Browsing Ancient Coinage of Thrace, Kings, Lysimachos

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See also the coins in the name of Lysimachus struck by Mithradates V of Pontus
Note: I have made an xls file of Lysimachos' "Athena seated" tetradrachms, documenting over 1,370 variations and 640 different monograms. Lysimachos collectors can ask me for a copy of the xls file.
ACA 3737Lysimachos, King of Thrace. AE18mm. Laureate head of Zeus right / ΛY above horseman right, forepart of lion right, below. cf Mionnet 1, 121 (silver); ACA 3737. TextFull Size
Album 64240Thrace, Lysimachos AV Stater. Head of deified Alexander right, in horn of Ammon / Athena Nikephoros seated left; ΔΠΡ monogram before. TextFull Size
AMNG 2121 Kings of Thrace, Lysimachos AV Stater. Odessos mint, After 281 BC. Head of deified Alexander right, wearing horn of Ammon / Athena Nikephoros seated left; ΔHo monogram before, KOI in ex. Müller -. TextFull Size
AMNG 255 Thrace, Kings, Lysimachos (323-281 BC) AV Stater. Kallatis mint, struck circa third centrury BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, wearing horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left, holding Nike in extended right hand, left arm resting on shield; EKΩ monogram above knee, KAΛ beneath throne. Müller -. TextFull Size
AMNG 258Lysimachos, King of Thrace, AV Stater. 88-86 BC. Kallatis mint. Struck under Mithradates VI. 8.33 g. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike, spear resting against her shoulder, resting left arm on shield. KAΛ on throne, HΡO in inner left field. AMNG 258; Paris 81; SNG Stockholm 838.TextFull Size
ANS 100-81531Lysimachos, 323-281 BC. AR Tetradrachm, Byzantion mint. 16.10g. Diademed head of Alexander III right wearing horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in outstretched right hand, left elbow resting on shield, ΓΡK monogram over A in left field, BY on throne, trident left in exergue. ANS 1944.100.81531. DNW 126, 3458.TextFull Size
ANS 100-81710Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Probably Maronea, posthumous issue, before 225 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike and resting elbow on shield, transverse spear in background, bunch of grapes over AΡ monogram in left field, AΔI monogram in ex. ANS 1944.100.81710.TextFull Size
Berlin I, 42Lysimachos, AR tetradrachm, 30 mm, 17.1 g. Amphipolis mint. 288-281 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon. / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike and resting left arm on shield, spear leaning against the chair back. ΘE monogram in outer left field, caduceus with handle in inner left field. Pinder, Berlin I, 42.TextFull Size
Black Sea Hoard 384Lysimachos, King of Thrace. Tetradrachm. Kallatis or Kalchedon mint. 288-282 BC. Diademed head of Alexander II right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY to right and left of Athena seated left, holding Nike in right hand and resting left arm on a shield, transverse spear on her right side. EΠ monogram in inner left field, horizontal corn-ear in exergue. Black Sea Hoard 384.TextFull Size
Black Sea Hoard 397Lysimachos, AR tetradrachm. 17.02 g. 323-281 BC. Kyzikos mint. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, wearing horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left, holding Nike in extended right hand, left arm resting on shield. TA monogram in left field, tunny fish left in exergue. Black Sea Hoard 397 (this coin); SNG France 5, 2523; Suse hoard 5, 632.TextFull Size
BM 1878,0301.199Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Lysimachia, before 225 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike, shield propped against throne, transverse spear in background, ΠOYΡ monogram in left field. BM 1878,0301.199, otherwise unpublished.TextFull Size
BM 1898,0602.105Lysimachos, AR tetradrachm, 28mm, 17.10 g. Ephesos mint. ca 294-287 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in her extended right hand and left resting on shield, spear leaning against the chair back. Bee left in left field, AΣE monogram in exergue. BM 1898,0602.105.TextFull Size
BM 1911,0706.37KINGS of THRACE. Lysimachos. 305-281 BC. AR Tetradrachm (16.96 gm, 12h). Ainos mint. Struck after 281 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left; bunch of grapes in outer left field, cult image seated facing on throne in inner left field. BM 1911,0706.37. CNG 69, 250.TextFull Size
BM RPK 22Lysimachos, AR tetradrachm, 29mm, 16.92 g. Lysimachia mint. ca 280-250 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in her extended right hand and left resting on shield, spear leaning against the chair back. Pentagram over AΡ monogram in left field, lion's head left in exergue. BM RPK,p86B.22.Lys (ex Payne Knight coll.).TextFull Size
Boston MFA 839 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Abydos mint, early-mid 3rd century BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left; in inner left field, eagle standing right. Seyrig, Parion, pl. XLII, B; Müller 342; SNG von Aulock 6637; Sestini Hedervar 25. TextFull Size
CN 12188Lysimachos, AR tetradrachm, 28mm, 17.02 g. Ainos or Sestus mint. ca 280-250 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in her extended right hand and left resting on shield, spear leaning against the chair back. Herm in left field, ΩΠΛY monogram in exergue (Mionnet monogram 119). CN 12188. Lanz 125, 210.TextFull Size
CN 21573Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Byzantium mint, ca 2nd Century BC. Diademed head of Alexander III right, wearing horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left holding nike and transverse spear, her left arm resting on shield, BY under seat, oΔHK monogram in left field, ornamented trident in ex. CN 21573.TextFull Size
CNG 61,542King of Thrace, Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Lysimacheia mint, after 280 BC. Head of the deified Alexander right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left; lion's head before, MB and ΘE monograms below. CNG MBS 61, 542 - unpublished.TextFull Size
CNG 69, 258Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Pergamon mint, 287/6-282 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left; crescent to outer left, ΔΡ monogram in inner left field, IΣΓ monogram in ex. Thompson 215 var (left field monogram). Unpublished left field monogram for this series.TextFull Size
CNG 477, 70.Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Lysimachia mint, posthumous issue, before 225 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike and resting elbow on grounded shield, transverse spear in background, lion head left above AHT (A upside down) monogram in inner left field, KA monogram (A sideways) in ex. Unpublished combination of monograms. CNG 477, 70. TextFull Size
CNG 94, 452Lysimachus AR Tetradrachm. Cyzicus, posthumous issue, before 225 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike, shield propped against throne, transverse spear in background, EAM monogram (A upside down) in inner left field, tunny fish left below. CNG 94, 452 - unpublished. TextFull Size
CNG Web 413Lysimachus, King of Thrace. AR tetradrachm. Alexandreia Troas mint. Struck circa 297-281 BC. 28 mm, 17.05 g. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon. / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike, left arm resting on shield propped against throne, transverse spear in background. ΠYΓ monogram in left field, bowcase in ex. apparently followed by an erased monogram. Unpublished left field monogram. cngcoins Webshop ID 413.TextFull Size
FAC 21206Lysimachos, King of Thrace 305-281 BC. AR Tetradrachm, Kios mint ?. 15.94g. Diademed head of Alexander III wearing horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left holding Nike in outstretched right hand, left elbow resting on shield, ΠXIE monogram over lion's head (or head of Helios?) left in left field, club and IMT monogram in exergue. Unpublished left field monogram. FAC members' gallery 21206.TextFull Size
FAC 28306-281Lysimachos, AR tetradrachm, Lysimachia mint. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon. / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in her extended right hand and left resting on shield. ΠA monogram over AΡ monogram in left field, lion's head left in exergue. Unpublished monogram pair. Forum Ancient Coins gallery 28306-281.TextFull Size
F&S MBS 11,105Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Uncertain mint, before 225 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / Athena seated left, holding Nike, shield propped against throne, transverse spear in background, IΡA monogram (A sideways) in inner left field, AΡ monogram in ex. Unpublished monogram pair. F&S MBS 11,105.TextFull Size
F&S MBS 12, 109Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Calchedon, posthumous issue, before 235 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / Athena seated left, holding Nike and resting elbow on grounded shield, transverse spear in background, AΠ monogram above corn-ear in inner left field, spiral on throne. Unpublished with corn-ear. F&S MBS 12, 109.TextFull Size
F&S MBS 12, 110Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Kios, posthumous issue, before 225 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / Athena seated left, holding Nike and resting elbow on grounded shield, transverse spear in background, club in outer left field, oIΔE mon in inner left field, bowcase and AΓ monogram in ex. Unpublished left field monogram. F&S 12, 110.TextFull Size
F&S MBS 13, 141Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Parium mint, 287–281 BC. Diademed, horned head of Alexander III right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left, ΠAΡ monogram (Parium) in inner left field, filleted thyrsos in outer right field, altar and race torch in ex. Thompson 233 var (no race torch in ex.). Unpublished with thes exergue symbols. F&S MBS 13, 141.TextFull Size
F&S MBS 13, 144Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Uncertain mint, before 225 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon, HM monogram beneath neck / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left, HA monogram in inner left field, HΔ monogram in ex. Unpublished monograms. F&S MBS 13, 144.TextFull Size
Gordion hoard V, 47Lysimachos, AR tetradrachm, posthumous, ca 250 BC. Uncertain mint. 29mm, 16.96 g. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in right hand, resting left on shield, spear leaning against her shoulder. ΠA monogram (Mionnet 92) in inner left field. Gordion hoard V, 47.TextFull Size
