AR Denarius. Helmeted head of Roma right; ROMA behind, X below chin / Ionic column surmounted by statue, togate figures to left and right; C A-VG above. Cr242/1; Syd 463.
Minucia 9 denarius - Ti. Minucius C.f. Augurinus. 134 BC. AR Denarius. X, helmeted head of Roma r. / TI MINVCI C F, RO-MA above, AVGVRINI on right; 2 togate figures, one holding a simpulum, the other a lituus, standing by statue on column. Cr243/1, Syd 494.
Aburia 1 denarius - C Aburius Geminus Denarius. ca 134 BC. GEM, helmeted head of Roma right, star before / Jupiter in quadriga right, C ABVRI below, ROMA in exergue. Cr244/1, Syd 490.
Marcia 8 denarius - M Marcius Mn f Denarius. 134 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right, modius behind, X below chin / Victory with whip in galloping biga right, M-MAR-C, RO-MA below, divided by two grain ears. Cr245/1, Syd 500.
Calpurnia 2 denarius - Publius Calpurnius. Circa 133 BC. AR Denarius. Helmeted head of Roma right; X with crossbar behind / Venus in biga right; P CALP below, ROMA in exergue. Crawford 247/1; Syd 468; BMC 968.
Maenia 7 denarius - P Maenius Antiaticus M f Denarius. 132 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right, X behind / Victory in quadriga right, P MAE ANT (ligate) below, ROMA in ex. Cr249/1, Syd 492.
Aburia 6 denarius - M Aburius Mf Geminus Denarius. 132 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right; GEM behind, XVI monogram below chin / Sol in galloping quadriga right; M ABVRI below horses, ROMA in exergue. Cr250/1, Syd 487.
Postumia 1 denarius - L. Postumius Albinus. 131 BC. AR Denarius (3.88 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right; flamen's cap behind / Mars in quadriga right. Syd 472.
Opeimia 12 denarius, Cr253/1, Syd 473 - Lucius Opeimius Denarius. 134 BC. Head of Roma right wearing crested winged helmet, star beneath, wreath behind / Victory galloping right in quadiga, holding wreath, L.OPEIMI beneath, ROMA in ex. Syd 473.
Opeimia 16 denarius, Cr254/1, Syd 475 - M Opimius Denarius. 131 BC. Helmeted head of Roma star below, tripod behind / Apollo in Biga right, holding arrow & bow, M OPEIMI below, ROMA in ex. Cr254/1, Syd 465.
Acilia 4 denarius - M. Acilius M.f. 130 BC. Denarius. Helmeted head of Roma within two dotted circles / Hercules, holding club and trophy, in walking quadriga. Crawford 255/1; Syd 511.
Caecilia 21 denarius - Q. Caecilius Metellus. 130 BC. AR Denarius. Helmeted head of Roma right; Q. METE behind, star below chin / Jupiter in walking quadriga right; ROMA in exergue. Cr256/1; Syd 509.
Vargunteia 1 denarius - M Vargunteius Denarius. 130 BC. M VARG, helmeted head of Roma right, X before / Jupiter in slow quadriga right, ROMA in ex. Cr257/1, Syd 507.
Julia 2 Denarius, Crawford 258/1, Sydenham 476. - Sextus Julius Caesar Denarius. 129 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right, star below chin, anchor behind / Venus driving galloping quadriga right, crowned by cupid behind, ROMA above, SEX IVLI below, CAISAR in ex. Cr258/1, Syd 476.
Marcia 11 denarius - Q. Marcius Pilipus denarius. 129 BC, Helmeted head of Roma right, star behind, dotted border. / Horseman in armor right, with couched spear, Macedonian helmet behind, Q PILIPVS below, ROMA in exergue. Cr259/1; Syd 477.
Cloulia 1 denarius - T Cloelius AR Denarius. 128 BC. ROMA, helmeted head of Roma right, wreath behind / Victory in biga right; grain ear below, T CLOVLI in ex. Cr260/1; Syd 516.
Domitia 14 Denarius, Syd 514, Cr261/1 - Cn Domitianus Ahenobarbus Denarius. 128 BC. Head of Roma right, star below / Victory in galloping biga right, ROMA above, man spearing lion (or hound?) below horses, CN DOM in ex. Syd 514, Cr261/1.
Caecilia 38 denarius - L. Caecilius Metellus Daidemetus, AR denarius. c. 128 BC, Helmeted head of Roma right, star behind. / Pax in biga right, elephants head with bell around neck below. Cr262/1, Syd 496.
Caecilia 29 denarius - M. Caecilius Q.f. Q.n. Metellus Denarius. 127 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right, ROMA behind, star below chin / M•METELLVS•Q•F•, legend around Macedonian shield on which there is an elephant's head, all within laurel wreath. Cr263/1a; Syd 480.
Servilia 6 denarius - C Servilius Vatia Denarius. 127 BC. Winged, helmeted head of Roma right, lituus behind, ROMA below, star under chin / C•SERVEIL below two horseman galloping left, one looking back weilding a sword & being speared by the other who holds a round shield inscribed with an M. Cr264/1, Syd 483.
Fabia 5 denarius - Q. Fabius Maximus. 127 BC. AR Denarius. Helmeted head of Roma right; X below chin, ROMA behind, Q. MAX before / Cornucopiae on winged thunderbolt; all within wreath. Cr265/1; Syd 478.
Cassia 1 denarius - C Cassius Denarius. 126 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right; urn and X behind / Liberty in quadriga right; C. CASSI below, ROMA in exergue. Cr266/1; Syd 502.
Quinctia 2 denarius - T. Quinctius Flamininus. 126 BC. AR Denarius. Helmeted head of Roma right; flamen's cap behind, X below chin / The Dioscuri riding right; Macedonian shield between Q-T below. Crawford 267/1; Syd 505.
Fabia 11 denarius - N Fabius Pictor denarius. 126 BC. Roma right, X behind, control letter below chin / the Flamen Quirinalis Q. Fabius Pictor seated left, holding apex and spear, a shield inscribed QVI / RIN by side of chair, N. FABI PICTOR around, ROMA in ex. Syd 517, Cr268/1.
Caecilia 14 Denarius, Cr 269/1, Syd 485 - C Caecilius Metellus Caprarius AR Denarius. 125 BC. Head of Roma right in Phrygian helmet, star below chin, ROMA behind / Jupiter driving biga of elephants left, Victory flying above, C METELLVS in ex. Cr269/1, Syd 485.
Porcia 3 denarius - M Porcius Laeca. 125 BC. Denarius. Helmeted head of Roma right, LAECA behind / Libertas in quadriga, crowned by Victory, M POR ROMA below. Cr270/1, Syd 513.
Acilia 1 denarius - Man Acilis Balbus. 125 BC. AR Denarius. Helmeted head of Roma right; X before, within laurel wreath / Jupiter & Victory in quadriga right; Macedonian shield before. Cr271/1; Syd 498.
Fabia 1 denarius - Q Fabius Labeo Denarius. 124 BC. LABEO before, ROMA behind, helmeted head of Roma right, X below chin / Jupiter in quadriga right, prow below; Q FABI in ex. Cr273/1; Syd 532.
Porcia 1 denarius - Cn Porcius Cato Denarius. 123 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right, X behind / Victory in biga right holding reins and whip; C CATO below, ROMA in ex. Syd 417, Cr274/1.
Fannia 1 denarius - M Fannius, 123 BC. Silver Denarius. Helmeted head of Roma right, X below chin, ROMA behind. Rx: Victory in quadriga right, MFAN CF in exergue. Syd 419, Cr275/1.
Papiria 6 denarius - M Carboi Denarius. 122 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right, laurel branch behind, X below chin / Jupiter driving quadriga right holding thunderbolt & eagle tipped sceptre, M CARBO below horses, ROMA in ex. Cr276/1.
Minucia 1 denarius - Q Minucius Rufus AR Denarius. 122 BC. Rome Mint. Helmeted head of Roma right, X beneath chin, RVF behind / The Dioscuri riding right, Q MINV beneath horses, ROMA in ex. Cr277/1, Syd 421.
Plutia 1 denarius - C. Plutius. 121 B.C. AR Denarius. Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, X. Reverse: Dioscuri r.; below, C. PLVTI; in exergue, ROMA. Syd 410, Cr278/1.
Papiria 7 denarius - Cn Carbo Denarius. 121 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right, X behind / Jupiter in galloping quadriga right brandishing a thunderbolt, CARB below, ROMA in ex. Crawford 279/1; Syd 415.
Tullia 1 denarius - M Tullius Denarius. 119 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right, ROMA behind / Victory in quadriga right, wreath above, X below; M TVLLI in ex. Cr280/1, Syd 531, BMCRR (Italy) 502.
Furia 18 denarius - M Furius Lf Philus Denarius. 119 BC. Laureate head of Janus; M•FOVRI•L•F around / Roma standing left erecting trophy, gallic arms around, ROMA to right, PHLI in ex. Crawford 281/1, Syd 529, BMCRR (Italy) 555.
Aurelia 20 denarius, Syd 523, Cr282/1. - M Aurelius Scaurus Denarius. 118 BC. M•AVRELI before, ROMA star behind, head of Roma right in helmet of Phrygian form / warrior (Biruitus) in biga right, holding shield and carnyx, hurling spear, SCAVRI below, L LIC CN DOM in ex. Syd 523, Cr282/1.
Cosconia 1 denarius - L Licinius Crassus & Cn Domitius Ahenobarbus Denarius Serratus. 118 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right, L POMPONI CN F around / naked Celtic warrior, brandishing a spear & holding a shield & carnyx, driving a fast biga right, L LIC CN DOM in ex. Cr282/2, Syd 521.
Marcia 16 denarius - Q Marcius, C Fabius & L Roscius Denarius. 118-117 BC. Head of Roma right, star behind / Victory in quadriga right, holding wreath, ROMA below, Q•MAR•C•F•L•R in ex. Cr283/1a, Syd 541.
Calidia 1 denarius - Marcus Calidius, Q Metellus & Cn Fulvius Denarius. 117-116 BC. Head of Roma right, ROMA behind, star below chin / Victory in biga right, holding wreath, M CALID below, Q MET CNFL in ex. Cr284/1a; Syd 539.
Domitia 7 denarius - Cn Domitius Ahenobarbus Denarius. 116-115 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right with curl on left shoulder, ROMA before, X behind / Jupiter in quadriga right with thunderbolt & branch, CN DOMI in ex. Syd 535, Cr285/1.
Curtia 2 denarius - Q Curtius & M Junius Silanus Denarius. 116-115 BC.Head of Roma, X behind head, Q CVRT before / Jupiter in galloping quadriga right; lituus above, M SIA below, ROMA in ex. Cr285/2, Syd 537.
Sergia 1 denarius - M Sergius Silus Denarius. 116 BC. EX S C ROMA star, head of Roma right / horseman galloping left with sword & severed head held aloft, Q below horses leg, M SERGI below, SILVS in ex. Syd 534, Cr286/1.
RSC Anonymous 176 denarius. 115-114 BC. Head of Roma right in Corinthian helmet, X behind / Roma seated right on shield, wolf and twins before, two birds in fields. Cr287/1, Syd 530.
Cipia 1 denarius - M. Cipius Denarius. 115-114BC. Helmeted head of Roma r.; before, M. CIPI. M. F.; X behind. / Victory in biga right with palm-branch, rudder below, ROMA in ex. Syd 546. Cr289/1.
Fonteia 1 denarius - C Fonteius Denarius. 114-113 BC. Janiform head of the Dioscuri, control letter left, star right / C FONT, galley with pilot and three oarsman, ROMA in ex. Cr290/1, Syd 555.
Aemilia 7 denarius - Man Aemilius Lepidus Denarius. 114-113 BC. Laureate, diademed head of Roma right, ROMA before, star behind / M N AEMILIO, equestrian statue on triumphal arch, L E P between the arches. Cr291/1, Syd 554.
Licinia 7 denarius - P. Nerva. 113-112 BC. Silver Denarius. Helmeted bust of Roma left, star before and crescent moon above / Three citizens voting in the comitium.
Marcia 12 denarius - L. Philippus AR Denarius. 113-112 BC. Head of Philip V right wearing Macedonian helmet; ROMA monogram behind / Equestrian statue right, flower below horse; star in ex. Crawford 293/1; Sydenham 551;
Cornelia 19 denarius - Cn. Cornelius Blasio, Cn. f. AR Denarius, 112/111 B.C. Mars, helmeted, r., CN. BLASIO CN.F. before, palm behind / Juno, Jupiter being crowned by Minerva; BLA monogram in field, ROMA in ex. Crawford 296/1.
Quinctia 6 denarius - Ti Quinctius AR Denarius. 112/1 BC. Bust of Hercules left, wearing lion's skin headdress, club over shoulder / two horses left, rider on the nearer horse; TI Q and rat below, DOS.S in incuse on tablet in ex. Cr297/1, Syd 563.
Caesia 1 denarius - Lucius Caesius, c.112-111 BC, AR denarius. Heroic bust of Vejovis facing left, hurling a thunderbolt and seen from behind. Rev: Two Lares flanking dog. CR 298/1, Syd 564.
Claudia 2 denarius - Appius Claudius Pulcher, T Manlius Mancinus & Q Urbinus AR Denarius. 111-110 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right, square behind / Victory in triga right, one horse looking back, AP CL T MANL Q VR in ex. Cr299/1a; Syd 570.
Porcia 4 denarius - P Laeca Denarius. 110-109 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right; P LÆCA behind / Roman soldier standing left, placing his hand on head of a citizen, lictor standing behind; PROVOCO in ex. Cr301/1, Syd 571.
Flaminia 1 denarius, Cr302/1, Syd 540. - L Flaminius Chilo Denarius. 109-108 BC. ROMA, helmeted head of Roma right; X before / L FLAMIN, Victory in biga right. Crawford 302/1; Syd 540.
Aquillia 1 denarius, Cr303/1, Syd 557 - Man. Aquillius. 109-108 BC. AR Denarius. Radiate head of Sol right, X below chin / Luna in biga right; crescent moon and three stars above, one star below, MN AQUIL below, ROMA in ex. Cr303/1; Syd 557.
Memmia 1 denarius - L Memmius Denarius. 109-108 BC. Young male head (Apollo?) right, wearing oak-wreath; before, mark of value / Dioscuri standing facing between their horses, each holding spear; L MEMMI in ex. Syd 558, Cr304/1.
Lutatia 2 denarius - Q Lutatius Cerco. Denarius. 109-108 BC. ROMA CERCO, helmeted head of Roma right / Q LVTATI, galley right within oak wreath. Crawford 305/1, Sydenham 559.
Valeria 11 denarius - L Valerius Flaccus Denarius. 108-107 BC. Draped bust of Victory right, star under chin / Mars walking left, carrying trophy; flamen's cap before and grain-ear behind. Cr306/1, Syd 565.
Herennia 1 denarius - M Herennius Denarius. 108-107 BC. PIETAS, laureate head of Pietas right, control letter below chin / M • HERENNI, Amphinomus carrying his father right. Cr308/1a; Syd 567.
Manlia 1 denarius - A Manlius Qf Sergianus AR Denarius. 118-107 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right / Sol in facing quadriga rising from the waves of the sea; star on either side, X & crescent above. Cr309/1.
Cornelia 17 denarius - Cn. Cornelius Sisenna. 118-107 B.C. AR Denarius. Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, SISENA; before, ROMA; X below chin / Jupiter in quadriga r. hurling thunderbolt; below, anguipede giant with thunderbolt; CN CORNEL L F in ex. Syd 542,. Cr310/1.
Cornelia 24b denarius, Syd 576 - L. Scipio Asiagenus. 106 BC. AR Serrate Denarius. Laureate head of Jupiter left, S behind head / Jupiter holding sceptre and thunderbolt in quadriga right. Cr311/1a; Syd 576; Cornelia 24b.
Sulpicia 1 denarius - C. Sulpicius C.f. Galba. 106 BC. AR Serrate Denarius. Conjoined laureate heads of the Dei Penates left / Two soldiers swearing oath over a sow; N above. Cr312/1; Syd 572; Sulpicia 1.
Memmia 2 denarius - L Memmius Galeria AR Serrate Denarius. 106 BC. Laureate head of Saturn left; •S before, ROMA and harpa behind / Venus in biga right, Cupid flying above with laurel wreath, L MEMMI GAL in two lines in ex. Cr313/1b; Syd 574.
Aurelia 21 denarius - Lucius Aurelius Cotta. 105 BC. AR Serrate Denarius. Draped bust of Vulcan right, in a laureate pileus, tongs & star behind, S • before; all within a myrtle wreath / Eagle standing right on thunderbolt, head left, L COT below; all within a laurel wreath. Cr314/1b; Syd 577.
Appuleia 1 denarius - Lucius Appuleius Saturninus Denarius. 104 BC. Helmeted head of Roma left / L SATVRN, Saturn in quadriga right; letter or dots above. Cr317/3a, Syd 578.
Coelia 2 denarius - C Coelius Caldus Denarius. 104 BC. Helmeted head of Roma left / C COIL, Victory in biga left, letter above, CALD in ex. Crawford 318/1a; Syd 582.
Minucia 19 denarius - Minucius Thermus Mf Denarius. 103 BC. Helmeted head of Mars left / Q star TERM star MF below two warriors in combat, one on left protecting a fallen man. Syd 592, Cr319/1.
Julia 4 denarius - L Julius Caesar Denarius, 103 BC. CAESAR Head of Mars left in crested helmet / Venus Genettris with sceptre, in chariot drawn by two Cupids left, lyre in field, L IVLI L F in ex. Cr320/1; Syd 593.
Cassia 4 denarius - L Cassius Caecianus, 102 BC. AR Denarius. CÆICIAN, bust of Ceres left, B. behind / L CASSI, two yoked oxen left; V/. above. Cr321/1; Syd 594.
Fabia 14 denarius - C Fabius Cf Hadrianus Denarius. 102 BC. EX•A•PV behind veiled & turreted bust of Cybele right / C•FABI•C•F, victory in biga right; D• and stork below. Crawford 322/1b; Syd 590.
Julia 3 denarius - L Julius Denarius. 100-97 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right, corn ear behind / L IVLI below Victory driving galloping biga right. Syd 585, Cr323/1.
Lucilia 1 denarius - M Lucilius Rufus Denarius. 101 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right within laurel wreath; PV behind / Victory in biga right; RVF above, M LVCILI in exergue. Crawford 324/1; Syd 599.
Fundania 1 denarius - Caius Fundanius Denarius. ca 110 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right, D behind / triumphor (Q Marius?) driving quadriga right, his son riding one of the horses & holding laurel branch, Q above, C.FVNDAN in ex. Syd 583, Cr 326/1.
Fundania 2 quinarius - C Fundanius AR Quinarius. Rome, 101 BC. Laureate head of Jupiter right, control mark E behind / C FVNDA / Q, Victory standing right, holding palm-branch & crowning trophy with wreath, carnyx to right, captive kneeling to left of trophy this hands tied behind back. BMC 1696, Syd 584, Cr326/2.
Servilia 13 denarius - M Servilius Cf Denarius. 100 BC. Head of Roma right, Greek letter behind / two warriors in a sword fight, horses behind, M•SERVILI•C•F, Latin letter below. Cr327/1; Syd 602.
Servilia 14 denarius - P Servilius Mf Rullus Denarius. 100 BC. Bust of Minerva left, wearing crested helmet and aegis, RVLLI behind / Victory in biga right holding palm, P below horses, P SERVILI M F in ex. Cr328/1; Syd 601.
Cornelia 25 denarius - Pub Lentulus Marceli f Denarius. 100 BC. Bust of Hercules right, wearing lion's skin, club over shoulder and shield above / Roma standing facing, being crowned by Genius. Crawford 329/1a; Syd 604.
Calpurnia 5 denarius - L Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus & Q Servilius Caepio Denarius. 100 BC. PISP CAEPIO Q, head of Saturn right, harpa behind; wreath above / AD FRV EMV EX SC, the two quaestors seated left between 2 grain ears. Crawford 330/1a; Syd 603.
Vettia 1 Quinarius, Cr331/1, Syd 587. - Publius Vettius Sabinus AR Quinarius. 99 BC. Head of Jupiter, right, control letter behind / P SABIN, Victory standing right crowning trophy with wreath. Cr331/1, Syd 587.
Pomponia 6 denarius - L. Pomponius Molo. 97 BC. AR Denarius. Laureate head of Apollo right; L POMPON MOLO around / Numa Pompilius standing right before altar preparing to sacrifice a goat which is being held by a youth; NVMA POMPIL in exergue. Crawford 334/1; Syd 607.
Poblicia 6 denarius - C Malleolus Denarius. 96 BC. Helmeted head of Mars right, mallet above, star below / warrior, holding spear and shield, standing left before trophy, foot on cuirass; behing, C MAL above grasshopper, right, upon a prow, left. Cr335/3d; Syd 615a.
Poblicia 8 denarius - C [Publicius] Malleolus Denarius. 96 BC. Head of Mars, feather on helmet, star below chin / a warrior or hero standing left before trophy, foot on cuirass; behind, a tabella marked CM AL. Syd 810, Cr335/3f.
Caecilia 45 denarius - L Caecilius Metellus. 96 BC. AR Denarius. L•METEL A•ALB•S•F, laureate head of Apollo right; star below / C•MALL, ROMA in exergue, Roma seated left on pile of arms, being crowned by Victory. Cr335/1b; Syd 611a.
Aelia 4 denarius - C Allius Bala Denarius. 92 BC. Diademed head of Diana right, letter below chin / Diana in biga of stags right, holding sceptre & torch, control symbol below, C ALLI in ex, within laurel wreath. Crawford 336/1b; Syd 595.
Junia 15 denarius - D Junius Silanus AR Denarius. 91 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right, control mark behind / Victory in biga right, holding reins in both hands, number above, D SILANVS L F below, ROMA in ex. Syd 646. Cr337/3.
Anonymous denarius of the Marsic Confederation, Syd 627 - The Social War. Coinage of the Marsic Confederation. 89 BC. AR Denarius. Bovianum mint(?). Laureate head of Italia left, Oscan legend right / Helmeted Soldier standing front, head right, holding spear, right foot on standard; recumbent bull to his right, Oscan "A" in ex.
Calpurnia 10 denarius - L Calpurnius Frugi Denarius. 90 BC. Laureate head of Apollo right, FRVGI behind / horseman with torch and trident; above, control-mark; below, PISO L F. Syd 650.
Calpurnia 13 quinarius - L Calpurnius Piso Frugi AR Quinarius. 90 BC. Laureate head of Apollo / Victory standing with palm over shoulder. Cr340/2, Syd 672.
Titia 2 denarius - Q Titius Denarius. 90 BC. Head of young Bacchus right / Pegasus springing right from a tablet on which is inscribed Q TITI. Cr341/2, Syd 692.
Vibia 6 denarius - C. Vibius C. f. Pansa. 90 BC. AR Denarius. Laureate head of Apollo r, PANSA behind / Ceres walking r., holding torch in each hand, pig before, C VIBIVS C F behind; laurel-wreath border. Syd 683b, Cr342/3a.
Vibia 1 denarius - C Vibius Cf Pansa Denarius. 90 BC. PANSA, laureate head of Apollo right, control mark before / Minerva in quadriga right, C VIBIVS CF in ex. Crawford 342/5b; Syd 684.
Vibia 5 denarius - C Vibius Pansa Denarius. 90 BC. Minerva in quadriga left with spear & trophy, PANSA in ex / Minerva in quadriga right with spear & trophy, C VIBIVS C F below. Cr342/6a.
Vibia 8 denarius - C Vibius Cf Pansa AR Denarius. 90 BC. Mask of Silenus right; thyrsos tied with fillets below / Mask of Pan right; syrinx before. Cr342/1,
Vibia 9 denarius - C Vibius Cf Pansa Denarius. 90 BC. Mask of bearded Pan right, PANSA below / Mask of bearded Silenus right, C VIBIVS C F (IB in monogram) below. Cr342/2, Syd 688.
Porcia 7 AR Quinarius - M Porcius Cato AR quinarius. 89 BC. Head of Liber right, crowned with an ivy wreath, M•CATO behind / Victory seated right, holding palm and patera. VICTRIX in ex. Syd 597c, Cr343/2b.
Tituria 1 denarius - L. Titurius L.f. Sabinus. 89 BC. AR Denarius. Head of Tatius right; SABIN behind, TA before / Two Roman soldiers, each carrying a woman; L. TITVRI in exergue. Cr344/1a; Syd 698.
Tituria 3 denarius - L Titurius L.f. Sabinus Denarius. 89 BC. Head of Taitus facing right, SABIN behind, A PV before / two Roman soldiers, each holding a woman in his arms, L.TITVRI in ex. Cr344/1c, Syd 698b.
Tituria 4 denarius - L Titurius Lf Sabinus denarius. 89 BC. Head of Taitus facing right, SABIN behind, palm before / Tarpeia buried to waist in shields. Tituria 4, Syd 699.
Tituria 5 denarius - L Titurius Lf Sabinus Denarius. 89 BC. Head of Tatius right, palm below chin; SABIN behind, A.PV before / L TITVRI in exergue, Tarpeia buried to her waist in shields, fending off two soldiers about to throw their shields on her. Cr344/2c, Syd 699a.
Tituria 6 denarius - L Titurius L.f. Sabinus Denarius. 89 BC. Bearded head of King Tatius right, SABIN behind / Victory in Biga right, bearing wreath, L TITVRI below, control mark in ex. Syd 700, Cr344/3.
Cornelia 50 denarius - Cn Lentulus Clodianus Denarius. 88 BC. Helmeted bust of Mars right, seen from behind / CN LENTVL, Victory in biga right. Crawford 345/1; Syd 702.
Marcia 18c denarius - C. Censorinus AR Denarius. 88 BC. Jugate heads of Numa Pompilius and Ancus Marcius right / two horses galloping right, rider on near one, fractional sign below horses, C CENSO in ex.
Marcia 19 denarius - Caius Marcius Censorinus Denarius. 88 BC. Head of Apollo right / free horse galloping right, C.CENSORI below, three arrows above, caduceus in ex. Cr346/2b, Syd-714.
Rubria 1 denarius - L. Rubrius Dossenus. 87 BC. Denarius. Laureate head of Jupiter right; sceptre behind / Quadrigal carpentum with small Victory right; LRVBRI in exergue. Crawford 348/1; Syd 705.
Rubria 2 denarius - L Rubrius Dossenus Denarius. 87 BC. Veiled head of Juno facing right, with sceptre and DOS behind / triumphal chariot right, with small victory standing on it, L RVBRI in ex. Cr348/2, Syd 706.
Rubria 3 denarius - L. Rubrius Dossenus. 87 B.C. AR Denarius. Bust of Minerva r., wearing Corinthian helmet and aegis, DOS behind / Triumphal quadriga with side-panel decorated with thunderbolt r.; above, Victory with outspread wings in biga, L RVBRI in ex. Syd 707. Cr348/3.
Rubria 4 quinarius - L. Rubrius Dossenus 87 BC AR Quinarius. Head of Neptune right, DOSSEN & trident behind / Victory walking right, serpent entwined around altar before, L RVBRI behind. Syd. 708, Cr384/4
Memmia 8 denarius - L. & C Memius L f Galeria Denarius. 86 BC. Head of Saturn left, EX SC below / Venus in biga, Cupid above, L. C. MEMIES .L.F /GAL in ex. Cr349/1, Syd 712.
Vergilia 1 denarius - Vergilius, Gargilius & Ogulnius AR Denarius. 86 BC. Laureate head of Apollo right, thunderbolt below / Jupiter in quadriga rights, V above, VER below, GAR.OGVL in ex. Cr350A/1e.
RSC anonymous 226 denarius - Anonymous Denarius (~4g). 86 BC. Laureate head of Apollo Vejovis right, thunderbolt below / Jupiter in quadriga right, hurling a thunderbolt. Syd 723, Cr350a/2.
Critonia 1 denarius - M.Fannius & L. Critonius. 86 BC. Head of Ceres, AED PL behind / M Fannius and L Critonius seated, PA behind, M FAN CRT in ex. Syd 717, Cr351/1.
Julia 5 denarius - L Julius Bursio Denarius. 85 BC. Winged head of Genius or Apollo Vejovis right, control-mark & trident behind / Victory in quadriga right holding wreath, L IVLI BVRSIO in ex. Syd 728, Cr352/1a.
Fonteia 11 denarius - Mn Fonteius AR Denarius. 85 BC. M N FONTEI CF, laureate head of Apollo, thunderbolt below, dotted border / winged Genius riding goat right, caps of the Dioscouri to right and left, thyrsus below, all in laurel wreath.
Fonteia 12 denarius - Fonteius, AR denarius. c. 85 BC, EX A P Laureate head of Vejovis right, thunderbolt below chin. / Infant seated on goat right, caps of the Dioscuri above, all in laurel wreath. Syd 726, Cr353/2.
Licinia 16 denarius - C Licinius Lf Macer Denarius. 84 BC. Diademed bust of Vejovis left, seen from behind, hurling thunderbolt / Minerva in quadriga right with javelin & shield; C LICINIVS L F MACER in two lines in ex. Cr354/1; Syd 732.
Furia 19 denarius - P Furius Crassipes Denarius. 83 BC. AED CVR, turretted head of city goddess right / Curile chair inscribed P FOVRIUS, CRASSIPES in ex. Syd 735b, Cr356/1c.
Cornelia 30 Denarius of Sulla - L.Sulla. 84-83 BC. AR Denarius (3.86 gm). Diademed head of Venus right; cupid with long palm branch before / Capis and lituus between two trophies. Cr359/2; Syd 761; Cornelia 30.
Norbana 1 denarius - C. Norbanus Denarius. c. 83 BC. Diademed head of venus right, C.NORBANUS below, XXI behind / prow-stem, fasces, caduceus & ear of corn. SYD 740, Cr357/1a.
Norbana 2 denarius - C Norbanus Denarius. 83 BC. Number behind, C NORBANVS below, diademed head of Venus right / Corn ear, fasces and caduceus. Syd 739, Cr357/1b.
Antonia 1 denarius - Q Antonius Balbus Denarius Serratus. 83-82 BC. Laureate head of Jupiter right, S C behind / Victory in quadriga right, control letter below, Q ANT BALB P R in ex. Cr364/1; Syd 742.
Marcia 24 denarius - L Censorinus Denarius. 82 BC. Laureate head of Apollo right / L CENSOR, the satyr, Marsyas, standing left with wineskin over shoulder; behind him, column surmounted by draped figure (Minerva?). Syd 737, Cr363/1d.
Mamilia 6 denarius - C. Mamilius Limetanus denarius serratus c. 82 BC. Bust of Mercury right, caduceus behind. / C MAMIL LIMEAN Ulysses walking right, his dog before. Syd 741, Cr362/1.
Crepusia 1 denarius - Pub Crepusius Denarius. 82 BC. Laureate head of Apollo right, control symbols before and behind / Horseman right, brandishing spear; P CREPVSI in ex, control-numeral behind. Syd 738a, Cr361/1c.
Marcia 27 denarius, Syd 736a, Cr360/1b - L. Censorius, AR denarius, c. 82 BC, (3.82g) L CENSORIVS Veiled bust of Venus right. / Venus in biga right, C LIMEAT below, C CREPVSI in exergue. Syd 736a, Cr360/1b.
Manlia 4 denarius - L. Manlius Torquatus. 82 BC. Denarius. L. MANLI before, PRO.Q behind, helmeted Roma right / Sulla, being crowned by Victory, in quadriga right; L SVLLA IM in exergue. Crawford 367/5; Syd 757.
Manlia 7 denarius - L Manlius Torquatus & L Cornelius Sulla AR Denarius. 82 BC. Military mint moving with Sulla. L. MANLI- before, PRO. Q behind, head of Roma right, in winged helmet with peaked visor, cruciform earring & necklace, hair in three locks / L. SVLLA. IM in exergue, Sulla, togate, driving triumphal quadriga right, holding branch and reins; above, Victory flying left crowning Sulla with laurel wreath. Cr367/3, Syd 759.
Valeria 12 denarius - C. Valerius Flaccus as Imperator, c82 BC. Bust of Victory right, symbol (flower?) behind / C VAL FLA IMPERAT, Legionary eagle between 2 standards inscribed 'H' (Hastari) and 'P' (Principes), 'EX - SC' between.
Annia 2 denarius - C Annius Tf Tn Luscus & L Fabius Lf Hispaniensis AR Denarius. ca 82-81 BC. Northern Italian or Spanish military mint. Diademed & draped bust of Anna Perenna right, winged caduceus behind, scales under chin, control letter below neck, C ANNI T F T N PRO COS EX S C arching above / Victory in quadriga right, Q above, L FABI L F HISP in ex. Cr366/1c, Syd 748b.
Annia 3 denarius - C Annius T f T n & L Fabius L f Hispaniensis Denarius. 82-81 BC. C ANNI T F T N PRO COS EX S C, diademed & draped female bust right, control-letter below / Victory in quadriga right with palm-branch; L FABI L F HISP in ex; Q above. Syd 748c, Cr366/2a.
Annia 4 denarius - Annius Luscus Denarius. 81-80 BC. C ANNIVS T F T N PRO COS EX S C, diademed head of Anna Perenna right / Victory in quadriga advancing right, T below, L FABI L F HISP in ex.
Annia 1 denarius - C Annius Tf Tn Luscus & C Tarquitius Pf... AR Denarius. Spain. Diademed female head right, C ANNIVS T F T N PROCOS EX S C around / Victory in biga right, control number XXXXIIII above, Q under horses, C TARQVITI P F in ex. Cr366/4, Syd 749.
Servilia 7 denarius - C Servilius Vatia AR Denarius. Restored issue, 82-80 BC. Rome mint. Laureate head of Apollo right; B & lituus behind, ROMA below, monogram below chin / C. SERVEIL, battle on horseback between man wielding shield & sword & man holding spear & shield inscribed M. Cr370/1b; Syd 720.
Servilia 7 denarius - C Servilius Vatia AR Denarius. Restored issue, 82-80 BC. Rome mint. Laureate head of Apollo right; B & lituus behind, ROMA below, monogram below chin / C. SERVEIL, battle on horseback between man wielding shield & sword & man holding spear & shield inscribed M. Cr370/1b; Syd 720.
Fabia 6 denarius - Q. Fabius Maximus. 82-80 B.C. AR Denarius. Laureate head of Apollo r.; behind, ROMA; below, Q. MAX; before, lyre and star / Cornucopiae superimposed on thunderbolt; around, wreath composed of ear of barley, ear of wheat and assorted fruits. Syd 718, Cr371/1.
Postumia 7 denarius - A. Postumius A.f. Sp.n. Albinus. 81 BC. Serrate Denarius. Bust of Diana right; bow & quiver over shoulder, bucranium above / A POST A F S N ALBIN, Togate figure before lit altar; ox right about to be sacrificed. Cr372/1; Syd 745.
Postumia 8 denarius - Postumius Albinus denarius c. 81 BC. HISPAN, veiled head of Hispania / A ALBIN S N, togate figure standing left between legionary eagle and fasces, POST A F in ex. Syd 746; Cr372/2.
Volteia 6 denarius - L Volteius Lf Strabo AR Serrate Denarius. 81 BC. Laureate head of Jupiter right; A behind / Europa seated left on bull, holding veil which floats over her head; thunderbolt behind, vine leaf below. Cr377/1.
Maria 7 denarius - C. Marius C.f. Capito. 81 BC. Serrate Denarius. C. MARI. C. F. CAPIT. XII, draped laureate bust of Ceres right / Husbandman plowing with yoke of oxen; XII above. Crawford 378/1; Syd 744.
Maria 9 denarius - C Marius C f Capito Denarius. 81 BC. CAPIT and numeral, bust of Ceres right, wreathed with corn, symbol below chin / plowman with yoke of oxen plowing left, same numeral above, C MARI C Fi below, SC in ex. Syd 744b, Cr378/1c.
Caecilia 43 denarius - Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius. 81 BC. Denarius. Spanish mint. Diademed head of Pietas right; stork before / Elephant walking left; Q. C. M. P. I. in ex. Crawford 374/1; Syd 750.
Caecilia 44 denarius - Q Caecilius Metellus Pius Denarius. 81 BC. Spanish mint. Diademed head of Pietas right, stork before / IMPER below jug & lituus, all in wreath. Cr374/2, Syd 751.
Procilia 1 denarius - L Procilius Denarius. 80 BC. Bust of Jupiter right, SC behind / L PROCILI F, Juno Sospita advancing right with shield, spear aloft and serpent before. Syd 771, Cr379/1.
Procilia 2 denarius - L Procilius Serrate Denarius. 80 BC. Head of Juno Sospita right, SC behind / Juno Sospita in biga right, holding shield & hurling spear, snake below, L PROCILI F in ex. Syd 772, Cr379/2.
Poblicia 9 denarius - C Poblicius Qf Denarius Serratus. 80 BC. ROMA, draped bust of Roma right, helmeted & decorated with corn ears, control mark letter above / C•POBLICI•Q•F, Hercules strangling the Nemean lion, club at his feet, bow and arrow in quiver on left, control mark letter to left. Cr380/1, Syd 768.
Naevia 6 denarius, Syd 769, Cr382/1 - C Naevius Balbus. 79 BC. AR Serrate Denarius. Diademed head of Venus right, SC behind / Victory in triga right; numeral (I-CCXXVI) above, C NAE BALB in ex. Crawford 382/1b; Syd 769b.
Claudia 5 denarius - Ti Claudius Ti F Ap Nero Serrate Denarius. 79 BC. Bust of Diana r., draped, bow & quiver over shoulder, SC before / Victory in biga right with palm-branch, reins and wreath, TI CLAVD TI F AP N in ex. Syd 770. Cr383/1.
Papia 1 denarius - L Papius Denarius Serratus. 79 BC, Head of Juno Sospita right, wearing goatskin, symbol behind / Gryphon dancing right, symbol below, L PAPI in ex. Syd 773, Cr384/1.
Volteia 1 denarius - M Volteius Mf Denarius. 78 BC. Laureate head of Jupiter right / Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus with closed doors; thunderbolt on pediment. Crawford 385/1; Sydenham 774; Volteia 1.
Volteia 2 denarius - M. Volteius, AR denarius. 78 BC. Head of young Hercules right, wearing lion skin / Erymathian Boar right, M VOLTEI M F in exergue. Syd 775, Cr385/2.
Volteia 3 denarius - M. Volteius M. f. . 76 BC.. Silver Denarius, 16mm (3.72 gm). O: Head of Bacchus or Liber, r., wearing ivy wreath. R: Ceres in chariot, r., drawn by two serpents.. Cr385/3.
Volteia 4 denarius - M. Volteius M.f. 78 BC. AR Denarius. Laureate & helmeted bust of Attis right; shield behind / Cybele seated right in chariot drawn by two lions; OQ above. Cr385/4; Syd 777.
Volteia 5 denarius - M Volteius Mf Denarius. 75 BC. Laureate head of Apollo right / Tripod, snake coiled around front leg & rearing head above; on left, S.C, on right, D.T; M.VOLTEI M.F. in ex. Cr385/5, Syd 778.
Cassia 6 denarius - L Cassius Qf Longinus Denarius. 78 BC. Head of Bacchus right, thrysus over shoulder / Head of Libera left. Crawford 386/1; Syd 779.
Rutilia 1 denarius - L Rutilius Flaccus Denarius. 77 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right, FLAC behind / Victory in biga right, L RVTILLI in ex. Cr387/1; Syd 780.
Satriena 1 denarius - P. Satrienus. 77 BC. Denarius. Helmeted head of Mars right, numeral behind / ROMA above, she-wolf walking left; P SATRIE/NVS in two lines in exergue. Crawford 388/1b; Syd 781a.
Rustia 1 denarius - L Rustius Denarius. 74 BC. Helmeted head of Mars right, SC behind, X under chin / Ram standing rights, L RVSTI in ex. Crawford 389/1; Syd 782.
Lucretia 3 denarius - L Lucretius Trio Denarius. 74 BC. Laureate head of Neptune right, trident over shoulder, numeral above / L LVCRETI TRIO in two lines, infant Genius riding dolphin right. Cr390/2, Syd 784.
Cornelia 54 denarius - Cn Lentulus Denarius. 76-75 BC. GPR above bearded bust of the Genius of the Roman people right / EX-SC, wreathed & filleted sceptre, globe & rudder, C N LEN Q in ex. Syd 752, Cr393/1a.
Cornelia 55 denarius - Cn Cornelius Lentulus Marcellinus AR Denarius. Spanish mint (?), ca 76-75 BC. Diademed & draped bust of Genius of the Roman People, sceptre over shoulder, G.P.R above head / sceptre with wreath, globe & rudder, EX-S.C across fields, LENT.CVR star FL below. Cr393/1b, Syd 753.
Egnatia 3 denarius - Cn. Egnatius Cn.f. Cn.n. Maxsumus. 75 BC. AR Denarius. Bust of Cupid right, bow and quiver on shoulder / Jupiter and Liberty within distyle temple. Cr391/2; Syd 788; Egnatia 3.
Egnatia 1 denarius - C. Egnatius Cn. f. Cn. n. Maxsumus Denarius. 75 BC. Bust of Libertas right, pileus & MAXSVMVS behind / Roma & Venus, holding staffs, Roma with sword & foot on wolf's head; Cupid alighting on Venus' shoulder; C. EGNATIVS CN F below; CN N right. Syd 788, Cr391/3.
Farsuleia 1 denarius - L. Farsuleius Mensor. 75 BC. Denarius. MENSOR before diademed and draped bust of Liberty right; SC & pileus behind / Roma in biga assisting togate figure to mount into the chariot; XXCT below horses; L FARSVLEI in ex. Crawford 392/1a; Syd 789a.
Farsuleia 2 denarius - L Farsulius Mensor, AR denarius. 75 BC, MENSOR S C Bust of Libertas right / Warrior in quadriga assisting togate male into biga right. Syd 789; Cr392/1b.
Cossutia 1 denarius - L Cossutius Cf Sabula AR Denarius. 72 BC. Head of Medusa left, winged & entwined with serpents / Bellerophon riding Pegasus right, hurling spear; XIII behind. Cr395/1; Syd 790.
Cornelia 58 denarius - Pub Lentulus Pf Ln Spinther. 71 BC. AR Denarius. Head of Hercules right / Genius of the Roman People seated facing with cornucopiae & sceptre; Nike flying above & crowning Genius. Cr397/1; Syd 791.
Pomponia 23 denarius - Q Pomponius Rufus Denarius. 73 BC. Laureate head of Jupiter right, RVFVS before, SC behind / Eagle standing left on sceptre, head right, holding wreath in claw; numeral before, symbol behind, Q POMPONI in ex. Cr398/1, Syd 793.
Crepereia 1 serrate denarius - Q Creperiarus M f Savula Denarius. 72 BC. Bust of Amphitrite, draped, right, turned from spectator, D above, fish behind / Neptune in sea-chariot right, drawn by two hippocamps; D above, Q. CREPEREI / ROCVS below. Syd 796, Cr399/1a.
Aquillia 2 denarius - Mn. Aquillius Mn.f. Mn.n. 65 BC. AR Serrate Denarius. VIRTVS III VIR, helmeted bust of Virtus right / MN • AQVIL right, MN • F • MN • N left, SICIL in exergue, the consul Man. Aquillius raising Sicilia. Cr401/1; Syd 798.
Axia 1 denarius - Lucius Axius Lf Naso AR Denarius. 70 BC. Helmeted head of Mars right; VIII behind / Diana in biga of stags right; dog below, two dogs & VIII behind. Cr400/1a, Syd 794.
Fufia 1 serrate denarius - Q. Fufius Calenus & Mucius Cordus. 68 BC. AR Serrate Denarius. HO left, VIRT right, KALENI below, jugate heads of Honos & Virtus right / ITAL left, RO right, CORDI in exergue, Italia & Roma standing hand in hand.
Vettia 2 serrate denarius - T. Vettius Sabinus. 66 BC. Denarius. Bare head of Tatius right; SABINI behind, S.C before, TA in monogram under chin / Togate figure in walking biga left, IVDEX above, grain ear right, T.VETTIVS in exergue. Crawford 404/1; Syd 905.
Plaetoria 9 denarius - M Plaetorius M f Cestianus Denarius. 69 BC. Female bust left, control-mark behind / Pediment of temple; within pediment, anguipede monster holding cornucopiae; on entablature, praenomen & nomen of moneyer; below, CEST S C. Syd 800, Cr405/1b
Plaetoria 7 denarius - M. Plaetorius M.f. Cestianus. 57 BC. AR Denarius. Draped female bust right; control mark behind / M PLAETORI CEST EX SC, jug and lighted torch. Cr405/4b, Syd 803.
plaetoria 5 denarius - M. Plaetorius M.f. Cestianus. 57 BC. Denarius. Head of Bonus Eventus right; ivy leaf behind / M. PLAETORI CEST. EX. S. C, winged caduceus. Crawford 405/5; Syd 807.
Sulpicia 6 denarius - P Sulpicius Galba. 69 BC. AR Denarius. Veiled head of Vesta right; S.C behind/ Knife, simpulum and ornamented axe; ÆD CVR in field, P GALB in ex. Cr406/1; Syd 838.
Hosidia 1 denarius - C Hosidius Cf Geta Denarius. 64 BC. GETA before, III VIR behind, diademed & draped bust of Diana right, bow and quiver on shoulder / C HOSIDI C F, wild boar of Calydon right, pierced by spear and attacked by dog. Syd 903, Cr407/2.
Hosidia 2 denarius - C Hosidius Cf Geta. 64 BC. AR Denarius. GETA behind, III VIR before, diademed and draped bust of Diana right, bow and quiver on shoulder / C HOSIDI C F, wild boar of Calydon right, pierced by spear and attacked by dog. Syd 904, Cr407/1.
Calpurnia 24 - 29a denarius - Calpurnia Piso L f Frugi Denarius. 67 BC. Head of Apollo right with fillet / Horseman galloping right, C PISO L F FRVGI, ROMA below; letter or symbol above and/or below. Syd 850, Cr408.
Plaetoria 4 denarius - M. Plaetorius M.f. Cestianus. 67 BC. AR Denarius. Bust of an Vacuna right, wearing a wreathed and crested helmet, bow and quiver on shoulder, cornucopiae below chin / Eagle standing right on thunderbolt, head left. Cr409/1; Syd 809; Plaetoria 4.
Plaetoria 3 denarius - M. Plaetorius M.f. Cestianus. 67 BC. AR Denarius. Turreted bust of Cybele right; forepart of lion behind shoulder, globe under chin / Curule chair; grain to left. Cr409/2; Syd 808.
Pomponia 8 denarius - Q Pomponius Musa Denarius. 56 BC. Q POMPONI MVSA, diademed head of Apollo right / HERCZVLES MVSARVM, Hercules standing right, playing lyre, club at his feet. Cr410/1; Syd 810.
Pomponia 10 denarius - Q Pomponius Musa AR Denarius. 56 BC. Head of Apollo right, lyre-key behind / iQ POMPONI MVSA, Calliope, the Muse of epic poetry, playing lyre right. Cr410/2b.
Pomponia 11 denarius - Q Pomponius Musa AR Denarius. 56 BC. Laureate head of Apollo right; scroll behind / Q POMPONI MVSA, Clio, the Muse of History, standing left, left elbow on pedestal, holding an open scroll. Cr410/3, Syd 813.
Pomponia 14 denarius - Q Pomponius Musa Denarius. 56 BC. Laureate head of Apollo right, sceptre behind / Q POMPONI MVSA, Melpomene, the Muse of Tragedy, standing right & leaning on column, holding club & mask. Cr410/4; Syd 816.
Pomponia 13 denarius - Q Pomponius Musa Denarius. c 66 BC. Laureate head of Apollo right, two crossed flutes behind. / Q POMPONI MVSA, Euterpe standing right, holding two flutes in right hand. Cr410/5; Syd. 815.
Pomponia 12 denarius - Q Pomponius Musa AR Denarius. 66 BC. Rome mint. Laureate head of Apollo right, in hair rolled back & in loose locks over forehead; flower or rosette before ear; flower on stem behind / Q. POMPONI to left, MVSA to right, Erato, the Muse of Erotic Poetry, standing slightly right, head front, in long flowing tunic and peplum, holding lyre in left hand and with right hand striking it with plectrum. Cr410/6, Syd 814.
Pomponia 17 denarius - Q Pomponius Musa Denarius. 66 BC. Laureate head of Apollo right, flower to left / Q.POMPONI MVSA, Terpsichore (the Muse of Dancing) standing right holding lyre & plectrum. Cr410/7b, Syd 819.
Pomponia 22 denarius - Q Pomponius Musa. 56 BC. AR Denarius. Laureate head of Apollo right; six pointed star behind / Q POMPONI MVSA, Urania, the Muse of Astronomy, standing left, pointing with wand to globe on tripod. Cr410/8; Syd 823.
Pomponia 19 denarius - Q Pomponius Musa AR Denarius. 56 BC. Diademed head of Apollo right, sandal behind / Thalia, the Muse of Comedy, standing left, resting on pedestal, holding mask in right hand; MVSA before, Q POMPONI behind. Cr410/9b.
Pomponia 15 denarius - Q Pomponius Musa AR Denarius. 66 BC. Rome mint. Laureate head of Apollo right, in hair rolled back & in loose locks over forehead; flower or rosette before ear; wreath behind / MVSA to left, Q. POMPONI to right, Polymnia, the Muse of Rhetoric, standing facing in pensive mood, in long flowing tunic & peplum. Cr410/10a, Syd 817.
Manlia 11 denarius - L Manlius Torquatas Denarius. 65 BC. Head of Sibyl wreathed with ivy, SIBYLLA below / Tripod surmounted by amphora between 2 stars. Cr411/1.
Roscia 3 serrate denarius - L Roscius Fabatus Denarius Serratus. 59 BC. Head of Juno Sospita in goat skin, L ROSCI below, symbol behind / girl standing right feeding serpent before, symbol to left, FABATI in ex. Crawford 412/1; Syd 915.
Cassia 10 denarius - L. Cassius Longinus. 60 BC. Denarius. Draped and veiled bust of Vesta right; kylix behind, S before / Togate male standing facing, dropping tablet inscribed V into a cista; LONGIN. III. V behind. Crawford 413/1; Syd 935.
Furia 23 denarius - L Furius Brocchus Denarius. 63 BC. III VIR BROCCHI Bust of Ceres right, between wheat-ear and barley corn. / L FVRI C N F Curule hair between fasces. Syd 902, Cr414/1.
Aemilia 10 denarius - L Aemilius Lepidus Paullus AR Denarius. 62 BC. Veiled and diademed head of Concordia right, PAVLLVS LEPIDVS CONCORDIA around / L Aemilius Paullus standing to right of trophy, Perseus and his two sons captive on the left, PAVLVS in ex. Cr415/1, Syd 926.
Scribonia 8 denarius - L Scribonius Libo Denarius. 62 BC. BON EVENT LIBO, head of Bonus Eventus right, with broad diadem / PVTEAL SCRIBON Well-head ornamented with two lyres, tongs and festoons. Syd 928; Cr416/1a.
Calpurnia 23 denarius - M Piso Frugi Denarius. 61 BC. Terminal bust of Mercury or Terminus right, wreath & star behind, two handled cup before / M PISO M F FRVGI above sacrificial knife & patera, all in wreath. Cr418/2b, Syd 825.
Aemilia 22 denarius - M. Aemilius Lepidus . 61 BC. Silver Denarius, Laureate & diademed female head (Roma?), r.. R: Equestrian statue of M. Lepidus, r., holding trophy. Cr419/1a.
Aemilia 23 denarius - M Aemilius Lepidus denarius. 58 BC. Female head right, wreath behind, simpulum below chin / Equestrian statue of M Lepidus right, carrying trophy over shoulder, M. LEPIDVS in exergue, AN. XV. PR. H. O. C. S. around. Cr419/1d, Syd 830b.
Plautia 11 denarius - P Plautius Hypsaeus Denarius. 60 BC. P YPSAE SC, head of Neptune right, trident behind / Jupiter in quadriga left; CEPIT right, C YPSAE COS/PRIV in ex. Cr420/1a, Syd 910.
Nonia 1 denarius - M. Nonius Sufenas. 57 BC. Denarius. SVFENAS right, S.C left, head of Saturn right; harpa and conical stone behind / PR. L. V. P. F. around, SEX. NONI in ex, Roma seated left being crowned by Victory. Crawford 421/1; Syd 885.
Aemilia 9 denarius - M. Aemilius Scaurus & Pub. Plautius Hypsaeus. 58 BC. AR Denarius. King Aretas kneeling beside camel right / Jupiter in quadriga left. Cr422/1a; Syd 912.
Aemilia 8 denarius - M Aemilius Scarus & Pub Plautius Hypsaeus Denarius. 58 BC. M SCAVR AED CVR EX S C, Nabatean king Aretas kneeling before camel / P HVPSAEVS AED CVR CAPTV C HVPSAE COS PREIVER, Jupiter in quadriga right; scorpion to left. Cr422/1b, Syd 913.
Servilia 15 denarius - C Servilius Cf Denarius. 52 BC. FLORA PRIMVS, head of Flora right wearing wreath of flowers, lituus behind / Two warriors face to face with shields & swords; C F to right, C SERVEIL in ex. Cr423/1; Syd 890.
Considia 1 denarius - C Considius Nonianus Denarius. C CONSIDI NONIANI, laureate & diademed bust of Venus Erycina right / Temple on summit of mountain, surrounded with rampart, ERVC above gateway in center. Cr424/1.
Marcia 28 denarius - L Marcus Philippus AR denarius. 56 BC. Diademed head of Ancus Marcius right, lituus hehind, ANCVS below / equestrian statue on aquaduct, AQVA MAR between arches, PHILLIVS behind. Marcia 28, Syd 919.
Cornelia 59 denarius - Faustus Cornelius Sulla AR Denarius. 56 BC. Diademed & draped bust of Diana right; crescent above, lituus behind / Sulla seated left; Bocchus, king of Mauretania, kneels before & offers olive-branch; Jugurtha, king of Numidia, kneels behind. Cr426/1.
Cornelia 61 denarius - Faustus Cornelius Sulla AR denarius. c.56 BC. Head of Hercules right, in lion skin, SC TAP behind. / Globe between jeweled wreath and three triumphal wreaths.
Cornelia 63 denarius - Faustus Cornelius Sulla denarius. 56 BC. Laureate and diademed bust of Venus right; sceptre on shoulder / 3 military trophies between capis & lituus; FAVSTVS in ex. Cr426/3, Syd 884.
Memmia 10 denarius - C. Memmius C.f. 56 BC. AR Denarius. C MEMMI C F, head of Ceres right / C MEMMIVS IMPERATOR, captive kneeling before trophy. Cr427/1, Syd 920.
Memmia 9 denarius - C Memmius Cf Denarius. 56 BC. Laureate and bearded head of Romulus right; C MEMMI C F before, QVIRINVS behind / MEMMIVS AED CERIALIA PREIMVS FECIT, Ceres seated right with torch & grain ears, serpent at her feet. Cr427/2; Syd 921.
Cassia 9 denarius - Q. Cassius Longinus, AR denarius, (3.54g) c. 55 BC, Q CASSIVS VEST Veiled head of Vesta right. / Curile chair within circular temple of Vesta between urn and vota tablet inscribed AC. Syd. 917; C428/1.
Cassia 8 denarius - Q. Cassius Longinus. 55 BC. AR Denarius. Q. CASSIVS, head of Libertas right; LIBERT behind / Curule chair in circular temple of Vesta; urn left and voting tablet inscribed AC right. Cr428/2; Syd 918.
Cassia 7 denarius - Q Cassius AR Denarius. Head of Bonus Eventus, sceptre behind / eagle on thunderbolt right between lituus & jug, Q CASSIVS below. Syd 916, Cr428/3.
Fonteia 17 denarius - P Fonteius P f Capito. 55 BC. AR Denarius. P FONTEIVS P F CAPITO III VIR, helmeted and draped bust of Mars right, trophy over shoulder / MN FONT TR MIL , warrior on horseback thrusting his spear at a Gaulish enemy who is about to slay an unarmed third combatant. Cr429/1; Syd 900.
Didia 1 denarius - Titus Didius Denarius. 55 BC. P FONEIVS CAPITO III VIR CONCORDIA, diademed & veiled head of Concord right / T DIDI MP VIL PVB, the Villa Publica. Syd 901, Cr429/2a.
Licinia 18 denarius - P. Licinius Crassus M.f. denarius 55/4 B.C. Laur, dr. & diademed bust of Venus rt., S.C. behind / Female figure stg before horse which she holds by bridle, shield and cuirass at her feet, P. CRASSVS M.F. around. Crawford 430/1.
Junia 31 denarius - Marcus Junius Brutus Denarius. 54 BC. LIBERTAS, Head of Liberty right / Consul L Junius Brutus, between two lictors, preceeded by accensus, all walking left, BRVTVS in ex. Syd 906, Cr433/1, Junia 31.
Junia 30 denarius - Marcus Junius Brutus, as moneyer, AR Denarius. 54 BC. BRVTVS, bare head of L Junius Brutus right / AHALA, bare head of C Servilius Ahala right. Syd 907, Cr433/2.
Sulla Denarius, Pompeia 4, Syd 908 - Q Pompeius Rufus Denarius. 54 BC. SVLLA COS, bare head of Sulla right / RVFVS COS Q POM RVFI, bare head of Quintus Pompeius Rufus right. Syd 908, Cr434/1.
Sulla Denarius, Pompeia 5, Syd 908. Cr434/1 - Q Pompeius Rufus AR Denarius. 54 BC. Rome mint. Q POMPEI Q F RVFVS above, curule chair flanked by arrow & laurel-branch; COS on raised tablet below / SVLLA COS above, curule chair flanked by lituus & a wreath; Q POMPEI RVF on raised tablet below. Cr434/2, Syd 909.
Valeria 13 denarius - M Valerius Messalla Denarius. 53 BC. Helmeted bust of Roma right, spear over shoulder, MESSAL F before / Curule chair, PATRE COS above, sceptre & diadem below, S C on either side. Cr435/1, Syd 934.
Vinicia 1 denarius, Syd 930, Cr436/1. - L Vinicius Denarius. c54 BC. CONCORDIAE, diademed & draped bust of Concordia right / Victory flying right with palm branch to which are attached four wreaths. Syd 930.
Coelia 7 denarius - C Coelius Caldus Denarius. 51 BC. Head of the consul C Coelius Caldus right, standard inscribed HIS behind, standard with boar's head below chin / Veiled figure seated left behind (or on) a table inscribed L CALDVS VII VIR EPVL, between two trophies, C CALDVS to left, IMP.A.X to right, CARVS III VIR below. Cr437/2a, Syd 894.
Coelia 9 denarius - C Coelius Caldus Denarius. 51 BC. Head of the consul C Coelius Caldus right; standard inscribed HIS behind; standard headed by boar below chin / Figure seated on lectisternium between two standards; I/M/P/A/X to left, C CALDVS right, CALDVS III VIR in ex. Cr437/2b; Syd 895.
Sulpicia 8 denarius - Servius Sulpicius Denarius. 51 BC. SER SULP, laureate head of Apollo right / Naval trophy (aplustre, anchor & mast), clothed figure left, Macedonian captive right. Syd 931, Cr438/1.
Claudia 11 denarius - P Cornelius Lentulus Marcellinus AR Denarius. 50 BC. Bare head of the consul M Claudius Marcellus right; triskeles behind / M. Claudius Marcellus carrying trophy within tetrastyle temple. Cr439/1.
Sicinia 5 denarius - Q. Sicinius. 49 BC. AR Denarius. FORT P.R, diademed head of Fortuna right / Q. SICINIVS below, III. VIR across field, caduceus and palm in saltire, laurel wreath above. Syd 938.
Neria 1 denarius - Cn. Nerius. 49 BC. Denarius. NERI Q VRB, head of Saturn right, harp behind / L LENT-C MARC-COS, legionary eagle between two standards, inscribed H (Hastati) and P (Princeps). Crawford 441/1; Syd 937.
Acilia 8 denarius - Man Acilius Glabrio Denarius. 49 BC. SALVTIS, head of Salus right / MN ACILIVS III VIR VALETV, Salus standing left holding serpent. Syd 922, Cr442/1a.
Sicinia 1 denarius - Q. Sicinius and C. Coponius. 49 BC. Denarius. Mint in the east moving with Pompey. Q. SICINIVS III. VIR, diademed head of Apollo right; star below / C. COPONIVS. PR. S. C., club of Hercules, arrow & bow. Crawford 444/1a; Syd 939.
Cornelia 64 denarius - L Cornelius Lentulus & C Claudius Marcellus. 49 BC. AR Denarius. Facing head of Medusa in center of triskeles, ear of corn between each leg / Jupiter standing right with thunderbolt & eagle. Cr445/1a; Syd 1029a.
Cornelia 65 denarius - L. Cornelius Lentulus, C. Claudius Marcellus Denarius, Apollonia, 49 B.C. Apollo's hd. r.; L.LENT. C. MARC. COS. around / Jupiter stg r., eagle in l. hand over garlanded altar, thunderbolt in r.; star and Q in left field. Crawford 445/2.
Cornelia 66 denarius - LUCIUS CORNELIUS LENTULUS CRUS, Consul of Pompey, AR Denarius. c49-48 BC. Bare head of Jupiter right / L.LENTVLVS MAR COS around Diana/Artemis of Ephesus holding filet. Syd 1031.
Hostilia 5 denarius - Hostilius Saserna Denarius. 48 BC. Head of Pietas right / HOSTILIVS SASERNA, Victory advancing right with winged cauduceus, palm branches and trophy. Syd 951, Cr448/1a.
Hostilia 2 denarius - L Hostilius Saserna Denarius. 48 BC. Head of Vercingetorix right, gaulish shield behind / Two warriors in biga, one driving and the other brandishing spear; L HOSTILIVS above, SASERN below. Crawford 448/2a; Syd 952.
Hostilia 4 denarius - L. Hostilius Saserna denarius c. 48 BC. Head of Gallia right, hair long and dishevelled, Gaulish trempet behind. / L HOSTILIVS SASERNA Diana of Ephesus facing with stag and spear. Syd. 953; Cr448/3.
Vibia 18 denarius - C Vibius Cf Cn Pansa Caetronianus Denarius. 48 BC. Mask of Pan right, PANSA below / IOVIS AXVR before, C VIBIVS C F C N behind, Jupiter Axurus seated left. Cr449/1a; Syd 947.
Vibia 16 denarius - C.Vibius Pansa Caetronianius, AR Denarius. 48 BC. Head of Bacchus right, wearing ivy wreath. / Ceres walking right, carrying torches, plow before, C VIBIVS C F C N behind. Syd 946. Cr449/2.
Vibia 17 denarius - C. Vibius C. f. C. n. Pansa Caetronianus. 48 BC. AR Denarius. Head of Bacchus right, wearing ivy-wreath / Ceres in biga drawn by two serpents. Cr 449/3b; Syd 945.
Vibia 20 denarius - C Vibius C f C Pansa Caetronianus Denarius. 48 BC. LIBERTATIS, laureate head of Libertas right / C PANSA C F C N, Roma seated right on pile of Gaulish shields, being crowned by Victory flying to left. Syd 949, Cr449/4.
Postumia 11 denarius - D Junius Brutus Albinus Denarius. 48 BC. Head of young Mars right, wearing a crested helmet / BRVTI F ALBINVS, two gallic trumpets in saltire, oval shield above, round shield below. Cr450/1a; Syd 941.
Postumia 10 denarius - Decimus Junius Brutus Denarius. Head of Pietas right, PIETAS behind / two joined hands holding a caduceus, ALBINVS BRVTI F below. Cr450/2, Syd 942.
Postumia 13 denarius - Decimus Junius Brutus, adapted by A Postumius Albinus, AR Denarius. 48 BC. A.POSTVMIVS.COS, bare head of the Consul Aulus Postumius Albinus / ALBINVS BRVTI F. in wreath. Syd 943, Cr450/3a.
Plautia 14 denarius - L. Plautius Plancus denarius c. 47 BC. Mask of Medusa, facing, hair dishevelled, L PLAVTIVS below. / Aurora flying right with 4 horses of the Sun, PLANCVS below. Cr453/1c; BMC 4009.
Licinia 24 denarius - A. Licinius Nerva denarius c. 47 BC. NERVA, Laureate head of Fides right. / A LICINI Horseman galloping right, dragging captive by the hair.
Antia 1 denarius - C. Antius C.f. Restio. 47 BC. Denarius. RESTIO, bare head of the tribune Antius Restio right / C. ANTIVS. C. F., Hercules standing facing holding club.
Antia 2 denarius - C Antius Cf Restio AR Denarius. Circa 47 BC. Jugate heads of the Dei Penates right / Hercules walking right, cloak over arm. Cr455/2a.
Cordia 1 denarius - Mn. Cordius Rufus. 46 BC. AR Denarius. Jugate heads of the Dioscuri right; stars above / Venus Verticordia holding scales and sceptre; on her shoulder, Cupid. Cr463/1b; Syd 976c.
Cordia 4 denarius - Mn Cordius Rufus Denarius. 46 BC. Corinthian helmet with crest on which an owl stands / Aegis of Minerva with head of Medusa in the center. Cr463/2, Syd 978.
Cordia 3 denarius - Cordius Rufus Denarius. 46 BC. RVFVS S C, diademed head of Venus right / M N CORDIVS, Cupid riding on dolphin right. Syd 977, Cr463/3.
Carisia 10 denarius - T Carisius Denarius. 45 BC. Head of Aphrodisian Sibyl right / Sphinx sitting right, T CARISIVS before, III VIR in ex. Sydenham 983.
Carisia 1a denarius - T Carisius Denarius. 46 BC. Head of Juno Moneta right, MONETA behind, lock of hair on neck / Cap of Vulcan over anvil, tongs & hammer, all within laurel wreath. Syd 982, Cr464/2.
Carisia 4 denarius - T Carisius Denarius. 46 BC. Bust of Roma right in ornately crested helmet, ROMA behind / cornucopiae on globe between sceptre and rudder, T CARISI below, all in laurel wreath. Syd 984, Cr464/3a.
Considia 2 denarius - C Considius Paetus Denarius. 46 BC. Laureate head of Apollo right, A behind / Curule chair, garlanded, on which lies wreath, C CONSIDI above, PAETI in ex. Syd 991, Cr465/2a.
Papia 2 denarius - L. Papius. 45 B.C. AR Denarius. Head of Juno Sospita right / Wolf right, placing stick on fire; on r., eagle fanning flames; in exergue, L. PAPIVS; above, CELSVS III VIR. Syd 964, Cr472/1.
Papia 3 denarius - L. Papius Celsus. 45 BC. AR Denarius. Laureate head of Triumphus right, trophy behind / She-wolf right lighting fire, eagle standing left fanning the flames. Cr472/2, Syd 965.
Lollia 2 denarius - Lollius Palicanus. 45 BC. Denarius. LIBERTATIS, diademed head of Libertas right / PALIKANVS above, view of the Rostra in the Forum, surmounted by a sella. Crawford 473/1; Syd 960.
Valeria 16 denarius - L. Valerius Acisculus. 45 BC. AR Denarius. Diademed head of Apollo Soranus right, axe behind, star above; in laurel wreath / Valeria Luperca riding a heifer right, holding veil above. Syd 998a; Cr474/1b.
Valeria 18 denarius - L Valerius Asisculus AR Denarius. Circa 45 BC. Head of Apollo right, in laurel-wreath / Owl with helmeted head (of Minerva) & two spears right. Cr474/2b.
Valeria 14 denarius - L Valerius Acisculus Denarius. 45 BC. ACISCVLVS and pick axe behind bust of Apollo Soranus right, star above, all in laurel wreath / L VALERIVS, head of Valeria Luperca or Aphrodisian Sibyl right. Syd 1000, Cr474/3a.
Valeria 20 denarius - L. Valerius Acisculus. 45 BC. AR Denarius. ACISCVLVS, radiate head of Apollo right; pickaxe behind / Diana in galloping biga right; L. VALERIVS in ex. Cr474/5; Syd 1002; BMCRR 4110.
Aemilia 12 denarius - L Aemilius Buca AR Denarius. January 44 BC. Diademed head of Venus Victrix right / Allegedly “Sulla’s Dream” - Reclining male figure left; before him, Luna seated left on rock, extending lighted torch in right hand; behind him, Victory standing almost to front, holding cursor’s long palmae staff in raised right hand. Cr480/1, Syd 1064.
Mettia 1 quinarius - M. Mettius. Circa 44 BC. AR Quinarius. Juno Sospita in goat skin right; coiled serpant erect behind / Victory in biga right; M. METTI in exergue. Crawford 480/28; Syd 1048.
Flaminia 2 denarius - L Flaminius Chilo Denarius. 43 BC. Diademed head of Venus right, IIII VIR behind, PRI FL before / Victory in biga right holding wreath and reins, L FLAMIN below, CHILO in ex. Syd 1088, Cr485/2.
Accoleia 1 denarius - P Accoleius Lariscolus denarius. Head of Acca Larentia / 3 statues of the Nymphae Querquentulanae supporting beam with five trees on it. 37 BC. Syd 1148.
Petillia 1 denarius - Petillius Capitolinus AR Denarius. 43 BC. CAPITOLINVS, head of Jupiter right / hexastyle temple of Capitoline Jupiter, PETILLIVS below. Syd 1149, Cr487/1.
Livineia 10 denarius - L. Livineius Regulus. 42 BC. Denarius. REGVLVS PRM, bare head of the praetor L. Livineius Regulus right / LIVINNVS/REGVLVS, curule chair between six fasces. Crawford 494/27; Syd 1109.
Livineia 13 denarius - L. Livineius Regulus. 42 BC. AR Denarius. Head of L. Livineius Regulus right / Modius between two grain ears, REGVLVS below. Cr494/29, Sydenham 1111.
Livineia 12 denarius - L Livineius Regulus Denarius. 42 BC. Small bare head of the praetor L Livineius Regulus right / L REGVLVS in exergue, combatants with wild animals: one combatant attacks a lion with a spear; another, with shield and sword, defends himself against a tiger; a wounded boar sits on the left, facing right. Cr494/30, Syd 1112.
Livineia 8 denarius - L Livineius Regulus Denarius of c.42 BC. L REGVLVS PR, head of the praetor, L. Livinieius Regulus rt. / REGVLVS F. above curule chair between two fasces, PRAEF VR in ex. Syd 1113.
Claudia 17 denarius - P Clodius Mf Turrinus Denarius. 42 BC. Radiate head of Sol right; quiver behind / Crescent moon and five stars. Cr494/21, Syd 1115.
Claudia 15 denarius - P Clodius Denarius. 42 BC. Laureate head of Apollo right, lyre behind / Diana standing facing, with bow and quiver over shoulder, holding lighted torch in each hand; P CLODIVS right, M F on left. Syd 1117, Cr494/23.
Mussidia 7 denarius - L Mussidius Longus. 42 BC. AR Denarius. Facing bust of Sol, radiate and draped / Platform inscribed CLOACIN on which are 2 statues of Venus Cloacina. Cr494/43a, Syd 1094.
Vibia 24 denarius - C Vibius Verus AR Denarius. 42 BC. Head of Bacchus right / VARVS, panther springing left, toward garlanded altar upon which thyrsos and mask, C VIBIVS in ex.
Arria 2 denarius - Marcus Arrius Secundus. 41 BC. AR Denarius. Bare head of Quintus Arrius right / Spear between wreath & rectangular phalera. Cr513/2, Syd 1084.
Sulpicia 10 denarius - L Servius Rufus Denarius. 41 BC. L SERVIVS RVFVS, head of Servius Sulpicius Rufus or Junius Brutus right / the Dioscuri standing facing, each holding a spear, & with swords strapped to waist. Cr515/2, Syd 1082.
Vecchi 36 Aes Grave As - Æ Aes Grave As. Ca 241-235 AD. Beardless head of Janus; all on raised disk / Head of Mercury left in winged petasos, sickle behind; all on raised disk. Cr25/4.
Vecchi 2 Aes Grave Semis - Circa 280-276 BC. Æ Aes Grave Semis (167.36 gm). Helmeted head of Mars left; S below / Head of Venus left; S below. Crawford 14/2.
Vecchi 9 Aes Grave Semis - Anonymous Æ Aes Grave Semis. Ca 270 BC. Pegasus flying right, S below; all on raised disk / Pegasus flying left, S below; all on raised disk. Cr18/2.
