Price 1193
AMNG 258 | Mithradates VI of Pontos, AV Stater. Time of the First Mithradatic War, Struck in the name of Lysimachos. 88-86 BC. Kallatis mint. Diademed head of the deified Alexander the Great right with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, left elbow resting on shield, holding Nike in extended right hand; monogram above knee, KAΛ on throne, trident in ex. | Text | Image | |
AMNG 262 | Mithradates VI AV Stater. Time of 1st Mithradatic War, Struck in the name of Lysimachos. 88-86 BC. Kallatis mint. Diademed head of deified Alexander right with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, left elbow resting on shield, holding Nike; TAΡ monogram above knee, KAΛ on throne, trident below. | Text | Image | |
AMNG 263 | Mithradates VI AV Stater. Time of 1st Mithradatic War, struck in the name of Lysimachos. Kallatis mint, 88-86 BC. 8.30 g. Head of deified Alexander right with horn of Ammon / BAΣΛIEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left, holding Nike. AΔ monogram to left, KAΛ on throne, trident below. | Text | Image | Text | Image |
AMNG 482 | Mithradates VI AV Stater. Time of the First Mithradatic War, struck in the name of Lysimachos. 88-86 BC. Istros mint. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike, left elbow resting on shield. ΔI in left field, IΣ on throne, trident below. | Text | Image | |
AMNG 2477 | Mithradates VI AV Stater. Time of the First Mithradatic War, struck in the name of Lysimachos, 88-86 BC. Tomis mint. Diademed head of the deified Alexander III / BAΣΛIEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, left elbow resting on shield, holding Nike in extended right hand. ΔH monogram and Y in left field, trident below. AMNG I-2, 2477; Hunter 11; Wiczay 2533; Müller Lysimachus 270. | Text | Image | |
AMNG 2478 | Mithradates VI Eupator AV Stater, in name of Lysimachos. Tomis mint, time of the First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander III, wearing Horn of Ammon right. / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike, HΡ monogram and Φ in left field, TO on throne, trident below. AMNG I-2, 2478; Müller Lysimachus 272; Welzl 1678. | Text | Image | Text | Image |
AMNG 2479 | Mithradates VI Eupator AV Stater, in name of Lysimachos. Tomis mint, time of the First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right with horn of Ammon / BAΣΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left holding Nike, HΡ monogram and A-like letter in left field, TO on throne, trident below. AMNG I-2, 2479; Müller Lysimachus 252. | Text | Image | Text | Image |
AMNG 2480 | Mithradates VI, King of Pontos, 120-63 BC. AV Stater. Tomis mint. Struck in the name of Lysimachos, during the First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC. Diademed head of Alexander III right / BAΣΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike, ΘEM in left field, TO on throne, trident below. AMNG I-2, 2480; Athens 1188; Berlin 7; Hunter 12; Müller Lysimachus 273. | Text | Image | |
AMNG 2484 | Mithradates VI AV Stater. Time of First Mithradatic War, Struck in the name of Lysimachos. 88-86 BC. Tomis mint. Diademed head of the deified Alexander III right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike, ΦAI in left field, TO on throne, trident below. AMNG I-2, 2484; Müller Lysimachus 281. | Text | Image | |
AMNG 2485 | Mithradates VI. c88-86 BC. AV Stater. Time of First Mithradatic War. Struck in the name of Lysimachos. Tomis Mint. Diademed head of the deified Alexander III right with horn of Ammon / BAΣΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY left, Athena seated left, holding Nike, left elbow resting on shield, ΦΔ monogram in left field, TO on throne, trident below. AMNG I-2, 2485; Müller Lysimachus 269; Turin 2097. | Text | Image | |
BMC 4 | Pontic Kingdom, Mithradates VI AR Tetradrachm. Diademed head right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ MIΘΡAΔATOY EYΠATOΡOΣ above and beneath Pegasus grazing left, star in crescent in upper left field, ΡXA monogram to right, all within Dionysiac wreath of ivy leaves and fruit. | Text | Image | |