Gordion hoard V, 53Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Uncertain mint, before 225 BC. Diademed, horned head of Alexander III right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left, ΡA mon (Ρ retrograde) in left field, ΠΛ monogram in ex. Gordion hoard V, 53; ANS 1944.100.81744 to -81746.TextFull Size
Hirsch XIV, 270Lysimachos, King of Thrace, AR Tetradrachm ca 305-281 BC. 29 mm, 17.15g. Struck 286-282 BC. Possibly Pella mint. Diademed head of the deifed Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left, holding Nike, left arm resting on shield with lion's head in centre, inverted spear in background, AMHT mon in circle (A upside down) over AN mon in left field. Hirsch XIV, 270 (very likely this coin); Triton XXVI, 97.TextFull Size
Lanz 102, 141Lysimachos, AV Stater, 20mm, 8.47 g. Pella? mint. ca 286-281 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in her extended right hand and left resting on shield, spear leaning against the chair back. Φ in left field, &HΔ (?) monogram in exergue. Not in Müller, Thompson, Mionnet, Hess etc. Lanz 102, 141.TextFull Size
Lanz 114, 89Lysimachos AV Stater. Byzantion mint. 21mm, 8.39 g. Struck by Mithradates VI Eupator of Pontus, 88-86 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon and tasseled diadem tie / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in extended right hand, left arm resting on shield, spear behind. ΔI monogram (Mionnet 1469) in left field, BY on throne, trident in exergue. This monogram not in Marinescu Byzantium (slightly similar to 552); Thompson; Mueller; Mionnet; SNG Cop etc. Lanz 114, 89.TextFull Size
Lanz 120, 108Lysimachos, AR Tetradrachm, 30mm, 16.78 g. Byzantium mint. ca 297-281 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in her extended right hand and left resting on shield, spear leaning against the chair back. AΓo monogram over ZΣ-crescent monogram in left field. Upper monogram var of Marinescu 16-19 var (no O) and Mueller 522. Lanz 120, Lot 108.TextFull Size
Lanz 132, 99Lysimachos, AR tetradrachm, 297-281 BC. Poss. Lysimachia mint. 31 mm, 16.44 g. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in right hand, resting left on shield, spear leaning against her shoulder. XAΡ monogram in left field, ΩZ; monogram and wolf's head right in exergue. Unpublished exergue marks.TextFull Size
Lanz 132, 103Lysimachos, AR tetradrachm, 33mm, 16.85 g. Tenedos mint. ca 220 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in her extended right hand and left resting on shield, spear leaning against the chair back. Bipennis and ΩΠΛY monogram in exergue. Unpublished exergual marks. Lanz 132, 103.TextFull Size
Lindgren 907
Sear SG 6820
Lysimachos, Kings Of Thrace. 305-281 BC. AE 15mm, 2.49 gm. Helmeted head of Athena right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, above and beneath forepart of lion leaping right over spear-head; dot in Δ monogram, caduceus and spear-head behind. SNG Tuebingen 969; Lindgren I, 907; Weber 2731.TextFull Size
Laurel 1616Lysimachos, AR tetradrachm, uncertain mint in Thrace. 305-281 BC, 28 mm, 16.22 g. Head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon. / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike, resting left arm on shield. AΡΓ monogram in inner left field. Unpublished monogram. Laurel Certified Coins SKU 1616.TextFull Size
Lysixls 1116Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Kallatis mint, postumous. Head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left, holding Nike and spear. ΣE monogram in left field, ΛN and corn-ear in ex. Unpublished with this exergue. Lysixls 1116.TextFull Size
Marinescu_54Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Uncertain mint, after 280 BC. Head of the deified Alexander right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left, ΠTYE monogram in left field, spiral on throne. Marinescu 54-57; Paris 224-225 and R1957; Kirazli Hoard 767.TextFull Size
Marinescu 67Lysimachos, AV stater, ca 200 BC. Byzantium mint. 8.45 g. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, spiral on throne, holding Nike in right hand, resting left on shield, spear leaning against her shoulder. XA monogram in left field. Marinescu Byzantium 67; monogram not in Thompson, Mionnet or Mueller.TextFull Size
Marinescu 68Lysimachos, AR tetradrachm, 29mm, 16.57 g. Calchedon mint. ca 220-205 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in her extended right hand and left resting on shield, spear leaning against the chair back. AΓ monogram in left field, corn-ear in exergue. Marinescu 68-70; Black Sea Hoard 387-389; Meadows & Lorber, Achaeus hoard 16.TextFull Size
Marinescu 81Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Byzantium, posthumous issue, before 235 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / Athena seated left, holding Nike and resting elbow on grounded shield, transverse spear in background, ΛN monogram in inner left field, spiral on throne. Marinescu 81 and 147; Gordion hoard (1961), 45. TextFull Size
Marinescu 237Lysimachos, King of Thrace. AV stater, Byzantion. ca 200 BC. 8.46 g. Diademed head of Alexander III right, wearing horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left on throne, holding Nike, spear and shield. BY on throne, KA monogram in left field, trident in exergue. Marinescu 237; Leiden 2315-2316.TextFull Size
Marinescu 417-419Lysimachos, AV Stater, 20mm, 8.54 g. Byzantion mint. ca 200 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in her extended right and, left resting on shield, spear leaning against the chair back. BY on throne, KAEΡ monogram in left field, trident in exergue. Marinescu 417-419; SNG Berry 415.TextFull Size
Marinescu 471Lysimachos, AV Stater, posthumous, ca 200 BC. Byzantion mint. 20mm, 8.51 g. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in right hand, resting left on shield, spear leaning against her shoulder. ΩΠAΔ monogram in left field, trident in exergue. Marinescu 471-474; Paris 152; Mueller 163 var. Lanz 120, 122.TextFull Size
Marinescu 533Lysimachos. AR Tetradrachm. Byzantium mint. Posthumous issue. Head of the deified Alexander right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left; ΔΩ (Ω sideways) monogram to left, BY beneath the throne, trident in exergue. Marinescu 533-542; Müller 160; Pozzi (1979) 2651; Mionnet I, 99.TextFull Size
McClean 1481Lysimachos, King of Thrace, AV Stater. 88-86 BC. Istros mint. Struck under Mithradates VI. 8.24 g. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike, spear resting against her shoulder, resting left arm on shield. IΣ on throne, ΔI in inner left field, trident in exergue. AMNG 482; SNG Cop 1094 (same dies); Paris 82; McClean 1481; SNG Stockholm 840.TextFull Size
Mektepini 162 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Cius, posthumous issue, before ca 200 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike and resting elbow on grounded shield, transverse spear in background, club in outer left field, gorytus and unclear monogram (resembles a bird flying towards the viewer) in ex. TextFull Size
Mektepini 229 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Uncertain mint in the Propontis, posthumous issue, before ca. 190 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike on extended right hand and resting left elbow on shield propped against throne, AΡ monogram over chelys in inner left field. Mektepini hoard 229, otherwise unpublished. TextFull Size
Mektepini 231Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Uncertain mint. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike and resting elbow on grounded shield, transverse spear in background. No monograms or symbols. Thompson 242 (Pella); Marinescu 10-13; Mektepini hoard 231-234. TextFull Size
Mesopotamia hoard 41Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Kios mint, after 280 BC. Head of the deified Alexander right / Athena Nikephoros seated left, holding Nike, AHT monogram in left field (A upside down), bow in exergue. Mesopotamia hoard 41. TextFull Size
Meydancikkale 2675Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Amphipolis mint, struck 288/7-282/1 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in extended right hand, left arm resting on shield, spear behind; ΩΠIΛ monogram in inner left field and XAE monogram in exergue. Meydancikkale hoard 2675. TextFull Size
Meydencikkale 2696 Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Byzantium, before ca. 235 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike, shield propped against throne, transverse spear in background, ΔI monogram in inner left field, spiral on throne. Marinescu 74 and 127; Meydancikkale Hoard 2696; Paris Rl954; Mesopotamia hoard 23. TextFull Size
Meydencikkale 2697 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Byzantium, posthumous issue, before ca 235 BC. Diademed, horned head of Alexander III right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left, AP monogram in inner left field, spiral on throne. Marinescu 75-76; Meydancikkale Hoard 2697 and 2724; Blagoevgrad 20. TextFull Size
Meydencikkale 2705 Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Byzantion mint? Circa 281-250 BC. Head of deified Alexander right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left, holding Nike in right hand, left elbow resting on shield, spear behind. AToI monogram in left field, ΘE monogram below. Müller 316; Meydancikkale 2704-2705; SNG Berry 407; Bellinger A8. TextFull Size
Meydencikkale 2709 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AV Stater. Calchedon mint, before ca 240/35 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike and resting elbow on grounded shield, transverse spear in background, ΩΠΛ monogram under Athena’s arm, delicate spiral on throne. TextFull Size
Meydencikkale 2724 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Uncertain mint, after 281 BC. Head of the deified Alexander right / Athena Nikephoros seated left; AΡ monogram in inner left field. Marinescu 75-76; Meydancikkale Hoard 2697 and 2724; Blagoevgrad 20. TextFull Size
Mionnet 121Lysimachos as Satrap under Kassander. AR Fifth-Tetradrachm. Amphipolis mint. 14mm, 2.52 g. 317-305 BC. Youthful male head right, hair bound in a taenia / ΛY, rider on horseback galloping right. Spearhead below, forepart of lion at lower right. Mionnet I, 121.TextFull Size
Mionnet 130Kings of Thracia, Lysimachos, Greek, uncertain mint, 305-281 BC. AE 19mm. 4,50 g. Helmeted head of Athena right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, above and beneath lion running right, small caduceus, EM monogram and spearhead below. Mionnet I, 130; cf Müller 75 (monogram only); SNG Copenhagen 1149-51 var.TextFull Size
