Browsing Roman Imperial Coins of Carausius

[RIC 302]<br>M. Aurelius Mausaeus Carausius, Rebel Emperor of Britain and Gaul, 287-293 AD.
[RIC 302]
M. Aurelius Mausaeus Carausius, Rebel Emperor of Britain and Gaul, 287-293 AD.
Browse the Carausius page with thumbnail images.
(There is a list of vars not in RIC in a special section at the bottom of this page)
RIC 1[mdc]Carausius, Diocletian and Maximianus AE Antoninianus. Struck circa 292-293 AD, Camulodunum mint. CARAVSIVS ET FRATRES SVI, jugate, radiate and cuirassed busts of Maximianus, Diocletian and Carausius left / PAX A-VGGG, Pax standing left, holding olive-branch and vertical sceptre; S-P across fields. Mintmark C. RIC 1 [Maximianus, Diocletian and Carausius]; Sear 13770. TextImage
RIC 2 varCarausius, Diocletian and Maximianus AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint, ca 292 AD. CARAVSIVS ET FRATRES SVI, jugate radiate and cuirassed busts of Maximianus, Diocletian, and Carausius left / VICTORI AVGGG, Victory walking right, holding long palm branch and wreath. Mintmark SPC. Shiel 16 var (rev. legend and field- and mintmark configuration). TextImage
RIC 4 FAKECarausius, FAKE AV aureus. London mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding olive-branch and transverse sceptre. Mintmark MVLT X. FAKE, deliberately "worn" version of RIC 4.TextImage
RIC 5Carausius, AV aureus. London mint, 286-287, 4.20 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / PAX CARAVSI AVG, Pax standing left, holding olive-branch and vertical sceptre. RIC 5; Depeyrot 2/5; Shiel 4; Calicó 4782.TextImage
RIC 16 varCarausius AE Antoninianus, London mint, AD 289-290. 4.40 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped bust right. / COMES AVG, Victory standing left, holding wreath and palm branch. F-O across fields. Mintmark ML. RIC V-2, London 16 var (obv legend and bust type).TextImage
RIC 25Carausius AE Antoninianus, 3.45 gr, 22.73 mm. London. 287-293 AD. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / CONCORD MILIT, clasped hands. RIC V-2, London 25; Sear 13565 var.TextImage
RIC 30Carausius, silvered Antoninianus, 3.59 gr, 22.15 mm. London. 287-293 AD. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / FELICIT TEMP, Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus and sceptre. F-B across fields. Mintmark MLXXI. RIC V-2, London 30; Sear -.TextImage
RIC 31cfCarausius AE Antoninianus. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust right / FELICITAS SEC (sic), Felicitas standing left, holding long caduceus and cornucopiae; B-E across fields, mintmark MLXXI. TextImage
RIC 33Carausius AE Antoninianus. London mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / FIDES MILITVM, Fides standing left, holding two standards. Mintmark ML. RIC V-2, London 33; Webb 36; Sear -. TextImage
RIC 41Carausius AE Antoninianus. 2.22 gr, 21.08 mm. London. 287-293 AD. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped bust right / HILARITAS AVG, Hilaritas standing left, holding long branch and cornucopiae, S-P across fields, mintmark ML. RIC V-2, London 41; Sear 13596 var.TextImage
RIC 44Carausius AE Antoninianus. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate and draped bust right / IOVI AVG, Jupiter standing left, holding thunderbolt and vertical sceptre. S-P across fields. Mintmark ML. RIC V-2, London 44; Webb 50; Sear -. TextImage
RIC 50Carausius, AE antoninianus. London mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / LAETITIA AVG, Laetitia standing left, holding wreath and resting left hand on staff. F-O across fields. Mintmark ML. RIC V-2, London 50; Sear -.TextImage
RIC 58Carausius, AE antoninianus, London mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / LEG II AVG, capricorn leaping left. Mintmark ML. RIC V-2, London 58; Sear 13608; Ashmolean HCR24183.TextImage
RIC 69Carausius, AE antoninianus. London mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped bust right / LEG IIII FL, lion walking right, normal mane. Mintmark ML. RIC V-2, London 69; Sear 13611.TextImage
RIC 69 (2)Carausius AE Antoninianus. ca 288-290 AD, London mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / LEG IIII FL, lion walking right with long, straight mane; mintmark ML. RIC V-2, London 69; Sear 13611.TextImage
RIC 75Carausius AE Antoninianus. London mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate and draped bust right / LEG VII CL AVG, bull standing right. RIC V-2, London 75; Sear 13614. TextImage
RIC 84vCarausius AE Antoninianus. London mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate cuirassed bust right / LEG XXX [VLPIA], Neptune standing left, holding dolphin and trident. Mintmark ML. Cohen 149v; Sear 13619. TextImage
RIC 98, B-FCarausius AE Antoninianus. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and sceptre. B-F across fields. Mintmark MLXXI. RIC V-2, London 98; Sear -. TextImage
RIC 98, F-OCarausius AE Antoninianus. London. 22.06 mm. London. 287-293 AD. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and sceptre. F-O across fields. Mintmark ML. RIC V-2, London 98; Sear -.TextImage
RIC 98, LCarausius AE Antoninianus. London. 22.06 mm. London. 287-293 AD. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and sceptre. L in left field. Mintmark ML. RIC V-2, London 98; Sear -.TextImage
RIC 98, S-CCarausius AE Antoninianus. London. London. 287-293 AD. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and sceptre. S-C across fields. Mintmark ML. RIC V-2, London 98; Sear -..TextImage
RIC 98, S-C var
Rad. imp. mantle
Carausius, AE antoninianus, London mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate bust right, wearing imperial mantle / Rev: PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and vertical sceptre. S-C across fields, mintmark ML. RIC V-2, London 98 var (bust type); PAS HAMP-DE5FF3.TextImage
RIC 98, S-PCarausius AE Antoninianus. London. 22.06 mm. London. 287-293 AD. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and sceptre. S-P across fields. Mintmark ML. RIC V-2, London 98; Sear -.TextImage
RIC 98 varCarausius AE Antoninianus. London mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding olive-branch and transverse sceptre, S-P across fields, mintmark MLXXI. RIC 98 var (mintmark for this bust type); Sear -.TextImage
RIC 101, B-ECarausius, AE antoninianus. London mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and vertical sceptre. B-E across fields. Mintmark MLXXI. RIC V-2, London 101; Sear 13639.TextImage
RIC 101, ECarausius Antoninianus 2.92 gr, 22.47 mm. London. 287-293 AD. IMP CARAVSIVS AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and vertical sceptre. E in left field, mintmark MLX. RIC V-2, London 101 var (fieldmark usually B-E); Sear 13639A var (ditto); unpublished var.TextImage
RIC 101, E-OCarausius, AE antoninianus. London mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and vertical sceptre. E-O across fields. Mintmark ML. RIC V-2, London 101; Sear -.TextImage
RIC 101 var, F
IARCW 921.52
Carausius, AE antoninianus. London mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and vertical sceptre. F in left field, no letter in right field. Mintmark ML. Little Orme hoard (1907): IARCW 921/52 (RIC 101 var: no letter in right field).TextImage
RIC 101
Carausius, Antoninianus, 289-290 AD, London. 25mm. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and vertical sceptre. F-O across fields, mintmark ML. RIC V-II, 101; Sear 13639A.TextImage
RIC 101, F-OFCarausius, AE antoninianus. London mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and vertical sceptre. F-O over F across fields. Mintmark ML. RIC V-2, London 101 (right fieldmark overstruck).TextImage
RIC 101, LCarausius, AE antoninianus. London mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and vertical sceptre. L in left field. Mintmark ML. RIC V-2, London 101.TextImage
RIC 101vCarausius AE Antoninianus. London mint, 289-290 AD. IMP CARASIVS (sic) PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG F-O, Pax standing left, holding branch and sceptre. Mintmark ML. TextImage
RIC 118Carausius Silvered AE Antoninianus. London mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and transverse sceptre; various field and mintmarks. TextImage
RIC 119 var
Bicester 1
Carausius, AE antoninianus, London mint. IMP CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and transverse sceptre. No field- or mintmarks. Bicester hoard 1 (this coin); RIC V-2, London 119 var (obv. legend, no mint- or fieldmarks, transverse sceptre).TextImage
RIC 121, B-ECarausius AE Antoninianus. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate draped bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and transverse spear. B-E across fields, Mintmark MLXXI. TextImage
RIC 121, LCarausius, AE antoninianus. London. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and transverse sceptre. L in left field. Mintmark ML. RIC V-2, London 121; Sear -.TextImage
RIC 121, S-PCarausius AE Antoninianus, London 287-293 AD. 4.69 gr, 25.67 mm. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and transverse sceptre, S-P across fields. Mintmark MLXXI. RIC V-2, London 121.TextImage
RIC 121v, F-OCarausius AE Antoninianus. London mint, 289-290 AD. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and transverse sceptre, F-O across fields, mintmark ML. Unlisted with F-O. TextImage
RIC 122, MLCarausius, AE antoninianus. 287-293 AD. London mint. 19.67mm, 4.87 g. IMP CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and transverse sceptre. Mintmark ML. RIC V-2, London 122; Normanby hoard 1564; Sear -.TextImage