Vecchi 37 Aes Grave Semis - Anonymous, Aes Grave, Cast Bronze AE Semis. 241-235 BC. Helmeted head of Minerva or Roma left, S horizontally below / Female head left, sickle behind, S horizontally below. Cr25/5.
Vecchi 32 Aes Grave Semis - Anonymous. Circa 269-240 BC. Æ Aes Grave Semis. Rome mint. Bull rearing left; S below / Wheel of six spokes; S within spokes. Cr24/4, Syd 60.
Vecchi 26 Aes Grave Quadrans - Æ Aes Grave Quadrans. 230-226 BC. Right hand with open palm; ... left, club right / Left hand with open palm; club left, ... right. Cr27/8.
Vecchi 52 Aes Grave Semis - Æ Aes Grave Semis of the Republic. 225-217BC. Laureate head of Saturn left, S horizontally below; all on raised disk / Prow of galley right, S above; all on raised disk. Crawford 35/2.
Vecchi 71 Aes Grave Semis - Anonymous. Circa 217-213 BC. Æ Aes Grave Semis. Laureate head of Saturn left; S behind / Prow of galley left; S above. Cr41/6a.
Vecchi 53 Aes Grave Triens - Rome. Circa 225-217 BC. Æ Aes Grave Triens. Helmeted head of Mars left on raised disk / Prow of galley right on raised disk. Crawford 35/3a; Haeberlin pl. 17, 6-19.
Vecchi 54 Aes Grave Quadrans - Circa 225-217 BC. Æ Aes Grave Quadrans. Head of Hercules left in lionskin, ooo behind; all on raised disk / Prow of galley right, ooo below; all on raised disk. Crawford 35/4.
Syd 3 AE Litra - Anonymous. Circa 270-269 BC. Æ Litra or Quartuncia. Helmeted head of Minerva left; ROMANO before / Horse's head right; ROMANO behind. Crawford 17/1b; Syd 3; BMCRR (Romano-Campanian) 6.
Anonymous AE28 (uncertain denomination), Syd 30, Cr23/1 - Anonymous. Circa 264 BC. Æ 27mm. Messana mint. Helmeted head of Minerva left / Eagle standing left on thunderbolt, head right; short sword left. Cr23/1.
Syd 105 Triens - Anonymous. 215-212 BC. Æ Triens. Head of Minerva right, in Corinthian helmet; oooo above / Prow of galley right; ROMA above, oooo below. Cr41/7b, BMCRR 44.
Syd 94 Quadrans - Anonymous Corn-Ear Æ quadrans. c. 211-210 BC, Sicilian Mint, Head of Hercules right, wearing boar skin, 3 pellets behind / Bull charging right, corn-ear and ooo above, snake and ROMA below.
Syd 95 Sextans - Anonymous Æ Sextans of the Republic. Wolf and twins / eagle standing right, flower in beak, oo behind, ROMA below. Syd 95, Crawford 39/3.
Syd 85 Sextans - Anonymous Æ Sextans of Semi-libral standard. ca 217-215 BC. Head of Mercury right wearing winged petasos; oo above / Prow of galley right; ROMA above, oo below. Cr 38/5; Syd 85; BMCRR 59.
Syd 96 Uncia - Anonymous. 217-215 BC. Æ Uncia. Facing draped bust of Sol; pellet on left / ROMA below, crescent; two stars & pellet above. Cr39/4; Syd 96; BMCRR 125.
Syd 110 Quartuncia of Triental standard, Crawford 38/8, BMC 169 - Roman Republic Æ 15mm Quartuncia of Triental standard. 217-215 BC. Head of Roma right in crested Attic helmet / ROMA above prow of galley right. Cr38/8.
Anonymous As, Syd 202, Cr76/2 - Anonymous. 209-208 BC. Æ As. Sicilian mint. Laureate head of Janus; I above / Prow of galley right; branch above, I before, ROMA below. Cr76/2; Syd 202.
Anonymous As, Syd 218, Cr58/3 - Cornucopia, Æ as, (40.12g) c. 207 BC, Head of Janus, I above. / Prow right, cornucopia above, I before, ROMA below. Cr58/3; Syd. 218; BMC 334.
Anonymous As, Syd 221, Cr57/3 - Crescent, AE as, Rome, c. 207 BC. Laureate head of Janus, I above. / Prow right, I and crescent above, ROMA below. C57/3.
Anonymous As, Syd 215 Cr80/2 - Anonymous Issue of Roman Republic. 209-208 BC. Bronze As, 35mm (42.01 gm). Laureate head of Janus / Prow of ship; large I above and dolphin to r. of prow.
Anonymous As, Syd 190, Cr84/4 - Anonymous Æ As. Southeast Italian mint, after 211 BC. Laureate head of Janus; I above / Prow of galley right; Roma monogram at right; I above, ROMA below. Crawford 84/4.
Anonymous As, Syd 292, Cr117B/1 - ird & Rudder, Æ as, (36.36g) 206-195 BC, Laureate head of Janus right, I above. / Prow right, bird and rudder above, I before, ROMA in exergue. C117B/1.
Anonymous As, Cr16/2 - Anonymous Æ As of Reduced Sextantal standard. Rome mint, 206-195 BC. Laureate head of bearded Janus; I (mark of value) above / prow of galley right; I (mark of value) to right; above, bull butting left. Syd -.
Anonymous As, Syd 251, Cr122/3 - Anonymous Dog-Series AE As. ca 206-195 BC. Laureate head of Janus, I before / prow of galley right, dog above, I before, ROMA below. Cr122/3.
Anonymous As, Syd 260, Cr124/3 - META, c. 206-194 BC, AE as, (37.09g) Head of Janus, I above. / Prow right, cone above, I to right, ROMA in exergue. C124/3.
Anonymous As, Syd 245, Cr114/2 - Rostrum Tridens, Æ as, (32.22g) 206-195 BC, Rome Mint, Laureate head of Janus right, I above. / Prow right, Rostrum Tridens right and I above, ROMA in exergue. C114/2.
MD monogram As, Syd 299, Cr142/1 - Bull and MD, Æ as, (44.22g) 189-180 BC, Laureate head of Janus, I above. / Prow right; bull standing right and MD above, I before, ROMA below. Cr142/1, BMC549.
Mateina 4 As, Syd 321a, Cr162/3 - Matienus, Æ as, (21.57g) c. 179-170 BC, Laureate head of Janus right, I above. / Prow right, MA above, I before, [R]OMA below. Cr162/3.
Anonymous As, Syd 298, Cr195/1 - Æ as of the Republic. 169-158 BC, Laureate head of Janus, I above / Prow right, Ass above, I before, ROMA below. Cr195/1.
Anonymous Butterfly As, Syd 296, Cr184/1a - Butterfly, Æ as, (34.97g) 169-158 BC, Laureate head of Janus, I above. / Prow right, butterfly on vine branch with leaf and grapes above, I before, ROMA below. Cr184/1a, BMC504.
Anonymous As, Syd 264, Cr196/1 - Star above prow, Æ as, 169-158 BC, (19.03g) Head of Janus, [I] above. / Prow right, star above, I before, ROMA below. Cr196/1.
Caecilia 8 As, Syd 355, Cr174/1 - A CAE Æ As. ca 169-158 BC. Laureate head of Janus right, I above / prow right, A CAE above, I before, ROMA below. Cr174/1, Syd 355.
Anonymous As, Syd 354, Cr179/1 - BAL, Æ as. 169-158 BC. Laureate head of Janus right, I above. / Prow right, BAL above, I before, ROMA in exergue. C179/1.
Cornelia 11 As, Syd 368, Cr178/1 - CIANA, Æ as, (29.77g) 169-158 BC, Head of Janus. / Prow right, [C]IANA above, I before, ROMA in exergue. VF, dark green patina. C178/1.
Licinia 1 As, Syd 373, Cr186/1 - Murena, Æ As. 169-158 BC, Laureate head of Janus, I above / Prow right, MVRENA above, I before, ROMA below. Syd 373, Cr186/1, BMC 808.
Opeimia 7 As, Syd 363, Cr190/1 - OPEI, AE as, (22.49g) c. 169-158 BC, Laureate head of Janus right, I above. / Prow right, OPEI above, I before, ROMA below. C190/1, Syd.363.
Cornelia 6 As, Syd 370, Cr189/1 - P. Cornelius P. F. Blasio, Æ As. 169-158 BC, Head of Janus, I above. / P. BLAS Prow right, I before, ROMA above. Syd. 370; BMC 788; Cr189/1.
Valeria 1 As, Syd 356, Cr191/1 - Valerius Æ as. 169-158 BC, Laureate head of Janus, I above. / Prow right, VAL monogram above, I before, ROMA below. Syd 356, Cr191/1, BMC 545.
Anonymous As, Crawford 197/1b - Anonymous, Æ as, (24.86g) c. 157-6 BC, Laureate head of Janus, I above. / Prow right, nothing above, I before, ROMA below. C197-8B/1b.
Pinaria 3 As, Syd 383, Cr200/2 - NAT, Æ as, (22.97g) c. 155 BC, Rome Mint, Laureate head of Janus right, I above. / Prow right, NAT above, I before, ROMA in exergue. Cr200/2.
Anonymous As, Syd 378 - SAR, Æ as, (22.97g) c. 155 BC, Rome Mint, Laureate head of Janus right, I above. / Prow right, SAR above, I before, ROMA in exergue.
Anonymous As, Cr213/1 - AE as of the Republic. 155-149 BC. Anonymous. Laureate head of Janus, I above / prow of galley right, mast and sail above, ROMA below. Crawford 213/1, BMC 529.
C Scribonius As, Scribonia 2, Syd 381, Cr201/2 - C. Scribonius AE as, c. 154 BC. Head of Janus / Prow right, L C SCR above, I to right, ROMA below. Cr201/2, Syd 381.
C Maianius, Maiania 2, Syd 428, Cr203/2, MAINI As. - C MAIANI Æ as. 153 BC, Rome Mint, Laureate head of Janus right, I above. / Prow right, C MAIANI above, ROMA in ex. Cr203/2.
L Saufeius, Saufeia 2, Syd 385, Cr204/2, L SAVF As - L SAVF, Æ As. c. 152 BC. Head of Janus, I above / Prow right, L SAVF and crescent above, I to right, ROMA below. C204/2.
P Cornelius Sulla, Cornelia 2, Syd 387, Cr205/2, SAFRA As - P. Sula Æ as. 151 BC, Head of Janus, I above. / Prow right, P SVL[A] above, ROMA below. Cr205/2.
S. Afranius, Afrania 2, Syd 389, Cr206/2, SAFRA As - Spurius Africanus, Æ as. 150 BC. Head of Janus, I above / Prow right, S AFRA above, dolphin before, ROMA below. Cr206/2.
C Junius C.f., Junia 2, Syd 393, Cr210/2, C IVNI As - C IVNI Æ As. 149 BC, Rome Mint, Laureate head of Janus right, I above. / Prow right, C.IVNI above, I before, ROMA in exergue. Cr210/2.
Q. Marcius Libo, Marcia 2, Syd 396, Cr215/2a, Q MARC As - Q Marcius Libo AE As. 148 BC. Laureate head of Janus, I above / Prow of galley right; Q MARC above, LIBO before, ROMA below. Crawford 215/2a; Sydenham 396; BMCRR 702.
L Sempronius Pitio AE As, Sempronia 3, Syd 403, Cr216/2 - L. Sempr Pitio, Æ as, (24.54g) 148 BC, Head of Janus, PI TIO above, either side of large I. / Prow right, L SEMP above, I before, ROMA below. Cr216/2a.
Atilia 10 As, Syd 399, Cr214/2 - M. Atilius Saranus, Æ as, 148 BC, Head of Janus, I above. / Prow right, M ATILI above, [I] before, ROMA below. C214/2a; Syd. 399; BMC 692.
Terentia 11 As, Syd 426, Cr217/2 - C. Terentius Æ As, 147 BC, Head of Janus, I above. / C TER LVC and Victory above prow right, I before, ROMA in exergue. Cr217/2; Syd. 426; BMC 782.
Antestia 4 As, Syd 407, Cr219/2 - C ANTESTI, Æ as. 146 BC, Rome Mint, Laureate head of Janus right, I above / Prow right, C ANTESTI above, I before, ROMA in ex. C219/2.
Memmia 3 As, Syd 575, Cr313/2 - L Memmi Gal Æ As. 106 BC. Laureate head of Janus / Prow right; [L•ME]MMI above, cupid, placing wreath on prow, before. Cr313/2.
Vibia 10, Syd 690 As, Cr342/7 - C Vibius Pansa Æ As. ca 90 BC. Head of Janus / triple prow right, ROMA above, C VIBI PAN below, caps before. Cr342/7e, Syc 690.
Tituria 7 AE As, Syd 701c, Cr344/4b - L Titurius Lf Sabinus Æ As. 89 BC. Laureate head of Janus / prow right, L TITVRI L F above, SABINVS below, I before. Tituria 7, Cr344/4b, Syd 701c.
Marcia 21 As, Syd 715, Cr346/4 - C Censorinus Æ As. 88 BC. Jugate heads of Numa Pompilius & Ancus Marcius right / Two ships crossing; C CENSO & ROMA above. Cr346/4a.
Gargilia 9 As, Syd 722b, Cr350A/3c - Vergilius, Gargilius & Ogulnius Æ As. 86 BC. Laureate head of Janus / Prow of galley left; OGVL GAR VER. Cr350A/3c; Syd 722b.
Cassia 5 As, Syd 731, Cr355/1a - C Cassius, L Salinat, Æ as, c. 84 BC. Laureate head of Janus / Prow right, L SALIN C CASSI above, DSS on prow. Cr355/1, Syd 731.
Anonymous AE Dextans, Syd 308, Cr99/2a - "P" Æ Dextans. Luceria mint, 209-208 BC. Head of Ceres right; P behind / Victory in Quadriga right, holding goad above horses, ROMA below, Soooo in ex. Cr99/2a.
Anonymous Semis, Syd 157a, Cr63/3 - Anonymous C-Series AE Semis. Sardinia, ca 211 BC. Laureate head of Saturn right, S behind / prow of galley right, S above, C before, ROMA below. Cr63/3.
Anonymous Semis, Syd 190a, Cr84/5 - Anonymous. 211-210 BC. Æ Semis (21.18 gm). Laureate head of Saturn right; S behind / Prow of galley right; S above, ROMA monogram before, ROMA below. Cr84/5; BMCRR (Italy) 193.
Anonymous Semis, Syd 210a, Cr112/4 - [Staff]. Anonymous. 208 BC. Æ Semis. Laureate head of Saturn right / Prow right; S & staff above. Cr106/5.
Maria 2 Semis. 189-180 BC. Rome. Laureate head of Saturn right, S behind / Prow right, (Q. M)ARI above, I to right, ROMA below. C148/2; Syd 367a, Sear 817.
Sempronia 3 Semis, Syd 403a, Cr216/3 - L. Sempr Pitio, Æ as, (24.54g) 148 BC, Head of Janus, PI TIO above, either side of large I. / Prow right, L SEMP above, I before, ROMA below. Cr216/2a.
Caecilia 22 Semis, Syd 510, Cr256/2 - Q Caecilius Metellus AE Semis. Head of Saturn right, S behind / Prow right, S before, ligatured name above, ROMA below.
Anonymous Triens, Syd 143b, Cr56/4 - Roman Republic Anonymous AE Triens. ca 215-211 BC. Head of Minerva right in crested Corinthian helmet / ROMA above prow of galley right, four dots below. Cr56/4.
Marcia 5 Triens, Syd 396d, Cr215/4 - Q. Marc Libo, AE triens, (7.05g) 148 BC. Helmeted head of Minerva right / Prow right, Q MARC above, ROMA below. Cr215/4.
Marcia 9 Triens, Syd 501, Cr245/2 - C Marius Cf Capito AR Denarius Serratus. 81 BC. Draped bust of Ceres right; CXI / Ploughman with yoke of oxen left; CXI. Cr378/1c.
Anonymous Quadrans, Syd 264d, Cr113/5 - Anonymous Æ Quadrans. 169-158 BC. Head of Hercules right, three dots behind / Prow right, star before, ROMA above, three dots below. Cr196/4, BMC 466.
Anonymous Quadrans, Syd 264d, Cr196/4 - Anonymous Æ Quadrans. 169-158 BC. Head of Hercules right, three dots behind / Prow right, star before, ROMA above, three dots below. Cr196/4, BMC 466.
Marcia 5 Quadrans, Syd 396e, Cr215/5 - Q. Marc Libo, AE triens, (7.05g) 148 BC. Helmeted head of Minerva right / Prow right, Q MARC above, ROMA below. Cr215/4.
Maenia 9 Quadrans, Syd 493a, Cr149/3 - P Maenius M f Antias (or Antiaticus) AE Quadrans. 132 BC. Head of Hercules right in lionskin headdress, ooo behind / P MAE ANT•MF above prow of galley, ROMA in ex. Cr249/3, Syd 493a.
Fabrinia 3 Quadrans, Syd 453b, Cr251/3 - M. Fabrinius. 132 BC. AE Quadrans. Head of Hercules right wearing lion's skin, club below; ooo behind / Prow of galley right; M. FABRI/NI above, ooo before, ROMA below. Cr251/3; Syd 453b.
Caecilia 26 Quadrans, Syd 510b, Cr256/4 - Q.Caecilius Metellus AE Quadrans. 130 B.C. Head of Hercules right / prow of ship right, Q METE above, ooo before, ROMA below. Syd 510b, Cr256/4.
Licinia 10 Quadrans, Syd 549b, Cr292/4a - P. Nerva Æ Quadrans. 113-112 BC. Head of Hercules right in lion's skin; ••• behind, P. NERVA before / Prow of galley right; horse standing right above, ••• before, ROMA below. Cr292/4a; Syd549b.
Memmia 5 Quadrans, Syd 575b, Cr313/4 - L Memmius Galeria Æ Quadrans. 106 BC. Head of Hercules right in lion's skin; ooo to left, club below / Prow of galley right, prow stem decorated with head of Venus; to right, cupid placing wreath on prow stem. Cr313/4, Syd 575b.
KA monogram Sextans, Syd 310d, Cr69/6 - Anonymous, Grain Ear & KA, AE Sextans. Katana mint (?), 210-206 BC. Head of Mercury right, oo above. / Prow right, grain ear above, KA monogram to right. BMC280, Syd 310d, Cr69/6a-b.
Anonymous Dog Sextans, Syd 251d, Cr122/7 - [Dog]. Anonymous. 206-195 BC. Æ Sextans. Head of Mercury right in winged petasos; •• above / Prow of galley right; dog above, •• before, ROMA below. Cr122/7.
Pompey the Great denarius, Pompeia 8, RSC 4, Calpurnia 30, Syd 1032, Cr446/1 - Pompey the Great Denarius. CN PISO behind the bearded head of Numa Pompilius right wearing a diadem inscribed NVMA / MAGN PRO COS above and below galley. Pompeia 8, RSC 4, Calpurnia 30, Syd 1032, Cr446/1.
Pompey the Great denarius, Pompeia 7, RSC 3, Terentia 15, Syd 1033, Cr449/1e - Cnaeus Pompey Magnus (Pompey the Great) and Varro AR Denarius. 49 BC. VARRO PRO Q, terminal bust of Jupiter, wearing a diadem, right / Dolphin, sceptre & eagle; MAGN PRO/COS in ex. Cr447/1a, Syd 1033, RSC 3, Pompeia 7.
Scipio denarius, RSC Caecilia 49, Syd 1048, Cr460/3 - Q Metellius Pius Scipio Denarius. 46 BC. METEL PIVS SCIP IMP, head of Jupiter right, eagle's head and sceptre below / CRASS IVN LEG PRO P R, curile chair between corn ear a& carnyx, cornucopiae supporting scales. Cr460/2, Syd 1048.
Scipio denarius, RSC Caecilia 51, Syd 1050, Cr460/4 - Q Caecilius Metellus Pius Scipio Denarius. Struck in Utica, 47-46 BC. G(enius) T(utelaris) A(fricae) above, Q METEL PIVS right, SCIPIO IMP left, the Genius of Africa (Sekhmet the lion-headed Egyptian goddess) standing facing, holding ankh in right hand / P CRASSVS IVN right, LEG PRO P R left, Victory standing left, holding winged caduceus in right hand, small round shield in left. Crawford 460/4, Syd 1050.
Scipio denarius, RSC Caecilia 50, Syd 1051, Cr461/1 - Q Caecilius Metellus Pius Scipio, Imperator, AR Denarius. Military mint in Africa, legate Eppius, 47-46 BC. Q METELL SCIPIO IMP, laureate head of Africa right in elephant skin headdress, grain ear before, plow below / EPPIVS LEG F C, Hercules standing facing, naked, hand on hip, leaning on club set on a rock. Cr461/1, Syd 1051.
Cato Utensis denarius, RSC Porcia 9, Syd 1052, Cr462/1c - M Cato. 47-46 BC. AR Denarius. M CATO PRO. PR, draped female bust right / Victory seated right holding patera, VICTRIX in exergue. Cr462/1c, Syd 1052.
Cato Utensis denarius, RSC Porcia 11, Syd 1054, Cr462/2 - M. Cato AR Quinarius. 47-46 BC, mint at Utica. M • CATO • PRO • PR, wreathed head of Liber right / VICTRIX, Victory seated right, holding patera. Cr462/2, Syd 1054, Porcia 11.
Cnaeus Pompey Jr. denarius, Pompeia 9, RSC (Pompey the Great) 1, Syd 1035, Cr469/1a - Pompey the Great 46-45 B.C. AR Denarius. Head of Roma r., in Corinthian helmet; before, M POBLICI LEG PRO, behind, P R / CN MAGNVS IMP, female figure standing right with shield & spears, handing palm to soldier on prow. Syd 1035. Cr469/1a.
Cnaeus Pompey Jr. denarius. Pompeia 11, RSC 6-8, Syd 1036c, Cr470/1a - Cn. Pompey Junior, son of Pompey the Great. Circa 46-45 BC. AR Denarius (3.59 gm). Helmeted head of Roma right; dotted border / Hispania standing right, holding shield and two spears, presenting palm to Cn. Pompey who is standing left on prow. RSC 1a (Pompey the Great), Cr469/1e.
Gnaeus Pompey Jr. As, Pompeia 15, Syd 1040, Cr471/1 - Cnaeus Pompey Junior AE As. Spanish or Sicilian mint, 46-45 BC. Laureate head of Janus, I above / prow of galley right, CN MAG (MA in monogram) above, IMP below, I before. RPC 486, Syd 471/1.
Sextus Pompey aureus, Pompeia 14, Cohen 1, Syd 1346, Cr511/1 - Sextus Pompey AV Aureus. Uncertain Sicilian mint, struck 42 BC. MAG. PIVS. IMP. ITER, bare head right, all within oak wreath / PRAEF CLAS.ET.ORAE.MARIT.EX.S.C, confronted bare heads of Pompey the Great & Gnaeus Pompey, lituus & tripod to left & right. Cr511/1, Syd 1346, Calico 71.
Sextus Pompey denarius, Pompeia 28, RSC 20 [pompey the great], Syd 1350, Cr483/2 - Sextus Pompey Denarius. 44-43 BC. NEPTVNI, head of Pompey the Great right / Galley with sail and rowers; Q NASIDIVS. Pompeia 28, Crawford 483/2; Sydenham 1350.
Sextus Pompey denarius, RSC 1b, Cr511/2a - Sextus Pompey Denarius. 42 BC. MAG PIVS IMP ITER, diademed head of Neptune right, trident behind / PRAE F CLAS ET ORAE MAR IT EX SC, naval trophy set on an anchor, heads of the sea monsters Scylla and Charybdis below.
Sextus Pompey denarius, Pompeia 27, RSC 17 [pompey the great], Syd 1344, Cr511/3a - Sextus Pompey Denarius. Sicily, 40 BC. MAG PIVS IMP ITER, bare head of Pompey the Great right between lituus and capis / Neptune left, foot on prow, between brothers Anapias and Amphinomus, parents on their shoulders, PR’F above, in ex CLAS ET OR’ / MARIT EX SC. Pompeia 27, Cr511/3a, Syd 1344.
Sextus Pompey denarius, Pompeia 22, RSC 2, Syd 1348, Cr511/4a - Sextus Pompey Denarius. 38-37 BC. MAG PIVS IMP ITER, galley adorned with aquila, sceptre & trident before Pharos of Messana decorated with a statue of Neptune / PRÆF CLAS ET ORÆ MARIT EX SC, the monster Scylla, her torso of dogs and fishes, wielding a rudder as a club. Pompeia 22, Cr511/4a, Syd 1348.
Sextus Pompey As, Syd 1044a, Cr479/1, Pompeia 20v, Cohen 16 - Sextus Pompey Æ As. Sicilian Mint, 43-36 BC. MAGN above laureate janiform head with features of Pompey the Great / PIVS above, IMP below, prow of galley right. RPC 671, Pompeia 20, Cr479/1, Syd 1044a.
Julius Caesar Cohen 2 aureus - Julius Caesar AV Aureus. 46BC, issue of Aulus Hirtius. C CAESAR COS TER, veiled head of Vesta right / A HIRTIVS PR, lituus, jug and axe. Crawford 466/1, Syd 1017.
Julius Caesar Cohen 31 aureus - Julius Caesar Aureus. 45 BC. C CAES DIC TER, winged & draped bust of Victory right / L PLANC PRAEF VRB, sacrificial jug, handle to right. Cr475/1a, Syd 1019.
Julius Caesar RSC 49 denarius - Julius Caesar. 49-48 BC. AR Denarius. CAESAR in exergue, elephant right, trampling on serpent / Simpulum, sprinkler, axe and priest's hat. Cr443/1; Syd 1006; BMCRR (Gaul) 27.
Julius Caesar RSC 18 denarius - Julius Caesar Denarius. Traveling military mint, 48-47 BC. Laureate head of Pietas right, _LII behind (= 52, Julius' age in 48 BC) / CAE-SAR, trophy of Gallic arms, axe surmounted by an animal's head on right. Crawford 452/2; Sear 11; Sydenham 1009.
Julius Caesar RSC 1 denarius - A Allienus AR Denarius. C CAESAR IMP COS ITER, draped and diademed bust of Venus right / A ALLIENVS PRO COS, Tinacrus standing left, foot on prow, holding triskeles. Cr457/1.
Julius Caesar RSC 12 denarius - Julius Caesar Denarius. 47-46 BC, mint in Africa. Diademed head of Venus right / CAESAR, Aeneas walking left, carrying Anchises and the Palladium. Cr458/1, Syd 1013.
Julius Caesar RSC 4 denarius - Julius Caesar denarius. Struck 46 BC, Africa. COS.TERT.DICT.ITER. Head of Ceres right / AVGVR above, PONT.MAX. below. Simpulum, sprinkler, capis and lituus; M in right field. Syd 1024; Crawford 467/1b.
Julius Caesar RSC 13 denarius - Julius Caesar Denarius. 46-45 BC, Spanish mint. Diademed head of Venus right, Cupid on her shoulder / CAESAR below Gallia & Gaulish captive seated beneath trophy of Gallic arms. Syd 1014, Crawford 468/1.
Julius Caesar RSC 14 denarius - Julius Caesar AR Denarius of Spanish Mint. Diademed head of Venus left; Cupid and lituus before, sceptre behind / Gaulish captive and Gallia seated beneath trophy; CAESAR in ex. Cr468/2, Syd 1015.
Julius Caesar RSC 34 denarius - Julius Caesar Denarius. CAESAR IMP, laureate head right, lituus & simpulum behind / M METTIVS, Venus standing left with Victory & sceptre, shield resting on globe; control letter to left. Cr480/3; Syd 1056.
Julius Caesar RSC 22 denarius - Julius Caesar denarius. January to February 44 BC, CAESAR IMP M Laureate head right, crescent moon behind / L AEMILIVS BVCA, Venus standing left. Cr480/4.
Julius Caesar RSC 25 denarius - Julius Caesar. 44 BC. AR Denarius. L. Aemilius Buca, moneyer. Laureate head of Caesar right / Caduceus and fasces in saltire; axe, globe and joined hands in angles. Syd 1062.
Julius Caesar RSC 41 denarius - Julius Caesar Denarius. P. Sepullius Macer, moneyer. CAESAR IMP, laureate head of Caesar right, star of eight rays behind / P SEPVLLIVS MACER, Venus standing left, holding Victory in right hand, sceptre set on star in left. Syd 1071, Cr480/5b.
Julius Caesar RSC 38 denarius - Julius Caesar. February-March 44 BC. AR Denarius. P. Sepullius Macer, moneyer. CAESAR DICT•PERPETVO, laureate head of Caesar right / P SEPVLLIVS MACER, Venus standing left, holding Victory in right hand, sceptre set on shield in left. Syd 1073, Cr480/10.
Julius Caesar RSC 39 denarius - Julius Caesar. February-March 44 BC. AR Denarius. P. Sepullius Macer, moneyer. CAESAR DICT•PERPETVO, laureate & veiled head of Caesar right / P SEPVLLIVS MACER, Venus standing left, holding Victory in right hand, sceptre set on shield in left. Syd 1074, Cr480/13.
Julius Caesar RSC 9 denarius - Julius Caesar denarius. CAESAR DICT PERPETUO, Julius veiled and laureate head right / C MARIDIANVS, Venus standing left with Victory and resting arm on shield on globe. Syd 1067.
Julius Caesar Cohen 7 Dupondius, Syd 1025, Cr476/1a - Julius Caesar Æ Dupondius or As. CAESAR DIC TER, draped bust of Victory right / PRAEF C CLOVI, Minerva standing left with trophy & shield decorated with Medusa, snake at feet. Cr476/1a, Syd 1025.
Julius Caesar RSC 35 denarius - Julius Caesar Denarius. 44 BC. CAESAR IMPER, laureate head right / M METTIVS, Venus standing left holding Victory & sceptre, resting arm on shield set on globe, control letter in left field. Syd 1055, Cr480/17.
Julius Caesar RSC 44 denarius - Julius Caesar AR Denarius. CLEMENTIA CAESARIS, tetrastyle temple / Horseman galloping right; wreath behind, P SEPVLLIVS above, MACER below. Cr480/21, Syd 1076.
Julius Caesar RSC 8 denarius - Julius Caesar denarius. April 44 BC, PARENS PATRAIE . . . Veiled head right. / C COS SVTIVS AARDIANVS across fields, A A A FF around. Cr480/19.
Julius Caesar RSC 26 denarius - Julius Caesar. 43 BC. AR Denarius. L. Flaminius Chilo, moneyer. Laureate head right / L• FLAMINIVS IIII • VIR, Pax standing left, holding caduceus & sceptre. Cr 485/1, Syd 1089.
Julius Caesar RSC 27 denarius - Julius Caesar Denarius. Laureate head of Caesar right, branch behind, caduceus before / L LIVINEIVS above, REGVLVS below, bull leaping right. Cr492/24, Syd 1106.
Julius Caesar RSC 29 denarius - Julius Caesar denarius. Julius' laureate head right / L MVSSIDIVS LONGVS, rudder, cornucopia on globe, caduceus and priest's hat. Syd 1096.
Julius Caesar RSC 47 denarius - Julius Caesar. 40 BC. AR Denarius. S-C across field, laureate head of Caesar right / TI SEMPRONIVS GRACCVS Q DESIG, legionary standard, Roman eagle, plow & sceptre. Cr525/4a; Syd 1129.
Julius Caesar RSC 45 denarius - Divus Julius Caesar Denarius. 40 BC. Q Voconius Vitulus, quaestor. Laureate head right / Q•VOCONIVS above, S-C to sides, VITVLVS•Q / DESIG below, bull-calf advancing left. Crawford 526/4, Sydenham 1133.
Brutus Aureus, Cohen 14, Syd 1297, Cr507/1b - Marcus Junius Brutus AV Aureus. Traveling mint in Macedonia or Western Asia Minor, struck summer/autumn 42 BC, moneyer P Servilius Casca Longus. BRVTVS IMP, bare head right, all within laurel wreath / CASCA-LONGVS, combined military & naval trophies, with prows & shields, at base; a small L to left of trophy. Cr507/1b, BMCRR 62s, Syd 1297.
Brutus denarius, RSC 6, Babylon Junia 41, Syd 1310, Cr500/7 - Brutus AR denarius. Smyrna (?), early 42 BC, BRVTVS Ax, simpulum and knife. / LENTVLVS SPINT Jug and lituus. Cr500/7, Syd 1310, Junia 41.
Brutus denarius, RSC 5, Syd 1287, Cr501/1 - Marcus Junius Brutus denarius. LEIBERTAS, bare head of Libertas right / CAEPIO BRVTVS PRO COS, Lyre between a quiver and a laurel branch. Junia 34, Cr501/1, Syd 1287.
Brutus denarius, RSC 11, Syd 1290, Cr502/2 - Brutus Denarius. L SESTI PRO Q, veiled, draped bust of Libertas right / Q CAEPIO BRVTVS PRO COS, tripod between sacrificial ax and simpulum, all within beaded border. Junia 37, Syd 1290, Cr502/2.
Brutus denarius, RSC 7, Syd 1294, Cr504/1 - Marcus Junius Brutus Denarius. Military mint moving with Brutus in Lycia, 43-42 BC. C FLAV HEMIC LEG PRO PR, draped bust of Apollo right, lyre before / Q CAEP BRVT IMP, Victory standing left, crowning trophy & holding palm. Junia 49, Cr504/1, Syd 1294.
Brutus denarius, RSC 4, Pedania 4, Syd 1296, Cr506/2 - Brutus AR Denarius. 43-42 BC, Military mint traveling with Brutus and Cassius in Western Asia Minor or Northern Greece. COSTA LEG, laureate head of Apollo right / IMP BRVTVS, trophy of arms. Junia 42, Syd 1296, Cr506/2.
Brutus denarius, RSC 3, Syd 1298, Cr507/2 - Brutus denarius by CASCA LONGVS. Laureate head of Neptune right, trident below / BRVTVS IMP, Victory walking right on broken sceptre and holding broken diadem. Junia 44, Cr507/2, Syd 1298.
Brutus EID MAR denarius, RSC 15, Syd 1301, Cr502/4 - Brutus Ides of March Denarius. 43-42 BC. BRVT IMP L PLAET CEST, head of Brutus right / EID MAR, liberty cap and two daggers. Cr508/3, Junia 52, Syd 1301.
Brutus quinarius, RSC 5a, Syd 1288, Cr506/3 - Brutus AR Quinarius. 43-42 BC. LEIBERTAS, head of Libertas right / Crossed anchor and ship's prow. Junia 33, Cr505/3, Syd 1288.
Cassius Aureus, Cohen 8, Syd 1311, Cr505/1 - Cassius AV Aureus. Struck by M. Servilius, legate, at a military mint at Sardis, 42 BC. Laureate head of Liberty right / aplustre with branches terminating in flowers. Cr505/1, Syd 1311.
Cassius denarius, RSC 4a, Syd 1307, BMC 78, Cr500/3 - C Cassius Longinus & Lentulus Spinther. 42 BC. AR Denarius. Military mint in Smyrna. C CASSI IMP LEIBERTAS, diademed & draped bust of Libertas right / LENTVLVS SPINT, jug & lituus. Cr500/3; Syd 1307.
Cassius denarius, RSC 10, Syd 1313, Cr505/3 - C Cassius Denarius. Military mint, probably at Sardis, legate M. Servilius, ca. summer 42 BC. Laureate head of Libertas right, C. CASSEI. IMP behind / M. SERVILIVS LEG, crab holding aplustre in claws, rose beneath untied diadem. Crawford 505/3, Sydenham 1313, RSC Cassia 10.
Ahenobarbus denarius, RSC Domitia 21, Syd 1177, Cr519/2 - Cn Domitius Lf Ahenobarbus. 41 BC. AR Denarius. AHENOBAR, bare head of L Ahenobarbus right / CN DOMITIVS IMP, trophy on prow right. Cr519/2, Syd 1177; BMCRR (East) 94.
Marc Antony & Julius Caesar RSC 2 denarius, Syd 1165, Cr488/1. - Mark Antony & Julius Caesar Denarius. 43 BC. Bare head of Marc Antony right, M ANTON IMP before, lituus behind / laureate head of Julius Caesar right, CAESAR DIC before, jug behind. RSC 2, Syd 1165, Cr488/1.
Marc Antony & Julius Caesar RSC 3 denarius - Julius Caesar and Mark Antony AR Denarius. M. ANTON. IMP. R. P. C., bare head of Antony right, lituus behind / CAESAR DIC, laureate head of Caesar right, jug behind. Antonia 5, Cr488/2, Syd 1166, RSC 3.
Marc Antony RSC 4 denarius - Marc Antony AR Denarius. 42 BC. C Vibius Varus, moneyer. Antony's bare head right, bearded / C VIBIVS VARVS, Fortuna standing left, holding Victory and cornucopiae. Vibia 29, Cr494/32, Syd 1144.
Marc Antony RSC 12 denarius - Marc Antony AR Denarius. 42 BC, Greek Mint. M ANTONI IMP, bare head right / III VIR R P C, facing head of Sol in a temple of two columns. Syd 1168, Cr496/1.
Marc Antony RSC 22 denarius - Mark Antony Denarius. 39 BC, Military mint traveling with Antony & Plancus in central Greece. M. ANTON IMP AVG III VIR R P C, lituus & vase / L PLANCVS IMP ITER, thunderbolt, vase & caduceus. Cr522/4, Syd 1191.
Marc Antony RSC 66 denarius - Mark Antony Denarius. Corcyra mint(?). Bare head right, lituus behind / M ANT IMP III VIR RPC (NT and MP in monogram), caduceus between two cornuacopiae, all resting on globe. Cr520/1, Syd 256, BMC 115.
Marc Antony RSC 13a denarius - Mark Antony Denarius. Athens mint, 38-37 BC. M ANTONIVS M F M N AVGVR IM TER, Antony standing right, dressed as priest, veiled, wearing toga & holding a lituus / III VIR R P C COS DESIG ITER ET TERT, radiate head of Sol right. Cr533/2; Syd 1199.
Marc Antony RSC 17a denarius - Mark Antony. 37 BC. AR Denarius. Bare head of Antony right / Trophy holding sword and shield, two oblong shields at the base. Crawford 536/4; Sydenham 1202.
Marc Antony RSC 19 denarius - Marc Antony AR Denarius. ANTONIVS AVGVR COS DES ITER ET TERT, bare head right / IMP TERTIO III VIR R P C, Armenian tiara superimposed on bow and arrow. Syd 1205, Cr539/1.
Marc Antony RSC 71 denarius - Marc Antony. 33 B.C. AR Denarius. ANTON AVG IMP III COS DES III III V R P C, Head of Marcus Antonius right / M SILANVS AVG Q PRO COS. Syd 1208. Cr 542/1.
Marc Antony RSC 2 denarius - Mark Antony. 32 BC. AR Denarius. Athens mint. ANTON AVG IMP III COS DES III III V R P C, bare head of Antony right / ANTONIVS/AVG IMP III, in 2 lines. Cr542/2; Syd 1209.
Marc Antony RSC 32 denarius - Marc Antony AR Denarius. 32-1 BC. Praetorian galley travelling right / LEG V, legionary Eagle between two standards. Cr544/18, Syd 1221.
Marc Antony RSC 40 denarius - Mark Antony Legionary Denarius. 32-31 BC. ANT AVG III VIR R P C, Praetorian Galley / LEG XII ANTIQVAE above eagle between standards. Cr544/9, Syd 1231.
Marc Antony RSC 50 denarius - Marc Antony 32-31 B.C. AR Denarius. AR Legionary Denarius. Legion XVII Classicae. 3.376 grams. Praetorian ship r., with sceptre tied with fillet on prow; above, ANT AVG; below, III. VIR. R.P.C. / Aquila (eagle) between two standards; around, LEG XVII CLASSICAE.
Marc Antony RSC 53 denarius - Mark Antony AR Legionary Denarius. Patrae (?) mint, struck Autumn 32 BC-Spring 31 BC. Praetorian galley right / LEG XVIII LYBICAE, legionary eagle between two standards. Cr544/11, Syd 1240.
Marc Antony RSC 6 denarius - Mark Antony. 32-31 BC. AR Denarius. ANT AVG III VIR R P C, Praetorian galley to the right / CHORTIS SPECVLATORVM, three legionary standards. Cr544/12; Syd 1214.
Marc Antony RSC 11 denarius - Mark Antony. 31 BC. AR Denarius. Mint moving with Mark Antony. M•ANTONIVS•AVG•IMP•IIII•COS•TERT•III•VIR•R•P•C., bare head of Antony right / Victory standing left, holding a wreath tied with a fillet in right hand, palm in left hand; small monogram D TVR in lower right field; all within laurel wreath.
Marc Antony RSC 1 denarius - Mark Antony Denarius. 31 BC. Head of Jupiter Ammon right, M ANTONIO COS III IMP IIII. / Victory walking right with wreath & palm branch, ANTONIO AVG before her, SCARPVS IMP behind. Cr546/2a, Syd 1280.
Marc Antony RSC 82 quinarius - Marc Antony AR Quinarius. 82 BC. M ANT IMP above lituus, jug & raven / Victory standing right, crowning trophy with a wreath. Syd 1160, Cr489/4.
Marc Antony and Octavia AE Dupondius, Cohen 12, RPC 1464, Syd 1267 - Mark Antony & Octavia, Æ dupondius. Fleet Coinage, heavy series. M ANT IMP TER COS DESIG ITER ET TER III VIR R P C, Bare head of Antony and bust of Octavia facing / M OPPIVS CAPITO PRO PR PRAEF CLASS F C, two ships under sail right, cap at either side, B below.
Marc Antony and Octavia AE As, RPC 1465, Syd 1268 - Marc Antony & Octavia, light series fleet coinage, AE As. M Oppius Capito, praefect. Conjoined heads of M. Antony & Octavia right. M ANT IMP TERT COS DESIG ITER ET TERT III VIR RPC / Galley sailing right. M OPPIVS CAPITO PRO PR PRAEF CLASS FC.
Marc Antony and Octavia AE Dupondius, RPC 1469, Syd 1267 - Achaea, Fleet Coinage of Mark Antony. Struck by M. Oppius Capito. Circa 38-37 BC. Æ 22mm. Head of Antony right facing bust of Octavia left / Galley sailing right.
Marc Antony and Octavia AE As, RPC 1470, Syd 1268 - Achaea. Mark Antony. 36/35 BC. Æ 16mm. Magistrate M. Oppius Capito. Jugate heads of Antony and Octavia / Galley under sail right; A below.
Marc Antony and Lepidus Denarius, RSC 2, Syd 1156, Cr489/2 - Mark Antony & Lepidus Denarius. Transalpine Gaul, 43 BC. M ANTON IMP, lituus, capis & raven / M LEPID IMP, simpulum, sprinkler, axe & apex. Cr489/2, Syd 1156.
Marc Antony and Lepidus Quinarius, RSC 3, Syd 1158a, Cr489/3 - Lepidus & Marc Antony AR Quinarius. Military mint with Antony & Lepidus in Transalpine Gaul, 44-42 BC. M ANT IMP, lituus, capis & raven / M LEP IMP, simpulum, aspergillum, axe (surmounted by wolf's head) & apex. Cr489/3, Syd 1158a.
Marc Antony and Octavian Aureus. Cohen 7, Syd 1180, Cr517/1a - Mark Antony & Octavian AV Aureus. 41 BC. Mint moving with Mark Antony. M. Barbatius Pollio, moneyer. M ANT IMP AVG III VIR R P C M BARBAT Q P, bare head of Antony right / CAESAR IMP PONT III VIR R P C, bare head of Octavian right. Cr517/1a, Syd 1180.
Marc Antony and Octavian Denarius, RSC 8, Syd 1181, Cr517/2 - Octavian & Antony Triumvirate Denarius. Ephesus mint, Spring - Summer 41 BC. CAESAR IMP PONT III VIR R P C, bare head of Octavian right / M ANT IMP AVG III VIR R P C M BARBAT Q P, bare head of Antony right. Cr517/2, Syd 1181.
Marc Antony and Octavian Denarius, RSC 02, Syd 1194, Cr528/3 - Mark Antony & Octavian Denarius. M ANTON IMP III VIR R P C AVG, bare head of Antony right / CAESAR IMP PONT III VIR R P C, bare head of Octavian right.
Marc and Lucius Antony Denarius, RSC 2, Syd 1185, Cr517/5a - Marc & Lucius Antony AR Denarius. Ephesus mint, 41 BC. M ANT IMP AVG III VIR R P C M NERVA PROQ P, Head of Marc Antony right / L ANTONIVS COS, head of Lucius Antony right. Cr517/5a, BMC 107, Syd 1185, Foss 52a.
Marc Antony and Octavia Cistophorus, Cohen 2, Syd 1197, RPC 2201 - MARK ANTONY & OCTAVIA AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm. Ephesus mint. Laureate bust of Antony right, lituus below, in wreath of ivy & flowers / Draped bust of Octavia right above cista, flanked by twisting snakes. RPC I 2201, Syd 1197.
Marc Antony and Octavia Cistophorus, Cohen 3, Syd 1198, RPC 2202 - Marc Antony & Octavia, 39 BC. AR Cistophorus. M ANTONINVS IMP COS DESIG ITER ET TERT, Conjoined busts of Antony and Octavia / III VIR RPC, Bacchus standing on cista mystica. Syd 1198.
Marc Antony and Cleopatra Denarius, RSC 1, Syd 1210, Cr543/1 - Mark Antony & Cleopatra. 34 BC. AR Denarius. Alexandria mint. CLEOPATRAE • REGINAE • REGVM • FILIORVM • REGVM, draped & diademed bust of Cleopatra right; prow before / ANTONI • ARMENIA • DEVICTA, bare head of Antony right; Armenian tiara behind. Cr543/1; Syd 1210.
Fulvia Quinarius, RSC 4, Syd 1160, Cr489/5 - Fulvia & Marc Antony AR quinarius. 43-42 BC. No legend, Bust of Victory right / DVNI A XL LVGV, Lion standing right. Syd 1160, Cr489/5.
Fulvia Quinarius, RSC 3, Syd 1163, Cr489/6 - Fulvia, 43 BC. AR Quinarius. Lugdunum Mint. III VIR R P C, bust of Victory right with the likeness of Fulvia / Lion right between A and XLI; ANTONI above, IMP in ex. Cr489/6; Sy 1163.
Lepidus and Octavian Denarius, RSC 2, Syd 1323, Cr495/2c - Lepidus & Octavian Denarius. Italy, 42 BC. LEPIDVS•PONT•MAX•III•V•R•P•C•, bare head of Lepidus right / CAESAR•IM•III•VIR•R•P•C•, bare head of Octavian right. Crawford 495/2d, Syd 1323.
Domitius Calvinus Denarius, Syd 1358, Cr532/1 - Cn Domitius Calvinus Denarius. 39 BC, Osca mint. OSCA, bearded male head right / DOM COS ITER IMP, simpulum, sprinkler, axe & priest's hat. Cr532/1.
Octavian and Julius Caesar Aureus, Cohen 2, Syd 1321, Cr490/2 - Octavian & Julius Caesar AV Aureus. Minted 43 BC in Gaul. C CAESAR COS PONT AVG, bare head of Octavian right / C CAESAR D[ICT P]ERP PONT MAX, laureate head of Caesar right. Cr490/2, Syd 1321.
Octavian AR Cistophus, RIC 476. RPC 2203, RSC 218 - Octavian AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm of Ephesus. 28-20 BC. IMP • CAESAR DIVI • F • COS VI • LIBERTATIS• P • R VINDEX •, laureate head right / PAX, Pax standing left holding caduceus, serpent arising from cista mystica to right, all within laurel wreath. RPC 2203, RSC 218.
Octavian denarius, RSC 55, Syd 1322, Cr497/2a - Octavian. 42 BC. AR Denarius. Mint moving with Octavian. Bare head of Octavian right / Legend inscribed on curule chair upon which rests a wreath. Cr497/2a; Syd 1322.
Octavian denarius, RSC 248, Syd 1320, Cr497/3 - Octavian Denarius. Gaul, 42 BC. CAESAR III VIR R P C, helmeted drap ed bust of Mars right, spear over shoulder / SC, Aquila, surmounted by trophy and flanked by two standards. Syd 1320, Cr497/3.
Octavian denarius, RSC 443, Syd 1107, Cr494/25 - Octavian. 42 BC. AR Denarius. L. Livineius Regulus, moneyer. C • CAESAR III • VIR • R • P • C, bare head right / L • LIVINEIVS REGVLVS, Victory walking right with wreath & palm. Cr494/25, Syd 1107.
Octavian denarius, RSC 227, Syd 1317, Cr518/2 - Octavian Denarius. 41 BC. C CAESAR III VIR R P C. bare head of Octavian right / POPVL IVSSV, equestrian statue of Octavian left. Syd 1317, Cr518/2.
Octavian denarius, RSC 514, Syd 1326b, Cr523/1a - Octavian AR Denarius. 40 BC. Q Salvius, moneyer. C CAESAR III VIR R P C, bare head of Octavian right / Q SALVIVS IMP COS DESIG, thunderbolt. Cr523/1a, Syd 1326b.
Octavian and Divus Julius Caesar denarius, RSC 5, Syd 1330, Cr534/2 - Octavian and Julius Caesar denarius. M. Vipsanius Agrippa. 38 B.C. Wreathed head of Caesar and head of Octavian facing each other; on l., DIVOS IVLIVS; on r., DIVI F / M AGRIPPA \ COS DESIG. RSC 5, Syd 1330, Cr534/2.
Octavian denarius, RSC 545, Syd 1331, Cr534/3 - Octavian Denarius. 38 BC. IMP CAESAR DIVI IVLI F, bare head right / AGRIPA COS DESIG in border of dots.
Octavian denarius, RSC 91, Syd 1334, Cr538/1 - Octavian Denarius. 36 BC. IMP CAESAR DIVI F III VIR ITER R P C, bare head right / COS ITER ET TER DESIG, priestly implements: simpulum, sprinkler, jug & lituus. Cr538/1, Syd 1334.
Octavian denarius, RSC 90, Syd 1333, Cr540/2 - Octavian denarius. c36 BC. IMP CAESAR DIVI F AIII VIR ITER R P C Bare head right. / COS ITER ET TER DESIG Julius Caesar standing in temple of four columns, frontal inscribed DIVO IVL, altar at left. RSC90; Syd 1338; Cr540/2.
Octavian denarius, RIC 251, RSC 70, BMC 609 - Octavian Denarius. 32-29 BC. Diademed head of Venus or Pax right / CAESAR - DIVI F, Octavian, in military dress, rushing left, bearing spear in left hand and raising right. RSC 70.
Octavian denarius, RIC 253, RSC 72 - Octavian Denarius. Uncertain Italian mint, 32-29 BC. Diademed bust of Venus right, cornucopia behind & branch before / CAESAR - DIVI F, Octavian in military dress advancing right with spear over shoulder. RSC 72.
Octavian denarius, RIC 257, RSC 61 - Octavian Denarius. Brundisium mint (?), 32-29 BC. Bare head right / CAESAR DIVI F, Mercury seated on rock playing lyre. RSC 61, BMC 597.
Octavian denarius, RIC 252, RSC 69 - Octavian Denarius. Uncertain Italian mint, 32-29 BC. Bare head of Octavian right / CAESAR - DIVI F, Pax standing left holding olive branch and cornucopiae. RSC 69.
Octavian denarius, RIC 254b, RSC 64 - Octavian AR Denarius. Uncertain Italian mint, 32-29 BC. Bare head left / CAESAR - DIVI F, Victory standing left on globe, holding wreath & palm. RSC 64.
Octavian denarius, RIC 256, RSC 60 - Octavian denarius. 30-27 BC, No legend. Bust of Victoria, personifying victory, right. / CAESAR DIVI F Octavian as Neptune standing left, his foot on a globe.RSC 60.
Octavian denarius, RIC 534, RSC 500, Syd 1282, Cr546/6 - Octavian Denarius. Cyrenaica, provincial governor L Pinarius Scarpus, ca 31–29 BC. IMP. CAESARI above, SCARPVS. IMP below, open right hand reaching left / DIVI. F on right, AVG. PONT on left, Victory standing right on globe, holding wreath. Cr546/6, Syd 1282, RSC 500.
Octavian denarius, RIC 265a, RSC 119 - Octavian Denarius. 29-27 BC. Bare head right / IMP - CAESAR, trophy composed of helmet, cuirass, shield, and crossed spears set on prow of galley right. RSC 119.
Octavian denarius, RIC 266, RSC 122, BMC 631 - Octavian Denarius. Uncertain Italian mint, 29-27 BC. Bare head right / IMP CAESAR on architrave of temple with colonnaded base; Victory on globe at apex of pediment, and warriors at the angles. RSC 122.
Octavian denarius, RIC 267, RSC 123 - Octavian denarius. Bare head right / Octavian in quadriga facing on triumphal arch for Victory at Actium inscribed IMP CAESAR. RSC 123.
Octavian denarius, RIC 272, RSC 124 - Octavian, AR denarius, c28 BC. Laureate head of Apollo of Actium right, with features of Octavian. / IMP CAESAR, Octavian plowing right. RSC 117.
Octavian denarius, RIC 269a, RSC 114 - Octavian Denarius. Uncertain Italian mint, 29-27 BC. Bare head right / IMP - CAESAR, Octavian as herm facing on winged thunderbolt. RSC 114.
Octavian denarius, RIC 274, RSC 44 - Octavian Denarius. 29-27 BC. IMP below helmeted head of Mars right / CAESAR around rim of circular shield on top of sword and spear in saltire. RSC 44.
Octavian denarius, RIC 545, RSC 4 - Octavian Denarius. Uncertain Eastern Mint (Ephesus? Paphos?), 28-27 BC. CAESAR DIVI F COS VI, bare head right / AEGYPTO CAPTA, crocodile right. RSC 4.
Octavian quinarius, RIC 276, RSC 14 - Octavian AR Quinarius. Uncertain Italian mint, 29-27 BC. CAESAR IMP VII, bare head right / ASIA RECEPTA, Victory standing left on cista mystica between two serpents erect. BMCRE 647, RSC 14.
Octavian and Julius Caesar AE Sestertius. RPC 620, Syd 1335, Cr535/1, Cohen 3 - Octavian & Divus Julius Caesar Æ Dupondius. Italian mint, 38 BC. DIVI F CAESAR, bare head of Octavian right / DIVOS IVLIVS, wreathed head of Julius Caesar right. Cr535/1, Syd 1335, RPC 620.
Octavian sestertius, Cohen 95, RPC 621, Syd 1336, Cr535/2 - Octavian Æ Sestertius. Southern Italian mint, 38 BC. DIVI • F, bare & slightly bearded head right, star in field / DIVOS IVLIVS, two lines within wreath. Cr535/2, Syd 1336, RPC 621.
Marc Antony & Octavian quinarius, RSC 67, Cr529/4b - Mark Antony AR Quinarius. 40-39 BC. IIIVIR R P C, diademed and veiled head of Concordia right / M ANTON C CAESAR, clasped hands holding caduceus. Crawford 529/4b, Syd 1195.
Augustus Aureus, RIC 538, Cohen 26 - Augustus AV Aureus. Uncertain (Eastern?) mint. CAESAR behind bare head right / AVGVSTVS above heifer, head lowered, advancing left. Cohen 26.
Augustus Aureus, RIC 206, Cohen 42 - Augustus AV Aureus. CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE. laureate head right / AVGVSTI F COS DESIG PRINC IVVENT, C L CAESARES below, Gaius & Lucius standing front, each with a hand resting on a round shield, a spear, & in field above, a simpulum right & lituus left ("b9"). BMC 515, Cohen 42.
Augustus AR Cistophorus, RIC 481, RSC 32b, RPC 2214 - Augustus AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm or Triple Denarius. Ephesus mint, ca 24-20 BC. IMP CAE-SAR, bare head right / AVGV-STVS, six grain ears tied together. RSC 32b, BMC 264, RPC 2214.
Augustus AR Cistophorus, RIC 482, RSC 33, RPC 2215 - Augustus AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm. Ephesus mint, ca 24-20 BC. IMP CAESAR below bare head right / AVGVSTVS above garlanded altar decorated with two confronting hinds. RSC 33, RPC 2215.
Augustus AR Cistophorus, RIC 506, RSC 86, RPC 2219 - Augustus AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm. Struck 20-18 BC, Mysia, Pergamum mint. IMP IX TR PO V, Bare head right / COM ASIAE, temple of six columns, ROM ET AVGVST on the frontal. RSC 86, RPC 2219.
Augustus AR Cistophorus, RIC 507, RSC 202, RPC 2220 - Augustus AR cistophorus. Asia Minor Mint, c. 19 BC, IM IX TR PO V Bare head right. / MART VLTO[R] Temple of Mars Ultor containing legionary standard returned by the Parthians. RIC507; C202; BMC704.
Augustus AR Cistophorus, RIC 510, RSC 298, RPC 2218 - Augustus AR cistophorus. Asia Minor Mint, c. 19 BC, IMP IX TR PO V Bare head right. / Triumphal arch, architrave inscribed IM IX TR POT V enclosing S P R SIGNIS RECEPTIS. RIC510; C298; BMC703.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 516, RSC 11, BMC 672 - Augustus Denarius. Pergamon, 19-18 BC. Bare head of Augustus right, AVGVSTVS below / ARMENIA CAPTA, Armenian tiara, with a quiver of arrows & a bow in its case. RSC 11.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 126, RSC 21, BMC 346 - Augustus Denarius. Spanish mint, 18-16 BC. Bare head right / Capricorn flying right with cornucopiae & rudder on globe, AVGVSTVS below. RIC 126.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 311, RSC 427, BMC 52 - Augustus Denarius. 19 BC. M Durmius, moneyer. M DVRMIVS IIIVIR HONORI, bare head of Honos right / AVGVSTVS above, CAESAR below, Augustus driving slow biga of elephants left, holding palm & sceptre. RSC 427.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 410, RSC 347, BMC 119 - Augustus Denarius. AVGVSTVS CAESAR, bare head right / C ANTISTIVS REGINVS, simpulum & lituus above tripod & patera, III VIR below. RSC 347, BMC 120.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 199, RSC 40, BMC 500 - Augustus denarius. AVGVSTVS DIVI F, laureate head right / C CAES, Caius Caesar galloping right, eagle between vexilla behind; in ex., AVGVST. RSC 40.
Augustus Denarius, RIC 207, RSC 43, BMC 519 - Augustus Denarius. Lyons mint, 2 BC - ca 13 AD. CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE. laureate head right / AVGVSTI F COS DESIG PRINC IVVENT, C L CAESARES below, Gaius & Lucius standing front, each with a hand resting on a round shield, a spear, & in field above, a lituus right & simpulum left ("b9"). BMC 533, RSC 43.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 399, RSC 456, BMC 101 - Augustus denarius. Bare head right / C MARIVS C F TRO IIIVIR, galloping quadriga right bearing a palm branch. RSC 458, BMC 101.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 407, RSC 529, BMC 115 - Augustus Denarius. Struck 13 BC by C Sulpicius Platorinus. CAESAR AVGVSTVS, bare head right / C SVLPICIVS PLATORIN, Augustus and Agrippa seated side-by-side. RSC 529.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 288, RSC 484, BMC 14 - AUGUSTUS AR Denarius. Struck 19 BC. P. Petronius Turpilianus, moneyer. Diademed & draped bust of Feronia right / Parthian kneeling right, presenting standard. RSC 484.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 322, RSC 513, BMC 2 - Augustus Denarius. Q. Rustius, moneyer. Struck 19 BC. Q RVSTIVS FORTVNÆ ANTIAT, conjoined busts of Fortuna Victrix and Fortuna Felix above platform with ram's head corners / CAESARI AV GVSTO, EX SC in exergue, ornate altar.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 134a, RSC 84, BMC 428 - Augustus Denarius. Colonia Patricia mint, 18-16 BC.. SPQR IMP CAESARI AVG COS XI TR POT VI, bare head of Augustus right / CIVIB ET SIGN MILIT A PART RECVPER, triumphal arch with three portals, Augustus in quadriga between two Parthians on top. RSC 84.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 37b, RSC 97, BMC 326 - Augustus Denarius. Spanish mint, ca 17 BC. CAESAR AVGVSTVS, head left in oak wreath / DIVVS – IVLIVS across field, comet with eight rays & tail. RSC 97.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 165a, RSC 133, BMC 445 - Augustus Denarius. Lyons mint, 15-13 BC. AVGVSTVS DIVI F, bare head right / IMP X, two soldiers, each holding parazonium & branch, present branch to Augustus, sitting on platform right.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 167a, RSC 137, BMC 451 - Augustus Denarius. Lugdunum mint, struck 15-13 BC. AVGVSTUS DIVI F, bare head right / IMP X, bull butting right. RSC 137.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 171a, RSC 144, BMC 461 - Augustus Denarius. 15-13 BC. AVGVSTVS DIVI F, bare head right / IMP X either side of Apollo Citharoedus standing left with lyre, ACT in ex. RSC 144, BMC 461.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 472, RSC 182, BMC 666 - Augustus Denarius. North Peloponnesian Mint, ca 21 BC. AVGVSTVS, bare head right / IOVI - OLV, hexastyle Temple of the Olympic Zeus, with round shield in pediment and palmettes on top. RSC 182.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 416, RSC 383, BMC 127 - Augustus Denarius. 12 BC, moneyer L Caninius Gallus. AVGVSTVS, bare head right / L CANINIVS GALLVS IIIVIR, barbarian kneeling right & offering Vexillum in surrender. RSC 383.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 351, RSC 463a, BMC 86 - Augustus AR Denarius. L Mescinius Rufus, moneyer. Laureate head of Augustus right / Mars standing left on pedestal inscribed SPQR/V PR RE/CAES in three lines. RSC 463a.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 356, RSC 465b, BMC 90 - Augustus AR Denarius. ca 16 BC. CAESAR AVGVSTVS TR POT, oak-wreath, facing head withing oak wreath / L MESCINIVS RVFVS, Mars standing left on pedestal inscibed SPQR V P SPR S ET RED AVG. RSC 465.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 362, RSC 543, BMC 82 - Augustus Denarius. Minted in Rome, 16 BC, by moneyer L Vinicius. Equestrian statue of Augustus right on pedestal inscribed SPQR IMP CAES, before city wall with arched entrance / L VICINIVS L F IIIVIR, cippus incribed SPQR | IMP CAE | QVOD V | M S EX | EA P Q IS | AD A DE. RSC 543.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 318, RSC 431, BMC 65 - Augustus Denarius. Struck in Rome, 19 BC, by moneyer M Durmius. CAESAR AVGVSTVS, bare head right / M DVRMIUS IIIVIR, lion attacking stag. RSC 431.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 105a, RSC 190, BMC 373 - Augustus Denarius. Spanish (Colonia Patricia?) mint, 18 BC. CAESARI AVGVSTO, laureate head right / MAR-VLT, legionary eagle between standards in circular, hexstyle temple with domed roof. RIC 105a, RSC 190.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 77a, RSC 208, BMC 378 - Augustus. AR Denarius. Struck 19 BC. Colonia Patricia mint. CAESAR AVGVSTVS, bare head right / OB/CIVES/SERVATOS in three lines within wreath with ties inward. RSC 208.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 79a, RSC 215, BMC 381 - Augustus Denarius. Uncertain Spanish mint, ca 19 BC. CAESAR AVGVSTVS, bare head right / OB CIVES SERVATOS above and below shield inscribed SPQR CL V. RSC 215.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 9a, RSC 397, BMC 289 - Augustus Denarius. IMP CAESAR AVGVST, bare head right / P CARISIVS LEG PRO PR, city walls with name of city EMERITA in center. RSC 397.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 4b, RSC 402, BMC 284 - Augustus Denarius. Emerita mint, ca 25-23 BC. P Carisius, legatus propraetore. IMP CAESAR AVGVST, bare head left / P CARISIVS LEG PRO PR, trophy on heap of arms. RSC 402.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 297, RSC 491, BMC 23 - Augustus Denarius. 19-4 BC. CAESAR AVGVSTVS, bare head right / P PETRON TVRPILIAN IIIVIR, Pegasus walking right. RSC 491.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 220, RSC 223, BMC 545 - Augustus Denarius. CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE, laureate head right / PONTIF MAXIM, Pax seated right with sceptre & branch. RSC 223.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 144, RSC 233, BMC 433 - Augustus Denarius. Colonia Patricia (?) mint, 18-16 BC. SPQR • CAESARI AVGVSTO, bare head right / QVOD VIAE • MVNSVNT •, Augustus, being crowned by Victory, in triumphal quadriga right, set on double arch adorned with prows, set on an arcade. RSC 233.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 82a, RSC 259, BMC 414 - Augustus denarius. Bare head left / SIGNIS RECEPTIS on either side of Mars standing left, head right, with aquila and standard. RSC 259, BMC 414.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 86a, RSC 265, BMC 417 - Augustus Denarius. c19-18 BC. Colonia Patricia mint. Bare head of Augustus right / SIGNIS RECEPTIS, round shield inscribed CL V between aquila and standard. RSC 265.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 108a, RSC 274, BMC 392 - Augustus AR Denarius. Mint of Spain, 18 BC. CAESARI AVGVSTO, laureate head right / Slow quadriga right, its panels ornamented, containing aquila & surmounted by four miniature galloping horses, SPQR in ex.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 115, RSC 280, BMC 389 - Augustus Denarius. Spanish mint, 18 BC. CAESARI AVGVSTO, laureate head left / SPQR below domed tetrastyle temple, standard in a chariot within.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 42b, RSC 293, BMC 335 - Augustus Denarius. Struck 19-18 BC. Caesaraugusta mint. Bare head left / Round shield inscribed SPQR/CL V in two lines. RSC 293.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 222, RSC 300, BMC 512 - Augustus Denarius. Lugdunum mint, 13 AD. CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE, laureate head right / TI CAESAR AVG F TR POT XV, Tiberius standing right in triumphal quadriga, holding eagle tipped sceptre. RSC 301.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 299, RSC 494, BMC 29 - Augustus Denarius. CAESAR AVGVSTVS, bare head right / R TVRPILIANVS III VIR, Tarpeia facing, buried to waist in shields. RSC 494, BMC 29.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 300, RSC 495, BMC 161 - Augustus Denarius. Lyons mint, moneyer P Petronius Turpilianus, ca 19 BC. CAESAR AVGVSTVS, bare head right / TVRPILIANVS III VIR, star above crescent moon. BMC 32, RSC 495.
Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 150a, RSC 325, BMC 438 - Augustus Denarius. Spain, Colonia Patricia mint, 17-16 BC. SPQR CAESARI AVGVSTO, bare head right / VOT P SVSC PRO SAL ET RED I O M SACR, Mars standing left, holding vexillum & parazonium over shoulder. RSC 325.
Augustus AR Quinarius, RIC 1a, RSC 386, BMC 293 - Augustus AR Quinarius. Minted in Emerita, Spain, 25-23 BC, by P Carisia. Bare head right / P CARISI LEG, Victory standing right crowning trophy, dagger & curved sword at base. RSC 386.
Augustus AR Quinarius, RIC 474, RSC 328, BMC 670 - Augustus AR Quinarius. North Peloponnesian (?) mint, ca 21 BC. AVGVSTVS, bare head right / Victory standing left on prow, holding wreath & palm. RSC 328.
Augustus AE Sestertius, RIC 377, Cohen 434, BMC 171 - AE Sestertius coined by C Gallius Lupercus. C GALLIVS LVPERCVS IIIVIR AAAFF around S-C / OB CIVIS SERVATOS, above, in and below wreath.
Augustus AE Sestertius, RIC 387, Cohen 501, BMC 147 - Augustus Æ Sestertius. Minted 15 BC by moneyer C Plotius Rufus. OB CIVIS SERVATOS above, within and below wreath / C PLOTIVS RVFVS IIIVIR AAAFF around large SC. Cohen 501.
Augustus AE Sestertius, RIC 380, Cohen 377, BMC 134 - Augustus AE Sestertius. 15 BC, moneyer Gnaeus Piso Cn F. OB CIVIS SERVATOS in wreath / CN PIOS CN F III VIR A A A F F around large SC. RIC 380, Cohen 377.
Augustus AE Sestertius, RIC 383, Cohen 471, BMC 139 - Augustus AE Sestertius. 15 BC, moneyer L Naevius Surdinus. OB above, CIVES within, SERVATOS below laurel wreath / L NAEVIVS SVRDINVS IIIVIR AAAFF around large SC. Cohen 471.
Augustus AE Sestertius, RIC 341, Cohen 520, BMC 191 - Augustus AE Sestertius. 17 BC. OB above, CIVES within, SERVATOS below laurel wreath / M SANQVINIVS Q F IIIVIR AAAFF around large SC. Cohen 520.
Augustus AE Sestertius, RIC 345, Cohen 441, BMC 195 - Augustus AE Sestertius. 17 BC. OB abover, CIVES within, SERVATOS below laurel wreath / P LICINIVS STOLO IIIVIR AAAFF around large SC. Cohen 441.
Augustus AE Sestertius, RIC 323, Cohen 341, BMC 175 - Augustus AE sestertius. OB CIVIS SERVATOS, oak wreath between two branches. Q AELIUS L F LAMIA III VIR A A A F F around large SC. RIC 323, Cohen 341.
Augustus AE Sestertius, RIC 348, Cohen 524, BMC 198 - Augustus Æ Sestertius. Struck 17 BC by Ti Sempronius Graccus. OB / CIVIS in oak wreath / SERVATOS, all flanked by two laurel branches / TI SEMPRONIVS GRACCVS IIIVIR AAAFF around large SC. Cohen 524.
Augustus AE Sestertius, RIC 231a, Cohen 236, BMC 565 - Augustus Æ Sestertius. Lyons mint, 9-14 AD. CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE, laureate head right / front elevation of the Altar of Lugdunum, decorated with corona civica between laurels, flanked by nude male figures, Victories on columns facing one another, ROM ET AVG below. Cohen 236.
Augustus AE Dupondius, RIC 372, Cohen 368, BMC 158 - Augustus AE Dupondius. AVGVSTVS TRIBVNIC POTEST in three lines within in oak wreath / C ASINIVS GALLVS III VIR A A A F F around large SC. RIC 372, Cohen 368.
Augustus AE Dupondius, RIC 375, Cohen 408, BMC 166 - Augustus AE Dupondius. 16 BC. AVGVSTVS TRIBVNIC POTEST, three lines in wreath of oak leaves / C CASSIVS CELER IIIVIR AAAFF around large SC. Cohen 408.
Augustus AE Dupondius, RIC 388, Cohen 502, BMC 150 - Augustus AE Dupondius. 15 BC. AVGVSTVS TRIBVNIC POTEST, three lines within oak wreath / C PLOTIVS RVFVS IIIVIR AAAFF around large SC.
Augustus AE Dupondius, RIC 381, Cohen 378, BMC 135 - Augustus Æ Dupondius. 15 BC, moneyer Cnaeus Piso Cn F. AVGVSTVS TRIBVNIC POTEST in wreath / CN PISO CN IIIVIR A A A F F around large SC.
Augustus AE Dupondius, RIC 384, Cohen 472, BMC 141 - Augustus AE Dupondius. 15 BC, moneyer L Naevius Surdinus. AVGVSTVS (the final S merging with the wreath) / TRIBVNIC / POTEST in three lines in oak wreath / L SVRDINVS IIIVIR AAAFF around large SC. Cohen 472.
Augustus AE Dupondius, RIC 342, Cohen 521, BMC 193 - Augustus AE Dupondius. AVGVSTVS TRIBVNIC POTEST in wreath / M SANQVINIVS QF III VIR AAA FF around large SC.
Augustus AE Dupondius, RIC 347, Cohen 440, BMC 197 - Augustus AE Dupondius. 17 BC. AVGVSTVS TRIBVNIC POTEST, three lines in wreath / P STOLO IIIVIR AAAF around large S C. Cohen 440.
Augustus AE Dupondius, RIC 429, Cohen 518, BMC 224 - Augustus AE Dupondius. 7 BC, moneyer M Salvius Otho. CAESAR AVGVST PONT MAX TRIBVNIC POT, laureate head left, Victory behind, holding cornucopia / M SALVIVS OTHO IIIVIR AAAFF around large SC. Cohen 518.