Mionnet Supp II, 20Lysimachos, AR tetradrachm, 29mm, 16.87 g. Pergamon mint. ca 287-286 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in her extended right hand and left resting on shield, spear leaning against the chair back. Herm left in outer left field, cult image on column in inner left field. E in exergue. Mionnet Supp. II, 20.TextFull Size
Mueller 7 Lysimachos AR Drachm. Struck circa 305-297 BC. Magnesia ad Maeandrum mint. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin / Zeus seated left, holding eagle and sceptre; lion forepart in left field, A beneath throne. Price 29. TextFull Size
Mueller 12
Sear SG 6821
Lysimachos, Thrace AE15. Helmeted head of Athena right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, clockwise from top right and anti-clockwise from top left, lion's head facing. Mueller 12; SNG Cop 1170; Hoover HGC 1752; Mueller 12; Imhoof Badischer Sammlung p. 4.; Sear Greece 6821.TextFull Size
Mueller 13
Sear SG 6818
as below
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Mueller 13
Sear SG 6818
Lysimachos, King of Thrace, AE23. Head of Athena right, wearing Phrygian helmet / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, trophy of arms resembling Athena standing left with spear and shield. Mueller pl. 2, 13; SNG Cop 1164.TextFull Size
Mueller 14 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Drachm. Lysimacheia mint, ca 301-297. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin headdress / BAΣIΛEΩΣ below, ΛYΣIMAXOY to right, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and sceptre; forepart of lion and AH monogram to left, forepart of griffin beneath the throne. Price L1. TextFull Size
Mueller 17 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Drachm. Lysimacheia mint, ca 301-297. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin headdress / BAΣIΛEΩΣ below, ΛYΣIMAXOY to right, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and sceptre; forepart of lion and AH monogram to left, trident head beneath the throne. Price L1. TextFull Size
Mueller 20 Lysimachos, Kingdom of Thrace, 299-296 BC. AR Drachm. Kolophon mint. 4.09 g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lionskin headdress / BAΣIΛEΩΣ below, ΛYΣIMAXOY to right, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and sceptre. Forepart of lion above crescent in left field, pentagram beneath throne. Mueller 20; Price L28; Thompson 127; SNG Cop. 1079.TextFull Size
Mueller 21 Lysimachos AR Drachm. Kolophon mint. Lifetime issue struck ca. 301-297 BC. Head of Herakles right wearing lionskin headdress / ΛYΣIMAXOY to right, BAΣIΛEΩΣ below, Zeus seated left; forepart of lion over Φ before, pentagram beneath the throne. Price L27; Mueller 21. TextFull Size
Mueller 61.1
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Mueller 61
Sear SG 6819
Thracian Kings, Lysimachos, AE 20mm. Struck circa 306-281 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY above and beneath lion charging right; spearhead below. SNG Cop 1149. TextFull Size
Mueller 74Lysimachos, Kingdom of Thrace, AE 20mm, 3,08 g. Lysimachia mint. 305-281 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, above and beneath lion leaping right, spearhead and M on O monogram below. Mueller 74.TextFull Size
Mueller 75Lysimachos AE14 "small unit". 305-281 BC. 2.25 g. Lysimachia mint. Helmeted head of Athena right / BAΣIΛEΩ&Sigma ΛYΣIMAXOY, Forepart of lion right; caduceus and EAM monogram in left field, spearhead below. Mueller 75; McClean 4500; Mionnet I, 130.TextFull Size
Mueller 76Lysimachos, King of Thrace, AE24. Lysimachia mint. 305-281 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / BAΣIΛEΩ&Sigma ΛYΣIMAXOY above and beneath lion leaping right, caduceus, EM monogram, and spearhead below. Müller 76; SNG Copenhagen 1153-4. Text
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Mueller 77Lysimachos. King of Thrace, AE14. Helmeted head of Athena right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, forepart of lion right, caduceus and dot in Δ in left field. SNG Cop 1159.TextFull Size
Mueller 83Lysimachos, King of Thrace. 323-281 BC. AE14 mm, 2.64 gr. Helmeted head of Athena right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, forepart of lion right, spear-head below, caduceus and YPK monogram in circle in left field. Müller 83.TextFull Size
Mueller 85Lysimachos, AR tetradrachm, posthumous, ca 250 BC. Poss. Ainos mint. 28mm, 16.66 g. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in right hand, resting left on shield, spear leaning against her shoulder. Herm in left field. Marinescu 19-20; Müller 85 (Sestos); SNG Berry 46; Armand Valton coll. 286; SNG Cop 1140 corr. ("BY on throne"); Bunbury 627.1.TextFull Size
Mueller 106Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Amphipolis mint, after 297 BC. Deifiedhead of Alexander III right wearing horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left holding Nike, caduceus with handle in left field, KA (A sideways) monogram in right field. Thompson 193; Müller 106; HGC 3.2, 1750l; Armenak hoard 906-909; Müller 106; Cavella hoard 50; SNG Cop 1114; Rhousopoulos 704; Meydancikkale hoard 2669-2671; Cavalla hoard 50TextFull Size
Mueller 112Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Ephesos mint, ca 294-287 BC. Head of deified Alexander / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left holding Nike, caduceus in left field, bee in right field. Thompson 190; Black Sea hoard 350; Pozzi 1171; Rhousopoulos 706; Armenak hoard 902-903; Müller 112; SNG Cop 1115; Mektepini hoard 684; Cousinéry 396 (Paris Cousinéry inventory); Schlessinger Hermitage theft sale Feb 1935, lot 544.TextFull Size
Mueller 113Lysimachos, King of Thrace. 323-281 BC. AE19 mm, 5.01 g. Helmeted head of Athena right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, forepart of lion leaping right, caduceus and dot in Λ in left field, spearhead below. Mueller 113.TextFull Size
Mueller 114 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Ainos mint, after 281 BC. Head of the deified Alexander right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left; seated cult statue in inner left field. Müller 114; Weber 2727; Pozzi 1172; Tell Halaf hoard 289; Meydancikkale hoard 2691-2692; Nanteuil 738; Schlessinger Hermitage theft sale Feb 1935, lot 546. TextFull Size
Mueller 116 Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Ainos Mint. Head of deified Alexander right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left, left arm leaning on decorated shield; seated cult image over goat's head in left field. Müller 116; Tell Halaf hoard 289 ("Magnesia ad M.").TextFull Size
Mueller 160 Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Byzantium mint, ca 200 BC. Diademed head of Alexander III right, wearing horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left holding Nike and transverse spear, her left arm resting on shield, ΔΩ monogram in left field, BY on seat, ornamented trident in ex. Marinescu 533-542; Müller 160; Pozzi (1979) 2651; Mionnet I, 99.TextFull Size
Mueller 185Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Byzantion mint, after 250 BC. Head of deified Alexander right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left, holding Nike and spear. HΡ monogram in left field, BY on throne, trident in ex. Marinescu 493-495; Torino A24536; Müller 185; Mus. Lavy 1093.TextFull Size
Mueller 192Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Posthumous Issue. Byzantion mint. Head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left; ΡAΔT monogram in centre field, BY on throne, trident in exergue. SNG Cop 1138; Müller 192; SNG Tübingen 204; Paris HS 409.1972; Mionnet I, 98.TextFull Size
Mueller 194Lysimachos, King of Thrace. AR tetradrachm, Byzantion. ca 200 BC. 16.88 g. Diademed head of Alexander III right, wearing horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left on throne, holding Nike, spear and shield. BY on throne, ΛΩΦ monogram in left field, trident in exergue. Marinescu 511-525; Müller 194; Callatay Guerres 23; Wheaton College 137; Sestini Hedervar 30; Hedervar Mus. 2548.TextFull Size
Mueller 195Lysimachos. 323-281 BC. AR Tetradrachm. Late 3rd-2nd Century BC. Byzantion mint. Alexander right wearing horn of Zeus-Ammon / Athena Nikephoros seated left, holding sceptre. IΔBΡ monogram (B sideways) in left field, BY beneath the throne, trident and two dolphins in exergue. Marinescu 310-317; Ordu Hoard 30-35; Müller 195; Hunter 37; Commerce “Demetrius I” hoard, 108.TextFull Size
Mueller 199 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Byzantium mint, posthumous issue, ca 195 BC and later. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike on extended right hand and resting left elbow on shield propped against throne, KEΡ monogram in inner left field, BY on throne, ornate trident in ex. Marinescu 422-433; Leiden 23; Thompson 505; Ordu Hoard 46-89; Müller 199. TextFull Size
Muller 202Lysimachos, king of Thrace, AR tetradrachm, Byzantium, 16.58 g. 323-281 BC. Head of Alexander with horn of Ammon right. / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike and sceptre, resting left arm on shield. IME monogram in left field. BY on side of throne, trident in exergue. Müller 202; Mionnet I, 100; CN 21001.TextFull Size
Mueller 216Lysimachos, AV Stater, 20mm, 8.41 g. Byzantium mint. Posthumous issue, ca 100 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in her extended right hand and left resting on shield, spear leaning against the chair back. Complex ΩKΔE monogram in left field, BY on throne, trident in exergue. Marinescu 294; Mueller 216.TextFull Size
Mueller 220Lysimachos, King of Thrace, AR Tetradrachm. Byzantion mint, posthumous issue, before ca 235 BC. Diademed head of Lysimachos or Alexander III right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left, holding Nike and resting elbow on grounded shield, transverse spear in background. ΩΠΔΡ monogram in left field, BY on throne, trident below. Mueller 220; Marinescu 501-502; Berlin I, 61; not in Thompson.TextFull Size
Mueller 223Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Byzantion mint, 250-75 BC. Deified head of Alexander III right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left with spear, shield and holding Nike, ΩΠAY (A upside down) monogram to left, BY on throne, trident in ex. Ordu hoard 40; Müller 223. TextFull Size
Mueller 277 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AV Stater. Tomis mint, ca 89–72 BC. Diademed, horned head of deified Alexander right, with features of Pharnaces II(?) / Athena seated left, holding Nike and resting elbow on grounded shield, transverse spear in background, ΔIO in inner left field, TO on throne, trident in ex. AMNG 2476, SNGCop 1093. TextFull Size
Mueller 277v Lysimachos, King of Thrace AV Stater. Tomis mint, ca 2nd century BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left; TK monogram in inner left field, TO on throne, trident in exergue. TextFull Size