RIC 134Carausius, AE antoninianus, London. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Soldier, semi-naked, chlamys hanging from his right shoulder, standing right, holding spear, point downwards and round shield before his chest. S-P across fields. Mintmark ML. RIC V-2, London 134; Webb 158; Cohen 236.TextImage
RIC 137Carausius AE Antoninianus. London mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Victory standing left, holding wreath and palm; F-S in fields. TextImage
RIC 141, rad.dr,cuirCarausius AE Antoninianus. London mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVGGG, Pax standing left, holding olive-branch and vertical sceptre; S-P across fields, mintmark MLXXI. TextImage
RIC 141, rad,cuirCarausius AE Antoninianus. London, AD 292. 23mm, 4.64g. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right / PAX AVGGG, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and vertical sceptre. S-P across fields. Mintmark MLXXI. RIC V-2, London 141.TextImage
RIC 143Carausius AE Antoninianus, London, 3.50 gr, 22.72 mm. 287-293 AD. Struck in the name of the Three Emperors (AVGGG). IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVGGG, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and transverse sceptre. S-P across fields. Mintmark MLXXI. RIC V-2, 143; Sear -.TextImage
RIC 144 varCarausius. AE antoninianus, London mint. ca AD 292. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right, holding spear over right shoulder and shield on left arm / PAX AVGGG, Pax standing left, holding branch and transverse sceptre. S-P across fields, mintmark MLXXI. RIC 144 var (bust type); Webb -; Cohen -; Pflaum -; Quelen -.TextImage
RIC 145Carausius, AE antoninianus, London mint. Three emperors issue. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped bust right / PAX AVGGG, Pax standing left, holding Victory on globe and transverse sceptre. S-P across fields. Mintmark MLXXI. RIC V-2, London 145; Sear 13667.TextImage
Little Orme 53Carausius, Antoninianus. 287-293 AD. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and sceptre; G in left field, O in right field. Mintmark ML. (Not in RIC).TextImage
RIC 149vCarausius AE Antoninianus. London mint, 290-292 AD. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate cuirassed bust right / PROVIDENT AVG, Providentia standing left, holding globe and sceptre. B-E across fields, mintmark MLXXI. TextImage
RIC 153vCarausius AE Antoninianus. London mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / SAECVLI FELICIT, Carausius standing right, holding transverse spear and globe. TextImage
RIC 155Carausius AE Antoninianus. London mint, 290-291 AD. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped bust right / SALVS AVG, Salus standing left, holding sceptre and feeding from patera serpent arising from altar; B-E across fields, mintmark MLXXI. RIC 155; Sear -.TextImage
RIC 155, B-E, varCarausius, AE antoninianus. London. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right / SALVS AVG, Salus standing left by altar, feeding serpent rising from altar, and holding sceptre. B-E across fields. Mintmark MLXXI. RIC V-2, London 155 var (bust type).TextImage
RIC 159Carausius, AE antoninianus, London. 1.66 gr, 18.95 mm. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / SALVS AVG, Salus standing left by altar, holding patera, feeding serpent rising from the altar, and holding cornucopiae. Mintmark: MI. RIC V-2, London 159.TextImage
RIC 161vCarausius Billon antoninianus. London mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right, seen from front / SALVS AVG, Salus standing right, feeding serpent in arms, S-P across fields. Mintmark ML. TextImage
RIC 165Carausius AE Antoninianus 3.59 gr, 24.66 mm. London. 287-293 AD. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate and draped bust right / SALVS PVBLICA, Salus standing right, feeding serpent in arms. B-E across fields. Mintmark MLXX or MLXXI. RIC V-2, London 165; Sear -.TextImage
RIC 175 varCarausius, AE Antoninianus, London mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right / VICTORIA AVG, Victory walking left, holding wreath and palm. S-P across fields. Mintmark ML. RIC V-2, London 175 var (rev walking left for this obv. legend), unpublished var.TextImage
RIC 189 var
Vogelaar 1143
Carausius, AE antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PIVS IN AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ABVNDAN AVGGG, Abundantia standing left, emptying cornucopiae into modius. S-P across fields. Mintmark C. RIC V-2 189 var (legends); Vogelaar 1143; Bourne 52.TextImage
RIC 191 varCarausius, AE Antoninianus. AD 287-293. Camulodunum mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped bust right / ADVENTVS AVG, Emperor riding left, holding transverse sceptre, right hand raised, captive beneath the horse's front hooves. Mintmark CXXI. Unpublished with this mintmark. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 191 var (mintmark). Not in RIC; Webb; Sear; Cohen; Stukely; Burton Latimer; Little Orme; Normanby hoard etc. Timeline Auction int. no. 47877.TextImage
RIC 191 var (2)Carausius, AE Antoninianus. AD 287-293. Camulodunum mint. 22mm. IMP C CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped bust right / ADVENTVS AVG, Emperor riding left, holding transverse sceptre, right hand raised, captive beneath the horse's front hooves. Mintmark SCC (=comprised of SC and city mintmark C). RIC V-2, Camulodunum 191 var (legends and mintmark).TextImage
RIC 192 varCarausius, AE antoninianus, London mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped bust right / PAX AVG, Providentia standing left, holding baton and cornucopiae. Mintmark ML. RIC 192 var (mintmark). Unpublished ?TextImage
RIC 207Carausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / CONCOR MIL, clasped hands. Mintmark C.TextImage
RIC 207vCarausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP CARAVSIVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / CONCOR MIL, clasped hands. Mintmark C.TextImage
RIC 210 varCarausius, AE antoninianus. Camulodunum. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / CONCOR MIL, clasped hands. Mintmark C. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 210 var (obv legend).TextImage
RIC 235 varCarausius, AE antoninianus. Camulodunum. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / FORTVNA AVG, Fortuna standing left, holding simple rudder and cornucopiae. S-C across fields. Mintmark C. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 235 var (field marks).TextImage
RIC 243 varCarausius, AE antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. AD 287-293. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped bust right. / HILARITAS AVG, Hilaritas standing left, holding long, upright palm branch and cornucopiae. Mintmark C. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 243 var (obv legend). Unpublished obv legend for this C-mint reverse.TextImage
RIC 250Carausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / LAETI-TIA AVG, Laetitia standing front with wreath and baton. Mintmark C.TextImage
RIC 251Carausius, AE antoninianus. 287-293 AD. Camulodunum mint. 21.91mm, 4.46 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AV, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / LAETIT AVG legend with Laetitia standing left, holding wreath and anchor. Mintmark C. RIC V-2 Camulodunum 251; Sear -.TextImage
RIC 255Carausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / LAETITIA AVG S-C, Laetitia standing left, holding wreath and anchor. Mintmark C.TextImage
RIC 258Carausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodounum, 286-287 AD. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / LAETITIA AVG, Laetitia standing left, holding wreath and anchor. Mintmark C.TextImage
RIC 260Carausius AE Antoninianus. 25.38mm. Camulodunum mint. 286-287 AD. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AV, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / LAETITIA AVG, Laetitia standing left, holding wreath and anchor. Mintmark C. RIC V-2, 260 var (this obverse legend with this reverse legend).TextImage
RIC 264 varCarausius, AE antoninianus, Camulodunum? mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / LAETITIA AVG, Galley right with mast and rowers on waves. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 264 var (obv legend and no mintmark).TextImage
RIC 274vCarausius AE Antoninianus. Struck circa 288-290 AD, Camulodunum mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate and draped bust right / LEG VII CL AVG, bull walking right; CXXI. TextImage
RIC 281cfCarausius Silvered AE Antoninianus. London mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / MARTI PACIF, Mars standing left, holding olive branch, spear and shield, S-P across fields; mintmark C. TextImage
RIC 281vCarausius. Antoninianus, Camulodunum mint. IMP C M AVR M CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / MARTI PACIFERO, Mars advancng left, holding branch, spear and shield. S-P across fields. Mintmark C. RIC 281 var (obv. legend and field mark).TextImage
RIC 284Carausius, AE antoninianus. Camulodunum. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / MONETA AVG, Moneta standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. S-C across fields. Mintmark C. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 284.TextImage
RIC 285 varCarausius, AE antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. 23 mm, 4.4 g. IMP C CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust left. / MONETA AVG, Moneta standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. S-C (struck over S-P) across fields, trace of mintmark C. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 285. (Morton & Eden 83-84, 617).TextImage