Augustus AE Dupondius, RIC 232, Cohen 237, BMC 566 - Augustus Æ Dupondius. Lugdunum mint. Struck circa 9-14 AD. CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE, laureate head right / ROM ET AVG, altar of Lugdunum. Cohen 237.
Augustus AE As, RIC 437, Cohen 437, BMC 235 - Augustus AE As. 6 BC. CAESAR AVGVST PONT MAX TRIBVNIC POT, bare head right / A LICIN NERVA SILIAN IIIVIR AAAFF around large SC.
Augustus AE As, RIC 373, Cohen 369, BMC 161 - Augustus AE As. CAESAR AVGVSTVS TRIBVNIC POTEST, bare head right / C ASINIVS GALLVS IIVIR AAAFF around large SC.
Augustus AE As, RIC 376, Cohen 409, BMC 169 - Augustus Æ Dupondius. Struck 16 BC, C Cassius Celer, moneyer. CAESAR AVGVSTVS TRINVNIC POTEST, three lines in wreath / C CASSIVS CELER IIIVIR AAAFF around large S C. Cohen 409.
Augustus AE As, RIC 379, Cohen 436, BMC 174 - Augustus Æ As. Struck 16 BC, C Gallius Lupercus, moneyer. CAESAR AVGVSTVS TRINVNIC POTEST, bare head right / C GALLIVS LVPERCVS IIIVIR AAAFF around large S C. Cohen 436.
Augustus AE As, RIC 389, Cohen 504, BMC 153 - Augustus AE As. CAESAR AVGVSTVS TRIBVNIC POTEST, bare head right / C PLOTIVS RVFVS IIIVIR AAAFF around large S.C.
Augustus AE As, RIC 382, Cohen -, BMC 137 - Augustus Æ As. 15 BC. CAESAR AVGVSTVS TRIBVNIC POTEST, bare head right / C N PISO CNFNI VIR A A A F F around large SC.
Augustus AE As, RIC 386, Cohen 473, BMC 144 - Augustus Æ As. Struck 15 BC by L Naevius Surdinus. AVGVSTVS TRIBVNIC POTEST, bare head right / L SVRDINVS IIIVIR AAAFF around large SC.
Augustus AE As, RIC 435, Cohen 448, BMC 220 - Augustus AE As. CAESAR AVGVST PONT MAX TRIBVNIC POT, bare head right / M MAECILIVS TVLLVS III VIR AAA F F, around large SC. Cohen 448.
Augustus AE As, RIC 431, Cohen 515, BMC 226 - Augustus Æ As. 7 BC. CAESAR AVGVST PONT MAX TRIBVNEC POT, bare head right / M SALVIVS OTHO III VIR AAA F F around large S C. Cohen 515.
Augustus AE As, RIC 428, Cohen 446, BMC 244 - Augustus AE As. 7 BC, moneyer P Lurius Agrippa. CAESAR AVGVST PONT MAX TRIBVNIC POT, bare head left / P LVRIVS AGRIPPA IIIVIR AAAFF around large SC. Cohen 446.
Augustus AE As, RIC 439, Cohen 474, BMC 237 - Augustus AE As. 6 BC, moneyer Sextus Nonius Quinctilianus. CAESAR AVGVST PONT MAX TRIBVNIC POT, bare head right / SEX NONIVS QVINCTILIAN IIIVIR AAAFF around large SC. Cohen 474.
Augustus AE As, RIC 471, Cohen 226, BMC 275 - Augustus AE As. Rome mint, 4 BC. IMP•CAESAR•DIVI•F•AVGVSTVS•IMP•XX, bare head left / •PONTIF•MAXIM•TRIBVN•POT•XXXIIII around large SC. Cohen 226.
Augustus AE As, RIC 230, Cohen 240, BMC 550 - Augustus Æ As. Lugdunum Mint, CAESAR PONT MAX, laureate head right / Altar of Lugdunum, Victory on each pedestal, ROM ET AVG below. C240, BMC550.
Augustus AE As, RIC 233, Cohen 237, BMC 567 - Augustus, Æ as, Lugdunum Mint, CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRAE, laureate head right / Altar of Lugdunum, with flanking columns supporting facing Victories, ROM ET AVG below. Cohen 237.
Augustus AE Semis, RIC 234, Cohen 568, BMC 238 - Augustus AE Semis. 9-14 AD. CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE, laureate head right / ROM ET AVG beneath the Altar of Lugdunum. Cohen 568.
Augustus AE Quadrans, RIC 420, Cohen 338, BMC 200 - Augustus Æ Quadrans. 9 BC. LAMIA SILIVS ANNIVS, clasped hands holding caduceus / III VIR A A A F F around large S C. Cohen 338.
Augustus AE Quadrans, RIC 422, Cohen 340, BMC 202 - Augustus Æ Quadrans. Struck 9 BC by moneyers Lamia, Silius and Annius. LAMIA SILIVS ANNIVS S-C, cornucopiae / III VIR A A A F F around garlanded altar. Cohen 340.
Augustus AE Quadrans, RIC 424, Cohen 414, BMC 205 - Augustus Æ Quadrans. Struck 8 BC. Pulcher, Taurus, Regulus, moneyers. Lituus & simpulum / III • VIR • A • A • A • F • F around large S•C.
Augustus AE Quadrans, RIC 467, Cohen 511, BMC 269 - Augustus AE Quadrans. Minted 4 BC under Moneyer C Rubellius Blandus. C RVBELLIVS BLANDVS S-C around SC / IIIVIR AAAFF around garlanded altar with bowl shaped top. Cohen 511.
Augustus AE Obol of Alexandria, Milne 29, Koln 30, RPC 5062 - Augustus Æ24 Diobol of Alexandria. Year 41 = 11/12 AD, Head right / Nike standing left, L MA at sides. BMC 4, Dattari 28, RPC 5062.
Augustus AE Hemiobol of Alexandria, Milne 1, Koln 2, RPC 5002 - Augustus Æ 40-Drachmae of Alexandria. 1st series, ca 30-28 BC. QEOU UIOU, bare head right / KAISAROS AUTOKRATOROS, eagle standing left on thunderbolt, cornucopiae before, M behind. Köln 2, Dattari 4, RPC 5002.
Augustus AE Hemiobol of Alexandria, Milne 7, Koln 4, RPC 5007 - Augustus Æ 40-Drachmae of Alexandria, Egypt. 2nd series, after 19 BC. CEBA-CTOC, bare head right / KAICAP, priestly implements: simpulum, vase, lituus and axe. Köln 4, Emmett 6, RPC 5007.
Augustus AE Dichalkon of Alexandria, Milne 9, Koln 8, RPC 5021 - Augustus AE Dichalkon of Alexandria. 3rd series, ca 10-5 BC. KAISAR, head right / SEBASTOS, star and crescent. RPC 5021.
Augustus and Agrippa denarius. RIC 408, RSC 3, BMC 112. - Augustus & Agrippa Denarius. 13 BC, C Sulpicius Platorinus, moneyer. CAESAR AVGVSTVS, bare head of Augustus right / M AGRIPPA PLATORINVS IIIVIR, bare head of Agrippa right. RSC 3.
Augustus and Agrippa denarius. RIC 414, RSC 1, BMC 121. - Augustus Denarius. CAESAR AVGVSTVS, laureate head right in oak leaves / M AGRIPPA COS TER COSSVS LENTVLVS, Agrippa head right, in combined mural & rostral crown.
Augustus & Agrippa AE Dupondius, RIC 158, Cohen 10, RPC 524 - Augustus & Agrippa AE Dupondius or As of Gaul, Nemausus. ca 10 BC - 10 AD. IMP DIVI F, back-to-back heads of Agrippa, in rostral crown, & Augustus, in oak wreath / COL NEM, crocodile chained to palm behind, wreath to left. Cohen 10, RPC 524.
Augustus & Agrippa AE Dupondius, RIC 159-160, Cohen 8, RPC 525 - Agrippa & Augusutus Æ Dupondius of Gaul, Nemausus. ca 10-14 AD. IMP DIVI F P-P, back-to-back heads of Agrippa, in rostral crown, & Augustus, laureate/ COL NEM, palm tree curving to left, crocodile right chained below, wreath to left of palm tip with long ties trailing to right. Cohen 8, RPC 525.
Augustus and Julia denarius. RIC 403, RSC 1, BMC 104 - Augustus & Julia denarius, AVGVSTVS Bare head of Augustus right, lituus behind. / C MARIVS TRO III [VI]R Diademed and draped bust right of Julia as Diana, quiver over shoulder. RSC1.
Augustus, Caius, Lucius & Julia AR Denarius, RIC 404, RSC 1, BMC 106 - Augustus, Julia, & Caius & Lucius Denarius, AVGVSTVS, bare head right / C MARIVS TRO III VIR, heads of Lucius, Julia and Caius right, wreath above. RSC 1, BMC 106.
Augustus, Caius, Lucius & Julia AR Denarius, RIC 405, RSC 2, BMC 108 - Augustus, Julia, Caius & Lucius Denarius. AVGVSTVS DIVI F, bare head of Augustus right / C MARIVS TRO III VIR, heads of Caius, Julia & Lucius right. RSC 2.
Augustus & Tiberius AR Denarius, RIC 226, RSC 2, BMC 507 - Augustus & Tiberius Denarius. Lugdunum mint, 13-14 AD. CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE, laureate head right / TI CAESAR AVG F TR POT XV, bare head of Tiberius right. RSC 2.
Livia AE Dupondius, RIC 46, BMC 79 - Livia Æ Dupondius. Struck under Tiberius, 22-23 AD. IVSTITIA, diademed and draped bust of Livia as Justice right / TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVG P M TR POT XXIIII around large S C.
Livia AE Dupondius, RIC 47, BMC 81 - Livia, Wife of Augustus, AE Dupondius. SALVS AVGVSTA below draped bust of Livia as Salus right, hair in knot behind / TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVG TR POT XXIIII around large SC. BMC 82.
Livia AE Dupondius, RIC 43, BMC 98 - Livia Æ Dupondius. Struck ca 22/3 AD. PIETAS, veiled, diademed and draped bust of Livia as Pietas right / DRVSVS CAESAR TI AVGVSTI F TR POT ITER around large S C. Cohen 1.
Livia AE Hemiobol of Alexandria, RPC 5058, BMC 32, Dattari 67. - Livia AE23 Diobol of Roman Alexandria. Year 40=10/11 AD. Bust right / LM in oak wreath. SGI 209, Milne 26cf.
Gaius Caesar AR Denarius. RIC 540, Cohen 2, BMC 684 - Caius Caesar Denarius. CAESAR, young head right within oak wreath / AVG-VST, candelabrum ornamented with rams' heads & surmounted by crescent, within wreath entwined with bucrania & paterae. RSC 2.
Lucius Caesar AE 20 Tralles/Caesaria in Lydia. RPC 2651 -
Agrippa Postumus AE 21 of Corinth. RPC 1141 - Agrippa Postumus AE21 of Corinth. AGRIPPA CAESAR CORINTHI, bare head right / C MVSSIO PRISCO II VIR HEIO POLL IONE ITER C in four lines inside parsley wreath. Vagi 399.
Tiberius AE Sestertius, RIC 240 [Augustus], Cohen 28, BMC 572 - Tiberius, as Caesar, Æ Sestertius. Lugdunum mint, struck 8-10 AD. TI CAESAR AVGVSTI F IMPERATOR V, bare head of Tiberius left / ROM ET AVG, altar of Lugdunum. Cohen 28.
Tiberius AE as, RIC 469 [Augustus], Cohen 27, BMC 271 - Tiberius, as Caesar, Æ As. Rome mint, 8-12 AD. TI CAESAR AVGVST F IMPERAT V, bare head right / PONTIFEX TRIBVN POTESTATE XII around large S C. Cohen 27.
Tiberius AE As, RIC 245 [Augustus], Cohen 37, BMC 585, Paris 1769 - Tiberius, as Caesar. 12-14 AD. Æ As. Lugdunum mint. TI CAESAR AVGVST F IMPERAT VII, laureate head right / ROM ET AVG, front elevation of the Altar of Lugdunum, decorated with the corona civica between laurels, nude figures, & Victories. Cohen 37.
Tiberius AE Semis, RIC 246 [Augustus], Cohen 38, BMC 588 - Tiberius, as Caesar, Æ Semis. 12-14 AD. Lugdunum mint. TI CAESAR AVGVST F IMPERAT VII, laureate head right / ROM ET AVG below front elevation of the Altar of Lugdunum. Cohen 38.
Tiberius AV Aureus, RIC 1, Cohen 45, BMC 1 - Tiberius AV Aureus. TI CAESAR DIVI F AVG F AVGVSTVS, laureate head right / T R POT XVI IMP VII, Tiberius in slow quadriga right holding laurel branch and eagle tipped sceptre, the horses' heads turned right. Cohen 45.
Tiberius AV Aureus, RIC 25, Cohen 15, BMC 30 - Tiberius AV Aureus. Lyons mint, after 16 AD. TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS, laureate head of Tiberius right / PONTIF MAXIM, Livia as Pax seated right, holding branch and sceptre; plain legs to chair. BMC 30, Cohen 15.
Tiberius AR Denarius, RIC 4, RSC 48, BMC 7 - Tiberius AR Denarius. TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS, laureate head right / TR POT XVII IMP VII, Tiberius in slow quadriga right. BMCRE 7; BN 5; RSC 48.
Tiberius AR Denarius, RIC 26, RSC 16, BMC 34 - Tiberius. 14-37 AD. AR Denarius. TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVST, laureate head right / PONTIF MAXIM, Livia, as Pax, seated right; plain legs to chair. BMCRE 34; RSC 16.
Tiberius AE Sestertius, RIC 48, Cohen 3, BMC 70 - Tiberius Æ Sestertius. CIVITATIBVS ASIAE RESTITVTIS, Tiberius seated left on curule chair with patera and sceptre / TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS P M TR POT XXIIII around large SC. Cohen 3.
Tiberius AE Dupondius, RIC 38, Cohen 4, BMC 85 - Tiberius AE Dupondius. TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVG..., laureate head left / CLEMENTIAE, Facing bust of Tiberius at center of ceremonial shield, S C at sides.
Tiberius AE Dupondius, RIC 39, Cohen 5, BMC 90 - Tiberius AE Dupondius. Rome mint, 16-22 AD. TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVST IMP VIII, laureate head left / MODERATIONI S-C, shield with floral decorations, facing bust of Tiberius at center in wreath. Cohen 6.
Tiberius AE As, RIC 34, Cohen 18, BMC 68 - Tiberius Æ As. TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVST IMP VII, bare head left / PONTIF MAXIM TRIBVN POTEST XVII S-C, Livia seated right holding patera & sceptre.
Tiberius AE As, RIC 44, Cohen 25, BMC 91 - Tiberius Æ As. TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVST IMP VIII, bare head left / PONTIF MAXIM TRIBVN POTEST XXIIII around large SC.
Tiberius AE As, RIC 59, Cohen 22, BMC 120 - Tiberius Æ As. TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVST IMP VIII, Laureate head left / PONTIF MAXIM TRIBVN POTEST XXXVII, S-C across field, Winged caduceus. Cohen 22.
Tiberius AE As, RIC 64, Cohen 14, BMC 135 - Tiberius Æ as. TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVST IMP VII Laureate head left / PONTIF MAX TR POT XXXIIX Globe and rudder, large S C at sides.
Tiberius Billon Tetradrachm, Milne 38, Koln 48, RPC 5089 - Tiberius AR Tetradrachm of Alexandria. TIBEPIOY KAISAR SEBASTOS, Laureate head right, LZ (year 7 = 20/21 AD) before / QEOS SEBASTOS, radiate head of Divus Augustus right. Milne 38, Koln 48.
Tiberius Billon Tetradrachm, Milne 56, Koln 53, RPC 5094 - Tiberius & Divus Augustus Billon Tetradrachm of Alexandria. Year 19 = 32/33 AD. TIBERIOU KAISAR SEBASTOS, laureate head right, LIQ before / QEOS SEBASTOS, radiate head of Divus Augustus left. Milne 56.
Tiberius AE hemiobol, Milne 36, Koln 47, RPC 5082 - Tiberius AE Obol of Alexandria. Year 5 = 18-19 AD. Bare head right / TEBEPIOY, hippo right, LE in ex. Milne 36.
Tiberius AE Dichlkon, Milne 33, RPC 5078 - Tiberius AE13 Dichalcon of Alexandria. Year 4 = 17-18 AD. Bare head right / TIBE, crocodile to right, LD below. Milne 33.
Tiberius and Divus Augustus Aureus, RIC 24, Cohen 3, BMC 29 - Tiberius & Divus Augustus AV Aureus. Lugdunum Mint, struck 14 AD. TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS, bare head of Tiberius right / DIVOS AVGVST DIVI F, bare head of Augustus right, star above. BMC 29, Cohen 3.
Divus Augustus Sestertius, RIC 49 [tib], Cohen 309 [aug], BMC 74 - Divus Augustus Æ Sestertius. Struck under Tiberius, ca 22-23 AD. DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER, Augustus, radiate, seated left, holding laurel branch & sceptre; altar before / TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVST P M TR POT XXIIII around large S C. Cohen 309.
Divus Augustus Sestertius, RIC 63 [tib], Cohen 303 [aug], BMC 109 - Divus Augustus AE Sestertius. Struck by Tiberius, 36-37 AD. DIVO AVGVSTO SPQR around shield inscribed OB CIVIS SER within oak wreath & supported by two capricorns / TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVST P M TR POT XXXVII around large SC.
Divus Augustus Sestertius, RIC 68 [tib], Cohen 308 [aug], BMC 125 - Tiberius Æ Sestertius. 36-37 AD. Hexstyle temple, Concordia enthroned within, flanked by statues of Hercules and Mercury, surmounted by statues of Jupiter, Juno, Minerva & Victories / TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVST P M TR POT XXXIIX around large S C. Cohen 308.
Divus Augustus Dupondius, RIC 77 [tib], Cohen 242 [aug], BMC 141 - Augustus Memorial Dupondius. DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER, radiate head left / SC in wreath. Cohen 242, BMC 141.
Divus Augustus Dupondius, RIC 79 [tib], Cohen 252 [aug], BMC 143 - Divis Augustus AE Dupondius, struck by Tiberius, 22-23 AD. DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER, radiate head left / large SC in oak wreath. Cohen 252, BMC 143.
Divus Augustus AE As, RIC 81 [tib], Cohen 228 [aug], BMC 146 - Divus Augustus Æ As. Struck under Tiberius, circa 31-37 AD. DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER, radiate head left / S-C either side of large altar, PROVIDENT in ex. Cohen 228.
Divus Augustus AE As, RIC 82 [tib], Cohen 247 [aug], BMC 155 - Divus Augustus Æ As. Commemorative by Tiberius. DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER, radiate head left, thunderbolt before / Eagle standing facing, wings spread, head right, S C at sides. RIC 82 [Tiberius], Cohen 247.
Divus Augustus AE As, RIC 83 [tib], Cohen 249 [aug], BMC 157 - Divis Augustus AE As. Struck 34-37 AD by Tiberius. DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER, bare head left / winged thunderbolt between S-C. Cohen 249.
Tiberus Gemellus & Germanicus Sestertius, RIC 42 [Tiberius], Cohen 1, BMC 95 - Tiberius Gemellus & Germanicus Junior Æ Sestertius. Confronting heads, each on top of cornucopia, cauduceus between / DRVSVS CAESAR TI AVG F DIVI AVG N PONT TR POT II around large SC. Cohen 1.
Drusus Memorial AE As, RIC 45 (Tiberius), Cohen 2, BMC 99 - Drusus Caesar Æ As. Struck under Tiberius, 21-22 AD. DRVSVS CAESAR TI AVG F DIVI AVG N, bare head left / PONTIF TRIBVN POTEST ITER around large S•C. Cohen 2.
Caligula AR Denarius, RIC 28, RSC 21, BMC 29 - Gaius Caligula AR Denarius. C CAESAR PON M TR POT III COS III, laureate head of Caligula right / SPQR/P P/OB C S in three lines within wreath. RSC 21.
Caligula AR Drachm, RIC 63, RSC 12, RPC 3624 - Caligula AR Drachm of Caesaria, Cappadocia. C CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS, bare head right / IMPERATOR PONT MAX AVG TR POT, simpulum and lituus. RPC 3624.
Caligula AE Sestertius, RIC 33, Cohen 4, BMC 36 - Caligula AE sestertius. C CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS PON M TR POT, laureate head left / AGRIPPINA DRVSILLA IVLIA, the sisters of Caligula standing, bearing the attributes of various goddesses, SC in ex. Cohen 4.
Caligula AE Sestertius, RIC 46, Cohen 25, BMC 58 - Caligula Æ Sestertius. 39-40 AD, C CAESAR DIVI AVG PRON AVG P M TR P III P P, laureate head left / S P Q R P P OB CIVES SERVATOS in oak wreath. Cohen 25.
Caligula AE Sestertius, RIC 51, Cohen 11, BMC 69 - Caligula AE Sestertius. 40-41 AD. C CAESAR DIVI AVG PRON AVG P M TR P IIII P P, PIETAS below, Pietas seated / DIVO-AVG S-C, Caligula sacrificing left in front of hexstyle temple of Divus Augustus, two attendants behind restrianing bull. Cohen 11.
Caligula AE As, RIC 38, Cohen 27, BMC 46 - Gaius Caligula Æ As. Struck 37-8 AD. C CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS PON M TR POT, bare head left / VESTA above, S C across field, Vesta seated left, holding patera and sceptre. Cohen 27.
Caligula AE Quadrans, RIC 52, Cohen 7, BMC 64 - Caligula Æ quadrans. COS TERT PON M TR P IIII P P around large RCC / C CAESAR DIV AVG PRON AVG Liberty cap, S C at sides.
Caligula & Divus Augustus AV Aureus, RIC 1, Cohen 10, BMC 1 - Caligula & Divus Augustus AV Aureus. Struck 37 AD. C CAESAR AVG GERM P M TR POT COS, bare head right / Radiate head of Divus Augustus right, between two stars. Cohen 10.
Caligula & Divus Augustus AV Aureus, RIC 15, Cohen 1, BMC 16 - Caligula & Divus Augustus AV Aureus. Lyons mint, 37-8 AD. C CAESAR AVG GERM P M TR POT, laureate head of Caligula right / DIVVS AVG PATER PATRIAE, radiate head of Divus Augustus right. Cohen 1, Calicó 332.
Caligula & Divus Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 2, RSC 11, BMC 10 - Caligula (Gaius) & Augustus AR Denarius. C. CAESAR AVG GERM P M TR POT COS, bare head right / Augustus head, radiate, r., between two stars. BMC 4.
Caligula & Divus Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 10, RSC 3, BMC 10 - Caligula & Divus Augustus Denarius. C CAESAR AVG GERM P M TR POT, bare head right / DIVVS AVG PATER PATRIAE, radiate head of Divus Augustus right. RSC 3.
Caligula & Divus Augustus AR Denarius, RIC 24, RSC 7, BMC 25 - Caligula & Divus Augustus Denarius. C CAESAR AVG PON M TR POT III COS III, laureate head right / DIVVS AVG PATER PATRIAE, radiate head of Augustus right. RSC 7.
Divus Augustus Æ Dupondius, RIC 56 [Caligula], Cohen 87 [Augustus], BMC 88 - Caligula & Divus Augustus Æ Dupondius. 37-41 AD. CONSENSV SENAT ET EQ ORDIN P Q R, laureate & togate statue of Gaius Caligula seated left on curule chair, holding branch / DIVVS AVGVSTVS S-C, radiate head of Divus Augustus left. Cohen 87.
Agrippa AE As, RIC 58 [Caligula], Cohen 3, BMC 161 [Tiberius] - Agrippa, Æ As. Agrippa. Struck under Caligula, 37-41 AD. M AGRIPPA L F COS III, head left wearing rostral crown / S-C, Neptune standing facing, head left, naked except for cloak draped behind him & over both arms, holding small dolphin in right hand & vertical trident in left. Cohen 3.
Caligula & Germanicus AV Aureus, RIC 17, Cohen 1, BMC 18 - Caligula AV Aureus. Lyons mint, 37-38 AD. C CAESAR AVG GERM P M TR POT, laureate head right / GERMANICVS CAES P C CAES AVG GERM, bare head of Germanicus right. Calico 321, Cohen 1.
Caligula & Germanicus AR Denarius, RIC 12, RSC 4, BMC 12 - Caligula & Germanicus Denarius. C CAESAR AVG GERM P M TR POT, laureate head of Caligula right / GERMANICVS CAES P C CAES AVG GERM, bare head of Germanicus right. RSC 4.
Germanicus & Divus Augustus AR Drachm of Caesaria in Capadocia, RIC 60, RSC 2, RPC 3623. BMC 105. - Germanicus & Divus Augustus AR Drachm of Caesarea, Cappadocia. Struck under Tiberius or Caligula, ca 33-38 AD. GERMANICVS CAES TI AVGV COS II G M, bare head right / DIVVS AVGVSTVS, radiate head of Augustus left. RSC 2, Syd 52, RPC I 3623b.
Germanicus AE Dupondius, RIC 57 [Caligula], Cohen 7, BMC 93 - Germanicus AE Dupondius. Struck under Caligula. GERMANICVS CAESAR, Germanicus in quadriga right / SIGNIS RECEP DEVICTIS GERM S-C, Germanicus standing left with eagle-tipped sceptre. Cohen 7.
Germanicus AE As, RIC 35 [Caligula], Cohen 1, BMC 49 - Germanicus Æ As. Struck under Caligula, 37-38 AD. GERMANICVS CAESAR TI AVGVST F DIVI AVG N, bare head left / C CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS PON M TR POT around large SC. Cohen 1.
Germanicus AE As, RIC 50 [Caligula], Cohen 4, BMC 74 - Germanicus Æ As. Struck under Caligula, 40-41 AD. GERMANICVS CAESAR TI AVGVST F DIVI AVG N, bare head left / C CAESAR DIVI AVG PRON AVG P M TR P IIII P P around large SC. Cohen 4.
Caligula & Agrippina Sr Denarius, RIC 14, RSC 2, BMC 15 - Caligula and Agrippina Senior denarius. C CAESAR AVG GERM P M TR POT, Laureate head right / AGRIPPINA MAT C CAES AVG, draped bust right, hair in plait behind. RSC 2.
Caligula & Agrippina Sr Denarius, RIC 22, RSC 6, BMC 23 - Caligula & Agrippina Sr Denarius. Struck 40 AD. C CAESAR AVG PON M TR POT III COS III, laureate head of Caligula right / AGRIPPINA MAT C CAES AVG GERM, draped bust of Agrippina right. RSC 6.
Agrippina Sr Sestertius, RIC 55 [Caligula], Cohen 1, BMC 81 - Agrippina Senior Æ Sestertius. Rome mint, Struck under Caligula, 37-41 AD. AGRIPPINA M F MAT C CAESARIS AVGVSTI, draped bust right, in hair in long plait / S P Q R above, MEMORIAE/AGRIPPINAE in two lines in left field, two mules drawing ornamented carpentum left.
Nero and Drusus Caesars AE Dupondius, RIC 49 [Caligula], Cohen 2, BMC 70 - Nero and Drusus Caesars AE Dupondius. NERO ET DRVSVS CAESARES, Nero and Drusus on horseback galloping right / C CAESAR DIVI AVG PRON AVG P M TR P IIII PP around large SC. Cohen 2.
Claudius Aureus, RIC 15, Cohen 34, BMC 16 - Claudius AV Aureus. 41-42 AD. TI CLAVD AVG GERM PM TR P, laureate head right / EX SC OB CIVES SERVATOS, three lines in wreath of oak leaves. Cohen 34.
Claudius Aureus, RIC 25, Cohen 43, BMC 23 - Claudius AV Aureus. Struck AD 44/5. TI CLAVD CAESAR AVG P M TR P IIII, laureate head right / IMPER RECEPT across rim of crenulated wall with two arched entries, surmounted by distyle structure with Claudius within, seated left, holding sceptre & facing signum. Calicó 361a.
Claudius AR Cistophorus, RIC 120, RSC 3, BMC 228, RPC 2221 - Claudius cistophorus of Pergamum. Bare head left / Claudius and Fortune standing within distyle temple. RIC 120, Cohen 3.
Claudius AR Cistophorus, RIC 118, RSC 30, BMC 229, RPC 2222 - CLAUDIUS AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm. Ephesus mint. Bare head left / Temple of Diana of Ephesus. RPC I 2222, RSC 30.
Claudius Denarius, RIC 32, RSC 8, BMC 31 - Claudius Denarius. 50-51 AD. TI CLAVD CAESAR AVG P M TR P VI IMP XI, laureate head right / CONCORDIAE AVGVSTI, Constantia seated left of curule chair, hand raised to face. RSC 8.
Claudius Denarius, RIC 45, RSC 19, BMC 50 - Claudius Denarius. 49-50 AD. TI CLAVD CAESAR AVG P M TR P VIIII IMP XVI, laureate head right / DE BRITANN on architrave of triumphal arch surmounted by equestrian statue left between two trophies. RSC 19.
Claudius Denarius, RIC 16, RSC 35, BMC 18 - Claudius Denarius. TI CLAVD CAESAR AVG GERM P M TR P, laureate head right / EX S C/OB CIVES/SERVATOS, legend in three lines within oak-wreath. RSC 35.
Claudius Denarius, RIC 41, RSC 87, BMC 45 - Claudius AR Denarius. 46-47 AD. TI CLAVD CAESAR AVG P M TR P VI IMP XI, laureate head right / S P Q R / P P / OB C S in three lines within oak wreath. RSC 87.
Claudius AE Sestertius, RIC 96, Cohen 39, BMC 115 - Claudius Æ Sestertius. Struck circa 41-50 AD. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP, laureate head right / EXSC OB CIVES SERVATOS in four lines within wreath.
Claudius AE Sestertius, RIC 112, Cohen 38, BMC 185 - Claudius AE Sestertius. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP P P Laureate head right / EX S C - P P - OB CIVES - SERVATOS in four lines within oak wreath.
Claudius AE Sestertius, RIC 98, Cohen 48, BMC 121 - Claudius AE Sestertius. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P, laureate head right / NERO CLAVDIVS DRVSVS GERMAN IMP SC, triumphal arch surmounted by equestrian statue of Nero Claudius Drusus galloping right.
Claudius AE Sestertius, RIC 114, Cohen 48, BMC 187 - ClaudiusÆ Sestertius. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP P P, laureate head right / NERO CLAVDIVS DRVSVS GERMAN IMP, S C across field, Arch of Nero Claudius Drusus: triumphal arch consisting of single arch & decorated piers set on raised base with four columns supporting ornate attic.
Claudius AE Sestertius, RIC 99, Cohen 85cf, BMC 124 - Claudius Æ Sestertius. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP, laureate head right / SPES AVGVSTA, Spes standing left, holding flower and raising hem of skirt, SC in ex. Cohen 85.
Claudius AE Sestertius, RIC 115, Cohen 85cf, BMC 192 - Claudius Æ Sestertius. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP P P, laureate head right / SPES AVGVSTA, S C in exergue, Spes walking left, holding flower and lifting hem of skirt.
Claudius AE Dupondius, RIC 94, Cohen 1, BMC 136 - Claudius AE Dupondius. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP, head left / CERES AVGVSTA, Ceres, veiled and draped, seated l. on ornamental throne, holding two corn-ears & long torch, S C in ex.
Claudius AE Dupondius, RIC 110, Cohen 1, BMC 197 - Claudius Æ Dupondius. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP P P, bare head left / CERES AVGVSTA S C, Ceres seated left, holding grain ears and sceptre. BMCRE 197; Cohen 1.
Claudius AE As, RIC 95, Cohen 14, BMC 140 - Claudius Æ As. Struck circa 41-50 AD. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP, bare head left / CONSTANTIAE AVGVSTI S-C, Constantia, helmeted and in military dress, standing left, holding long spear in left hand. Cohen 14.
Claudius AE As, RIC 111, Cohen 14, BMC 199 - Claudius Æ As. ca 42-43 AD. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP P P, bare head left / CONSTANTIAE AVGVSTI S-C, Constantia standing left leaning on sceptre. Cohen 14.
Claudius AE As, RIC 97, Cohen 47, BMC 145 - Claudius Æ As. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP, bare head left / LIBERTAS AVGVSTA S-C, Libertas standing facing, with pileus and extending left hand. Cohen 47.
Claudius AE As, RIC 113, Cohen 47, BMC 202 - Claudius Æ As. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP P P, bare head left / LIBERTAS AVGVSTA S-C, Libertas standing facing with pileus, extending left hand. Cohen 47.
Claudius AE As, RIC 100, Cohen 84v, BMC 149 - Claudius AE As. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR IMP, bare head left / S-C across field, Minerva standing right, brandishing spear and holding shield on left arm. Cohen 84.
Claudius AE As, RIC 84, Cohen 70, BMC 179 - Claudius AE Quadrans. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG around modius / PON M TR P IMP COS DES IT around large SC. RIC 84, Cohen 70.
Claudius AE Quadrans, RIC 85, Cohen 71, BMC 174 - Claudius AE Quadrants. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG around hand holding pair of scales above PNR / PON M TR P IMP COS DES IT around S C.
Claudius AE Quadrans, RIC 90, Cohen 72, BMC 182 - Claudius AE Quadrans. Struck A.D. 42. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG around three-legged modius / PON M TR P IMP P P COS II around S.C. BMC 182.
Claudius AE Quadrans, RIC 91, Cohen 73, BMC 181 - Claudius AE quadrans. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG, hand holding scales, PNR in field / PON M TR P IMP PP COS II around S C. RIC 91, Cohen 73.
Claudius Tetradrachm, Milne 61, Koln 62, RPC 5117, BMCGr 65 - Claudius & Antonia Billon Tetradrachm of Egypt, Alexandria. Year 2 (41/42 AD). TI KLAUDI KAIS SEBA GERMANI AUTOKR, laureate head of Claudius right / ANTWNIA SEBASTH, draped bust of Antonia right. RPC 5117.
Claudius Billon Drachm, Milne 87a, RPC 5136, BMCGr 78 - Claudius Billon Drachm of Alexandria. Year 3 = 42/3 AD. TI KL KA CE GE AY, laureate head right, LGbefore / Draped bust of Serapis right, wearing kalathos. BMC 78, RPC 5136.
Claudius AE Obol, Milne 68, Koln 68, RPC 5121, BMCGr 79 - Claudius AE Diobol of Alexandria. Year 2 = 41-42 AD. TI KLAV KAI CEBAC GEPMA, laureate head right / AVTOKPA L-B, Nike flying left carrying wreath & palm. RPC 5121.
Claudius AE Obol, Milne 100, Koln 84, RPC 5151, BMCGr 96v - Claudius AE Diobol of Alexandria. Year 4 = 43-44 AD. TI KLAU KAI SEBAS GERMA, laureate head right / AVTOKP above hippopotamus standing right, LD in ex.
Claudius AE Obol, Milne 119, Koln 100, RPC 5182, BMCGr 100 - Claudius AE Diobol of Alexandria. Year 11 = 50-51 AD. TI KLAV KAI CEBAC GEPMA, laureate head right, LIA before / AVTO-KPA, caduceus between corn ears, two on either side. RPC 5182.
Claudius AE Dichalkon, Milne 117, Koln 97, RPC 5178, BMCGr 87 - Claudius AE Dichalkon of Alexandria. Year 10 = 49-50 AD. TI KLAV, laureate head right / LI above crocodile right. RPC 5178.
Claudius and Agripina Jr Aureus, RIC 80, Cohen 3, BMC 72 - Claudius & Agrippina AV Aureus. TI CLAVD CAESAR AVG GERM P M TRIB POT P P, laureate head right / AGRIPPINAE AVGVSTAE, draped bust of Agrippina right. BMC 72.
Claudius and Agrippina Jr Denarius, RIC 81, RSC 4, BMC 75 - Claudius & Agrippina Junior Denarius. Struck 50 AD. TI CLAVD CAESAR AVG GERM P M TRIB POT P P, laureate head right / AGRIPPINAE AVGVSTAE, draped bust of Agrippina Jr right, wreathed in grain. RSC 4.
Claudius and Agripina Jr AR Cistophorus, RIC 117, RSC 2, BMC 234, RPC 2223 - Claudius and Agrippina Junior AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm of Ephesus. TI CLAVD CAESAR AVG P.M.TRP.X.IMP.XIIX, laureate head right / AGRIPPINA AVGVSTA.CAESARIS.AVG, draped bust of Agrippina right. BMCRE 234; RPC I 2223.
Claudius and Agrippina Jr Cistophorus, RIC 119, RSC 1, BMC 231, RPC 2224 - Cistophoric tetradrachm of Ephesos. c. 40-50 A.D. TI CLAVD CAES AVG AGRIPP AVGVSTA, jugate busts of Claudius and Agrippina left / DIANA EPHESIA, cult-statue of Diana of the Ephesians.
Claudius and Nero Denarius, RIC 83, RSC 5, BMC 80 - Claudius & Nero as Caesar denarius. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR GERM TRIB POT P P, laureate head right. / NERO CLAVD CAES DRVSVS GERM PRINC IVVENT, bare-headed & draped bust of young Nero left. RSC 5.
Divus Augustus Dupondius, RIC 101 [Claudius], Cohen 93, BMC 224 - Divus Augustus AE Dupondius. Struck under Claudius, 41-42 AD. DIVVS AVGVSTVS S-C, radiate head of Divus Augustus left / DIVA AVGVSTA, Diva Livia enthroned left, holding grain ears & long torch. Cohen 93.
Nero Claudius Drusus Aureus, RIC 69 [Claudius], Cohen 1, BMC 95 - Nero Claudius Drusus AV Aureus. Struck under Claudius, 41–42 AD. NERO CLAVDIVS DRVSVS GERMANICVS IMP, laureate head of Nero Claudius Drusus left / DE GERM, triumphal arch surmounted by Nero Claudius Drusus on horse leaping right between two trophies, each with captive seated at base. BMC 95, Cohen 1.
Nero Claudius Drusus Denarius, RIC 72 [Claudius], RSC 4, BMC 101 - Nero Claudius Drusus Denarius. NERO CLAUDIVS DRVSVS GERMANICVS IMP, laureate head left / triumphal arch topped by Nero Claudius Drusus on horseback & two trophies of captured arms, DE GERMANIS on arch. RSC 4.
Nero Claudius Drusus AE Sestertius, RIC 93 [Claudius], Cohen 8, BMC 157. - Nero Claudius Drusus AE Sestertius. NERO CLAVDIVS DRVSVS GERMANICVS IMP, bare head left / TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP, Claudius, togate, seated left on curule chair, holding branch; arms lying around; SC in ex.
Nero Claudius Drusus AE Dupondius, RIC 109 [Claudius], Cohen 8, BMC 208. - Nero Claudius Drusus AE Sestertius. NERO CLAVDIUS DRUSUS GERMANICUS IMP, bare head left / TI CLAUDIUS CAESAR AUG P M TR P IMP P P S-C, Claudius seated left on curule chair amidst arms.
Antonia Denarius, RIC 68 [Claudius], RSC 5, BMC 114. - Antonia Denarius. ANTONIA AVGVSTA, draped bust right in crown of corn-ears / SACERDOS DIVI AVGVSTI, two vertical long torches, lighted and linked by ribbon. BMC 114.
Antonia Sestertius, RIC 104 [Claudius], Cohen 6, BMC 213. - Antonia AE Dupondius. c50-54 AD. ANTONIA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP P P S C, Claudius, togate, standing left with simpulum. Cohen 6.
Germanicus AE As, RIC 106 [Claudius], Cohen 9, BMC 241. - Germanicus Æ As struck under Claudius. GERMANICVS CAESAR TI AVG F DIVI AVG N, bare head right / TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG GERMANI IMP P P around large SC. Cohen 9.
Agrippina Senior Sestertius, RIC 102 [Claudius], Cohen 3, BMC 219. - Agrippina Sr Æ Sestertius. Struck under Claudius, ca 42-43 AD. AGRIPPINA M F GERMANICI CAESARIS, draped bust right / TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG GERM P M TR P IMP P P around large SC. RIC 102 (Claudius), BMC 219, Cohen 3.
Nero Aureus, RIC 76 [Claudius], Cohen 311, BMC 84 - Nero, as Caesar, AV Aureus. 50-54 AD. NERO CLAVD CAES DRVSVS GERM PRINC IIVENT, young draped bust left / SACERD COOPT IN OMN CONL SVPRA NVM EX SC, simpulum on tripod and lituus on patera. BMC 84.
Nero Denarius, RIC 77 [Claudius], RSC 312, BMC 87 - Nero, as Caesar, AR Denarius. 51-54 AD. NERO CLAVD CAES DRVSVS GERM PRINC IIVENT, young draped bust left / SACERD COOPT IN OMN CONL SVPRA NVM EX SC, simpulum on tripod and lituus on patera. RSC 312.
Nero AR Cistophorus of Ephesos, RIC 121 [Claudius], RSC 82a, BMC 236, RPC 2225. - Nero, as Caesar, AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm. Pergamum mint, ca 50-51 AD. NERONI CLAVD CAES DRVSO GERM, draped bust left / COS DES - PRINCI - IVVENT, three lines on shield within laurel wreath. RPC 2225, RSC 82a.
Nero AE Sestertius, RIC 108 [Claudius], Cohen 99 - Nero, as Caesar, AE Sestertius. Thrace, 51 AD. NERONI CLAVDIO DRVSO GERMANICO COS DESIGN, bare head right / EQVESTER OR DO PRINCIPI IVVENT in four lines on a round shield attached to long spear behind.
Nero Aureus, RIC 8, Cohen 204, BMC 9 - Nero AV Aureus. 55-56 AD. NERO CAESAR AVG IMP, bare head right / PONTIF MAX TR P II P P, wreath containing EX S C. BMC 9.
Nero Aureus, RIC 27, Cohen 221, BMC 29 - Nero AV Aureus. NERO CAESAR AVG IMP, bare head right / PONTIF MAX TR P VII COS IIII P P, EX - SC to l. and r. of Roma standing, inscribing round shield.
Nero Aureus, RIC 40, Cohen 232, BMC 45 - Nero AV Aureus. 63–64 AD. NERO . CAESAR AVG . IMP, bare head right / PONTIF MAX TR P . X COS . IIII P.P EX-SC, helmeted Virtus standing left, resting right foot on captured armor, holding parazonium against knee with right hand & spear in left.
Nero Aureus, RIC 50, Cohen 114, BMC 64 - Nero AV Aureus. 65 AD. NERO CAESAR AVGVSTVS, laureate head right / IANVM CLVSIT PACE P R TERRA MARIQ PARTA, Temple of Janus with closed doors. Cohen 114.
Nero Aureus, RIC 52, Cohen 118, BMC 67 - Nero AV Aureus. NERO CAESAR AVGVSTVS, laureate head right / IVPPITER CVSTOS, Jupiter enthroned left with thunderbolt and sceptre. Cohen 118.
Nero Aureus, RIC 54, Cohen 257, BMC 81 - Nero AV Aureus. 64-66 AD. NERO CAESAR AVGVSTVS, laureate head right / Roma seated left on cuirass, foot on helmet, holding Victory and parazonium; shields behind, ROMA in ex. Cohen 257.
Nero Aureus, RIC 61, Cohen 334, BMC 101 - Nero AV Aureus. 65-66 AD. NERO CAESAR AVGVSTVS, laureate head right / VESTA, Vesta holding patera & long sceptre, seated within domed hexastyle temple with four steps. Cohen 334.
Nero Denarius, RIC 22, RSC 216, BMC 24 - Nero Denarius. 60 AD. NERO CAESAR AVG IMP, bare head right / PONTIF MAX TR P VII COS IIII P P around wreath of oak leaves, EX SC in center. RSC 216.
Nero Denarius, RIC 30, RSC 224, BMC 32 - Nero Denarius. Lugdunum, AD 61-62. NERO CAESAR AVG IMP, bare head right / PONTIF MAX TR P VIII COS IIII EX-SC, Ceres standing left, holding corn ears & torch. BMC 32
Nero Denarius, RIC 32, RSC 226, BMC 35 - Nero AR Denarius. 61-62 AD. NERO CAESAR AVG IMP, bare head right / PONTIF MAX TR P VIII COS IIII P P EX-SC, Virtus standing left, foot on pile of arms, holding parazonium & spear. RSC 226.
Nero Denarius, RIC 69, RSC 123, BMC 80 - Nero denarius. IMP NERO CAESAR AVGVSTVS, laureate head right / IVPITER CVSTOS Jupiter seated left, bare to the waist, holding thunderbolt and sceptre. RSC 119.
Nero Denarius, RIC 68, RSC 356, BMC 107 - Nero AR Denarius. Struck 67-68 AD. IMP NERO CAESAR AVG P P, laureate head right / legionary eagle between two standards. RSC 356.
Nero AR Hemidrachm of Caesaria, RIC 616, RSC 32, BMC 406, RPC 3644, Syd 81. - Nero AR Hemidrachm of Caesaria, Cappadocia. Laureate head right / ARME-NAIC, Nike advancing right holding palm & wreath. Syd 81, RSC 32, RPC 3644.
Nero AR Hemidrachm of Caesaria, RIC 617, RSC 352, BMC 409, RPC 3645 - Nero AR Hemidrachm of Caesaria, Cappadocia. c54-63 AD. NERO CLAVD DIVI CLAVD F CAESAR AVG GERMANI, laureate head right / Victory seated right on globe, writing on shield, SGI 616, Syd 82.
Nero AR Hemidrachm of Caesaria, RIC 618, RSC 351, BMC 411, RPC 3646 - Nero AR Hemidrachm of Caesaria, Cappadocia. c54-63 AD. NERO CLAVD DIVI CLAVD F CAESAR AVG GERMANI, laureate head right / Victory standing right, foot on globe, writing on shield. RSC 351.
Nero AE Sestertius, RIC 430, Cohen 14, BMC 305 - Nero AE Sestertius. Lyons mint. NERO CLAVD CAESAR AVG GER P M TR P IMP P P, laureate head right / ANNONA AVGVSTI CERES, SC below, Annona standing & Ceres seated, modius on alter between them, prow of ship behind. BMC 305, Cohen 14.
Nero AE Sestertius, RIC 178, Cohen 37, BMC 131 - Nero Æ Sestertius. Rome mint, 64 AD. NERO CLAVD CAESAR AVG GER P M TR P IMP P P, laureate bust right, in aegis / AVGVST SPQR OST S-C, Port of Ostia with eight ships within the harbor, at the top is a pharus surmounted by a statue of Neptune, below is a reclining figure of Tiber, holding a rudder & dolphin. Cohen 38.
Nero AE Sestertius, RIC 438, Cohen 146, BMC 319 - Nero Æ Sestertius. Lyons mint, 65 AD. NERO CLAVD CAESAR AVG GER P M TR P IMP P P, laureate head right / IANVM CLVSIT PACE PR TERRA MARIQ PARTA, Temple of Janus with garlanded & closed doors. Cohen 146.
Nero AE Sestertius, RIC 270, Cohen 134, BMC 164 - Nero AE Sestertius. Laureate head right / PACE P R TERRA MARIQ PARTA IANVM CLVSIT SC, Temple of Janus with doors closed. Cohen 134.
Nero AE Sestertius, RIC 517, Cohen 268, BMC 328 - Nero Æ Sestertius. Lugdunum mint. IMP NERO CAESAR AVG PONT MAX TR POT P P, laureate head left, globe at point of bust / S-C across fields, ROMA in exergue, Roma seated left on cuirass.
Nero AE Sestertius, RIC 147, Cohen 308, BMC 185 - Nero AE Sestertius. ca 64 AD. NERO CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG GERM P M TR P IMP P P, laureate bust right wearing aegis / S-C, Nero's triumphal arch, surmounted by quadriga, statue of Mars between columns. Cohen 308.
Nero AE Dupondius, RIC 296, Cohen 282, BMC 206 - Nero Æ Dupondius. NERO CLAVD CAESAR AVG GER P M TR P IMP P P, radiate head r. / S C, Roma, helmeted, in military dress, seated left on cuirass surrounded by arms; ROMA in ex.
Nero AE Dupondius, RIC 597, Cohen 325, BMC 347 - Nero Æ Dupondius. IMP NERO CAESAR AVG P MAX TR P P P, laureate head left / SECVRITAS AVGVSTI, Securitas seated right, lighted altar & torch at feet, SC in ex. Cohen 325, BMC 347.
Nero Copper As, RIC 458, Cohen 27, BMC 360 - Nero AE As. Lyons Mint, ca 65 AD. NERO CLAVD CAESAR AVG GER P M TR P IMP P, bare head right, globe at point of bust / S-C, ARA PACIS below, Altar of Peace decorated front panels & double doors. Cohen 27.
Nero Copper As, RIC 533, Cohen 103, BMC 370 - Nero Orichalcum As. Lyons mint, 66 AD. IMP NERO CAESAR AVG P MAX TR P P P, bare head right, globe at point of bust / GENIO AVGVSTI S-C, Genius sacrificing over altar left.
Nero Copper As, RIC 306, Cohen 171, BMC 227 - Nero Æ As. NERO CAESAR AVG GERM IMP, laureate head right / PACE P R VBIQ PARTA IANVM CLVSIT S-C, the Temple of Janus, latticed window to left, garland hung across closed double doors right.
Nero Copper As, RIC 312, Cohen 288, BMC 241 - Nero AE, Bronze As. NERO CAESAR AVG GERM IMP, Laureate head right / Victory flying left, holding shield inscribed SPQR, large S C at sides.
Nero Orichalcum Semis, RIC 233, Cohen 47, BMC 261 - Nero Æ Semis. 64 AD. NERO CAES AVG IMP, laureate head right / CER QVINQ ROM CO, SC in ex, mark of value S on table, urn & a wreath set on a table; two griffins on front panel, round shield resting against leg. Cohen 47.
Nero AR Tetradrachm, Milne 131, Koln 114, RPC 5201, BMCGr 116 - Nero & Agrippina II Billon Tetradrachm of Alexandria. Year 3 = 56 AD. NERW KAIS SEB GER AV, laureate head right / AGRIPPINA SEBASTH, draped bust of Agrippina right, LG to right. Dattari 186, Koln 114, RPC 5201.
Nero AR Tetradrachm, Milne 179, Koln 140, RPC 5234, BMCGr 152 - Nero Billon Tetradrachm of Alexandria. Year 5 = 58/9 AD. NEPW KLAY KAIS SEBA GEP AVTO, laureate head right / DHMOS RW-MAIWN, Genius of the Roman People standing right, holding sceptre & cornucopiae; date LE to right. RPC 5243, Köln 139, Emmett 116.
Nero AR Tetradrachm, Milne 223, Koln 168, RPC 5282, BMCGr 124 - Nero & Poppaea Billon Tetradrachm of Alexandria. Dated year 11 = 64-65 AD. NERW LKAU KAIS SEB GER AV, radiate head of Nero right / POPPAIA SEBASTH, draped bust of Poppaea right, LIA to right. Köln 168, RPC 5282.
Nero AR Tetradrachm, Milne 228, Koln 163, RPC 5283, BMCGr 165 - Nero Billon Tetradrachm of Alexandria. Year 11 = 64/65 AD. NEPW KLAV KAI SEB GEP, radiate bust right wearing aegis / AVTOKPA, eagle walking left with palm branch, date LIA to left. Koln 163, RPC 5283.
Nero & Augustus AR Tetradrachm, Milne 251, Koln 177, RPC 5294, BMCGr 112 - Nero & Augustus Billon Tetradrachm of Roman Alexandria. Year 13 = 66-67 AD. NEPW KLAV KAIS SEBA GEP, radiate bust left wearing aegis, date LIG to left / QEOS SEBASTOS, radiate head of Augustus right. Köln 177, RPC 5294.
Nero & Tiberius AR Tetradrachm, Milne 256, Koln 187, RPC 5295, BMCGr 114, SGI 637 - Nero & Tiberius Billon Tetradrachm of Alexandria. Year 13. NEPW KLAY KAIS SEB GEP, radiate bust of Nero left, in aegis, LIG before / TIBEPIOS KAISAP, laureate head of Tiberius righ. RPC 5295.
Nero AR Tetradrachm, Milne 279, Koln 205v, RPC 5308, BMCGr 131 - Nero Billon Tetradrachm of Alexandria. Year 14 = 67/68 AD. NEPW KLAV KAIS SEB GER AV, radiate head left, LID below chin / NEMEIOS ZEVS, head of Zeus Nemeios right, crowned with celery leaves. Emmett 136, RPC 5308.
Nero AR Tetradrachm, Milne 292, Koln 207, RPC 5313, BMCGr 127 - Nero Billon Tetradrachm of Roman Alexandria. Year 14 = 67/68 AD. NEPW KLAV KAIS SEB GEP AV, radiate bust left wearing aegis, LID to left / DIOS OLVMPIOV, laureate head of Zeus Olympius right. Emmett 135, RPC 5313.
Nero AR Tetradrachm, Milne 298, Koln 204, RPC 5316, BMCGr 136 - Nero AR Tetradrachm of Roman Alexandria. Year 14 = 67-68 AD. NEPW KLAV KAIS SEB GEP AV, radiate bust left with aegis, date LID to left / POSEIDWN ISQMIOS, bust of Poseidon right, trident at shoulder. Köln 204, RPC 5316.
Nero AR Tetradrachm, Milne 300, Koln 195, RPC 5317, BMCGr 144 - Nero AR Tetradrachm of Roman Egypt. Year 14 = 67-68 AD. NEPW KLAV KAIS SEB GEP AV, radiate cuirassed bust left with aegis, date LID to left / AKTIOS APOLLON, laureate, draped bust of Apollo Aktios right, quiver over shoulder, star to right. RPC 5317.
Nero & Agrippina Jr Denarius, RIC 2, Cohen 7, BMC 3 - Nero & Agrippina II Denarius. Struck 54 AD, Lugdunum mint. AGRIPP AVG DIVI CLAVD NERONIS CAES MATER, confronted heads of Nero & Agrippina, Nero is bare-headed facing right, Agrippina is draped facing left / NERONI CLAVD DIVI F CAES AVG GERM IMP TR P around, EX S C within oak wreath. RSC 7.
Nero & Agrippina Jr Denarius, RIC 7, Cohen 4, BMC 8 - Nero & Agrippina Jr Denarius. 55 AD. NERO CLAVD DIVI F CAES AVG GERM IMP TR P COS, jugate busts of Nero & Agrippina / AGRIPP AVG DIVI CLAVD NERONIS CAES MATER, quadriga of elephants left, EX S C above. RSC 4.
Nero & Agrippina Jr AR Didrachm of Cappadocia, RIC 608, RSC 2, RPC 3633 - Nero & Agrippina Junior AR Didrachm. Caesarea, Cappadocia mint, 54-56 AD. NERO CLAVD DIVI CLAVD F CAESAR AVG GERMANI, laureate head of Nero right / AGRIPPINA AVGVSTA MATER AVGVSTI, veiled & draped bust of Agrippina Junior right, in stephane. RPC I 3633, Syd 74.
Nero & Agrippina Jr AR drachm of Cappadocia, RIC 611, RSC 2b, RPC 3637,3641 - Nero & Agrippina II AR Drachm of Caesaria, Cappadocia. 54-68 AD. NERO CLAVD DIVI CLAVD F CAESAR AVG GERMANI, laureate head of Nero right / AGRIPPINA AVGVSTA MATER AVGVSTI, draped bust of Agrippina right. RPC 3637, Syd 78v.
Divus Claudius Aureus, RIC 4 [Nero], Cohen 31, BMC 4 - Divus Claudius AV Aureus. Lyons mint, under Nero, 54-55 AD. DIVVS CLAVDIVS AVGVSTVS, laureate head left / tensa with a temple-like pedament surmounted by figures of Victories and horses, all drawn by four horses right; EX S C in ex. Cohen 31, Calico 354a.
Divus Claudius Denarius, RIC 5 [Nero], RSC 32, BMC 6 - Divus Claudius Denarius. Struck under Nero at Lyons. DIVVS CLAVDIVS AVGVSTVS, laureate head left / slow quadriga drawing tensa right; EX S C in exergue. RSC 32.
Nero & Divus Claudius AR Tetradrachm of Syria. RPC 4122, RSC 2 - Nero & Divus Claudius AR Tetradrachm of an uncertain Syrian mint. NERO CLAVD DIVI CLAVD F CAESAR AVG GER, laureate head of Nero right, ivy leaf behind head above wreath knot / DIVOS CLAVD AVG GERMANIC PATER AVG, laureate head of Claudius right. Syd 64, RSC 2a, SGI 640.
Nero & Divus Claudius AR Didrachm of Cappadocia, RIC 619, RSC 1, RPC 3647 - Nero & Claudius AR Didrachm of Caesarea Cappadocia. c63-64 AD. NERO CLAVD DIVI CLAVD F CAESAR AVG GERM, laureate head of Nero right / DIVOS CLAVD AVGVST GERMANIC PATER AVG, laureate head of Claudius right.
Nero & Divus Claudius AR Drachm of Cappadocia, RIC 621, RSC 3, RPC 3648 - Nero & Claudius AR Drachm of Caesarea, Cappodocia. NERO CLAVD DIVI CLAVD F CAESAR AVG GERM, laureate head of Nero r. / DIVOS CLAVD AVGVST GERMANIC PATER AVG, Claudius' laureate head r. BMC 418.
Poppaea & Clara AE19 of Caesaria Paneas in Syria. RPC 4846. - Diva Poppaea & Diva Claudia Æ 20mm of Caesarea Panias, Syria. ca 65 AD. Distyle temple with seated figure of Poppaea / Hexastyle temple with figure of Nero. SNG ANS 858.
Revolt of Vindix Denarius, RIC 72, RSC 420, BMC 34. - Revolt of Vindex, 68AD, AR denarius, (3.42g) Vienne (?), Gaul, SALVS GENERIS HVMANIS Victory with wreath and palm, left on globe. / SPQR in wreath. RIC 72; Martin 77; Vagi 779 (this coin plated as 774, but not an aureus).
Revolt of Galba Denarius, RIC 27, RSC 431, BMC 12. - CIVIL WAR. 68-69 AD. AR Denarius. Struck in Spain. LIBERTAS RESTITVTA, bust of Libertas right / Round shield inscribed SP QR within oak wreath, two four-pointed stars at top of wreath. RSC 431.
Galba Denarius, RIC 60, RSC 225, BMC 189 - Galba Denarius. SER GALBA IMP CAESAR AVG P M TR P, laureate head right / ROMA VICTRIX, Roma standing left with branch, foot on a globe, and leaning on a spear. BMC 205, RSC 225.
Galba Denarius, RIC 145, RSC 93, BMC 21 - Galba AR Denarius. SER GALBA AVG, laureate head right / Gallia on horse rearing right, bare-headed and in military dress, hand raised, IMP in ex. BMC 21, RSC 93.
Galba Denarius, RIC 199, RSC 200, BMC 25 - Galba Denarius. IMP SER GALBA CAESAR AVG, laureate head right / ROMA RENASC, Roma, helmeted, in military dress, standing right with Victory & transverse spear. BMC 25, RSC 200.
Galba Denarius, RIC 229, RSC 208 - Galba Denarius. IMP SER GALBA CAESAR AVG P M, laureate head right / ROMA RENASCES, Roma standing left holding Victory & sceptre. RSC 208.
Galba Denarius, RIC 214, RSC 236, BMC 43 - Galba Denarius. SER GALBA CAESAR AVG, laureate head right / SALVS GEN HVMANI, female figure standing left, foot on globe, sacrificing from patera over altar at feet, and holding vertical rudder.
Galba Denarius, RIC 167, RSC 287, BMC 34. - Galba Denarius. IMP SER GALBA AVG, bare head right / SPQR OB CS, legend in three lines within oak wreath. BMC 34, RSC 287.
Galba Denarius, RIC 217, RSC 328, BMC 49 - Galba AR Denarius. IMP SER GALBA CAESAR AVG, laureate and draped bust right / VICTORIA PR Victory on globe left, holding wreath and palm. BMC 49, RSC 328.
Galba AR Quinarius, RIC 132, RSC 317, BMC 244 - Galba AR Quinarius. SER GALBA IMP CAESAR AVG PM TR, laureate head right / VICTORIA GALBAE AVG, Victory standing right on globe.
Galba AE Sestertius, RIC 393, Cohen 186, BMC 80 - Galba AE sestertius. Laureate head right / Roma in crested helmet standing left holding Nike & sceptre, S-C and RO-MA to either side.
Otho Aureus, RIC 3, Cohen 2, BMC 1 - Otho AV Aureus. IMP M OTHO CAESAR AVG TRP, bare head right / PAX ORBIS TERRARVM, Pax standing left holding branch & caduceus. Cohen 4.
Otho Aureus, RIC 7, Cohen 16, BMC 13 - Otho AV Aureus. IMP M OTHO CAESAR AVG TR P, bare head right / SECVRITAS P R, Securitas standing left, holding wreath & sceptre. Cohen 16.
Otho Denarius, RIC 4, RSC 3, BMC 3 - Otho Denarius. OTHO CAESAR AVG TR P, bare head right / PAX ORBIS TERRARVM, Pax standing left with branch & caduceus. RSC 3.
Otho Denarius, RIC 19, RSC 9, BMC 6 - Otho AR Denarius. IMP OTHO CAESAR AVG TR P, bare head right / PONT MAX, Aequitas standing left, holding scales and sceptre. RSC 9.
Otho Denarius, RIC 14, RSC 27, BMC 22 - Otho AR Denarius. IMP M OTHO CAESAR AVG TR P, bare head right / VICTORIA OTHONIS. Victory, draped, flying right with wreath & palm. RSC 27.
Vitellius Denarius, RIC 56, RSC 39, BMC 118 - Vitellius Denarius. Lyons mint. A VITELLIVS IMP GERMAN, laureate head right, globe at point / I O MAX CAPITOLINVS, Jupiter seated left in distyle temple, holding thunderbolt & sceptre. RSC 39.
Vitellius Denarius, RIC 75, RSC 44, BMC 8 - Vitellius Denarius. A VITELLIVS GERMAN IMP TR P, laureate head right / IVPPITER VICTOR, Jupiter, naked to the waist, seated left, holding Victory in right hand and vertical sceptre in left hand.
Vitellius Denarius, RIC 81, RSC 48, BMC 13 - Vitellius AR denarius. A VITELLIVS GERMAN IMP TR P, bare head right / LIBERTAS RESTITVTOR, Libertas standing, holding cap and sceptre. RSC 48.
Vitellius Denarius, RIC 109, RSC 111, BMC 39 - Vitellius AR denarius. A VITELLIVS GERM IMP AVG TR P, laureate head right / XV VIR SACR FAC Tripod, raven below, dolphin above. RSC111, BCM39.
Vitellius AE Sestertius, RIC 115, Cohen 57, BMC 53 - Vitellius Æ Sestertius. Rome mint. A VITELLIVS GERMANICVS IMP AVG P M TR P, laureate and draped bust right / MARS VICTOR S-C, Mars advancing left, holding Victory in right hand, trophy over left shoulder. Cohen 61.
Vitellius, Vitellius Jr and Vitellia Denarius, RIC 101, RSC 4, BMC 28 - Vitellius & His Children Denarius. A VITELLIVS GERM IMP AVG TR P, laureate head right / LIBERI IMP GERMAN, confronted busts of Vitellius’ son & daughter. RSC 4.
Vitellius, Vitellius Jr and Vitellia Denarius, RIC 103, RSC 2, BMC 29 - Vitellius & His Children Denarius. A VITELLIVS GERMAN IMP TR P, laureate head right / LIBERI IMP GERMAN, confronted, bare headed busts of Vitellius' son, right, and daughter, left. RSC 2.
Vitellius & Lucius Vitellius Aureus, RIC 94, BMC 23 - Vitellius & Lucius Vitellius AV Aureus. A VITELLIVS GERM IMP AVG TR P, laureate head of Vitellius right / L VITELLIVS COS III CENSOR, Lucius Vitellus seated left, togate, holding sceptre.
Vitellius & Lucius Vitellius Denarius, RIC 95, RSC 55a, BMC 24 - Vitellius and Lucius Vitellius AR Denarius. A VITELLIVS GERM IMP AVG TR P, laureate head right / L VITELLIVS COS III CENS, Lucius Vitellius seated left on curule chair, with branch & sceptre. RSC 55.
Vespasian Aureus, RIC 1179, (RIC [1962] 301), Cohen 139, BMC 402 - Vespasian AV Aureus. Lyons mint, 72 AD. IMP CAES VESPAS AVG P M TR P IIII P P COS IIII, laureate head right / DE IVDAEIS, trophy of arms & armor, captives (?) at base. Cohen 139.
Vespasian Aureus, RIC 1130, (RIC [1962] 298), BMC 401 - Vespasian AV Aureus. Lyons mint, 71 AD. IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M TR P P P COS III, laureate head right / PACI AVGVSTI, Nemesis advancing right, drawing out fold of dress at neck, holding caduceus over serpent advancing right before her. Cohen 283.
Vespasian Aureus, RIC 963, (RIC [1962] 131a), BMC 290 - Vespasian AV Aureus. 77-78 AD. CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, laureate head right / ANNONA AVG, Annona enthroned left, holding sack of grain ears in her lap, ties in hand. Cohen 27.
Vespasian Aureus, RIC 775, (RIC [1962] 92), Cohen 370, BMC 168 - Vespasian AV Aureus. Struck 75 AD. IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, laureate head right / PON MAX TR P COS VI, Victory standing left, holding wreath & palm, on cista mystica between two serpents. Cohen 370.
Vespasian Aureus, RIC 515, (RIC [1962] 69a), Cohen 578, BMC 107 - Vespasian AV Aureus. 73 AD. IMP CAES VESP AVG CEN, laureate smaller head right / VESTA, tetrastyle Temple of Vesta containing statue of Vesta standing left on low basis, holding patera & long sceptre; two statues to either side holding long sceptres. Cohen 578cf.
Vespasian Denarius, RIC 1427, (RIC [1962] 328), RSC 40, BMC 452 - Vespasian Denarius. Ephesus mint, 71 AD. IMP CAESAR VESPAS AVG COS III TR P P P, laureate head right / AVG, EPHE monogram below, all in oak wreath. RSC 40, RPC 829.
Vespasian Denarius, RIC 1431, (RIC [1962] 333), RSC 276, BMC 457 - Vespasian Denarius. Ephesus mint, 71 AD. IMP CAESAR VESPAS AVG COS III TR P P P, laureate head right / PACI AVGVSTAE, Victory walking right, holding wreath in right hand, palm over left shoulder, EPHE monogram at foot right. RSC 276, RPC 833.
Vespasian Denarius, RIC 1412, (old RIC [1962] 323), RSC 278a, RPC 820 - Vespasian Denarius. Ephesus mint for Philipi, 70 AD. IMP CAESAR VESPAS AVG COS II TR P P P, laureate head right / PACI AVGVSTAE, Victory advancing left, carrying wreath & palm, sideways F at foot left. RSC 278a, RPC 820.
Vespasian Denarius, RIC 1433, (RIC [1962] 334), RSC 293, BMC 459 - Vespasian Denarius. Ephesus mint, 71 AD. IMP CAESAR VESPAS AVG COS III TR P P P, laureate head right / PACI ORB TERR AVG, towered & draped bust of World Peace right, EFE in ex. RSC 294.
Vespasian Denarius, RIC 847, (RIC [1962] 99a), RSC 121, BMC 180 - Vespasian Denarius. 76 AD. IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, laureate head right / COS VII, eagle standing on an altar, head left. RSC 121.
Vespasian Denarius, RIC 943, (RIC [1962] 107), RSC 133a, BMC 206 - Vespasian Denarius. Struck 77/8 AD. IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, laureate head right / COS VIII in exergue, yoke of oxen left. RSC 133a.
Vespasian Denarius, RIC 982, (RIC [1962] 109), RSC 213, BMC 212 - Vespasian Denarius. 77-78 AD. CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, laureate head right / sow walking left with piglets below, IMP XIX in ex. RSC 213.
Vespasian Denarius, RIC 774, (RIC [1962] 91), RSC 367, BMC 165 - Vespasian Denarius. IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, laureate head right / PON MAX TR P COS VI, Securitas seated left, resting head on hand. RSC 367.
Vespasian Denarius, RIC 777, (RIC [1962] 93), RSC 368, BMC 166 - Vespasian Denarius. IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, laureate head right / PON MAX TR P COS VI, Victory standing left on prow of ship, holding wreath & palm. RSC 368.
Vespasian Denarius, RIC 1058, (RIC [1962] 118), RSC 554, BMC 251 - Vespasian AR Denarius. 79 AD. IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, laureate head right / TR POT X COS VIIII, Capricorn left on globe. RSC 554.
Vespasian Denarius, RIC 41, (RIC [1962] 39), RSC 56, BMC 61 - Vespasian Denarius. January-June, 71 AD. IMP CAES VESP AVG P M, laureate head right / TRI POT II COS III P P, Pax seated left with cauduceus & branch. RSC 566.
Vespasian Denarius, RIC 360, (RIC [1962] 50), RSC 574, BMC 71 - Vespasian Denarius. IMP CAES VESP AVG P M COS IIII, laureate head right / VES-TA to either side of Vesta standing left, holding simpulum & sceptre. RSC 574, BMC 71.
Vespasian Denarius, RIC 362, (RIC [1962] 52), RSC 618, BMC 74 - Vespasian Denarius. 72-73 AD. IMP CAES VESP AVG P M COS IIII, laureate head right / VICTORIA AVGVSTI, Victory advancing right with palm, placing wreath on a standard set in the ground. RSC 618, Hendin 771.
Vespasian AR Quinarius, RIC 710, (RIC [1962] 78), RSC 613, BMC 142 - Vespasian Denarius. 74 AD. IMP CAES VESP AVG P M COS V CENS, laureate head right / VICTORIA AVGVSTI, Victory advancing right, bearing wreath & palm.
Vespasian AE Sestertius, RIC 230, (RIC [1962] 422), BMC 529 - Vespasian AE Sestertius. 71 AD. IMP CAES VESPAS AVG P M TR P P P COS III, laureate head right / FORTVNAE REDVCI, SC in ex, Fortuna standing left, holding branch & rudder set on globe in right hand, cornucopiae in left. BMCRE 529, Cohen 188.
Vespasian AE Sestertius, RIC 159, (RIC [1962] 424), Cohen 232, BMC 533 - Vespasian Æ Sestertius. 71 AD. IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M TR P P P COS III, laureate head right / IVDAEA CAPTA, SC below, Jew standing right and Jewess seated right under palm tree, arms to left and right. Cohen 232.
Vespasian AE Sestertius, RIC 165, (RIC [1962] 426), Cohen 238, BMC 540 - Vespasian AE Sestertius. 71 AD. IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG PM TR P P P COS III, laureate head right / IVDAEA CAPTA, palm tree, on left Judaea seated left on cuirass in attitude of mourning, to right captive standing left with hands bound behind his back, arms scattered around, S C in ex. Cohen 238, Hendin 773.
Vespasian AE Sestertius, RIC 167, (RIC [1962] 427), Cohen 239, BMC 543 - Vespasian AE Sestertius. 71 AD. IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M TR P P P COS III, laureate head right / IVDAEA CAPTA, S C in exergue, Vespasian standing right, foot on helmet, holding spear & parazonium, to left of palm tree, with Judaea seated below right, on cuirass, in attitude of mourning. Cohen 239.
Vespasian AE Sestertius, RIC 175, (RIC [1962] 433), Cohen 267, BMC 551 - Vespasian AE Sestertius. 71 AD. IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M TR P P P COS III, laureate head right / MARS VICTOR S-C, Mars advancing left, holding Victory and trophy. Cohen 267.
Vespasian AE Sestertius, RIC 181, (RIC [1962] 437), Cohen 326, BMC 555 - Vespasian Æ Sestertius. 71 AD. IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M TR P P P COS III, laureate head right / PAX AVGVSTI S-C, Pax standing left holding olive branch & cornucopiae. Cohen 326.
Vespasian AE Sestertius, RIC 190, (RIC [1962] 443), Cohen 419 - Vespasian AE Sestertius. 71 AD. IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M TR P P P COS III, laureate head right / ROMA S-C, Roma standing left holding Victory and spear. Cohen 419.
Vespasian AE Sestertius, RIC 194, (RIC [1962] 445), Cohen 425, BMC 565 - Vespasian AE Sestertius. IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M TR P P P COS III, laureate head right / ROMA RESVRGES S C, Vespasian standing left, raising kneeling figure of Roma who is presented by Minerva.