Mueller 285
Sear 1661
Lysimachos, King of Thrace AV Stater. Istrus mint, ca 89–72 BC. Diademed, horned head of deified Alexander right, with features of Ariarathes IX / Athena seated left, holding Nike and resting elbow on grounded shield, ΔI in inner left field, IΣ on throne, trident in ex. AMNG 482, SNGCop 1094, Mueller 285.TextFull Size
Mueller 285v Lysimachos, King of Thrace AV Stater. Istros mint, struck ca 200-150 BC by Mithradates V. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in extended right hand, left arm resting on shield, spear behind; OYΛ monogram in inner left field, IΣ on throne, ornamented trident in ex. TextFull Size
Mueller 289Lysimachos. 323-281 BC. AR Tetradrachm 29mm, 16.94 g. Pergamon mint. Struck circa 287-282 BC. Head of deified Alexander right with horn of Ammon / / BAΣIΛEΩ&Sigma ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left, holding Nike and resting on shield, spear leaning against throne. Cult image on column in left field, crescent in exergue. Mueller 289; Thompson 228; Armenak hoard 925.TextFull Size
Mueller 297Lysimachos, King of Thrace. AR Drachm, 4.15 g, 17.03 mm. ca.294-287 BC. Uncertain mint in Thrace. Head right of the deified Alexander III, wearing horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY to right and left of Athena seated left, holding Nike and resting elbow on shield, lyre in left field, A on throne. Mueller 297; cf Sear 6817.TextFull Size
Mueller 311Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Sardes or Lysimachia mint. 36mm, 306-281 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in extended right hand, left arm resting on shield, spear behind. YHKA monogram in circle in left field, HΡ monogram in exergue. Mueller 310.TextFull Size
Mueller 314Lysimachos, AR tetradrachm, 29mm, 16.94 g. Alexandria Troas mint. ca 297-281 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in her extended right and left resting on shield, spear leaning against the chair back. ΘE in left field, ME monogram in exergue. Thompson 154; Meadows 11; Meydancikkale hoard 2657; Müller 314; Subhi Pacha 463.TextFull Size
Mueller 330Lysimachos, Kingdom of Thrace. 323-281 BC. AR drachm. 3.85 g. 18.60 mm. Amphipolis mint, posthumous issue, before 225 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike on extended right hand and resting left elbow on shield, decorated with lion's head. Trident head in left field, ΠAΡ monogram in inner left field. Mueller 330; cf Sear 6816.TextFull Size
Mueller 343Lysimachos, AV Stater, 20mm, 8.46 g. Dium? mint. ca 250 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in her extended right hand and left resting on shield, spear leaning against the chair back. ΔI monogram in left field. Mueller 343.TextFull Size
Mueller 346Lysimachos. King of Thrace. 298-281 BC. Dium mint. AR Tetradrachm. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left, left arm resting on shield, spear behind; ΔI to left, sideways ΩΛ-like monogram to right. Thompson 212; Müller 346; Mionnet I, 38; Berlin 96; Imhoof sale (Hess 1906), lot 149.TextFull Size
Mueller 358v Lysimachos AV Stater. Kalchedon mint. 205-195 BC. Head of the deified Alexander right / Athena seated left, holding Nike in extended right hand, left arm resting on shield, spear behind; monogram above knee, bull butting left in exergue, ΘΡA behind bull. TextFull Size
Mueller 362 Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Parion mint. After 281BC. Head of deified Alexander right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left holding Nike with wreath; thyrsos and ΦΛ monogram to left. Mueller 362. TextFull Size
Mueller 381Lysimachos, 297-3281 BC. AR Tetradrachm, Lampsakos mint. 29 mm, 17.07 g. Diademed head of Alexander III right wearing horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in outstretched right hand, left elbow resting on shield, star on throne, upright torch in left field. Thompson 43; Müller 381; SNG France 2538-2539.TextFull Size
Mueller 401Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. 14.61 g, 27.46mm. Lampsakos mint. 205-195 BC. Diademed head of Alexander III right, wearing horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left holding Nike and transverse spear, her left arm resting on shield. HΡ monogram in left field, crescent in ex. Thompson 47; Müller 401; SNG France 5, 2541-2542 = SNG Delepierre 841-842; Paris 192; Armenak hoard 692-710; McClean 4492; Gordion hoard I, 58; Meydancikkale hoard 2609-2610; Wartenberg & Kagan, 73 etc (a very common type).TextFull Size
Mueller 405Lysimachos, AR tetradrachm, 31mm, 17.02 g. Sardes mint. ca 297-287 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in her extended right hand and left resting on shield, spear leaning against the chair back. ΠΡE monogram in left field, K in Ω monogram in inner left field. Thompson 89; Müller 405; SNG Cop 1120; Paris 198; Armenak Hoard 820-823; Commerce "Seleukos I" hoard 2005, 703; GRPC Lydia S234.TextFull Size
Mueller 413Lysimachos, King of Thrace, AR Tetradrachm. Kios mint. 297-281 BC. Head of Alexander III right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left holding Nike, left arm leaning on her shield. Club and AM monogram (A upside down) in left fields, bowcase and AΓ monogram in exergue. Müller 413; SNG Berry 451; Meydancikkale hoard 2668; Cousinéry 395 (Paris Cousinéry inventory).TextFull Size
Mueller 415Lysimachos, AR tetradrachm, 29mm, 16.95 g. Erythrae mint. 250 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in her extended right hand and left resting on shield, spear leaning against the chair back. Club in outer left field, ΔHT monogram in inner left field, bowcase and AΓ monogram in exergue. Mueller 415; Mionnet 41; SNG Cop. 1123; SNG Delepierre 2637-2639.TextFull Size
Mueller 418Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Kios mint, posthumous issue, before ca 235 BC. Diademed, horned head of Alexander right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left, club in outer left field, AM monogram (A upside down) in inner left field, bowcase and ΓA monogram (Γ retrograde) in exergue. Mueller 418, otherwise unpublished. TextFull Size
Mueller 421Lysimachos, AR drachm, 20mm, 4.26 g. Ephesos mint. ca 294-287 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in her extended right hand and left resting on shield, spear leaning against the chair back. Bee between sideways E-Φ in left field. Mueller 421; Thompson 168; Armenak hoard 883.TextFull Size
Mueller 438Lysimachos, AR tetradrachm, 33mm, 17.15 g. Magnesia ad Maeandrum mint. ca 297-281 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in her extended right hand and left resting on shield, spear leaning against the chair back. Maeander pattern in outer left field, monogram resembling "4P" in inner left field. Mueller 438; Thompson 106.TextFull Size
Mueller 452 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Uncertain mint, posthumous issue, before 225 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike and resting elbow on grounded shield, transverse spear in background, erased M above bearded male head left in inner left field, AΡ monogram in ex. TextFull Size
Mueller 453cf Lysimachos, King of Thrace AV Stater. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / Athena seated left, holding Nike and resting elbow on grounded shield, ΣI in inner left field. TextFull Size
Mueller 453cfLysimachos, King of Thrace AV Stater. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike and resting elbow on grounded shield, Δ in left field. TextFull Size
Mueller 465 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AV Stater. Uncertain mint, struck early-mid 3rd century BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in extended right hand, left arm resting on shield, spear behind; K in inner left field. TextFull Size
Mueller 473Lysimachos, 323-281 BC. AR Tetradrachm, Pella mint. 17.16 g. Diademed head of Alexander III right wearing horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in outstretched right hand, left elbow resting on shield, ΩΔΡ monogram in left field, K in exergue. Thompson 252; Mueller 473.TextFull Size
Mueller 484Lysimachos, 297-281 BC. AR Tetradrachm, Uncertain mint. 29 mm, 16.9 g. Diademed head of Alexander III right wearing horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left on prow, holding Nike in outstretched right hand, left elbow resting on shield, no fieldmarks, ME monogram in exergue. Mueller 484.TextFull Size
Mueller 495 Lysimachos. AR Drachm. Struck circa 294-287 BC. Ephesos mint. Head of the deified Alexander right / Athena seated left, holding Nike in her extended right hand. TextFull Size
Mueller 509Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Uncertain mint. ca 200 BC. Head of deified Alexander right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in outstretched right hand, left elbow resting on shield, ΦΛT monogram in left field. Mueller 509 (this mon. on stater).TextFull Size
Mueller 515Lysimachos, ca 280-250 BC. AR Tetradrachm, Uncertain mint. 29 mm, 16.81 g. Diademed head of Alexander III right wearing horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in outstretched right hand, left elbow resting on shield, no fieldmarks, Greek Z in exergue. Mueller 515.TextFull Size
Mueller 517v Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Uncertain mint, possibly Pergamon. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike and resting elbow on grounded shield, transverse spear in background, AΡ (not a monogram) in ex. Mueller 517 var (AΡ on throne). TextFull Size
Mueller 524 Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Lampsakos mint? ca 297-281 BC. Head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding spear and Nike. AE in left field. Marinescu 28-29; Müller 524; Paris R2040. TextFull Size
Mueller 531 Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Uncertain mint, before 225 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike, shield propped against throne, transverse spear in background, HΔI monogram in inner left field. Black Sea Hoard 394; Müller 531. TextFull Size
Mueller 551 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Uncertain mint. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike and resting elbow on grounded shield, transverse spear in background, ΩΠA monogram and I in inner left field. TextFull Size
Mueller 558Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Uncertain mint, before 225 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike, shield propped against throne, transverse spear in background, YΦΛ monogram in inner left field, ΠΛ monogram in ex. Müller 558; Pamphylia hoard 642; Pozzi 1182 = SNG Lockett 1251.TextFull Size