RIC 286Carausius, AE antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. AD 286-293. 23 mm, 3.14 g. IMP C CARAVSIVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / MONETA AVG, Moneta standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. S-P across fields, mintmark C. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 286.TextImage
RIC 287Carausius, AE Antoninianus, Camulodunum. AD 286-293. 22mm, 5.50 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / MONETA AVG, Moneta standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. Mintmark C. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 287; Sear -.TextImage
RIC 288Carausius, AE antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. AD 286-293. 23 mm, 4.28 g. IMP CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped bust right. / MONETA AVG, Moneta standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. No fieldmarks, mintmark C. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 288.TextImage
RIC 293Carausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodounum. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ORIENS AVG, Sol walking left, raising hand, holding whip. S-P across fields. Mintmark C.TextImage
RIC 299vCarausius Antoninianus. Camulodunum. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / ORIENS AVG, Sol walking left, holding whip, right hand raised, seated captive on either side. S-C across fields. Mintmark C. RIC 299 var (field marks).TextImage
RIC 300, CCarausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and vertical sceptre. S-P across fields. Mintmark C.TextImage
RIC 300
Carausius, AE antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and vertical sceptre. S-P across fields. Mintmark MLXXI. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 300.TextImage
RIC 301, S-PCarausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodounum. IMP C CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and vertical sceptre. S-P across fields. Mintmark C. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 301.TextImage
RIC 301 varCarausius, AE antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax walking left, holding olive branch and vertical sceptre. No fieldmarks. Mintmark MC. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 301 var (obv legend and Pax walking).TextImage
RIC 302Carausius Billon Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint, ca. AD 290-293. IMP C CARAVSIVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG S-P, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and sceptre. Mintmark C. TextImage
RIC 303, CCarausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodounum. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and vertical sceptre. No field marks. Mintmark C. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 303.TextImage
RIC 303, CXXICarausius AE Antoninianus. AE 4.33 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and vertical sceptre. Mintmark CXXI. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 303; Cohen 193 var.TextImage
RIC 303, XXICCarausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodounum. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and vertical sceptre. No field marks. Mintmark XXIC. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 303.TextImage
RIC 303 varCarausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodounum. AE 22.7 mm, 2.91 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax walking left, holding branch and vertical sceptre. Mintmark MCXXI. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 303 var (Pax walking, not standing).TextImage
RIC 304Carausius. AE antoninianus. AD 290-291. Camulodunum mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, conjoined, radiate and cuirassed busts of Carausius and Sol left / PAX AVG, Pax walking left, holding olive branch and vertical sceptre. Mintmark CXXI. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 304; Webb 380; Sear 13642; Hunter 109.TextImage
RIC 319Carausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodounum. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and transverse sceptre. S-P across fields. Mintmark C. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 319.TextImage
RIC 320vCarausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and sceptre, S-C across fields. Mintmark C. TextImage
RIC 321Carausius Silvered AE Antoninianus. Camulodounum. IMP C CARAVSIVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and sceptre, S-P across fields. Mintmark C. TextImage
RIC 334Carausius Billon Antoninianus. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Carausius to right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and sceptre, S-P across fields. Mintmark C.TextImage
RIC 336vCarausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS AVG. radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVGGG, Pax standing left, holding olive-branch and transverse sceptre; S-P across fields; mintmark C. RIC 336 var (fieldmarks and sceptre angle). TextImage
RIC 336 var (2)Carausius, AE antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. AD 286-293. IMP C CARAVSIVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / PAX AVGGG, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and vertical sceptre. S-P across fields. Mintmark MC. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 336 var (mintmark); Bourne 164; Rogiet hoard 997; PAS 2005T434; BM 2007,4056.171 (this coin, Elveden hoard).TextImage
RIC 336 var (3)Carausius, AE antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. AD 286-293. IMP C CARAVSIVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / PAX AVGGG, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and transverse sceptre. S-P across fields. Mintmark MC. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 336 var (mintmark and sceptre angle).TextImage
RIC 338 var
Bourne 75
Carausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodounum. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF I AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / PAX AVGGG, Pax standing left, holding branch and vertical sceptre. S-P across fields. Mintmark C. Bourne 75; Carson 12; RIC V-2, Camulodunum 338 var (obv legend).TextImage
RIC 345Carausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / PROVID AVG, Providentia standing left, holding baton and cornucopiae, globe at foot. S-C across fields. Mintmark C. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 345.TextImage
RIC 346Carausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum. IMP C CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / PROVID AVG, Providentia standing left, holding baton and cornucopiae, globe at foot. S-C across fields. Mintmark C. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 346.TextImage
RIC 350Carausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum. IMP CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / PROVID AVG, Providentia standing left, holding baton and cornucopiae, globe at foot. Mintmark C. No fieldmarks. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 350.TextImage
RIC 353Carausius AE Antoninanus. Camulodunum mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / PROVID AVG, Providentia standing left with globe and cornucopiae; S-P across fields, mintmark C. TextImage
RIC 353 var
CNG 35431
Carausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint, ca AD 286-289. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PROVIDENT AVG, Providentia standing left, holding baton and cornucopiae, globe at foot. Mintmark C. TextImage
RIC 354Carausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / PROVID AVG S-P, Providentia standing left, globe in right hand, cornucopiae in left. Mintmark C. TextImage
RIC 361Carausius, AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF INV AVG, radiate, draped bust right / PROVID AVGG, Providentia standing left, holding sceptre and cornucopiae; globe (offset) at foot. S-P across fields. Mintmark C. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 361.TextImage
RIC 368Carausius. AE Antoninanus. IMP C CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / PROVID AVGGG, Providentia standing left, holding globe and cornucopiae. S-P across fields. Mintmark C. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 368; Sear -. TextImage
RIC 370 var (1)
Bourne 129
Carausius, AE antoninianus, Camulodunum mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF I AVG, radiate, draped bust right / PROVID AVGGG, Providentia standing left, holding globe and transverse sceptre. S-P across fields. Mintmark C. Bourne 129; RIC V-2, Camulodunum 370 var (sceptre); Sear -.TextImage
RIC 370 var (2)
TLA 78754
Carausius AE antoninianus. AD 287-293. Camulodunum mint. 21.24mm, 3.94 g. IMP C CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PROVID AVGGG, Providentia standing left, holding globe and cornucopiae. S-P across fields, mintmark MC. PAS no. FASAM-3A4BFB. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 370 var (obv legend, mintmark); Sear 13686 var (ditto); Bourne 166 var (attributes on reverse). Not in RIC, Bourne, Webb or major hoard catalogs. Timeline Auctions, int. no. 78754.TextImage
RIC 371Carausius Billon Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. 290-293 AD. IMP C CARAVSIVS P AVG, Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PROVI-D AVGGG, Providentia standing left, holding globe and transverse sceptre, S-P across fields. Mintmark C. TextImage
RIC 371 var