Vespasian AE Sestertius, RIC 211, (RIC [1962] 458), Cohen 528, BMC 573 - Vespasian Æ Sestertius. 71 AD. IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M TR P P P COS III, laureate head right / SPQR OB CIVES SERVATOS, legend in four lines in wreath. Cohen 528.
Vespasian AE Sestertius, RIC 131, (RIC [1962] 465), Cohen 620, BMC 586 - Vespasian AE Sestertius. 71 AD. IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG P M T P P P COS III, laureate head right / VICTORIA AVGVSTI, SC in ex, Vespasian standing left, holding sceptre, receiving palladium from Victory walking right. BMC 586, Cohen 620.
Vespasian AE Sestertius, RIC 221, (RIC [1962] 466), Cohen 621, BMC 577 - Vespasian AE Sestertius. 71 AD. IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M TR P P P COS III, laureate head right / VICTORIA AVGVSTI, S C in ex, Victory standing right, left foot on helmet, inscribing OB/CIV/SER on shield set on palm tree; to right, Jewess seated right in attitude of mourning. Cohen 621.
Vespasian AE Sestertius, RIC 223, (RIC [1962] 467), Cohen 624, BMC 582 - Vespasian Æ Sestertius. Struck 71 AD. IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M TR P P P COS III, laureate head left / VICTORIA AVGVSTI, S C in exergue, Victory right, inscribing shield set on palm tree, mourning Judaea seated below. Cohen 624.
Vespasian AE Dupondius, RIC 757, (RIC [1962] 798b: Commagene), Cohen 377, BMC 888 - Vespasian AE Dupondius. Rome mint, for Commagene(?), 74 AD. IMP CAESAR VESPASIAN AVG, laureate head left / PON MAX TR POT P P COS V CENS, winged caduceus between crossed cornucopiae. Cohen 377.
Vespasian AE Dupondius, RIC 1147, (RIC [1962] 476), Cohen 411, BMC 592 - Vespasian Æ Dupondius. 71 AD. IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS III, radiate head right / S-C, ROMA below, Roma seated left on a pile of arms, holding wreath & parazonium. Cohen 411.
Vespasian AE Dupondius, RIC 282, (RIC [1962] 480), Cohen 568, BMC 596 - Vespasian Æ Dupondius. IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS III, radiate head right / TVTELA AVGVSTI, SC in ex, Tutela (Guardianship) seated left with child standing to either side of her. Cohen 568.
Vespasian AE As, RIC 305, (RIC [1962] 490), Cohen 244, BMC 605 - Vespasian Æ As. 71 AD. IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS III, laureate head right / IVDEA CAPTA, SC in ex, Judaea seated right on cuirass under palm tree, head resting on hand, surrounded by arms. Cohen 246.
Vespasian AE Quadrans, RIC 351, (RIC [1962] 504), Cohen 343, BMC 618 - Vespasian AE Quadrans. 71 AD. IMP VESPASIAN AVG, palm tree / P M TR P P P COS III S-C, Vexillum. Cohen 343.
Vespasian, Titus & Domitian Aureus, RIC 15, (RIC [1962] 2), Cohen 4, BMC 1 - Vespasian, Titus & Domitian AV Aureus. January-June, 70 AD. IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, laureate head right / CAESAR AVG F COS CAESAR AVG F PR, heads of Titus & Domitian facing one another. Cohen 4.
Vespasian, Titus & Domitian Denarius, RIC 2.1 [2008] 16, (RIC II [1962] 2), RSC 5, BMC 2 - Vespasian, Titus & Domitian Denarius. 70 AD. IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, laureate bust of Vespasian right / CAESAR AVG F COS CAESAR AVG F PR, heads of Titus & Domitian facing each other. RSC 5.
Vespasian, Titus & Domitian Denarius, RIC 1429, (RIC [1962] 330), RSC 2a, BMC 455 - Vespasian, Titus & Domitan Denarius. Ephesus mint, 71 AD. IMP CAESAR VESPAS AVG COS III TR P P P, laureate head right / LIBERI IMP AVG VESPAS, confronted bare heads of Titus and Domitian, EPE between. BMCRE 455, RSC 2a, RIC 831.
Vespasian, Titus & Domitian Denarius, RIC 1430, (RIC [1962] 331), RSC 250, BMC 456 - Vespasian Denarius. Ephesus Mint, 71 AD. IMP CAESAR VESPAS AVG COS III TR P P P, laureate head right / LIBERI IMP AVG VESPAS, Titus & Domitian standing, heads left, each holding a patera, EPHE monogram in ex. RSC 250, RPC 832.
Vespasian, Titus & Domitian AE Dupondius or As, RIC 64, (RIC [1962] 391), BMC 750 - Vespasian Æ As. 71 AD. IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG IMP TR P, laureate head right, aegis at tip of neck / T ET DOMITIAN CAESARES PRIN IVVENT S-C, Titus & Domitian on horseback galloping right. Cohen 535.
Titus Aureus, RIC 971 (RIC [1962] 218) (Vespasian), Cohen 16, BMC 316 - Titus, As Caesar, AV Aureus. 78-79 AD. T CAESAR VESPASIANVS, laureate head right / ANNONA AVG, Annona seated left on throne, holding bundle of grain ears in right hand. Cohen 16, Calico 726.
Titus Aureus, RIC 780 (RIC [1962] 181) (Vespasian), Cohen 48, BMC 171 - Titus AV Aureus. Rome mint, 75 AD. T CAESAR IMP VESPASIAN, laureate head right / bull butting right, COS IIII in ex. Cohen 48.
Titus Aureus, RIC 954 (RIC [1962] 194) (Vespasian), Cohen 64, BMC 223 - Titus, as Caesar, AV Aureus. 77-78 AD. T CAESAR IMP VESPASIANVS, laureate head right / Roma seated right on shields, foot on helmet, holding spear; birds flying on either side; wolf & twins at feet, COS VI in ex. Calico 738, Cohen 64.
Titus Aureus, RIC 551 (RIC [1962] 168b) (Vespasian), Cohen 131, BMC 111 - Titus, As Caesar, AV Aureus. 73 AD. T CAES IMP VESP CEN laureate head right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, leaning on column to right, holding winged caduceus over tripod and olive-branch. Calico 744.
Titus Aureus, RIC 782 (RIC [1962] 212) (Vespasian), Cohen 134, BMC 310 - Titus Aureus. T CAESAR IMP VESPASIAN, laureate head right / PAX AVGVST, pax enthroned left with branch and sceptre. Cohen 134.
Titus Aureus, RIC 785 (RIC [1962] 184) (Vespasian), Cohen 163, BMC 173 - Titus, as Caesar, AV Aureus. Rome, 75 AD. T CAESAR IMP VESPASIAN, laureate head right / PONTIF TR P COS IIII, Victory, holding wreath & palm, standing left on cista mystica, on either side of which is a snake, coiling up on its tail, facing inward. Cohen 163.
Titus Aureus, RIC 696 (RIC [1962] 177a) (Vespasian), BMC 153 - Titus, as Caesar, AV Aureus. 74 AD. T CAESAR IMP VESP, laureate head right / PONTIF TR POT, Fortuna standing left on cippus holding rudder & cornucopiae. Cohen 163.
Titus Aureus, RIC 367 (RIC [1962] 158) (Vespasian), Cohen 352, BMC 81 - Titus, as Caesar, AV Aureus. 72-73 AD. T CAES IMP VESP P PON TR POT, laureate head right / VIC AVG, Victory standing right on globe holding wreath in right hand & palm over left shoulder. Cohen 352.
Titus Denarius, RIC 1441 (RIC [1962] 341) (Vespasian), RSC 125, BMC 468 - Titus, as Caesar. Denarius. Ephesus mint, 71 AD. IMPERATOR T CAESAR AVGVSTI F, bare head right / PACI AVGVSTAE, Victory advancing right, holding wreath & palm, EPHE (PHE in monogram) in lower right field. RPC 838, RSC 125.
Titus Denarius, RIC 1562 (RIC [1962] 367) (Vespasian), BMC 518 - Titus, as Caesar, Denarius. Antioch mint, 72 AD. Judaea Capta reference type. T CAES IMP VESP PO-N TR POT, laureate and draped bust right, seen from behind / Mourning Jewess seated right beneath palm tree, Vespasian standing to left of palm tree in military dress, foot on helmet, holding spear and parazonium. RPC II 1934, RSC 392.
Titus Denarius, RIC 1563 (RIC [1962] 368) (Vespasian), RSC 395, BMC 521 - Titus, as Caesar, AR Denarius. Antioch mint, 72-73 AD. . T CAES IMP VESP PON TR POT, laureate draped bust right, seen from behind / Titus in quadriga right with palm & eagle-tipped sceptre. RPC II 1935, RSC 395.
Titus Denarius, RIC 972 (RIC [1962] 218) (Vespasian), RSC 17, BMC 319 - Titus Denarius. T CAESAR VESPASIANVS, laureate head right / ANNONA AVG, Annona seated left, leaning elbow on seat and raising drapery.
Titus Denarius, RIC 974 (RIC [1962] 219) (Vespasian), RSC 31, BMC 321 - Titus, as Caesar, Denarius. 77-78 AD. T CAESAR VESPASIANVS, laureate head right / CE-RES AVGVST, Ceres standing left, holding two corn-ears with poppy and sceptre. RSC 31.
Titus Denarius, RIC 861 (RIC [1962] 191a) (Vespasian), RSC 59a, BMC 191 - Titus Denarius. 76 AD. T CAESAR IMP VESPASIAN, laureate head right / COS V, eagle on cippus, head left. RSC 59a.
Titus Denarius, RIC 949 (RIC [1962] 196) (Vespasian), RSC 66, BMC 222 - Titus, as Caesar, AR Denarius. 77-78 AD. T CAESAR IMP VESPASIANVS, laureate head right / COS VI, Mars standing with spear and trophy, grain-ear in field. RSC 66.
Titus Denarius, RIC 951 (RIC [1962] 197) (Vespasian), RSC 67, BMC 225 - Titus Denarius. T CAESAR IMP VESPASIANVS, laureate head right. / Yoke of oxen walking left, COS VI below. RSC 67.
Titus Denarius, RIC 874 (RIC [1962] 176) (Vespasian), RSC 106, BMC 305 - Titus, as Caesar, Denarius. 76 AD. T CAESAR IMP VESPASIANVS, laureate head right / IOVIS CVSTOS. Jupiter standing facing, sacrificing from patera over lit altar to left & holding sceptre. RSC 106.
Titus Denarius, RIC 693 (RIC [1962] 173) (Vespasian), RSC 159, BMC 152 - Titus, as Caesar, AR Denarius. 74 AD. T CAESAR IMP VESPASIAN, laureate head right / PONTIF TR P COS III, winged caduceus. RSC 159.
Titus Denarius, RIC 783 (RIC [1962] 185) (Vespasian), RSC 162, BMC 172 - Titus, as Caesar, Denarius. 75 AD. T CAESAR IMP VESPASIAN, laureate head right / PONTIF TR P COS IIII, Pax seated left, holding olive branch. RSC 162.
Titus Denarius, RIC 1078 (RIC [1962] 205) (Vespasian), RSC 332, BMC 255 - Titus AR Denarius. Rome mint, to 24 June, 79 AD. T CAESAR IMP VESPASIANVS, laureate head right / TR POT IIII COS VII, Venus standing right, leaning on cippus holding helmet and spear.
Titus AE Sestertius, RIC 500 (RIC [1962] 636) (Vespasian), Cohen 201 - Titus, as Caesar, AE Sestertius 73 AD. T CAESAR VESPASIAN IMP IIII PON TR POT II COS II, laureate head right / S-C across field, Mars walking right, holding spear in right hand, trophy over left shoulder. Cohen 201.
Titus AE Sestertius, RIC 611 (RIC [1962] 645) (Vespasian), Cohen 226, BMC 668 - Titus, as Caesar, Æ Sestertius. 73 AD. T CAES VESP IMP PON TR POT COS II CENS, laureate head right / S C in exergue, Titus in slow quadriga ornamented with Victory riding right. Cohen 226.
Titus AE Sestertius, RIC 433 (RIC [1962] 614) (Vespasian), Cohen 385, BMC 637 - Titus, as Caesar, Æ Sestertius. 72 AD. T CAES VESP IMP PON TR POT COS II, laureate head right / VICTORIA AVGVSTI S-C, Victory standing right, inscribing VIC/AVG in two lines on shield attached to palm. Cohen 385.
Titus AE Dupondius, RIC 1261 (RIC [1962] 777b) (Vespasian), Cohen 129, BMC 680 - Titus, as Caesar, AE Dupondius. Lyons mint. T CAES IMP AVG F TR P COS VI CENSOR, laureate head right / PAX AVG S-C, Pax standing left, holding patera over altar, caduceus & branch. Cohen 130.
Titus AE As, RIC 441 (RIC [1962] 618) (Vespasian), Cohen 6 - Titus, as Caesar, Æ As. 72 AD. T CAES VESPASIAN IMP P TR P COS II, laureate head right / AEQVITAS AVGVSTI S-C, Aequitas holding patera & long staff. Cohen 6.
Titus AE As, RIC 571 (RIC [1962] 619) (Vespasian), Cohen 89, BMC 642 - Titus, As Caesar, AE As. 73 AD. T CAESAR VESPASIAN IMP IIII PON TR POT III COS II, laureate head right / FIDES PVBLICA, S C below, clasped hands holding caduceus & two wheat stalks.
Titus AE As, RIC 1268 (RIC [1962] 784) (Vespasian), Cohen 117-118, BMC 862 - Titus Æ As. Lyons mint, 77-8 AD. T CAES IMP AVG F TR P COS VI CENSOR, laureate head right / IVDAEA CAPTA, Judaea seated right under palm-tree, captured arms behind, SC in ex. Cohen 117.
Titus AE As, RIC 914 (RIC [1962] 678) (Vespasian), Cohen 212, BMC 728 - Titus, as Caesar, AE As. 76 AD. T CAESAR IMP COS V, laureate head right / S-C, Spes standing left, holding flower & raising hem of skirt. Cohen 212.
Titus AE As, RIC 1035 (RIC [1962] 686) (Vespasian), Cohen 364, BMC 742 - Titus, as Caesar, AE As. Rome mint, 77-78 AD. T CAESAR VESPASIANVS TR P COS VI, head laureate right / VICTORIA AVGVST S C, Victory standing right on ship's prow, holding wreath & palm. Cohen 364.
Titus AE As, RIC 453 (RIC [1962] 626) (Vespasian), Cohen 381, BMC 645 - Titus, as Caesar, Æ As. 72 AD, after July 1. T CAES VESPASIAN IMP P TR P COS II, laureate head right / VICTORIA AVGVSTI S-C, Victory advancing right in act of crowning a standard with wreath. Cohen 381.
Titus Aureus, RIC 114, (RIC [1962] 22a), Cohen 300, BMC 42 - Titus AV Aureus. 80 AD. IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M, laureate head right / TR P IX IMP XV COS VIII P P, elephant walking left. Calico 774a.
Titus Aureus, RIC 106, (RIC [1962] 25a), Cohen 317, BMC 64 - Titus, as Augustus, AV Aureus. IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M, laureate head right / TR P IX IMP XV COS VIII P P, wreath on curule chair. Cohen 317.
Titus AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm, RIC 516, (RIC [1962] 74), RSC 398, BMC 149 - Titus AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm. Rome mint, for Asia, 80-81 AD. IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M, laureate head right / Aquila between two standards. RSC 398.
Titus Denarius, RIC 89, (RIC [1962] 31), RSC 25, BMC 106 - Titus Denarius. IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M, laureate head right / BONVS EVENTVS AVGVSTI, Bonus Eventus standing facing, head left, with patera & grain ears.
Titus Denarius, RIC 1, RIC [1962] 1, RSC 334a, BMC 1 - Titus, as Augustus, AR Denarius. June-July 79 AD. IMP T CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, laureate head right / TR POT VIII COS VII, Jewish captive kneeling right in front of trophy of arms. RSC 334a.
Titus Denarius, RIC 8, RIC [1962] 6, RSC 276 - Titus AR Denarius. 79 AD. IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M, laureate head right / TR P VIIII IMP XIIII COS VII, quadriga left with corn ears in car. RSC 276.
Titus Denarius, RIC 34, (RIC [1962] 9], RSC 268, BMC 9 - Titus Denarius. 79 AD. IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M, laureate head right / TR P VIIII IMP XIIII COS VII P P, Venus standing right leaning on cippus holding helmet and spear. RSC 268.
Titus Denarius, RIC 22, (RIC [1962] 8), RSC 270, BMC 7 - Titus Denarius. IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M, bust right / TR P VIIII IMP XIIII COS VII PP, Ceres seated left, holding a corn-ear, poppy & torch. RSC 270.
Titus Denarius, RIC 102, (RIC [1962] 21a), RSC 306, BMC 37 - Titus Denarius. Jan-July AD 80. IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG PM, laureate head right / TR P IX IMP XV COS VIII P P, Trophy with a captive on either side. RSC 306.
Titus Denarius, RIC 115, (RIC [1962] 22a), RSC 303, BMC 43 - Titus denarius. IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M, laureate head right / TRP IX IMP XV COS VIII PP, elephant walking left. RSC 303.
Titus Denarius, RIC 119, (RIC [1962] 23a), RSC 316, BMC 51 - Titus Denarius. IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M, laureate head right / TR P IX IMP XV COS VIII P P, thunderbolt on draped table or chair. RSC 316.
Titus Denarius, RIC 122, (RIC [1962] 24a), RSC 313, BMC 58 - Titus Denarius. IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M, laureate head right / TR P IX IMP XV COS VIII P P, throne with back in form of a diadem with corn ears upon it. RSC 313.
Titus Denarius, RIC 124, (RIC [1962] 24a var), RSC 313a, BMC 61 - Titus AR Denarius. 80 AD. IMP TITVS CAESAR VESPASIAN AVG P M, laureate head right / TR P IX IMP XV COS VIII P P, draped throne with triangular back. BMC 61, RSC 313a.
Titus Denarius, RIC 112, (RIC [1962] 26a), RSC 309, BMC 72 - Titus Denarius. 80 AD. IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M, laureate head right / TR P IX IMP XV COS VIII P P, dolphin coiled around an anchor. RSC 309.
Titus Denarius, RIC 129 (RIC [1962] 27b), RSC 323, BMC 80 - Titus, as Augustus, AR Denarius. IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M, laureate head left / TR P IX IMP XV COS VIII P P, dolphin right above tripod. RSC 323.
Titus AR Quinarius, RIC 91, (RIC [1962] 34), RSC 356, BMC 108 - Titus AR Quinarius. IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M, head laureate right / VICTORIA AVGVST, Victory advancing right, holding wreath & palm. RSC 356.
Titus AE Sestertius, RIC 498, (RIC [1962] 181), Cohen 141cf, BMC 309 - Titus AE Sestertius. Eastern (Thracian?) mint, 80-81 AD. IMP T CAES DIVI VESP F AVG P M TR P P P COS VIII, laureate head right / PAX AVGVST S-C, Pax standing left holding branch & cornucopiae. Cohen 141cf, RPC 501.
Titus AE Sestertius, RIC 162, (RIC [1962] 98), Cohen 179, BMC 180 - Titus Æ sestertius. IMP T CAES VESP AVG P M TR P P P COS VIII, laureate head left / PROVIDENT AVGVST S C, Vespasian standing left presenting globe to Titus standing right.
Titus AE Sestertius, RIC 168, (RIC [1962] 100), Cohen 221, BMC 186 - Titus Æ Sestertius. 80 AD. IMP T CAES VESP AVG PM TR P P P COS VIII, laureate head right / S-C, Greek archaic statue of Spes (Elpis) walking left, holding flower and raising hem of skirt. Cohen 221.
Titus AE Sestertius, RIC 173, (RIC [1962] 103), Cohen 223, BMC 188 - Titus AE Sestertius. 80 AD. IMP T CAES VESP AVG PM TR P P P COS VIII, laureate head right / S-C, Victory advancing left.
Titus AE Dupondius, RIC 503, (RIC [1962] 183), Cohen 189, BMC 314 - Titus AE Dupondius. Eastern (Thrace?) mint, 80-81 AD. IMP T CAES DIVI VESP F AVG P M TR P P P COS VIII, radiate head right / ROMA, SC below, Roma seated left, holding wreath and parazonium. Cohen 189, RPC 507.
Titus AE Dupondius, RIC 204, (RIC [1962] 116b), Cohen 195, BMC 197 - Titus Æ Dupondius. IMP T CAES VESP AVG P M TR P COS VIII, radiate head right / SALVS AVG S-C, Salus seated left on throne, holding patera. Cohen 195.
Titus AE As, RIC 226, (RIC [1962] 126), Cohen 96, BMC 209 - Titus AE As. IMP T CAES VESP AVG P M TR P COS VIII, laureate head left / GENI P R S-C, Genius of the Roman People standing left with cornucopia, sacrificing from patera over lighted altar. Cohen 96.
Titus AE As, RIC 230, (RIC [1962] 129b), BMC 212 - Titus AE As. 80 AD. IMP T CAES VESP AVG P M TR P COS VIII, laureate head left / PAX AVGVST S-C, Pax standing left, holding branch & caduceus.
Titus AE As, RIC 237, (RIC [1962] 130), Cohen 219, BMC 216 - Titus AE As. IMP T CAES VESP AVG P M TR P COS VIII. laureate head right / S-C, Spes standing left, holding flower & raising hem of robe.
Titus AE As, RIC 247, (RIC [1962] 133), Cohen 368, BMC 217 - Titus AE As. IMP T CAES VESP AVG P M TR P COS VIII, laureate head left / VICTORIA AVGVST S-C, Victory advancing right upon a prow, holding a wreath & palm.
Titus AE Quandrans, RIC 255, (RIC [1962] 136), Cohen 252, BMC 220 - Titus Æ Quadrans. Rome mint, 80-81 AD. IMP T VESP AVG COS VIII, modius / large S C within laurel wreath. Cohen 252.
Titus & Domitian Caesars AE Sestertius, RIC 418 (RIC [1962] 605) (Vespasian), Cohen 27, BMC 628 - Titus, as Caesar, AE Sestertius. 72 AD. T CAES VESPASIAN IMP PON TR POT COS II, laureate head right / CAESAR DOMITIAN COS DES II, Domitian riding left, holding sceptre. Cohen 27.
Vespasian Memorial Denarius, RIC 361 (RIC [1962] 60) (Titus), RSC 146, BMC 119 - Divus Vespasian Denarius. 80-81 AD. DIVVS AVGVSTVS VESPASIANVS, laureate head right / EX S C in exergue, empty quadriga advancing left; dash rail surmounted by statuette of quadriga flanked by Victories holding palms & wreaths; car ornamented with figures of Minerva advancing left & brandishing spear, & garlands. RSC 146.
Vespasian Memorial Denarius, RIC 359 (RIC [1962] 62) (Titus), RSC 149, BMC 125 - Divus Vespasian Denarius. DIVVS AVGVSTVS VESPASIANVS, laureate head right / E-X; SC on round shield set on column, upon which an urn sits, laurel branch to each side. RSC 149.
Divus Vespasian Memorial Denarius, RIC 357 (RIC [1962] 63) (Titus), RSC 497, BMC 129, BM-129, Paris 101 - Divus Vespasian Denarius. 80-81 AD. DIVVS AVGVSTVS VESPASIANVS, laureate head right / S C inscribed on shield supported by two capricorns, orb with crosshatching below. RSC 497.
Vespasian Memorial AE Sestertius, RIC 257 (RIC [1962] 143) (Titus), Cohen 205, BMC 221 - Divus Vespasian Æ Sestertius. Struck under Titus, 80-81 AD. IMP T CAES DIVI VESP F AVG P M TR P P P COS VIII, large S C across field / DIVO/AVG/VESP in upper right field, S P Q R in exergue, radiate statue of Vespasian seated right on ornate stool, holding long sceptre in right hand & Victory, holding palm & wreath, in extended left hand, set on ornate car drawn right by four elephants. Cohen 205.
Domitilla The Elder Memorial AE Sestertius, RIC 262 (RIC [1962] 153) (Titus), Cohen 1 (Domitilla Jr.), BMC 226 - Domitilla the Elder Æ Sestertius. Struck 80-81 AD under Titus. IMP T CAES DIVI VESP F AVG P M TR P P P COS VIII around large SC / MEMORIAE DOMI-TILLAE, carpentum right drawn by two mules, SPQR in ex. Cohen 1.
Augustus Memorial AE Sestertius, RIC 401 (RIC [1962] 184) (Titus), Cohen 548, BMC 261 - Divus Augustus AE Sestertius. Restoration by Titus, 80 AD. DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER, seated radiate figure of Augustus left, holding laurel branch & sceptre / IMP T CAES DIVI VESP F AVG P M TR P P P COS VIII, around REST above large SC. Cohen 548.
Augustus Memorial AE Sestertius, RIC 454 (RIC [1962] 189) (Titus), Cohen 557, BMC 265 - Augustus AE dupondius, restoration issue by Titus. DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER radiate head left / IMP T VESP AVG REST S-C, Victory advancing left with shield inscribed SPQR.
Augustus Memorial AE As, RIC 454 (RIC [1962] 191) (Titus), Cohen 559, BMC 268 - Augustus AE dupondius, restoration issue by Titus. DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER radiate head left / IMP T VESP AVG REST S-C, Victory advancing left with shield inscribed SPQR.
Augustus Memorial AE As, RIC 460 (RIC [1962] 197) (Titus), Cohen 551, BMC 272 - Divus Augustus AE As, struck by Titus. DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER, radiate head left / IMP T VEST AVG REST, Eagle standing on globe, head right. Cohen 551.
Augustus Memorial AE As, RIC 461 (RIC [1962] 198) (Titus), BMC 275 - Divus Augustus AE As. Struck by Titus, 80-81 AD. DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER, radiate head left / IMP T CAES AVG RESTITVIT S C, eagle standing on globe, head right.
Augustus Memorial AE As, RIC 464 (RIC [1962] 206) (Titus), Cohen 554, BMC 278 - Augustus Æ As, restoration by Titus. DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER, radiate head of Augustus, facing left. / IMP T VESP AVG REST S C, eagle, with wings spread, stands facing, head turned to left.
Tiberius Restoration AE As, RIC 432 (RIC [1962] 211) (Titus), Cohen 73, BMC 284 - Divus Tiberius AE As, struck by Titus, 80-81 AD. TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVST IMP VIII, bare head left / IMP T CAES DIVI VESP F AVG REST around large SC. Cohen 73.
Tiberius Restoration AE As, RIC 434 (RIC [1962] 212) (Titus), Cohen 75, BMC 285 - Tiberius AE AS, Restoration series by Titus, 80-81 AD. TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVST IMP VIII, bare head left / IMP T CAES DIVI VESP AVG P M, TR P P P COS VIII RESTITVIT in two lines around SC. Cohen 75.
Drusus Restoration AE As, RIC 216 (Titus), Cohen 6cf, BMC 286 - Drusus AE As, struck under Titus. DRVSVS CAESAR TI AVG F DIVI AVG N, bare head left / IMP T CAES DIVI VESP F AVG REST around large SC. Cohen 6.
Germanicus Restoration AE As, RIC 442 (RIC [1962] 228) (Titus), BMC 293 - Germanicus AE As. Restoration issue by Titus, ca AD 80. GERMANICVS CAESAR TI AVG F DIVI AVG N, bare head left / IMP T CAES DIVI VESP F AVG REST around large S-C.
Germanicus Restoration AE As, RIC 418 (RIC [1962] 230) (Titus), Cohen 14, BMC 295 - Germanicus Æ As, memorial issue struck by Titus. GERMANICVS CAESAR TI AVGVST F DIVI AVG N, head of Germanicus left. / SC in center, legend around in two circles: IMP T CAESS DIVI VESP F AVG P M TR P P P COS VIII RESTITVIT. Cohen 14.
Claudius Restoration AE Sestertius, RIC 472 (RIC [1962] 234) (Titus), Cohen 103, BMC 297 - Divus Claudius AE Sestertius. Restoration issue by Titus, 80-81 AD. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP P P, laureate head right / IMP T VESP AVG REST S-C, Spes advancing left, holding flower and raising skirt. Cohen 103.
Claudius Restoration AE Sestertius, RIC 475 (RIC [1962] 232) (Titus), Cohen 104, BMC 298 - Divus Claudius AE Sestertius. Restitution under Titus, 80 AD. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP, laureate head left / IMP T VESP AVG REST S-C, Spes advancing left, holding flower & hem of skirt. Cohen 104.
Claudius Restoration AE As, RIC 484 (RIC [1962] 241) (Titus), Cohen 105, BMC 300 - Claudius Æ As. Rome. Restitution issue under Titus, 80-81 AD. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP P P, bare head right / IMP T VESP AVG REST S-C, Minerva advancing right with javelin and shield. Cohen 105.
Claudius Restoration AE As, RIC 489 (RIC [1962] 243) (Titus), Cohen 106cf, BMC 300note - Claudius Æ As. Rome. Restitution issue under Titus, 80-81 AD. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP P P, bare head left / IMP T VESP AVG REST S-C, Minerva advancing right with javelin and shield. Cohen 106.
Julia Titi Denarius, RIC 388 (RIC [1962] 56) (Titus), RSC 14, BMC 141 - Julia Titi AR Denarius. IVLIA AVGVSTA TITI AVGVSTI F, draped bust right, hair in plaits behind / VENVS AVGVST, Venus leaning on column right, holding helmet and sceptre. RSC 14.
Julia Titi Denarius, RIC 389 (RIC [1962] 57) (Titus), RSC 16 - Julia Titi Denarius. IVLIA IMP T AVG F AVGVSTA, draped bust right / Vesta seated left with patera & sceptre, VESTA in ex. RSC 16.
Julia Titi AE Dupondius, RIC 392 (RIC [1962] 177) (Titus), Cohen 2, BMC 253 - Julia Titi Æ Dupondius. 80-81 AD. IVLIA IMP T AVG F AVGVSTA, draped bust right / CERES AVGVST S-C, Ceres standing left with corn ears and long torch. Cohen 2.
Julia Titi AE Dupondius, RIC 398 (RIC [1962] 180) (Titus), Cohen 18, BMC 256 - Julia Titi Æ Dupondius. IVLIA IMP T AVG F AVGVSTA, draped bust right, hair in bun at back of head / S-C either side of Vesta enthroned left holding Victory, VESTA in ex. Cohen 18.
Domitian Aureus, RIC 918 (RIC [1962] 237) (Vespasian), Cohen 46, BMC 196 - Domitian, as Caesar, AV Aureus. 76 AD. CAESAR AVG F DOMITIANVS, head laureate right / COS IIII, cornucopia, tied round with ribbons which hang down on both sides. Cohen 46.
Domitian Aureus, RIC 959 (RIC [1962] 240) (Vespasian), Cohen 48, BMC 231 - Domitian, Caesar, AV Aureus. 77-78 AD. CAESAR AVG F DOMITIANVS, laureate head right / COS V below Parthian kneeling right presenting standard. Cohen 48.
Domitian Aureus, RIC 787 (RIC [1962] 233) (Vespasian), Cohen 374, BMC 155 - Domitian, as Caesar, AV Aureus. 74-75 AD. CAES AVG F DOMIT COS III, laureate head right / PRINCEPS IVVENTVT, Spes standing left with flower & raising skirt. Cohen 374.
Domitian Aureus, RIC 559 (RIC [1962] 230) (Vespasian), Cohen 614v, BMC 412 - Domitian, as Caesar, AV Aureus. 73 AD. CAESAR AVG F DOMIT COS II, laureate head right / VESTA, the Temple of Vesta: statue of Vesta standing left within tetrastyle belvedere, two other smaller statues of minor goddesses to left and right. Calicó 940, Cohen 614v.
Domitian Aureus, RIC 679 (RIC [1962] 232) (Vespasian), Cohen 663, BMC 123 - Domitian, as Caesar, AV Aureus. Rome, 73 AD. CAES AVG F DOMIT COS II, laureate head right / Domitian on horse leaping left, raising right hand & holding sceptre surmounted by human head. Cohen 663.
Domitian Denarius, RIC 921 (RIC [1962] 238) (Vespasian), RSC 47, BMC 193 - Domitian Denarius. 76 AD. CAESAR AVG F DOMITIANVS, laureate head right / COS IIII, winged Pegasus standing right with raising left foreleg. BMC 193, RSC 47.
Domitian Denarius, RIC 957 (RIC [1962] 242) (Vespasian), RSC 49, BMC 234 - Domitian, as Caesar, AR Denarius. 77-78 AD. CAESAR AVG F DOMITIANVS, laureate head right / COS V, man with hand raised out behind him on horse prancing right. RSC 49a.
Domitian Denarius, RIC 788 (RIC [1962] 233) (Vespasian), RSC 375, BMC 156 - Domitian as Caesar denarius. CAES AVG F DOMIT COS III, laureate head right / PRINCEPS IVVENTVT, Spes standing left with flower & raising skirt. RSC 375.
Domitian Denarius, RIC 1081 (RIC [1962] 246) (Vespasian), RSC 393, BMC 269 - Domitian Denarius. CAESAR AVG F DOMITIANVS COS VI Laureate head right / PRINCEPS IVVENTVTIS, clasped hands before legionary eagle. RSC 393.
Domitian Denarius, RIC 680 (RIC [1962] 232) (Vespasian), RSC 664, BMC 129 - Domitian Denarius. CAES AVG F DOMIT COS II, laureate head right / Domitian riding horse left, raising hand & holding sceptre surmounted by a human head. RSC 664.
Domitian AE As, RIC 1290 (RIC [1962] 791a) (Vespasian), Cohen 454cf, BMC 873 - Domitian AE As. Lyons mint, 77-78 AD. CAESAR AVG F DOMITIANVS COS V, laureate head right with globe at point of bust / S-C, Spes advancing left holding flower & hem of skirt. Cohen 454.
Domitian AE As, RIC 672 (RIC [1962] 701a) (Vespasian), Cohen 478, BMC 690 - Domitian AE As. CAESAR AVG F DOMITIAN COS II, laureate head right / S-C, Domitian riding left on rearing horse, holding wreath & sceptre.
Domitian Aureus, RIC 265 (RIC [1962] 50) (Titus), Cohen 396, BMC 91 - Domitian, as Caesar under Titus, AV Aureus. 80 AD. CAESAR DIVI F DOMITIANVS COS VII, laureate head right / PRINCEPS IVVENTVTIS, garlanded & lighted altar. Cohen 396.
Domitian Cistophoric Tetradrachm, RIC 517 (RIC [1962] 75) (Titus), RSC 95, BMC 150 - Domitian, as Caesar, AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm, of or for Ephesos. CAES DIVI F DOMITIANVS COS VII, laureate head right / DIVO VESP across fields, large altar with double doors. RPC 862, RSC 95.
Domitian Denarius, RIC 96 (RIC [1962] 45) (Titus), RSC 395, BMC 85 - Domitian, as Caesar, AR Denarius. 80 AD. CAESAR AVG F DOMITIANVS COS VII, laureate head right / PRINCEPTS IVVENTVTIS, clasped hands holding a legionary eagle on prow. RSC 395.
Domitian Denarius, RIC 268 (RIC [1962] -) (Titus), RSC 381a, BMC 86 - Domitian Denarius. 80 AD. CAESAR DIVI F DOMITIANVS COS VII, laureate head right / PRINCEPS IVVENTVTIS, Minerva advancing right, wielding javelin and holding shield at the ready. BMC 86.
Domitian Denarius, RIC 267 (RIC [1962] 49) (Titus), RSC 390, BMC 88 - Domitian, as Caesar, AR Denarius. AD 80. CAESAR DIVI F DOMITIANVS COS VII, laureate head right / PRINCEPS IVVENTVTIS, Cretan goat standing left in laurel wreath. RSC 390.
Domitian Denarius, RIC 266 (RIC [1962] 50) (Titus), RSC 397a, BMC 92 - Domitian Denarius. CAESAR DIVI F DOMITIANVS COS VII, laureate head right / PRINCEPS IVVENTVTIS, lighted & garlanded altar. RSC 397a.
Domitian Denarius, RIC 271 (RIC [1962] 51) (Titus), RSC 399a, BMC 98 - Domitian, as Caesar under Titus, AR denarius. CAESAR DIVI F DOMITIANVS COS VII, laureate head right / PRINCEPS IVVENTVTIS, helmet on altar. RSC 399a.
Domitian AE Sestertius, RIC 509 (RIC [1962] 159) (Titus), Cohen 422 - Domitian, as Caesar under Titus, Æ Sestertius. Bithynian mint, 80-81 AD. CAES DIVI AVG VESP F DOMITIANVS COS VII, laureate head right / S-C, Mars walking right, holding spear in right hand, trophy over left shoulder. Cohen 422.
Domitian AE Sestertius, RIC 298 (RIC [1962] 158b) (Titus), Cohen 460, BMC 234 - Domitian, as Caesar, AE Sestertius. CAES DIVI AVG VESP F DOMITIANVS COS VII, laureate head right / S-C, Spes advancing left holding flower and raising hem of robe. Cohen 460.
Domitian AE Dupondius, RIC 512 (RIC [1962] 165a) (Titus), Cohen 32, BMC 237 - Domitian as Caesar, under Titus, AE dupondius. CAES DIVI AVG VESP F DOMITIAN COS VII Laureate and draped bust right / CERES AVGVST SC, Ceres standing, head left, holding corn-ears and torch.
Domitian Aureus, RIC 143, (RIC [1962] 40), Cohen 319, BMC 51 - Domitian AV Aureus. 82-83 AD. IMP CAES DOMITIANVS AVG P M, laureate head right / IVPPITER CONSERVATOR, eagle standing right on thunderbolt, head left. Cohen 319.
Domitian Cistophorus, RIC 841, (RIC [1962] 222), RSC 23, BMC 251 - Domitian AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm. Minted for or in Asia, 82 AD. IMP CAES DOMITIAN AVG P M COS VIII, laureate head right / CA-PIT, RESTIT below, tetrastyle Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus Capitolinas, with Jupiter seated facing within between Juno & Minerva standing, pediment decorated with quadriga, statues on roof. RPC II 864, RSC 23.
Domitian Cistophorus, RIC 850, (RIC [1962] 223), RSC 94, BMC 253 - Domitian AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm. Minted for or in Asia, 95 AD. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM P M TR P XIIII IMP XXII, laureate head right / COS XVII CENS P P P, Aquila between two standards. RPC 873; BMCRE 253; RSC 94.
Domitian Cistophorus, RIC 843, (RIC [1962] 226), RSC 667, BMC 252 - Domitian AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm. 82 AD. Rome mint for Asia. IMP CAESAR DOMITIANVS AVG P M COS VIII, laureate head right / Aquila between two standards; one surmounted by a banner, the other by a hand. RPC 865; RSC 667.
Domitian Denarius, RIC 596, (RIC [1962] 117), RSC 76, BMC 131 - Domitian Denarius. 88 AD. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM P M TR P VIII, laureate head right / COS XIIII LVD SAEC FEC, herald with feather in cap walking left, holding round shield and wand. RSC 76/77.
Domitian Denarius, RIC 601, (RIC [1962] 116), RSC 73, BMC 135 - Domitian Denarius. 88 AD. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM P M TR P VIII, laureate head right / COS XIIII LVD SAEC FEC inscribed on column; to right, an incense burner, further right, Herald, standing left holding wand and shield. RSC 73.
Domitian Denarius, RIC 604, (RIC [1962] 115), RSC 70, BMC 137 - Domitian denarius. 88 AD. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM P M TR P VIII, laureate head right / COS XIIII LVD SAEC FEC inscribed on column; to right, an incense burner, further right, Herald, standing left holding wand and shield. RSC 73.
Domitian Denarius. 95-96 AD. DOMITIANVS AVG GERM, bare head right / hexastyle temple of Capitoline Jupiter, with Jupiter seated left within, two figures in the columns at his sides, standing figures in pediment, quadriga on roof, IMP CAESAR on the architrave. RIC 815; BMC 242; Paris 216; RSC 174.
Domitian Denarius, RIC 336, (RIC [1962] 64), RSC 178a, BMC 79 - Domitian Denarius. 85 AD. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM P M TR P IIII, laureate bust right with aegis / IMP VIII COS XI CENS POT P P, Minerva standing left with thunderbolt and spear, shield on ground to right. RSC 178.
Domitian Denarius, RIC 507, (RIC [1962] 92), RSC 218, BMC 103 - Domitian Denarius. 87 AD. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM P M TR P VI, laureate head right / IMP XIIII COS XIII CENS P P P, Minerva standing right on capital of rostral column, holding spear and shield, owl at foot right. RSC 218.
Domitian Denarius, RIC 669, (RIC [1962] 139), RSC 251, BMC 153 - Domitian Denarius. 88-89 AD. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM TR P VIII, laureate head right / IMP XIX COS XIIII CENS P P P, Minerva standing left with thunderbolt and sceptre, shield at feet.
Domitian Denarius, RIC 689, (RIC [1962] 147), RSC 261, BMC 164 - Domitian Denarius. 90 AD. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM P M TR P VIIII, laureate head right / IMP XXI COS XV CENS P P P, Minerva advancing right, brandishing javelin & holding shield. RSC 261.
Domitian Denarius, RIC 720, (RIC [1962] 153), RSC 266, BMC 179 - Domitian Denarius. 90-91 AD. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM P M TR P X, laureate head right / IMP XXI COS XV CENS P P P, Minerva standing right on capital of rostral column, holding spear and shield, owl at feet. RSC 266.
Domitian Denarius, RIC 762, (RIC [1962] 174), RSC 278, BMC 207 - Domitian Denarius. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM P M TR P XIII, laureate head right / IMP XXII COS XVI CENS P P P, Minerva standing right on capital of rostral column, brandishing spear & holding shield, owl before. RSC 284.
Domitian Denarius, RIC 772, (RIC [1962] 188), RSC 287, BMC 224 - Domitian Denarius. 95 AD. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM P M TR P XIIII Laureate head right. / IMP XXII COS XVII CENS P P, Minerva standing left, holding thunderbolt and sceptre, shield at side.
Domitian Denarius, RIC 791, (RIC [1962] 194), RSC 294, BMC 237 - Domitian Denarius. 95-96 AD. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM P M TR P XV, laureate head right / IMP XXII COS XVII CENS P P P, Minerva Victrix, winged, advancing left, holding javelin & shield. RSC 294.
Domitian Denarius, RIC 144, (RIC [1962] 40), RSC 320, BMC 52 - Domitian Denarius. IMP CAES DOMITIANVS AVG P M, laureate head right / IVPPITER CONSERVATOR, eagle standing front on thunderbolt, head left. RSC 320.
Domitian Denarius, RIC 4, (RIC [1962] 1), RSC 551, BMC 1 - Domitian, Augustus, AR Denarius. 81 AD. IMP CAESAR DOMITIANVS AVG, laureate head right / TR P COS VII, thunderbolt on throne. RSC 551.
Domitian Denarius, RIC 2, (RIC [1962] 4), RSC 552, BMC 3 - Domitian, as Augustus, AR Denarius. Rome mint, 81 AD. IMP CAESAR DOMITIANVS AVG, laureate head right / TR P COS VII, dolphin entwined around anchor. RSC 552.
Domitian AR Denarius. AD 81. IMP CAES DOMITIANVS AVG P M, laureate head right / TR P COS VII DES VIII P P, Minerva standing left, holding Victory and sceptre, shield at her feet. RIC II 62; RSC 564.
Domitian Denarius, RIC 48, (RIC [1962] 18), RSC 570, BMC 18 - Domitian Denarius, 81 AD. IMP CAES DOMITIANVS AVG P M, laureate head right / TR P COS VII DES VIII P P, wreath on a curule chair. RSC 570.
Domitian Denarius, RIC 102, (RIC [1962] 27), RSC 594, BMC 30 - Domitian Denarius. 82 AD. IMP CAES DOMITIANVS AVG P M, laureate head right / TR POT COS VIII P P, dolphin atop a tripod, ravens at base. RSC 594.
Domitian Denarius, RIC 100, (RIC [1962] 25), RSC 596, BMC 27 - Domitian Denarius. 81-82 AD. IMP CAES DOMITIANVS AVG P M, Laureate head right / TR POT COS VIII P P, Seat, draped, above, semicircular frame decorated with three crescents. BM 27-28, RSC 596.
Domitian Denarius, RIC 141, (RIC [1962] 32), RSC 510, BMC 34 - Domitian Denarius. 82 AD. IMP CAES DOMITIANVS AVG P M Laureate head right. / TR POT IMP II COS VIII DES VIIII P P Fortuna standing left with rudder and cornucopiae. RSC 510.
Domitian AE Sestertius, RIC 633, (RIC [1962] 358), Cohen 313, BMC 406 - Domitian Æ Sestertius. Struck 88-89 AD. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS XIIII CENS PER P P, laureate head right / IOVI VICTORI, S C in exergue, Jupiter enthroned left, holding Victory on globe in right hand & sceptre in left. Cohen 313.
Domitian AE Sestertius, RIC 76, (RIC [1962] 232a), Cohen 561, BMC 260 - Domitian AE Sestertius. 81 AD. IMP CAES DIVI VESP F DOMITIAN AVG P M, laureate head right / TR P COS VII DES VIII P P S-C, Minerva standing right, brandishing spear & holding round shield. Cohen 561.
Domitian AE Dupondius, RIC 618, (RIC [1962] 381), Cohen 87, BMC 430 - Domitian AE Dupondius. Late 88 AD. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM P M TR P VIII CENS PER P P, radiate head right / COS XIIII LVDI SAEC, flute & lyre players standing right before Domitan standing left sacrificing over altar, temple in background. Cohen 87.
Domitian AE Dupondius, RIC 389, (RIC [1962] 296), Cohen 640 - Domitian AE As. 85 AD. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS XI CENS POT P P, laureate head right / VICTORIAE AVGVSTI, Victory standing left, holding palm & inscribing trophy set on tree, S-C either side of trunk. Cohen 640.
Domitian AE As, RIC 487, (RIC [1962] 332), Cohen 111, BMC 385 - Domitian AE As. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS XII CENS PER P, laureate head right / FIDEI PVBLICAE S-C, Fides standing right holding ears of grain & basket of fruits.
Domitian AE As, RIC 110 (RIC [1962] 242a), Cohen 587, BMC 281 - Domitian Æ As. 82 AD. IMP CAES DIVI F DOMITIAN AVG P M, laureate head right / TR P COS VIII DES VIIII P P S-C, Minerva advancing right brandishing javelin and holding shield. Cohen 587.
Domitian AE As, RIC 709, (RIC [1962] 397), Cohen 656, BMC 452 - Domitian Æ As. 90-91 AD. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS XV CENS PER P P, laureate head right / VIRTVTI AVGVSTI, S C across field, Virtus standing right, holding parazonium and sceptre, left foot on helmet.
Domitian & Domitia Cistophorus, RIC 845, (RIC [1962] 228), RSC 2, BMC 225 - Domitian & Domitia AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm. Minted for or in Asia, 82 AD. IMP CAES DOMITAN AVG P M COS VIII, laureate head right / DOMITIA AVGVSTA, draped bust right, hair in plait behind. RSC 2.
Julia Titi Sestertius, RIC 717 (RIC [1962] 400) (Domitian), Cohen 9, BMC 458 - Diva Julia Titi AE Sestertius. Struck under Domitian, 90-91 AD. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS XV CENS PER P P around large S C / DIVAE IVLIAE AVG DIVI TITI S P Q R, funeral carpentum right. Cohen 9.
Julia Titi Sestertius, RIC 760 (RIC [1962] 411) (Domitian), Cohen 10, BMC 471 - Diva Julia Titi Æ Sestertius. DIVAE IVLIAE AVG DIVI TITI F SPQR, carpentum drawn right by two mules / IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS XVI CENS PER P P around large S C. Cohen 10.
Anonymous AE Quadrans, RIC II 7, Cohen 7 - Anonymous Æ Quadrans. Period of Domitian to Antoninus Pius, c81-161 AD. Helmeted & draped bust of Minerva right / S-C in fields, owl standing half right, head facing. Cohen 7.
Anonymous AE Quadrans, RIC II 9, Cohen 4 - Anonymous AE Quadrans. Rome mint, time of Domitian to Antoninus Pius. Helmeted bust of Minerva right, in aegis with snakes on breast / S C, olive tree. Cohen 4.
Anonymous AE Quadrans, RIC II 17, Cohen 22 - Anonymous AE Quadrans. ca 81-161 AD. Bearded head of Tiber right, crowned with reed / she-wolf standing right, suckling the twins, SC in ex. Cohen 22.
Anonymous AE Quadrans, RIC II 19, Cohen 26-27cf - Anonymous Æ Quadrans. Period of Domitian to Antoninus Pius, c81-161 AD. Helmeted & cuirassed bust of Mars right / S-C, cuirass. Cohen 26.
Anonymous AE Quadrans, RIC II 24, Cohen 10 - Anonymous Æ Quadrans. Period of Domitian to Antoninus Pius, ca 81-161 AD. Diademed and draped bust of Venus right / Dove standing right, SC in exergue.
Anonymous AE Quadrans, RIC II 27, Cohen 39 - Anonymous. Period of Domitian to Antoninus Pius. Æ Quadrans (2.19 gm). Griffin standing left, touching wheel with front paw / Tripod; SC below in exergue. RIC II 27; Cohen 39.
Anonymous AE Quadrans, RIC II 34, Cohen 31 - Anonymous AE Quadrans. Head of (Annius Verus as?) Spring right, wearing neck-band of flowers / SC within wreath of flowers. Cohen 31.
Anonymous AE Quadrans, RIC II 35, Cohen 30 - Anonymous AE Semis. Time of Domitian to Hadrian, ca 81-138 AD. Young head right(Annius Verus as Spring?) wreath of reeds / S•C in laurel wreath. Cohen 30.
Nerva AV Aureus, RIC 13, Cohen 5, BMC 23 - Nerva AV Aureus. Struck 97 AD. IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P COS III AVG, laureate head right / AEQVITAS AVGVST, Aequitas standing left, holding scales & cornucopiae. Cohen 5.
Nerva AV Aureus, RIC 3, Cohen 24, BMC 7 - Nerva AV Aureus. 96 AD. IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P COS II P P, laureate head of Nerva right / CONCORDIA EXERCITVVM, two clasped hands holding aquila set on prow. Cohen 24.
Nerva AR Cistophorus, RIC 122, RSC 14a, BMC 79 - Nerva AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm of Asian mint. IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR POT P P COS III, laureate head right, head right / COM-ASI to sides, ROMA ET AVG on entablature of distyle Temple of Augustus, his statue within, standing left holding sceptre & being crowned by Roma to right holding cornucopiae. RSC 14a.
Nerva AR Cistophorus, RIC 116, RSC 42, BMC 83 - Nerva AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm. IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR POT P P, laureate head right / COS III, cult statue of Diana of Perga within two columned temple, DIANA PERG on frieze. RSC 42.
Nerva AR Cistophorus, RIC 120, RSC 45, BMC 81 - Nerva AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm. Asia Minor mint. IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR POT P P, laureate head right / COS III, six shafts of wheat bound together. BMCRE 81, RSC 45.
Nerva AR Denarius, RIC 1, RSC 3, BMC 1 - Nerva Denarius. Struck 96 AD. IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P COS II P P, laureate head right / AEQVITAS AVGVST, Aequitas standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. RSC 3.
Nerva AR Denarius, RIC 14, RSC 20, BMC 25 - Nerva Denarius. Struck 97 AD. IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P COS III P P, laureate head right / CONCORDIA EXERCITVVM, clasped hands. RSC 20.
Nerva AR Denarius, RIC 3, RSC 25, BMC 8 - Nerva Denarius. IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P COS II P P, laureate head right / CONCODIA EXCERCITVVM, clasped hands holding legionary eagle resting on prow. RSC 25.
Nerva AR Denarius, RIC 24, RSC 40, BMC 22 - Nerva Denarius. IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR POT, laureate head right / COS III PATER PATRAE, ladle, sprinkler, jug & lituus. RIC 24, RSC 48.
Nerva AR Denarius, RIC 24, RSC 48, BMC 33 - Nerva Denarius. IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR POT, laureate head right / COS III PATER PATRAE, ladle, sprinkler, jug & lituus. RIC 24, RSC 48.
Nerva AR Denarius, RIC 23, RSC 52, BMC 31 - Nerva Denarius. IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR POT, laureate head right / COS III P P, four priestly implements. RSC 52.
Nerva AR Denarius, RIC 43, RSC 89, BMC 66 - Nerva Denarius. IMP NERVA CAES AVG GERM P M TR P II, laureate head right / IMP II COS IIII P P. Libertas standing left, holding pileus and sceptre. RSC 89.
Nerva AR Denarius, RIC 42, RSC 86, BMC 65 - Nerva Denarius. 98 AD. IMP NERVA CAES AVG GERM P M TR P II, laureate head right / IMP II COS IIII P P, Fortuna standing left with rudder and cornucopia. RSC 86.
Nerva AR Denarius, RIC 48, RSC 96, BMC 70 - Nerva Denarius. January, 98 AD. IMP NERVA CAES AVG GERM P M TRP II, laureate head right / IMP II COS IIII P P, two clasped hands. RSC 96.
Nerva AR Denarius, RIC 47, RSC 95, BMC 72 - Nerva AR Denarius. IMP NERVA CAES AVG GERM P M TR P II, laureate head right / IMP II COS IIII P P, priestly implements: ladle, sprinkler, jug & lituus. RSC 95.
Nerva AR Denarius, RIC 6, RSC 99, BMC 13 - Nerva Denarius. Rome, AD 96. IMP NERVA CAES AVG — P M TR P COS II P P, laureate head right / IVSTITIA AVGVST, Justitia seated right, holding sceptre & branch.
Nerva AR Denarius, RIC 07, RSC 106, BMC 17 - Nerva Denarius. IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P COS II PP, laureate head right / LIBERTAS PVBLICA, Liberty standing left with pileus & sceptre. RIC 7, RSC 106.
Nerva AR Denarius, RIC 9, RSC 132, BMC 19 - Nerva Denarius. IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M T P COS II PP, laureate head right / SALVS PVBLICA, Salus seatedd left holding corn ears. Near VF
Nerva AE Sestertius, RIC 80, Cohen 30, BMC 102 - Nerva Æ Sestertius. 97 AD. IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P COS III P P, laureate head right / CONCORDIA EXERCITVM S-C, clasped hands holding legionary eagle set on prow. Cohen 30.
Nerva AE Sestertius, RIC 71, Cohen 38cf, BMC 97 - Nerva AE Sestertius. 96 AD. IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P COS II DESIGN III P P, laureate head right / CONGIAR P R S C, Nerva seated right on platform from which two attendants make distribution to togate citizen ascending ladder, in background Minerva. Cohen 38.
Nerva AE Sestertius, RIC 82, Cohen 57, BMC 105 - Nerva AE Sestertius. 97 AD. IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P COS III P P, laureate head right / FISCI IVDAICI CALVMNIA SVBLATA S C, palm tree with twelve branches & two bunches of dates. Cohen 57.
Nerva AE Sestertius, RIC 98, Cohen 72, BMC 134 - Nerva Æ Sestertius. IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P II COS III P P, laureate head right / FORTVNA AVGVST S-C, Fortuna standing left, holding rudder & cornucopiae. Cohen 72.
Nerva AE Sestertius, RIC 86, Cohen 114, BMC 112 - Nerva Æ Sestertius. 97 AD. IMP NERVA CAESAR AVG PM TR P COS III P P, laureate head right / LIBERTAS PVBLICA S-C, Liberty standing left with pileus and sceptre. Cohen 114.
Nerva AE Sestertius, RIC 102, Cohen 124, BMC 137 - Nerva Æ Sestertius. September-December 97 AD. IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P II COS III P P, laureate head right / PAX AVG, S C in exergue, Pax seated left on throne, feet on footstool, holding olive branch in outstretched right hand & cradling long sceptre in left arm leaning on throne arm. Cohen 124.
Nerva AE Sestertius, RIC 89, Cohen 127, BMC 115 - Nerva Æ Sestertius. 97 AD. IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P COS III P P, laureate head right / PLEBEI VRBANAE FRVMENTO CONSTITVTO S-C, modius with six grain ears & a poppy. Cohen 127.
Nerva AE Sestertius, RIC 93, Cohen 143, BMC 119 - Nerva AE Sestertius. 97 AD. IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P COS III P P, laureate head right / VEHICVLATIONE ITALIAE REMISSA, SC in ex, two mules grazing in opposite directions; behind, pole, harness, & just visible wheels of upturned cart. Cohen 143.
Nerva AE Dupondius, RIC 61, Cohen 62, BMC 93 - Nerva Æ Dupondius. 96 AD. IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P COS II P P Radiate head right / FORTVNA AVGVST S-C, Fortuna standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia. Cohen 62.
Nerva AE As, RIC 77, Cohen 7, BMC 127 - Nerva Æ As. IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P COS III P P, laureate head right / AEQVITAS AVGVST S-C, Equity standing left with scales & cornucopiae. RIC 77, Cohen 7.
Nerva AE As, RIC 95, Cohen 23, BMC 128 - Nerva AE As. IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P II COS III P P, laureate head right / CONCORDIA EXERCITVVM S C, clasped hands. Cohen 23.
Divus Augustus AE Sestertius, RIC 136 [Nerva], Cohen 570, BMC 149 - Divus Augustus Æ Sestertius. Restitution issue struck under Nerva, 98 AD. DIVVS AVGVSTVS, laureate head right / IMP NERVA CAESAR AVGVSTVS REST around large S C. Cohen 569.
Divus Augustus AE Dupondius, RIC 131 [Nerva], Cohen 568, BMC 154 - Divus Augustus AE Dupondius. Struck 96-98 AD under Nerva. DIVVS AVGVSTVS, radiate head right / IMP NERVA CAES AVG REST, rudder upright over globe, SC below. Cohen 568.
Divus Augustus AE As, RIC 133 [Nerva], Cohen 566, BMC 158 - Divus Augustus AE As. Restitution by Nerva. DIVVS AVGVSTVS, bare head right, with features similar to those of Nerva / IMP NERVA CAESAR AVG REST, large altar, S C below.
Divus Augustus AE As, RIC 130 [Nerva], Cohen 567, BMC 161 - Divus Augustus Æ As, struck under Nerva. DIVVS AVGVSTVS, bare head of Augustus right / IMP NERVA CAES AVG REST, thunderbolt, S C below. Cohen 567.
Divus Augustus AE As, RIC 128 [Nerva], Cohen 565, BMC 156note - Divus Augustus Æ As. Restoration by Nerva, 96-98 AD. DIVVS AVGVSTVS, bare head right / IMP NERVA CAES AVG REST S-C, eagle standing facing, head right, on thunderbolt. Cohen 565.
Trajan AV Aureus, RIC 109, Cohen 65, BMC 258 - Trajan AV Aureus. Struck 103-111 AD. IMP TRAINO AVG GER DAC P M TR P, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / COS V P P S P Q R OPTIMO PRINC, Ceres standing left, holding grain-ears and long torch.
Trajan AV Aureus, RIC 123, Cohen 70, BMC 312 - Trajan AV Aureus. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P, laureate, draped and cuiarassed bust right, seen from behind / COS. V. P. P. S. P. Q. R. OPTIMO PRINC, Libertas standing left, holding pileus in right hand and sceptre in left.
Trajan AV Aureus, RIC 144, Cohen 96, BMC 351 - Trajan AV Aureus. 103-111 AD. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P, laureate draped bust right / COS V P P SPQR OPTIMO PRINC, eagle standing facing on thunderbolt, head left. Cohen 96.
Trajan AV Aureus, RIC 319, Cohen 153, BMC 569 - Trajan AV Aureus. 116 AD. IMP CAES NER TRAIANO OPTIMO AVG GER DAC, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / • P M TR P • COS • VI P • P • S • P • Q • R, FORT RED in ex, Fortuna seated left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Cohen 153.
Trajan AV Aureus, RIC 4, Cohen 205, BMC 32 - Trajan AV Aureus. 98-99 AD. IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM, laureate head right / P M TR P COS II P P, Fortuna standing left holding rudder on prow & cornucopiae. Cohen 205.
Trajan AV Aureus, RIC 326, Cohen 187cf, BMC 621 - Trajan AV Aureus. Rome mint, 116-117 AD. IMP CAES NER TRAIANO OPTIM AVG GERM DAC, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / PARTHICO P M TR P COS VI P P SPQR, bust of Sol draped & radiate right. Cohen 187 corr.
Trajan AV Aureus, RIC 15, Cohen 290, BMC 8 - Trajan AV Aureus. February-October, 98 AD. IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM, laureate head right / PONT MAX TR POT COS II, Germania seated left on oblong shields, holding olive-branch in right hand, left arm resting on shields; below shields, helmet. Calicó 1070, Cohen 290.
Trajan AV Aureus, RIC 294, Cohen 576, BMC 456 - Trajan AV Aureus. 113 AD. IMP. TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS VI P P, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust of Trajan right / S. P. Q. R. OPTIMO PRINCIPI., aquila between two standards. Cohen 576.
Trajan AR Cistophorus, RIC 721, RSC 54, BMC 709 - Trajan Silver Cistophorus. IMP NERVA CAES TRAIAN AVG GERM P M TR P P, bust of Trajan right / COS II, cult statue of Diana of Perga within a two columned temple, DIANA PERG on the pediment. RSC 53.
Trajan AR Cistophorus, RIC 717, RSC 607, BMC 710 - Trajan AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm of Ephesus. IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM PM, laureate head / TR POT COS II, six grain ears. RSC 607.
Trajan AR Cistophorus, RIC 719, RSC 608 - Trajan AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm. IMP CAES NERVA TRAI-AN AVG GERM P M, laureate head right / TR POT COS II, Aquila between two standards. RSC 608.
Nerva AR Cistophorus, RIC 723, RSC 610, BMC 711 - Trajan AR Cistophorus. Minted in or for the the province of Asia, 98-99 AD. IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM P M, laureate head right / TR POT COS II COM-ASI, distyle temple inscribed ROMA ET AVG on podium of four steps, between the columns is Trajan stepping left holding sceptre & crowned by Roma holding cornucopia. BMC 711, RSC 610.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 91, RSC 3, BMC 373 - Trajan Denarius. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P, laureate head right draped on far shoulder / COS V P P SPQR OPTIMO PRINC AET-AVG, Aeternitas standing facing with head of sun and moon in extended hands. RSC 3.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 243, RSC 9, BMC 469 - Trajan Denarius. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P VI P P, laureate bust right / SPQR OPTIMO PRICIPI, Annona standing facing, head left, with corn ears & cornucopiae, child at foot left, ALIM ITAL in ex. RSC 9.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 245, RSC 26, BMC 474 - Trajan Denarius. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS VI P P, laureate bust right /SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI, Arabia standing front, head left, holding branch, camel at her feet, ARAB ADQ in ex. RSC 26.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 114, RSC 63, BMC 265 - Trajan Denarius. 108 AD. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P, laureate head right / COS V P P SPQR OPTIMO PRINC, Mars advancing left carrying Victory & trophy. RSC 63.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 115, RSC 68a, BMC 271 - Trajan Denarius. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P, laureate head r., drapery on l. shoulder / COS V P P S P Q R OPTIMO PRINC, Roma standing left, holding Victory and spear. RSC 68.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 116, RSC 69, BMC 276 - Trajan Denarius. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P, laureate head right / COS V P P SPQR OPTIMO PRINC, Roma seated left with Victory. RSC 69.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 119, RSC 86, BMC 288 - Trajan Denarius. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P, laureate bust right, draped far shoulder / COS V P P SPQR OPTIMO PRINC, Aequitas seated left holding cornucopiae & scales. RSC 86.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 121, RSC 81, BMC 301 - Trajan Denarius. 103-111 AD. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P, laureate bust right, draped far shoulder / COS V P P SPQR OPTIMO PRINC, Felicitas standing left holding cauduceus and cornucopia. RSC 81.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 122, RSC 87, BMC 306 - Trajan Denarius. IMP TRAIANO AUG GER DAC PM TRP, laureate bust right with aegis / COS V PP SPQR OPTIMO PRINC, Fortune stg. left with cornucopia and rudder in front of ships prow on left. RSC 87.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 126, RSC 83, BMC 315 - Trajan Denarius. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P, laureate bust right, draped far shoulder / COS V P P S P Q R OPTIMO PRINC, Pax standing left, holding olive-branch & leaning on column. RSC 83.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 130, RSC 80, BMC 322 - Trajan Denarius. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P, laureate head right / COS V P P SPQR OPTIMO PRINC, Victory, naked to hips, standing right, foot on step, inscribing the legend DA CI CA on a shield set on a palm stump. RSC 80.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 128, RSC 74, BMC 328 - Trajan Denarius. 103-111 AD. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P, laureate head right, draped far shoulder / COS V P P S P Q R OPTIMO PRINC, Victory standing left, naked to hips, holding wreath & palm. RSC 74.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 131, RSC 77, BMC 337 - Trajan Denarius. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P, laureate head right with draoery on far shoulder / COS V P P SPQR OPTIMO PRINC, Victory walking left over round and oblong shield. RSC 77.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 147b, RSC 100, BMC 359 - Trajan Denarius. Struck 107 AD. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P, laureate head right, slight drapery on far shoulder / COS V P P S P Q R OPTIMO PRINC, trophy on stump; shields and spears at base.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 307, RSC 115, BMC 522 - Trajan denarius. IMP TRAIANO OPTIMIO AVG GER DAC P M TR P Laureate and draped bust right. / COS VI S P Q R Trajan's column: statue of Trajan on column on rounded base, two eagles at base.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 96, RSC 118, BMC 385 - Trajan Denarius. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P, laureate bust right / COS V P P SPQR OPTIMO PRINC, Dacian seated with hands bound behind back on pile of shields, spears & swords, DAC CAP in ex. RSC 118.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 100, RSC 136, BMC 395 - Trajan Denarius. Struck 107 AD. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P, laureate head right / DANVVIVS, the Danube reclining on rocks, right hand on prow of ship, reeds over arm. RSC 136.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 319, RSC 154c, BMC 581 - Trajan Denarius. IMP CAES NER TRAIANO OPTIMO AVG GERM DAC, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M TR P COS VI P P SPQR, Fortuna seated left with rudder & cornucopiae, FORT RED in ex.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 332, RSC 191, BMC 626 - Trajan Denarius. IMP CAES NER TRAIAN OPTIM AVG GERM DAC, laureate & draped bust right / PARTHICO P M TR P COS VI P P SPQR, Felicitas standing left with caduceus & cornucopiae.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 260, RSC 198, BMC 479 - Trajan Denarius. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC PM TRP COS VI P P, laureate bust right, slight drapery on far shoulder / SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI, PAX in ex, Pax standing left holding cornucopiae & setting fire to pile of arms on left with short torch.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 9, RSC 203, BMC 26 - Trajan Denarius. IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM, laureate head right / P M TR P COS II P P, Vesta seated left, veiled, holding patera & torch. RSC 203.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 32, RSC 219, BMC 68 - Trajan AR Denarius. IMP NERVA CAES TRAIAN AVG GERM, laureate head right / P M TR P COS III P P, laureate head right / Abundantia seated lefti on chair of crossed cornuacopiae, holding sceptre. RSC 219.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 66, RSC 247, BMC 112 - Trajan Denarius. 102 AD. IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM, laureate head right / P M TR P COS IIII P P, Victory standing right, foot on helmet & inscribing shield set on cippus.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 343, RSC 278, BMC 541 - Trajan Denarius. IMP CAES NER TRAIANO OPTIMO AVG GER DAC, laureate draped bust right / P M TR P COS VI P P SPQR, Felicitas standing front, head left, holding caduceus & cornucopiae. RSC 278.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 356, RSC 284, BMC 565 - Trajan denarius. IMP CAES NER TRAIANO OPTIMO AVG GER DAC, laureate and draped bust right / TR P COS VI P P S P Q R, Column of Trajan, two eagles at base.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 17, RSC 292, BMC 14 - Trajan AR Denarius. IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM, laureate head right / PONT MAX TR POT COS II, Pax standing left with branch & cornucopiae. RSC 292.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 012, RSC 302, BMC 4 - Trajan Denarius. IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM, Laureate head right / PONT MAX TR POT COS II, Concordia seated left, wearing stephane, holding double cornucopia and sacrificing from patera over altar. RSC 302.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 361, RSC 313, BMC 640 - Trajan Denarius. IMP CAES NER TRAIAN OPTIM AVG GERM DAC, laureate draped bust right / PARTHICO P M TR P COS VI P P S P Q R PRO-VID, Providentia standing left with sceptre, resting on column, pointing at globe at feet. RSC 313.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 28, RSC 319, BMC 53 - Trajan Denarius. 98-99 AD. IMP NERVA CAES TRAIAN AVG GERM P M, laureate bust right, slight drapery on left shoulder / TR P COS II P P, PROVID below, Trajan, togate, standing left, receiving globe from Nerva. RSC 319a.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 370, RSC 332, BMC 645 - Trajan Denarius. 114-117 AD. IMP CAES NER TRAIAN OPTIM AVG GERM DAC, laureate draped bust right / PARTHICO P M TR P COS VI P P SPQR, Salus seated left feeding snake twined around altar, SALVS AVG in ex.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 158, RSC 376, BMC 161 - Trajan Denarius. 103-104 AD. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI, Mars standing left, head right, holding spear & resting shield on kneeling captive to right. RSC 376.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 184, RSC 394, BMC 206 - Trajan Denarius. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate bust right, draped far shoulder / SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI, Genius standing left, sacrificing on altar. RSC 394.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 188, RSC 417, BMC 216 - Trajan Denarius. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate head right / S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI, Pax seated left with branch & sceptre, Parthian kneeling before, hands outstretched.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 191, RSC 457, BMC 222 - Trajan Denarius. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate bust right with drapery on far shoulder / SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI, Spes advancing left holding flower & raising skirt. RSC 457.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 291, RSC 497a, BMC 445 - Trajan Denarius. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC PM TRP COS VI PP, laureate head right, drapery on left shoulder/ SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI, Trajan on horseback left carrying spear. RSC 497a.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 212, RSC 514, BMC 236 - Trajan Denarius. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate head right / SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI, Trajan standing facing, crowned by Victory standing left beside him. RIC 212, RSC 514.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 216, RSC 529c, BMC 236 - Trajan Denarius. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate bust right, aegis on far shoulder / SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI, Dacia seated right on shield in mournful attitude, curved sword below. RSC 529c.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 221, RSC 538a, BMC 185 - Trajan Denarius. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust r. / SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI, Dacia seated right at foot of trophy.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 31, RSC 594, BMC 46 - Trajan AR Denarius. IMP NERVA CAES TRAIAN AVG GERM P M, laureate head right / TR P COS II P P, Concordia seated left with patera & double cornucopiae, altar before. RSC 594.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 108, RSC 644, BMC 405 - Trajan Denarius. 108 AD. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P, laureate head right, draped left shoulder / COS V P P SPQR OPTIMO PRINC, Vesta seated left, holding palladium & sceptre.
Trajan AR Denarius, RIC 266, RSC 648, BMC 487 - Trajan Denarius. TRAIANO AVG GER DAC PM TRP COS VI PP, laureate head rt / SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI, goddess reclining left on rocks with wheel & branch, VIA TRAIANA in ex. RIC 266, RSC 648.
Trajan AE Sestertius, RIC 459, Cohen 7, BMC 869 - Trajan Æ Sestertius. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate bust right / S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI S-C, Abundance standing left holding ears of corn & cornucopiae, child at feet, ALIM ITAL in ex. Cohen 7.
Trajan AE Sestertius, RIC 642, Cohen 39, BMC 1035 - Trajan Æ Sestertius. IMP CAES NER TRAIANO OPTIMO AVG GER DAC PARTHICO PM TR P COS VI PP, laureate draped bust right / ARMENIA ET MESOPOTAMIA IN POTESTATEM P R REDACTAE SC, Trajan standing facing with spear & parazonium, Armenia, Euphrates & Tigris at feet. RIC 642, Cohen 39.