Mueller 559Lysimachos. AR Tetradrachm. Uncertain mint. 31mm, 16.80 g. 297-281 BC. Head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in outstretched right hand, left elbow resting on shield, ΛXA monogram in left field. Müller 559; Subhi Pacha 484; Serbia hoard 85 (ANS MN 13); Hirsch XII 193.TextFull Size
NAC 54, 90Lysimachos, AR tetradrachm, Kyzikos mint, 327-281 BC. 17.09 g. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, resting left elbow on shield and holding Nike in right hand. Bucranium with filleted horns in outer left field, AMΔ monogram (A upside down) in inner left field, tunny fish left in exergue. Unpublished monogram. NAC 54, 90.TextFull Size
Paris 412Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Byzantion mint. 36mm, 16.71 g. Struck 306-281 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in extended right hand, left arm resting on shield, spear behind. BY on throne, ΦMTΔ monogram in left field, trident in exergue. Marinescu 619-622 (mon. corr.); Paris 142; SNG Fitzwilliam 1675; Mionnet I, 95.TextFull Size
Paris R2058Lysimachos, AR tetradrachm, 32mm, 16.68 g. Tenedos mint. ca 281-200 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in her extended right hand and left resting on shield, spear leaning against the chair back. HTΡ monogram in left field, bipennis in exergue. Meadows Tenedos 176-177; Paris R2058 (Seyrig).TextFull Size
Paris R2064Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Magnesia ad Maeandrum mint, 297-281 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY to right and left of Athena seated left, holding Nike in extended right hand, left arm resting on shield, spear behind. AEM mon in wreath (A upside down) and IΣE monograms in outer and inner left fields. Paris R2064.TextFull Size
Petac 5Lysimachos, King of Thrace, AV Stater. 88-86 BC. Tomis mint. Struck under Mithradates VI. 8.25 g. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike, spear resting against her shoulder, resting left arm on shield. TO on throne, ΛY in left field, dot above Athena's arm. Trident in exergue. Petac "Chronology.." 5 (same dies). Var (dot) of AMNG 2482 var (dot); Mueller 274; Regling 2482; Preda and Petac 139.TextFull Size
Petac 6Lysimachos, King of Thrace, AR tetradrachm, Uranopolis mint. 28 mm, 17.22 g. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon. / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left on throne, left arm resting on shield, transverse spear behind. Star on cone in inner left field, Θ in exergue. Petac 6 in Revista de Cercetari 6, 2020 (this coin).TextFull Size
Price L11 Lysimachos AR Drachm. Lampsacus mint, ca 301-296 BC. Head of Herakles right wearing lionskin headdress / BAΣIΛEΩΣ downwards on right, ΛYΣIMAXOY inverted below, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and sceptre, Pegasus forepart over lion forepart left in left field, long, transverse torch beneath throne. Price L11; Mueller L24; Thompson 35.TextFull Size
Price L31Lysimachos, AR tetradrachm, Lampsakos mint, struck ca. 299-297 BC. 16.99 g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lionskin headdress / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY to right and beneath Zeus seated left, holding eagle and sceptre. AΛEXNΔ monogram over forepart of lion in left field, Σ or sideways M beneath throne. Price L31 type (stater); Thompson 96.TextFull Size
Price L1842 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Drachm. Colophon, ca. 301–297 BC. Head of Heracles right wearing lionskin headdress / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Zeus seated left, holding eagle on outstretched right hand and sceptre in left, lion forepart and crescent before, pentagram beneath the throne. TextFull Size
Price 2688Lysimachos, King of Thrace, AE14, 323-281 BC. Macedonian shield with caduceus in the centre / B-A at upper left and right of Macedonian helmet with two ear flaps, caduceus at lower left, rose (balaustine) at lower right, Δ on H monogram below. Price 2688; Mionnet I, 888 corr (Demetrios II).TextFull Size
Seyrig pl. 23, 10Lysimachos, AV stater, ca 200 BC, Byzantion. 8.46 g. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left on throne, spear leaning against her shoulder, holding Nike and resting left elbow on shield at her side. HΡ monogram in left field. Trident in exergue. Seyrig-Robinson pl. 23, 10.TextFull Size
SNG ANS 2000.11.1Post-Lysimachos, AV stater, 19.3 mm; 8.29 g; 190–90 BC. Tomis. Head of deified Alexander, right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike and spear. ΘEM in left field, TO beneath the throne, trident in exergue. SNG ANS 2000.11.1; AMNG 2484.TextFull Size
SNG Berry 405 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Aenos mint, ca 280-250 BC. Head of deified Alexander right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left, holding Nike in right hand, left elbow resting on shield, spear behind, bucranium in outer left field, and cult image seated facing on throne (resembling an IHΠ-like monogram), in inner left field. . SNG Berry 405; Müller 120TextFull Size
SNG Berry 409Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Byzantium mint, after 280 BC. Head of the deified Alexander right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left, holding Nike, spear behind, ΔI and ΛAΓ monogram before, ΠY on throne, AMΛ monogram (A upside down) in right field. SNG Berry 409. TextFull Size
SNG Berry 414 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AV Stater. Byzantion mint, early-mid 2nd century BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left; FK monogram in inner left field, BY on throne, trident in exergue. Seyrig 14. TextFull Size
SNG Berry 415Lysimachos. AV Stater. Byzantion mint. 20mm, 8.54 g. Posthumous issue, ca 200 BC. Head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon and tasseled diadem ties / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in outstretched right hand, left elbow resting on shield, BY on throne, KΡ monogram in left field, trident in exergue. SNG Berry 415; Marinescu Byzantium 418.TextFull Size
SNG Cop 1082Lysimachos AV stater. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon /BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike and resting left arm on shield; transverse spear resting against her right side. oAY monogram in left field. SNG Cop 1082.TextFull Size
SNG Cop 1083 cfKings of Thrace, Lysimachus AV Stater. Struck 297-281 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, wearing horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike, left elbow resting on shield, spear behind. ΦΛ monogram in left field. SNG Cop 1083 sim.TextFull Size
SNG Cop 1089Lysimachus AV Stater, Kallatis, posthumous, 8.34 g. Diademed head of Alexander right with horn of Ammon. / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left, holding nike and leaning on shield. HΡ monogram and O in left field, KAΛ on throne, trident with dolphins in exergue. SNG Cop 1089; Müller 265.TextFull Size
SNG Cop 1111Lysimachos as Satrap under Kassander, AR fifth-tetradrachm, 15mm, ca. 317-305 BC, Amphipolis mint. 2.39 g. Diademed, youthful head right / ΛY, youth on horseback galloping right. Forepart of lion right at lower right. SNG Cop. 1111 (under Alexander IV).TextFull Size
SNG Cop 1169
Sear SG 6822
Lysimachos, Kingdom of Thrace, 323-281 BC; AE 13mm, 2.43 g. Head of Herakles right wearing lionskin / BAΣI ΛYΣI in two lines within wreath of corn. SNG Cop 1169; Mueller 15; Sear Greece 6822.TextFull Size
SNG Cop 1170Lysimachos, King of Thrace. AE13, Lysimachia mint. 305-281 BC. 1.3 g. Helmeted head of Athena right. / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY clockwise from top right and anti-clockwise from top left, lion's head facing. SNG Cop. 1170; Hoover HGC 1752; Mueller 12; Imhoof Badischer Sammlung p. 4.TextFull Size
SNG France 2559Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Lampsacus, late posthumous issue, ca 160 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / Athena seated left, holding Nike, shield propped against throne, transverse spear in background, ΛAM-ΨA flanking Pegasus right in ex. SNG France 5, 2559; Paris R2012.TextFull Size
SNG Stancomb 6 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Byzantion mint, struck circa 195-150 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in extended right hand, left arm resting on shield, spear behind; ΩME monogram in inner left field, BY on throne, ornamented trident in ex. Müller 215; BMC Black Sea II, Stancomb 6. TextFull Size
Thompson 3Lysimachos, King of Thrace. AR tetrobol, 15mm, 2.5 gr. Struck 306-301 BC in Lysimachia. Head of Apollo right, hair bound in a taenia / ΛY above horseman right, spearhead and forepart of lion right below. Thompson 3; Mionnet I, 121.TextFull Size
Thompson 10Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm, Uncertain mint, posthumous issue, before 225 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike, shield propped against throne, transverse spear in background, Φ in inner left field, IΔ on throne. Thompson 10. (Note: the Φ is sometimes mistaken for a torch)TextFull Size
Thompson 11Lysimachos, AR tetradrachm, Lysimachia mint. 323-281 BC, struck 297-282 BC. Diademed head of Alexander right, with horn of Ammon. / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena, helmeted, seated left, holding Nike and resting left elbow on a shield at her side; spear behind her. OM monogram in outer left field, lion’s head left in exergue. Thompson 11; Armenak Hoard 644; Mesopotamia hoard 19.TextFull Size
Thompson 16 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Lysimacheia mint, struck 297-281 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in extended right hand, left arm resting on shield, spear behind. Lion's head left in left field, ΔU monogram on throne. Thompson 16; Müller 51; Armenak hoard 649-650; SNG Fitz. 1848; Mionnet I, 32; Tell Halaf hoard 282; Jameson 1078; Mektepini hoard 103; Dewing 1351; Noury Bey Coll. 346; Dessau 228.TextFull Size
Thompson 21 Lysimachos. 323-281 BC. AR Drachm . Head of Herakles right, wearing lionskin headdress / ΛYΣIMAXOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, Zeus seated left. Forepart of lion left over ΔI in circle in left field, ΠYTΡ monogram beneath the throne. Price L5. TextFull Size
Thompson 22 varLysimachos AR Drachm. Sestos mint. Circa 297-281 BC. Head of Herakles, wearing lionskin headdress / ΛYΣIMAXOY, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and sceptre; Forepart of lion left over H in circle in left field, cornucopiae beneath throne. Price L6. TextFull Size