Bourne 166
Carausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum. AD 287-293. IMP C CARAVSIVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PROVID AVGGG, Providentia standing left, holding globe and transverse sceptre, S-P across fields, mintmark MC. Bourne 166; RIC V-2, Camulodunum 371 var (mint mark); Sear -.TextImage
RIC 377vCarausius. AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / PROVIDEN AVG, Providentia standing left, holding baton and cornucopiae, globe at foot. Mintmark C. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 377 var (obv legend).TextImage
RIC 390 varCarausius, AE antoninianus, Camulodunum mint. IMP CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped bust right. / ROMAE AETERN, Emperor standing right, holding spear, receiving Victory from Roma, seated left. Mintmark (CXX)I. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 390 var (rev legend).TextImage
RIC 398 varCarausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodounum. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, Radiate, helmeted, cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield / SALVS AVG, Salus standing left by altar, holding sceptre, feeding serpent rising from altar. Mintmark C. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 398 var (bust type).TextImage
RIC 400Carausius, AE 24 mm. antoninianus or double denarius, Camulodunum. AD 286-293. 4.15 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust facing / SALVS AVG, Salus standing left by altar, holding sceptre, feeding serpent rising from the altar. Mintmark C. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 400; Cohen 311; Webb 452; Sear 13710.TextImage
RIC 401Carausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum, 287-293 AD. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / SALVS AVG, Salus, seated left by altar, holding sceptre, feeding serpent rising from altar. Mintmark CXXI or ΓXXI.TextImage
RIC 402 varCarausius, AE 19.2 mm, Camulodunum mint. AD 286-293. 2.96 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / SALVS AVG, Salus standing right, feeding serpent in arms. No fieldmarks or mintmark. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 402 var (no field marks or mintmark).TextImage
RIC 404 var
Bourne 159
Carausius, AE antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped bust right / SALVS AVGGG, Salus seated left by altar, holding patera and sceptre, feeding serpent rising from the altar. Mintmark SPC. RIC V-2 Camulodunum 404 var (obv legend); CNG 215, 482; Bourne 159.TextImage
RIC 418 varCarausius, AE antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP CARAVSIVS AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / TENP FELICIT (sic), Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus and cornucopiae. Mintmark C. RIC V-2, 418 var (rev legend TENP and rev. attributes).TextImage
RIC 419Carausius, Bi. antoninianus, Camulodunum mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / TEMPORVM FEL, Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus and cornucopiae. Mintmark C. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 419.TextImage
RIC 421Carausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / TEMPORVM FELIC, Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus and cornucopiae, S-P across fields. Mintmark C. TextImage
RIC 427 varCarausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / VICTORIA AVG, Victory walking left, holding wreath and palm. Mintmark SMC. RIC 427 var (obv. legend). TextImage
RIC 429 varCarausius, AE Antoninianus, Camulodunum mint. AD 287-293. IMP C M CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / VICTORIA AV, Victory walking left, holding wreath and palm, a bound captive at her feet. C in left field. RIC 429 var. (obv. legend).TextImage
RIC 429 var (2)Carausius, AE Antoninianus, Camulodunum mint. AD 287-293. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / VICTORIA AVG, Victory walking left, holding wreath and palm, a bound captive at her feet. No mintmark. RIC 429 var. (mintmark "C" missing).TextImage
RIC 434 varCarausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint, ca 288 AD. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AV, radiate and draped bust right / VIRTVS AVG, Carausius walking right, holding spear and shield and trampling foe. Mintmark C. TextImage
RIC 435 ADD Carausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / VIRTVS AVG S-C, Virtus standing left, holding reversed spear and shield. Mintmark C. TextImage
RIC 437Carausius, Bi. antoninianus, Camulodunum mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped bust right / VIRTVS AVG, Virtus or Mars, naked but for chlamys over chest and shoulders, standing right, holding spear, resting left hand on shield. Mintmark CXXI. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 437; Evans 25.TextImage
RIC 456Carausius AE Antoninianus. Camolodunum mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / LAETITIA AVG S-C, Laetitia standing left, holding wreath and anchor. TextImage
RIC 460 varCarausius AE antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. AD 286-293. 23 mm, 3.79 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF I AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / LAETIT AVG, Laetitia standing left, holding wreath and anchor. S-C across fields. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 460 var (obv legend, listed with "IN"). MZ 194, 903.TextImage
RIC 470Carausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / MONETA AVG, Moneta standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. S-C across fields. No mintmark. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 470; Gnecchi 40 in RIN 1903. TextImage
RIC 471Carausius, Bi. antoninianus, Camulodunum mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / MONETA AVG, Moneta standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. S-C across fields. No mintmark. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 471.TextImage
RIC 475, S-CCarausius, AE antoninianus. 291 AD, Camulodunum. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and vertical sceptre. S-C across fields, no mintmark. RIC VI 475.TextImage
RIC 475, S-PCarausius AE Antoninanus. Camolodunum mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / PA-X AVG, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and vertical sceptre; S P across field. No mintmark. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 475; Sear 13646. TextImage
RIC 476Carausius Billon Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint, 290-293 AD. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and transverse sceptre, S-P across fields. TextImage
RIC 476-482 varCarausius Billon aurelianianus, Camulodunum mint. AD 287-293). 4.29 g. IMP C CARAVSIVS P AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and transverse sceptre. S-P across fields. Overstruck on a Providentia (RIC 499) type. RIC 476/482 var (476: vertical sceptre; 482 (transverse sceptre but rev with S-C).TextImage
RIC 478Carausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and vertical sceptre. S-P across fields. No mintmark. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 478.TextImage
RIC 481Carausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP C M CARAVSIVS PF AVG. radiate bust right, draped and cuirassed / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and sceptre; S-C across fields. TextImage
RIC 482Carausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP CARAVSIVS P FI AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and sceptre; S-P across fields. TextImage
RIC 484, SCCarausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint, 291 AD. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and transverse sceptre. S-C across fields. TextImage
RIC 484, SPCarausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint, 291 AD. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and transverse sceptre. S-P across fields. TextImage
RIC 487Carausius AE Antoninianus, 3.61 gr, 23.57 mm. Camulodunum mint 287-293 AD. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF IN AVG, radiate, draped bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and vertical sceptre; S-P across fields, mintmark C. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 487.TextImage
RIC 496Carausius AE Antoninianus 4.02 gr, 23.77 mm. Camulodunum. 287-293 AD. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF I AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVGGG, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and vertical sceptre, S-P across fields. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 496; Sear -.TextImage
RIC 498Carausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / PROVID AVG, Providentia standing left, holding baton and cornucopiae, globe at foot. S-C across fields. No Mintmark. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 498.TextImage
RIC 499Carausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum. 287-293 AD. 23.94 mm. IMP C CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PROVID AVG, Providentia standing left, holding baton and cornucopiae, globe at foot. S-C across fields. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 499.TextImage
RIC 502 varCarausius, AE antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF I AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / PROVID AVG, Providentia standing left, holding globe and cornucopiae. S-C across fields. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 502 var (obv legend).TextImage