Trajan AE Sestertius, RIC 655, Cohen 176, BMC 1017 - Trajan Æ Sestertius. IMP CAES NER TRAIANO OPTIMO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS VI P P, laureate draped bust right / IMPERATOR VIII S-C, Trajan seated right on platform placed on left, accompanied by two officers, addressing group of soldiers and cavalrymen raising arms & standards to him.
Trajan AE Sestertius, RIC 632, Cohen 306v, BMC 770Acf - Trajan AE Sestertius. 114-117 AD. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS VI P P, laureate, draped bust right / PORTVM TRAIANI, the basin of Trajan's harbor at Porto, octagonal in shape, surrounded by warehouses, ships within, SC below. Cohen 306v.
Trajan AE Sestertius, RIC 666, Cohen 325, BMC 1043 - Trajan Æ Sestertius. IMP CAES NER TRAIANO OPTIMO AVG GER DAC PARTHICO P M TR P COS VI P P, laureate and draped bust right / REGNA ADSIGNATA, S C in ex, Trajan seated on platform with prefect & soldier, three kings standing before platform.
Trajan AE Sestertius, RIC 672, Cohen 352, BMC 1022 - Trajan AE Sestertius. IMP CAES NER TRAIANO OPTIMO AVG GER DEC P M TR P COS VI P P, laureate draped bust right / SENATVS POPVLESQVE ROMANVS SC, Felicitas standing left holding cauduceus and cornucopia. Cohen 352.
Trajan AE Sestertius, RIC 652, Cohen 158, BMC 1026 - Trajan AE Sestertius. 115-116 AD. IMP CAES NER TRAIANO OPTIMO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS VI P P, laureate draped bust right / FORT RED SENATVS POPVLVSQVE ROMANVS, FORT RED/SC below, Fortuna Redux seated left holding rudder & cornucopiae. Cohen 158.
Trajan AE Sestertius, RIC 486, Cohen 386, BMC 772 - Trajan AE Sestertius. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate head right / SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI S-C, Roma standing left holding spear & victory, an abject Dacian kneeling at her feet.
Trajan AE Sestertius, RIC 564, Cohen 534, BMC 785 - Trajan Æ Sestertius. 104-107 AD. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate bust right, slight drapery on far shoulder / SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI, SC in ex, Dacia, in attitude of mourning, seated left on pile of arms; trophy before. Cohen 534.
Trajan AE Sestertius, RIC 504, Cohen 407v, BMC 802 - Trajan AE Sestertius. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GERM P M TR P COS V P P. laureate bust right, draped & cuirassed / SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI S-C, Pax standing left, holding olive branch & cornucopia, her foot on the shoulder of a captive Dacian.
Trajan AE Sestertius, RIC 515, Cohen 485, BMC 807 - Trajan Æ Sestertius. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate bust right / S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI, S C in ex, Salus enthroned left feeding snake from patera. Cohen 485.
Trajan AE Sestertius, RIC 519, Cohen 459, BMC 810 - Trajan Sestertius. IMP CAES NERVA TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR COS V P P, laureate head right / SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI S-C, Spes standing left with flower & raising hem of skirt. RIC 519, Cohen 459.
Trajan AE Sestertius, RIC 527, Cohen 454, BMC 812 - Trajan AE Sestertius. 106 AD. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate bust right, draped left shoulder / S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI S-C, Victory standing right, holding stylus & resting hand on shield inscribed VIC DAC & set on palm tree. Cohen 542cf.
Trajan AE Sestertius, RIC 549, Cohen 516, BMC 825 - Trajan Æ Sestertius. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate bust right, slight drapery on far shoulder / S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI S-C, Trajan standing left, holding thunderbolt and hasta, being crowned by Victory. Cohen 516.
Trajan AE Sestertius, RIC 534, Cohen 503cf, BMC 833 - Trajan Æ Sestertius. 103-111 AD. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V PP, laureate head right / S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI S-C, Trajan riding right spearing Dacian enemy before horse. Cohen 503.
Trajan AE Sestertius, RIC 572, Cohen 547, BMC 843 - Trajan AE Sesterius. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate draped bust right / SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI S-C, Arch of Trajan wth statue of Jupiter on tympanum, I O M on frieze, & surmounted by six-horse chariot driven by two Victories. Cohen 547.
Trajan AE Sestertius, RIC 569, Cohen 542, BMC 849 - Trajan Æ Sestertius. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate bust right / Single-span bridge over river "Danube", tower at each end & boat beneath, SC in ex. RIC 569, Cohen 542.
Trajan AE Sestertius, RIC 577, Cohen 549, BMC 863 - Trajan AE Sestertius. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate bust right / S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI, Octostyle temple with portico on either side, statue of Jupiter seated at center, S C in ex. Cohen 549.
Trajan AE Dupondius, RIC 467v, Cohen 36v, BMC 919 - Trajan AE Dupondius. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, radiate bust right, slight drapery on far shoulder / S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI S-C, ARAB ADQVIS in ex, Arabia standing left holding bundle of (cinnamon?) sticks, camel at foot left. BMC 919.
Trajan AE Dupondius, RIC 626, Cohen 146, BMC 991 - Trajan Æ Dupondius. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS VI P P, radiate head right, drapery on left shoulder / FELICITAS AVGVSTVS S C, Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus and cornucopiae. Cohen 146.
Trajan AE Dupondius, RIC 676, Cohen 356, BMC 1052 - Trajan Æ Dupondius. IMP CAES NER TRAIANO OPTIMO AVG GER DAC PARTHICO P M TR P COS VI P P, radiate dr bust right / SENATVS POPVLVSQVE ROMANVS S C, Trajan advancing right between 2 trophies. RIC 676, Cohen 356.
Trajan AE Dupondius, RIC 520, Cohen 461, BMC 520 - Trajan Æ dupondius. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate bust right, sl. drapery on far shoulder / S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI S C, Spes standing left with flower & lifting skirt.
Trajan AE Dupondius, RIC 603v, Cohen 563, BMC 995 - Trajan AE Dupondius. 114 AD. IMP CAESAR NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS VI P P, radiate, draped bust right / S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI S-C, Trajan's column, eagles at base. Cohen 563.
Trajan AE Dupondius, RIC 586, Cohen 573, BMC 909 - Trajan Æ Dupondius. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, radiate bust right / S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI S-C; trophy, two shields at base. Cohen 573.
Trajan AE As, RIC 562, Cohen 532, BMC 929 - Trajan AE As. 103-111 AD. IMP CAES NERVA TRAIANO AVG GER DAC PM TR P COS V P P, laureate head right, with aegis / SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI, Dacia seated left on shield, trophy before, SC in ex. Cohen 532.
Trajan AE As, RIC 503, Cohen 408, BMC 931 - Trajan Æ As. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate head right, draped far shoulder / S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI S-C, Pax standing left, holding branch & cornucopiae, foot on Dacian captive. Cohen 408.
Trajan AE As, RIC 569, Cohen 543, BMC 954 - Trajan Æ Sestertius. ca 104-107 AD. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate bust right, slight drapery on left shoulder / S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI, S C in exergue, arched, single-span bridge with six posts, arches at either end surmounted by statues, boat sailing left in river below. Cohen 542cf.
Trajan AE As, RIC 588, Cohen 579, BMC 946A - Trajan AE as. ...TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS VI Laureate head right, drapery on far shoulder / S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI SC, three standards. RIC 588, Cohen 579.
Trajan AE As, RIC 392, Cohen 613, BMC 724 - Trajan. Æ As. IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM P M, laureate bust right / TR POT COS II S-C, Pietas standing left by lighted altar, right hand raised. Cohen 613.
Trajan AE Hemidrachm of Alexandria, Milne 602, Koln 515, Dattari 1116-7, BMCGr - - Trajan AE 35mm Drachm of Alexandria. Year 12 = 109-110 AD. AVT K TPAIAN - CEB GER DAKIK, laureate bust right, drapery by neck / LI-B, two captives seated at the base of a military trophy.
Trajan AE Hemidrachm of Alexandria, Milne 814, Koln 715, Dattari 774, BMCGr 514. - Trajan AE35 Hemidrachm of Roman Egypt. Year 20 = 116-117 AD. AVT TPAIAN API CEB GERM DAKIK PAR, laureate head right / LK, Trajan in quadriga of elephants right. Koln 715.
Trajan & His Father AR Denarius, RIC 252, RSC 140, BMC 500 - Trajan Denarius. IMP TRAIANVS AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS VI P P, laureate bust right, draped far shoulder / DIVVS PATER TRAIAN, Trajan's father seated left with patera & sceptre. RSC 140.
Hadrian AV Aureus, RIC 296 - Hadrian Denarius. HADRIANVS AVG COS III PP, laureate head right / AEGYPTOS, Egypt reclining left, left elbow on snake wrapped basket & sistrum in right hand, ibis at feet. RSC 97.
Hadrian AV Aureus, RIC 144, Cohen 162, BMC 333 - Hadrian AV Aureus. Dated 874 AUC (April 21, 121 AD). IMP CAES HADRIANVS AVG COS III, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / ANN DCCCLXXIIII NAT VRB P CIR CON, Genius of the Circus reclining left, head right, holding wheel & holding meta set on base at the end of the circus spina. Cohen 162.
Hadrian AV Aureus, RIC 168, Cohen 293, BMC 378 - Hadrian AV Aureus. 126 AD. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, laureate head of Hadrian right, drapery on left shoulder / COS III, Sol, radiate, mounting quadriga left, holding reins in right hand & whip in left.
Hadrian AV Aureus, RIC 186, Cohen 406cf, BMC 430 - Hadrian AV Aureus. Struck 125-128 AD. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / COS III, Hadrian on horseback right, raising right hand. Cohen 406.
Hadrian AV Aureus, RIC 193, Cohen 442, BMC 448 - Hadrian AV Aureus. 125-128 AD. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, laureate head right / COS III, she-wolf left, suckling the twins Romulus and Remus. Cohen 422.
Hadrian AV Aureus, RIC 305, Cohen 828, BMC 844 - Hadrian AR Denarius. Struck 134-138 AD. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, bare head right / HISPANIA, Hispania reclining on rock left, holding olive branch. RSC 842a.
Hadrian AV Aureus, RIC 251, Cohen 863, BMC 659 - Hadrian AV Aureus. 130-138 AD. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, draped bust right / IOVI VICTORI, cult statue of Jupiter Victor enthroned left, holding Victory & sceptre. Cohen 863.
Hadrian AV Aureus, RIC 252, Cohen 878, BMC 661 - Hadrian AV Aureus. Struck 134-138 AD. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, bare head right / IVSTITIA AVG, Justitia seated left, holding patera, sceptre. Cohen 878.
Hadrian AV Aureus, RIC 55, Cohen 1081, BMC 97 - Hadrian AV Aureus. Struck 119-122 AD. IMP CAESAR TRAIANO HADRIANVS AVG, laureate, cuirassed bust right / P M TR P COS III, nude Hercules seated facing on shield & cuirass, holding club & distaff. Cohen 1081.
Hadrian AV Aureus, RIC 63, Cohen 1058, BMC 101 - Hadrian AV Aureus. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / P M TR P COS III, Jupiter standing facing with thunderbolt & sceptre. Cohen 1056-8.
Hadrian AV Aureus, RIC 079, Cohen 1113, BMC 132 - Hadrian Aureus. 119-122 AD. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate bust right, draped far shoulder / P M TR P COS III, Tiber reclining left, holding rudder and resting on overturned urn. Cohen 1113.
Hadrian AV Aureus, RIC 77, Cohen 1105v, BMC 133 - Hadrian AV Aureus. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M TR P COS III, Roma seated left on cuirass, holding Victory & spear, shield, bow & quiver behind. Calico 1334.
Hadrian AV Quinarius, RIC 180, Cohen 365, BMC 415 - Hadrian AV Quinarius. 132-135 AD. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / COS III P P, Salus seated left on throne, feeding serpent coiled about altar from a patera. Cohen 365.
Hadrian AV Quinarius, RIC 181, Cohen 389, BMC 416 - Hadrian AV Quinarius. Struck 126 AD. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, laureate bust right, slight drapery on left shoulder / COS III, Spes walking left, holding flower in right hand & raising hem of skirt with left. Cohen 389.
Hadrian AR Cistophorus, RIC 481, RSC 291, BMC 1053 - Hadrian AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm. Ephesus mint, after 128 AD. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS P P, bare head right / COS III, Aesculapius standing left, leaning on serpent-entwined staff. RSC 290.
Hadrian AR Cistophorus, RIC 497, RSC 275, BMC 1066 - Hadrian Cistophoric Tetradrachm of Laodicea. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS P P, bare head right / COS III, Zeus of Laodicea standing left, draped to feet, holding eagle & sceptre. RSC 275.
Hadrian AR Cistophorus, RIC 503, RSC 294, BMC 1071 - Hadrian Cistophoric Tetradrachm. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS P P, draped bust right / COS III, Minerva, helmeted, standing left with patera, shield on ground & spear resting against left arm. RSC 294.
Hadrian AR Cistophorus, RIC 507, RSC 326, BMC 1074 - Hadrian AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm. Smyrna mint, after late 128 AD. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS P P, bare head right / COS III, two Nemeses standing facing, vis-à-vis, each holding out fold of drapery; the left also holding a bridle, the right a rule. RSC 326.
Hadrian AR Cistophorus, RIC 510, RSC 279, BMC 1075 - Hadrian AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm of Lydia, Sardis. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS P P, bare head right / COS III, cult statue of Kore facing between wheat stalk on left & wheat stalk & poppy on right. Metcalf Type 47, BMC 1075, RSC 279.
Hadrian AR Cistophorus, RIC 516, RSC 427a, BMC 1079 - Hadrian AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm of Smyrna. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS P P, bare head right / COS III, eagle standing front on thunderbolt, wings spread, head right. Metcalf Type 31, BMC 1079, RSC 427.
Hadrian AR Cistophorus, RIC 464b, RSC 439a, BMC 1051 - Hadrian AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm of Nicomedia in Bithynia. IMP CAES TRA HADRIANO AVG P P, laureate head left / COS-III, bundle of five grain stalks. Metcalf Type B 16,38.
Hadrian AR Cistophorus, RIC 474, RSC 535, BMC 1089 - Hadrian AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm. Ephesus mint, after 128 AD. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS P P, bare head right / DIANA EPHESIA, cult statue of Diana (Artemis) Ephesia; stags at sides. RSC 535.
Hadrian AR Cistophorus, RIC 527, RSC 539, BMC 1085 - Hadrian AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm. Ephesus mint, after 128 AD. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS P P, bare head right / DIANA EPHESIA COS III, cult statue of Diana (Artemis) Ephesia; stags at sides. RSC 539.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 297, RSC 99, BMC 797 - Hadrian Denarius. 132 AD. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, bare head right / AEGYPTOS, Egypt reclining left, holding sistrum, stork before. RSC 99.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 228, RSC 122b, BMC 591 - Hadrian denarius. Bare head left. / AEQVI TAS AVG Aequitas standing, head left, holding scale and sceptre. RSC 122c.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 48, RSC 129 - Hadrian Denarius. 118 AD. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate bust right with drapery on far shoulder / P M TR P COS II AET-AVG, Aeternitas standing left, holding heads of Sol and Luna. RSC 129.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 300, RSC 154, BMC 823 - Hadrian Denarius. Struck 136 AD. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, bare head right / ALEXANDRIA, Alexandria standing left, holding sistrum & serpent in basket. RSC 154.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 230, RSC 170a, BMC 600 - Hadrian denarius. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, laureate head right / ANNO-NA AVG, modius with four grain-ears and single poppy. RIC 230, RSC 170.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 301, RSC 188, BMC 829 - Hadrian Denarius. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, draped bust right / ASIA, Asia with foot on prow holding hook & rudder. RSC 189b.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 117, RSC 214, BMC 252 - Hadrian Denarius. 124 AD. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P COS III, Clemency standing left, holding patera over altar & staff, CLEM in ex. RSC 214.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 206, RSC 219, BMC 536note -
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 148, RSC 332, BMC 338 - Hadrian Denarius. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, laureate head right, drapery on left shoulder / COS III, Hercules seated right, holding club on shield, seated upon cuirass & holding Victory. RSC 332.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 330, RSC 295, BMC 471 - Hadrian Denarius. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS P P, laureate head right / COS III, Minerva standing right right spear & shield. RSC 295.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 154, RSC 297a, BMC 344 - Hadrian Denarius. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, laureate head right drapery on far shoulder / COS III, Minerva standing left, feet close together, holding transverse spear pointed downward & round shield decorated with a Gorgon's head. RSC 297a.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 157, RSC 310, BMC 351 - Hadrian Denarius. 125-128 AD. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, laureate bust right, drapery on far shoulder / COS III, Neptune standing left, cloak over right thigh, right foot on prow, holding dolphin & trident. RSC 710.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 163, RSC 337b, BMC 368 - Hadrian Denarius. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, laureate head right / COS III, Roma seated right on pile of arms, holding spear & parazonium, globe in ex. RSC 337b.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 170, RSC 379, BMC 385 - Hadrian Denarius. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, laureate head right, drapery on left shoulder / COS III, Abundantia seated left with hook & cornucopia; right foot on modius. RSC 379.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 172, RSC 328a, BMC 394 - Hadrian AR Denarius. Struck 125-128 AD. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, laureate head right, slight drapery on far shoulder / COS III, Concordia seated left on throne, holding patera & resting left arm on statuette of Spes on column at side of throne. RSC 328a.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 173, RSC 335, BMC 396 - Hadrian Denarius. 125-128 AD. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, laureate bust right with draped far shoulder / COS III, Pietas standing left, sacrificing over a lighted altar, & holding a cornucopaie. RSC 335.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 178, RSC 373a, BMC 409 - Hadrian Denarius. 128 AD. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, laureate head right / COS III, Pudicitia seated left adjusting her veil. RSC 393.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 181, RSC 390, BMC 417 - Hadrian Denarius. HADRIANVS.AVGVSTVS, laureate bust right / COS III, Spes advancing left, holding flower and raising the hem of her skirt. RSC 390.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 182, RSC 358, BMC 422 - Hadrian AR Denarius. 125-128 AD. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, laureate head right, drapery on far shoulder / COS III, Victory standing right, right hand on head & holding palm. RSC 358.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 190, RSC 428, BMC 441 - Hadrian Denarius. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, laureate head right / COS III, eagle standing left on thunderbolt, head right.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 197, RSC 470, BMC 452 - Hadrian AR Denarius. 132-134 AD. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, laureate bust right, drapery over left shoulder / COS III, modius filled with grain.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 198, RSC 454, BMC 453 - Hadrian Denarius. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, laureate head right / COS III, ladle, whip, jug & littus. RSC 454.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 200, RSC 460, BMC 457 - Hadrian Denarius. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, laureate bust right, draped far shoulder / COS III, star within crescent moon. RSC 460.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 120var, RSC 600a, BMC 264 - Hadrian Denarius. IMP CAESAR TRAIANVS HADRIANVS AVG, laureate bust right, drapery on far shoulder / P M TR P COS III, Felicitas seated left with caduceus & cornucopiae, FEL P R in ex. RSC 600a.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 121, RSC 601, BMC 268 - Hadrian Denarius. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate bust right, far shoulder draped / P M TR P COS III FELIC-AVG, Felicitas standing left with caduceus & cornucopiae. RSC 601.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 237, RSC 628, BMC 613 - Hadrian Denarius. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, bare head right / FELICITAS AVG, Hadrian & Felicitas facing & clasping hands. BMC 613, RSC 628.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 238, RSC 649, BMC 619 - Hadrian Denarius. Struck 134-138 AD. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P R, bare head right / FELICITAS P R. felicitas standing left with branch & cornucopiae. RSC 649.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 241A, RSC 717, BMC 629 - Hadrian denarius. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, laureate head right / FIDES PVBLICA, Fides standing right, holding a basket of fruit and grain ears. RSC 717.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 244, RSC 762, BMC 635 - Hadrian Denarius. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, laureate head right / FORTVNA AVG, Fortuna standing left with rudder and cornucopia.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 248, RSC 788, BMC 653 - Hadrian Denarius. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, bare head right / FORTVNAE REDVCI, Fortuna standing left with rudder on globe & cornucopiae, shaking hands with Hadrian. RSC 788.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 302, RSC 805, BMC 837 - Hadrian Denarius. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, bare head right / GERMANI, Germania standing front, head turned right, holding spear & balancing a shield with left hand. RSC 805.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 126, RSC 816, BMC 278 - Hadrian Denarius. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate bust right, draped far shoulder / PM TR P COS III HILAR PR, Hilaritas standing front lifting veil from face. RSC 816.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 307, RSC 869, BMC 853 - Hadrian Denarius. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, bare head right / ITALIA, Italia standing holding sceptre & cornucopiae. RSC 867.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 6, RSC 875, BMC 11 - Hadrian Denarius. 117 AD. IMP CAES TRAIAN HADRIAN OPT AVG GER DAC, laureate cuirassed bust right / PARTHIC DIVI TRAIAN AVG F PM TR P COS P P, IVSTITIA in ex, Justicia seated left holding patera & sceptre. RSC 875.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 127, RSC 903, BMC 284 - Hadrian Denarius. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P COS III, Libertas seated left with branch & sceptre, LIB PVB in ex. RSC 903.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 129, RSC 908, BMC 291 - Hadrian Denarius. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P COS III, LIBERAL AVG III below, Hadrian seated on platform distributing money to citizen in toga. RSC 908-909.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 256, RSC 965, BMC 677note - Hadrian AR Denarius. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, bare head right, draped far shoulder / MONETA AVG, Moneta standing left, holding scales & cornucopiae. RSC 965.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 310, RSC 991, BMC 862 - Hadrian Denarius. 134-138 AD. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, laureate head right / NILVS, Nilus reclining right on urn, holding cornucopia, crocodile below, hippopotamus before. RSC 991.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 2c, RSC 1009c, BMC 2 - Hadrian Denarius. Struck 117 AD. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIAN OPT AVG GER DAC, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / PARTHIC DIVI TRAIAN AVG F P M TR P COS P P, Trajan standing right presenting globe to Hadrian, standing left. RSC 1009c.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 44, RSC 1015, BMC 78 - Hadrian Denarius. 118 AD. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate cuirassed bust right / P M TR P COS II, Pax standing left with branch & cornucopiae, PAX in ex. RSC 1015b.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 257, RSC 1028, BMC 685 - Hadrian Denarius. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, bare head right / PIETAS AVG, Pietas standing left, hands raised, altar at foot. RSC 1028.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 260, RSC 1037a, BMC 690 - Hadrian Denarius. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, laureate head right / PIETAS AVG, Pietas seated left with patera & sceptre. RSC 1037.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 219, RSC 1046, BMC 563 - Hadrian Denarius. HADRIANVS AVGUSTVS, bare head right, slight drapery on far shoulder / PIETATI AVG COS III P P, Pietas seated left on throne with patera & cornucopia. RSC 1046a.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 67, RSC 1073, BMC 112 - Hadrian Denarius. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate bust right, far shoulder draped / P M TR P COS III, Mars advancing right with spear & trophy. RSC 1073.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 69, RSC 1063a, BMC 120 - Hadrian Denarius. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate bust right, far shoulder draped / P M TR P COS III, Minerva advancing right with spear & shield. RSC 1063a.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 75, RSC 1109, BMC 127note - Hadrian Denarius. Struck 119-122 AD. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / P M TR P COS III, Oceanus reclining left on dolphin, wearing crab-claw headdress & holding anchor above. RSC 1110.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 77, RSC 1103, BMC 139 - Hadrian Denarius. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate bust right, draped far shoulder / P M TR P COS III, Roma seated left holding Victory & sceptre. RSC 1103.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 80, RSC 1120, BMC 154 - Hadrian Denarius. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate bust right, draped far shoulder / P M TR P COS III, Aequitas standing left with scales & cornucopaie. RSC 1120.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 86, RSC 1155a, BMC 170 - Hadrian Denarius. 121 AD. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate bust right, draped far shoulder / P M TR P COS III, Fortuna standing left, leaning on column, holding rudder & cornucopiae. RSC 1155a.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 94, RSC 1140, BMC 192 - Hadrian Denarius. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P COS III, Pax standing left holding branch & sceptre. RSC 1140.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 97, RSC 1116, BMC 204 - Hadrian Denarius. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate bust right, draped left shoulder / P M TR P COS III, Pietas standing right, veiled, raising both hands. RSC 1116.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 98, RSC 1151, BMC 207 - Hadrian Denarius. 119-122 AD. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate head right, draped left shoulder / P M TR P COS III, Salus seated left, holding patera over altar from which a snakes rises to eat offering, left. RSC 1151.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 100, RSC 1153, BMC 211 - Hadrian Denarius. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate head right / PMT R P COS III, Spes advancing left holding flower & raising skirt. RSC 1153a.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 101, RSC 1132, BMC 215 - Hadrian Denarius. 123 AD. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P COS III, Victory flying right with trophy. RSC 1132.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 113, RSC 1174c, BMC 247v - Hadrian, AR denarius. IMP CAESAR TRAIANVS HADRIANVS AVG, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / P M TR P COS III, Galley left with mast on left & pilot's shelter on right. RSC 1174.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 262, RSC 1201, BMC 697 - Hadrian AR Denarius. Struck 134-138 AD. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, bare head right / PROVIDEN-TIA AVG, Providentia standing left, holding patera and sceptre; globe at her feet. RSC 1201.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 135, RSC 1209a, BMC 309 - Hadrian Denarius. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate head right, drapery on far shoulder / P M TR P COS III PV-DIC, Pudicitia standing facing, veiled head right, hand on breast. RSC 1209a.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 322, RSC 1223, BMC 871 - Hadrian Denarius. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, laureate head right / RESTITUTORI AFRICAE, Hadrian standing right, raising up kneeling Africa, corn ears between them. RSC 1223.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 324, RSC 1247c, BMC 877 - Hadrian Denarius. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, laureate head right / RESTITVTORI GALLIAE, Hadrian standing right, raising up kneeling Gallia. RSC 1247.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 327, RSC 1260, BMC 889 - Hadrian Denarius. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, laureate head right / RESTITVTORI HISPANIAE, Hadrian standing left, raising up Hispania kneeling right & holding branch, rabbit between them. RSC 1260.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 264, RSC 1304, BMC 704 - Hadrian Denarius. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, laureate head right / ROMA FELIX, Roma seated left holding branch and sceptre. RSC 1304-6.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 137b, RSC 1327, BMC 315 - Hadrian Denarius. 123 AD. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate head right, draped left shoulder / P M TR P COS III, Salus seated left, holding patera & feeding snaked rising from altar left. RSC 1326.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 267, RSC 1336, BMC 715 - Hadrian Denarius. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, bare head right, draped far shoulder / SALVS AVG, Salus standing right, feeding snake from patera, altar before. RSC 1336.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 274, RSC 1411, BMC 733 - Hadrian Denarius. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, bare head right / SPES P R, Spes advancing left, holding flower & raising hem of her skirt. RSC 1411.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 276, RSC 1425a, BMC 739 - Hadrian Denarius. 134-138 AD. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, bare head right / TELLVS STABIL, Tellus Stabil standing left holding plow & rake, corn growing to right. RSC 1425.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 282, RSC 1454, BMC 757 - Hadrian Denarius. 134-138 AD. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, bare head right / VICTORIA AVG, Nemesis advancing right, spitting into fold her robe she is drawing out at neck, holding branch pointed downward. RSC 1454.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 286, RSC 1460, BMC 773 - Hadrian Denarius. HADRIANVS AVG COS III PP, laureate head right / VICTORIA AVG, Victory seated left, holding wreath and palm. RSC 1460.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 141, RSC 1477, BMC 324 - Hadrian Denarius. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate bust right, drapery on far shoulder / P M TR P COS III VOT-PVB, Pietas standing, hands extended before her. RSC 1477.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 290, RSC 1481, BMC 777 - Hadrian Denarius. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, bare head right / VOTA PVBLICA, emperor standing left, sacrificing from patera over tripod altar. RSC 1481.
Hadrian AR Denarius, RIC 294, RSC 1503 - Hadrian Denarius. 136 AD. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, laureate head right / no legend; the emperor standing left, foot on prow of ship, holding spear. RSC 1503.
Hadrian AE Sestertius, RIC 890, Cohen 54, BMC 1655 - HADRIAN Æ Sestertius. 134-138 AD. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, bare headed, draped bust right / ADVENTVI AVG IVDAEAE, SC in ex, Hadrian standing right, raising right hand, facing Judaea standing left, holding cup & patera; two small boys at her feet, each holding a palm; altar between, bull standing left behind altar. Hendin 798, Cohen 55.
Hadrian AE Sestertius, RIC 897, Cohen 64v, BMC 1666 - Hadrian AE Sestertius. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, laureate draped bust right / ADVENTI MAVRETANIAE, Hadrian standing on left, togate, and Mauretania on right, in short tunic, holding patera over flaming altar between them & vexillum, bull behind altar, SC in ex.
Hadrian AE Sestertius, RIC 547, Cohen 91, BMC 1120 - Hadrian Æ Sestertius. Struck 118 AD. IMP CAESAR TRAIANVS HADRIANVS AVG, laureate head right, slight drapery on far shoulder / PONT MAX TR POT COS II S-C, Roma seated right on cuirass, holding sceptre, clasping hands with Hadrian standing left, ADVENTVS AVG in ex. Cohen 91.
Hadrian AE Sestertius, RIC 840, Cohen 142, BMC 1707 - Hadrian Æ Sestertius. 134-138 AD. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, laureate draped bust right / AFRICA, S C in ex, Africa reclining left wearing elephant-skin headdress, holding scorpion and cornucopia, basket of wheat ears at her feet. Cohen 144.
Hadrian AE Sestertius, RIC 843, Cohen 158, BMC 1716 - Hadrian AE sestertius. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, laureate and draped bust right / ALEXANDRIA, Alexandria reclining left, S C in exergue.
Hadrian AE Sestertius, RIC 560a, Cohen 180, BMC 1143 - Hadrian Æ Sestertius. IMP CAESAR TRAIANVS HADRIANVS AVG, laureate bust right / PONT MAX TR POT COS DES III S-C, ANNONA AVG in ex, Annona standing left with grain ears & cornucopiae; modius left, prow right. Cohen 180.
Hadrian AE Sestertius, RIC 580b, Cohen 185, BMC 1180 - Hadrian Æ Sestertius. 119-121 AD. IMP CAESAR TRAIANVS HADRIANVS AVG PM TRP COS III, laureate bust right with draped far shoulder / ANNONA AVGVSTI, Annona seated right holding cornucopia, modius at foot with three wheat ears protruding, SC in ex.
Hadrian AE Sestertius, RIC 636, Cohen 343, BMC 1301 - Hadrian AE Sestertius. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, laureate head right / COS P P, Roma seated left, holding Victory and cornucopiae, FOR TRED in ex. Cohen 343, BMC 1286.
Hadrian AE Sestertius, RIC 706, Cohen 666, BMC 1394note - Hadrian AE Sestertius. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, laureate bust left, draped far shoulder / FELICITATI AVG S-C, galley with oarsmen & pilot going left, COS III P P in ex. Cohen 666.
Hadrian AE Sestertius, RIC 551a, Cohen 756, BMC 1130 - Hadrian AE Sestertius. 118 AD. IMP CAESAR TRAIANVS HADRIANVS AVG, laureate bust right / PONT MAX TR P COS II, Fortuna seated left holding cornucopiae & rudder, FORT RED SC in ex. Cohen 756.
Hadrian AE Sestertius, RIC 761, Cohen 790, BMC 1518 - Hadrian, 117-138 A.D. AE Sestertius. struck c.134-138 A.D. HADRIANVS AVG COS III PP. Laureate & draped bust r. / FORTVNAE REDVCI S C. Hadrian st. r. holding roll, clasping hands with Fortuna who hlds. cornucopiae & rudder.
Hadrian AE Sestertius, RIC 970, Cohen 819, BMC 1372 - Hadrian Æ Sestertius. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS P P, laureate bust right, draped far shoulder / HILARITAS P R S-C, COS III in ex, Hilaritas standing facing holding palm & cornucopia, two small children flanking her. Cohen 819.
Hadrian AE Sestertius, RIC 568, Cohen 949, BMC 1160 - Hadrian Æ Sestertius. 119-122 AD. IMP CAESAR TRAIANVS HADRIANVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / PONT MAX TR POT COS III S-C, Hadrian seated left on platform, extending hand to woman before him with child in arms and another to left, LIBERTAS RESTITVTA in ex. Cohen 949.
Hadrian AE Sestertius, RIC 858, Cohen 961v, BMC 1762 - Hadrian AE Sestertius. 134-138 A.D. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, laureate draped bust right / MAVRETANIA, SC in ex, Mauretania walking horse right by its bridle & holding two javelins.
Hadrian AE Sestertius, RIC 651, Cohen 980, BMC 1318 - Hadrian AE Sestertius. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, laureate head right / COS III NEP RED S-C, Neptune standing with foot on prow, cloak over thigh, holding trident & acrostolium. Cohen 980.
Hadrian AE Sestertius, RIC 610, Cohen 1075, BMC 1244 - Hadrian Æ Sestertius. Struck 121 AD. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M TR P COS III S-C, Ceres standing left with corn ears & long torch. Cohen 1075.
Hadrian AE Sestertius, RIC 562b, Cohen 1187cf, BMC 1147 - Hadrian AE Sestertius. 119-121 AD. IMP CAESAR TRAIANVS HADRIANVS AVG, laureate bust right, draped far shoulder / PONT MAX T R POT COS III, SC below, Roma seated left on cuirass, holding Victory & sceptre. Cohen 1187.
Hadrian AE Sestertius, RIC 938, Cohen 1216, BMC 1781 - Hadrian AE Sestertius. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, laureate bust right / RESTITVTOR ACHAEA, the emperor standing left in toga, raising Achaea, kneeling right, vase between them. Cohen 1206.
Hadrian AE Sestertius, RIC 941, Cohen 1224v, BMC 1787 - Hadrian AE Sestertius. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, laureate bust right / RESTITVTORI AFRICAE, Africa wearing elephant head, kneeling before Hadrian standing to left, SC in ex.
Hadrian AE Sestertius, RIC 950, Cohen 1249v, BMC 1807 - Hadrian AE Sestertius. 134-138 AD. HADRIANVS AVG COS III PP, draped bust right / RESTITVTORI GALLIAE, Hadrian standing right, reaching out with right hand to Gaul seated left, SC in ex. Cohen 1251
Hadrian AE Sestertius, RIC 594a, Cohen 1285, BMC 1211 - Hadrian AE Sestertius. IMP CAESAR TRAIANVS HADRIANVS AVG P M TR P COS III, laureate head right / RESTITVTORI ORBIS TERRARVM S-C, Hadrian standing left raising kneeling turreted female figure. Cohen 1285.
Hadrian AE Sestertius, RIC 786, Cohen 1332, BMC 1557 - Hadrian Æ Sestertius. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, Laureate head right / SALVS AVG S C, Salus standing right with sceptre & feeding out of patera a snake coiled around an altar. Cohen 1333.
Hadrian AE Sestertius, RIC 779, Cohen 1374, BMC 1549 - Hadrian Æ sestertius. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, laureate head right / S-C, Pax-Nemesis advancing right, holding out fold of dress in apotropaic gesture & holding olive branch.
Hadrian AE Sestertius, RIC 783, Cohen 1420, BMC 1554 - Hadrian AE Sestertius. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, laureate head right / S-C, SPQR in exergue, 11-column temple on five steps flanked by columns surmounted by statues. Cohen 1422v, Strack 695v, Cayon 717Av.
Hadrian Æ Dupondius, RIC 554, Cohen 92, BMC 1138 - Hadrian AE Dupondius. IMP CAESAR TRAIANVS HADRIANVS AVG, radiate head right / PONT MAX TR POT COS II, ADVENTUS AVG SC in ex, Hadrian standing left clasping hands with Roma seated right on cuirass. Cohen 92.
Hadrian Æ Dupondius, RIC 839, Cohen 111, BMC 1703 - Hadrian Æ Dupondius. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, draped bust right / AEGYPTOS, Egypt reclining left & holding sistrum, left elbow resting on basket of grain, ibis on column at feet.
Hadrian Æ Dupondius, RIC 719, Cohen 659v, BMC 1461note - Hadrian AE Dupondius. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, draped bust right / FELICITATI AVG COS III P P, galley traveling left with pilot and seven oarsmen. Cohen 660.
Hadrian Æ Dupondius, RIC 974, Cohen 820, BMC 1377 - Hadrian AE Dupondius. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS P P, radiate head right / HILARITAS PR S-C, COS III in ex, Hilaritas standing left holding long palm and cornucopia, small boy and girl to sides. Cohen 820.
Hadrian Æ Dupondius, RIC 604a, Cohen 1358, BMC 1237 - Hadrian Æ Dupondius. IMP CAESAR TRAIANVS HADRIANVS AVG P M TR P COS III, radiate bust right, drapery on far shoulder / SALVS PVBLICA S-C, Salus standing left with foot on globe, patera & rudder, foot on globe. Cohen 1358.
Hadrian AE As, RIC 577b, Cohen 197, BMC 1175 - Hadrian Æ As. 119-122 AD. IMP CAESAR TRAIANVS HADRIANVS AVG, laureate bust right, slight drapery on far shoulder / PONT MAX TR POT COS III S-C, BRITANNIA below, Britannia seated facing, holding long sceptre, large shield to right.
Hadrian AE As, RIC 714, Cohen 223, BMC 1437 - Hadrian AE As. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, draped bust right / CLEMENTIA AVG P P S-C, Clementia standing left holding patera and sceptre, COS III in ex. Cohen 223.
Hadrian AE As, RIC 662, Cohen 28, BMC 1335 - Hadrian AE As. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS. laureate head right / COS III S-C, Janus standing facing, holding sceptre & resting left hand on hip. Cohen 281.
Hadrian AE As, RIC 975, Cohen 371v, BMC 1380 - Hadrian Æ As. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS P P, laureate head right / COS III, S C across fields, Salus standing right, feeding snake. Cohen 371.
Hadrian AE As, RIC 850, Cohen 531v, BMC 1741 - Hadrian AE As. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, draped bust right / DACIA S. C. Dacia seated l. on rock, holding vexillum and curved sword; r. foot reats on globe (?)
Hadrian AE As, RIC 579a, Cohen 1022, BMC 1176 - Hadrian Æ As. IMP CAESAR TRAIANVS HADRIANVS AVG, laureate bust right, drapery on far shoulder / PONT MAX TR POT COS III, Pietas standing with patera, altar at right, PIE-TAS in fields, large S C at sides.
Hadrian AE As, RIC 616a, Cohen 1141, BMC 1265 - Hadrian Æ As. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P COS III, S-C across field, Pax standing left, holding branch and cornucopiae. Cohen 1141.
Hadrian AE As, RIC 574, Cohen 1186cf, BMC 1172 - Hadrian Æ As. 119-122 AD. IMP CAESAR TRAIANVS HADRIANVS AVG, laureate head right, slight drapery on far shoulder / PONT MAX TR POT COS III S-C, Genius standing right, foot on globe, holding sceptre & cornucopiae. Cohen 1186.
Hadrian Brass Semis, RIC 685, Cohen 347, BMC 1356 - Hadrian AE Semis. 125-128 AD. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / COS III, Roma seated left on cuirass holding Victory & spear, shield behind, S C in ex. Cohen 347.
Hadrian AE Mine Coinage Quadrans, RIC 1016, Cohen 1514, BMC 1857 - Anonymous Æ Quadrans. Time of Trajan and Hadrian. Dardania mines. ROMA, helmeted and draped bust of Roma right / DARDA-NICI, Ceres(?) standing left, with grain ears and lifting hem of skirt. Cohen 1514.
Hadrian AR Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Milne 1140, Koln 917, Dattari 1494, BMCGr - Hadrian Billon Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Egypt. AVT KAI TRAIANA CEB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / L DE K ATOU, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia.
Hadrian AR Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Milne 1280, Koln 1002, Dattari 1384, BMCGr 584 - Hadrian AR Tetradrachm of Alexandria. Year 14 = 129-130 AD. AVT KAI TPAI ADPIA CEB, laureate draped bust right / L-ID, radiate bust of Helios right.
Hadrian AR Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Milne 1294, Koln 1026, Dattari 1267, BMCGr 669 - Hadrian Billon Tetradrachm of Roman Egypt. Year 15 = 130-131 AD. AVT KAI TPAI ADPIA CEB, laureate draped bust right / L-IE, Hadrian standing to left holding sceptre receiving corn ears from Alexandra. Koln 1026.
Hadrian & Divus Trajan AE Sestertius, RIC 627b, Cohen 552v, BMC 1832 - Hadrian & Divus Trajan AE Sestertius. Rome mint, 118 AD. IMP CAESAR TRAIANVS HADRIANVS AVG, laureatei bust right, seen from front, with fold of cloak on left shoulder & sword belt running across bare chest / DIVVS TRAIAN AVG PARTH PATER S-C, togate statue of Divus Trajan seated left, holding branch & sceptre. Cohen 552v.
Sabina AR Denarius, RIC 390, RSC 3a, BMC 929 - Sabina AR Denarius. SABINA AVGVSTA, diademed & draped bust right, hair in queue down back / CONCORDIA AVG, Concordia standing left with patera and cornucopiae. RSC 3a.
Sabina AR Denarius, RIC 413a, RSC 85, BMC 925 - Sabina Denarius. ca 128-134 AD. SABINA AVGVSTA HADRIANI AVG P P, diademed & draped bust right, hair in plaited coil on crown of head / Anepigraphic, Vesta seated left on ornate throne, feet on footstool, holding palladium in outstretched right hand & cradling long sceptre in left arm. RSC 85.
Sabina AR Denarius, RIC 412, RSC 89, BMC 920 - abina Denarius. SABINA AVGVSTA HADRIANI AVG P P, diademed and draped bust right, hair in plaited coil on crown of head / no legend, Venus standing right, seen from behind, leaning on column with shield behind, holding reverted spear & helmet. RSC 89.
Sabina AE Sestertius, RIC 1019, Cohen 69, BMC 1879 - Sabina AE Sestertius. SABINA AVGVSTA HADRIANI AVG P P, diademed draped bust right with hair coiled on top of head / S-C, Ceres seated left on basket. Cohen 69.
Aelius AV Quinarius, RIC 436, Cohen 2, BMC 986 - Aelius Caesar Denarius. L AELIVS CAESAR, bare head right / T R POT COS II, Concord seated left, holding patera & resting arm on cornucopiae, CONCORD in exergue. RSC 1.
Aelius AV Quinarius, RIC 430, Cohen 51, BMC 968 - Aelius Denarius. Struck 137 AD. L AELIVS CAESAR, bare head right / TR POT COS II, Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus in right hand, cornucopiae in left. RSC 50.
Aelius AR Denarius, RIC 436, RSC 5, BMC 984 - Aelius Caesar Denarius. L AELIVS CAESAR, bare head right / T R POT COS II, Concord seated left, holding patera & resting arm on cornucopiae, CONCORD in exergue. RSC 1.
Aelius AR Denarius, RIC 428, RSC 14, BMC 965 - Aelius Denarius. L AELIVS CAESAR, bare head right / CONCORDIA, Concord standing left, leaning on column and holding patera and cornucopiae. RSC 14.
Aelius AR Denarius, RIC 438, RSC 36, BMC 989 - Aelius Denarius. L AELIVS CAESAR, bare head right / TR POT COS II PIE-TAS, Pietas standing left sacrificing over altar. RSC 36.
Aelius AR Denarius, RIC 440, RSC 43, BMC 994 - Aelius Denarius. 137 AD. SALVS TR POT COS II, Salus seated left extending patera to snake rising from altar and resting left elbow on arm of chair. RSC 43, BMC 994.
Aelius AR Denarius, RIC 430, RSC 50, BMC 969 - Aelius Denarius. Struck 137 AD. L AELIVS CAESAR, bare head right / TR POT COS II, Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus in right hand, cornucopiae in left. RSC 50.
Aelius AR Denarius, RIC 432, RSC 53, BMC 972 - Aelius Caesar Denarius. L AELIVS CAESAR, bare head right / TR POT COS II, Pietas standing left, altar at feet. RSC 53.
Aelius AR Denarius, RIC 434, RSC 54, BMC 977 - Aelius Denarius. L AELIVS CAESAR, head right / TR POT COS II, Salus standing left feeding serpent arising from altar, & holding sceptre. Cohen 35.
Aelius AR Denarius, RIC 435, RSC 55, BMC 979 - Aelius Denarius. L AELIVS CAESAR, bare-headed and draped bust right / TR PO-T COS II, Spes walking left, holding flower and raising hem of skirt. RSC 55a.
Aelius AR Quinarius, RIC 430, RSC 51a, BMC 968 - Aelius Denarius. Struck 137 AD. L AELIVS CAESAR, bare head right / TR POT COS II, Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus in right hand, cornucopiae in left. RSC 50.
Aelius AE Sestertius, RIC 1057, Cohen 7, BMC 1918note - Aelius AE Sestertius. 137 AD. L AELIVS CAESAR, bare head right / CONCORD TR POT COS II S-C, Concordia seated left holding patera, resting left elbow on cornucopiae. Cohen 7.
Aelius AE Sestertius, RIC 1059, Cohen 26, BMC 1921 - Aelius Caesar AE Sestertius. L AELIVS CAESAR, bare head right / TR POT COS II PANNO-NIA S-C, Pannonia standing facing, head left, holding vexillum in right hand, left hand on hip. Cohen 26.
Aelius AE Sestertius, RIC 1061, Cohen 39v, BMC 1925 - Aelius Caesar AE Sestertius. L AELIVS CAESAR, bare head right / TR POT COS II PIE-TAS S-C, Pietas standing left, left hand to breast, right hand over altar. Cohen 39.
Aelius AE Sestertius, RIC 1063, Cohen 44, BMC 1926 - Aelius Caesar Æ Sestertius. Struck 137 AD. L AELIVS CAESAR, bare head right / TR POT COS II S-C, SALVS in ex, Salus seated left on chair, feeding from patera serpent arising from altar. Cohen 44.
Aelius AE Sestertius, RIC 1055, Cohen 56, BMC 1914 - Aelius Æ Sestertius. L AELIVS CAESAR, bare head right / TR POT COS II S-C, Spes walking left, holding flower & raising hem of skirt. Cohen 56.
Aelius AE As or Dupondius, RIC 1070, Cohen 8, BMC 1935 - Aelius AE As. 137 AD. L AELIVS CAESAR, bare head right / TR POT COS II S-C, CONCORD below, Concordia seated left holding patera & resting elbow on cornucopiae. Cohen 8.
Aelius AE As or Dupondius, RIC 1071, Cohen 25, BMC 1936 - Aelius AE As or Dupondius. L AELIVS CAESAR, bare head right / TR POT COS II, S-C & PANNO-NIA across, Pannonia standing facing, head left, holding standard. Cohen 25.
Aelius AE As or Dupondius, RIC 1075, Cohen 45, BMC 1939 - Aelius Caesar AE Dupondius. L AELIVS CAESAR, Bare head right / TR POT COS II S-C, Salus seated left, holding patera to feed snake arising from altar, SALVS in ex. Cohen 45.
Aelius AE As or Dupondius, RIC 1065, Cohen 64, BMC 1927 - Aelius AE As or Dupondius. L AELIVS CAESAR, bare head right / TR POT COS II S-C, Fortuna-Spes standing left holding flower & rudder. Cohen 64.
Aelius AE As or Dupondius, RIC 1067, Cohen 57, BMC 1931 - Aelius Caesar Æ Dupondius. L AELIVS CAESAR, bare head right / TR POT COS II S-C, Spes standing left, holding flower and lifting skirt. Cohen 57.
Antoninus Pius Aureus, RIC 177, Cohen 239, BMC 649 - Antoninus Pius AV Aureus. 145-147 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XII, laureate head right / COS IIII, Aequitas standing left holding scales & cornucopiae. Cohen 239, Calicó 1502.
Antoninus Pius Aureus, RIC 206, Cohen 305, BMC 771 - Antoninus Pius AV Aureus. December AD 151– December AD 152. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XV, laureate head left / COS IIII, togate emperor standing facing, head left, holding globe on extended right hand & roll in left hand. Cohen 305, Calicó 1518.
Antoninus Pius Aureus, RIC 109a, Cohen 429, BMC 492 - Antoninus Pius AV Aureus. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right / IMPERATOR, Victory standing right holding trophy. Cohen 429,
Antoninus Pius Aureus, RIC 199c, Cohen 476, BMC 725 - Antoninus Pius AV Aureus. Struck 150/1 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XIIII, laureate head right / LAETITIA COS IIII, Ceres standing right, holding grain-ears, and to right, Proserpina standing facing, head left, holding pomegranate. Cohen 476.
Antoninus Pius Aureus, RIC 216d, Cohen 584, BMC 747 - Antoninus Pius AV Aureus. 151-152 AD. IMP CAES T AEL HADR ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / TR POT XV COS IIII PAX, Pax standing left, holding branch & long sceptre. Cohen 584 var.
Antoninus Pius Aureus, RIC 214, Cohen 965, BMC 744 - Antoninus Pius AV Aureus. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P IMP II, bare head right / TR POT XV COS IIII, Antoninus Pius wearing garb of a senator, holding globe. Cohen 996.
Antoninus Pius Aureus, RIC 266a, Cohen 1013, BMC 889 - Antoninus Pius AV Aureus. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P IMP II, laureate head right, drapery on far shoulder / TR POT X X COS IIII, Victory advancing left with wreath & palm. Cohen 1013.
Antoninus Pius Aureus, RIC 294a, Cohen -, BMC 952 - Antoninus Pius AV Aureus. December AD 158–December AD 159. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XXII, laureate head right / VOTA SVSCEPTA DEC III around, COS III in exergue, emperor, veiled & togate, sacrificing left over tripod. BMCRE 953. RIC 294a(d). Calicó 1714.
Antoninus Pius Aureus, RIC 159, Cohen 1150, BMC 590note - Antoninus Pius AV Aureus. ca 147 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS IIII, laureate head right / Roma seated left, holding Palladium & spear; shield at side. Calicó 1455, Cohen 1150.
Antoninus Pius Aureus, Laureate head left / Antoninus Pius standing left holding branch and double-pointed spear. RIC 160, Cohen 1177
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 61, RSC 14, BMC 173 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PI-VS PP TR P COS III, laureate head right / AEQVITAS AVG, Aequitas standing left, holding scales and sceptre. RSC 14.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 62a, RSC 33, BMC 180 - Antoninus Pius AR Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right / ANNONA AVG, modius with four corn ears and poppy. RSC 33.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 63B, RSC 59, BMC 186 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. 140-144 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, bare head right / APOLLINI AVGVSTO, Apollo standing left, holding patera & lyre. BMC 186, RSC 59.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 9, RSC 66, BMC 12 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. IMP T AEL CAES HADRI ANTONINVS, bare head right / AVG PIVS P M TR P COS DES II, Minerva standing left, holding Victory, left hand resting on shield and a spear rests against left arm. RSC 66.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 10, RSC 78, BMC 15 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. IMP T AEL CAES HADRI ANTONINVS, bare head right / AVG PIVS P M T R P COS DES II, Aequitas standing left holding scales & cornucopiae. RSC 78.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 12, RSC 79, BMC 23 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. 139 AD. IMP T AEL CAES HADRI ANTONINVS, laureate head right / AVG PIVS PM TRP COS DES II, Fides standing right, holding basket of fruit in left hand raised and corn ears by side with right hand. RSC 79.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 23, RSC 84cf, BMC 53cf - Antoninus Pius Denarius. 139 AD. IMP T AEL CAES HADR ANTONINVS, bare head right / AVG PIVS P M TR P COS II, Pax standing left, holding branch & cornucopia. RSC 84.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 64, RSC 124, BMC 194 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right / CLEMENTIA AVG, Clementia standing holding patera and sceptre. RSC 124.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 118, RSC 186, BMC 505 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P, laureate head right / COS III DES IIII, Virtus holding spear & parazonium. RSC 186.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 219, RSC 197, BMC 782 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. 152-153 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XVI, laureate head right / COS IIII, Vesta standing left holding simpulum & palladium. RSC 197.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 127, RSC 228, BMC 512 - Antoninus Pius AR Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XII Laureate head right / COS IIII, Aequitas standing, head left, holding scales & cornucopia. RSC 228.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 162, RSC 283, BMC 621 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XI, laureate head right / COS IIII, Annona standing left before modius filled with corn ears, holding two corn ears & anchor. RSC 283.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 231, RSC 291, BMC 809 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XVII, laureate head right / COS IIII, Annona standing left, holding two corn ears and resting left hand on modius, filled with corn ears, set on prow. RSC 291.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 196, RSC 220, BMC 717 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XIIII, laureate bearded head right / COS IIII, Bonus Eventus standing left holding ears of grain & patera.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 129, RSC 226, BMC 521 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P, laureate head right / COS IIII, Concordia standing left, holding patera & sceptre. RSC 226.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 178, RSC 252, BMC 664 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. 148-149. AD ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP TR P XII, laureate head right / COS IIII, Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus & cornucopia. RSC 252.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 130, RSC 258, BMC 527 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP, laureate head right / COS IIII, Felicitas standing left holding branch & caduceus. Cohen 258.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 222, RSC 270, BMC 790 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. Struck 152-153 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XVI, laureate head right / COS IIII, Fortuna standing right, holding rudder on globe and cornucopiae. RSC 270.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 181, RSC 281, BMC 670 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XII, laureate head right / COS IIII, Salus standing facing, head left, holding patera & rudder on globe, feeding a serpent entwined around altar. RSC 281.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 168, RSC 301, BMC 625 - Antoninus Pius, AR denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XI Laureate head right / COS IIII Emperor standing, holding patera over tripod.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 285, RSC 331, BMC 926 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XXII, laureate head right / COS IIII, tetrastyle temple with domed roof, a statue (Pius?) within on short base. RSC 331.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 136, RSC 344, BMC 530 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P, laureate head right / COS IIII, Clasped hands holding grain ears & caduceus. RSC 344.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 137, RSC 345, BMC 536 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS AVG Laureate head right. / COS IIII Thunderbolt on decorated altar. RSC 345.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 69, RSC 399, BMC 206 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right / GENIO SENATVS, Genius of the Senate standing facing with branch and rod. RSC 399.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 70, RSC 405, BMC 207 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, bare head right /GENIVS POP ROMANI, Genius standing front, head right, with sceptre & cornucopiae. RSC 405.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 111b, RSC 437, BMC 496 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right / IMPERATOR II, Victory standing front, head left, holding wreath and palm. RSC 437.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 98a, RSC 466, BMC 246 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P, bare head right / TR POT COS III, Italia enthroned on globe holding cornucopiae & sceptre, ITALIA below. RSC 466.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 155, RSC 490a, BMC 567 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP, laureate head right / TR POT COS IIII, Liberalitas standing left with coin dispenser & cornucopiae, LIB - IIII on either side. RSC 491.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 76b, RSC 557b, BMC 220 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. 140-144 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P COS III, laureate head right / MONETA AVG, Moneta standing left holding scales & cornucopiae. BMC 220, RSC 557b, Strack 107.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 301, RSC 573, BMC 981 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP TR P XXIII, laureate head right / PACI AVG COS IIII, Aequitas standing left holding scales and cornucopia. RSC 573.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 200c, RSC 582, BMC 729cf - Antoninus Pius Denarius. IMP CAES T AEL HADR ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P, laureate head right / TR POT XIIII COS IIII, Pax standing left with branch & sceptre, PAX in ex. RSC 582.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 217, RSC 617, BMC 754 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. 152-153 AD. IMP CAES T AEL HADR ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P, laureate head right / TR POT XV COS IIII, PIETAS below, Pietas standing right, holding hind and basket of fruits, altar at feet right. RSC 617.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 313c, RSC 631, BMC 1013 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XXIIII, laureate head right / PIETATI AVG COS IIII, Pietas (Faustina?), holding two children, with two at her side.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 80a, RSC 681, BMC 225 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. ANTONINVS PIVS P P TRP COS III, laureate head right / PROVIDENTIAE DEORVM, winged thunderbolt. RSC 681
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 202, RSC 825, BMC 736 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. IMP CAES T AEL HADR ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P, laureate head right / TR POT XIIII COS IIII, TRANQ in exergue, Tranquilitas standing right with rudder & corn ears. RSC 825.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 42, RSC 831, BMC 83 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P, laureate head right / TR P COS II, Pax standing left, holding branch & cornucopia. Cohen 831.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 43, RSC 833, BMC 84 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP, bare head right / TRP COS II, hands clasped around a caduceus and two grain-ears.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 44, RSC 834, BMC 88 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. Struck 139 AD. ANTONINS AVG PIVS P P, bare head right / TR POT COS II, modius with two grain ears & poppy. RSC 834.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 48, RSC 851, BMC 96 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P, bare head right / TR POT COS II, Felicitas standing left with caduceus & cornucopiae. RSC 851.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 49, RSC 859, BMC 100 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. 139 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P, laureate head right / TR POT COS II, Fortuna standing left holding rudder & cornucopiae. RSC 859.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 50, RSC 861a, BMC 103 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP, bare head right / TR POT COS II, Libertas standing left, holding pileus (cap or hat) & rod (vindicta). RSC 861.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 84, RSC 888, BMC 233 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. 140-143 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P, laureate head right / TR POT COS III, Vesta seated left holding patera & sceptre. BMC 233, RSC 888.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 85, RSC 890, BMC 235 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. 140-143 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P, laureate head right / TR POT COS III, Italia, in turreted crown, seated left on globe with cornucopiae & sceptre. RSC 890.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 95, RSC 915, BMC 244 - Antoninus Pius AR Denarius. 140 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P, laureate head right / TR POT COS III, she-wolf standing right in a cave, suckling Romulus and Remus. RSC 915.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 209, RSC 956, BMC 740 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. IMP CAES T AEL HADR ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P, laureate head right / TR POT XV COS IIII, Vesta standing left with simpulum & palladium. RSC 956.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 210, RSC 961, BMC 741 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. 152-153 AD. IMP CAES T AEL HADR ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P, laureate head right / TR POT XV COS IIII, Annona standing left holding corn ears and resting hand on modius set on ship to right. RSC 961.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 250, RSC 985, BMC 851 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P IMP II, laureate head right / TR POT XIX COS IIII, Annona seated on throne holding cornucopia, modius at feet. RSC 985.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 254, RSC 982, BMC 859 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P IMP II, laureate head right / TR POT XIX COS IIII, Salus standing left holding snake coiled around altar. RSC 982.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 259, RSC 1006, BMC 876 - Antoninus Pius AR Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P IMP II, laureate head right / TR POT X-X COS IIII, Ceres seated left, holding torch and corn-ears. RSC 1006.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 260, RSC 1016, BMC 883 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P IMP II, laureate head right / TR POT XX COS IIII, Anonna standing right with corn ears in modius & rudder, left foot on prow. RSC 1016a
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 274, RSC 1038, BMC 901 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P IMP II, laureate head right / TR POT XXI COS IIII, Annona standing left with corn ears over modius & rudder on prow. RSC 1038.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 448 [hadrian], RSC 1057, BMC 1007 - Antoninus Pius, as Caesar, AR Denarius. IMP T AEL CAES ANTONINVS, bare head right / TRIB POT COS, Minerva standing left, holding Victory, spear & shield. RSC 1057.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 452a [hadrian], RSC 1062, BMC 1013 - Antoninus Pius, Caesar, Denarius. 138 AD. IMP T AEL CAES ANTONINVS, bare head right / TRIB POT COS, Pietas standing left, hand raised over altar at feet. RSC 1062.
Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC 292a, RSC 1111a, BMC 949 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. 158-159 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XXII, laureate head right / VOTA SOL DECENN II, COS IIII below, Antoninus standing left, holding scroll & patera over tripod altar in sacrifice, a bull left of altar. RSC 111.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 597, Cohen 37, BMC 1228 - Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right / ANNONA.AVG S-C. Annona standing right, holding cornupiae and two grain-ears over modius, prow at right. Cohen 34.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 891, Cohen 50, BMC 1891 - Antoninus Pius Æ Sestertius. Struck 151/2 AD. Laureate head right / TR POT XV COS IIII S-C, Annona seated left with corn ears & cornucopiae, modius at feet.. Cohen 50.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 598, Cohen 62, BMC 1229 - Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right / APOLLINI AVGVSTO S-C, Apollo standing left holding lyre & patera. RIC 598(a), Cohen 62.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 579, Cohen 64, BMC 1184 - Antoninus Pius Æ Sestertius. Laureate & draped bust right / Asia, turreted, standing left, holding crown & anchor, prow left at her feet; ASIA in exergue.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 742, Cohen 116v, BMC 1638 - Antoninus Pius Æ Sestertius. 143-144 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right / BRITANNIA, S C in ex, Britannia seated left on heap of rocks, holding military standard in right hand & cradling spear in left arm leaning on round shield set on rock. Cohen 116.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 1081[hadrian], Cohen 131 - Antoninus Pius, as Caesar, AE Sestertius. 138 AD. IMP T AELIVS CAESAR ANTONINVS, bare-headed, draped bust right, seen from behind / TRIB POT COS S-C, CONCORD in exergue, Concordia seated left holding patera, cornucopiae under chair. Cohen 131.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 600, Cohen 139, BMC 1232 - Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius. 142 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right / CONCORDIA EX-ERCITVVM S-C, Concordia standing left, holding Victory & aquila. Cohen 139.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 765, Cohen 318, BMC 1666 - Antoninus Pius Æ Sestertius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P, laureate head right / COS IIII, Antoninus, with radiate nimbus, standing left, holding branch & spear. Cohen 318.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 770, Cohen 363, BMC 1677 - Antoninus Pius, Æ sestertius, (27.36g) ANTONINVS AVG PI VS P P TR P COS IIII Laureate head right. / FELICITAS AVG Felicity standing, head left, S C at sides. Cohen 363.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 605, Cohen 400cf, BMC 1241 - Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius. 142 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right / GENIO SENATVS S-C, Genius of the Senate standing left, holding branch & sceptre. Cohen 400.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 715, Cohen 417, BMC 1607 - Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius. 143-144 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P, laureate bust right / IMP II TR POT COS III S-C, Victory flying right, holding trophy in both hands.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 716a, Cohen 426, BMC 1608 - Antoninus Pius sestertius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P COS III, laureate head right / IMPERATOR II S-C, Fides standing right. RIC 716a, Cohen 426.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 717b, Cohen 434, BMC 1612 - Antononinus Pius AE Sestertius. 143-4 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate, draped bust right / IMPERATOR II S-C, Victory flying right holding trophy in both hands. Cohen 434.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 904, Cohen 452, BMC 1920 - Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP TR P XVI, laureate head right / INDVLGENTIA AVG COS IIII, S C below, Indugentia seated left, extending hand & holding sceptre. Cohen 452.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 746a, Cohen 464, BMC 1641 - Antoninus Pius Æ Sestertius. 140 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right / S-C, Italia seated on globe, holding cornucopiae & sceptre, ITALIA in ex. Cohen 464.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 774, Cohen 498, BMC 1688 - Antoninus Pius Æ Sestertius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P, laureate bust right / AVG IIII COS IIII, Emperor seated on platform, hand outstretched, officer to right, Liberalitas to left with cornucopiae & distributing coins from counting board to citizen at left; SC on platform, LIBERALITAS in ex. Cohen 498.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 916a, Cohen 535, BMC 1944 - Antoninus Pius Æ Sestertius. ANTONINVS AVG PI VS P P TR P XVII, laureate head right / LIBERTAS COS III S-C, Libertas standing, head right, holding cap.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 929, Cohen 543, BMC 1863note - Antoninus Pius Æ Sestertius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XVIII, laureate head right / LIBERTAS COS IIII S C, Libertas standing left holding purse and extending hand. Cohen 543.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 609, Cohen 550, BMC 1252 - Antoninus Pius sestertius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III / MARTI VLTORI SC, Mars, helmeted, standing right with spear, resting left hand on shield. Cohen 550.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 610, Cohen 556, BMC 1253 - Antoninus Pius AE sestertius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right / MONETA AVG S-C, Moneta standing left, holding scales & cornucopiae.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 612, Cohen 569, BMC 1258 - Antoninus Pius Sestertius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right / OPI AVG S-C, Ops enthroned left with transverse sceptre & drawing up draper from shoulder. Cohen 569.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 616, Cohen 589, BMC 1265 - Antoninus Pius Æ sestertius. ANTONINVS AVG PI VS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right / PAX AVG S-C, Pax standing left with branch & cornucopiae. Cohen 589.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 777, Cohen 594cf, BMC 1698 - Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius. 147 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P, laureate head right / COS IIII around, PAX-AVG and S-C across fields, Pax standing left, setting fire to heap of arms with torch, and holding cornucopiae. Cohen 594.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 1083a [hadrian], Cohen 604, BMC 1943 - Antoninus Pius, as Caesar, AE Sestertius. 138 AD. IMP T AELIVS CAESAR ANTONINVS, bare head right / TRIB POT COS S-C, PIETAS below, Pietas standing left, holding box of incense and raising hand above altar. BMC 1945, Cohen 604.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 1031, Cohen 621, BMC 2088 - Antoninus Pius Æ Sestertius. 159/160 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XXIII, laureate head right / PIETATI AVG COS IIII, Faustina Junior as Pietas standing left, between Faustina Minima, Lucilla & holding baby Fadilla. Cohen 621.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 618, Cohen 682, BMC 1266 - Antoninus Pius Æ Sestertius. Struck 142 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PI-VS P P TR P COS III, laureate and cuirassed bust right / PROVIDENTI-AE DEORVM S C, winged thunderbolt. Cohen 683.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 621, Cohen 694, BMC 1276 - Antoninus Pius Æ Sestertius. ANTONINVS AVG PI-VS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right / ROM-A AETERNA, Roma seated left, holding palladium and spear; shield rests against throne, S-C in ex. Cohen 694.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 622, Cohen 699, BMC 1279 - Antoninus Pius Æ Sestertius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right / ROMAE AETERNAE S-C, decastyle temple with statues on roof and in pediment
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 624, Cohen 704, BMC 1286 - Antoninus Pius Æ Sestertius. 140-144 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right / ROMVLO AVGVSTO S-C, Romulus, in military outfit, advancing right, holding spear in right hand & trophy over left shoulder. Cohen 704.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 635, Cohen 711, BMC 1303 - Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius. 140-144 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right / SALVS AVG S-C, Salus standing left, holding sceptre & extending patera to serpent rising from altar. Cohen 711.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 906, Cohen 732, BMC 1925 - Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius. 152-153 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XVI, laureate head right / SALVS AVG COS IIII S-C, Salus standing feeding snake arising from altar.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 778, Cohen 751, BMC 1705 - Antoninus Pius Æ Sestertius. ANTONINVS P P TR P COS IIII, laureate head right / Nude Mars advancing right, bearing trophy & spear, S C at sides. Cohen 751.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 780, Cohen 753, BMC 1709 - Antoninus Pius Æ Sestertius. Struck 146 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PI-VS P P TR P COS IIII, laureate head right / S-C, Roma seated left with Victory on globe & transverse sceptre, shield at side. Cohen 753.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 628, Cohen 763, BMC 1293 - Antoninus Pius Æ Sestertius. Struck 140-144 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right / Antoninus & Marcus Aurelius seated left on platform holding paterae, lictors standing left & right of platform, SC below. Cohen 763.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 629, Cohen 775, BMC 1298 - Antoninus Pius Æ Sestertius. ca 141-143 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right / ROMVLO AVGVSTO, sow standing right, under holm-oak, suckling seven young, an eighth to right, SC in ex. Cohen 775.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 640, Cohen 780v, BMC 1131note - Antoninus Pius Sestertius. ANTONINVS PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureated head right / SECURITAS AVG S-C, Securitas standing left holding long sceptre, leaning on column. Cohen 780.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 589a, Cohen 786cf, BMC 1197 - Antoninus Pius Æ Sestertius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P, laureate head right / SICILIA S C, Sicilia standing, head left, wearing triskeles on head and holding cap, COS III in ex.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 1004, Cohen 805, BMC 2063 - Antoninus Pius. Æ Sestertius. 159 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XXII, laureate head right / TEMPLVM DIV AVG REST S-C, COS IIII in ex, statues of Divus Augustus & Diva Julia Augusta (Livia) seated facing on bases & holding long sceptres, all within octastyle temple. Cohen 805.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 857, Cohen 813, BMC 1825note - Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XII, laureate head right / TEMPORVM FELICITAS COS IIII S-C, crossed cornuacopiae each surmounted by child's bust. Cohen 813.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 642a, Cohen 819, BMC 1313 - Antoninus Pius Æ Sestertius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right / TIBERIS S-C, Tiber, crowned with reeds, reclining left, leaning on urn, which pours out water, resting right hand on boat and holding reed. Cohen 819.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 648, Cohen 917, BMC 1318 - Antoninus Pius Æ Sestertius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P, laureate head right / TR POT COS III, she-wolf standing right, suckling twins, SC in ex. Cohen 917.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 943a, Cohen 988, BMC 1995 - Antoninus Pius Æ Sestertius. 156-157 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P IMP II, laureate head right / TR POT XIX COS IIII S-C, Fides standing left holding two standards. Cohen 988.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 945, Cohen 980v, BMC 1999 - Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P IMP II, laureate head right / TR POT XIX COS IIII S-C, Pax standing left with branch & cornucopiae. Cohen 980.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 964, Cohen 1017, BMC 2013 - Antoninus Pius Æ Sestertius. 156-157 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P IMP II, laureate head right, slight drapery on far shoulder / TR POT XX COS IIII S-C, Annona standing right, left foot on prow, holding rudder & balancing modius on knee. Cohen 1017.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 967, Cohen 1008, BMC 2016 - Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P IMP II / TR POT XX COS IIII S-C, Securitas seated left on chair formed by two cornuacopiae, holding sceptre. Cohen 1008.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 981, Cohen -, BMC 2038 - Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius. 157-158 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P IMP II, laureate head right / T R POT XXI COS IIII S-C, Annona standing left, holding rudder on prow & corn ears over modius.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 844, Cohen 1095, BMC 1813 - Antoninus Pius, 138-161 A.D. AE Sestertius. struck in 147/8 A.D. ANTONINVS PIVS PP TR P XIJ. Laureate hd. r. / COS IIII S C.; VOTA in ex. Pius std. l. sacrificing with patera over tripod. Cohen 1095.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 1008, Cohen 1104, BMC 2067 - Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius. 158-159 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XXII, laureate head right / VOTA SOL DEC II S-C, COS IIII in ex, Antoninus standing left, sacrificing from patera over altar, bull on ground behind. Cohen 1104.
Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 1010, Cohen 1124, BMC 2068 - Antoninus Pius Æ Sestertius. 159 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XXII, laureate head right / VOTA SVSCEPTA DEC III, COS IIII in ex, Pius standing left sacrificing over tripod. Cohen 1124.
Antoninus Pius Æ Dupondius, RIC 656, Cohen 36, BMC 1330 - Antoninus Pius AE Dupondius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right / ANNONA.AVG S-C. Annona standing right, holding cornupiae and two grain-ears over modius, prow at right. Cohen 36.
Antoninus Pius Æ Dupondius, RIC 930, Cohen 118, BMC 1965 - Antoninus Pius Æ Dupondius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XVIII, laureate draped bust right / BRITANNIA COS IIII, S C in ex, Britannia seated left on rock, shield & vexillum in background before. Cohen 118.
Antoninus Pius Æ Dupondius, RIC 657, Cohen 142, BMC 1332 - Antoninus Pius AE Dupondius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, radiate heaed right / CONCORDIA EXERCITVVM S-C, Concordia standing left with Victory & standard with vaxillum. Cohen 142.
Antoninus Pius Æ Dupondius, RIC 798, Cohen 279, BMC 1732 - Antoninus Pius AE Dupondius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P, radiate head right / COS IIII S-C, Salus standing left feeding snake arising from altar to left & holding rudder to right. Cohen 279.
Antoninus Pius Æ Dupondius, RIC 658, Cohen 367, BMC 1333 - Antoninus Pius AE Dupondius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP TRP COS III, radiate head right / FELICITAS AVG S-C, Felicitas standing facing, head left, with caduceus & branch. Cohen 367.
Antoninus Pius Æ Dupondius, RIC 949, Cohen 378, BMC 1991 - Antoninus Pius AE Dupondius. 155-156 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P IMP II, radiate head right / FIDES EXERC COS IIII S-C, Fides standing left holding two standards. Cohen 378.