Thompson 24Lysimachos, AR tetradrachm, 31mm, 17.12 g. Sestos mint. ca 287-281 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in her extended right hand and left resting on shield, spear leaning against the chair back. Dolphin swimming right in inner left field, ΠM dot monogram on side of throne. Thompson 24; Armenak hoard 657.TextFull Size
Thompson 27 Lysimachos AR Drachm. c301-297 BC. Kolophon mint. Head of Herakles right in lionskin headdress / Zeus seated left, holding eagle and sceptre; forepart of lion left over Φ in left field, pentagram beneath the throne. TextFull Size
Thompson 30 Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Head of deified Alexander right, wearing horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike. ΠΩ (or ΓΩ) monogram in left field. Thompson 30; Armenak hoard 670; Sardis XI, 111.TextFull Size
Thompson 31Lysimachos, AR Tetradrachm, 32mm, 16.80 g. Sestos mint. ca 297-281 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in her extended right hand and left resting on shield, spear leaning against the chair back. Bee holding cornucopiae in left field. Thompson 31; Pozzi 2639; Armenak hoard 671.TextFull Size
Thompson 37 Lysimachos AR Drachm. Lampsakos mint. Head of Herakles right, wearing lionskin headdress / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Zeus seated left with eagle and sceptre. ΠA monogram over forepart of a lion in left field, torch beneath the throne. Price L13; Müller L26.TextFull Size
Thompson 43 Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Lampsakos mint. Struck c297-281 BC. Head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / Athena seated left with Nike in her extended right hand, left arm leaning on her shield; long torch in inner left field, star on throne. Thompson 43; Müller 381 (Kyzikos); Weber 2724; Tell Halaf hoard 281; Bunbury 619; Niggeler 209 = SNG France 5, 2538; Paris 1965.1079; Meydancikkale hoard 2605-2606; Dessau 228; Thorvaldsen 747.TextFull Size
Thompson 45 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Lampsakos mint, 297-281 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left; HΡ monogram in left field, star on throne. Thompson 45; Armenak hoard 684-685; Commerce "Seleukos I" hoard 2005, 556; Petac 15; Mionnet I, 37; SNG Cop 1105. TextFull Size
Thompson 46 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Lampsakos mint, 297-281 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left; star in outer left field, HΡ monogram in inner left field. Thompson 46; SNG France 2536; Paris 181; Armenak hoard 686-688; Müller 339 (Uranopolis); Petac 13-14; SNG Cop 1106; Serbia hoard 84.TextFull Size
Thompson 47 Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Lampsakos mint, struck circa 297-282 BC. Head of deified Alexander right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left, holding Nike and resting on shield, spear behind; HΡ monogram in inner left field, crescent in exergue. Thompson 47; SNG France 5, 2541-2542 = SNG Delepierre 841-842; Paris 192; Armenak hoard 692-710; Müller 401; McClean 4492 (and many others).TextFull Size
Thompson 48 Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Lampsakos mint. c297-281 BC. Head of the deified Alexander right / Athena seated left, Nike in extended right hand, left arm leaning on shield. Aplustre in outer left fiel, HΡ monogram in inner left field. Thompson 48; SNG France 5, 2537; Paris 183; Armenak hoard 711-714; Olympia hoard 76; Müller 356; SNG Cop 1107; Meydancikkale hoard 2608; Bunbury 626.2; Dewing 1349.TextFull Size
Thompson 49
as below
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Thompson 49 Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Lampsakos mint. Head of deified Alexander right / ΛYΣIMAXOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, Athena seated left holding Nike, left arm leaning on her shield; ΔΞ monogram in inner left field, crescent in exergue. Thompson 49; SNG France 5, 2548-2549; Paris 194; Armenak hoard 715-754; Pozzi 1175-1176; SNG Lockett 1249; SNG Delepierre 843; McClean 4488 and many more (extremely common).TextFull Size
Thompson 50 Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Struck c. 297-281 BC. Lampsakos mint. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY with Athena seated left, holding Nike, shield against throne, ΔΞ monogram in inner left field, herm in outer left field. Thompson 50; SNG Oxford 3726; Meydancikkale 2614.TextFull Size
Thompson 54Lysimachos, AR tetradrachm, 29mm, 16.99 g. Lampsakos mint. ca 297-281 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in her extended right hand and left resting on shield, spear leaning against the chair back. ΦΛ monogram in left field, upright crescent in exergue. Thompson 54; Armenak hoard 773; Müller 398; SNG France 5, 2534; Cousinéry 398 (Paris Cousinéry inventory).TextFull Size
Thompson 55 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Lampsakos mint, 297-281 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left holding Nike. Herm in outer left field, TEAΓ monogram (A upside down) in inner left field. Thompson 55; Müller 89 (Sestos). TextFull Size
Thompson 56Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Lampsakos mint. 297-281 BC. Head of Alexander III right, with horn of Ammon / / BAΣIΛEΩ&Sigma ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left holding Nike, left arm leaning on her shield; TEAΓ monogram (A upside down) in inner left field, upright crescent in exergue. Thompson 56; Armenak hoard 774-775 (G part of monogram overlooked); Commerce "Seleukos I" hoard 2005, 558; Müller 400; Paris 193.TextFull Size
Thompson 59 Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Lampsakos mint. c297-281 BC. Head of the deified Alexander right / Athena Nikephoros seated left with Nike in extended right hand, left arm resting on shield; herm in outer left field, KA monogram (A sideways) in inner left field. Thompson 59; SNG France 2552; Armenak hoard 777-780; Mionnet Supp. II, 15; Müller 88 (Sestos); Luynes 1814; Armand Valton coll. 287. TextFull Size
Thompson 60Lysimachos, AR tetradrachm, Lampsakos mint, struck ca. 297-281 BC. 17.01 g. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in right hand, resting left elbow on shield, transverse spear in background. KA monogram (A sideways) over crescent in left field. Thompson 60; Armenak hoard 781; Weber 2725; Müller 396.TextFull Size
Thompson 61
Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Lampsacus mint, 297–281 BC. Diademed, horned head of Alexander III right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left, MT monogram over star in inner left field. Thompson 61; Armenak hoard 786; Müller 340 (Uranopolis); Petac 12; Meydancikkale hoard 2617.TextFull Size
Thompson 61
Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Lampsacus mint, 297–281 BC. Diademed, horned head of Alexander III right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left, MT monogram over crescent in inner left field. Thompson 61; Müller 395; Armenak hoard 782-785; SNG France 5, 2546 = SNG Delepierre 844; Mesopotamia hoard 33-34.TextFull Size
Thompson 67 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Drachm. Abydus(?), ca 299/8–297/6 BC. Head of young Heracles right wearing lionskin headdress / ΛYΣIMAXOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, Zeus seated left, holding eagle on extended right hand and sceptre in left, lion forepart left above X-in-square monogram in left field, Mithras' head right below thone. Price L19. TextFull Size
Thompson 86
type 1
Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Struck 297-281 BC. Sardes mint. Horned bust of Alexander III right / Athena seated left holding Nike and sceptre, shield behind. ΠΡE monogram in circle in left field, ΔK monogram on throne. Thompson 86 type 1; Armenak hoard 806-810; Müller 407; SNG Cop 1119; Paris 199; Subhi Pacha 472; GRPC Lydia S223. TextFull Size
Thompson 89Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Sardes mint, 297-281 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon. / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left, left arm resting on shield, spear behind. ΠΡE monogram in outer left field, KΩ monogram in inner left field. Thompson 89; Müller 405; SNG Cop 1120; Paris 198; Armenak Hoard 820-823; Commerce "Seleukos I" hoard 2005, 703; GRPC Lydia S234..TextFull Size
Thompson 96Lysimachos, King of Thrace. AR tetradrachm, Magnesia ad Maeandrum mint. 299-296 BC. 16.99 g. Diademed head of Herakles right, wearing lionskin headdress / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY to right of and beneath Zeus seated left, holding eagle and sceptre. EAXΔ monogram in wreath (A upside down) over forepart of lion left in left field, Σ beneath throne. Thompson 96.TextFull Size
Thompson 97Lysimachos, AR drachm, Magnesia ad Maeandrum mint, 299-297 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lionskin headdress / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY to right and beneath Zeus seated left, holding eagle and sceptre. Forepart of lion left beside the chair, A beneath the chair. Thompson 97; Mueller 7.TextFull Size
Thompson 101 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Magnesia ad Maeandrum mint, 297/6-282/1 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in extended right hand, left arm resting on shield, spear behind, EAXΔ (A upside down) monogram in wreath (A upside down) in left field. Thompson 101 type 1; Müller 301; Meydancikkale hoard 2634-2635.TextFull Size
Thompson 109 Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Magnesia ad Maeandrum mint. c297-281 BC. Head of the deified Alexander right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, with Nike and shield; ΠAΡ monogram in inner left field, maeander pattern in ex, palmette on throne. Thompson 109; Armenak hoard 837-839; SNG Cop 1109; Bunbury 638.2.TextFull Size
Thompson 112 Thrace, Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Magnesia mint. Circa 297-281 BC. Head of deified Alexander right / Athena Nikephoros seated left, holding Nike with wreath; torch to left, Maeander pattern below. Thompson 112; Armenak hoard 844-847; SNG Delepierre 845; Mionnet I, 62; Meydancikkale hoard 2636.TextFull Size
Thompson 113 Lysimachos. AR Tetradrachm. Magnesia ad Maeandrum mint. Struck c297-281 BC. Head of deified Alexander right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left, holding Nike with wreath; ΠYΡ monogram to left. Thompson 113; Armenak hoard 848-849; Müller 552; SNG Cop 1133; Subhi Pacha 483. TextFull Size
Thompson 114Lysimachos (323-281 BC). AR tetradrachm, Magnesia ad Maeandrum, 297-282 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / Athena seated left, holding Nike, shield propped against throne, transverse spear in background, filleted race torch in outer left field, ΠAYΡ monogram (A upside down) in inner left field. Maeander pattern in ex. Thompson 114; Armenak hoard 852.TextFull Size