RIC 502, SC, varCarausius, AE antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PROVID AVG, Providentia standing left, holding globe and cornucopiae. S-C across fields. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 502 var (obv. legend).TextImage
RIC 502, SPCarausius, AE antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped bust right / PROVID AVG, Providentia standing left, holding globe and cornucopiae. S-P across fields. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 502.TextImage
RIC 514Carausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PROVIDE AVG, Providentia standing left, holding baton and cornucopiae. S-C across fields. TextImage
RIC 516 varCarausius AE Antoninianus. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate and draped bust right / PROVIDE AVG, Providentia standing left, holding globe and transverse sceptre. S-P across fields. RIC 516 var (obverse legend) TextImage
RIC 519Carausius, BI Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped bust right / SALVS AVG, Salus standing left by altar, holding patera and sceptre, feeding serpent rising from altar. S-C across fields. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 519.TextImage
RIC 519 varCarausius, AE antoninianus, Camulodunum mint. 20mm, 4.64 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF I AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / SALVS AVG, Salus standing left by altar, feeding serpent rising from the altar, and holding sceptre. No mintmark. Elsen 145, 403. RIC V-2, 510-520 var (obv. legend).TextImage
RIC 522Carausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / SPES PVBL, Spes walking left, holding flower and raising hem of robe. S-P across fields. TextImage
RIC 523 varCarausius AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / SPES PVBLICA, Spes standing left, holding flower, and raising hem of robe. S-C across fields. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 523 var (bust type, field marks).TextImage
RIC 525 varCarausius, AE antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust left. / IOVI CONS AVG, Jupiter standing left, holding thunderbolt and trident. SC in left field. RIC V-2, Camulodunum 525 var (rev type).TextImage
RIC 527Carausius. AE Antoninianus. 287-293 AD. Camulodunum mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped bust right / VIRTVS AVG, Mars walking right, carrying spear and trophy. S-P across fields. RIC V-2, 527.TextImage
RIC 535Carausius, AR denarius. London. AD 286-293. 4.43 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ADVENTVS AVG, Emperor riding left, holding sceptre, right hand raised, captive below. Mintmark RSR. RIC V-2, London 535; Webb 585; RSC 5; Shiel 4-6; Sear 13496.TextImage
RIC 535 varCarausius, AR denarius, 286-93 AD. London mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AV, laureate, draped bust right / ADVENTVS AVG, Carausius on horseback left, raising right hand, captive beneath horse's front hooves. Mintmark RSR. Obv. legend var of RIC 535; RSC 10; Shiel 2; and Sear 13496.TextImage
RIC 548Carausius, AR denarius, London mint. 286-287 AD. 3,93 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped bust right / CONCORDIA MILITVM, clasped hands. Mintmark RSR. RIC V-2, London 548; Webb 599; Belfort Cohen Additions 7; Quelen 1935; Sear 13503 (RSC 24 var - bust type).TextImage
RIC 548, type2Carausius, AR denarius, London mint. 286-287 AD. 3,93 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / CONCORDIA MILITVM, clasped hands (hands in different position to normal). RIC 548 (type 2).Text

RIC 548 var (1)Carausius, AE 21mm denarius, London, 3.88 gr. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / CONCORD MITVM (sic), clasped hands. Mintmark RSR. RIC 548 var (rev legend); Cohen 31 var (ditto).TextImage
RIC 548 var (2)Carausius, AR denarius, London. AD 286-293. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / CONCORDIA MLITVM (sic), clasped hands. Mintmark RSR. RIC V-2, London 548 var (rev legend) Roma Numismatics 7, lot 1230.TextImage
RIC 548 var (3)Carausius, AR denarius, London. AD 286-293. 20 mm, 2.99 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / CONCORD MLI, clasped hands. Mintmark RSR. RIC V-2, London 548 var (rev legend). Rome Numism. 2, 746.TextImage
RIC 552 varCarausius AR Denarius. London mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / CONSER AVG, Neptune seated left holding anchor and trident. Mintmark RSR. RIC 552 var (rev. legend listed only with AV); RSC 34; Shiel 29. TextImage
RIC 554Carausius, AR denarius. London. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / EXPECTATE VENI, Britannia standing right, holding standard or trident, clasping hand of Emperor, standing left, holding sceptre or spear. Mintmark RSR. RIC V-2, London 554; Webb 605; Cohen 56; RSC 38; Shiel 31-32; Sear 13508.TextImage
RIC 555Carausius, Bi. denarius. AD 287-293. RSR mint. 20mm. 3.52 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AV, laureate, draped bust right / EXPECTATE VENI, Britannia, in long robe, standing right, holding standing in her left hand, clasping hands with Carausius, standing left in military dress, holding spear in left hand. Mintmark RSR. RIC V-II, 555; Webb 603.TextImage
RIC 560Carausius AR Denarius. London mint, ca 287 AD. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate draped bust right / FELICITA AVG, galley sailing right over waves, with central mast, four rowers and six oars. Mintmark RSR. RIC V-2, London 560; Cohen 65; RSC 50; Shiel 47-50 and 52; Sear 13511.Text

RIC 560
RSC 50
Carausius, AR denarius, Uncertain British mint. AD 286-293. 4.07 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / FELICITA AVG, Galley right with four rowers and six oars over waves. Mintmark RSR. RIC V-2, London 560; Cohen 65; RSC 50; Shiel 47-50 and 52; Sear 13511.TextImage
RIC 560
RSC 53
Carausius, AR denarius, Uncertain British mint. AD 286-293. 3.82 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / FELICITAS, Galley right with four rowers and eleven oars over waves. Mintmark RSR. RIC V-2, London 560; Webb 614; Cohen 66; RSC 53; Shiel 55-57; Sear 13510.TextImage
RIC 567 varCarausius, AR denarius. RSR (London or Rotomagus) mint. AD 287-293. 18.73 mm. 3.44 g. IMP CARAVSIVS P AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / FORTVNA AVG, Fortuna seated left on wheel, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Mintmark RSR. RIC 567 var (obv. legend); RSC 66 var (ditto). PAS FASAM-C93A3E.TextImage
RIC 570Carausius, AR denarius, London. AD 286-293. 4.70 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ORIENS AVG, Sol standing right, looking left, holding globe, raising right hand. Mintmark RSR. RIC V-2, London 570; Webb 623; Cohen 183; RSC 74; Shiel 64; Sear 13522.TextImage
RIC 570 varCarausius, AR denarius, London. AD 286-293. 3.53 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / CONSERVAT AVG, Sol standing right, looking left, holding globe, raising right hand. (Mintmark RSR, mostly off flan). RIC V-2, London 570 var (rev legend). Unpublished. Dix Noonan Webb A10, lot 1210.TextImage
RIC 571
Webb 627
Carausius, AR denarius, 20 mm, London. AD 286-293. 3.69 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / RENOVAT ROMAN, She-wolf standing right, suckling the twins. Mintmark RSR. RIC V-2 London 571; Webb 627; RSC 81; Shiel 65 and 67; Sear 13527.TextImage
RIC 571
Webb 629
Carausius, AR denarius, London. AD 286-293. 4.94 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / RENOVAT ROMANO, She-wolf standing right, suckling the twins. Mintmark RSR. RIC V-2 London 571; Webb 629; Cohen 293; RSC 82; Shiel 68-71; Sear 13527.TextImage
RIC 572 varCarausius, AR denarius, London. AD 286-293. 3.67 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate bust right, wearing imperial mantle and holding globe / ROMANO RENOVA, She-wolf standing right, suckling the twins. Mintmark RSR. RIC V-2 London 572 var (bust type); Shiel Obv 41/Rev. 80. Kuenker 243, lot 5183. Unpublished.TextImage
RIC 583
Webb 641
Carausius, AR denarius, London. AD 286-293. 3.85 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF A, laureate bust left, wearing imperial mantle and holding eagle-tipped sceptre / VBERITA AV, Woman sitting on stool, milking a cow standing right. Mintmark RSR. RIC V-2, London 583: Webb 641; Sear 13540.TextImage
RIC 589Carausius, AE denarius. Rouen mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF A, laureate bust left, wearing trabea, holding eagle-tipped sceptre / VBERITAS AVG, Uberitas standing right, holding standard, clasping hands with Carausius, standing left in military dress, holding standard. Mintmark: RSR. RIC V-2, London 589; Webb 642; Cohen 368; RSC 101; Shiel 89.TextImage
RIC 591 var (1)Carausius, AR denarius, London mint. 4.37 gr, 19 mm. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AV, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / VIRTVS SAEC, radiate lion walking left, simple thunderbolt in its jaws. RIC 591 var (rev. legend) TLA 19230; UK finds no. BUC-7A7BF7.TextImage
RIC 591 var (2)Carausius, AR denarius, 19.58mm, 3.95 g. London mint. 287-293 AD. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / VIRTVS SAEC C, radiate lion walking left, holding thunderbolt in its jaws. Mintmark RSR. RIC V-2 591 var (rev. legend); Sear -; Webb -; Cohen -; RSC -; Akerman - etc. TLA int. no. 43985. PAS registered.TextImage
RIC 591 var (3)Carausius, AR denarius, 19.5 mm, London mint. 287-293 AD. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AV, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / VIRTVS SAEC C, radiate lion walking left, holding thunderbolt in its jaws. Mintmark RSR. RIC V-2 591 var (rev. legend); Not in Sear; Webb; Cohen; RSC; Akerman etc. Christies 1283, lot 157A.TextImage