CNG 84-516 | Black Sea Region, time of Mithradates VI? Uncertain mint. Ca 125-00 BC. AE15mm, 2.91 g. Jugate heads of the Dioskuri right. / AΛIA-ΔΩ to left and right of cornucopiae between the caps of the Dioskuri, each surmounted by a star. Unpublished. | Text | Image | |
DeCallatay D17 | Mithradates VI, King of Pontos. (120-63 BC). AR tetradrachm (16.64 gm). Struck 79/8 BC. Diademed head of Mithradates VI right / Stag grazing left, star in crescent above ΣTAKEΩ monogram on left, date ΘIΣ (Pontic era 219) above AYΡ monogram in right field, month Θ in exergue, all in Dionysiac wreath of ivy leaves and berries. De Callata˙ pl. viii, D17. Toned. Good very fine Estimated Value: $ 2, 500 | Text | Image | |
DeCallatay p005-D7-R2 | Mithradates VI, King of Pontos AV Stater. Pergamon mint, dated Pergamene Era year 2 (88/7 BC). Diademed head right, hair tousled and flowing freely / BAΣIΛEΩΣ MIΘΡAΔATOY EYΠATOΡOΣ, stag grazing left; pellet below, star and crescent to left, B (date) and monogram to right; all within Dionysiac wreath of ivy and fruit. BMC 1v, SNGvA 6676. | Text | Image | |
DeCallatay p011-D21-R2 | Mithradates VI, King of Pontos AR Tetradrachm. Pergamon mint, dated month 11 of 202 BE (August 95 BC). Diademed head right, hair neatly tucked under diadem / BAΣIΛEΩΣ MIΘΡAΔATOY EYΠATOΡOΣ, stag grazing left; star and crescent to left, BS (year) and monogram to right, IA (month) in ex; all within Dionysiac wreath of ivy and fruit. BMC 2, SNGCop 234. | Text | Image | |
DeCallatay p014-D53-R16 | Pontos, Kings of. Mithradates VI AR Tetradrachm. Dated Year 209 (89-88 BC). Diademed head of Mithradates right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ MIΘΡAΔATOY EYΠATOΡOΣ, Pegasos grazing left; star, crescent left, QS and monogram to right; all within ivy wreath. Dewing 2121, Winterthur 2389. | Text | Image | |
DeCallatay p016-D5-R4 | Pontos, Kings of, Mithradates VI AR Tetradrachm. Year 213 (85-84 BC). Diademed head of Mithradates right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ MIΘΡAΔATOY EYΠATOΡOΣ, Pegasos grazing left; star, crescent and monogram left, GIS and monogram to right, A below; all within ivy wreath. Hunterian 3. | Text | Image | |
DeCallatay p016-D5-R6 | Pontos, Kings of, Mithradates VI AR Tetradrachm. Year 213 (85-84 BC). Diademed head of Mithradates right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ MIΘΡAΔATOY EYΠATOΡOΣ, Pegasos grazing left; star, crescent and monogram left, ΓIΣ and monogram to right, A below; all within ivy wreath. | Text | Image | |
DeCallatay p018-D26-R5 | Mithradates VI, King of Pontos AR Tetradrachm. Pergamon mint, dated month 6 of 222 BE (March 75 BC). Diademed head right, hair tousled and flowing freely / BAΣIΛEΩΣ MIΘΡAΔATOY EYΠATOΡOΣ, stag grazing left; to left, star, crescent, and monogram to left, pellet below, BKS (year) and monogram to right, C (month) in ex; all within Dionysiac wreath of ivy and fruit. BMC 5v. | Text | Image | |
DeCallatay p019-D36-R2a | Mithradates VI AR Tetradrachm. Struck Year 222 BE, month 10 (July, 75 BC). Diademed head of Mithradates right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ MIΘΡAΔATOY EYΠATOΡOΣ, Pegasos grazing left; star, crescent and monogram to left, BKΣ and monogram to right, I (month 10) below, all within ivy wreath. | Text | Image | |
DeCallatay p021-D54-R2 | Mithradates VI, King of Pontos AR Tetradrachm. Pergamon mint, dated month 12 of 223 BE (September 74 BC). Diademed head right, hair tousled and flowing freely / BAΣIΛEΩΣ MIΘΡAΔATOY EYΠATOΡOΣ, stag grazing left; star, crescent and ΓKΣ (year) to left, two monograms to right, IB (month) in ex; all within Dionysiac wreath of ivy and fruit. BMC 7v, AMNG 6683v. | Text | Image | |
DeCallatay p037-D3-R1a | Mithradates VI AV Stater. Circa 87-86 BC. Ariarathes IX as deified Alexander III right with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left holding Nike. | Text | Image | |