Thompson 115 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Magnesia, 297/6–281 BC. Diademed, horned head of Alexander III right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left, filleted race torch in outer left field, ΠAYΡ monogram (A upside down) in inner left field. Thompson 115; Armenak hoard 860-862; Sardis XI 107; Müller 443a (Chrysaoris); SNG Cop 1111; Rhousopoulos 709; Subhi Pacha 474.TextFull Size
Thompson 116Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Magnesia mint. 297-282 BC. Head of Alexander III right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left holding Nike, left arm leaning on her shield. ΠYΡ in Ω (or wreath) monogram in inner left field, no symbol in exergue. Thompson 116.TextFull Size
Thompson 120 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Drachm. Colophon, 301/0–300/299 BC. Head of young Heracles right wearing lionskin headdress / ΛYΣIMAXOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, Zeus seated left, holding eagle on extended right hand and sceptre in left, lion forepart left above Φ in left field, pentagram beneath the throne. Price L27. TextFull Size
Thompson 122 Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Kolophon mint. Circa 299-296 BC. Head of Herakles right, in lion skin headdress / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and sceptre; forepart of lion over torch to left, pentagram below. Müller 18. TextFull Size
Thompson 123 Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Kolophon mint, struck 299-296 BC. Head of Herakles right, in lion's skin headdress / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Zeus seated left, holding eagle in extended right hand, spear in left, forepart of lion right over crescent in left field; pentagram beneath the throne. Price L23, Müller 19. TextFull Size
Thompson 126 Lysimachos AR Drachm. Kolophon mint. c299-296 BC. Head of Herakles right wearing lionskin headdress / BAΣIΛEΩ&Sigma ΛYΣIMAXOY, Zeus seated left with eagle and sceptre, forepart of lion and torch in left field, pentagram beneath the throne. Price L26; Müller L20. TextFull Size
Thompson 127.1 Lysimachos. 323-281 BC. AR Drachm. 301-297 BC. Kolophon mint. Head of Herakles right, wearing lionskin headdress / BAΣIΛEΩ&Sigma ΛYΣIMAXOY, Zeus seated left with eagle and sceptre, forepart of lion over upright crescent in left field, pentagram beneath the throne. Price L28. TextFull Size
Thompson 127.3
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Thompson 127 Lysimachos. 323-281 BC. AR Drachm. 301-297 BC. Kolophon mint. Head of Herakles right, wearing lionskin headdress / BAΣIΛEΩ&Sigma ΛYΣIMAXOY, Zeus seated left with eagle and sceptre, forepart of lion over upright crescent in left field, pentagram beneath the throne. Price L28. TextFull Size
Thompson 147 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AV Stater. Alexandria Troas mint, struck circa 297-281 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in extended right hand, left arm resting on shield, spear behind; in inner left field, AP monogram above bee; EM monogram in ex. Müller 429. TextFull Size
Thompson 148cf Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Drachm. Alexandria Troas, ca 297 BC. Head of young Heracles right wearing lionskin headdress / ΛYΣIMAXOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, Zeus seated left, holding eagle on extended right hand and sceptre in left, horse's head downward in left field, star beneath the throne. cf Thompson 148–149 tetradrachms. TextFull Size
Thompson 151 Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Alexandria Troas, 297–281 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in right hand, left arm resting on shield, transverse spear in background, ram’s head left in inner left field, star on throne. Thompson 151; ANS 1944-100-81184-81185; BMC 1910-11-4-93; Meadows 5; Commerce "Seleukos I" hoard 2005, 627; Bellinger A3.TextFull Size
Thompson 157 Lysimachos. AR Tetradrachm. Struck 297-281 BC. Alexandria Troas mint. Head of deified Alexander right, wearing horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike. ΠY monogram in inner left field, ME monogram below. Thompson 157; Meadows 14; Montreal 922.N.28; ANS 1944-100-81191; Müller 486; Bellinger A9; Subhi Pacha 480.TextFull Size
Thompson 166Lysimachos AR Drachm. Ephesos mint, ca 294-287 BC. Head of deified Alexander right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left, holding Nike in right hand, left elbow resting on shield; bee in left field, IΣE monogram on throne. Thompson 166; Armenak hoard 877-880; Müller 426; Meydancikkale hoard 2658-2659; Bement (Naville 1924) 897.TextFull Size
Thompson 167Kings of Thrace, Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Ephesos, circa 294-287 BC. Struck circa 294-287 BC. 28 mm, 17.07 g. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon. / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left, holding Nike in right hand, left elbow resting on shield; bee in left field, ΩIΣE monogram on throne. Thompson 167; Müller 428; Meydancikkale hoard 2660.TextFull Size
Thompson 168 Lysimachos AR Drachm. Ephesos mint. Struck c294-287 BC. Head of deified Alexander right with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left holding Nike, bee flanked by E-Φ before. Müller 421. TextFull Size
Thompson 171.1
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Thompson 171 Lysimachos AR Drachm. Head of deified Alexander right, wearing diadem and horn of Ammon / Athena Nikephoros seated left, leaning on shield and holding Nike before her; bow and quiver in left field. TextFull Size
Thompson 172 Lysimachos AR Drachm. Ephesus Mint, ca 294-287 BC. Head of deified Alexander III right with diadem and horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike who crowns inscription with a wreath, shield on right decorated with Gorgoneions, HAΡ monogram beneath the throne. TextFull Size
Thompson 174 Lysimachos AR Drachm. Struck 294-287 BC. Ephesos mint. Head of deified Alexander right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in her extended right hand, left arm leaning on her shield. Lyre in left field, A on throne.TextFull Size
Thompson 180 Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Kios mint, circa 288-281 BC. Head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike, left elbow resting on her shield; ANT monogram in left field, club beneath the throne, corn-ear in exergue. Thompson 180; Armenak hoard 898; Meydancikkale hoard 2667. TextFull Size
Thompson 187 Lysimachos AR tetradrachm. Amphipolis Mint, Diademed head of Alexander III, wearing horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike bearing wreath. Race torch in left field, bee in outer right field. Thompson 187; Müller 445a; SNG Alpha Bank 972; SNG Cop 1118; Bunbury 618.TextFull Size
Thompson 189 Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Amphipolis mint. Ca 288-282 BC. Head of the deified Alexander right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left; caduceus in left field, cornucopiae in outer right field. Thompson 189; Bunbury 3 in NC 1869; Bunbury 623.2.TextFull Size
Thompson 190 Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Amphipolis mint circa 288-281 BC. Head of deified Alexander right / Athena Nikephoros seated left; caduceus in inner left field, bee in outer right field. Thompson 190; Black Sea hoard 350; Pozzi 1171; Rhousopoulos 706; Armenak hoard 902-903; Müller 112; SNG Cop 1115; Mektepini hoard 684; Cousinéry 396 (Paris Cousinéry inventory); Schlessinger Hermitage theft sale Feb 1935, lot 544.TextFull Size
Thompson 191Lysimachos, King of Thrace, AR tetradrachm, 28.92mm, 13.62 gr, 288-271 BC. Amphipolis mint. Head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike and resting left elbow on shield. Caduceus with short handle in inner left field, KA monogram (A sideways) in outer right field. Thompson 191; Armenak hoard 904.TextFull Size
Thompson 192Lysimachos. AR Tetradrachm. Amphipolis mint. 288-281 BC. 28mm, 16.68 g. Head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon. / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike, resting left arm on a shield. Caduceus with handle in left field, bee in outer right field. Thompson 192; Armenak Hoard 905 (this coin).TextFull Size
Thompson 193 Lysimachos, AR tetradrachm, Amphipolis mint. 288-281 BC. 31 mm, 17.09 g. Head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon. / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike, resting left arm on a shield. Spear leaning against the throne. Caduceus with handle in left field, KA (A sideways) monogram in outer right field. Thompson 193; Armenak hoard 906-909; Müller 106; Cavella hoard 50; SNG Cop 1114; Rhousopoulos 704; Meydancikkale hoard 2669-2671.TextFull Size
Thompson 194 Lysimachos, King of Thracee AR Tetradrachm. Amphipolis mint, ca 288/7-282/1 BC. Diademed head of Alexander III with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike and resting left arm on shield, spear leaning against the chair back. Caduceus with handle in left field, ME monogram in outer right field. Thompson 194; Müller 104. TextFull Size
Thompson 195 Lysimachos, AR tetradrachm, 29mm, 17.12 g. Amphipolis mint. ca 288-281 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike and resting left arm on shield, spear leaning against the chair back. caduceus with handle in left field, VE monogram in outer right field. Thompson 195; Armenak hoard 911-913; Müller 102; Gordion hoard IV, 42; SNG Cop 1113; Schlessinger Hermitage theft sale Feb 1935, lot 542.TextFull Size
Thompson 197Lysimachos. AR Tetradrachm. Amphipolis mint. 288-281 BC. 28mm, 17.02 g. Head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon. / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike, resting left arm on a shield. Spear leaning against the throne. Caduceus with handle in left field, AΡ monogram in outer right field. Thompson 197.TextFull Size
Thompson 198Lysimachos. AR Tetradrachm. Amphipolis mint. 288-281 BC. 30 mm, 17.28 g. Head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon. / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike, resting left arm on a shield. Spear leaning transversly against the throne. Caduceus with handle in left field, AI monogram in outer right field. Thompson 198; Müller 107; Armenak Hoard 914.TextFull Size
Thompson 199aLysimachos. AR Tetradrachm. Amphipolis mint. 288-281 BC. 28mm, 17.08 g. Head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon. / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike, resting left arm on a shield adorned with a lion's head. Spear leaning against the throne. ΩΠY monogram in left field (with dot in the Ω), IA monogram in outer right field. Thompson 199; Armenak hoard 916.TextFull Size