RIC 591 var (4)Carausius, AR denarius, London. AD 286-293. IMP CARAVSIVS PI AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / VIRT CARAVSI AVG, Lion walking left, holding thunderbolt in mouth (double-struck). Mintmark RSR. RIC V-2, London 591 var (legends); Dix Noonan Webb 122, lot 36. Unpublished.TextImage
RIC 595Carausius, AR denarius, London. AD 286-293. 3.76 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / VOTVM PVBLIC, Altar inscribed MVL-TIS XX-IMP in three lines. Mintmark RSR. RIC V-2, London 595; Webb 655; RSC 116; Shiel 94-96.TextImage
RIC 595 varCarausius, AE20, 3.85 g. Probably London mint, AD 286. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / unclear legend, VI A III or similar, altar. RIC 595 var.TextImage
RIC 598Carausius, AE antoninianus. Rouen mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped bust right / ADVENTVS AVG, emperor on horseback left, right hand raised. Mintmark RSR. RIC V-II, 598.TextImage
RIC 603Carausius AE Antoninianus, ca 287-288 AD. Rotomagus mint. IMP CARAVSIVS AVG, radiate, draped bust right / CONCOR MI, clasped hands. Mintmark RSR. RIC V-2, London 603.TextImage
RIC 605Carausius AE Antoninianus. Rotomagus mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EXPECTATE VENI, Britannia standing right holding standard, clasping hand of emperor standing left, holding sceptre. Mintmark RSR. RIC V-II, 605; Webb 666. TextImage
RIC 621Carausius, AV aureus, 286–293 Aureus, Rotomagus mint. 4.79 g. IMP C CARAVSIVS AVG, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / CONCORDIA MILITV, Concordia standing left, holding two standards. RIC 621; Shiel p. 148, 2 (this coin).TextImage
RIC 624Carausius, AV Aureus, 19/21mm; 4.70g; Rouen mint. IMP CARAVSIVS AVG, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / CONCORDIA MILIT-VM around and below, emperor standing right, clasping the hand of Concordia. RIC 624; Huvelin 3-5.TextImage
RIC 639Carausius, AE Antoninianus, Rotomagus. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / FORTVNA AVG, Fortuna standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. RIC V-2, Rotomagus 639; Webb 696, rated Scarce.TextImage
RIC 667Carausius AE Antoninianus. Rotomagus mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS AVG, radiate and draped bust right / SALVS AVG, Salus standing left, holding patera, feeding serpent rising from beside an altar. TextImage
RIC 682Carausius AE Antoninianus. Rotomagus mint. 20 mm, 3.36 g. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF IVG (AV ligate resembling IV), radiate, draped bust right. / TVTELA AVG, Tutela standing left by altar, holding patera and cornucopiae. RIC V-2, Rotomagus 682; Webb 762.TextImage
RIC 683
Carausius AE Antoninianus. Rotomagus mint. 18 mm, 2.04 g. IMP C CARAVSIVS IVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right. / TVTELA, Tutela standing left by altar, holding patera and cornucopiae. RIC V-2, Rotomagus 683; ANS 1954.203.144.TextImage
RIC 684Carausius AE Antoninianus. Rotomagus mint. 22 mm, 3.14 g. IMP C CARAVSIVS AVG, radiate, draped bust right. / TVTELA, Tutela standing left by altar, holding patera and cornucopiae. RIC V-2, Rotomagus 684; Sear 13736; Webb 761.TextImage
RIC 706 var
TLA 13932
Carausius, AR denarius, semi-barbarous. INP CARAVSIVS (INV?) (M engraved as retrograde N), radiate, draped bust right / ADVENTVS AVG (N retrograde), Carausius riding left, holding sceptre and branch, captive beneath horse's front hooves. No mintmark. RIC 706 var (legends and reverse attributes); Sear 13496 var (ditto); TLA 13932.TextImage
RIC 707Carausius AR Denarius. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ADVENTVS AVG, emperor on horseback left, hand raised. No mintmark. RIC V-2, uncertain British mint 707; RSC 8; Shiel 1 (mint 2); Sear 13496. TextImage
RIC 717Carausius, AR denarius, uncertain British mint. AD 286-293. 3.94 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped bust right / MONETA AVG, Moneta standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. No mintmark. RIC V-2, uncertain British mint 717; Cohen 171; RSC 71; Shiel (Mint 2) 20; Sear 13521.TextImage
RIC 717 (2)Carausius, AR denarius, uncertain British mint. AD 286-293. 3.89 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped bust right / MONETA AVG, Moneta standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. No mintmark. RIC V-2, uncertain British mint 717; Cohen 171; RSC 71; Shiel (Mint 2) 20; Sear 13521.TextImage
RIC 719Carausius AR Denarius. London mint, ca AD 286-289. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate draped bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and sceptre. RIC V-2, uncertain British, 719; Cohen 190; RSC 75; Shiel (Mint 2) 25-26; Sear 13523. TextImage
RIC 720 var (1)Carausius. AR Cast Denarius, 2.64 gr, 19.78 mm. Undetermined mint in Britain. 287-293 AD. IMP CARAVSIVS PF A, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing facing, holding cornucopiae and sceptre. RIC V-2 720 var (obv. legend and reverse image); Timeline Originals int. no. 15344.TextImage
RIC 720 var (2)Carausius, AR denarius, uncertain British mint. AD 286-293. 3.53 g. IMP CARAVSIVS P AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX CARAVSI AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and vertical sceptre. No mintmark. RIC 720 var. Unpublished rev legend.TextImage
RIC 724 varCarausius, AR denarius. Uncertain British mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped bust right / TEMPORVM FELICI(TAS), Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus and cornucopiae. RIC V-2, uncertain British mint 724 var (rev legend and attributes); Sear -; Webb -.TextImage
RIC 727Carausius, Billon denarius. Uncertain British mint. 3.13 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped bust right. / VICTORIA AVG, Emperor standing left, holding globe and spear, being crowned by Victory, standing left behind him. RIC V-2, Uncertain British 727; RSC 107; Shiel (Mint 2) 34; Sear 13542.TextImage
RIC 732Carausius, AE antoninianus, Uncertain British mint. 20mm, 4.52 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / ADVENTVS AVG, emperor on horseback riding left, holding sceptre and raising right hand, captive sitting left before the horse. No mintmark. RIC V-2, 732 (this coin); Cohen 5; Webb 821 (this coin).TextImage
RIC 735Carausius, AE antoninianus. Uncertain mint. VIRTVS CARAVSI, Radiate, helmeted, cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield / ADVENTVS CARAVSI, Emperor on horseback, riding left, holding sceptre, raising right hand. RIC V-2, uncertain British mint 735.TextImage
RIC 746Carausius, AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped cuirassed bust right / COMES AVG, Neptune standing right, holding trident and dolphin. RIC V-2, Uncert. British mint, 746.TextImage
RIC 750 varCarausius, AE antoninianus. Uncertain mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, Radiate, cuirassed, half length bust right, spear over right shoulder, shield on left arm / COMES AVG, Victory walking right, holding wreath and palm branch. C in right field. RIC V-2, uncertain British mint 750 var (bust type, field mark).TextImage
RIC 783Carausius, AE antoninianus. Uncertain British mint. 292-293. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / FIDES MILITVM, Fides standing left, holding two standards. No fieldmark or mintmark. RIC V-2, uncertain British mint 783; Sear -.TextImage
RIC 815
Carausius. AE Antoninianus. IMP C CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / (IOVI ST)ATORI, Jupiter, standing facing, head left, holding thunderbolt and sceptre. RIC V-2, uncertain British mint 815 var (obv legend). PAS database 296712.TextImage
RIC 821vCarausius AE Antoninianus, Uncertain British Mint. 287-293 AD. 3.53 gr, 23.18 mm. IMP CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate and draped bust right / LAETITIA AVG, Laetitia standing left, holding baton and cornucopiae. RIC V-2, 821 var (obv and rev. legends combination); RIC -; Webb -; Sear -. TextImage
RIC 822Carausius AE Antoninianus. Uncertain British mint, 286-287 AD. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / LAETITIA AVG, Laetitia standing left, holding wreath and anchor. TextImage
RIC 822 varCarausius AE Antoninianus. Uncertain British mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AV, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / LAETITIA AVG, Laetitia standing left, holding wreath and javelin. RIC 822var (obv. legend).TextImage
RIC 822 var (2)Carausius. 287-293 AD. Antoninianus 22mm, 4.32 g. Uncertain British mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / LAETIT AVG, Laetitia standing left, holding wreath and anchor. RIC 822 var. (obverse legend P AVG instead of PF AVG).TextImage
RIC 822 var (3)Carausius, AE antoninianus. Uncertain British mint, 287-293 AD. IMP CM CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / LAETIT(IA AVG), Laetitia standing left, holding wreath and anchor. RIC V-2, uncertain British mint 822-823 var (obv. legend); Webb -; Askew p. 34 var (no mintmark); cf Hunter IV, ccv note; Sear 13602 var. Timeline 13941.TextImage
RIC 824vCarausius AE Antoninianus. London (?) mint. IMP CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / LAETIT-IA AVG, Laetitia standing front, head left, holding wreath and baton. TextImage
RIC 854Carausius, AE antoninianus. uncertain British mint. 23 mm, 4.4 g. IMP C CARAVSIVS AVG, radiate, draped bust right. / MONET AVG, Moneta standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. No fieldmarks or mintmark. RIC V-2, uncertain British mint 854.TextImage
