Ancient Coinage of Pontos, Kings, Mithradates VI

Price 1193

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AMNG 258Mithradates VI of Pontos, AV Stater. Time of the First Mithradatic War, Struck in the name of Lysimachos. 88-86 BC. Kallatis mint. Diademed head of the deified Alexander the Great right with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, left elbow resting on shield, holding Nike in extended right hand; monogram above knee, KAΛ on throne, trident in ex. TextImage
AMNG 262Mithradates VI AV Stater. Time of 1st Mithradatic War, Struck in the name of Lysimachos. 88-86 BC. Kallatis mint. Diademed head of deified Alexander right with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, left elbow resting on shield, holding Nike; TAΡ monogram above knee, KAΛ on throne, trident below. TextImage
AMNG 263 Mithradates VI AV Stater. Time of 1st Mithradatic War, struck in the name of Lysimachos. Kallatis mint, 88-86 BC. 8.30 g. Head of deified Alexander right with horn of Ammon / BAΣΛIEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left, holding Nike. AΔ monogram to left, KAΛ on throne, trident below.TextImage
AMNG 482Mithradates VI AV Stater. Time of the First Mithradatic War, struck in the name of Lysimachos. 88-86 BC. Istros mint. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike, left elbow resting on shield. ΔI in left field, IΣ on throne, trident below. TextImage
AMNG 2477Mithradates VI AV Stater. Time of the First Mithradatic War, struck in the name of Lysimachos, 88-86 BC. Tomis mint. Diademed head of the deified Alexander III / BAΣΛIEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, left elbow resting on shield, holding Nike in extended right hand. ΔH monogram and Y in left field, trident below. AMNG I-2, 2477; Hunter 11; Wiczay 2533; Müller Lysimachus 270. TextImage
AMNG 2478Mithradates VI Eupator AV Stater, in name of Lysimachos. Tomis mint, time of the First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander III, wearing Horn of Ammon right. / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike, HΡ monogram and Φ in left field, TO on throne, trident below. AMNG I-2, 2478; Müller Lysimachus 272; Welzl 1678.TextImage
AMNG 2479Mithradates VI Eupator AV Stater, in name of Lysimachos. Tomis mint, time of the First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right with horn of Ammon / BAΣΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left holding Nike, HΡ monogram and A-like letter in left field, TO on throne, trident below. AMNG I-2, 2479; Müller Lysimachus 252.TextImage
AMNG 2480Mithradates VI, King of Pontos, 120-63 BC. AV Stater. Tomis mint. Struck in the name of Lysimachos, during the First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC. Diademed head of Alexander III right / BAΣΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike, ΘEM in left field, TO on throne, trident below. AMNG I-2, 2480; Athens 1188; Berlin 7; Hunter 12; Müller Lysimachus 273.TextImage
AMNG 2484Mithradates VI AV Stater. Time of First Mithradatic War, Struck in the name of Lysimachos. 88-86 BC. Tomis mint. Diademed head of the deified Alexander III right, with horn of Ammon / BAΣΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, holding Nike, ΦAI in left field, TO on throne, trident below. AMNG I-2, 2484; Müller Lysimachus 281.TextImage
AMNG 2485Mithradates VI. c88-86 BC. AV Stater. Time of First Mithradatic War. Struck in the name of Lysimachos. Tomis Mint. Diademed head of the deified Alexander III right with horn of Ammon / BAΣΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY left, Athena seated left, holding Nike, left elbow resting on shield, ΦΔ monogram in left field, TO on throne, trident below. AMNG I-2, 2485; Müller Lysimachus 269; Turin 2097. TextImage
BMC 4Pontic Kingdom, Mithradates VI AR Tetradrachm. Diademed head right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ MIΘΡAΔATOY EYΠATOΡOΣ above and beneath Pegasus grazing left, star in crescent in upper left field, ΡXA monogram to right, all within Dionysiac wreath of ivy leaves and fruit. TextImage
CNG 84-516Black Sea Region, time of Mithradates VI? Uncertain mint. Ca 125-00 BC. AE15mm, 2.91 g. Jugate heads of the Dioskuri right. / AΛIA-ΔΩ to left and right of cornucopiae between the caps of the Dioskuri, each surmounted by a star. Unpublished.TextImage