Thompson 199bLysimachos. AR Tetradrachm. Amphipolis mint. 288-281 BC. 28mm, 16.78 g. Head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon. / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike, resting left arm on a shield adorned with a lion's head. Spear leaning against the throne. ΠY monogram in left field (with dot in the Π), IA monogram in outer right field. Thompson 199; Armenak hoard 915; Meydancikkale hoard 2672.TextFull Size
Thompson 200Lysimachos. AR Tetradrachm. Amphipolis mint. 288-281 BC. 29 mm, 17 g. Head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon. / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike, resting left arm on a shield. Spear leaning transversly against the throne. ΩΠYN monogram in left field, ΠAΡ monogram in outer right field. Thompson 200; Müller 541; Schlessinger Hermitage theft sale Part II, lot 145, Feb 1934.TextFull Size
Thompson 201 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Amphipolis mint, struck 288/7-282/1 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in extended right hand, left arm resting on shield. Spear leaning against the throne. ΩΠYN monogram in left field and ΔHTΡ monogram in outer right field. Thompson 201; Gordion hoard I, 56; Mionnet I, 28; Müller 543; de Hirsch 930.TextFull Size
Thompson 202Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Amphipolis mint, struck 288-281 BC. 29mm, 17.12 g. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in extended right hand, left arm resting on shield, spear behind. ΩΠYN monogram in left field, HΔΡ monogram (Ρ retrograde) in exergue. Thompson 202.TextFull Size
Thompson 204Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in extended right hand, left arm resting on shield with lion face, spear behind, ΩΠY monogram in inner left field, ΩK monogram in outer right field. Thompson 204. TextFull Size
Thompson 207Lysimachos, AR Tetradrachm, 29mm, 16.95 g. Amphipolis mint. ca 287-281 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in her extended right hand and left resting on shield, spear leaning against the chair back. ΩΠY monogram in left field, HΔΡ monogram in outer right field, HΔ monogram in exergue. Thompson 207; Lambros 196; Pozzi 1178; Müller 539; Meydancikkale hoard 2673-2674.TextFull Size
Thompson 209Lysimachos. AR Tetradrachm. Amphipolis mint. 288-281 BC. 20 mm, 16.68 g. Head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon. / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike, resting left arm on a shield adorned with a lion's head. ΩΠY monogram in left field, ΔH and IA monograms in exergue. Thompson 209; Sardis XI, 110; Armand Valton coll. 290.TextFull Size
Thompson 220 Lysimachos AR tetradrachm, 323-281 BC. Pergamum mint. Head of Alexander right, with horn of Ammon, K beneath neck / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike and resting on shield, upright crescent in outer left field, cult image in inner left field, ΩΞ monogram in exergue. Thompson 220; Armenak hoard 923.TextFull Size
Thompson 222 Lysimachos AR tetradrachm, struck 287-282 BC. Pergamum mint. Head of Alexander right, with horn of Ammon, K beneath neck / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike and resting on shield, upright crescent in outer left field, cult image in inner left field, ΠAΡ monogram in exergue.TextFull Size
Thompson 225 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Pergamon mint, struck 287/6-282 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon; K beneath neck / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in extended right hand, left arm resting on shield, spear behind; N to outer left, cult statue in inner left field, crescent in ex. Thompson 225; Weber 2722; Meydancikkale hoard 2679. TextFull Size
Thompson 237 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AR Tetradrachm. Smyrna, 287–281 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike and resting elbow on grounded shield, transverse spear in background, Φ in outer left field, turreted head of Tyche right in inner left field. Thompson 237; Armenak hoard 928; Müller 408; Mclean 4486; Mionnet I, 51; Meydancikkale hoard 2684-2685; Mektepini hoard 292; Wartenberg & Kagan, 75; Hedervar Mus. 2543; Schlessinger Hermitage theft sale I, lot 547. TextFull Size
Thompson 241 Lysimachos, King of Thrace AV Stater. Pella mint, struck circa 286/5-282/1 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in extended right hand, left arm resting on shield, spear behind; oMT monogram in inner left field, Π on throne, K in ex. TextFull Size
Thompson 243 Lysimachos (323-281 BC). AR tetradrachm (17.25 gm). Pella, 286/5-282/1 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike on extended right hand and resting left elbow on shield propped against throne, ΠAΡ monogram in inner left field, ΛTN monogram in inner right field. Thompson 243; Armenak hoard 929-930. TextFull Size
Thompson 248aLysimachus, AR Tetradrachm, 29mm, 17.26 g. Pella mint. ca 286-281 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon. / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated right, holding Nike in her extended right hand and left resting on shield, spear leaning against the chair back. HΡ monogram in outer left field, KΦ monogram (Φ sideways) in outer right field. Thompson 248a; Armenak hoard 939.TextFull Size
Thompson 248bLysimachus, AR Tetradrachm, 31 mm, 16.69 g. Pella mint. ca 286-281 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon. / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated right, holding Nike in her right hand and left resting on shield, spear leaning against the chair back. HΡ monogram in inner left field, KΦ monogram (Φ sideways) in outer right field. Thompson 248b; Armenak hoard 935.TextFull Size
Thompson 248cLysimachos, AR Tetradrachm, 29mm, 17.11 g. Pella mint. ca 297-281 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in her extended right hand and left resting on shield, spear leaning against the chair back. HΡ monogram in outer left field, KAE monogram (A sideways) in inner left field. Thompson 248c; Armenak hoard 938.TextFull Size
Thompson 248eLysimachus, AR Tetradrachm, 27mm, 17.16 g. Pella mint. ca 286-281 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon. / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated right, holding Nike and resting left arm on shield, spear leaning against the chair back. HΡ monogram in inner left field, KΦ monogram (Φ sideways) in exergue. Thompson 248e; Armenak hoard 937; SNG Cop 1121; SNG Alpha Bank 981.TextFull Size
Thompson 248gLysimachus, AR Tetradrachm, 29 mm, 17.19 g. Pella mint. ca 286-281 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon. / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated right, holding Nike and resting left arm on shield, spear leaning against the chair back. KΦ monogram (Φ sideways) in outer left field, HR monogram in inner left field. Thompson 248g; not in Armenak, SNG Cop, SNG France etc.TextFull Size
Thompson 252 Thracian Kingdom, Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Pella mint, ca 286-281 BC. Head of deified Alexander right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ right, ΛYΣIMAXOY left, Athena Nikephoros seated left, holding Nike in right hand, left elbow resting on shield, spear behind; ΔΡ in Ω monogram in left field, K in ex. Thompson 252 (mon. corrected); Müller 473. TextFull Size
Thompson 255Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm, 305-281 BC. 30.79 mm, 15.70 g, Pella mint. Head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY legend to right and left of Athena, seated left, holding Nike and resting left arm on a shield at her side. ΦMT monogram in left field, K in circle in exergue. Thompson 255; Meydancikkale hoard 2687; Paris 1756.TextFull Size
Thompson 255 (2)Lysimachos (323-281 BC). AR tetradrachm (17.22 g). Uncertain mint, posthumous issue, before 225 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMACOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike on extended right hand and resting left elbow on shield propped against throne, AHT monogram (A upside down) in inner left field, KT monogram (T sideways) in exergue. Addition to Thompson 255 K monogram. TextFull Size
Thompson 256Lysimachos, AR tetradrachm, 29mm, 16.90 g. Perinthos mint. ca 283-282 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike in her extended right hand and left resting on shield, spear leaning against the chair back. Two conjoined foreparts of horses back to back over ΡA monogram (Ρ retrograde) in left field. Thompson 256; Armenak hoard 945; Müller 133; Mionnet I, 43.TextFull Size
TLA 51921Lysimachos, AV Stater. 8.52 g, 323-281 BC. Kyzikos mint. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, wearing horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left, holding Nike in extended right hand, left arm resting on shield. ΠΣ monogram in left field, tunny fish left in exergue. Apparently unpublished as a stater. Jenkins 39 var (tetradrachm); Mionnet I, 73-75 var (tetradrachm, monogram); Black Sea Hoard 397 var (ditto). Timeline Auctions int. no. 51921.TextFull Size
Tresors 1-51 Lysimachos AR Tetradrachm. Lysimachia, before 225 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / Athena seated left, holding Nike, shield propped against throne, transverse spear in background, star over AP monogram in inner left field, lion head left in ex. TextFull Size
Weber 2730Lysimachos AE14 "small unit". 305-281 BC. 2.23 g. Lysimachia mint. Helmeted head of Athena right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Forepart of lion right; spearhead below; caduceus and ΡKA monogram in left field. Weber 2730; Monogram similar to Thompson 191 and Mionnet 444.TextFull Size
Weber 4500Lysimachos, King of Thrace. 323-281 BC. AE-19 mm, 5.01 gr. Helmeted head of Athena right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Lion leaping right, caduceus, EoM monogram and spearhead below. Weber 4500; Mueller -.TextFull Size
Unlisted Drachm 1 Thracian Kingdom, Lysimachos AR Drachm. Uncertain mint. Head of deified Alexander right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ right, ΛYΣIMAXOY left, Athena Nikephoros seated left, holding Nike in right hand, left elbow resting on shield; ΛO monogram on throne. Thompson -; Müller -. TextFull Size
Unlisted Stater 1 Lysimachos AV Stater. Uncertain mint. Head of the deified Alexander right / Athena seated left, holding Nike in extended right hand, left arm resting on shield, spear behind; AT monogram in left field. TextFull Size
Note: With thanks to Constantin Marinescu for his article, "Making and Spending Money along the Bosporos: The Lysimachi coinages minted by Byzantium and Chalcedon..".