DeCallatay p131-D1-R1 | Mithradates VI AV Stater. Istros mint, time of the First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander III right with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, left elbow resting on shield, holding Nike in extended right hand; I above knee, IΣ on throne, trident in exergue. SNGCop 1094, AMNG 482. | Text | Image | Text | Image | Text | Image | Text | Image |
DeCallatay p131-D1-R1a | Pontos, Kings of. Mithradates VI. 120-63 BC. AV Stater (8.26 gm). Time of the First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC. Istros mint. Diademed head of the deified Alexander III right with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, left elbow resting on shield, holding Nike in extended right hand; ΔI above knee, IΣ on throne, trident in ex. SNG Cop 1094, McClean 4481, AMNG 482. | Text | Image | |
DeCallatay p139-D2-R1 | Mithradates VI AV Stater. Time of First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC. Kallatis mint. Diademed head of deified Alexander III right / Athena seated left holding Nike, CTA (?) monogram above knee, KAΛ on throne, trident in ex. | Text | Image | |
DeCallatay p139 | Pontos, Mithradates VI. 120-63 BC. AV Stater. Time of the First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC. Kallatis mint. Diademed head of the deified Alexander III right with horn of Ammon / Athena seated left. | Text | Image | Text | Image |
DeCallatay p140-D4-R2a | Kings of Pontos, Mithradates VI AV Stater. Time of the First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC. Kallatis mint. Diademed head of the deified Alexander III right with horn of Ammon / BAΣΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY left, Athena seated left, left elbow resting on shield, holding Nike in extended right hand; HP monogram above knee, KAΛ on throne, trident in ex. SNG Copenhagen 1089; AMNG 266. | Text | Image | |
DeCallatay p140-D6-R1 | Pontos, Kings of, Mithradates VI AV Stater. Time of the First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC. Kallatis mint. Diademed head of the deified Alexander III right with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, left elbow resting on shield, holding Nike in extended right hand; monogram above knee, KAΛ on throne, trident in ex. AMNG 258. | Text | Image | |
DeCallatay p140-D6-R4 | Kings of Pontos, Mithradates VI AV Stater. Time of the First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC, Kallatis mint. Diademed head of the deified Alexander III right with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, left elbow resting on shield, holding Nike in extended right hand; HP monogram above knee, KM beneath throne, trident in ex. SNG Cop 1089, AMNG 266. | Text | Image | |
DeCallatay p141-D1-R1 | Mithradates VI, King of Pontos AV Stater. Tomis mint, struck in the name of Lysimachos, during the First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander III right with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, left elbow resting on shield, holding Nike in extended right hand; HPA above knee, TO on throne, trident in ex. AMNG 2479. | Text | Image | |
DeCallatay p141-D4-R- | Mithradates VI AV Stater. Time of First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC. Tomis mint. Diademed head of the deified Alexander III right with horn of Ammon / BAΣΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY left, Athena seated left holding Victory and resting arm on shield, monogram above knee, TO on throne, trident in ex. AMNG 2484. | Text | Image | |
DeCallatay p141-D4-R1 | Mithridates VI AV Stater. Tomis Mint, Types of Lysimachos continued, struck c. 87 BC, Diademed head of Mithridates VI right, as the deified Alexander, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, left elbow resting on shield, holding Nike in extended right hand; ΘEM above knee, TO on throne, trident in ex. SNGCop 1091, AMNG 2480. | Text | Image | |