Antoninus Pius Æ Dupondius, RIC 660a, Cohen 404cf, BMC 1336 - Antoninus Pius Æ Dupondius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP TR P COS III, radiate head right / GENIO SENATVS S-C, Genius of the Senate standing left with branch and sceptre.
Antoninus Pius Æ Dupondius, RIC 724, Cohen 435, BMC 1616 - Antoninus Pius Æ dupondius. ANTONINVS AVG PI VS P P TR P COS III, radiate head right / IMPERATOR II, Victory advancing right with trophy of captured British arms, S C at sides.
Antoninus Pius Æ Dupondius, RIC 904, Cohen 453, BMC 1926 - Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP TR P XVI, laureate head right / INDVLGENTIA AVG COS IIII, S C below, Indugentia seated left, extending hand & holding sceptre. Cohen 452.
Antoninus Pius Æ Dupondius, RIC 920, Cohen 539, BMC 1948 - Antoninus Pius Æ Dupondius. Struck 153/4 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XVII, radiate head right / LIBERTAS COS IIII S-C, Libertas standing facing, head right, holding pileus. Cohen 539.
Antoninus Pius Æ Dupondius, RIC 1035, Cohen 625, BMC 2091 - Antoninus Pius Æ Dupondius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XXII, radiate head right / PIETATI AVG COS IIII S C, Pietas standing left between two children, holding globe and infant. Cohen 625.
Antoninus Pius Æ Dupondius, RIC 664, Cohen 701, BMC 1345 - Antoninus Pius AE Dupondius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, radiate head right / ROMAE AETERNAE S-C, decastyle temple, statues on roof and in pediment. Cohen 701.
Antoninus Pius Æ Dupondius, RIC 668, Cohen 714, BMC 1348 - Antoninus Pius Æ Dupondius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, radiate head right / SALVS AVG S-C, Salus standing left feeding snake coiled around altar and holding sceptre. Cohen 714.
Antoninus Pius Æ Dupondius, RIC 1017, Cohen 807 - Antoninus Pius Æ Dupondius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XXII, radiate head right / TEMPLVM DIV AVG REST S C, Octastyle temple of Augustus and Livia, figures within, COS IIII in ex. Cohen 807.
Antoninus Pius Æ Dupondius, RIC 952, Cohen 981 - Antoninus Pius Dupondius. 156-157 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP IMP II, radiate head right / TR POT XIX COS IIII S-C, Pax standing left holding branch & cornucopiae. Cohen 981.
Antoninus Pius Æ Dupondius, RIC 674, Cohen 1084, BMC 1355 - Antoninus Pius Orichalcum Dupondius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, radiate bust right / VICTORIA AVG S C, Victory in fast quadriga right.
Antoninus Pius Æ Dupondius, RIC 813, Cohen 1108, BMC 1745 - Antoninus Pius AE Dupondius. Struck 145-161 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P, radiate head right / VOTA SOL DEC II S-C, Antoninus standing left, sacrificing from patera over tripod altar, bull by tripod, COS IIII in ex. Cohen 1108.
Antoninus Pius AE As, RIC 736a, Cohen 30, BMC 1629 - Antoninus Pius Æ As. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P III, laureate head right / ANCILIA IMPERATOR II S-C, two ancilia (oval shields) side by side. RIC III 736a; Cohen 30.
Antoninus Pius AE As, RIC 921, Cohen 45, BMC 1951 - Antoninus Pius AE As. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP TRP XVII, laureate head right / ANNONA AVG COS IIII S-C, Annona standing right holding modius on cippus and branch above a basket of fruit.
Antoninus Pius AE As, RIC 676, Cohen 106, BMC 1358 - Antoninus Pius Æ As. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right / BONO EVENTI S-C, Bonus Eventus standing left holding corn ears and sacrificing at altar. Cohen 106.
Antoninus Pius AE As, RIC 934, Cohen 117, BMC 1971 - Antoninus Pius Æ As. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XVIII, laureate draped bust right / BRITANNIA COS IIII, Britannia seated left on rock, S C in ex.
Antoninus Pius AE As, RIC 733, Cohen 450, BMC 1624 - Antoninus Pius Æ As. 143-144 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right / IMPERATOR II S-C, Sow seated right under helm-oak, suckling four young, another before, SC in ex. Cohen 450.
Antoninus Pius AE As, RIC 861, Cohen 563, BMC 1838 - Antoninus Pius AE As. 148-149 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XII, laureate head right / MVNIFICENTIA AVG S-C, COS IIII in ex, Munificentia standing left holding patera & sceptre. Foss 52.
Antoninus Pius AE As, RIC 862a, Cohen 565, BMC 1840 - Antoninus Pius Æ as. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XII Laureate head right / MVNIFICENTA AVG Elephant standing right, COS IIII S C in ex. Cohen 565.
Antoninus Pius AE As, RIC 569a, Cohen 578, BMC 1168 - Antoninus Pius AE As. 139 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P, laureate head right / TR POT COS II S-C, PAX below, Pax standing left with branch and cornucopiae. Cohen 578.
Antoninus Pius AE As, RIC 900a, Cohen 729, BMC 1904 - Antoninus Pius AE As. 152-3 AD. ANTONINVS AVG P P TR P XV, laureate head right / SALVS AVG COS IIII S-C, Salus standing left, extending patera to serpent rising from altar & holding sceptre. Cohen 729, BMC 1904.
Antoninus Pius AE As, RIC 827a, Cohen 791, BMC 1762 - Antoninus Pius Æ As. ANTONINVS AVG PI VS P P TR P COS IIII, laureate head right / S P Q R - OPTIMO - PRINCIPI - S C, four lines in wreath. Cohen 791.
Antoninus Pius AE As, RIC 694c, Cohen 885v, BMC 1372 - Antoninus Pius AE As. 140-144. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P, laureate draped bust right / TR POT COS III S-C, Mars, holding spear & shield, descending right thru the air to Rhea Silvia, who reclines left, asleep on the ground, her head propped by hand. Cohen 885.
Antoninus Pius AE As, RIC 704a, Cohen 922, BMC 1379 - Antoninus Pius AE As. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P, laureate head right / TR POT COS III, sacrificial implements: knife, sprinkler, ewer, lituus & simpulum, SC in ex. Cohen 922.
Antoninus Pius AE As, RIC 972, Cohen 1011, BMC 2029 - ANTONINUS PIUS AE As. TR POT XX COS IIII SC, Fortuna or Providentia standing left with sceptre, pointing at large globe. Cohen 1011.
Antoninus Pius AE As, RIC 1052, Cohen 1052, BMC 2117 - Antoninus Pius AE As. 160-161. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P, laureate head right / TR POT XXIIII COS IIII S-C, Genius standing left sacrificing over altar from patera & holding sceptre. Cohen 1052.
Antoninus Pius AE As, RIC 1088a [hadrian], Cohen 1066, BMC 1948 - Antoninus Pius, as Caesar, Æ As. 138 AD. IMP T AELIVS CAESAR ANTONINVS, bare head right / TRIB POT COS S-C, two clasped hands holding winged caduceus & corn ears. Cohen 1066.
Antoninus Pius AE As, RIC 1042, Cohen 1121, BMC 2099 - Antoninus Pius Æ As. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XXIII, laureate head right / VOTA SVSCEPTA DEC III S-C, Pius standing left, sacrificing out of patera over altar, COS IIII below. Cohen 1121.
Antoninus Pius Billon Tetradrachm. Milne 1587v, Dattari 2179, BMC 992v, Koln 1284 - Antoninus Pius Billon Tetradrachm of Alexandria. AVT K T AIL ADP ANTWNINOC EY CEB, bare head right / ETOVC B, canopus of Osiris right on cushion. Dattari 2179, Koln 1284.
Antoninus Pius AE Obol, Milne 1696, Koln 1383, Dattari 3089, Emmett 1737 - Antoninus Pius AE24 Obol of Alexandria. Year 5 = 143 AD. AVT K T AIL ADR ANTWNINOC AY CEB / LE above Apis bull standing right facing Egyptian altar. Koln 1383.
Antoninus Pius & Marcus Aurelius AR Denarius, RIC 417a, RSC 15, BMC 155 - Antoninus Pius & Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar Denarius. 140 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head of Pius right / AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG PII F COS, bare head of Aurelius right. BMCRE 155; RSC 15.
Antoninus Pius & Marcus Aurelius AE Sestertius, RIC 1212, Cohen 34, BMC 1209 - Antoninus Pius & Marcus Aurelius Sestertius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right / AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG PII COS S-C. Cohen 34.
Faustina Sr Aureus, RIC 349a, Cohen 3, BMC 268 - Diva Faustina Sr AV Aureus. DIVA AVG FAVSTINA, draped bust right / AETERNITAS, Fortuna standing left, holding patera in right hand, rudder on globe in left. Cohen 4.
Faustina Sr Aureus, RIC 357a, Cohen 75, BMC 403 - Faustina Senior AV Aureus. DIVA FAVSTINA, diademed and draped bust right, hair coiled on top of head / AV-G-V-STA, Ceres standing left, holding torch in each hand.
Faustina Sr Aureus, RIC 372, Cohen -, BMC 447 - Diva Faustina Sr AV Aureus. DIVA FAVSTINA, draped bust right / AVG-V-STA, Fortuna standing left, holding patera in right hand & rudder resting on globe in left.
Faustina Sr AR Denarius, RIC 343, RSC 1, BMC 339 - Diva Faustina Sr Denarius. 150 AD. DIVA FAVSTINA, diademed & draped bust right / AED DIV FAVSTINAE, front view of temple of six columns on five steps, fencing before, statue of Faustina within. RIC 343, RSC 1.
Faustina Sr AR Denarius, RIC 351, RSC 32, BMC 373 - Diva Faustina Sr AR Denarius. DIVA FAVSTINA, draped bust right / AETE-R-NITAS, Aeternitas, Providentia, or Urania standing front holding globe, veil blowing out around head. RSC 32.
Faustina Sr AR Denarius, RIC 358, RSC 93, BMC 389 - Faustina I AR Denarius. DIVA FAVSTINA, draped bust right, hair arranged in a chignon behind the head / AVGVSTA, Ceres standing right holding sceptre and ears of grain. RSC 93.
Faustina Sr AR Denarius, RIC 361, RSC 101a, BMC 417 - Diva Faustina Sr AR Denarius. DIVA FAVSTINA, draped bust right / AVGV-STA, Ceres or Aeternitas standing left, raising hand & holding torch. RSC 101a.
Faustina Sr AR Denarius, RIC 373, RSC 124, BMC 449 - Faustina Sr denarius. AVGVSTA, Pietas standing left with right hand over altar and holding box in left. RSC 124.
Faustina Sr AR Denarius, RIC 382b corr (listed incorrectly as veiled), RSC 165a, BMC 467 - Diva Faustina Senior Denarius. DIVA FAVSTINA, draped bust right / CONSECRATIO, Ceres standing left, holding right hand up in greeting & torch. RSC 165a.
Faustina Sr AR Denarius, RIC 388, RSC 191, BMC 306 - Faustina Sr AR Denarius. DIVA AVG FAVSTINA, diademed draped bust right / DEDICATIO AEDIS, hexstyle temple with elaborate peaked roof with statues, etc.
Faustina Sr AR Denarius, RIC 396, RSC 253, BMC 319 - Faustina Sr Denarius. DIVA AVG FAVSTINA, draped bust right / PIETAS AVG, Hexastyle temple with two statues of Victory on pediment. RSC 253.
Faustina Sr AE Sestertius, RIC 1107, Cohen 8, BMC 1498 - FAUSTINA SENIOR AE sestertius. DIVA FAVSTINA bust right REV.AETERNITAS SC on either side of figure holding globe and sceptre.
Faustina Sr AE Sestertius, RIC 1113, Cohen 57, BMC 1502 - Diva Faustina Sr Æ Sestertius. DIVA FAVSTINA, draped bust right / AETERNITAS, S C in ex, Faustina, veiled & holding sceptre, seated in carpentum drawn by two elephants guided by riders. Cohen 57.
Faustina Sr AE Sestertius, RIC 1116, Cohen 79, BMC 1509 - Faustina Sr AE Sestertius. DIVA FAVSTINA, draped bust right / AVGVSTA S-C, Ceres standing left with corn ears and long torch. Cohen 79.
Faustina Sr AE Sestertius, RIC 1135, Cohen 186, BMC 1429 - Diva Faustina Senior Æ Sestertius. DIVA AVGVSTA FAVSTINA, draped bust right / CONSECRATIO, S C in exergue, pyre in four stories, ornamented & garlanded, on top, Faustina in biga right. Cohen 188.
Faustina Sr AE Sestertius, RIC 1139, Cohen 201, BMC 1432 - Faustina Senior Sestertius. DIVA AVGVSTA FAVSTINA, veiled & draped bust right / S-C, Faustine seated on a wagon which is carried by two Elephants on which are seated drivers. Cohen 201.
Faustina Sr AE Dupondius or As, RIC 1157, Cohen 13, BMC 1544 - Faustina Senior AE dupondius. DIVA FAVSTINA Draped bust right, hair in bun. / AETERNITAS Aeternitas standing, holding branch and hem of dress, S C at sides.
Faustina Sr AE Dupondius or As, RIC 1161, Cohen 43, BMC 1558 - Faustina Sr Æ As. DIVA FAVSTINA, draped bust right / AETERNITAS, SC in field, Pietas standing left, by altar, right hand raised, holding incense box in left hand.
Faustina Sr AE Sestertius, RIC 1074, Cohen 147cf - Faustina Sr AE sestertius. Lifetime issue. FAUSTINA ANTONINI AVG PII P P, bust right / CONCORDIA AVG S-C, Concordia seated left with patera and leaning on cornucopiae. Cohen 147.
Faustina Sr AE Sestertius, RIC 1081, Cohen 282, BMC 1120 - Faustina I Sestertius. FAVSTINA AVG ANTONINI AVG PII P P, draped bust right / VENERI AVGVSTAE S-C, Venus standing right drawing up robe from right shoulder and holding apple. Cohen 282.
Faustina Jr Aureus, RIC 504, Cohen 129, BMC 1043 - Faustina Junior AV Aureus. 147-150 AD. FAVSTINAE AVG PII AVG FIL, draped bust right / IVNO, Juno seated left on stool, feet on footstool, holding young child on her knee & cradling long sceptre in left arm; child standing right before holds up two grain ears to child on knee, who reaches up to receive them. Cohen 129.
Faustina Jr AR Denarius, RIC 495a, RSC 15, BMC 1099 - Faustina Jr Denarius. FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / AVGVSTI PII FIL, Venus standing left holding Victory & resting hand on shield set on a helmet. RSC 15.
Faustina Jr AR Denarius, RIC 502a, RSC 54, BMC 1086 - Faustina Jr. AR Denarius. FAVSTINA AVG PII AVG FIL, draped bust right / CONCOR-DIA, Concordia seated left, holding flower & resting left arm on cornucopiae set on globe below seat. RIC 502a, RSC 54.
Faustina Jr AE Sestertius, RIC 1388b, Cohen 268, BMC 2148 - Faustina Jr AE Sestertius. 145-6 AD. FAVSTINAE AVG PII AVG FIL, draped bust right / VENVS S-C, Venus standing left holding an apple and a rudder about which a dolphin is coiled.
Faustina Jr AE Dupondius or As, RIC 1389a, Cohen 17, BMC 2202 - Faustina Junior AE As. FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right, hair arranged in a chignon behind the head / AVGVSTI PII FIL, Venus standing left holding victory and leaning on shield set on a helmet. Cohen 17.
Faustina Jr AE Dupondius or As, RIC 1391, Cohen 28 - Faustina Jr AE As. FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / AVGVSTI PI FIL AVG S C, Salus seated left feeding snake coiled around altar.
Faustina Jr AE Dupondius or As, RIC 1404b, Cohen 187, BMC 2159 - Faustina Jr AE As. FAVSTINAE AVG PII AVG FIL, diademed, draped bust right / PVDICITIA S-C, Pudicitia enthroned left, drawing out veil with right hand, left resting on lap. Cohen 187.
Marcus Aurelius Aureus, RIC 456a [Antoninus Pius], Cohen 23, BMC 778 - Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar, Denarius. 151-2 AD. AVRELIVS CAESAR ANTONINI AVG PII FIL, bare head right / TR POT VI COS II, Clementia, draped, standing front, head left, holding patera in extended right hand, raising fold of skirt up in left, CLEM in ex.
Marcus Aurelius Aureus, RIC 422 [Antoninus Pius], Cohen 235, BMC 263 - Marcus Aurelius Aureus. 140-144 AD. AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG PII F COS, bare head right / HONOS, Honos standing left holding olive branch and cornucopiae. Cohen 235.
Marcus Aurelius AV Quinarius, RIC 423a [Antoninus Pius], Cohen 388, BMC 269 -
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 426 [Antoninus Pius], RSC 100, BMC 509 - Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar, Denarius. 144-145 AD. AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG PII F, bare head right / COS DES II, Honos standing left holding branch & cornucopiae. RSC 100.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 422 [Antoninus Pius], RSC 236, BMC 264 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG PII F COS, head right / HONOS, Honos standing, head left, with branch & cornucopiae. RIC 422, RSC 236.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 423a [Antoninus Pius], RSC 389, BMC 270 - Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar, Denarius. 140-144 AD. AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG PII F COS, bare head right / Juventas standing left, holding patera & dropping incense on candelabrum. RSC 389.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 424a [Antoninus Pius], RSC 451, BMC 277 - Marcus Aurelius as Caesar, Denarius. 140-144 AD. AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG PII F COS, bare head right / PIETAS AVG, sacrificial implements. RSC 451.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 438b [Antoninus Pius], RSC 608, BMC 636 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. 149 AD. AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG PII F, bare head right / TR POT III COS II, Minerva standing right, holding spear & hand resting upon shield. RSC 608.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 446 [Antoninus Pius], RSC 628, BMC 698 - Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar. AR Denarius. AVRELIVS CAE-SAR AVG PII F, bare head right / TR POT III COS II, Providentia standing left with sceptre, leaning on column, pointing at globe with right hand. RSC 628.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 453a [Antoninus Pius], RSC 645, BMC 775 - Marcus Aurelius, Caesar, Denarius. 151-152 AD. AVRELIVS CAESAR ANTONINI AVG PII FIL, bare head right / TR POT VI COS II, Genius Exercitus sacrificing from patera over altar, & holding legionary eagle. RSC 647a.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 459 [Antoninus Pius], RSC 663, BMC 822 - Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar, Denarius. 153-154 AD. AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG PII FIL, bare head right / TR POT VIII COS II, Minerva standing left with owl, shield & spear. RSC 663.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 466a [Antoninus Pius], RSC 702, BMC 869 - Marcus Aurelius, Caesar, Denarius. 155-156 AD. AVRELIVS CAES ANTON AVG PII F, bare head right / TR POT X COS II, Aequitas standing left, holding scales & sceptre. RSC 702.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 473 [Antoninus Pius], RSC 721, BMC 893 - Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar, Denarius. AVRELIVS CAES ANTON AVG PII F, draped bust right / TR POT XI COS II, Virtus standing left with parazonium & spear. RSC 721.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 475a [Antoninus Pius], RSC 727, BMC 920 - Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar, Denarius. 157-158 AD. AVRELIVS CAES ANTON AVG PII F, bare head right / TR POT XII COS II, Felicitas leaning on column left, holding caduceus and sceptre. RSC 727.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 479a [Antoninus Pius], RSC 743, BMC 960 - Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar, Denarius. 158-159 AD. AVRELIVS CAES ANTON AVG PII F, bare head right / TR POT XIII COS II, Spes advancing left holding flower and raising skirt. RSC 743.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 480e [Antoninus Pius], RSC 747a, BMC 963 - Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar, Denarius. AVRELIVS CAES AVG PII F, bare head right / TR POT XIII COS II, Virtus in military dress standing right, foot on helmet, holding reversed spear and parazonium. RSC 747a.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 483 [Antoninus Pius], RSC 762, BMC 998 - Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar, Denarius. 159-160 AD. AVRELIVS CAES AVG PII F, bare head right / TR POT XIIII COS II, Minerva advancing right, brandishing javelin & holding shield. RSC 762.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sesterius, RIC 1281a [Antoninus Pius], Cohen 446, BMC 1849 - Marcus Aurelius Caesar AE Sestertius. 148-149 AD. AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG PII F, bare head right / TR POT III COS II S-C, PIETAS below, Pietas standing left holding sceptre & extenting hand over child standing to left. Cohen 446.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sesterius, RIC 1243a [Antoninus Pius], Cohen 576, BMC 1776 - Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar, Æ Sestertius. 145 AD. AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG PII F COS II, bare head right, slight drapery on far shoulder / S-C, Minerva advancing right, holding javelin & shield. Cohen 576.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sesterius, RIC 1246 [Antoninus Pius], Cohen 582, BMC 1782 - Marcus Aurelius AE sestertius. AVRELIUS CAESAR AVG PII F COS, bare head right / Marcus Aurelius in slow quadriga right, S C in ex. Cohen 582.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sesterius, RIC 1314 [Antoninus Pius], Cohen 665cf, BMC 1956 - Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar, AE Sestertius. M AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG PII FIL, laureate head right / TR POT VIII COS II S-C, Minerva standing left holding owl & spear, shield on ground to right.
Marcus Aurelius Æ Dupondius or As, RIC 1236 [Antoninus Pius], Cohen 231, BMC p227 - Marcus Aurelius AE As. AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG PII F COS, His bare curly head right / HILARITAS S.C, Hilaritas standing left holding cornucopia and long palm-branch. Cohen 231.
Marcus Aurelius Æ Dupondius or As, RIC 1238 [Antoninus Pius], Cohen 393, BMC 1407 - Marcus Aurelius AE As. 140 AD. AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG PII F COS, bare head right / IVVENTAS S C, Juventas, wearing a long robe, standing left, holding a patera, sprinkling incense on a candelabrum.
Marcus Aurelius Æ Dupondius or As, RIC 1239 [Antoninus Pius], Cohen 395, BMC p227 - Marcus Aurelius as Caesar AE Dupondius. 144-5 AD. AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG AVG PII F COS II, bare headed, draped bust of Aurelius before he grew a beard / IVVENTAS S-C, Juvetas standing left with branch, trophy to right. Cohen 395.
Marcus Aurelius Æ Dupondius or As, RIC 1293a [Antoninus Pius], Cohen 445, BMC 1858 - Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar, Æ As. Struck 149/150 AD. AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG PII F, bare head right / TR POT III COS II S-C, PIETAS below, Pietas standing left, right hand over small togate figure standing right. Cohen 443.
Marcus Aurelius Æ Dupondius or As, RIC 1266 [Antoninus Pius], Cohen 597, BMC p293 - Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar, Æ As. 145 AD. AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG PII F, bare head right / TR POT COS II S-C, Minerva standing right with spear & shield. Cohen 598.
Marcus Aurelius Æ Dupondius or As, RIC 1305a [Antoninus Pius], Cohen 638v, BMC 1918 - Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar, Æ As or Dupondius. 151-152 AD. AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG PII FIL, bare head right / TR POT VI COS II S-C across field, Minerva standing left, holding Victory, spear & resting against shield. Cohen 638.
Marcus Aurelius Æ Dupondius or As, RIC 1319 [Antoninus Pius], Cohen 670, BMC 1961 - Marcus Aurelius AE As. 153-4 AD. AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG PII FIL, draped bust right / TR POT VIII COS II S-C, Salus standing left feeding snake in arms & leaning on column. Cohen 670.
Marcus Aurelius Aureus, RIC 183, Cohen 207, BMC 458 - Marcus Aurelius Aureus. M ANTONINVS AVG ARM PARTH MAX, laureate head right / FORT RED TR P XXII IMP V, Fortuna seated left with rudder & cornucopiae, COS III in ex.
Marcus Aurelius Aureus, RIC 160 [corr], Cohen 877, BMC 405 - Marcus Aurelius AV Aureus. 168 AD. M ANTONINUS AVG ARM PARTH MAX, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / TR P XX IMP IIII COS III, Victory standing facing, head right, holding palm & shield, inscribed VIC PAR, set on tree to right. Cohen 877.
Marcus Aurelius Aureus, RIC 408, Cohen 971v, BMC 792 - Marcus Aurelius AV Aureus. 179 AD. M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG, laureate, draped, & cuirassed bust right / TR P XXXIII IMP X COS III P P, emperor standing left, togate & holding long sceptre, sacrificing from patera over tripod altar left. Cohen 971.
Marcus Aurelius Aureus, RIC 250, Cohen 1035cf, BMC 552A - Marcus Aurelius AV Aureus. 170-171 AD. IMP M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXV, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / VOTA SVSCEP DECENN II, the emperor standing left, veiled, sacrificing over tripod altar, COS III in ex.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 81, RSC 7, BMC 274 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG ARMENIACVS, laureate head right / P M TR P XVIII IMP II COS III, mourning Armenia seated left in peaked cap, hand on bow & quiver; before a vexillum & shield, ARMEN in ex.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 212, RSC 130, BMC 506 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXIIII, laureate head right / COS III, Diana standing front, head left, holding arrow and bow. RSC 130.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 211, RSC 123, BMC 509 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. 169-170 AD. M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXIIII Laureate head right. / COS III Minerva advancing right, bearing thunderbolt and shield. RSC 123.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 231, RSC 126, BMC 535 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. 170-171 AD. M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXV, laureate head right / COS III, Mars advancing right with spear & trophy. RSC 126.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 215, RSC 136, BMC 512 - Marcus Aurelius AR Denarius. M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXIIII, laureate head right / COS III, Fortuna standing front, head left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. RSC 136.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 216, RSC 139, BMC 514 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. 169-170 AD. M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXIIII, laureate head right / COS III, Salus standing right feeding serpent held in her arms. RSC 139.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 420, RSC 148, BMC 695 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. 176-180 AD. M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG, laureate head right / COS III P P, Roma seated left on cuirass, holding Victory & parazonium. RSC 148.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 339, RSC 161, BMC 683 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. M ANTONINVS AVG GERM SARM, laureate head right / TR P XXX IMP VIII COS III P P, two German captives seated on shields at base of Trophy, DE GERM below. RSC 161
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 367, RSC 173, BMC 740 - Marcus Aurelius AR Denarius. M ANTONINVS AVG GERM SARM, laureate head right / TR P XXI IMP VIII COS III PP, Pile of Sarmatian arms and armour, DE SARM in ex. RSC 173.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 203, RSC 178, BMC 490 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXIII, laureate head right / FELICITAS AVG COS III, Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus and sceptre. RSC 178.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 220 (says sceptre in error), RSC 205, BMC 521 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. 169-170 AD. M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXIIII, laureate head right / FORT RED COS III, Fortuna seated left holding rudder & cornucopiae. RIC 220, Cohen 205.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 261, RSC 290, BMC 555 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXVI, laureate head right / IMP VI COS III, Mars, helmeted, standing right holding spear, left hand on shield. RSC 290.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 259, RSC 280, BMC 557 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXVI, laureate head right / IMP VI COS III, Roma seated left, holding Victory and sceptre, shield to right. RSC 280.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 252, RSC 257, BMC 562 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. 171-172 AD. M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXVI, laureate head right / IMP VI COS III, Aequitas standing left holding scales & cornucopiae. RSC 257.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 304, RSC 331, BMC 606 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. June-Dec, 174 AD. M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXVIII, laureate head right / IMP VII COS III, Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus & cornucopiae. RSC 331.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 300, RSC 321, BMC 607 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. June-Dec 174 AD. M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXVIII, laureated head right / IMP VII COS III, Genius or Bonus Eventus, nude, standing left with patera & corn ears. RSC 321.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 401, RSC 385, BMC 785 - Marcus Aurelius AR Denarius. M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG, laureate head right / IVSTITIA AVG TR P XXXIII IMP X COS III PP, Justitia seated left holding patera & sceptre. RSC 354.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 206, RSC 412, BMC 492 - Marcus Aurelius AR Denarius. Struck 168-169 AD. M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXIII, laureate head right / LIBERAL AVG V COS III, Liberalitas standing left, holding abacus & cornucopiae. RSC 412.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 159, RSC 435, BMC 401 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. M ANTONINVS AVG ARM PARTH MAX, laureate head right / TR P XX IMP IIII COS III, PAX in ex., Pax standing left holding branch and cornucopiae. BMCRE 401; RSC 435.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 148, RSC 463, BMC 397 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. M ANTONINVS PIVS ARMENIACVS / PIETAS AVG TR P XX COS III, Pietas, veliled, standing left, sacrificing out of patera over altar and holding box in left hand at side.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 125, RSC 474, BMC 359 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. ANTONINVS AVG ARMENIACVS, laureate head right / TR P XIX IMP II COS III, Annona standing left, pouring contents of cornucopia into modius. RSC 484.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 142, RSC 484, BMC 371 - Marcus Aurelius denarius. M ANTONINVS AVG ARMENIACVS, laureate head right / P M TR P XIX IMP III COS III, Annona standing left, holding grain-ears over modius and cornucopiae. RSC 484.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 245, RSC 493, BMC 549 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. 170-171 AD. IMP M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXV, laureate head right / PRIMI DECEN-NELAES COS III, five lines in wreath. RSC 493.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 222, RSC 546, BMC 525 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. 169-170 AD. M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXIIII, laureate head right / SALVTI AVG COS III, Salus standing left, holding sceptre & feeding snake on altar from a patera. RSC 546.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 112, RSC 852c, BMC 257 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. M ANTONINVS AVG IMP II, laureate head right / TR P XVIII COS III, Felicitas seated right on a curule chair, holding a caduceus &
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 163, RSC 878, BMC 406 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. M ANTONINVS AVG ARM PART MAX, laureate head right / TR P X IMP IIII COS III, Victory standing right placing shield inscribed VIC/PAR in two lines on palm tree. RSC 878.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 171, RSC 882, BMC 435 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. M ANTONINVS AVG ARM PARTH MAX, laureate head right / TR P XXI IMP IIII COS III, Aequitas standing left with scales & cornucopiae. RSC 882.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 176, RSC 890, BMC 456 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. M ANTONINVS AVG PM PARTH MAX, laureate head right / TR P XXII IMP IIII COS III, Providentia standing left, holdiong sceptre and pointing with rod to a globe at her feet. RSC 890.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 191, RSC 899, BMC 467 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. M ANTONINVS AVG ARM PARTH MAX, head, laureate, r / TR P XXII IMP V COS III, Aequitas seated left with scales & cornucopiae. RSC 899.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 326, RSC 916, BMC 627 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. M ANTONINVS AVG GERM SARM, laureate head right / TR P XXIX IMP VIII COS III, Mars advancing right with spear & trophy Rome. RSC 916.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 327, RSC 917, BMC 631 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. M ANTONINVS AVG GERM SARM, laureate head right/ TR P XXIX IMP VIII COS III, Genius, nude, standing left holding patera & corn-ears. Cohen 917.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 352, RSC 929a, BMC 669 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. M ANTONINVS AVG GERM SARM, bust right / TR P XXX IMP VIII COS III, Aequitas standing forward with head left, holding scales & cornucopiae.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 373, RSC 944, BMC 733 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. M ANTONINVS AVG GERM SARM, laureate head right / TR P XXXI IMP VIII COS III P P, Salus standing left with sceptre & feeding snake twined round altar.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 378, RSC 949, BMC 735 - Marcus Aurelius AR Denarius. 176-177 AD. M ANTONINVS AVG GERM SARM, laureate head right / TR P XXXI IMP VIII COS III P P, Victory advancing left holding wreath & palm. RSC 949.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 387, RSC 956, BMC 769note - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG, laureate head right / TR P XXXII IMP VIIII COS III PP, Minerva standing left holding branch, sceptre & shield. RSC 956.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 385, RSC 954, BMC 772 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. 177-178 AD. M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG, laureate head right / TR P XXXII IMP VIIII COS III P P, Salus seated left, holding poppy over serpent at right. BMC 722, RSC 954.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 396, RSC 963, BMC 781 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. 178-179 AD. M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG, laureate head right / TR P XXXIII IMP VIIII COS III P P, Mars standing right, holding reversed spear & leaning right hand on shield. RSC 963.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 225, RSC 979, BMC 532 - Marcus Aurelius denarius. M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXIII, laureate head right / VICT AVG COS III, Victory advancing left holding wreath & trophy.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 248, RSC 1031, BMC 551 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. IMP M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXV, laureate head right / VOTA SOL DECENN, COS III in ex, Emperor standing left with roll, sacrificing out of patera into lighted altar; prostrate bull. RSC 1031.
Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 251, RSC 1036 - Marcus Aurelius Denarius. 170-1 AD. IMP M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXV, laureate head right / VOTA SVSCEP DECENN II COS III, Marcus Aurelius, veiled, standing left sacrificing at tripod. RSC 1036.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sesterius, RIC 914, Cohen 75, BMC 1277 - Marcus Aurelius AE Sestertius. Dec 165 - Summer 166 AD. M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG ARMENIACUS P M, laureate head right / CONG AVG III TR POT XX IMP III COS III SC, Aurelius & Lucius Verus seated on platform with prefect behind, official in front, a man facing opposite with open cloak to receive the largess.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sesterius, RIC 992, Cohen 127, BMC 1385 - Marcus Aurelius AE Sestertius. 170-171 AD. M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXV, laureate head right / COS III S-C, Mars advancing right, holding spear and trophy. Cohen 127.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sesterius, RIC 1190, Cohen 174, BMC 1601 - Marcus Aurelius AE Sestertius. M ANTONINVS AVG GERM SARM TRP XXXI, laureate head right / IMP VIII COS III P P S C, pile of arms, DE SARMATIS in ex. Cohen 174.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sesterius, RIC 1239, Cohen 186, BMC 1695 - Marcus Aurelius Æ Sestertius. M AVREL ANTONI-NVS AVG TR P XXXIII, laureate head right / FELICITA-S AVG IMP X COS III P P S-C, Felicitas standing left with caduceus & sceptre. Cohen 186.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sesterius, RIC 1058, Cohen 227, BMC 1433 - Marcus Aurelius AE Sestertius. 172-173 AD. M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXVII, laureate head right / GERMANICO AVG IMP VI COS III, SC in ex, trophy of arms, German woman seated left below, in attitude of mourning, on two shields; German standing to right, his head turned and his hands bound behind him; on the ground, a shield. Cohen 227.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sesterius, RIC 1033, Cohen 281, BMC 1416 - Marcus Aurelius AE Sestertius. 170-171 AD. M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXV, laureate head right / IMP VI COS III S-C, Roma seated left, holding Victory & spear, large shield behind decorated with head of Medusa. Cohen 281.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sesterius, RIC 1037, Cohen 284, BMC 1420 - Marcus Aurelius Æ Sestertius. Struck 171-172 AD. M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXVI, laureate head right / IMP VI COS III S-C, Roma seated left on cuirass, holding spear & leaning on shield. Cohen 294.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sesterius, RIC 1029, Cohen 272, BMC 1423 - Marcus Aurelius Æ Sestertius. Struck 171/2 AD. M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXVI, laureate head right / IMP VI COS III S-C, Victory placing a shield inscribed VIC GER in two lines on trunk of palm.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sesterius, RIC 1160, Cohen 358, BMC 1547 - Marcus Aurelius AE Sestertius. M ANTONINVS AVG GERM SARM TR P XXX P P, laureate head right / IMP VIII COS III CLEMENTIA AVG S-C, Clementia standing left holding patera & sceptre. Cohen 358.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sesterius, RIC 0977, Cohen 502cf, BMC 1375 - Marcus Aurelius Æ Sestertius. M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXIIII, laureate head right / PROFECTIO AVG S C COS III below Aurelius on horse right holding spear, soldier in front with spear and shield, three soldiers behind him with standards.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sesterius, RIC 1075, Cohen 535, BMC 1441 - Marcus Aurelius Æ Sestertius. Struck 173 AD. M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXVII, laureate head right / RELIG AVG, Mercury standing left within tetrastyle temple with herms for columns, semicircular pediment containing a cock, ram, petasos, winged caduceus & purse. Cohen 535.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sesterius, RIC 1077, Cohen 538, BMC 1449 - Marcus Aurelius Æ Sestertius. M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXVII, laureate head right / RESTITVTORI ITALIAE IMP VI COS III S C, Aurelius standing left holding sceptre and raising kneeling figure of Italia who holds a globe. Cohen 538.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sesterius, RIC 964, Cohen 544, BMC 1351 - Marcus Aurelius Æ Sestertius. 169 AD. M ANTONINVS AVG TR P COS III, laureate head right / SALVTI AVG COS III, S-C across field, Salus left, feeding from patera serpent rising from altar. Cohen 544.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sesterius, RIC 854, Cohen 834cf, BMC 1072 - Marcus Aurelius Æ Sestertius. 163-164 AD. M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG P M, laureate head right / TR P XVIII IMP II COS III S-C, Mars advancing right carrying spear & trophy. Cohen 834.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sesterius, RIC 861, Cohen 838, BMC 1088 - Marcus Aurelius AE Sestertius. 163-164 AD. M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG ARMENIACVS P M, laureate head right / TR P XVIII IMP II COS III S-C, Mars standing right holding spear & resting hand on shield. Cohen 838.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sesterius, RIC 931, Cohen 807, BMC 1289 - Marcus Aurelius Æ Sestertius. M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG ARM PARTH, laureate head right / TR POT XX IMP IIII COS III S-C, Victory standing facing, head right, holding palm & placing shield inscribed VIC PAR on palm tree. Cohen 807.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sesterius, RIC 948, Cohen 815, BMC 1318 - Marcus Aurelius Æ Sestertius. 166-167 AD. M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG ARM PARTH MAX, laureate head right / TR POT XXI IMP IIII COS S-C, Victory advancing left, holding wreath and palm.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sesterius, RIC 0969, Cohen 822, BMC 1345 - Marcus Aurelius AE Sestertius. M ANTONINVS AVG ARM PARTH MAX, laureate head right / TR POT XXIII IMP V COS III S-C, Aequitas seated left holding scales and cornucopiae. Cohen 822.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sesterius, RIC 890, Cohen 984, BMC 1092 - Marcus Aurelius AE Sestertius. M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG ARMENIACVS P M, laureate head right / VICT AVG TR P XVIII IMP II COS III S-C, Victory standing right holding trophy, captive Armenian at her feet.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sesterius, RIC 925, Cohen 990, BMC 1281 - Marcus Aurelius Æ Sestertius. Struck 166 AD. M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG ARMENIACVS P M, laureate head right / VICT AVG TR POT XX IMP III COS III S-C. Victory flying left, holding garland outstretched. Cohen 990.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sesterius, RIC 1249, Cohen 1004, BMC 1711 - Marcus Aurelius AE Sestertius. 180 AD. M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG TRP XXXIIII, laureate head right / VIRTVS AVG IMP X COS III PP S-C, Virtus seated right with spear & parazonium. Cohen 1004.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sesterius, RIC 1017, Cohen 1037, BMC 1402 - Marcus Aurelius AE Sestertius. IMP M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXV, laureate head right / VOTA SUSCEP DECENN II S-C, Marcus Aurelius sacrificing over tripod altar left, COS III in ex.
Marcus Aurelius Æ Dupondius, RIC 1100, Cohen 251, BMC 1473 - Marcus Aurelius AE Dupondius. 177 AD. M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXVIII, radiate head right / IMP VI COS III S C, Jupiter seated left holding Victory & sceptre. BMC 1473, Cohen 251.
Marcus Aurelius Æ Dupondius, RIC 1232, Cohen 376, BMC 1682 - Marcus Aurelius AE Dupondius. 177-178 AD. M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXXII, radiate head right / IMP VIIII COS III P P S-C, Aequitas standing standing left holding scales & cornucopaie.
Marcus Aurelius Æ Dupondius, RIC 1242, Cohen 381cf, BMC 1697 - Marcus Aurelius Dupondius. M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXXIII, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right / IMP X COS III P P S-C, Victory advancing left holding wreath & palm. Cohen 381.
Marcus Aurelius Æ Dupondius, RIC 1156, Cohen 922, BMC 1515note - Marcus Aurelius Æ Dupondius. M ANTONINVS AVG GERM SARMATICVS, radiate head right / TR P XXIX IMP VIII COS III S-C, Annona standing left, holding corn-ears & cornucopiae; modius with two corn-ears and poppy at her feet. BMCRE 1515; Cohen 922.
Marcus Aurelius Æ As, RIC 801, Cohen 46, BMC 855 - Marcus Aurelius AE As. IMP CAES M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG P M, laureate head right / CONCORD AVGVSTOR TR P XV S-C, COS III below, Aurelius and Lucius Verus, togate, clasping hands. Cohen 46.
Marcus Aurelius Æ As, RIC 991, Cohen 125, BMC 1393 - Marcus Aurelius AE As. M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXV, laureate head right / COS III S-C, Minerva standing right with shield & spear.
Marcus Aurelius Æ As, RIC 1142, Cohen 348, BMC 1498 - Marcus Aurelius AE As. M ANTONINUVS AVG TR P XXIX, laureate head right / IMP VII COS III S-C, river god Tiber reclining left, resting hand on prow of galley, leaning on jug from which waters flow. Cohen 348.
Marcus Aurelius Æ As, RIC 1083, Cohen 584, BMC 1467note - Marcus Aurelius Æ As. AVG TR P XXVII, laureate and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / SECVRITAS PVBLICA IMP VI COS III SC, Securitas standing, hanging wreath on palm branch.
Marcus Aurelius Æ As, RIC 897, Cohen 870, BMC 1246 - Marcus Aurelius AE As. M ANTONINVS AVG ARMENIACVS P M, laureate head right / TR P XIX IMP II COS III S-C, Mars advancing right carrying spear & trophy. Cohen 870.
Marcus Aurelius Æ As, RIC 1247, Cohen 976, BMC 1715 - Marcus Aurelius Æ As. Struck 179/180 AD. M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG, laureate head right / TR P XXXIIII IMP X COS III, S C in ex, wolf & twins in cave. Cohen 976.
Divus Antoninus Pius Denarius, RIC 429 [Aurelius], RSC 154, BMC 41 - Divus Antoninus Pius Denarius. 161 AD. DIVVS ANTONINVS, bare head right / CONSECRATIO, Eagle standing right, head left. RSC 154.
Divus Antoninus Pius Denarius, RIC 433 [Aurelius], RSC 158, BMC 45 - Divo Antoninus Pius Denarius. DIVVS ANTONINVS, his bare head right / CONSECRATIO, Eagle standing right on a globe, looking left.
Divus Antoninus Pius Denarius, RIC 431 [Aurelius], RSC 156, BMC 48 - Divus Antoninus Pius Denarius. DIVVS ANTONINVS, bare head right / CONSECRATIO, eagle standing right on garlanded altar, head turned left. RSC 155.
Divus Antoninus Pius Denarius, RIC 438 [Aurelius], RSC 164a, BMC 60 - Divus Antoninus Pius Denarius. 161 AD. DIVVS ANTONINVS, bare head right, drapery on far shoulder / CONSECRATIO, four tiered funeral pyre surmounted by quadriga. RSC 164a.
Divus Antoninus Pius Denarius, RIC 442 [Aurelius], RSC 352, BMC 65 - Divus Antoninus Pius Denarius. DIVVS ANTONINVS, bare head right / DIVO PIO, Antoninus seated left, holding branch and sceptre. RSC 322
Divus Antoninus Pius Denarius, RIC 439 [Aurelius], RSC 353a, BMC 67 - Antoninus Pius Denarius. DIVVS ANTONINVS, bare head right / DIVO PIO, Statue on column with fence surrounding base of column.
Divus Antoninus Pius Denarius, RIC 441 [Aurelius], RSC 357, BMC 71 - Divus Antoninus Pius Denarius. Struck under Marcus Aurelius, 162 AD. DIVVS ANTONINVS, bare head right / DIVO PIO, square altar with double doors. RSC 357.
Divus Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 1269 [Aurelius], Cohen 354, BMC 880 - Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, commemorative by Aurelius. DIVVS ANTONINVS, bare head right / DIVO PIO, Column of Antoninus, surmounted by statue of the emperor. Cohen 354.
Divus Antoninus Pius AE Sestertius, RIC 1272 [Aurelius], Cohen 358, BMC 886 - Divus Antoninus Pius Æ Sestertius. DIVVS ANTONINVS, bare head right / DIVO PIO, square altar; S-C in fields. Cohen 358.
Divus Antoninus Pius AE As, RIC 1270 [Aurelius], Cohen 355, BMC 893 - Divus Antoninus Pius Æ As. Struck under Marcus Aurelius, 162 AD. DIVVS ANTONINVS, bare head right / DIVO PIO S-C, Column of Antoninus Pius surmounted by statue of the emperor. Cohen 355.
Divus Lucius Verus AR Denarius, RIC 596a [Aurelius], RSC 55, BMC 503 - Divus Lucius Verus Denarius. 169 AD. DIVVS VERVS, bare head right / CONSECRATIO, eagle standing right, head left. RSC 55.
Divus Lucius Verus AR Denarius, RIC 596b [Aurelius], RSC 58, BMC 505 - Divus Lucius Verus AR Denarius, DIVVS VERVS. laureate head right / CONSECRATIO, funeral pyre topped by quadriga. RIC 596b, RSC 58.
Divus Lucius Verus AE Sestertius, RIC 1509 [Aurelius], Cohen 56, BMC 1359 - Divus Lucius Verus Æ Sestertius. Struck under Marcus Aurelius, 169-170 AD. DIVVS VERVS, bare head right / CONSECRATIO S-C, eagle standing right on globe, head turned left. Cohen 56.
Diva Faustina Jr Denarius, RIC 753, RSC 161, BMC 705 - Faustina Jr Denarius. DIVAE FAVSTINAE PIAE, draped bust right / MATER CASTRORVM, Faustina seated left on low seat, holding sceptre & globe surmounted by phoenix with radiate nimbus, 2 legionary eagles set on low base before.
Marc Antony Restitution Denarius, RIC 443 (Aurelius), RSC 83, BMC 500 - Marc Antony AR denarius, restitution by Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus. ANTONIVS AVGVR III VIR R P C, galley left / ANTONINVS ET VERVS AVG REST, standards, the eagle facing right, LEG VI between. RIC (Marcus Aurelius) 443.
Faustina Jr Denarius, RIC 674, RSC 85, BMC 87 - Faustina Jr Denarius. FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / DIANA LUCIF, Diana standing left with long torch. RSC 85.
Faustina Jr Denarius, RIC 676, RSC 95, BMC 89 - Faustina Jr Denarius. FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / FECVND AVGVSTAE, Fecunditas standing left between two children, holding two more in arms. RSC 95.
Faustina Jr Denarius, RIC 706, RSC 172, BMC 134 - Faustina Jr Denarius. FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / MATRI MAGNAE, Cybele seated left, lion at her feet. RSC 172.
Faustina Jr Denarius, RIC 712, RSC 191, BMC 139 - Faustina Jr Denarius. FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right, wearing stephane / SAECVLI FELICIT, draped throne on which there are two baby boys, Commodus and his brother. RSC 191.
Faustina Jr Denarius, RIC 714, RSC 195, BMC 148 - Faustina Jr Denarius. FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, diademed & draped bust right / SALVS Salus seated left feeding from a patera a snake arising from an altar. RSC 195.
Faustina Jr Denarius, RIC 719, RSC 221, BMC 156 - Faustina Jr & Twin Sons, AR denarius. FAVSTINA AVGVSTA Diademed and draped bust right / TEMPOR FELIC Empress standing, head left, holding two children, four more at sides.
Faustina II AE Sesterius, RIC 1630, Cohen 88, BMC 899 - Faustina II AE Sestertius. FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / DIANA LVCIFERA S-C, Diana standing right holding long torch in both hands. Cohen 88.
Faustina II AE Sesterius, RIC 1638, Cohen 100, BMC 905 - Faustina Jr Æ Sestertius. FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / FECVNDITAS S-C, empress as Fecunditas holding sceptre in right hand, infant in left hand. Cohen 100.
Faustina II AE Sesterius, RIC 1663, Cohen 169, BMC 932 - Faustina Jr Æ Sestertius. FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / MATRI MAGNAE, Cybele, holding drum, seated right between two lions, SC in ex. Cohen 169.
Faustina II AE Sesterius, RIC 1674, Cohen 224, BMC 952 - Faustina Jr Æ Sestertius. FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped & diademed bust right / TEMPOR FELIC S-C, Faustina standing facing, holding two infants, four children at her feet. Cohen 224.
Faustina Jr Æ Dupondius or As, RIC 1620, Cohen 86, BMC 972 - Faustina Jr Æ As. FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / DIANA LVCIF, Diana standing right with long torch. Cohen 86.
Faustina Jr Æ Dupondius or As, RIC 1636, Cohen 97, BMC 977 - Faustina Jr Æ As. FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right, hair in bun behind. / FECVND AVGVSTA S-C, Faustina standing, one child on each arm, two at her feet. Cohen 97.
Faustina Jr Æ Dupondius or As, RIC 1666, Cohen 194, BMC 991 - Faustina Jr Æ As. FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, diademed & draped bust right / SAECVLI FELICIT S-C, two children seated on throne. Cohen 194.
Faustina Jr Æ Dupondius or As, RIC 1680, Cohen 241, BMC 999 - Faustina Jr AE As. FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / VENERI VICTRICI S-C, Venus standing right, grasping right arm of Mars standing facing, head left, holding shield. Cohen 241.
Lucius Verus Aureus, RIC 525, Cohen 247v, BMC 396 - Lucius Verus AV Aureus. Struck 163-164 AD. L VERVS AVG ARMENIACVS, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / TR P IIII IMP II COS II, Victory standing right, placing a shield inscribed VIC/AVG in two lines on palm.
Lucius Verus Aureus, RIC 591-4, Cohen 317, BMC 480 - Lucius Verus AV Aureus. Struck 168 AD. L VERVS AVG ARM PARTH MAX, laureate & draped bust right / TR P VIII IMP V COS III, Aequitas seated left, holding scales in right hand, cornucopiae in left. Cohen 317v.
Lucius Verus Denarius, RIC 586, RSC 111, BMC 477 - Lucius Verus Denarius. L VERVS AVG ARM PARTH MAX, laureate head right / FORT RED TR P VIII IMP V, Fortuna seated left, holding rudder & cornucopiae. COS III in ex. RSC 111.
Lucius Verus Denarius, RIC 561, RSC 126, BMC 426 - Lucius Verus Denarius. L VERVS AVG PARTH MAX, laureate head right / TR P VI IMP IIII COS II, PAX in ex, Pax standing left holding olive-branch and cornucopiae. RIC 561, RSC 126.
Lucius Verus Denarius, RIC 491, RSC 156, BMC 229 - Lucius Verus Denarius. IMP L AVREL VERVS AVG Bare head right / PROV DEOR TRP III COS II, Providence standing left, holding globe and cornucopia. RSC 156.
Lucius Verus Denarius, RIC 515, RSC 229, BMC 282 - Lucius Verus Denarius. VERVS AVG ARMENIACVS, bare head right / TR P IIII IMP II COS II, Mars standing right in military dress, holding spear and leaning on shield. RSC 229.
Lucius Verus Denarius, RIC 537, RSC 270a, BMC 381 - Lucius Verus Denarius. L VERVS AVG ARMENIACVS, laureate head right / TR P V IMP II COS II, Roma in military attire advancing left holding Victory and trophy. RSC 270a.
Lucius Verus Denarius, RIC 540, RSC 273, BMC 385 - Lucius Verus AR Denarius. L VERVS AVG ARM PARTH MAX, laureate head right / TR P V IMP III COS II, Parthia seated right, hands tied; quiver, bow, & shield. RIC 540, RSC 273.
Lucius Verus Denarius, RIC 566, RSC 279, BMC 431 - Lucius Verus Denarius. Struck 166 AD. L VERVS AVG ARM PARTH MAX, laureate head right / TRP VI IMP IIII COS II, Victory placing on Palm tree a shield inscribed VIC PAR. RSC 279.
Lucius Verus Denarius, RIC 576, RSC 297, BMC 447 - Lucius Verus Denarius. L VERVS AVG ARM PARTH MAX, laureate head right / TR P VII IMP IIII COS III, Aequitas standing left holding scales & cornucopiae. RSC 297.
Lucius Verus Denarius, RIC 595, RSC 318, BMC 481 - Lucius Verus Denarius. Rome, Dec. 167 to Feb. 168 AD. L VERVS AVG ARM PARTH MAX, laureate head right / TR P VIII IMP V COS III, Aequitas seated left holding scales & cornucopia. RSC 318.
Lucius Verus Denarius, RIC -, RSC 325a, BMC 499 - Lucius Verus Denarius. L VERVS AVG ARM PARTH MAX, laureate head right / TR P VIII IMP V COS III, Aequitas seated left with scales & cornucopiae. BMC 499, unlisted in RIC.
Lucius Verus Denarius, RIC 553, RSC 339, BMC 425 - Lucius Verus Denarius. L VERVS AVG ARM PARTH MAX, laureate head right / VICT AVG TR P VI COS II, Victory with turreted head, flying right holding a diadem in both hands. RSC 339.
Lucius Verus AE Sesterius, RIC 1379, Cohen 224, BMC 1109 - Lucius Verus Æ Sestertius. L AVREL VERVS AVG ARMENIACVS, laureate head right / TR POT V IMP II COS II S-C, Mars advancing right, bearing trophy and spear. RIC 1397, Cohen 224.
Lucius Verus AE Sesterius, RIC 1307, Cohen 178, BMC 865 - Divus Lucius Verus AE Sestertius. 169 AD. DIVVS VERVS, bare head of Divus Verus right / CONSECRATIO-S C, elephant quadriga advancing left, atop car shrine containing statue of Divus Verus seated left, raising hand. Cohen 53.
Lucius Verus AE Sesterius, RIC 1426, Cohen 188, BMC 1256 - Lucius Verus AE Sestertius. L AVREL VERVS AVG ARMENIA AVG, laureate cuirassed bust right / TR POT V IMP II COS II, Verus standing, head left, holding spear, two standards at each side, SC in ex. Cohen 188.
Lucius Verus AE Sesterius, RIC 1456, Cohen 206cf, BMC 1308 - Lucius Verus Æ Sestertius. L VERVS AVG ARM PARTH MAX, laureate head right / TR POT VI IMP IIII COS II S-C, Victory standing right attaching shield inscribed VIC PAR to palm tree. RIC 1456, Cohen 206.
Lucius Verus Æ Dupondius, RIC 1382, Cohen 227, BMC 1123 - Lucius Verus Æ Dupondius. L AVREL VERVS AVG ARMENIACVS, radiate head right / TR P IIII IMP II COS II S-C, Mars advancing right, bearing spear & trophy.
Lucius Verus Æ Dupondius, RIC 1428, Cohen 189, BMC 1263 - Lucius Verus AE Dupondius. Rome Mint, 164-165 AD. L AVREL VERVS AVG ARMENIACVS, radiate head right / TR POT V IMP II COS II S C. Verus in military dress standing left, holding standard & sceptre, between four standards. Cohen 189.
Lucius Verus Æ Dupondius, RIC 1458, Cohen 208cf, BMC 1315 - Lucius Verus AE Dupondius. Rome, 166 AD. L VERVS AVG ARM PARTH MAX, radiate head right / TR P VI IMP IIII COS II S-C, Victory standing left, head right, holding palm & setting shield inscribed VIC PAR on palm tree to right. BMC 1315, Cohen 208corr.
Lucius Verus Æ Dupondius, RIC 1462, Cohen 210, BMC 1326 - Lucius Verus Æ Dupondius. Struck 167 AD. L VERVS AVG ARM PARTH MAX, radiate head right, seen from behind / TR POT VII IMP IIII COS II S-C, Victory advancing left, holding wreath & palm. Cohen 210.
Lucius Verus Æ Dupondius, RIC 1411, Cohen 333, BMC - - Lucius Verus AE Dupondius. 163-164 AD. L AVREL VERVS AVG ARMENIACVS, radiate head right / VICT AVG TR P IIII IMP II COS II S-C, Victory standing right, holding trophy in both hands, Armenian captive seated at foot.
Lucius Verus Æ As, RIC 1364, Cohen 9, BMC 1135 - Lucius Verus Æ As. L VERVS AVG ARMENIACVS, laureate head right / TR P IIII IMP II COS II S-C, Armenia seated left, in attitude of mourning, on pile of captured Armenian arms, ARMEN in ex. Cohen 9.
Lucius Verus Æ As, RIC 1290, Cohen 35v, BMC 869note - Lucius Verus AE As. 161 AD. IMP CAES L AVREL VERVS AVG, laureate cuirassed bust right / CONCORDIA AVGVSTOR TR P COS II S-C, Verus and Marcus Aurelius clasping hands.
Lucius Verus Æ As, RIC 1417, Cohen 120, BMC 1269 - Lucius Verus, AE As. L VERVS AVG ARMENIACVS, laureate head right / LIBERAL AVG TR P V IMP II COS II S-C, Liberalitas standing left holding coin counter & cornucopiae.
Lucilla Aureus, RIC 783, Cohen 69, BMC 320 - Lucilla AV Aureus. LVCILLAE AVG ANTONINI AVG F, Draped bust right / VENVS, Venus standing left, holding apple in right hand and sceptre in left. Cohen 69.
Lucilla Denarius, RIC 758, RSC 6a, BMC 306 - Lucilla Denarius. LVCILLAE AVG ANTONINI AVG F, draped bust right / CONCORDIA, Concordia seated left, holding a patera and resting her arm on a statue of Spes.
Lucilla Æ Dupondius or As, RIC 1768, Cohen 78, BMC 1225 - Lucilla AE Dupondius. LVCILLA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / VENVS S-C, Venus standing left holding an apple and raising drapery from left shoulder. Cohen 78.
Commodus Aureus, RIC 604 (M.Aurelius), Cohen 1, BMC 641 - Commodus, as Caesar, AV Aureus. 175-176 AD. COMMODO CAES AVG FIL GERM SARM, bare headed, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / ADVENTVS CAES, Commodus on horseback right, right hand raised. Cohen 1.
Commodus Aureus, RIC 239a, Cohen 324, BMC 311 - Commodus AV Aureus. L AEL AVREL CO-MM AVG P FEL, laureate & draped bust right, seen from behind / LIB AVG VIII P M TR P XVII COS VII P P, Liberalitas standing left with abacus & cornucopiae.
Commodus Aureus, RIC 237a, Cohen 567, BMC 327 - Commodus AV Aureus. Rome, 192 AD. L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL, laureate bust right, wearing aegis: winged Medusa head & snake on front shoulder & fold of aegis around back of neck / P M TR P XVII IMP VIII COS VII P P, Victory advancing left, holding wreath & palm. Cohen 567, Calico 2310.
Commodus Aureus, RIC 648, Cohen 760, BMC 774 - Commodus, as Co-Augustus, AV Aureus. 178 AD. L AVREL COMMODVS AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / TR P III IMP II COS P P, Castor standing left holding horse by bridle, spear in his left hand. Cohen 760.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 205, Cohen 33, BMC 275 - Commodus Denarius. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT P P, laureate head right / APOL MONET P M TR P XV, COS VI across, Apollo standing right, right hand on head, resting left arm on column. RSC 22.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 218, Cohen 25, BMC 292 - Commodus Denarius. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT P P, laureate head right / APOL PAL P M TR P XVI COS VI, Apollo, laureate, wearing a long robe, standing holding a plectum, resting his lyre on a column. RSC 25.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 146, Cohen 34, BMC 207 - Commodus Denarius, 186-187 AD. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, laureate head right / AVCT PIET P M TR P XII IMP VIII COS V P P, Pietas standing left, holding a box & dropping incense from a patera on an altar at her feet. RSC 34.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 219, Cohen 45, BMC 296 - Commodus Denarius. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT PP, laureate head right / CONC COM P M TR P XVI COS VI, Concordia standing left, holding patera & sceptre. RSC 45.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 198a, Cohen 43, BMC 273 - Commodus Denarius. 189 AD. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT P P, laureate head right / CONCORDIAE COMMODI AVG, Concordia standing left, holding patera & sceptre. RSC 43.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 186, Cohen 146, BMC 262 - Commodus Denarius. 188-189 AD. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, laureate head right / FORT FEL P M TR P XIIII COS V DES VI, Fortuna standing left on prow of galley, holding caduceus & cornucopiae. RSC 146.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 220, Cohen 127, BMC 298 - Commodus Denarius. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT P P, laureate head right / FIDEI COH P M TR P XVI COS VI, Fides standing left with grain ears & standard. RSC 127.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 130, Cohen 143, BMC 199 - Commodus Denarius. P M TR P XI IMP VII COS V P P, Commodus on platform haranguing three soldiers, FID EXERC in ex.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 186, Cohen 146, BMC 262 - Commodus Denarius. 188-189 AD. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, laureate head right / FORT FEL P M TR P XIIII COS V DES VI, Fortuna standing left on prow of galley, holding caduceus & cornucopiae. RSC 146.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 131, Cohen 150, BMC 202 - Commodus Denarius. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, laureate head right / P M TR P XI IMP VII COS V P P, Fortuna seated left, hold rudder attached to globe & cornucopia.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 191a, Cohen 168a, BMC 231 - Commodus Denarius. 189 AD. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, laureate head right / FORTVNAE MANENTI, C V P P in the exergue, Fortuna the ''Stayer'' seated left, holding rudder, cornucopiae and bridle of a horse. RSC 168a.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 227, Cohen 172, BMC 289 - Commodus Denarius. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT P P, laureate head right / GEN AVG FELIC COS VI, Genius, naked to waist, standing front, head left, holding cornucopia and sacrificing out of patera over lit altar. RSC 172.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 251, Cohen 190, BMC 339 - Commodus Denarius. L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL, head right wearing lionskin headdress / HER-CVL RO-MAN AV-GV either side of club of Hercules, all in wreath. RSC 190.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 253, Cohen 195, BMC 343 - Commodus Denarius. L AVREL COMM AVG P FEL, Commodus in the guise of Hercules, wearing a lion skin headdress / HERCVLI ROMANO AVG, the shield, club, & bow of Hercules. RSC 195.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 254a, Cohen 202, BMC 346A - Commodus Denarius. 192 AD. L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL, laureate head right / HERCVLI ROMANO AVG, Hercules standing front, head left, crowning trophy, holding lion skin & club.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 150a, Cohen 212, BMC 210 - Commodus Denarius. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, laureate head right / HILAR AVG P M TR P XII IMP VIII COS V P P, Hilaritas standing left holding long palm and olive branch. RSC 212.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 255, Cohen 239, BMC 347 - Commodus Denarius. Struck 191-192 AD. L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL, laureate head right / I O M SPONSOR SEC AVG, Jupiter standing beside emperor, holding thunderbolt, hand on shoulder of Commodus who holds globe and sceptre. RSC 239.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 152, Cohen 242, BMC 213 - Commodus Denarius. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, laureate head right / IOV EXSVP P M TR P XII IMP VIII, COS V P P in ex, Jupiter seated left, holding a branch and a sceptre. RSC 242.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 173, Cohen 259, BMC 253 - Commodus Denarius. Rome, AD 189. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, Laureate head right / IOV IVVEN P M TR P XIIII COS V P P, Jupiter standing left, holding thunderbolt & sceptre.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 201, RSC 279, BMC 170 - Commodus Denarius. 186 AD. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, laureate head right / LAETITIAE AVG, laetitia standing left, holding corn ears & rudder on a globe. RSC 279.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 208, RSC 282, BMC 278 - Commodus Denarius. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT P P, laurated head right / LIB AVG PM TR P XV COS VI, Libertas standing left, holding pileus and rod. RSC 278.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 036, RSC 311, BMC 70 - Commodus Denarius. COMMODVS ANTONINVS AVG, laureate head right / LIB AVG V TR P VII IMP IIII COS III P P, Liberalitas standing left with abacus & cornucopiae. RSC 311.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 134, RSC 315, BMC 204 - Commodus Denarius. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, laureate head right / LIB AVG VI P M TR P XI IMP VII COS V P P, Commodus seated on platform with Liberalitas & lictor, distributing cash to citizen mounting ladder before.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 248, RSC 343, BMC 336 - Commodus Denarius. L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL, laureate head right / MAGN/IFICENT/IAE•AVG/COS VII/P P, legend in five lines within laurel wreath. RSC 343.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 257, RSC 346, BMC 351 - Commodus Denarius. 191-192 AD. L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL, laureate bust of right / MARTI VLTORI AVG, Mars standing right, holding spear and shield. RSC 346.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 175, RSC 350, BMC 256 - Commodus Denarius. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, laureate head right / MARTI PAC PM TR P XIIII COS V PP, Mars standing left, holding branch & spear. RSC 350.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 222a, RSC 358, BMC 302 - Commodus Denarius. Rome, AD 190-191. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT P P, laureate head right / MIN AVG P M TR P XVI COS VI, Minerva advancing right, head turned back looking branch in right hand, shield in left hand. RSC 358.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 176, RSC 365, BMC 358 - Commodus Denarius. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, laureate head right / MIN VICT P M TR P XIIII, Minerva standing left holding Victory, shield left, trophy right, COS V PP below. RSC 365,
Commodus Denarius, RIC 155, RSC 385, BMC 217 - Commodus Denarius. 187 AD. M COMM ANT AVG PIVS BRIT, laureate head right / NOBILIT AVG PM TR P XII IMP VIII COS V P P, Nobilitas standing right, holding sceptre and statuette. RSC 385.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 192, RSC 387, BMC 233 - Commodus Denarius. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, laureate head right / OPTIME MAXIME, Jupiter standing left with thunderbold and sceptre, C V P P in ex. RSC 387.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 193, RSC 389, BMC 236 - Commodus Denarius. 189 AD. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, laureate head right / PACI AETERNAE, C V P P in the exergue, Pax seated left, holding branch & sceptre. RSC 389.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 157, RSC 397, BMC 222 - Commodus Denarius. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, laureate head right / PATER SENAT P M TR P XII IMP VIII COS V P P, Commodus standing front, head left, holding branch & eagle-tipped sceptre. RSC 397.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 194, RSC 408, BMC 237 - Commodus Denarius. 189 AD. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, laureate head right / PIETATI SENATVS, C V P P in the exergue, Commodus standing right, togate, holding an eagle-tipped sceptre & an object (possibly a roll), exchanging greetings with the Genius of the Senate (or a Senator), standing left, holding sceptre. RSC 408.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 72, RSC 424, BMC 120 - Commodus Denarius. 183-184 AD. M COMMODVS ANTON AVG PIVS, laureate head right / P M TR P VIIII IMP VI COS IIII, Minerva advancing right, brandishing a javelin & holding a shield, owl at her feet. RSC 424.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 79, RSC 438, BMC 127 - Commodus Denarius. 183-184 AD. M COMMODVS ANTON AVG PIVS, laureate head right / TR P VIIII IMP VI COS IIII P P, Victory standing right, writing on round shield set on palm, captive seated to right. RSC 438.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 101, RSC 472a, BMC 151 - Commodus Denarius. COMM ANT AVG P BRIT, laureate head right / P M TR P X IMP VII COS IIII, Jupiter seated left holding thunderbolt & sceptre. RSC 472a.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 125, RSC 505, BMC 193 - Commodus Denarius. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, laureate head right / PM TR P XI IMP VII COS V PP, Commodus seated in a curule chair holding globe, being crowned by a flying Victory. RSC 505.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 166, RSC 540a, BMC 244 - Commodus Denarius. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, laureate head right / P M TR P XIII IMP VIII COS V P P, Fortuna seated left, holding rudder on globe & cornucopiae. RSC 540a.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 167, RSC 523, BMC 245 - Commodus Denarius. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, laureate head right / PM TR P XIII IMP VIII COS V PP, Genius standing left with patera & corn-ears. RSC 523.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 168, RSC 542, BMC 248 - Commodus Denarius. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, laureate head right / PM TRP XIII IMP VIII COS V PP, Libertas standing front, head left, holding pileus & short sceptre. RSC 542.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 169, RSC 544, BMC 250 - Commodus Denarius. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, laureate head right / P M TR P XIII IMP VIII COS V P P, Salus seated left feeding serpent from a patera. RSC 544.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 212, RSC 555, BMC 281 - Commodus Denarius. 190 AD. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT P P, laureate head right / P M TR P XV IMP VIII COS VI, Commodus, togate, seated on a curule chair, holding branch & transverse sceptre. RSC 555bis.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 233, RSC 583-583a, BMC 316-317 - Commodus Denarius. 192 AD. L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL, laureate head right / P M TR P XVII IMP VIII COS VII P P, Fides standing left holding standard & cornucopiae, star right. RSC 583a.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 235, RSC 578-578a, BMC 322,324 - Commodus Denarius. 192 AD. L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL, laureate head right / P M TR P XVII IMP VIII COS VII P P, Fortuna Felix standing left, holding caduceus & cornucopia; right foot on prow of galley, star to left. RSC 578.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 236, RSC 574-574a, BMC 325-326 - Commodus Denarius. L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL, laureate bust right / P M TR P XVII IMP VIII COS VII P P, Pietas seated left reaching out to child before, holding sceptre, star to left. RSC 574.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 259a, RSC 643, BMC 356 - Commodus Denarius. L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL, laureate head right / PROVIDENTIAE AVG, Commodus as Hercules standing left, foot on prow, holding club, clasping hands with Africa who is wearing elephant skin, holding sistrum, a lion at her feet. RSC 643.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 159, RSC 646, BMC 226 - Commodus Denarius. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, laureate head right / PVBLIC FEL PM TR P XII IMP VIII COS V P P, Felicitas standing left, holding patera & sceptre.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 98a, RSC 658a, BMC 148 - Commodus Denarius. 184 AD. COMM ANT AVG P BRIT, laureate head right / P M TR P VIIII IMP VII COS IIII P P, Roma seated on cuirass left, holding Victory & cornucopiae.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 195, RSC 647, BMC 239 - Commodus Denarius. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, laureate head right / ROMAE AETERNAE, Roma seated left holding Victory and sceptre, C V P P in ex. RSC 647.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 228, RSC 652, BMC 291 - Commodus Denarius. 190-191 AD. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT P P, laureate head right / ROMAE FELICI COS VI, Roma seated left, holding Victoria & a spear, shield at her side. RSC 652.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 113, RSC 663, BMC 167 - Commodus Denarius. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, laureate head right / SAEC FEL P M TR P XI IMP VII COS V P P, Victory inscribing VO-DE on shield on palm tree. RSC 664.