RIC 855Carausius, AE antoninianus. Uncertain British mint. 23 mm, 4.83 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / MONETA AVG, Moneta standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. RIC V-2, uncertain British mint 855.TextImage
RIC 856Carausius AE Antoninianus, uncertain British mint. AD 286-297. 20.3 mm, 2.30g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AV, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / MONETA AVG - Moneta standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. No fieldmarks or mintmark. RIC V-II 856.TextImage
RIC 857Carausius, AE antoninianus. uncertain British mint. 23 mm, 4.18 g. IMP CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped (and cuirassed) bust right. / MONETA AVG, Moneta standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. No fieldmarks or mintmark. RIC V-2, uncertain British mint 857.TextImage
RIC 869Carausius AE Antoninianus. Uncertain British mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ORIENS AVG, Sol, radiate, chlamys draped across chest and both shoulders, standing front, looking left, holding globe and raising right hand. Rudimentary captive at foot right. RIC V-2, 869. TextImage
RIC 878Carausius AE Antoninianus. IMP CARAVSIVS AVG, radiate bust left / PAX AVG, Pax standing left.TextImage
RIC 879Carausius AE Antoninianus. London mint, circa 286 AD. IMP C CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and sceptre. TextImage
RIC 880Carausius AE Antoninianus. London mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and sceptre. TextImage
RIC 881Carausius AE Antoninianus. Uncertain British mint. IMP CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and vertical sceptre. TextImage
RIC 881, leftCarausius, AE Antoninianus. Uncertain British mint. IMP CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, mantled bust left, holding eagle-tipped sceptre / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and vertical sceptre. RIC V-2, uncertain British mint 881.TextImage
RIC 881vCarausius AE Antoninianus. London mint, circa 286 AD. IMP CARAVSIVS F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and sceptre. TextImage
RIC 883Carausius AE Antoninianus, 3.48 gr, 20.36 mm. Uncertain British mint. circa 286 AD. IMP CARAVSIVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and vertical sceptre. RIC V-2, uncertain British mint 883.TextImage
RIC 895Carausius AE Antoninianus. London mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate and draped bust right / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and transverse sceptre. TextImage
RIC 899Carausius AE Antoninianus 21.60mm. Uncertain British mint. 287-293 AD. IMP C M CARAVSIVS AVG, radiate and draped bust right / PAX AVG (AVGG?), Pax standing left, holding branch and transverse sceptre. RIC V-2 899.TextImage
RIC 903Carausius. AE antoninianus. Uncertain British Mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped bust right / PAX AVG, Pax running left, holding olive branch and transverse sceptre. RIC V-2, 903.TextImage
RIC 929Carausius, Billon antoninianus. Uncertain mint in Britain. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVG, Salus standing left by altar, holding serpent rising from altar, and sceptre. RIC V-2, uncertain British mint 929; Webb 1034.TextImage
RIC 939Carausius AE Antoninianus. IMP C M CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate draped bust right / PIAETAS AVG, Pietas standing left, sacrificing at altar. TextImage
RIC 944 varCarausius billon antoninianus, uncertain mint. AD 286-297. 19 mm, 2.69 g. IMP (C MA C)ARAVSIVS AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right. / PIETAS AVG, Pietas standing left by altar. No mintmark. Bust type var of RIC V-2, 944 (uncertain British mint) 944 and Naville 45 in RIN 1905.TextImage
RIC 947Carausius, AE antoninianus, uncertain British mint, 22.1 mm, 3.72 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped bust right. / PRINCIPI IVVENTVT, Youth in military attire standing front, holding standard and sceptre. RIC V-2, 947; Webb 1057; Sear 13676; Ashmolean HCR24876.TextImage
RIC 952Carausius, AE antoninianus, uncertain British mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped bust right / PROVID AVG, Providentia standing left, holding baton and cornucopiae. (no globe at foot). RIC V-2, uncertain British mint 952.TextImage
RIC 961Carausius AE Antoninianus. London mint, 286-287 AD. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PROVIDENTI AVG, Providentia standing left, holding baton and cornucopiae, globe at foot wand. TextImage
RIC 965Carausius AE Antoninianus. Unattributed mint. IMP CARAVSIVS AVG, radiate draped bust right / PROVIDENTIA AVG. Providentia standing left, holding staff and cornucopiae. TextImage
RIC 983Carausius, AE antoninianus. uncertain British mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped bust right / SALVS AVG, Salus standing left by altar, holding patera and sceptre, feeding serpent rising from altar. RIC V-2, uncertain British mint 983; Webb 1103.TextImage
RIC 1010Carausius AE Antoninianus. uncertain British mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / SPES PVBL, Spes walking right, holding flower, raising skirt. TextImage
RIC 1013 var (2)Carausius, AE antoninianus. Uncertain British mint. AD 286-293. 3.96 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped bust right / TEMPOR FELIC, Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus and cornucopiae. RIC V-2, uncertain British mint 1013 var (rev legend); Sear -; Webb -.TextImage
RIC 1036Carausius, AE antoninianus, Uncertain British mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right / VIRTVS AVG, Emperor on horseback galloping right, holding spear. (Overstruck on an earlier flan with some of the previous legend visible on the reverse.) RIC V-2, 1036.TextImage
RIC 1055 varCarausius, AE antoninianus. IMP CARAVSIVS PI A, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / VIRTVS (AV)GVSTI, Emperor standing facing, head left, holding globe and spear. RIC V-2, uncertain British mint 1055 var (rev. legend). Unpublished rev. legend.TextImage
RIC 1067Carausius, AR denarius. Uncertain British mint. AD 286-293. 3.68 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped bust right / ADVENTV, emperor on horseback left, holding sceptre and raising right hand, a fallen foe beneath the horse. Mintmark XX>. RIC 1067; Cohen 2.TextImage
RIC 1073 varCarausius Denarius. IMP CARAVSIVS PF, laureate bust left, wearing imperial mantle, holding globe / MONETA AVG, Moneta standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. RIC V-2 1073 var (obv legend and bust type); CNG item 61094; (obverse var of Cohen 171; RSC 72; Shiel (Mint 2) 21; Sear 13521).TextImage
RIC 1089Carausius AE Antoninianus. Uncertain mint in Britain. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate draped bust right / PAX AVG, Pax seated left, holding patera and cornucopiae, mintmark XXX. TextImage
RIC 1093Carausius 287-93AD, Antoninianus. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / SALVS AVG, Salus standing left, feeding serpent rising from altar. RIC V-2, uncertain British mint 1093.TextImage
RIC 1094 varCarausius AR denarius, probably from an unofficial British mint. 2.9 g, 18mm. IMP CARAVSIVS P VI, laureate, draped bust right. / IIVI II.., Britannia standing left, presenting standard to Emperor standing right, holding upright spear. Mintmark XX. Similar (but positions reversed) of the (radiate) antoninianus RIC 1094 and Evans 26.TextImage
RIC 1095Carausius, AE antoninianus, uncertain British mint. IMP CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / VOTA QVI CAE, Emperor standing right, receiving Victory from Roma, seated left on shield and holding spear. Mintmark MX. RIC V-2, 1095, Little Orme hoard (1907); IARCW 921/105.TextImage
RSC 36Carausius, AR denarius, Uncertain British mint. AD 286-293. 17 mm, 3.23 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EXPE..., Britannia standing right, holding wreath, clasping hands with Emperor, standing left; altar between them. No mintmark. RIC -; RSC 36 (this coin); Shiel (Mint 2) 9 (this coin).TextImage
RSC 73Carausius, AR denarius, London. AD 286-293. 3.48 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AV, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / MONETA AVG, Moneta standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. No mintmark. RSC 73; Shiel (Mint 2) 24; RIC - (obv. legend); Sear 13521 var (ditto).TextImage
RSC 115Carausius, AR denarius, 18 mm, London. AD 286-293. 2.39 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / VOTO PVBLICO around altar inscribed NIII TIX IXX MP in four lines. RSC 115; Shiel (irreg. mint) 101; Sear 13547; RIC V-2, London 595 var (legend).TextImage
Akerman 64 varCarausius, AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum (Colchester) mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS AVG, radiate, draped bust right / IOVI CONSER, Emperor facing right, receiving globe from Jupiter, facing left. Mintmark SPC. Not in RIC, Webb, Evans etc. Akerman 64 var (IOVI CONS), unpublished. TextImage
Akerman 64 var(2)Carausius, AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum (Colchester) mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS AVG, radiate, draped bust right / IOVI CONSERV, Emperor facing right, receiving globe from Jupiter, facing left. Mintmark SPC. cf: HJ Berk Buy or Bid Sale 96, lot 727; Not in RIC or Webb. Akerman 64 var (IOVI CONS), unpublished.TextImage
Ashmolean HCR24181
RIC 56v