DeCallatay p141 | Mithradates VI. 120-63 BC. AV Stater. Time of the First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC. Tomis mint. Alexander right wearing horn of Ammon / Athena seated left, left elbow resting on shield. | Text | Image | |
DeCallatay p141v | Mithradates VI, King of Pontos AV Stater. Time of First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC. Tomis Mint. Diademed head of deified Alexander III right with horn of Ammon; small dot above large dot behind / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, Nike standing left in Athena's extended right hand, Athena's left elbow resting on shield; TO on throne, ΔIO above knee, trident in ex. | Text | Image | |
DeCallatay p142cf | Mithradates VI AV Stater. Byzantium Mint, c. 88-86 BC, Head of Alexander III right with horn of Ammon, decorated with pellets / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, left elbow resting on shield, holding Nike in extended right hand, _I Y monogram above knee, BY on throne, trident left in exergue. | Text | Image | |
Price 1191 | Pontos, Mithradates VI AR Tetradrachm in name of Alexander III. Odessos mint, ca 125-65 BC. Head of Mithradates as Herakles right in lionskin / BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΛEXANΔΡOY left of Zeus seated left with eagle and sceptre; ΛA to left, OΔH in ex. | Text | Image | |
Price 1192 | Alexander III AR Tetradrachm. Odessos mint, ca 80-70 BC. Head of Herakles right in lionskin, with the features of Mithradates VI of Pontos / BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΛEXANΔΡOY of Zeus seated left with eagle and sceptre; LAK left, OΔH in ex. | Text | Image | |
Price 1193 | Mithradates VI AR Tetradrachm in the name of Alexander III. Odessa mint, time of the 2nd Mithraic War 83-82 BC. Mithradates as Hercules right in lionskin / BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΛEXANΔΡOY, Zeus seated left with eagle and sceptre, MAKΩ beneath arm, OΔH in ex. | Text | Image | |
RecGen 11 | Mithradates VI Eupator, King of Pontos, AR tetradrachm, ca 120-63 BC. 30 mm, 16.59 g. Amaseia or Sinope mint, ca 115-114 BC. Diademed, youthful head of Mithradates VI right, with slightly unruly hair, short beard and diadem ends fluttering behind him. / BAΣIΛEΩΣ MIΘΡAΔATOY EYΠATOΡOΣ, Pegasos grazing left, right leg raised, head lowered. Eight-rayed star over crescent in upper left field, BΔΔΔ monogram below. RecGen 11; Waddington 116; Winterthur 2388; Bloesch 52 in SNR 39 (1958). | Text | Image | |
SNG BS 1209 | Mithradates VI, c85-65 BC, AE23mm of Pontos, Amisos. Head of Mithradates as Dionysos wreathed in ivy right / AMIΣOY, Cista mystica, on which panther skin is draped; thrysus to left, monograms to left and right. | Text | Image | |
SNG BS 1213 | Amisos, Pontus, AE24 of Mithradates VI. Head of Perseus right, wearing vulture incorporated into helmet, face with features of Mithradates / Pegasus drinking left. | Text | Image | |
SNG Cop 1091 | Mithridates VI AV Stater. Tomis Mint, Types of Lysimachos continued, struck c. 87 BC, Diademed head of Mithridates VI right, as the deified Alexander, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, left elbow resting on shield, holding Nike in extended right hand; ΘEM above knee, TO on throne, trident in ex. AMNG 2480. | Text | Image | |
SNG Cop 1093 | Mithradates VI. 120-63 BC. AV Stater. Time of the First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC. Tomis mint. Diademed head of the deified Alexander III right with horn of Ammon / Athena seated left. | Text | Image | |
SNG Cop 1094 | Mithradates VI AV Stater. Istros mint, time of the First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander III right with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, left elbow resting on shield, holding Nike in extended right hand; ΔI above knee, IΣ on throne, trident in exergue. De Callata˙ pg. 139 (D1/R1), AMNG 482. | Text | Image | |
Entry for Pontos, Kings, Mithradates VI on the Digital Historia Numorum | ||||