Commodus AR Denarius, RIC 260, RSC 677, BMC 358 - Commodus Denarius. 191-192 AD. L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL, laureate head right / SAL GEN HVM, Salus standing left, holding a sceptre with an entwined snake, & extending her hand to help a kneeling woman rise. RSC 677.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 190, RSC 695, BMC 269 - Commodus Denarius. 189 AD. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT P P, laureate head right / SEC ORB P M TR P XIIII COS V DES VI, Securitas seated left, holding globe. RSC 695.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 209, RSC 719, BMC 283 - Commodus Denarius. Struck 190 AD. M COMM ANT P FE-L AVG BRIT P P, laureate head right / TEMP FELIC P M TR P XVI COS VI, winged caduceus between crossed cornuacopiae. RSC 719.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 642, RSC 745a, BMC 757 - Commodus, as Co-Augustus, AR Denarius. 177 AD. IMP L AVREL COMMODVS AVG GERM SARM, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / TR P II COS P P, Victory advancing left with wreath & palm. RSC 745a.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 649, RSC 762, BMC 777 - Commodus, as Caesar, Denarius. 178 AD. L AVREL COMMODVS AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / TR P III IMP II COS P P, Salus enthroned left offering poppy to snake arising from altar. RSC 762v.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 666 (M.Aurelius), RSC 775, BMC 801 - Commodus, as joint Augustus with Marcus Aurelius, AR Denarius. 179 AD. L AVREL COMMODO AVG, laureate head right / TR P IIII IMP III COS II P P, Victory seated left with patera & palm. RSC 775.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 2, RSC 779-779b, BMC 810-812 - Commodus Denarius. 179-180 AD. L AVREL COMMODVS AVG, laureate cuirassed bust right / TR P V IMP III COS II P P, Fortuna seated left with rudder & cornucopiae, wheel under seat. RSC 779.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 9, RSC 771, BMC 9 - Commodus Denarius. 181 AD. M COMMODVS ANTONINVS AVG, laureate cuirassed bust right / TR P V IMP III COS II P P, trophy of arms with two captives below. RSC 791.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 12, RSC 803, BMC 55 - Commodus Denarius. 180-181 AD. M COMMODVS ANTONINVS AVG, laureate head right. / TR P VI IMP IIII COS III P P Roma seated left, holding Victory and spear. RSC 803.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 17, RSC 806, BMC 63 - Commodus Denarius. M COMMODVS ANTONINVS AVG, laureate head right / TR P VI IMP IIII COS III P P, Pax standing left, holding branch & cornucopia. RSC 806.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 19, RSC 804, BMC 66 - Commodus Denarius. M COMMODVS ANTONINVS AVG, laureate head right / TR P VI IMP IIII COS III P P, Providentia standing left holding wand over a globe & sceptre. RSC 804.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 28, RSC 835, BMC 82 - Commodus Denarius. 181-183 AD. M ANTONINVS COMMODVS AVG, laureate head right / TR P VII IMP IIII COS III P P, Annona standing left, holding grain ears over modius & cornucopia. BMC 82, RSC 835.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 29, RSC 831a, BMC 83 - Commodus Denarius. 181-182 AD. M ANTONINVS COMMODVS AVG, laureate head right / TR P VII IMP IIII COS III P P, Felicitas standing left holding caduceus & sceptre. RSC 831a.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 33, RSC 833, BMC 88 - Commodus Denarius. 181-182 AD. M COMMODVS ANTONINVS AVG, laureate head right / TR P VII IMP IIII COS III P P, Salus standing left holding patera & sceptre, with a snake coiling up from an altar. RSC 833.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 47, RSC 853, BMC 96 - Commodus Denarius. 182-183 AD. M COMMODVS ANTONINVS AVG, laureate head right / TR P VIII IMP V COS III P P, Mars advancing right holding spear & trophy. RSC 853.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 67, RSC 897, BMC 114 - Commodus Denarius. 183 AD. M COMMODVS ANTON AVG PIVS, laureate head right / TR P VIII IMP VI COS IIII P P, Victory standing right, naked to waist, writing on shield set on palm. RSC 897.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 196, RSC 952, BMC 240 - Commodus Denarius. 186-189 AD. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, laureate head right / VICTORIAE FELICI, Victory advancing left, holding wreath in both hands over two shields set on a low base inscribed C V P P. RSC 952.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 160, RSC 966, BMC 227 - Commodus Denarius. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, laureate head right / VIRVT AVG P M TRP XII IMP VIII COS V PP, Virtus standing left with Victory, spear & shield. RSC 966.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 140, RSC 1000cf, BMC 206 - Commodus Denarius. 185 AD. M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, laureate head right / VOT SOL DEC P M TR P XI IMP VIII, COS V P P below, Commodus standing left, sacrificing over tripod altar.
Commodus Denarius, RIC 99a, RSC 1004, BMC 150 - Commodus Denarius. M COMMODVS ANTON AVG PIVS, laureate head right / VOT SVSC DEC P M TR P VIIII IMP VII, with COS IIII in the exergue, Commodus standing left, holding a patera, sacrificing over lighted tripod-altar. RSC 1004.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 307a, Cohen 4, BMC 442 - Commodus Æ Sestertius. 181 AD. M COMMODVS ANTONINVS AVG, laureate head right / ANN AVG TR P VI IMP IIII COS III P P S C, Annona standing, head left, with corn-ears over patera & cornucopiae. Cohen 4.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 494, Cohen 31, BMC 590 - Commodus AE Sestertius. 186-187 AD. M COMMODVS ANT P FELIX AVG BRIT, laureate head right / AVCTOR PIETAT PM TRP XII IMP VIII COS V P P S-C, Pietas standing left sacrificing over altar & holding box of perfumes. Cohen 31.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 1566 (M.Aurelius), Cohen 83, BMC 1653 - Commodus AE Sestertius. 177 AD. IMP L AVREL COMMODVS AVG GERM SARM, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / TR P II COS P P S-C, DE GERM in exergue, two captives seated left and right at foot of trophy.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 1570 (M.Aurelius), Cohen 79, BMC 1655-8 - Commodus Æ Sestertius. 177 AD. IMP L AVREL COMMODVS AVG GERM SARM, laureate, draped, & cuirassed bust right / TR P II COS P P S-C, pile of captured arms, DE GERMANIS in ex. Cohen 79.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 1571 (M.Aurelius), Cohen 99, BMC 1659-63 - Commodus Æ Sestertius. Struck 177 AD. IMP L AVREL COMMODVS AVG GERM SARM, laurete head right / TR P II COS P P S-C, DE SARM in exergue, two captives seated at foot of trophy. Cohen 99.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 308b (M.Aurelius), Cohen 109, BMC 447 - Commodus Æ Sestertius. 181 AD. M ANTONINVS COMMODVS AVG, laureate head right / FEL AVG TR P VI IMP IIII COS III P P, Felicitas standing left holding sceptre & caduceus.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 513, Cohen 153, BMC 618 - Commodus AE Sestertius. 188 AD. M COMMODVS ANT P FELIX AVG BRIT, laureate head right / P M TR P XIII IMP VIII COS V P P S C, FOR RED in ex, Fortuna seated left holding cornucopiae & rudder on a globe.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 561, Cohen 174, BMC 645 - Commodus AE Sestertius. 190 AD. M COMMOD ANT P FELIX AVG BRIT P P, laureate head right / GEN AVG FELIC TR P XV IMP VIII COS VI S C, Genius standing left, holding a patera & a cornucopiae, altar at left.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 640, Cohen 203, BMC 714 - Commodus AE Sestertius. 192 AD. L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL, laureate head right / HERCVLI ROMANO AVG S-C, Hercules standing left, hand on trophy, holding club & lion skin. Cohen 203.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 1599 (M.Aurelius), Cohen 228, BMC 1699-1701 - Commodus, as Co-Augustus, AE Sestertius. 179 AD. L AVREL COMMODVS AVG TR P IIII, laureate head right / IMP II COS II P P S-C, Minerva standing left in crested helmet, sacrificing over altar, holding spear & resting hand on shield. Cohen 228.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 447, Cohen 267, BMC 554 - Commodus AE sestertius. COMMODVS AN TON AVG PIVS BRIT, laureate head right / P M TR P X IMP VII COS IIII P P S-C, Italia seated left, holding cornucopia and sceptre, ITALIA in ex. Cohen 267.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 308c, Cohen 273-274, BMC 448-450 - Commodus Æ Sestertius. M COMMODVS ANTONINVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / IVPPITER CONSERVATOR TR P VI COS III PP S-C, Jupiter standing left holding sceptre, protecting Rome's new Emperor, Commodus (the small figure to left) with his thunderbolt & cloak.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 619, Cohen 289, BMC 692,694 - Commodus Æ Sestertius. 192 AD. L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL, laureate head right / LIB AVG P M TR P XVII COS VII P P S C, Libertas standing left holding pileus & sceptre, star in field.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 300, Cohen 305, BMC 377-380 - Commodus AE Sestertius. 180 AD. M COMMODVS ANTONINVS AVG, laureate head right / LIBERALITAS AVG TR P V IMP IIII COS II P P S-C, Commodus standing left on platform with two attendants dispensing largess to citizen mounting steps. Cohen 305.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 501, Cohen 381, BMC 594 - Commodus Æ Sestertius. M COMMODVS ANT P FELIX AVG BRIT, laureate head right / NOBILITAS AVG P M TR P XII IMP VIII COS V P P, Nobilitas standing right holding sceptre & palladium. Cohen 381v.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 549, Cohen 410, BMC 607 - Commodus Æ Sestertius. 189 AD. M COMMODVS ANT P FELIX AVG BRIT, laureate head right / PIETATI SENATVS S-C, COS V P P in ex, Commodus standing right, holding roll & clasping hand of Genius Senatus standing left, holding sceptre. BMC 607, Cohen 410.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 398, Cohen 429cf, BMC 524 - Commodus Æ Sestertius. Struck 183/4 AD. M COMMODVS ANTONINVS AVG PIVS, laureate head right / P M TR P VIIII IMP VI COS IIII P P, S C across field, Apollo standing facing, left, holding patera & lyre.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 399a, Cohen 433, BMC 526 - Commodus AE Sestertius. 183-184 AD. M COMMODVS ANTONINVS AVG PIVS, laureate head right / P M TR P VIIII IMP VI COS IIII P P S-C, Hercules standing facing, nude, head right, resting a club wrapped in lion's skin upon on rock. Cohen 433.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 463, Cohen 506, BMC 573 - Commodus Æ Sestertius. 186 AD. M COMMODVS ANT P FELIX AVG BRIT, laureate head right / P M TR P XI IMP VII COS V P P S-C, Commodus seated left on curule chair, holding globe; Victory flying behind crowning him. Cohen 506.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 512, Cohen -, BMC 617 - Commodus Æ Sestertius. 186-187 AD. M COMMODVS ANT P FELIX AVG BRIT, laureate head right / P M TR P XIII IMP VIII COS V P P S-C, Salus seated left feeding from patera a serpent arising from altar to left.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 608, Cohen 588, BMC 696 - Commodus AE Sestertius, 192 AD. L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL, laureate head right / P M TR P XVII IMP VIII COS VII P P S C, Roma, in military garb, standing right, holding a spear & clasping hand with Fides, star between.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 609, Cohen 579, BMC 700 - Commodus Æ Sestertius. 191 AD. L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL, laureate head right / P M TR P XVII IMP VIII COS VII P P, Fortuna standing left, foot on prow, holding caduceus & cornucopia. Cohen 579.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 611, Cohen 576, BMC 701 - Commodus AE Sestertius. 192 AD. L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL, laureate head right / P M TR P XVII IMP VIII COS VII P P S-C, Pietas seated left holding sceptre, child before and star in left field. Cohen 576.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 612, Cohen 569, BMC 702 - Commodus AE Sestertius. L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL, laureate head right / P M TR P XVII IMP VIII COS III P P S-C, Victory advancing left holding wreath & palm branch.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 613, Cohen 590, BMC 704 - Commodus Æ Sestertius. L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL, laureate head right / P M TR P XVII IMP VIII COS VII P P S-C, Commodus standing right, both hands raised to Victory who stands left on a globe set on a column; star between. Cohen 590.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 312, Cohen 626-7cf, BMC 459-62 - Commodus Æ Sestertius. 181-182 AD. M COMMODVS ANTONINVS AVG, laureate head right, slight drapery on far shoulder / PROV DEOR TR P VI IMP IV COS III P P S-C, Providentia standing left, holding wand over globe & staff. Cohen 627.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 641, Cohen 644, BMC 718 - Commodus AE Sestertius. 192 AD. L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL, laureate head right / PROVIDENTIAE AVG, SC in ex, Hercules standing left, foot on prow, resting club on rock & receiving corn ears from Africa standing right, wearing elephant skin headdress & holding sistrum, a lion at her feet. BMC 718, Cohen 644.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 503, Cohen 645, BMC 602 - Commodus Æ Sestertius. Jan-Sept, 187 AD. M COMMODVS ANT P FELIX AVG BRIT, laureate head right / PVBLICA FEL P M TR P XII IMP VIII COS V P P S-C, Felicitas standing left with patera & sceptre. Cohen 645.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 472, Cohen 670, BMC 584 - Commodus AE Sestertius. 186 AD. M COMMODVS ANT P FELIX AVG BRIT, Laureate head right / SAEC FEL P M TR P XI IMP VII COS V P P S C, Victoria standing right, foot on a helmet, inscribing VO DE (for VOTA DECENNALES) on a shield set upon a palm.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 551, Cohen 713, BMC 610 - Commodus Æ Sestertius. M COMMODVS ANT P FELIX AVG BRIT, laureate head right, P D below / SPQR LAETITIAE C.V in wreath, S C below. Cohen 713.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 299, Cohen 794, BMC 376 - Commodus AE Sestertius. Struck April-August 180 AD. M COMMODVS ANTONINVS AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / TR P V IMP IIII COS II P P, SC in ex, Commodus on horseback right, thrusting spear at fallen enemy. Cohen 974.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 323b, Cohen 823, BMC 476note - Commodus Æ Sestertius. Struck 181/182 AD. M ANTONINVS COMMODVS AVG, laureate head right / TR P VII IMP IIII COS II P P S-C, Mars advancing right, carrying spear & trophy. Cohen 823.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 324, Cohen 829, BMC 477 - Commodus Æ Sestertius. M ANTONINVS COMMODVS AVG, laureate head right / TR P VII IMP IIII COS III P P, SC in ex, Roma standing left, holding Victory & spear. Cohen 829.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 374, Cohen 898, BMC 516 - Commodus AE Sestertius. M COMMOD ANTONINUS AVG, laureate head right / TR P VIII IMP VI COS IIII P P S-C, Victory advancing right holding a trophy with her two hands. Cohen 898.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 452, Cohen 946, BMC 560 - Commodus AE Sestertius. M COMMODVS ANTON AVG PIVS BRIT, laureate head right / P M TR P X IMP VII COS IIII P P S-C, VICT BRIT in ex, Victory seated right on pile of arms, inscribing shield on her knee. Cohen 946.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 1594 (M.Aurelius), Cohen 979, BMC 1688 - Commodus, as Co-Augustus, AE Sestertius. 178 AD. L AVREL COMM-ODVS AVG TR P III, laureate head right / VOTA PVBLICA IMP II COS P P S-C, Commodus standing left sacrificing over tripod, vitimarius with bull to left. Cohen 980.
Commodus AE Sestertius, RIC 441, Cohen 988, BMC 552note - Commodus Æ Sestertius. 184 AD. M COMMODVS ANTON AVG PIVS BRIT, laureate head right / VOTA SUSCEP DECEN P M TR P VIIII IMP VII COS IIII P P S-C, Commodus, togate, standing left sacrificing over a tripod. Cohen 988.
Commodus AE Dupondius, RIC 1614 (M.Aurelius), Cohen 237, BMC 1708 - Commodus AE Dupondius. L AVREL COMMODVS AVG TR P IIII, radiate head right / IMP III COS II P P S-C, Victory advancing left bearing wreath & palm. Cohen 237.
Commodus AE Dupondius, RIC 317, Cohen 628cf, BMC 465 - Commodus Æ Dupondius. 181 AD. M COMMODVS ANTONINVS AVG, radiate head right / PROV DEOR TR P VI IMP IIII COS III P P S-C, Providentia standing left, holding wand over globe and cornucopiae. Cohen 628 corr.
Commodus AE Dupondius, RIC 292a, Cohen 961-2, BMC 1724[aurelius] - Commodus Æ Dupondius. L AVREL COMMODVS AVG TR P V, radiate draped bust right / VIRTVS AVG IMP III COS II P P S-C, Virtus seated right holding spear & parazonium.
Commodus AE As, RIC 339, Cohen 10, BMC p778 - Commodus Æ As. Struck 182 AD. M ANTONINVS COMMODVS AVG, laureate head right / ANN AVG TR P VII IMP IIII COS III P P S-C, Annona standing left, holding grain ears over modius & cornucopiae. Cohen 10.
Commodus AE As, RIC 588, Cohen 27cf, BMC 675 - Commodus AE As. 191 AD. Laureate head of Commodus right / APOL PALAT P M TR P XVI COS VI S-C, Apollo, in long robe, standing facing, head right, holding plectrum & lyre on column. Cohen 27(corr).
Commodus Æ As, RIC 591, Cohen 178cf, BMC 676 - Commodus AE As. M COMM ANT P FELIX AVG BRIT P P, laureate head right / HERC COMMODIANO P M TR P XVI COS VI, Commodus, as Hercules, standing facing left, holding a cornucopiae & sacrificing out of a patera over an altar, with a lion's skin hanging from a tree.
Commodus Æ As, RIC 644, Cohen 193, BMC 722,725 - Commodus Æ As. 192 AD. L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL, Head right wearing in lion skin of Hercules / HERCVL ROMAN AVGV S C in four lines to left and right of upright Club of Hercules, all within laurel wreath. Cohen 193.
Commodus Æ As, RIC 554, Cohen 400, BMC 614 - Commodus AE As. 186 AD. M COMM ANT P FELIX AVG BRIT, laureate head right / P D / S P Q R / LAETITIAE / C V in four lines within a wreath, S C in ex.
Commodus Æ As, RIC 517, Cohen 539, BMC p817 - Commodus Æ As. M COMM ANT P FELIX AVG BRIT, laureate head right / P M TR P XIII IMP VIII COS V P P S-C, Aequitas standing left with scales & cornucopiae. Cohen 539.
Commodus Æ As, RIC 623, Cohen 580, BMC 710 - Commodus Æ As. 192 AD. L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL, laureate head right / P M TR P XVII IMP VIII COS VII P P S-C, Fortuna standing left, foot on prow, holding caduceus & cornucopia. Cohen 580.
Commodus Æ As, RIC 319, Cohen 814, BMC 469-471 - Commodus Æ As. M COMMODVS ANTONINVS AVG, laureate head right / TR P VI IMP IIII COS III P P S C, Commodus driving a quadriga to left.
Commodus Æ As, RIC 427, Cohen 922, BMC 544 - Commodus Æ As. Struck 183/4 AD. M COMMODVS ANTON AVG PIVS, laureate head right / TR P VIIII IMP VI COS IIII P P, S C across field, Hercules standing left, head right with club and bow. Cohen 922.
Commodus Æ As, RIC 576, Cohen 999, BMC 664 - Commodus AE As. 190 AD. M COMM ANT P FELIX AVG BRIT, laureate head right / VOT XX / PM TR P XV / IMP VIII / COS VI / S C, five lines within a wreath.
Commodus Billon Tetradrachm, Milne 2644, Koln -, BMC 1401, Dattari 3899 - Commodus billon Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Egypt, M A KOM ANTW . . . BEU CEB Laureate head right / Head of Zeus Ammon right, LK Z at sides.
Commodus Billon Tetradrachm, Milne 2686, Koln 2252, BMC 1404, Dattari 3889 - Commodus Billon Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Egypt, MA KOM A NT. . . . Laureate head right / Bust of Selene left, crescent before, LA behind.
Divus Marcus Aurelius Aureus, RIC 275 [Commodus], Cohen 96, BMC 25 - Divus Marcus Aurelius Denarius. DIVVS M ANTONINVS PIVS, bare head right / CONSECRATIO, decorated funeral pyre of four stories, topped by quadriga. RSC 97.
Divus Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 269 [Commodus], RSC 83, BMC 22 - Divus Marcus Aurelius Denarius. 180 AD. DIVVS M ANTONINVS PIVS, bare head right / CONSECRATIO, Eagle standing right on thunderbolt, it's head turned back to the left. RSC 83.
Divus Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 272 [Commodus], RSC 84, BMC 17 - Divus Marcus Aurelius Denarius. DIVVS M ANTONINVS PIVS, bare head right / CONSECRATIO, eagle standing right on garlanded altar, head left. RSC 84.
Divus Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 273 [Commodus], RSC 91, BMC 20 - Divus Marcus Aurelius Denarius. DIVVS M ANTONINVS PIVS, bare head right / CONSECRATIO, eagle standing right on globe, head left. RSC 91.
Divus Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 267 [Commodus], RSC 80, BMC 14 - Divus Marcus Aurelius Denarius. DIVVS M ANTONINVS PIVS, bare head right / CONSECRATIO, eagle standing left on bar with wreath in beak. RSC 80.
Divus Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 274 [Commodus], RSC 88, BMC 21 - Divus Marcus Aurelius Denarius. 180 AD. DIVVS M ANTONINVS PIVS, bare head right / CONSECRATIO, eagle standing left on globe, head right. RSC 88.
Divus Marcus Aurelius Denarius, RIC 275 [Commodus], RSC 97, BMC 27 - Divus Marcus Aurelius Denarius. DIVVS M ANTONINVS PIVS, bare head right / CONSECRATIO, decorated funeral pyre of four stories, topped by quadriga. RSC 97.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sestertius, RIC 657 [Commodus], Cohen 85, BMC 389 - Marcus Aurelius Æ Sestertius. DIVVS M ANTONINVS PIVS, bare head right / CONSECRATIO S-C, eagle standing on altar.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sestertius, RIC 654 [Commodus], Cohen 89, BMC 385 - Divus Aurelius Æ Sestertius. DIVVS M ANTONINVS PIVS, bare head right / CONSECRATIO S-C, eagle standing right on globe, head left. Cohen 89.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sestertius, RIC 656 [Commodus], Cohen -, BMC 388 - Divus Aurelius Æ Sestertius. DIVVS M ANTONINVS PIVS, bare head right / CONSECRATIO S-C, eagle standing facing on globe, head left. Cohen -.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sestertius, RIC 659 [Commodus], Cohen 93, BMC 394 - Divus Marcus Aurelius Æ Sestertius. DIVVS M ANTONINVS PIUS, bare head right / CONSECRATIO S-C, Marcus being borne off by an eagle. Cohen 93.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sestertius, RIC 661 [Commodus], Cohen 95, BMC 396 - Divus Aurelius Æ Sestertius. DIVVS M ANTONINVS PIUS, bare head right / CONSECRATIO S-C, Statue of Aurelius in quadriga drawn by elephants. Cohen 95.
Marcus Aurelius AE Sestertius, RIC 662 [Commodus], Cohen 98, BMC 399 - Divus Marcus Aurelius Æ Sestertius. 180 AD. DIVVS M ANTONINVS PIVS, bare head right / CONSECRATIO S-C, garlanded funeral pyre of four tiers surmounted by statue of Aurelius in facing quadriga. Cohen 165.
Crispina Aureus, RIC 287, Cohen 39, BMC 47 - Crispina AV Aureus. CRISPINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / VENVS FELIX, Venus seated left, holding Nike, who holds an open wreath in both hands, in extended right hand, sceptre in left; dove standing left under seat. Cohen 39.
Crispina AE Sestertius, RIC 669, Cohen 27, BMC 416 - Crispina Æ Sestertius. Struck 180-183 AD. CRISPINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / LAETITIA S-C, Laetitia standing facing, head left, holding wreath in right hand & rudder set on globe in left hand. Cohen 27.
Pertinax Aureus, RIC 13a, Cohen 55, BMC 22 - Pertinax AV Aureus. IMP CAES P HELV PERTIN AVG, laureate head right / VOT DECEN TR P COS II, emperor sacrificing left, with patera held over tripod altar. RIC 13a, Cohen 55.
Pertinax Aureus, RIC 13a, Cohen 55, BMC 22 - Pertinax AV Aureus. IMP CAES P HELV PERTIN AVG, laureate head right / VOT DECEN TR P COS II, emperor sacrificing left, with patera held over tripod altar. RIC 13a, Cohen 55.
Pertinax Denarius, RIC 8a, RSC 33, BMC 19 - Pertinax AR denarius. Alexandria Mint. IMP CAES P HELV PERTIN AVG Laureate head right / OPI DIVIN TR P COS II, Ops seated left, holding two corn ears, left hand on top of throne. RIC 8a, RSC 33a.
Pertinax Denarius, RIC 11a, RSC 43, BMC 13 - Pertinax Denarius. IMP CAES P HELV PERTIN AVG, laureate head right / PROVID DEOR COS II, Providentia standing left, raising right hand towards star. RSC 43.
Pertinax Denarius, RIC 12, RSC 54, BMC 5 - Pertinax AR Denarius. IMP CAES P HELV PERTIN AVG, laureate head right / SAECVLO FRVGIFERO, caduceus with six corn ears attached in the form of wings. RSC 54.
Pertinax Denarius, RIC 13a, RSC 56, BMC 24 - Pertinax Denarius. IMP CAES P HELV PERTIN AVG, laureate head right / VOT DECEN TR P COS II, emperor sacrificing left, with patera held over tripod altar. RSC 56.
Pertinax AE Sestertius, RIC 24, Cohen 58cf, BMC 44 - Pertinax AE Sestertius. IMP CAES P HELV PERTINAX AVG, laureate head right / VOT DECEN TR P COS II S-C, Pertinax standing left, holding patera in extended right hand over lighted tripod. Cohen 58.
Didius Julianus Aureus, RIC 2, Cohen 8, BMC 4 - Didius Julianus AV Aureus. IMP CAES M DID IVLIAN AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P COS, Fortuna standing left, holding rudder on globe & cornucopiae. Cohen 8.
Didius Julianus Denarius, RIC 2, RSC 10, BMC 6 - Didius Julianus AR Denarius. IMP CAES M DID IVLIAN AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P COS, Fortuna standing left, holding rudder on globe & cornucopiae. RSC 10.
Didius Julianus AE Sestertius, RIC 15, Cohen 12, BMC 25 - Didius Julianus Æ Sestertius. IMP CAES M DID SEVER IVLIAN AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P COS S-C, Fortuna standing left, with rudder on globe & cornucopiae. Cohen 12.
Didius Julianus AE Sestertius, RIC 12, Cohen 13, BMC 17 - Didius Julianus AE Dupondius. IMP CAES M DID SEVER IVLIAN AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P COS S-C, Fortuna standing left holding rudder & cornucopiae. Cohen 13.
Clodius Albinus Denarius, RIC 2, RSC 9, BMC 88 - Clodius Albinus, as Caesar, AR Denarius. 195 AD. D CLOD SEPT ALBIN CAES, bare head right / COS II, Aesculapius standing left, naked to waist, feeding serpent climbing up staff. RSC 9.
Clodius Albinus Denarius, RIC 4, RSC 15, BMC 91 - Clodius Albinus, as Caesar, AR Denarius. D CLOD SEPT ALBIN CAES, bare head right / FELICITAS COS II, Felicitas standing, head left, holding caduceus and sceptre. RSC 15.
Clodius Albinus Denarius, RIC 7, RSC 48, BMC 98 - Clodius Albinus, as Caesar, AR Denarius. D CLOD SEPT ALBIN CAES, bare head right / MINER PACIF COS II, Minerva standing facing with olive branch, shield & spear. RIC 7, RSC 48.
Clodius Albinus Denarius, RIC 11a, RSC 61, BMC 43 - Clodius Albinus, as Caesar, Denarius. D CL SEPT ALBIN CAES, bare head right / ROMAE AETERNAE, Roma seated left, holding palladium & spear. RSC 61.
Clodius Albinus Denarius, RIC 8, RSC 65, BMC p37 - Clodius Albinus Denarius. D CL SEPT ALBIN CAES, bare head right / SAEC FRVGIF COS II, Saeculum Frugiferum, radiate, bare to waist and holding cauduceus and fork. RSC 65.
Clodius Albinus AE Sestertius, RIC 53a, Cohen 32, BMC 533 - Clodius Albinus, as Caesar, AE Sestertius. D CL SEPT ALBIN CAES, bare head right / FORT REDVCI COS II S-C, Fortuna enthroned left with rudder & cornucopiae, wheel below.
Clodius Albinus AE As, RIC 59, Cohen 34, BMC 547 - Clodius Albinus, as Caesar, Æ As. D CL SEPT ALBIN CAES, bare head right / FORT REDVCI COS II, Fortuna seated left holding rudder on globe and cornucopia, wheel under seat. Cohen 34.
Clodius Albinus Denarius, RIC 28v, RSC 46v, BMC p70 - Clodius Albinus Denarius. Lugdunum mint. IMP CAES D CLO ALBIN AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / MAR VLT COS II, Mars standing right, holding spear and leaning on shield.
Clodius Albinus Denarius, RIC 30, RSC 51, BMC 265A - Clodius Albinus Denarius. IMP CAES D CLO ALBIN AVG, laureate head right / MIN PAC COS II, Minerva standing left, holding branch and spear, arm resting on shield. RSC 51.
Clodius Albinus Denarius, RIC 47, RSC 83, BMC 268 - Clodius Albinus Denarius. Lugdunum mint. IMP CAES D CLO ALBIN AVG, laureate head right / VICT AVG COS II, Victory seated right on cuirass, holding palm & shield set on knee. RSC 83.
Septimius Severus Aureus, RIC 256, Cohen 75, BMC 313 - Septimius Severus AV Aureus. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / CONCORDIA MILIT, Concordia standing left between six standards, three left and three right, holding sceptre in left arm. Cohen 75.
Septimius Severus Aureus, RIC 257, Cohen 108, BMC 314 - Septimius Severus AV Aureus. 204 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / COS III LVDOS SAECVL FEC, Liber standing right, holding jug & thyrsus, facing Hercules standing left, holding club & lion's skin; leopard at feet of Liber to left. Cohen 108.
Septimius Severus Aureus, RIC 14, Cohen 271, BMC 18 - Septimius Severus AV Aureus. 193 AD. IMP CAE L SEP SEV PERT AVG, laureate head right / LEG X IIII GEM M V, legionary eagle between two standards, the standards each with wreath, two insignias & forepart of Capricorn at side, TR P COS in ex. Cohen 271.
Septimius Severus Aureus, RIC 189a, Cohen 460, BMC 432note - Septimius Severus AV Aureus. 203 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M TR P XI COS III P P, Fortuna seated left, holding rudder & cornucopiae. Cohen 460.
Septimius Severus Aureus, RIC 196, Cohen 468, BMC 469 - Septimius Severus AV Aureus. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P XIII COS III P P, Jupiter standing left holding thunderbolt and sceptre; eagle at his feet to the left. Cohen 468.
Septimius Severus Aureus, RIC 237, Cohen 544cf, BMC 23 - Septimius Severus AV Aureus. 210 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P XVIII COS III P P, Victory advancing right, head left, leading child and holding trophy over shoulder. Cohen 544.
Septimius Severus Aureus, RIC 288, Cohen 605, BMC 358 - Septimius Severus AV Aureus. 207 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / RESTITVTOR VRBIS, Roma seated left, holding palladium in right hand, sceptre in left, round shield on ground at her side. Cohen 605.
Septimius Severus Aureus, RIC 291, Cohen -, BMC p222 - Septimius Severus AV Aureus. Struck 202-210 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right, aegis on left shoulder / ROMA AETERNA, Roma seated left on shield, holding palladium & spear.
Septimius Severus Aureus, RIC 24, Cohen 751, BMC 32 - Septimius Severus AV Aureus. 193 AD. IMP CAE L SEP SEV PERT AVG, laureate head right / VIRT AVG TR P COS, Virtus standing left, holding Victory in right hand & reversed spear in left hand. Cohen 751.
Septimius Severus Aureus, RIC 305, Cohen 770, BMC 374 - Septimius Severus AV Aureus. 209 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / VIRTVS AVGVSTORVM, Septimius, Caracalla, & Geta in military dress on horses prancing left, each raising their right hand. Cohen 770.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 248, RSC 1, BMC 304 - Septimius Severus Denarius. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / ADVENT AVGG, Septimius on horseback left with raised hand & spear; before him, soldier holding vexillum & restraining the horse by its bridle. RSC 1.
Septimius Severus AR Denarius, RIC 74, RSC 6, BMC 151 - Septimius Severus Denarius. L SEPT SEV PERT AVG IMP VIII, laureate head right / ADVENTI FELICISSIMO, Severus on horseback right raising hand. RSC 6.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 500, RSC 21, BMC 650 - Septimius Severus Denarius. Laodicea mint, 201 AD. L SEPT SEV AVG IMP XI PART MAX, laureate head right / AEQVITA-TI AVGG, Aequitas standing left, holding scales in right hand, cornucopiae in left. RSC 21.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 253, RSC 25, BMC 309 - Septimus Severus Denarius. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / AFRICA, Africa standing right in elephant-skin headdress, holding out robe; at feet right, a lion. RSC 25.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 40, RSC 42, BMC 78 - Septimus Severus Denarius. L SEPT SEV PERT AVG IMP IIII, laureate head right / APOLLINI AVGVSTO, Apollo standing left with patera & lyre. RSC 42.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 76, RSC 51, BMC 157 - Septimius Severus Denarius. 196-197 AD. L SEPT SEV PERT AVG IMP VIII, laureate head right / ARAB ADI-AB COS II P P, Victory walking left, holding wreath in right hand, trophy in left. RSC 51.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 364, RSC 58, BMC 340 - Septimius Severus Denarius. Mint of Emesa, 194-95 AD. IMP CAE L SEP SEV PERT AVG COS II, laureate head right / BONA SPES, Spes standing holding flower and lifting skirt. RSC 58.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 369, RSC 68, BMC 343 - Septimius Severus Denarius. Emesa mint, 194-195 AD. IMP CAE L SEP SEV PERT AVG COS II, laureate head right / BONI EVENTVS, Bonus Eventus standing left holding basket of fruits in right hand, grain ears in left. BMCRE 343, RSC 68.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 364, RSC 58, BMC 340 - Septimius Severus Denarius. Mint of Emesa, 194-95 AD. IMP CAE L SEP SEV PERT AVG COS II, laureate head right / BONA SPES, Spes standing holding flower and lifting skirt. RSC 58.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 502b, RSC 78a, BMC 654 - Septimius Severus Denarius. Laodicea mint, 198-202 AD. L SEPT SEV AVG IMP XI PART MAX, laureate head right / CONCOR-DIAE M-ILITVM, Concordia standing left, holding standard in each hand. RSC 78a.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 504, RSC 100, BMC 657 - Septimius Severus Denarius. Laodicea mint, 198-202 AD. L SEPT SEV AVG IMP XI PART MAX, laureate head right / COS III P P, Victory advancing left holding wreath & palm. RSC 100.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 259, RSC 104, BMC 320 - Septimius Severus, Æ imitative denarius, (3.47g) SEVERVS PIVS AVG Laureate head right. / COS III P P The Arch of Septimius Severus.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 257, RSC 109, BMC 315 - Septimius Severus AR Denarius. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / COS III LVDOS SAECVL FEC, Liber & Hercules standing facing each other. RSC 109.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 126a, RSC 195, BMC 127 - Septimius Severus AR Denarius. L SEPT SEV AVG IMP XI PART MAX, laureate head right / FORTVNAE AVGG, Fortuna standing front with cornucopiae & rudder, prow at left. RSC 195.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 43, RSC 209, BMC 81 - Septimius Severus Denarius. 194 AD. L SEPT SEV PERT AVG IMP IIII, laureate head right / GENIVS P R, Genius of the Roman People standing left holding patera over lit altar & cornucopia. RSC 209.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 266, RSC 222, BMC 335 - Septimius Severus Denarius. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / INDVLGENTIA AVGG, IN CARTH in ex, Dea Caelestis in elaborate headdress riding right on lion, holding thunderbolt & sceptre; below, water gushing from rocks left. RSC 222.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 389, RSC 232, BMC 365 - Septimius Severus Denarius. Mint of Emesa, 194-95 AD. IMP CAE L SEP SEV PERT AVG COS II, laureate head right / INVICTO IMP, trophy with arms below. RSC 232.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 505, RSC 251, BMC 660 - Septimius Severus Denarius. Laodicea mint, 199-202 AD. L SEPT SEV AVG IMP XI PART MAX, laureate head right / IVSTITIA, Justice seated left with patera & sceptre. RSC 251.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 274, RSC 253, BMC 343 - Septimius Severus Denarius. Struck 202-210 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / LAETITIA TEMPORVM, ship from which a variety of animals run; above, in background, four quadrigae. RSC 253.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 2, RSC 256, BMC 7 - Septimius Severus AR Legionary Denarius. Struck 193 AD. IMP CAE L SEP SEV PERT AVG, laureate head right / LEG I AD-IVT, TR P COS in exergue, legionary eagle on low perch left between two standards. RSC 256.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 6, RSC 261, BMC 9 - Septimius Severus Legionary Denarius. Struck 193 AD. IMP CAE L SEP SEV PERT AVG, laureate head right / LEG II ITAL, TR P COS in exergue, legionary eagle on low perch left between two standards. RSC 261.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 9, RSC 265, BMC 11 - Septimius Severus Denarius. 193 AD. IMP CAE L SEP SEV PERT AVG, laureate head right / LEG V MAC, TR P COS in exergue, legionary eagle between two standards. RSC 265.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 10, RSC 266, BMC 12 - Septimius Severus Denarius. 193 AD. IMP CAE L SEP SEV PERT AVG, laureate head right / LEG VII CL, TR P COS in ex, legionary eagle between two standards. RSC 266.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 11, RSC 267, BMC 22 - Septimius Severus Denarius. Struck 193 AD. IMP CAE L SEP SEV PERT AVG, laureate head right / LEG VI-II AVG, legionary eagle between two standards; TR P COS in ex. RSC 267.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 14, RSC 272, BMC 19 - Septimius Severus Denarius. IMP CAE L SEP SEV PERT AVG, laureate head right / LEG XIIII GEM M V, TR P COS in exergue, Legionary eagle between two standards. RSC 272.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 15, RSC 276, BMC 23 - Septimius Severus AR Legionary Denarius. Struck 193 AD. IMP CAE L SEP SEV PERT AVG, laureate head right / LEG XXII, TR P COS in exergue, legionary eagle on low perch left between two standards. RSC 276.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 17, RSC 278, BMC 25 - Septimius Severus Denarius. 193 AD. IMP CAE L SEP SEV PERT AVG, laureate head right / LEG XXX VLP, TR P COS in exergue, legionary eagle between two standards. RSC 278.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 32, RSC 301, BMC 64 - Septimius Severus Denarius. 194 AD. SEPT SEV PERT AVG IMP III, laureate head right / LIBERO PATRI, Bacchus standing left, holding oenochoe, from which panther to left reaches up to catch a drop, & thyrsus. RSC 301.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 46, RSC 311, BMC 84 - Septimius Severus Denarius. Struck 194-195 AD. L SEPT SEV PERT AVG IMP IIII, laureate head right / MARS PATER, Mars walking right, holding spear in right hand, trophy over left shoulder. RSC 311.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 495, RSC 361, BMC 625 - Septimius Severus Denarius. Laodicea Mint, 198 AD. L SEPT SEVERVS PER AVG P M IMP XI, laureate head right / PAR AR AD TR P VI COS II P P, Victory advancing left with wreath & palm. RSC 361.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 62, RSC 363, BMC 118 - Septimius Severus AR Denarius. 195 AD. L SEPT SEV PERT AVG IMP V, laureate head right / PART ARAB PART ADIAB, two captives seated back to back, each on a round shield with his hands bound behind. RSC 363.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 185, RSC 373, BMC 385 - Septimius Severus Denarius. 202 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / PART MAX P M TR P X COS III P P, trophy of arms & armour with two Parthian captives seated either side at base. RSC 373.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 413, RSC 376, BMC 387 - Septimius Severus AR Denarius. Emesa mint. IMP CAE L SEP SEV PERT AVG COS II, laureate head right / PIETAT AVG, Septimius standing left, sacrificing from patera over altar. RSC 376.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 34, RSC 380, BMC 69 - Septimius Severus Denarius. 194 AD. L SEP SEV PERT AVG IMP III, laureate head right / PM TRP II COS II, Jupiter seated left, holding Victory and sceptre. RSC 380.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 49, RSC 381, BMC 76 - Septimus Severus Denarius. 194-195 AD. L SEPT SEV PERT AVG IMP IIII, laureate head right / P M TR P II COS II P P, Minerva standing left with spear & round shield. Rome mint. RSC 381.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 52, RSC 395, BMC 104 - Septimius Severus Denarius. L SEPT SEV PERT AVG IMP IIII, laureate head right / P M TR P III COS II P P, Mars advancing right with trophy over shoulder. RSC 395.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 86, RSC 419, BMC 146 - Septimius Severus Denarius. 196 AD. L SEPT SEV PERT AVG IMP VIII, laureate head right / P M TR P IIII COS II P P, Victory walking left, holding wreath in right hand, palm in left. RSC 419.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 88a, RSC 444, BMC 215 - Septimius Severus Denarius. 196-197 AD. L SEPT SEV PERT AVG IMP VIII, laureate head right / P M TR P V COS II PP, Pax seated left, holding branch and sceptre. RSC 444.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 493, RSC 442, BMC 464 - Septimius Severus Denarius. Laodicea (?) mint, 197 AD. L SEPT SEV PERT AVG IMP VIII, laureate head right / P M TR P V COS II P P, Fortuna standing, head left, holding rudder on globe & cornucopiae. RSC 442.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 101, RSC 433, BMC 227 - Septimius Severus Denarius. 197 AD. L SEPT SEV PERT AVG IMP VIIII, laureate head right / P M TR P V COS II P P, Sol standing left, right hand raised, holding whip in left. RSC 433.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 136, RSC 452, BMC 151 - Septimius Severus Denarius. 199 AD. L SEPT SEV AVG IMP XI PART MAX, laureate head right / P M TR P VII COS II P P, Fortuna standing right, wearing kalathos, prow of galley behind, holding cornucopiae & rudder. RSC 452.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 150, RSC 454, BMC 175 - Septimius Severus Denarius. SEVERVS AVG PART MAX, laureate head right / P M TR P VIII COS II P P, Victory flying left holding open wreath in both hands over round shield set on low base. RSC 454.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 189b, RSC 461, BMC 432 - Septimius Severus Denarius. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P XI COS III P P, Fortuna seated left with rudder & cornucopia, wheel beneath her seat. RSC 461.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 195, RSC 464, BMC 467 - Septimus Severus Denarius. 204 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / PM TR P XII COS III PP, Genius standing left, holding corn ears & sacrificing with patera over altar to left. RSC 464.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 196, RSC 469, BMC 471 - Septimius Severus Denarius. 205 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P XIII COS III P P, Jupiter standing left holding thunderbolt & sceptre, eagle at foot left. RSC 469.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 197, RSC 470-1, BMC 474 - Septimius Severus AR Denarius. 205 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P XIII COS III P P, Roma standing left holding Victory & spear. RSC 470.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 200, RSC 476, BMC 489 - Septimius Severus Denarius. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P XIIII COS III P P, Annona standing left holding corn ears over a modius & cornucopiae. RSC 476.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 211, RSC 489, BMC 534 - Septimius Severus AR Denarius. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P XV COS III P P, Victory, standing right, foot on globe, inscribing shield set on palm tree. RSC 489.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 207, RSC 493, BMC 531 - Septimius Severus Denarius. Struck 207 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P XV COS III P P, Africa standing right, holding out folds of drapery containing fruits, lion at feet walking right. RSC 493.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 214, RSC 498, BMC 541 - Septimius Severus Denarius. 207 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P XV COS III P P, trophy of arms, seated captive to left, standing captive right. RSC 498.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 219, RSC 504, BMC 564 - Septimius Severus Denarius. Struck 208 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P XVI COS III P P, Genius standing left with patera and double cornucopiae. RSC 504.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 218, RSC 514, BMC 562 - Septimius Severus Denarius. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P XVI COS III P P, Concordia seated left on throne, holding patera and sceptre. RSC 514.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 226, RSC 525, BMC 1 - Septimus Severus Denarius. 209 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P XVII COS III P P, Jupiter standing left, holding thunderbolt & sceptre, two children (Geta & Caracalla) either side. RSC 525.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 228, RSC 529, BMC 3 - Septimius Severus Denarius. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / PM TRP XVII COS III P P, Neptune standing left, holding a trident, foot on globe. RSC 529.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 229, RSC 530, BMC 5 - Septimius Severus Denarius. 209 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P XVII COS III P P, The River-God Tyne reclining right, holding shell & rudder; sea-horse before, water gushing from rock below. RSC 530.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 238, RSC 556, BMC 24 - Septimius Severus Denarius. 210 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P XVIII COS III P P, Septimius on horseback left, brandishing javelin at prostrate foe who holds a sword & shield. RSC 556.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 244, RSC 564, BMC 112 - Septimus Severus Denarius. SEVERVS PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right / PM TR P XIX COS III PP, Neptune standing left, holding trident & cloak(?), right foot standing upon a globe. RSC 564.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 138, RSC 576, BMC 234 - Septimius Severus Denarius. 198-200 AD. L SEPT SEV AVG IMP XI PART MAX, laureate head right / PROFECT AVGG FEL, Severus on horseback right, holding spear. RSC 576.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 167a, RSC 599, BMC 202 - Septimius Severus AR Denarius. SEVERVS AVG PART MAX, laureate head right / RESTITVTOR VRBIS, Severus in military dress sacrificing over lighted tripod, patera in right hand, sceptre in left. RSC 599.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 433, RSC 659, BMC 406 - Septimius Severus Denarius. IMP CAE L SEP SEV PERT AVG COS II, laureate head right / TR P III IMP V COS II, Parthian captive seated right, hands bound, amidst arms. RSC 659.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 435, RSC 658, BMC 410 - Septimius Severus Denarius. Emesa mint, 195 AD. IMP CAE L SEV PERT AVG COS II, laureate head right / TR P III IMP V COS II, two captives seated at base of trophy. RSC 658.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 170, RSC 670, BMC 209 - Septimius Severus Denarius. 200-201 AD. SEVERVS AVG PART MAX, laureate head right / VICT AETERN, Victory flying left, holding wreath with both hands, shield set on small cippus to right. RSC 670.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 499, RSC 695, BMC 634 - Septimius Severus Denarius. Laodicea mint. L SEP SEVERVS PER AVG P M IMP XI, laureate head right / VICT AVGG COS II PP, Victory walking left. RSC 695.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 461a, RSC 698a, BMC 434 - Septimius Severus Denarius. Laodicea mint, 196 AD. L SEPT SEV PERTE AVG IMP II, laureate head right / VICTOR AVG, Victory advancing left, holding wreath in right hand, palm in left. RSC 698a.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 144b, RSC 719cf, BMC 139 - Septimius Severus Denarius. 199 AD. L SEPT SEV AVG IMP XI PART MAX, laureate head right / VICTORIAE AVGG FEL, Victory flying left, holding wreath with both hands over shield set on rock to left. RSC 719.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 335, RSC 731, BMC 61-62 - Septimius Severus Denarius. 210 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right / VICTORIAE BRIT, Victory seated left on shield, with shield on her knee and palm. RSC 731.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 186, RSC 786, BMC 388 - Septimus Severus Denarius. 202 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / VOT SVSC DEC PM TR P X COS III P P, Severus standing left, sacrificing out of patera over tripod. RSC 786.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 520a, RSC 798, BMC 681 - Septimius Severus Denarius. Laodicea mint, 198 AD. L SEPT SEV AVG IMP XI PART MAX, laureate head right / VOTIS DECEN NALI BVS in four lines within wreath. RSC 798.
Septimius Severus AE Sestertius, RIC 719, Cohen 8, BMC 596 - Septimius Severus AE Sestertius. 196 AD. L SEPT SEV PERT AVG IMP VIII, laureate head right / ADVENTI AVG FELICISSIMO, Severus on horseback right, led by soldier with vexilum, SC in ex. Cohen 8.
Septimius Severus AE Sestertius, RIC 668, Cohen 26v, BMC 504note - Septimius Severus AE Sestertius. 194 AD. L SEPT SEV PERT AVG IMP III, laureate head right / AFRICA S-C, Africa standing right, holding out fold of drapery containing fruits, lion at foot. Cohen 26.
Septimius Severus AE Sestertius, RIC 669, Cohen 120v, BMC 507 - Septimius Severus AE Sestertius. 194 AD. L SEPT SEV PERT AVG IMP III, laureate head right / DIS AVSPICIB TR P COS II P P, Hercules and Bacchus standing side-by-side, panther standing between, SC in ex.
Septimius Severus AE Sestertius, RIC 701, Cohen 124, BMC 570 - Septimius Severus Æ Sestertius. 195-196 AD. L SEPT SEV PERT AVG IMP VII, laureate head right, drapery on far shoulder / DIVI M PII F P M TR P III COS II P P S-C, Felicitas standing left, foot on prow, holding caduceus and cornucopia. Cohen 124.
Septimius Severus AE Sestertius, RIC 652, Cohen 275, BMC 471 - Septimius Severus Æ Sestertius. 193 AD. IMP CAES L SEPT SEV PERT AVG, laureate head right / LEG VIII GEM M V S-C, legionary eagle between two standards, TR P COS in ex. Cohen 275.
Septimius Severus AE Sestertius, RIC 670, Cohen 335, BMC 508 - Septimius Severus AE Sestertius. 194 AD. L SEPT SEV PERT AVG IMP III, laureate head right / MONET AVG COS II P P, the Three Monetae standing, SC in ex. Cohen 336.
Septimius Severus AE Sestertius, RIC 690b, Cohen 366, BMC 556 - Septimius Severus Æ Sestertius. 195 AD. L SEPT SEV PERT AVG IMP V, laureate & cuirassed bust right / PART ARAB PART ADIAB S-C, two Parthian captives seated back to back at foot of a trophy made up of captured arms, COS II P P in ex. Cohen 366.
Septimius Severus AE Sestertius, RIC 689, Cohen 393, BMC 554 - Septimius Severus AE Sestertius. 195 AD. L SEPT SEV PERT AVG IMP V, laureate head right / P M TR P III COS II P P S-C, helmeted Minerva standing left, holding round shield and spear. Cohen 393.
Septimius Severus AE Sestertius, RIC 744, Cohen 450, BMC p154 - Septimius Severus AE Sestertius. 197-198 AD. L SEPT SEV PERT AVG IMP X, laureate cuirassed bust right / TR P VI COS II P P S-C, Sol standing left, nude, with raised hand & whip. Cohen 450.
Septimius Severus AE Sestertius, RIC 794a, Cohen 554, BMC 181 - Septimius Severus Æ Sestertius. 210 AD. SEPT SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P XVIII COS III P P, Annona seated right, holding out fold of robe containing grain-ears; to right, Cupid standing left; prow left in background. Cohen 554.
Septimius Severus AE Sestertius, RIC 796, Cohen 547, BMC 185 - Septimius Severus AE Sestertius. 210-211 AD. L SEPT SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P XVIII COS III P P, two Victories facing each other afixing shield on palm tree, two bound & seated Pict captives at base, SC in ex. Cohen 547.
Septimius Severus AE Sestertius, RIC 673, Cohen 756, BMC 511 - Septimius Severus AE Sestertius. 194 AD. L SEPT SEV PERT AVG IMP III, laureate and draped bust right / VIRT AVG TR P II COS II P P S-C, Roma standing left holding Victory & spear. Cohen 756.
Septimius Severus Æ As, RIC 812b, Cohen 724, BMC 263 - Septimius Severus Æ As. 211 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate bust right, slight drapery / VICT BRIT P M TR P XIX COS III P P, S C in exergue, Victory standing right, holding vexillum with both hands, at left & right, two captives seated facing. Cohen 724.
Julia Domna, Caracalla & Geta AV Aureus, RIC 540, Cohen 1, BMC 3 - Julia Domna, Caracalla & Geta AV Aureus. 201 AD. IVLIA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / AETERNIT IMPERI, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust of Caracalla right vis à vis bare headed & draped bust of Geta left. Calico 2653, Cohen 1.
Caracalla & Geta AV Aureus, RIC 38, Cohen 1, BMC 162note - Caracalla and Geta, Caesar. 201 AD. AV Aureus. ANTONINVS AVGVSTVS, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla right / P SEPT GETA CAES PONT, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta right, seen from behind. Cohen 1.
Septimius Severus, Caracalla & Geta Denarius, RIC 252, RSC 7, BMC 308 - Septimius Severus, Caracalla & Geta Denarius. 201 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / AETERNIT IMPERI, laureate head of Caracalla vis à vis bare head of Geta. RSC 7.
Septimius Severus & Geta Denarius, RIC 281, RSC 2, BMC p221 - Septimius Severus & Geta as Caesar Denarius. ca 201 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head of Severus right / P SEPT GETA CAES PONT, draped bust of Geta as boy right.
Julia Domna, Septimius Severus & Caracalla Denarius, RIC 539b, RSC 2b, BMC 2 - Julia Domna, Septimius Severus & Caracalla AR Denarius. Struck 201 AD. Draped bust of Domna right / AETERNIT IMPERI, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust of Septimius right vis à vis laureate, draped & cuirassed bust of Caracalla left. RSC 2b.
Julia Domna, Caracalla & Geta Denarius, RIC 540, RSC 2, BMC 5 - Julia Domna, Caracalla & Geta Denarius. 201 AD. IVLIA AVGVSTA, ,draped bust of Domna right / AETERNIT IMPERI, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust of Caracalla right vis à vis bare headed & draped bust of Geta left.
Julia Domna & Geta Denarius, RIC 571v, RSC 1a, BMC 61 - Julia Domna & Geta, as Caesar, Denarius. 200-202 AD. IVLIA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / P SEPT GETA CAES PONT, draped bust of Geta right.
Divus Pertinax Denarius, RIC 24A [Septimius], RSC 6, BMC 37 - Divus Pertinax AR Denarius, Struck under Septimius Severus, 193 AD. DIVVS PERT PIVS PATER, bare head right / CONSECRATIO, eagle standing half-right on globe, head left. RSC 6.
Julia Domna Aureus, RIC 548, Cohen 31, BMC 14 - Julia Domna AV Aureus. 198-207 AD. IVLIA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / DIANA LVCIFERA, Diana standing left, holding long torch with both hands. Cohen 31.
Julia Domna Aureus, RIC 562, Cohen 116, BMC 47 - Julia Domna AV Aureus. 205 AD. IVLIA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / MATER above, AVGG in exergue, Cybele seated left in quadriga pulled by lions. Cohen 116.
Julia Domna Denarius, RIC 549, RSC 35, BMC 21 - Julia Domna Denarius. IVLIA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / FECVNDITAS. Terra reclining left under tree, leaning on basket of fruits, right hand on globe; four figures (the Seasons) behind. RSC 35.
Julia Domna Denarius, RIC 551, RSC 47, BMC 22 - Julia Domna Denarius. IVLIA AVGVSTA Draped bust right / FELICITAS Felicitas standing, head left, holding short caduceus and long sceptre. RSC 47.
Julia Domna Denarius, RIC 552, RSC 55, BMC 24 - Julia Domna Denarius. IVLIA AVGVSTA, bare head right / FORTVNAE FELICI, Fortuna standing left, holding cornucopiae and leaning on reversed rudder. RSC 55.
Julia Domna Denarius, RIC 553, RSC 58, BMC 27 - Julia Domna Denarius. IVLIA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / FORTVNAE FELICI, Fortuna enthroned left holding cornucopiae & leaning on rudder set on globe. RSC 58.
Julia Domna Denarius, RIC 557, RSC 79, BMC 34 - Julia Domna Denarius. IVLIA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / HILARITAS, Hilaritas standing left with palm & cornucopiae, children to either side of her. RSC 79.
Julia Domna Denarius, RIC 562, RSC 117, BMC 48 - Julia Domna AR Denarius. Struck 205 AD. IVLIA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / MATER AVGG, Cybele seated left in quadriga of lions. RSC 117.
Julia Domna Denarius, RIC 564, RSC 123, BMC 51 - Julia Domna Denarius. IVLIA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / MATER DEVM, Cybele, towered, enthroned left between two lions, leaning on drum and holding branch & sceptre. RIC 564, RSC 123.
Julia Domna Denarius, RIC 568, RSC 131, BMC 58 - Julia Domna Denarius. IVLIA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / MATRI CASTRORVM, Julia seated left holding phoenix, two standards before. RSC 131.
Julia Domna Denarius, RIC 575, RSC 170, BMC 72 - Julia Domna Denarius. 207-209 AD. IVLIA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / PVDICITIA, Pudicitia seated left, facing forward, right hand on breast, left hand holding sceptre. RSC 170.
Julia Domna Denarius, RIC 577, RSC 174, BMC 75 - Julia Domna Denarius. ca 200 AD. IVLIA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / SAECVLI FELICITAS, Isis, wearing polos on head, standing right, left foot on prow, holding Horus; behind, rudder resting against altar. RSC 174.
Julia Domna Denarius, RIC 584, RSC 237, BMC 96 - Julia Domna AR Denarius. Struck 207 AD. IVLIA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / VESTA MATER, Vesta standing left before Temple of Vesta, sacrificing from patera over lighted altar. RSC 237.
Julia Domna AR Quinarius, RIC 559, RSC 83, BMC 40 - Julia Domna AR Quinarius. Struck 209 AD. IVLIA AVGVSTA, bare head right / IV-NO, Juno standing half-left, holding patera and sceptre; in front, peacock standing left, head turned back. RSC 83.
Julia Domna AE Sestertius, RIC 859, Cohen 124, BMC 772 - Julia Domna Æ Sestertius. 198 AD. IVLIA AVGVSTA Draped bust right, hair in bun behind. / MATER DEVM, Cybele seated left, between two lions, holding branch and resting arm on drum. Cohen 124.
Julia Domna AE Sestertius, RIC 860, Cohen 135, BMC 774 - Julia Domna AE Sestertius. 198 AD. IVLIA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / MATRI CASTRORVM, Julia standing left sacrificing over altar, three standards to left. Cohen 135.
Julia Domna AE Dupondius or As, RIC 844, Cohen 43cf, BMC 494 - Julia Domna AE As or Dupondius. Rome mint, 194 AD. IVLIA DOMNA AVG, draped bust right, hair waved and coiled at back / FECVNDITAS, SC in ex,Fecunditas seated right with child at breast; a second child standing before her. Cohen 43 corr.
Julia Domna AE Dupondius or As, RIC 879, Cohen 119, BMC 788 - Julia Domna Æ As. IVLIA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / MATER AVGG, Cybele in biga of lions left, SC in exergue. Cohen 119.
Caracalla AE Sestertius, RIC 399, Cohen 564, BMC 609 - Caracalla AE Sestertius. M AVR ANTONINVS CAES, draped bust right / SECVRITAS PERPETVA S-C, Minerva standing left, resting right hand on shield & holding spear with point downwards, in left hand.
Caracalla Aureus, RIC 210, Cohen 232, BMC 55 - Caracalla AV Aureus. 213 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate & cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / P M TR P XVI IMP II COS IIII P P, Caracalla driving slow quadriga right, holding eagle tipped sceptre. Cohen 232.
Caracalla Aureus, RIC 257b, Cohen 319v, BMC p452 - Caracalla AV Aureus. 215 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust left, seen from behind / P M TR P XVIII COS IIII P P, Caracalla standing left, right foot on crocodile, receiving grain ears from Isis who is waling right holding a sistrum. Cohen -.
Caracalla Aureus, RIC 260a, Cohen 276, BMC 116 - Caracalla AV Aureus. 215 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M TR P XVIII COS IIII P P, Jupiter seated left, holding Victory and sceptre. Cohen 276.
Caracalla AR Antoninianus, RIC 260b, RSC 277, BMC 117 - Caracalla AR Antoninianus. Struck 215 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right, seen half from back / P M TR P XVIII COS IIII P P, Jupiter seated left, holding Victory & sceptre, eagle at his feet. RSC 277a.
Caracalla AR Antoninianus, RIC 261c, RSC 299a, BMC 124 - Caracalla AR Antoninianus. 216 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, radiate cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / P M TR P XVIII COS IIII P P, Serapis/Pluto seated left wearing polos, holding sceptre, & reaching toward three-headed dog Cerberus seated to left. RSC 299a.
Caracalla AR Antoninianus, RIC 263d, RSC 295, BMC 128 - Caracalla AR Antoninianus. 215 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, radiate, draped bust right / P M TR P XVIII COS IIII P P, Serapis standing facing, head left, with raised hand & sceptre. RSC 295.
Caracalla AR Antoninianus, RIC 265c, RSC 289a, BMC 141 - Caracalla AR Antoninianus. 215 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, radiate & draped bust right, seen from behind / PM TR P XVIII COS IIII P P, Sol driving galloping quadriga left, holding whip. RSC 289c.
Caracalla AR Antoninianus, RIC 273d, RSC 322, BMC 150 - Caracalla AR Antoninianus. 215 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right, seen from the front / P M TR P XVIII COS IIII P P, radiate lion walking left, holding thunderbolt in mouth. RSC 322.
Caracalla AR Antoninianus, RIC 275b, RSC 338, BMC 152 - Caracalla AR Antoninianus. 216 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, radiate, draped bust right / P M TR P XVIIII COS IIII P P, Jupiter, nude, standing right, head left, holding thunderbolt & sceptre. RSC 338.
Caracalla AR Antoninianus, RIC 274b, RSC 263a, BMC 161 - Caracalla AR Antoninianus. 216 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, radiate & draped bust right, seen from behind / P M TR P XVIIII COS IIII P P, Luna, with cloak floating around head, driving biga of bulls galloping left. RSC 363a.
Caracalla AR Antoninianus, RIC 281a, RSC 358, BMC 170 - Caracalla AR Antoninianus. 216 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, radiate draped bust right / P M TR P XVIIII COS IIII P P, Sol standing right, head left, with upraised hand & holding globe. RSC 358.
Caracalla AR Antoninianus, RIC 285d, RSC 374, BMC 179 - Caracalla AR Antoninianus. 217 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M TR P XX COS IIII P P, Jupiter standing left holding thunderbolt & sceptre. RSC 374.
Caracalla AR Antoninianus, RIC 289f, RSC 383, BMC 187v - Caracalla AR Antoninianus. 217 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M TR P XX COS IIII P P, Serapis standing left, holding patera & sceptre. RSC 383.
Caracalla AR Antoninianus, RIC 312c, RSC 612b, BMC 86cf - Caracalla AR Antoninianus. 216 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right / VENVS VICTRIX, Venus standing with helmet & sceptre, shield set on right of two captives seated to either side. RSC 612b.
Caracalla AR Antoninianus, RIC 297d, RSC 648, BMC 199 - Caracalla AR Antoninianus. 217 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, radiate draped bust right / P M TR P XX COS IIII P P, Victory seated right on cuirass, shield on knee inscribed VOT XX, trophy with 2 captives at base to right, VIC PART in ex. RSC 648.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 153, RSC 59, BMC 505 - Caracalla Denarius. 206 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / FELICIA TEMPORA, the four seasons as boys at play. RSC 59.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 213, RSC 76, BMC 71 - Caracalla Denarius. 211 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right / FIDEI EXERCITVS, Fides standing left holding standard and legionary eagle, a second standard set on ground to right. RSC 76.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 189, RSC 84, BMC 1 - Caracalla Denarius. 211 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right / FORT RED P M TR P XIIII COS III P P, Fortuna standing left, holding cornucopiae and leaning on reversed rudder; wheel before. RSC 84.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 335, RSC 113, BMC 637 - Caracalla Denarius. Laodicea mint, 198 AD. IMP C M AVR ANT ON AVG P TR P, laureate, draped & cuirassed young bust right / IVSTITIA, Justice seated left with globe & sceptre. RSC 113.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 157, RSC 118, BMC 508 - Caracalla Denarius. 206-210 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / LAETITIA TEMPORVM, ship from which a variety of animals run; above, in background, four quadrigae. RSC 118.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 185, RSC 188, BMC 6 - Caracalla Denarius. 211 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right / P M TR P XIIII COS III P P, Victory advancing right on prow with wreath & palm. RSC 188.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 184, RSC 190, BMC 4 - Caracalla Denarius. 211 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right / P M TR P XIIII COS III P P, Pax running left holding branch & sceptre. RSC 190.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 195, RSC 205, BMC 44 - Caracalla Denarius. 212 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right / P M TR P XV COS III P P, Anonna seated left holding corn ears over a modius at foot & cornucupiae. RSC 205.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 206a, RSC 220, BMC 48 - Caracalla Denarius. 213 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right / P M TR P XVI COS IIII P P, Hercules standing left, holding branch, club & lion's skin. RSC 220.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 208a, RSC 211, BMC 50 - Caracalla Denarius. 213 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right / PM TR P XVI COS IIII PP, Serapis, wearing polos on head, standing left, rising right hand in salute and holding a transverse sceptre. RSC 211.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 209a, RSC 224, BMC 53 - Caracalla Denarius. 213 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right / P M TR P XVI COS IIII P P, Libertas standing left holding pileus & rod. RSC 224.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 238A, RSC 242, BMC 91 - Caracalla Denarius. 214 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate head right / P M TR P XVII COS IIII P P, Apollo seated left, holding branch & leaning on lyre set on tripod. RSC 242.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 240, RSC 239, BMC 94 - Caracalla Denarius. 214 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate head right / P M TR P XVII COS IIII P P, Jupiter standing left, holding thunderbolt & sceptre; eagle at feet left. RSC 239.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 251, RSC 302, BMC 103 - Caracalla Denarius. 215 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate head right / P M TR P XVIII COS IIII P P, Aesculapius standing front, head left, leaning on serpent-entwined staff left. RSC 302.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 254, RSC 282, BMC 107 - Caracalla Denarius. 215 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate head right / P M TR P XVIII COS IIII P P, Apollo, naked, standing facing, holding branch & resting hand on lyre set on altar. RSC 282.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 258c, RSC 279b, BMC 114 - Caracalla Denarius. 215 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate head right / P M TR P XVIII COS IIII P P, Jupiter standing right holding thunderbolt & sceptre. RSC 279b.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 264a, RSC 288, BMC 139 - Caracalla Denarius. 215 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate head right / P M TR P XVIII COS IIII P P, Sol standing left, radiate, raising right hand & holding globe. RSC 288.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 268, RSC 314, BMC 147 - Caracalla AR Denarius. 215 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate head right / P M TR P XVIII COS IIII P P, Pax standing half-left, holding branch and sceptre. RSC 314.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 274a, RSC 362, BMC 162 - Caracalla AR Denarius. 216 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate head right, seen from behind / P M TR P XVIIII COS IIII P P, Luna, with cloak floating around head, driving biga of bulls galloping left. RSC 362.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 282f, RSC 355, BMC 176 - Caracalla Denarius. Struck 216 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate head right / P M TR P XVIIII COS IIII P P, Sol mounting quadriga left. RSC 355.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 283c, RSC 367, BMC 178 - Caracalla Denarius. Struck 216 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate head right / P M TR P XVIIII COS IIII P P, lion, radiate, with thunderbolt in jaws, walking left. RSC 367.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 287a, RSC 378, BMC 183 - Caracalla Denarius. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate head right / P M TR P XX COS IIII P P, Jupiter, naked to waist. seated left on throne, holding patera & sceptre. RSC 378.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 289c, RSC 382, BMC 188 - Caracalla Denarius. 217 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate head right / P M TR P XX COS IIII P P, Serapis, wearing polos on head, standing left, holding wreath of corn-ears(?) & sceptre. RSC 385.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 293d, RSC 389, BMC 194 - Caracalla Denarius. 217 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate head right / P M TR P XX COS IIII P P, Sol standing left with raised hand & whip. RSC 389.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 54b, RSC 175cf, BMC 262 - Caracalla Denarius. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / PART MAX PONT TR P IIII, two Persians bound & seated back to back at base of trophy. RSC 175.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 80b, RSC 420a, BMC 481 - Caracalla Denarius. 205 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate, draped bust right / PONTIF TR P VIII COS II, Mars, with cloak, foot on helmet, holding branch and spear. RSC 420a.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 81, RSC 421, BMC 482 - Caracalla Denarius. Rome, AD 205. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, Laureate bust right, draped / PONTIF TR P VIII COS II, Mars standing left, holding reversed spear & while resting right hand on shield.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 88, RSC 431, BMC 542 - Caracalla Denarius. 207 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / PONTIF TR P X COS II, Mars advancing right carrying trophy and spear. RSC 431.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 92, RSC 434cf, BMC 549 - Caracalla Denarius. 207 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / PONTIF TR P X COS II, Securitas seated right on curule chair, propping head on right hand & holding sceptre, altar before. RSC 434.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 95, RSC 440, BMC 552 - Caracalla Denarius. 207 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / PONTIF TR P X COS II, Caracalla standing right, holding spear & parazonium, right foot on helmet. RSC 440.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 96, RSC 441, BMC 555 - Caracalla AR Denarius. Struck 207 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / PONTIF TR P X COS II, Caracalla standing facing, head right, holding reversed spear and parazonium; at his feet on left, river-god reclining right. RSC 441.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 100, RSC 446 & 447, BMC 569 - Caracalla Denarius. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P XI COS III, Mars in fighting stance right holding spear & shield. RSC 447.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 113, RSC 468, BMC 14 - Caracalla Denarius. 209 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / PONTIF TR P XII COS III, Caracalla, in military attire, on horse galloping left, spearing foe on ground before him. RSC 468.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 108, RSC 511, BMC 574 - Caracalla Denarius. AD 208. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / PONTIF TR P XI COS III, the emperor in military attire, holding spear, on horseback right, enemy kneeling right before, PROF in ex. RSC 510.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 168, RSC 570, BMC 516A - Caracalla Denarius. 207 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / SECVRIT IMPERI, Securitas seated right, cornucopiae as arm of chair, head on right hand, holding sceptre; altar to right. RSC 703.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 297e, RSC 650, BMC 198note - Caracalla Denarius. 217 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate head right / P M TR P XX COS IIII P P, VIC PAR below, Victory seated right inscribing VO XX in two lines on shield, trophy before, two captives seated at foot of trophy. RSC 650.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 299e, RSC 655, BMC 200note - Caracalla AR Denarius. January-April 217 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate head right / VIC PART P M TR P XX COS IIII P P, Caracalla standing left, holding globe & sceptre, being crowned by Victory who stands behind him; small captive at Caracalla's feet. RSC 655.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 204, RSC 682, BMC 578 - Caracalla Denarius. 206 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / VOTA SOLVT DEC COS III, Caracalla standing left with patera over altar, holding baton, bull behind. RSC 682.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 205, RSC 684, BMC 577 - Caracalla Denarius. 208 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / VOTA SOLVT DEC, COS III below, Caracalla standing right at altar, flute player in background, and victimarius standing left with axe about to sacrifice bull in foreground. RSC 684.
Caracalla Denarius, RIC 68, RSC 686, BMC 396 - Caracalla Denarius. 202 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS, laureate draped bust right / VOT SVSC DEC PON TR P V COS, Caracalla standing left in a toga sacrificing over altar to left. RSC 686.
Caracalla AR Quinarius, RIC 94v, RSC 433a, BMC 551 - Caracalla AR Quinarius. 207 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / PONTIF TR P X COS II, Victory walking left, holding wreath & palm. RSC 433a.
Caracalla AE Sestertius, RIC 508a, Cohen 29, BMC 240 - Caracalla Æ Sestertius. 211 AD. M AVREL ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right / CONCORDIAE AVGG S-C, Caracalla & Geta standing right & left, facing each other and being crowned respectively by Apollo & Hercules. Cohen 29.
Caracalla AE Sestertius, RIC 479a, Cohen 85, BMC 28 - Caracalla Æ Sestertius. 211 AD. M AVREL ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right / FORT RED P M TR P XIIII COS III P P, SC in ex, Fortuna seated left, holding rudder & cornucopiae; wheel below seat. BMC 28, Cohen 85.
Caracalla AE Sestertius, RIC 490a, Cohen 198, BMC 235 - Caracalla AE Sestertius. 212 AD. M AVREL ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right / PM TR P XV COS III P P S-C, helmeted Mars standing left, holding victory, hand on shield, spear against arm, captive at feet. Cohen 198.
Caracalla AE Sestertius, RIC 524a, Cohen 257, BMC 261 - Caracalla Æ Sestertius. 214 AD. M L AVREL ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M TR P XVII IMP III COS IIII P P S-C, Mars standing left, holding Victory & shield, spear leaning against left arm, captive at foot to left. BMC 261, Cohen 257.
Caracalla AE Sestertius, RIC 511a, Cohen 532, BMC 242 - Caracalla Æ Sestertius. Struck 211-213 AD. M AVREL ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right / PROVIDENTIAE DEORVM S C, Providentia standing left holding baton in right hand, sceptre in left; globe at her feet left. Cohen 532.
Caracalla Æ As, RIC 495, Cohen 210, BMC 239 - Caracalla AE As. 212 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right / P M TR P XV COS IIII P P, elephant walking right, SC in ex. Cohen 210.
Caracalla Æ As, RIC 506, Cohen 234, BMC 259 - Caracalla AE As. 213 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right / P M TR P XVI IMP II COS IIII P P, SC below, emperor in slow quadriga right, being crowned by Victory behind him. Cohen 234.
Caracalla Æ As, RIC 534, Cohen 268, BMC 269 - Caracalla Æ As. Struck 214 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate head right / P M TR P XVII IMP III COS IIII P P S-C, Victory standing left, with trophy; German suppliant kneeling before.
Caracalla Æ As, RIC 571b, Cohen 404, BMC 312 - Caracalla AE As. 217 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate head right / P M TRP XX COS IIII P P, radiate lion walking left with thunderbolt in its jaws, SC in ex.