Carausius AE Antoninianus. London mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / LEG I MIN, ram standing left. Mintmark ML. Ashmolean HCR24181; RIC V-2, London 56 var (rev legend). TextImage
BM 745.13 varCarausius, AE 20-21mm, 2.2 gr. IMP CARAVSIVS AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / FIDES EXERC, Fides seated left, holding patera and standard, another standard to left. Mintmark C (?). BM 1981,0745.13 var (rev. legend).TextImage
CGB Dec 2017, 86Carausius, AE antoninianus. Uncertain British mint. 21 mm, 3.5 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVGG, radiate, draped bust right. / MONETA AVG, Moneta standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. No fieldmarks or mintmark. Not in RIC or Webb with this obv. legend. CGB Dec. 2017, 86.TextImage
CNG 58-1330 Carausius AE Antoninianus. VIRTVS CARAVSI, Helmeted and cuirassed bust left / AEQVITAS AVG, Aequitas standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. TextImage
CNG 1881Carausius, AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / VIRTVS AVG, Mars standing left, holding reversed spear and shield. S-C across fields. Mintmark C. Not in RIC or Webb.TextImage
CNG 2002Carausius, AE Antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped bust right / VIRTVS AVG, Mars standing right, holding spear and shield, foot on captive, sitting left. Mintmark C. Unlisted in RIC and Webb.TextImage
CNG 728983
RIC 855 var
Carausius AE Antoninianus. Uncertain British mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / MONET AVG, Moneta standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. CNG 728983. Not in RIC or Webb with this obv. legend. TextImage
de Quelen 1937Carausius, AR denarius. London mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped bust right. / FELICITAS, Galley right with 5 rowers and helmsman over waves. Mintmark RSR. Belfort, Cohen Additions, 16; de Quelen 1937 (this coin).TextImage
DG 220651Carausius, AE antoninianus. IMP CARAVSIVS (PF AVG), radiate, draped bust right / LEG.., bull walking right. CAR AVG below. Unpublished. Seller's ref: DG220651.TextImage
DNW 146, 70Carausius, AE antoninianus. Uncertain British mint. 23 mm, 4.62 g. Struck AD 290-291. IMP C CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / MONETA AVG, Moneta standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. S-C across fields. Mintmark C. Not in RIC with this obv. legend. DNW 146, 70.TextImage
FAC RA73261Carausius, AE antoninianus. London. AD 286-293. 21.7 mm, 3.16 g. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right. / VICTORIA AVG, Victory walking left, holding wreath and palm branch, captive at foot left. S-P across fields. Mintmark MC. FAC RA73261, RIC V-2, London 174 var (obv legend and mintmark).TextImage
Felzmann 156, 287Carausius, AE antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. AD 286-293. 23 mm, 4.07 g. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped (and cuirassed) bust right. / MONETA AVG, Moneta standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. S-P across fields, no mintmark. Not in RIC or Webb with this obv. legend and without mintmark for this issue. Felzmann 156, 287.TextImage
Fretwell London, 1Carausius, AV Aureus, 20mm; 4.65g; London mint. VIRTVS CARAVSI, Ornately cuirassed and helmeted bust left (the helmet with an animal running left) / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding branch and vertical sceptre. No mintmark. Unpublished. Fretwell,London 1; Huvelin 11 var.TextImage
IARCW 921.258Carausius, AE antoninianus. IMP C CARAVSIVS AVG or similar, radiate, draped bust right / (PVX) VAC, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and vertical sceptre. Little Orme hoard (1907): IARCW 921/258.TextImage
Lanz 100, 473Carausius, AE 22mm antoninianus. Camulodunum mint, 291-292 AD. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, Jugate, radiate, draped busts left, of Carausius and Sol, Carausius raising hand, Sol holding whip / PROVIDEN AVG, Providentia standing left, holding rod and cornucopiae, globe at foot. S-C across fields. Mintmark C. Unpublished, not in RIC, Cohen, Webb, Evans, Shiel etc. Lanz 100, lot 473.TextImage
Morton & Eden 83-84, 619Carausius, AE antoninianus. Uncertain British mint. IMP CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped bust right. / VICTOR CARAV AVG, Victory walking right, holding wreath and palm branch. Mintmark unclear. Unpublished. Morton & Eden 83-84, 619.TextImage
Naville 48, 588Carausius, AE antoninianus. Uncertain British mint. 20.3 mm, 3.9 g. IMP CARAVSIVO II AVG (sic), radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / MONETA AVG, Moneta standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. Naville 48, 588.TextImage
RIC 10 var
Carausius, AE antoninianus, London. 2.64 g, 23.50mm. 287-293 AD. Engraver's error. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ADVENTVS AVG, Emperor riding left, holding sceptre, right hand raised, captive below. Mintmark LM (instead of ML). PAS no. FASAM-4AF414. RIC V-2, London 10 var (mintmark); Sear 13551 var (ditto). TLA int. no. 78755.TextImage
PAS FASAM-6ACF3CCarausius. AE denarius or non-radiate antoninianus. AD 286-293. 21mm, 3.82 g. probably 'C' mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, Bareheaded, draped and cuirassed bust facing front. / PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and vertical sceptre. PAS FASAM-6ACF3C (this coin). DNW 152, 1415.TextImage
PAS NMS-784AF4Carausius, AE denarius, London mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped bust right / VICTORIA AVG, Victory walking right, holding two wreaths. Mintmark RSR. PAS NMS-784AF4; Coin Registry 2007, 44.TextImage
Peus 419, 619Carausius, AE antoninianus. Camulodunum mint. 22 mm, 4.43 g. IMP C CARAVSIVS P AVG, radiate, draped bust right. / MONETA AVG, Moneta standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. S-C across fields, no mintmark. Not in RIC with this obv. legend for this issue. Peus 419, 619.TextImage
RN 2, 1004Carausius AE Antoninianus. uncertain British mint. AD 287-290. 21 mm, 4.36 g. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / MONETA AVG, Moneta standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. Not in RIC or Webb. Roma Numis. 2, 1004.TextImage
RN 9, 626Carausius, AR denarius. London. IMP CARAVSIVS P AVG, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / FIDES EXERCIT, Fides seated left between two standards, holding one of them in left hand, and an eagle on right hand. Mintmark MC. Unpublished. Roma Numismatics 9, lot 626.TextImage
RN 13, 1080Carausius AE antoninianus, uncertain mint. AD 286-297. 19 mm, 2.7 g. IMP CARAVSIVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / LITIA, Britannia standing right, holding trident, clasping hand of emperor standing left in military dress, holding spear. Minkmark off flan, or none. Unpublished. Roma Numis. XIII, 1080.TextImage
Spink 8006, 1151Carausius, AR denarius, uncertain British mint. AD 286-293. 2.14 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PI AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / I II O CACAVSITO II II (retrograde), Pietas (?) standing left by altar, holding patera. Unpublished reverse type. Spink 8006, lot 1151.TextImage
Spink 8006, 1152Carausius, AR denarius, uncertain British mint. AD 286-293. 2.63 g. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / FELICITA AVG, Felicitas standing left, holding branch and cornucopiae. Unpublished reverse with this legend. Spink 8006, lot 1152.TextImage
TLA 100620Carausius, AR denarius, 17.5 mm, 4.74 g. AD 287-293. London mint. IMP CARAVSIVS PF AG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / MONETA AVG, Moneta standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. Mintmark RSR. Unpublished. Not in RIC, Webb, Stukely, Cohen, Belfort, Schodt, Shiel, Akerman etc. cf RIC V-2, uncertain British mint 717 with no mintmark. Timeline Auctions, int. no. 100620.TextImage
Trau 3483
Carausius, AR aureus, Rouen mint, AD 286-293. 5.1 g. IMP C CARAVSIVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / OPES IVI AVG, Abundantia standing left, holding bunch of grapes and cornucopiae. Trau 3483; Evans coll. 175 in NC 1944; Shiel 8-9 in RN 1973; Calicó 4778.TextImage
Trau 3483
Carausius, AE antoninianus, Rouen mint, AD 286-293. 20 mm, 2.8 g. IMP C CARAVSIVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / OPES IVI AVG, Abundantia standing left, holding bunch of grapes and cornucopiae. Trau 3483 var (aureus); RIC -; Webb -; Shiel - etc.TextImage
UKDFD 39383Carausius, AE antoninianus, official, uncertain British mint. 286-293 AD. 25mm, 3.79 gr. IMP C CARAVSIVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / IOVI CONS AVG, Jupiter standing left, holding thunderbolt and trident; SC in left field. UKDFD 39383.TextImage
Webb 593varCarausius AR Denarius. Uncertain mint. 287-293 AD. 4.19g, 23mm. IMP CARAVSIVS P AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / CONCOR MI, two clasped hands. Mintmark RSR. Obv. and/or rev legend var of RIC V-2, London 542, Webb 591, RSC 19; Shiel 26 and Webb 593.TextImage
See also: Helvetica's RIC list of Carausius Coins in Excel format
Carausius' Three Emperor Issues, PDF translated from the French by Dane "Helvetica" Kurth. The page is password protected to stop Chinese theft. Please follow the instructions on that page.
Download Percy Webb: The Coinage of Carausius (PDF, 13.5 Mb).Extracted from Numismatic Chronicle Vol. VII, 1907.
Coins of Carausius available from TimeLine Auctions UK
An examination of the coinage of Carausius at
Coins of Carausius at the Forum Ancient Coin