Caracalla Æ As, RIC 437c, Cohen 457, BMC 859 - Caracalla Æ As. Struck 208 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS, laureate & draped bust right / PONTIF TR P XI S-C, COS III below, galley sailing left over waves, with seven oars & rudder, five oarsmen, a sailor standing on prow, two more at stern, another seated left under arch, a lookout standing above arch. Cohen 457.
Caracalla Æ As, RIC 448b, Cohen 467, BMC 175note - Caracalla, AE As. 209 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right, slight drapery on far shoulder / PONTIF TR P XII COS III S-C, Victory standing right, foot on helmet, engraving shield on palm with VO TIS X.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 191F [Caracalla], RSC 89, BMC 27 - Divus Septimius Severus Denarius. DIVO SEVERO PIO, bare head right / CONSECRATIO, funeral pyre of five levels surmounted by the emperor in a quadriga. RSC 89.
Septimius Severus Denarius, RIC 191E [Caracalla], RSC 87, BMC 25 - Divus Septimius Severus Denarius. DIVO SEVERO PIO, bare head right / CONSECRATIO, throne with wreath in seat & footstool below it. RSC 87.
Julia Domna Aureus, RIC 381 [Caracalla], Cohen 110, BMC 11A - Julia Domna AV Aureus. 211-215 AD. IVLIA PIA FELIX AVG, draped bust right / MAT AVGG MAT SEN M PATR, Julia (or Pax) seated left, holding branch & sceptre. Cohen 110.
Julia Domna Denarius, RIC 373A [Caracalla], RSC 32, BMC 1 - Julia Domna Denarius. Struck under Caracalla, 211-217 AD. IVLIA PIA FELIX AVG, draped bust right / DIANA LVCIFERA, Diana standing left, holding long torch with both hands. RSC 32.
Julia Domna Denarius, RIC 380 [Caracalla], RSC 114, BMC 11 - Julia Domna Denarius. MAT AVGG MAT SEN MAT PATR, Julia standing left holding branch & sceptre.
Julia Domna Denarius, RIC 388c [Caracalla], RSC 212, BMC 23B - Julia Domna Denarius. 216 AD. IVLIA PIA FELIX AVG, draped bust right / VENVS GENETRIX, Venus seated left, extending right hand and holding sceptre in left. RSC 212.
Julia Domna Denarius, RIC 391 [Caracalla], RSC 226, BMC 31 - Julia Domna AR denarius. IVLIA PIA FELIX AVG, draped bust right / VESTA, Vesta seated left, holding simpulum and sceptre. RIC 391, RSC 226.
Julia Domna AE Sestertius, RIC 588 [Caracalla], Cohen 112, BMC 213 - Julia Domna AE Sestertius. 211-217 AD. IVLIA PIA FELIX AVG, draped bust right / MAT AVGG MAT SEN M PATR, Julia seated left holding branch & sceptre, SC in ex. Cohen 88.
Julia Domna AE Dupondius or As, RIC 603 [Caracalla], Cohen 180, BMC 228 - Julia Domna AE As. IVLIA PIA FELIX AVG, draped bust right / SAECVLI FELICITAS S-C, Felicitas standing left sacrificing from patera over altar, & holding cornucopia.
Julia Domna AE Dupondius or As, RIC 605 [Caracalla], Cohen 208cf, BMC 229 - Julia Domna Æ As. 216 AD. IVLIA PIA FELIX AVG, diademed & draped bust right / VENVS GENETRIX, Venus seated left, with extended left hand & sceptre.
Julia Domna AE Dupondius or As, RIC 607 [Caracalla], Cohen 234, BMC 232 - Julia Domna AE As. IVLIA FELIX AVG, draped bust right / VESTA S-C, four Vestal Virgins sacrificing in front of the Temple of Vesta. Cohen 234.
Geta Aureus, RIC 16a, Cohen 156, BMC 228 - Geta, as Caesar AV Aureus. 200 AD. P SEPT GETA CAES PONT, bare-headed, draped & cuirassed bust right / PRINC IVVENT, Geta, in military attire, standing left, holding branch & reversed spear, trophy of shields & arms behind. Cohen 156, Calico 2910a.
Geta Aureus, RIC 38a, Cohen 229, BMC 441 - Geta, as Caesar. 205 AD. AV Aureus. GETA CAES PONT COS, bare-headed, draped, & cuirassed bust right / VOTA PVBLICA, Geta standing left, sacrificing out of patera over tripod & holding roll. Cohen 229.
Geta Denarius, RIC 6, RSC 12, BMC 216 - Geta, as Caesar, Denarius. 200-202 AD. P SEPT GETA CAES PONT, draped bust right / CASTOR, Castor standing left in front of horse, reins in right hand & sceptre in left. RSC 12.
Geta Denarius, RIC 28, RSC 28, BMC 443 - Geta, as Caesar, Denarius. 203 AD. P SEPTIMIVS GETA CAES, draped bust right, seen from behind / Geta driving triumphal quadriga left, holding sceptre (tipped with an oil lamp?), COS in ex. RSC 28.
Geta Denarius, RIC 103, RSC 76, BMC 742 - Geta Denarius. 203 AD, Laodicea ad Mare mint. P SEPTIMIVS GETA CAES, draped bust right / MARTI VICTORI, Mars advancing right, holding spear & trophy. RSC 76.
Geta Denarius, RIC 105a, RSC 83, BMC 750 - Geta Denarius. Laodicea mint, 199 AD. P SEPTIMIVS GETA CAES, draped bust right / MINERV SANCT, Minerva standing left leaning on a shield & holding reversed spear. RSC 83.
Geta Denarius, RIC 13a, RSC 90, BMC 223 - Geta as Caesar Denarius. P SEPT GETA CAES PONT, draped bust right / NOBILITAS, Nobilitas standing right holding sceptre and palladium. RSC 90.
Geta Denarius, RIC 99, RSC 97,97a, BMC 720 - Geta, As Caesar, Denarius. Laodicea ad Mare mint, 200-202 AD. P SEPT GETA CAES PONT, bare-headed, draped & cuirassed bust right / PIETAS, Pietas standing left, raising hand over altar & holding incense box. RSC 97.
Geta Denarius, RIC 34, RSC 104,104a, BMC 446 - Geta Denarius. 202 AD. P SEPTIVS GETA CAES, draped bust right / PONTIF COS, Minerva standing left with spear and leaning on shield. RSC 104.
Geta Denarius, RIC 61b, RSC 117, BMC 586 - Geta, as Caesar, Denarius. 209 AD. P SEPTIMIVS GETA CAES, draped bust right / PONTIF COS II, Geta standing left, holding globe & short sceptre. RSC 117.
Geta Denarius, RIC 62b, RSC 119, BMC 588 - Geta Denarius. 208 AD. P SEPTIMIVS GETA CEAS, draped bust right / PONTIF COS II, Geta, veiled, standing left with sceptre, sacrificing over tripod. RSC 119.
Geta Denarius, RIC 64b, RSC 123, BMC p275 - Geta, as Caesar, Denarius. 209 AD. P SEPTIMIVS GETA CAES, bare head right / PONTIF COS II, Geta on horseback left, galloping over fallen foe. RSC 123.
Geta Denarius, RIC 65a, RSC 126, BMC p275 - Geta Denarius. 209 AD. P SEPTIMIVS GETA CAES, draped bust right / PONTIF COS II, Septimius Severus seated facing on platform between Caracalla & Geta seated forward and facing each other, hands outstretched. RSC 126.
Geta Denarius, RIC 15a, RSC 159a, BMC 232 - Geta, as Caesar, Denarius. 201 AD. P SEPT GETA CAES PONT, draped bust right / PRINC IVVENT, Geta standing left in military attire, holding branch & inverted spear. RSC 159a.
Geta Denarius, RIC 37b, RSC 162a, BMC 451 - Geta, as Caesar, Denarius. 205 AD. P SEPTIMIVS GETA CAES, older bare-headed draped bust right / PRINC IVVENT, COS in ex, Severus, Caracalla & Geta on galloping horses right. RIC 37b corr, RSC 162a.
Geta Denarius, RIC 18, RSC 157b, BMC 234 - Geta, as Caesar, Denarius. 200-202 AD. P SEPT GETA CAES PONT, draped bust right / PRINC IVVENTVTIS, Geta, in military dress, standing left with baton & sceptre, trophy behind. RSC 157.
Geta Denarius, RIC 51, RSC 170, BMC 458 - Geta, as Caesar, Denarius. 203-208 AD. P SEPTIMVS GETA CAES, laureate bust right / PROVID DEORVM providence standing left, with sceptre & pointing with wand at globe at feet. RSC 170.
Geta Denarius, RIC 20, RSC 183,183a, BMC 240 - Geta as Caesar Denarius. 202 AD. P SEPT GETA CAES PONT, draped bust right / SECVRIT IMPERII, Securitas seated left, holding globe. RSC 183.
Geta Denarius, RIC 22, RSC 196, BMC 246 - Geta, as Caesar, Denarius. 199-204 AD. P SEPT GETA CAES PONT, bare-headed draped bust right, seen from behind / TEMPOR . FELICITAS in three lines in laurel wreath. RSC 196v, [rev legend break].
Geta Denarius, RIC 38b, RSC 230, BMC 442 - Geta Denarius. 205 AD. GETA CAES PONT COS, draped bust right / VOTA PVBLICA, Geta standing left, sacrificing out of patera over tripod & holding roll. RSC 230.
Geta AE Sestertius, RIC 141, Cohen 20, BMC 841 - Geta, as Caesar, AE As. 203-208 AD. P SEPTIMIVS GETA CAES, draped bust right / CONCORDIA MILIT, Concordia standing left with six standards. Cohen 20, RIC 141a.
Geta AE Sestertius, RIC 148, Cohen 110,107, BMC 863 - Geta AE As. 209 AD. P SEPTIMIVS GETA CAES, draped bust right / PONTIF COS II S-C, Minerva seated left, feeding snake coiled round olive tree and holding sceptre; on her chair : sphinx; behind, shield with owl above. Cohen 110.
Geta Denarius, RIC 84, RSC 3, BMC 63 - Geta Denarius. 210-212 AD. P SEPT GETA PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate, bearded head right / ADVENTVS AVGVSTI, Geta on horseback right, raising hand & carrying sceptre. RSC 3.
Geta Denarius, RIC 75, RSC 51, BMC 1128 - Geta Denarius. 211 AD. P SEPT GETA PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right / FORT RED TR P III COS II, Fortuna seated left with rudder & cornucopiae, wheel below seat. RSC 51.
Geta Denarius, RIC 88, RSC 68, BMC 65 - Geta, as Augustus, Denarius. 210-212 AD. P SEPT GETA PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right / LIBERALITAS AVG V, Liberalitas standing, head left, with counting board & cornucopiae. RSC 68.
Geta Denarius, RIC 70b, RSC 140, BMC 43 - Geta Denarius. 210 AD. IMP CAES P SEPT GETA PIVS AVG, laureate head right / PONTIF TR P II COS II, Genius standing left sacrificing out of patera over lighted altar & holding corn-ears. RSC 140.
Geta Denarius, RIC 78a, RSC 149, BMC 119 - Geta Denarius. 211 AD. P SEPT GETA PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right / PONTIF TR P III COS II, Felicitas standing head left with cornucopiae & long caduceus. RSC 149.
Geta Denarius, RIC 79, RSC 197,197a, BMC 12,13 - Geta Denarius. 211 AD. P SEPT GETA PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right / TR P III COS II P P, Janus standing facing left & right, holding spear & thunderbolt. RSC 197.
Geta Denarius, RIC 81, RSC 200, BMC 16 - Geta Denarius. 211 AD. P SEPT GETA PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right / TR P III COS II P P, goddess (Aeternitas?) standing right, holding torch & globe. RSC 200.
Geta Denarius, RIC 80, RSC 198, BMC 15 - Geta Denarius. 211 AD. P SEPT GETA PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right / TR P III COS II P P, Felicitas standing left, holding cornucopiae & caduceus. RSC 198.
Geta AE Sestertius, RIC 165, Cohen 26, BMC 178 - Geta AE Sestertius. 210 AD. IMP CAES P SEPT GETA PIVS AVG, laureate head right / CONCORDIAE AVGG, SC in ex, Geta & Caracalla standing facing each other, each holding a spear and sacrificing from a patera over a lighted tripod between them, each being crowned by a Victory behind them. Cohen 26.
Geta AE Sestertius, RIC 185a, Cohen 71, BMC 233 - Geta Æ Sestertius. 210-212 AD. P SEPTIMIVS GETA PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right / LIBERALITAS AVGG VI ET V, Geta & Caracalla seated left on platform, Liberalitas standing before with abacus & cornucopiae; citizen climbing steps. Cohen 71.
Geta AE Sestertius, RIC 157b, Cohen 146, BMC 217 - Geta Æ Sestertius. 210 AD. IMP CAES P SEPT GETA PIVS AVG, laureate bust right, slight drapery on left shoulder / PONTIF TR P II COS II, S C in exergue, Caracalla and Geta standing left, each extending right hand and holding spear in left; behind them, soldier standing left; before them, two soldiers standing right, each holding vexillum & standards, bound captive on ground at their feet. Cohen 146.
Geta AE Sestertius, RIC 171a, Cohen 199, BMC 45 - Geta AE Sestertius. 211 AD. P SEPTIMIVS PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right / TR P III COS II P P, Italia seated left holding sceptre & cornucopiae, small figures reclining behind and seated before, SC in ex. Cohen 199.
Geta AE Dupondius, RIC 173a, Cohen 61, BMC 48 - Geta Æ Dupondius. 211 AD. P SEPTIMIVS GETA PIVS AVG BRIT, radiate head right / FORT RED TR P III COS II P P, SC in ex, Fortuna seated left, holding rudder on globe in right hand, cornucopiae in left; wheel under throne. Cohen 55.
Geta Æ As, RIC 175a, Cohen 53, BMC 273cf - Geta AE As. 211 AD. P SEPTIMIVS GETA PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right / FORT RED TR P III COS II, Fortuna seated left, holding rudder & cornucopia, wheel under chair, S C in ex. Cohen 53.
Geta Æ As, RIC 162a, Cohen 134, BMC 223 - Geta Æ as. 210 AD. GETA PIVS AVG, laureate head right / PONTIF TR P II COS II P P SC, emperor as Mars, standing left, crowning trophy of captured arms. Cohen 134.
Geta Æ As, RIC 163, Cohen 133, BMC 227 - Geta AE As. 210 AD. IMP CAES P SEPT GETA PIVS AVG, laureate head right / PONTIF TR P II COS II, Pietas standing right, holding sceptre & hem of dress, two children to right with uplifted arms. Cohen 133.
Macrinus Aureus, RIC 79, Cohen 45, BMC 71 - Macrinus AV Aureus. Struck 218 AD. IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate, draped, & cuirassed bust right, in long beard, seen from behind / LIBERALITAS AVG, Diadumenian, bare-headed & togate, & Macrinus, laureate & togate, seated left on curule chairs set on low daïs, extending their right hands to figure climbing stairs, Liberalitas standing left holding coin counter & cornucopiae, lictor behind holding fasces. Cohen 43.
Macrinus Aureus, RIC 25, Cohen 46, BMC 44note - Macrinus AV Aureus. IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M TR P II COS PP, Annona standing left, holding corn ears over modius and cornucopiae.
Macrinus AR Antoninianus, RIC 69, RSC 27b, BMC 13v - Macrinus AR Antoninianus. IMP C M OPEL MACRINVS AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right / FIDES MILITVM, Fides standing left, holding the inner of two standards at each side. RSC 27.
Macrinus AR Antoninianus, RIC 95, RSC 126, BMC 27 - Macrinus AR Antoninianus. 217 AD. IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, radiate cuirassed bust right / SECVRITAS TEMPORVM, Securitas seated left, holding sceptre & propping her head with her left hand; before her, a lit altar. RSC 126.
Macrinus Denarius, RIC 56, RSC 8a, BMC 60 - Macrinus Denarius. IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate bust right / FELICITAS TEMPORVM, Felicitas standing left holding long caduceus & cornucopiae. RSC 8a.
Macrinus Denarius, RIC 62, RSC 19a, BMC 9 - Macrinus Denarius. IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust right / FELICITAS TEMPORVM, Felicitas standing left holding short caduceus and sceptre. RSC 19a.
Macrinus Denarius, RIC 68, RSC 26, BMC 14 - Macrinus Denarius. 217 AD. IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate, short bearded, & cuirassed bust right / FIDES MILITVM, Fidelity of the army standing left, holding the innermost of two standards on either side. RSC 26.
Macrinus Denarius, RIC 67, RSC 23f, BMC 65 - Macrinus Denarius. IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS, laureate draped & cuirassed bust right / FIDES MILITVM, Fides standing facing, head right, holding two standards.
Macrinus Denarius, RIC 76, RSC 37, BMC 20 - Macrinus Denarius. IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate, cuirassed bust right / IOVI CONSERVATORI, Jupiter standing l. with thunderbolt & sceptre; before him small figure of Macrinus. RSC 37.
Macrinus Denarius, RIC 73, RSC 33b, BMC 66 - Macrinus Denarius. Antioch mint. IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate & cuirassed bust right / IOVI CONSERVATORI, nude Jupiter standing left with thunderbolt and sceptre. RSC 33.
Macrinus Denarius, RIC 26, RSC 47a, BMC 41 - Macrinus Denarius. 218 AD. IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate, draped bust right / P M TR P II COS P P, Anonna standing left holding corn ears of a modius & cornucopiae. RSC 47a.
Macrinus Denarius, RIC 27, RSC 51a, BMC 47 - Macrinus Denarius. 217 AD. IMP C M OPEL MACRINVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / P M TRP II COS P P, Macrinus seated left on curile chair, holding globe & short sceptre. RSC 51a.
Macrinus Denarius, RIC 15, RSC 55a, BMC 31 - Macrinus AR Denarius. IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate & cuirassed bust right / PONTIF MAX TR P COS P P, nude Jupiter standing left, holding thunderbolt & sceptre. RSC 55a.
Macrinus Denarius, RIC 19, RSC 56, BMC 33 - Macrinus Denarius. IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate draped and cuirassed bust right / PONTIF MAX TR P COS P P, Annona seated left with corn-ears & cornucopiae, modius at feet. RSC 56.
Macrinus Denarius, RIC 21, RSC 65, BMC 35 - Macrinus Denarius. IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate, draped bust right / PONTIF MAX TR P COS P P, Felicitas standing left holding long caduceus & cornucopiae. RSC 65.
Macrinus Denarius, RIC 23, RSC 67, BMC 39 - Macrinus Denarius. IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate bust right / PONTIF MAX TR P COS P P, Salus seated left feeding snake coiled around altar. RSC 67.
Macrinus Denarius, RIC 24, RSC 62, BMC 40 - Macrinus Denarius. Struck 217 AD. IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate & cuirassed bust with short beard right / PONTIF MAX TR P COS P P, Securitas standing left, holding sceptre & leaning on column. RSC 62.
Macrinus Denarius, RIC 4, RSC 79, BMC 29 - Macrinus Denarius. ca late July, 217 - February, 218 AD. IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate, cuirassed bust right / PONTIF. MAX. TR. P. P. P, Felicitas standing left, holding long caduceus & cornucopia. RSC 79.
Macrinus Denarius, RIC 30, RSC 85, BMC p502 - Macrinus Denarius. Struck 218 AD. IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate & cuirassed bust with long beard right / P M TR P II COS P P, Annona standing left, holding grain-ears & cornucopiae; altar at left. RSC 85.
Macrinus Denarius, RIC 32, RSC 82, BMC 52 - Macrinus AR Denarius. IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate & cuirassed bust right / PONTIF MAX TR P II COS P P, Felicitas standing front, head left, holding long caduceus and cornucopiae. RSC 82.
Macrinus Denarius, RIC 42, RSC 93, BMC 56note - Macrinus AR denarius. IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust right / PONTIF MAX TR P II COS II P P, Felicitas standing with long caduceus and cornucopia. RSC 93.
Macrinus Denarius, RIC 86, RSC 116a, BMC 26 - Macrinus AR Denarius. IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate cuirassed bust right / SALVS PVBLICA, Salus seated left, feeding from patera a serpent arising from altar. RSC 116a.
Macrinus Denarius, RIC 6, RSC 147a, BMC 2 - Macrinus denarius. Laureate draped bust right / VOTA PVBL P M TR P. Felicitas standing, half left, holding caduceus and long sceptre. RIC 6, RSC 147a.
Macrinus Denarius, RIC 13, RSC 153, BMC 5note - Macrinus Denarius. IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust right / VOTA PVBL P M TR P, Securitas seated left, holding sceptre and supporting head with left hand, lit altar before. RSC 153.
Macrinus AE Sestertius, RIC 179, Cohen 24, BMC 101 - Macrinus Æ Sestertius. 217 AD. IMP CAES M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate & cuirassed bust right, short beard / FIDES MILITVM, S C in exergue, Fides Militum standing facing, head right, right foot on helmet, holding legionary aquila in each hand. Cohen 124.
Macrinus AE Sestertius, RIC 141, Cohen 61, BMC 121 - Macrinus AE Sestertius. Rome mint, ca September-December AD 217. IMP CAES M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate, cuirassed bust right, seen from front, with long beard / PONTIF MAX TR P COS P P S-C, Fides standing left, head right, holding two standards. Cohen 61.
Macrinus AE Sestertius, RIC 121, Cohen 80cf, BMC 113 - Macrinus Æ Sestertius. IMP CAES M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, with cropped beard and young features / PONTIF MAX TR P P P S-C, Felicitas standing left, holding long caduceus.
Macrinus AE Sestertius, RIC 123, Cohen 78, BMC 115 - Macrinus AE Sestertius. IMP CAES M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / PONTIF MAX TR P P P S-C, Fides standing facing with standards in each hand, foot on helmet. Cohen 78.
Macrinus AE Sestertius, RIC 124, Cohen 74, BMC 117 - Macrinus Æ Sestertius. Struck July 217 - February 218 AD. IMP CAES M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate & cuirassed bust right / PONTIF MAX TR P P P, SC in ex, Salus seated left, feeding from patera snake coiled about altar. BMC 117, Cohen 74.
Macrinus AE Sestertius, RIC 209, Cohen 133, BMC 143 - Macrinus AE Sestertius. Rome, early AD 218. IMP CAES M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, bust laureate, draped, cuirassed right, seen from front / VICTORIA PARTHICA-S C, Victory seated right on cuirass & arms, about to inscribe shield which she balances on her left knee. Cohen 133v.
Macrinus Æ As, RIC 154, Cohen 90, BMC 131 - Macrinus AE As. IMP CAES M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate & cuirassed bust right / PONTIF MAX TR P II COS II P P S-C, Jupiter standing left holding thunderbolt & sceptre. Cohen 90.
Macrinus Æ As, RIC 166, Cohen 140, BMC 135 - Macrinus Æ As. 218 AD. IMP CAES M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate & cuirassed bust right / VICT PART P M TR P S-C, Victory seated right on cuirass, holding shield on knee. Cohen 140.
Diadumenian Denarius, RIC 102, RSC 3, BMC 87 - Diadumenian Denarius. M OPEL ANT DIADVMENIAN CAES, draped & cuirassed bust right / PRINC IVVENTVTIS, Diadumenian standing right, holding standard & baton, two more standards to right. RSC 3.
Diadumenian AE Sestertius, RIC 211, Cohen 7, BMC 149 - Diadumenian as Caesar Æ Sestertius. M OPEL ANTONINVS DIADVMENIANVS CAES, draped & cuirassed bust right / PRINC IVVENTVTIS, S C in ex, Diadumenian standing left, head right, holding standard. Cohen 7.
Diadumenian AE Dupondius or As, RIC 212, Cohen 9, BMC 159 - Diadumenian AE As. M OPEL ANTONINVS DIADVMENIANVS CAES, draped bust right / PRINC IVVENTVTIS S-C, Diadumenian standing left holding standard & baton, two standards to right. Cohen 8.
Elagabalus AR Antoninianus, RIC 122, RSC 113, BMC 17 - Elagabalus AR Antoninianus. 218-219 AD. IMP CAES M AVR ANTONINVS AVG, radiate draped bust right / MARS VICTOR, Mars advancing right, naked save for cloak floating behind waist, holding transverse spear and trophy over shoulder. RSC 113.
Elagabalus AR Antoninianus, RIC 1, RSC 126, BMC 3 - Elagabalus AR Antoninianus. 218 AD. IMP CAES M AVR ANTONINVS AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M TR P COS P P, Roma seated left with Victory & sceptre. RSC 125.
Elagabalus AR Antoninianus, RIC 12, RSC 139, BMC 84 - Elagabalus AR Antoninianus. 219 AD. IMP ANTONINVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / P M TR P II COS II P P, Roma seated left holding Victory & spear, shield at her side. RSC 139.
Elagabalus AR Antoninianus, RIC 18, RSC 148, BMC 94 - Elagabalus AR Antoninianus. 219 AD. IMP ANTONINVS AVG, radiate, draped bust right / P M TR P II COS II P P, Fortuna seated left holding rudder & cornucopia, wheel under chair. RSC 149.
Elagabalus AR Antoninianus, RIC 138, RSC 254, BMC 26 - Elagabalus AR Antoninianus. IMP CAES M AVR ANTONINVS AVG, radiate draped bust right / SALVS ANTONINI AVG, Salus standing right feeding serpent held in her arms. RSC 254.
Elagabalus AR Antoninianus, RIC 149, RSC 280, BMC 166 - Elagabalus AR Antoninianus. 219 AD. IMP ANTONINVS AVG, radiate draped bust right / TEMPORVM FELICITAS, Felicitas standing left with long caduceus and cornucopiae. RSC 280.
Elagabalus Denarius, RIC 56, RSC 1a, BMC 189 - Elagabalus Denarius. Rome, AD 220-221. IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate, draped bust right / ABVNDANTIA AVG, Abundantia empties the contents of a cornucopia to the ground to the left using both hands, star in left field. RSC 1.
Elagabalus Denarius, RIC 63, RSC 19, BMC 199 - Elagabalus Denarius. 218-222 AD. IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / CONSERVATOR AVG, Sol standing left holding right hand high up in salute & whip, star in left field. RSC 19.
Elagabalus Denarius, RIC 19, RSC 149, BMC 96 - Elagabalus Denarius. 219 AD. IMP ANTONINVS AVG, laureate, draped bust right / P M TR P II COS II P P, Fortuna seated left, holding rudder on globe & cornucopiae, wheel under seat. RSC 149.
Elagabalus Denarius, RIC 21, RSC 143, BMC 97 - Elagabalus Denarius. 219 AD. IMP ANTONINVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / P M TR P II COS II P P, Pax advancing left, holding branch & sceptre. RSC 143.
Elagabalus Denarius, RIC 23, RSC 144, BMC 102 - Elagabalus Denarius. IMP ANTONINVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / P M TR P II COS II P P, Providentia standing left, legs crossed, leaning on column, pointing baton at globe at foot & holding cornucopiae. RSC 144.
Elagabalus Denarius, RIC 27, RSC 151, BMC 178 - Elagabalus Denarius. 220 AD. IMP ANTONINVS AVG, laureate head right. / P M TR P III COS III P P, Jupiter seated left holding Victory & sceptre, eagle at foot. RSC 151.
Elagabalus Denarius, RIC 28, RSC 154, BMC 179 - Elagabalus Denarius. IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / P M TR P III COS III P P, Sol, radiate, advancing left raising right hand & holding whip, star to left. RSC 154.
Elagabalus Denarius, RIC 42, RSC 189b, BMC 249 - Elagabalus Denarius. 221 AD. IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate, draped bust right / P M TR P IIII COS III P P, Providentia standing left holding rod over globe and cornucopiae; star in field right. RSC 189b.
Elagabalus Denarius, RIC 45, RSC 195a, BMC 251 - Elagabalus Denarius. IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / P M TRP IIII COS III P P, Victory flying left holding open wreath, star in field right. RSC 195.
Elagabalus Denarius, RIC 46, RSC 196, BMC 256 - Elagabalus Denarius. 221 AD. IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, horned, laureate, and draped bust right / PM TR P IIII COS III P P, Elagabalus standing left sacrificing out of patera over lighted altar & holding branch, star left. RSC 196.
Elagabalus Denarius, RIC 49, RSC 205, BMC 260 - Elagabalus Denarius. 221 AD. IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate & draped bust right with horn / P M TR P IIII COS III P P, Elagabalus standing left, holding patera over lighted altar at left, & branch in left hand; two standards at right; star in left field. RSC 205.
Elagabalus Denarius, RIC 52, RSC 213a, BMC 268 - Elagabalus Denarius. IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate, horned, draped & cuirassed bust right / PM TR P V COS IIII PP, Elagabalus standing left, holding patera over altar sacrificing & a club (parazonium?), star in left field. RSC 213.
Elagabalus Denarius, RIC 131, RSC 246, BMC 225 - Elagabalus Denarius. 221-222 AD. IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate, horned, draped bust right right / SACERD DEI SOLIS ELAGAB, Elagabalus sacrificing right over lighted altar, star in field right. RSC 246.
Elagabalus Denarius, RIC 195, RSC 268, BMC 284 - Elagabalus Denarius. Antioch, 218-219 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS FEL AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / SANCT DEO SOLI ELAGABAL, quadriga right bearing conical Stone of Emesa, ornamented with eagle and shaded by four parasols. RSC 268.
Elagabalus AE Sestertius, RIC 300, Cohen 156, BMC 426 - Elagabalus Æ Sestertius. 220 AD. IMP CAES M AVR ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate, draped, & cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / P M TR P III COS III P P S-C, Sol advancing left, cloak flowing behind, raising right hand & holding whip in left hand; star in left field. Cohen 156.
Elagabalus AE Dupondius, RIC 285, Cohen 228, BMC p588 - Elagabalus Æ Dupondius. 218 AD. IMP CAES M AVR ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right / PONTIF MAX TR P II COS II P P, Roma seated left, holding Victory, shield at side, SC in ex. Cohen 228.
Julia Paula Denarius, RIC 211, RSC 6a, BMC 172 (Rome) & 316 (Antioch) - Julia Paula Denarius. 220 AD. IVLIA PAVLA AVG, draped bust right / CONCORDIA, Concordia seated left, holding patera; star in left field. RSC 6.
Julia Paula Denarius, RIC 214, RSC 12, BMC 318 - Julia Paula Denarius. 219 AD. IVLIA PAVLA AVG, draped bust right /CONCORDIA, Elagabalus and Julia Paula standing, clasping hands. RSC 12.
Julia Paula Denarius, RIC 216, RSC 16a, BMC 321 - Julia Paula Denarius. IVLIA PAVLA AVG, draped bust right / CONCORDIA AVGG, Concordia seated left on curule chair, holding patera & cornucopiae. RSC 16a.
Julia Paula Denarius, RIC 222, RSC 21, BMC 323 - Julia Paula Denarius. 219 AD. IVLIA PAVLA AVG, draped bust right / VENVS GENETRIX, Venus seated left, holding apple & sceptre. RSC 21.
Julia Paula AE Sestertius, RIC 381, Cohen 8, BMC 415 - Julia Paula Æ Sestertius. 220 AD. IVLIA PAVLA AVG, diademed draped bust right / CONCORDIA, Concord seated left with patera & double cornuacopiae, star before, SC in ex. Cohen 8.
Julia Paula AE Dupondius or As, RIC 385, Cohen 11, BMC 421 - Julia Paula Æ As. 220 AD. IVLIA PAVLA AVG, diademed & draped bust right / CONCORDIA, SC below, Concordia seated left, holding patera & double cornucopiae; star to left. Cohen 11.
Julia Paula AE Sestertius, RIC 387, Cohen 15, BMC 422 - Julia Paula AE As. 219 AD. IVLIA PAVLA AVG, diademed draped bust right / CONCORDIA AETERNA, Elagabalus & Julia Paula standing clasping hands with Concordia standing facing between them, SC in ex. Cohen 15.
Julia Paula Potin Tetradrachm, Milne 2794, Dattari 4157, BMC 1524 - Julia Paula Potin Tetradrachm of Alexandria. Year 3 of Elagabalus (219/20 AD). IOULIA PAULA CEB, draped bust right / LG, Elagabalus on horseback right. Dattari 4157, Emmett 2975/3.
Aquilia Severa AE Sestertius, RIC 390, Cohen 4, BMC 432 - Aquilia Severa Æ Sestertius. IVLIA AQVILIA SEVERA AVG, diademed & draped bust right / CONCORDIA S-C across field, Concordia standing left, holding patera in extended right hand over lighted & garlanded altar, & double cornucopiae in left hand; star in right field. Cohen 4.
Annia Faustina Billon Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Milne 2863, Koln 2387, Dattari 4196 - Annia Faustina Potin Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Egypt. Year 5 of Elagabalus = 221 AD. ANNIA FAYCTINA CEBA, draped bust right / Nilus reclining left, holding stalk of grain, leaning on cornucopiae from which Genius emerges, nilometer obelisk to left, Genii climbing over Nilus, LE in ex.
Julia Soaemias Æ As, RIC 408, Cohen 20, BMC 387 - Julia Soaemias AE As. IVLIA SOAMIAS AVG, draped bust right / VENVS CAELESTIS, SC in ex, Venus seated left holding apple & sceptre, Cupid standing at her knee grasping her skirt. Cohen 20.
Julia Maesa Denarius, RIC 256, RSC 20-21, BMC 295 - Julia Maesa Denarius. Antioch mint, 218-220 AD. IVLIA MAESA AVG, draped bust right / IVNO, Juno standing left, holding patera and sceptre; at feet on left a peacock. RSC 21.
Julia Maesa Denarius, RIC 271, RSC 45, BMC 79 - Julia Maesa Denarius. 220-222 AD. IVLIA MAESA AVG, draped bust right / SAECVLI FELICITAS, Felicitas standing left with long caduceus, sacrificing out of patera over lighted altar, star right. RSC 45.
Julia Maesa AR Quinarius, RIC 273, RSC 46, BMC 83 - Julia Maesa AR Quinarius. 220-221 AD. IVLIA MAESA AVG, bust draped right / SAECVLI FELICITAS, Felicitas standing left, sacrificing from patera in right hand over lighted altar at feet, & holding long caduceus in left hand; star in left field. RSC 46.
Severus Alexander AE Sestertius, RIC 384, Cohen 458, BMC p614 - Severus Alexander, as Caesar, Æ Sestertius. 222 AD. M AVREL ALEXANDER CAES, draped bust right / PONTIFEX COS, S C in exergue, Alexander in slow quadriga right. Cohen 458.
Severus Alexander Aureus, RIC 33cf, Cohen -, BMC -, Calico 3095 - Severus Alexander AV Aureus. 223 AD. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate draped bust right / P M TR P II COS P P, the Roman Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheater), four stories, with statues in arches & topped by supports for the velarium (roof awning). cf Cohen 247 & RIC 33 (denarius types only); Calico 3095.
Severus Alexander Aureus, RIC 46, Cohen 268, BMC 252 - Severus Alexander Gold Aureus. Struck 225 AD. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate draped bust right, seen from behind / P M TR P IIII COS P P, Alexander in military dress standing left, holding globe & reversed spear. Cohen 268.
Severus Alexander Aureus, RIC 103, Cohen -, BMC 620 - Severus Alexander AV Aureus. 230 AD. IMP SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P VIIII COS III P P, Romulus, radiate, advancing right, carrying spear & trophy. Cohen 395, Calico 3121.
Severus Alexander Aureus, RIC 211, Cohen 555v, BMC 699 - Severus Alexander AV Aureus. IMP SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate head right / VICTORIA AVG, Victory standing left holding wreath & palm. Cohen 555.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 184, RSC 1a, BMC 591 - Severus Alexander Denarius. IMP SEV ALE XAND AVG, laureate head right / ABVNDANTIA AVG, Abundantia standing right, pouring coins from cornucopia. RSC 1.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 274, RSC 11, BMC 1033 - Severus Alexander Denarius. Antioch, 222 AD. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate draped bust right / AEQVITAS AVG, Aequitas standing left, holding scales & cornucopiae, star in left field. RSC 11.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 133, RSC 23, BMC 341 - Severus Alexander Denarius. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate draped bust right / ANNONA AVG, Annona standing left with corn-ears & cornucopiae, modius at foot. RSC 23.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 193, RSC 51, BMC 684 - Severus Alexander Denarius. IMP SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate head right / FIDES MILITVM, Fides seated left holding two standards. RSC 51.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 196, RSC 63, BMC 738 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 228-231 AD. IMP SEV ALEXANDER AVG, laureate head right, drapery on left shoulder / FORTVNA REDVCI, Fortuna standing left, holding rudder on globe & cornucopiae. RSC 63.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 141, RSC 70, BMC 56 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 222 AD. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate head right / IOVI CONSERVATORI, Jupiter standing nude except for cloak over left arm & right shoulder, half left, holding a lightning bolt & sceptre. RSC 70.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 200, RSC 73, BMC 690 - Severus Alexander Denarius. IMP SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate head right / IOVI CONSERVATORI, Jupiter standing left holding thunderbolt & sceptre, small figure of emperor at feet. RSC 73.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 235, RSC 76, BMC 790 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 231 AD. IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / IOVI PROPVGNATORI, Jupiter standing front, head right, nude but for cape flowing out to right, preparing to hurl thunderbolt. RSC 76.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 153, RSC 118, BMC 212 - Severus Alexander Denarius. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate draped bust right / LIBERALITAS AVG II, Liberalitas standing left holding coin counter & cornucopiae. RSC 118.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 154, RSC 128a, BMC 309 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 222-228 AD. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate draped bust right / LIBERALITAS AVG III, Liberalitas standing left holding coin counter & cornucopiae. RSC 128.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 246, RSC 161a, BMC 831 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 232 AD. IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, laureate draped & cuirassed bust right / MARS VLTOR, Mars advancing right with spear & shield. RSC 161a.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 248, RSC 166b, BMC 803 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 231 AD. IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, laureate, draped, & cuirassed bust right / MARS VLTOR, Mars standing left, holding spear & shield against which standard rests. RSC 166b.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 208, RSC 191, BMC 499 - Severus Alexander Denarius. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate draped bust right / PERPETVITATI AVG, Perpetuitas (or Securitas?) standing left with globe & sceptre, leaning on column. RSC 191.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 5, RSC 204, BMC 13 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 222 AD. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate draped bust right / P M TR P COS P P, Jupiter standing left, holding thunderbolt & sceptre. RSC 204.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 267, RSC 223a, BMC 1026 - Severus Alexander AR Denarius. Antioch, 222 AD. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate draped bust right / P M TR P COS PP, Fortuna standing half-left, holding rudder on globe & cornucopiae, star to left. RSC 223a.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 11, RSC 216, BMC 21 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 222 AD. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M TR P COS P P, Libertas standing front, head left, holding pileus & cornucopiae. RSC 215.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 14, RSC 218, BMC 33 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 222 AD. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right /P M TR P COS P P, Salus seated left, feeding snake arising from altar. RSC 218.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 23, RSC 231, BMC 92 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 223 AD. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate draped bust right / P M TR P II COS P P, Mars standing left, holding branch & reversed spear. RSC 231.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 027, RSC 236, BMC 101 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 223 AD. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate draped bust right / P M TR P II COS P P, Pax standing left, holding olive branch & sceptre. RSC 236.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 44, RSC 256, BMC 178 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 224 AD. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate draped bust right / P M TR P III COS P P, Alexander standing left, holding globe & reversed spear. RSC 256.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 045, RSC 260, BMC 246 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 225 AD. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate draped bust right / PM TR P IIII COS P P, Mars advancing right, holding spear & trophy. RSC 260.
Severus Alexander AE Sestertius, RIC 55, Cohen 289, BMC 373 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 226 AD. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate, draped bust right / P M TR P V COS II P P, Severus Alexander standing left, sacrificing over altar. RSC 289.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 64, RSC 312, BMC 394 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 227 AD. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate draped bust right / P M TR P VI COS II P P, Aequitas standing left with scales & cornucopiae. RSC 312.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 65, RSC 315, BMC 403 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 227 AD. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate draped bust right / P M TR P VI COS II P P, Anonna standing left holding corn ears over an altar & cornucopiae. RSC 315.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 67, RSC 319, BMC 420 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 227 AD. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate draped bust right / P M TR P VI COS II P P, PAX running left, holding olive branch & sceptre. RSC 319.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 83, RSC 337, BMC 503 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 228 AD. IMP SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P VII COS II P P, Mars standing right, holding shield & spear. RSC 337.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 92, RSC 365, BMC 603 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 229 AD. IMP SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P VIII COS III P P, Mars advancing left, holding branch, spear & shield. RSC 365.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 95, RSC 371, BMC 568cf - Severus Alexander Denarius. 229 AD. IMP SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P VIII COS II P P, Libertas standing left with pilius & sceptre. RSC 371.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 095, RSC 371, BMC 568 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 229 AD. IMP SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P VIII COS II P P, Libertas standing left with pilius & sceptre. RSC 371.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 101, RSC 388, BMC 623 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 230 AD. IMP SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P VIIII COS III P P, Sol standing left, raising right hand & holding whip. RSC 388.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 105, RSC 401, BMC 616 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 230 AD. IMP SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P VIIII COS III P P, emperor standing right holding spear & globe. RSC 401.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 109, RSC 411a, BMC 807 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 231 AD. IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M TR P X COS III P P, Sol, radiate. standing left with raised hand & globe. RSC 411.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 112, RSC 427, BMC 855 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 232 AD. IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / P M TR P XI COS III P P, Sol standing left with raised hand & whip. RSC 427.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 120, RSC 440, BMC 930 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 233 AD. IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, laureate, draped bust right / P M TR P XII COS III P P, Sol, radiate, walking left, holding whip. RSC 440.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 123, RSC 448, BMC 950 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 234 AD. IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, laureate, draped bust right / P M TR P XIII COS III P P, Sol advancing left raising hand & holding whip. RSC 448.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 125, RSC 453, BMC 962 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 235 AD. IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / P M TR P XIIII COS III P P, Sol standing left with raised hand & whip. RSC 453.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 271, RSC 470a, BMC 1063 - Severus Alexander Denarius. Antioch, 222-223 AD. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / PONTIF MAX TR P II COS II P P, Roma seated left. RSC 470.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 294, RSC 495, BMC 1061 - Severus Alexander Denarius. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate draped bust right / PROVID DEORVM, Providence standing left with sceptre & wand pointed at globe at feet. RSC 495.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 173, RSC 498, BMC 138 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 223 AD. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate cuirassed bust right / PROVIDENTIA AVG, Providentia standing left holding rod over globe at left & sceptre. RSC 498.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 176, RSC 528, BMC 479 - Severus Alexander Denarius. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXANDER AVG, laureate draped bust right / SALVS AVGVSTI, Salus standing right, feeding serpent held in arms. RSC 528.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 178, RSC 530, BMC 77 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 222 AD. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate draped bust right / SALVS PVBLICA, Salus seated left, holding patera out to feed snake rising from altar. RSC 532.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 212, RSC 556, BMC 700 - Severus Alexander Denarius. IMP SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate head right / VICTORIA AVG, Victory standing left with wreath. RSC 556.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 301, RSC 559, BMC 1038 - Severus Alexander Denarius. Antioch mint, 222 AD. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate & draped bust right / VICTORIA AVG, Victory advancing right, holding wreath & palm; star in field, right. RSC 559.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 180, RSC 564, BMC 269 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 225 AD. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate draped bust right / VICTORIA AVG, Victory running right with palm & wreath. RSC 564.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 182, RSC 576, BMC 278 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 222-228 AD. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate draped bust right / VIRTVS AVG, Virtus standing right, holding reversed spear & leaning on shield with left hand. RSC 576.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 220, RSC 579, BMC 709 - Severus Alexander Denarius. IMP SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate head right / VIRTUS AVG, Virtus standing left holding Victory, leaning on shield, spear resting against arm. RSC 579.
Severus Alexander Denarius, RIC 261, RSC 596, BMC 819 - Severus Alexander Denarius. 231 AD. IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / VOTIS/VICEN/NALI/BVS, four line legend within wreath. RSC 596.
Severus Alexander AE Sestertius, RIC 549, Cohen 36, BMC 678 - Severus Alexander Æ Sestertius. 231 AD. IMP SEV ALEXANDER AVG, laureate head right / ANNONA AVGVSTI S-C, Annona standing left holding anchor & grain ears over modius. Cohen 36.
Severus Alexander AE Sestertius, RIC 563, Cohen 106v, BMC 612note - Severus Alexander Æ Sestertius. IMP SEV ALEXANDER AVG, laureate head right / IVSTITIA AVGVSTI, Justice seated left with patera & sceptre, SC in ex. Cohen 106.
Severus Alexander AE Sestertius, RIC 567, Cohen 122, BMC 214 - Severus Alexander Æ Sestertius. 224 AD. IMP CAES M AVR SEV ALEXANDER AVG, laureate draped bust right / LIBERALITAS AVGVSTI II S-C, Liberalitas standing left with coin counter & cornucopiae. Cohen 122.
Severus Alexander AE Sestertius, RIC 635, Cohen 163, BMC 841 - Severus Alexander Æ Sestertius. ca 231-235 AD. IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, laureate bust right with draped far shoulder / MARS VICTOR S-C, Mars striding right in military dress, holding spear & shield. Cohen 163, BMC 841.
Severus Alexander AE Sestertius, RIC 393, Cohen 220, BMC 39 - Severus Alexander AE Sestertius. 222 AD. IMP CAES M AVR SEV ALEXANDER AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M TR P COS P P S C, Salus seated left feeding serpent arising from altar.
Severus Alexander AE Sestertius, RIC 424, Cohen 262, BMC 250 - Severus Alexander Æ Sestertius. 224 AD. IMP CAES M AVR SEV ALEXANDER AVG, laureate draped bust right / P M TR P IIII COS P P SC, Mars advancing right with trophy & spear. Cohen 262.
Severus Alexander AE Sestertius, RIC 465, Cohen 320, BMC 425 - Severus Alexander Æ Sestertius. 228 AD. IMP CAES M AVR SEV ALEXANDER AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M TR P VI COS II P P S-C, Pax advancing left with olive branch & sceptre. Cohen 320.
Severus Alexander AE Sestertius, RIC 492, Cohen 372, BMC 570 - Severus Alexander AE Sestertius. IMP SEV ALEXANDER AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P VIII COS III P P S-C, Libertas standing left holding pilius & sceptre. Cohen 372cf.
Severus Alexander AE Sestertius, RIC 495, Cohen 377, BMC 575 - Severus Alexander Æ Sestertius. 230 AD. IMP SEV ALEXANDER AVG, laureate bust right, drapery on left shoulder / P M TR P VIII COS III P P, SC below, emperor in quadriga right holding eagle tipped sceptre. Cohen 377.
Severus Alexander AE Sestertius, RIC 503, Cohen 393, BMC 634 - Severus Alexander Æ Sestertius. 230 AD. IMP SEV ALEXANDER AVG, laureate head right, slight drapery on far shoulder / P M TR P VIIII COS III P P S-C, Sol, radiate, standing facing, head left, raising hand & holding globe. Cohen 393.
Severus Alexander AE Sestertius, RIC 520, Cohen 424v, BMC 766 - Severus Alexander AE Sesterius. IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, laureate bust right, xlight drapery on left shoulder / P M TR P X COS III P P S-C, Annona standing left, holding corn-ears and anchor, modius at feet. Cohen 424.
Severus Alexander AE Sestertius, RIC 528, Cohen 429, BMC 856 - Severus Alexander Æ Sestertius. 232 AD. IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M TR P XI COS III S-C, Sol, radiate, standing left, raising right hand & holding orb. Cohen 429.
Severus Alexander AE Sestertius, RIC 535, Cohen 442, BMC 932 - Severus Alexander Æ Sestertius. 233 AD. IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, laureate draped bust right /PM TR P XII COS III S-C, Sol standing left with raised hand & whip. Cohen 442.
Severus Alexander AE Sestertius, RIC 538, Cohen 449, BMC 953 - Severus Alexander Æ Sestertius. 234 AD. IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / PM TR P XIII COS III S-C / Sol walking left, raising right hand & holding whip, cloak trailing behind. Cohen 449.
Severus Alexander AE Sestertius, RIC 541, Cohen 457, BMC 964 - Severus Alexander Æ Sestertius. 235 AD. IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M TR P XIIII COS III PP S C, Sol standing left with whip.
Severus Alexander AE Sestertius, RIC 645, Cohen 509, BMC 815 - Severus Alexander Æ Sestertius. IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, laureate bust right with draped far shoulder / PROVIDENTIA AVG, Providentia standing left with grain ears over modius & anchor. Cohen 509.
Severus Alexander AE Sestertius, RIC 642, Cohen 503, BMC 882 - Severus Alexander Æ Sestertius. 232 AD. IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, laureate bust right with draped far shoulder / PROVIDENTIA AVG S C, Providentia standing front holding two grain ears over modius & cornucopiae. Cohen 503.
Severus Alexander AE Sestertius, RIC 602, Cohen 520, BMC 517 - Severus Alexander Æ Sestertius. 228 AD. IMP SEV ALEXANDER AVG, laureate head right, slight drapery on left shoulder / ROMAE AETERNAE S-C, Roma seated left on shield, holding Victory & sceptre. Cohen 520.
Severus Alexander AE Sestertius, RIC 616, Cohen 567, BMC 643 - Severus Alexander AE Sestertius. IMP SEV ALEXANDER AVG, laureate bust right with slight drapery on left shoulder / VICTORIA AVGVSTI S-C, Victory standing right inscribing VOT X on shield attached to palm tree. Cohen 642.
Severus Alexander AE Sestertius, RIC 618, Cohen 569, BMC 703 - Severus Alexander Æ Sestertius. 231 AD. IMP CAES M AVR SEV ALEXANDER AVG, laureate head right, slight drapery on far shoulder / VICTORIA AVGVSTI S-C, Victory standing left, holding wreath & palm. Cohen 569.
Severus Alexander AE Dupondius, RIC 636, Cohen 171, BMC 844,849 - Severus Alexander Æ Dupondius. 231-235 AD. IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, radiate head right / MARS VLTOR S-C, Mars walking right in armor, carrying spear & shield. Cohen 164 var
Severus Alexander AE Dupondius, RIC 497, Cohen 380v, BMC 580 - Severus Alexander AE Dupondius. IMP SEV ALEXANDER AVG, laureate bust right / P M TR P VIII COS III P P S-C, Severus Alexander in quadriga right holding eagle tipped sceptre.
Severus Alexander AE Dupondius, RIC 536, Cohen 444, BMC 938 - Severus Alexander Æ Dupondius. 233 AD. IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, radiate head right, slight drapery on left shoulder / P M TR P XII COS III P P, Sol advancing left, raising hand & holding whip. Cohen 444.
Severus Alexander AE Dupondius, RIC 601, Cohen 517, BMC 546 - Severus Alexander Æ Dupondius. 228 AD. IMP SEV ALEXANDER AVG, radiate head right / RESTITVTOR MON S-C, emperor standing left, in military dress, extending right hand & holding sceptre. Cohen 516.
Severus Alexander AE Dupondius, RIC 649, Cohen 551, BMC 909 - Severus Alexander AE Dupondius. 232 AD. IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, radiate head right / SPES PVBLICA S-C, Spes advancing left holding flower & raising hem of skirt. Cohen 551.
Severus Alexander Æ As, RIC 556, Cohen 62, BMC 683 - Severus Alexander AE As. IMP SEV ALEXANDER AVG, laureate bust right, draped far shoulder / FIDES MILITVM, SC below, Virtus standing right crowning the emperor who is holding a sceptre & sacrificing over a tripod, & facing Jupiter standing left holding thunderbolt & sceptre. Cohen 62.
Severus Alexander Æ As, RIC 466, Cohen 321, BMC 427 - Severus Alexander Æ As. 227 AD. IMP CAES M AVR SEV ALEXANDER AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M TR P VI COS II P P S-C, Pax advancing left, holding branch. Cohen 321.
Severus Alexander Æ As, RIC 498, Cohen 379, BMC 581 - Severus Alexander Æ As. 229 AD. IMP SEV ALEXANDER AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P VIII COS III P P, emperor in triumphal quadriga right, holding eagle tipped sceptre, S C in ex. Cohen 379.
Severus Alexander Æ As, RIC 508, Cohen 405, BMC 617 - Severus Alexander AE As. IMP SEV ALEXANDER AVG, laureate bust right, slight drapery on far shoulder / P M TR P VIIII COS III P P, Alexander, in military dress, standing left, stepping on helmet, holding globe and spear.
Severus Alexander Æ As, RIC 543, Cohen 455, BMC 966 - Severus Alexander AE As. 235 AD. IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / P M TR P XIIII COS III P P S-C, Sol advancing left with hand raised & holding whip. Cohen 455.
Severus Alexander Æ As, RIC 595, Cohen 490v, BMC 751 - Severus Alexander Æ As. IMP SEV ALEXANDER AVG, laureate head right with draped far shoulder / PROFECTIO AVGVSTI, emperor on horseback left with raised hand & spear, SC in ex.
Julia Mamaea Denarius, RIC 331, RSC 5, BMC 917 - Julia Mamaea Denarius. IVLIA MAMAEA AVG, diademed draped bust right / FECVND AVGVSTAE, Fecunditas standing left with cornucopiae & reaching out to boy standing right. RSC 5.
Julia Mamaea Denarius, RIC 355, RSC 72, BMC 152 - Julia Mamaea denarius. IVLIA MAMAEA AVG, Diademed, draped, bust right / VENVS GENETRIX, Venus standing left holding apple and sceptre, cupid at feet. RSC 72.
Julia Mamaea AE Sestertius, RIC 668, Cohen 8, BMC 920 - Julia Mamaea AE Sestertius. 232 AD. IVLIA MAMAEA AVGVSTA, diademed & draped bust right / FECVNDITAS AVGVSTAE S-C, Fecunditas standing left extending hand to a child left & holding a cornucopiae. Cohen 8.
Julia Mamaea Æ As, RIC 669, Cohen 9, BMC 924 - Julia Mamaea AE As. 232 AD. IVLIA MAMAEA AVGVSTA, diademed and draped bust right / FECVNDITAS AVGVSTAE Fecunditas standing left, child at her feet, S C at sides. Cohen 9.
Maximinus I Denarius, RIC 18A, RSC 9, BMC 137 - Maximinus I Denarius. MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / FIDES MILITVM, Fides standing facing, head left, military standard in each hand. RSC 9.
Maximinus I Denarius, RIC 1, RSC 46, BMC 9 - Maximinus I Denarius. Rome mint, April - Dec, 235 AD. IMP MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M TR P P P, Maximinus standing left between two standards, leaning on sceptre & raising right hand in salute. RSC 46.
Maximinus I Denarius, RIC 3, RSC 55, BMC 77 - Maximinus I Denarius. 236 AD. IMP MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / P M TR P II COS P P, Maximinus standing between two legionary standards. RSC 55.
Maximinus I Denarius, RIC 5, RSC 64, BMC 161 - Maximinus Denarius. MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M TR P III COS P P Emperor standing with spear between two standards. RSC 64.
Maximinus I Denarius, RIC 23, RSC 107, BMC 186 - Maximinus I Denarius. MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate bust right / VICTORIA GERM, Victory standing right with wreath & palm, captive at feet. RSC 107.
Maximinus I Thrax AE Sestertius, RIC 40, Cohen 71, BMC 221 - Maximinus Thrax Æ Sestertius. MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate bust right, seen from behind / PM TRP IIII COS PP SC, Maximinus standing left, right hand raised, holding spear in left; two standards behind to the left, one right. Cohen 71.
Maximinus I AE Dupondius, RIC 38, Cohen 69, BMC 166 - Maximinus I Æ Dupondius. 237 AD. IMP MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M TR P III COS P P S C, Maximinus standing between legionary standards. Cohen 69.
Diva Paulina AE Sestertius, RIC 3, Cohen 3, BMC 129 - Diva Paulina AE Sestertius. DIVA PAVLINA, vieled & draped bust right / CONSECRATIO S-C, Paulina, holding sceptre, being carried off on the back of a peacock. Cohen 3.
Maximus Denarius, RIC 3, RSC 10, BMC 211 - Maximus, Caesar, AR Denarius. MAXIMVS CAES GERM, bare-headed draped bust right, seen from behind / PRINC IVVENTVTIS, Maximus standing left with baton & two standards. RIC 3, RSC 10.
Gordian I Denarius, RIC 1, RSC 2, BMC 1 - Gordian I AR Denarius. IMP M ANT GORDIANVS AFR AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / P M TR P COS P P, Gordian, standing facing, head left, holding branch in right hand & a short sceptre in left. RSC 2.
Gordian I Denarius, RIC 4, RSC 8, BMC 8 - Gordian I Africanus Denarius. IMP M ANT GORDIANVS AFR AVG, laureate head right / ROMAE AETERNAE, Roma standing left on shield, holding sceptre & victory. RIC 4, RSC 8.
Gordian I Denarius, RIC 5, RSC 10, BMC 11 - Gordianus I Africanus AR Denarius. IMP C M ANT GORDIANVS AFR AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / SECVRITAS AVGG, Securitas seated to the left, holding sceptre.
Gordian I AE Sestertius, RIC 7, Cohen 3, BMC 4 - Gordian I Æ Sestertius. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AFR AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / P M T-R P COS P P S-C, Gordian standing left, holding branch in right hand & resting left on parazonium. Cohen 3.
Gordian I AE Sestertius, RIC 11, Cohen 11, BMC 12 - Gordian I Æ Sestertius. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AFR AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / SECVRITAS AVGG, S C in exergue, Securitas seated left, holding sceptre in right hand. Cohen 11.
Gordian I Billon Tetradrachm. Milne 3299, Dattari 4659, BMC 1828, Koln 2602 - Gordian I Potin Tetradrachm of Alexandria. A K M AN GORDIANOC CEM AFP EV CE, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / LA, Nike seated left, holding wreath and palm branch.
Gordian I Billon Tetradrachm. Milne 3302, Dattari 4665, BMC 1831, Koln 2598 - Gordian I Potin Tetradrachm of Alexandria. Laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / Eagle standing left, head turned, with wreath in beak, L A at sides. Dattari 4465; BMC 1831; Koln 1203/4.
Gordian II Denarius, RIC 1, RSC 5, BMC 19 - Gordian II Denarius. IMP M ANT GORDIANVS AFR AVG, laureate, draped, & cuirassed bust right / PROVIDENTIA AVGG, Providentia standing left with cornucopiae & wand over globe, leaning on column. RIC 1, RSC 5.
Gordian II Denarius, RIC 3, RSC 14, BMC 30 - Gordian II Denarius. IMP M ANT GORDIANVS AFR AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / VIRTVS AVGG, Virtus standing left, right hand on shield, leaning on spear. RSC 14.
Gordian II AE Sestertius, RIC 5, Cohen 9, BMC 23 - Gordian II Æ Sestertius. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AFR AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / ROMA AETERNAE, Roma seated left with Victory & sceptre, SC in ex. RIC 5, Cohen 9.
Gordian II AE Sestertius, RIC 8, Cohen 15, BMC 31 - Gordian II Æ Sestertius. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANS AFR AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / VIRTVS AVGG, S C across field, Virtus standing left, holding spear and resting against shield. Cohen 15.
Pupienus Denarius, RIC 6, RSC 26, BMC 52 - Pupienus Denarius. IMP C M CLOD PVPIENVS AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M T-R P COS II P P, Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus and sceptre. RSC 26.
Pupienus AE Sestertius, RIC 16, Cohen 28, BMC 55 - Pupienus Æ Sestertius. IMP CAES M CLOD PVPIENVS AVG, laureate cuirassed bust right / P M TR P COS II P P S-C, Felicitas standing left with caduceus & sceptre. RIC 16, Cohen 28.
Pupienus AE Sestertius, RIC 15, Cohen 30, BMC 51 - Pupienus AE Sestertius. IMP CAES M CLOD PVPIENVS AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M TR P COS II P P S-C, Pupienus (or Genius of the Senate) standing left, holding branch & sceptre. Cohen 30.
Gordian I Billon Tetradrachm. Milne -, Dattari 4678, BMC -, Koln - - Pupienus Billon Tetradrachm of Alexandria. A K M KAW POVPIHNOC EYC, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / laureate bust of Zeus right, slight drapery on left shoulder, LA before.
Gordian III, As Caesar, AR Denarius, RIC 1, BMC 62-3 - Gordian III, as Caesar, AR Denarius. April - June 238 AD. M ANT GORDIANVS CAES, draped bust right / PIETAS AVGG, five sacrificial implements: lituus, knife, jug, simpulum & sprinkler. BMC 62-3.
Gordian III, as Caesar, AE Sestertius, RIC 3, Cohen 183, BMC 64-66 - Gordian III as Caesar Æ Sestertius. M ANT GORDIANVS CAES, bare-headed draped bust right / PIETAS AVGG, S C in ex, jug between lituus, knife & patera on left, simpulum & sprinkler on right. RIC 3, Cohen 183.
Gordian III Aureus, RIC 97, Cohen 37 - Gordian III AV Aureus. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, laureate draped bust right / AETERNITATI AVG, Sol standing front, head left, with whip and globe. Cohen 37.
Gordian III Aureus, RIC 121, Cohen 68 - Gordian III AV Aureus. 241 AD. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / DIANA LVCIFERA, Diana standing right holding long torch with both hands. Cohen 39, Calicó 3191.
Gordian III Aureus, RIC 7, Cohen 85 - Gordian III AV Aureus. 238-239 AD. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / FIDES MILITVM, Fides standing left holding standard and baton. Cohen 85.
Gordian III Aureus, RIC 23, Cohen 195 - Gordian III AV Aureus. 239 AD. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M TR P II COS P P, Providentia standing left holding globe & transverse sceptre. Cohen 195.
Gordian III Aureus, RIC 24, Cohen 198 - Gordian III AV Aureus. Rome, 239 AD. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / P M TR P II COS P P, Victory advancing left, holding wreath & palm. Calicó 3214, Cohen 198cf.
Gordian III Aureus, RIC 74, Cohen 227 - Gordian III AV Aureus. 240-241 AD. IMP GORDIANVS PIUS FEL AVG, laureate draped bust right / P M TR P III COS P P, Gordian standing left, veiled, holding patera & sacrificing over altar to left.
Gordian III Aureus, RIC 80, Cohen 233 - Gordian III AV Aureus. 240 AD. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M TR P III COS P P, emperor riding horseback left, raising right hand & holding spear in left. Cohen 233, Calicó 3220.
Gordian III Aureus, RIC 105, Cohen 252 - Gordian III AV Aureus. AD 242. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M TR P IIII COS II P P, Gordian III standing right in military attire, holding transverse spear & globe. Cohen 252.
Gordian III Aureus, RIC 103, Cohen 260 - Gordian III AV Aureus. 242 AD. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / P M TR P V COS II P P, Apollo seated left, holding branch in extended right hand, left arm resting on back of throne. Calicó 3225, Cohen 260 var.
Gordian III Aureus, RIC 108, Cohen 401 - Gordian III AV Aureus. Rome, 241-243 AD. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / VIRTVTI AVGVSTI, Hercules, nude & laureate, standing right, resting hand on hip, the other holds his lion skin & club, propped on a rock. Calico 3242, Cohen 401.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 34, RSC 17 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. Jan - Mar 240 AD. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, radiate draped bust right / AEQVITAS AVG, Aequitas standing half-left, head left, with scales and cornucopia. RIC 34, Cohen 17.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 51, RSC 22 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. 240 AD. IMP CAES GORDIANVS PIVS AVG, radiate draped bust right / AEQVITAS AVG, Aequitas standing left with scales and cornucopia. RSC 22.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 63, RSC 25 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate draped bust right / AEQVITAS, Equity standing left holding scales & cornucopiae. RIC 63, RSC 25.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 83, RSC 41 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, Radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right / AETERNITATI AVG, Sol, radiate, standing left with globe. RSC 41.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 35, RSC 50 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG Radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right / CONCORDIA AVG, Concordia seated left with patera & cornucopia. RIC 35, RSC 50.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 140, RSC 71 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right / FELICIT TEMP, Felicitas standing left with caduceus & cornucopiae. RIC 140, RSC 71.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 142, RSC 81 - Gordian III AR antoninianus. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, draped radiate bust right / FELICITAS TEMPORVM, Felicatas standing left with cauduceus and cornucopia.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 1, RSC 86 - Gordian III, as Augustus, AR Antoninianus. 238-239 AD. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, radiate draped bust right / FIDES MILITVM, Fides standing with standard and sceptre. RIC 1, RSC 86.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 209, RSC 92 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate, draped bust right / FIDES MILITVM, Fides standing left with two standards. RSC 92.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 143, RSC 97 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate, draped bust right / FORT REDUX, Fortuna seated left with rudder & cornucopiae, wheel beneath. RSC 97.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 210, RSC 98a - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate draped bust right / FORTVNA REDUX, Fortuna seated left with prow and cornucopia. RSC 98a.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 84, RSC 109 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate draped bust right / IOVI STATORI, Jupiter standing right with sceptre & thunderbolt. RSC 109.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 85, RSC 115 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate, draped bust right / IOVIS STATOR, Jupiter standing front, head right, with sceptre & thunderbolt. RSC 115.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 86, RSC 121 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right / LAETITIA AVG N, Laetitia standing right with wreath & anchor. RSC 121.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 36, RSC 130 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, radiate draped bust right / LIBERALITAS AVG II, Liberalitas standing left with abacus & cornucopiae. RIC 36, RSC 130.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 53, RSC 133 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP CAES GORDIANVS PIVS AVG, radiate draped bust right / LIBERALITAS AVG II, Liberalitas standing left with abacus & cornucopiae.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 67, RSC 142 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right / LIBERALITAS AVG III, Liberalitas standing left with abacus & cornucopia. RSC 142.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 145, RSC 155 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, his radiate and cuirassed bust right / MARS PROPVG, Mars hastening right, holding shield & spear. RIC 145, RSC 155.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 212, RSC 162a - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. Antioch mint. MARTI PACIFERO Mars running left, holding branch, reversed spear and shield.
Gordian III, as Augustus, AR Antoninianus, RIC 3, RSC 173 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. June - Dec, 238 AD. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVGVSTI, Pax standing front, head left, holding olive branch & sceptre. RSC 173.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 214, RSC 179 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. Antioch Mint. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate draped bust right / PAX AVGVSTI, Pax advancing left with branch & sceptre. RSC 179.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 169, RSC 187 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. Antioch mint, 238-239 AD. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M TRIP CON P P, Gordian standing left, sacrificing over altar & holding sceptre. RSC 187.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 16, RSC 189 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. 239 AD. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, radiate, draped bust right / P M TR P II COS P P, Jupiter standing with sceptre & thunderbolt held over Gordian standing to left. RSC 189.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 15, RSC 205 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. Late 239 AD. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, radiate, draped bust right / P M TR P II COS P P, Fides standing front with standard & sceptre. RSC 205.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 17, RSC 203 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, radiate, draped bust right / P M TR P II COS P P, Pax standing front, head left, with branch & sceptre. RIC 17, RSC 203.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 18, RSC 196 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, radiate, draped bust right / P M TR P II COS P P, Providentia standing with globe & sceptre. RSC 196.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 19, RSC 199 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, radiate, draped bust right / P M TR P II COS P P, Victory advancing left with wreath & palm. RSC 199.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 20, RSC 194 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. 239 AD. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, radiate draped bust right / P M TRP II COS PP, Mars standing left leaning on shield and spear. RSC 194.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 37, RSC 210 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, radiate, draped bust right / P M TR P II COS P P, Gordian, togate, standing left with wand & sacrificing from patera over lit altar. RIC 37, RSC 210.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 34, RSC 212 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. Jan - Mar 240 AD. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, radiate draped bust right / AEQVITAS AVG, Aequitas standing half-left, head left, with scales and cornucopia. RIC 34, Cohen 17.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 173, RSC 220a - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. Antioch mint, 239 AD. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M TR P II COS, P P in ex, Gordian III driving quadriga right, holding eagle tipped sceptre.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 175, RSC 223a - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. Antioch, 239 AD. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M TR P II COS P P, Gordian, togate & bare-headed, holding roll in left hand, seated left on curule chair, his feet on a footstool, receiving with right hand a branch from Pax standing right before him, & crowned by Victory standing left behind him, who also carries a palm over her left shoulder. RSC 223.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 69, RSC 226 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. Rome, AD 240 (8th Issue, 6th Officina). IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, Radiate bust right, draped & cuirassed / P M TR P III COS P P, Gordian standing left, holding a patera over an altar with right hand. Left hand holds a baton.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 87, RSC 237 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate draped bust right / P M TRP V COS II P P, Apollo seated left, resting arm on lyre. RSC 237.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 91, RSC 242 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right / PM TR P III COS II PP, Gordian in military dress, standing right with spear & globe. RSC 242.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 88, RSC 250 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / P M TR P IIII COS II P P, Apollo seated left with branch & lyre. RSC 250.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 92, RSC 253 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right / PM TR P IIII COS II P P, Gordian in military dress, standing right with spear & globe. RSC 253.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 89, RSC 261 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M TR P V COS II P P, Apollo, bare to waist, seated left with branch, resting elbow on lyre. RSC 261.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 93, RSC 266 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M TR P V COS II P P, Gordian standing right with globe & spear. RSC 266.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 090, RSC 272 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right / PM TR P VI COS II P P, Apollo seated left with branch and arm resting on lyre. RSC 272.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 94, RSC 276 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right / PM TR P VI COS II PP, Gordian standing right with globe & spear. RSC 276.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 167A, RSC 280 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. Rome mint, 244 AD. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right / P M TR P VII COS II P P, Mars advancing right, holding spear & shield. RSC 280.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 148, RSC 296 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate draped & cuirassed bust right / PROVID AVG, Providence standing left with sceptre, pointing wand at globe at feet. RIC 148, RSC 296.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 4, RSC 302 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, radiate draped bust right / PROVIDENTIA AVG, Providentia standing left with sceptre & globe. RIC 4, RSC 302.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 199a, RSC 308 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. Antioch mint, 239 AD. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right / PROVIDENTIA AVG, Annona/Providentia standing left holding corn ears, over a modius at foot left, & rudder. Bland 54, RSC 308.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 70, RSC 314 - Gordian III AR antoninianus. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate draped bust right / ROMAE AETERNAE, Roma seated left on cuirass, with Victory & sceptre. RSC 314.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 151, RSC 327 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate draped bust right / SECVRIT PERP, Securitas standing left with sceptre, leaning on column. RIC 151, RSC 327.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 153, RSC 336 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate draped bust right / SECVRITAS PERPETVA, Securitas standing left with sceptre, leaning on column.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 154, RSC 348 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate draped bust right / VICTOR AETER, Victory standing left with palm, resting shield on captive at foot. RSC 348.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 155, RSC 349 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. Rome mint, Jan-Feb, 244 AD. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right / VICTORIA AETER, Victory standing left, holding palm & resting right hand of shield set atop a captive. RSC 349.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 5, RSC 357 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right / VICTORIA AVG, Victory advancing left with wreath & palm. RIC 5, RSC 357.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 217, RSC 362 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. Antioch mint. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate draped bust right / VICTORIA AVG, Victory advancing right with wreath and palm branch. RSC 362, Bland 76.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 203, RSC 366 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. Antioch mint. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, radiate draped & cuirassed bust right / VICTORIA AVG, emperor advancing left on horseback with raised hand.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 219, RSC 380 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. Antioch mint, 242-244 AD. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate cuirassed bust right / VICTORIA GORDIANI AVG, Victory advancing right bearing pal & wreath. Bland 84, RSC 380.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 6, RSC 381 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. 238-239 AD. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right / VIRTVS AVG, Virtus standing facing in military dress, head left, with shield & spear. RIC 6, RSC 381.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 71, RSC 388 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate draped bust right / VIRTVS AVG, Virtus, helmeted, in military dress, standing left holding branch.
Gordian III AR Antoninianus, RIC 95, RSC 404 - Gordian III AR Antoninianus. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate draped bust right / VIRTVTI AVGVSTI, Hercules standing right leaning on club set on rock. RSC 404.
Gordian III Denarius, RIC 111, RSC 39 - Gordian III Denarius. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, laureate bust right / AETERNITATI AVG, Sol standing right, head left, with upraised hand and holding a globe. RSC 39.