DeCallatay D17Mithradates VI, King of Pontos. (120-63 BC). AR tetradrachm (16.64 gm). Struck 79/8 BC. Diademed head of Mithradates VI right / Stag grazing left, star in crescent above ΣTAKEΩ monogram on left, date ΘIΣ (Pontic era 219) above AYΡ monogram in right field, month Θ in exergue, all in Dionysiac wreath of ivy leaves and berries. De Callata˙ pl. viii, D17. Toned. Good very fine Estimated Value: $ 2, 500 TextImage
DeCallatay p005-D7-R2Mithradates VI, King of Pontos AV Stater. Pergamon mint, dated Pergamene Era year 2 (88/7 BC). Diademed head right, hair tousled and flowing freely / BAΣIΛEΩΣ MIΘΡAΔATOY EYΠATOΡOΣ, stag grazing left; pellet below, star and crescent to left, B (date) and monogram to right; all within Dionysiac wreath of ivy and fruit. BMC 1v, SNGvA 6676. TextImage
DeCallatay p011-D21-R2Mithradates VI, King of Pontos AR Tetradrachm. Pergamon mint, dated month 11 of 202 BE (August 95 BC). Diademed head right, hair neatly tucked under diadem / BAΣIΛEΩΣ MIΘΡAΔATOY EYΠATOΡOΣ, stag grazing left; star and crescent to left, BS (year) and monogram to right, IA (month) in ex; all within Dionysiac wreath of ivy and fruit. BMC 2, SNGCop 234. TextImage
DeCallatay p014-D53-R16Pontos, Kings of. Mithradates VI AR Tetradrachm. Dated Year 209 (89-88 BC). Diademed head of Mithradates right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ MIΘΡAΔATOY EYΠATOΡOΣ, Pegasos grazing left; star, crescent left, QS and monogram to right; all within ivy wreath. Dewing 2121, Winterthur 2389. TextImage
DeCallatay p016-D5-R4Pontos, Kings of, Mithradates VI AR Tetradrachm. Year 213 (85-84 BC). Diademed head of Mithradates right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ MIΘΡAΔATOY EYΠATOΡOΣ, Pegasos grazing left; star, crescent and monogram left, GIS and monogram to right, A below; all within ivy wreath. Hunterian 3. TextImage
DeCallatay p016-D5-R6Pontos, Kings of, Mithradates VI AR Tetradrachm. Year 213 (85-84 BC). Diademed head of Mithradates right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ MIΘΡAΔATOY EYΠATOΡOΣ, Pegasos grazing left; star, crescent and monogram left, ΓIΣ and monogram to right, A below; all within ivy wreath. TextImage
DeCallatay p018-D26-R5Mithradates VI, King of Pontos AR Tetradrachm. Pergamon mint, dated month 6 of 222 BE (March 75 BC). Diademed head right, hair tousled and flowing freely / BAΣIΛEΩΣ MIΘΡAΔATOY EYΠATOΡOΣ, stag grazing left; to left, star, crescent, and monogram to left, pellet below, BKS (year) and monogram to right, C (month) in ex; all within Dionysiac wreath of ivy and fruit. BMC 5v. TextImage
DeCallatay p019-D36-R2aMithradates VI AR Tetradrachm. Struck Year 222 BE, month 10 (July, 75 BC). Diademed head of Mithradates right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ MIΘΡAΔATOY EYΠATOΡOΣ, Pegasos grazing left; star, crescent and monogram to left, BKΣ and monogram to right, I (month 10) below, all within ivy wreath. TextImage
DeCallatay p021-D54-R2Mithradates VI, King of Pontos AR Tetradrachm. Pergamon mint, dated month 12 of 223 BE (September 74 BC). Diademed head right, hair tousled and flowing freely / BAΣIΛEΩΣ MIΘΡAΔATOY EYΠATOΡOΣ, stag grazing left; star, crescent and ΓKΣ (year) to left, two monograms to right, IB (month) in ex; all within Dionysiac wreath of ivy and fruit. BMC 7v, AMNG 6683v. TextImage
DeCallatay p037-D3-R1aMithradates VI AV Stater. Circa 87-86 BC. Ariarathes IX as deified Alexander III right with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena Nikephoros seated left holding Nike. TextImage
DeCallatay p131-D1-R1Mithradates VI AV Stater. Istros mint, time of the First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander III right with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, left elbow resting on shield, holding Nike in extended right hand; ­I above knee, IΣ on throne, trident in exergue. SNGCop 1094, AMNG 482. TextImage
DeCallatay p131-D1-R1aPontos, Kings of. Mithradates VI. 120-63 BC. AV Stater (8.26 gm). Time of the First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC. Istros mint. Diademed head of the deified Alexander III right with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, left elbow resting on shield, holding Nike in extended right hand; ΔI above knee, IΣ on throne, trident in ex. SNG Cop 1094, McClean 4481, AMNG 482. TextImage
DeCallatay p139-D2-R1Mithradates VI AV Stater. Time of First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC. Kallatis mint. Diademed head of deified Alexander III right / Athena seated left holding Nike, CTA (?) monogram above knee, KAΛ on throne, trident in ex. TextImage
DeCallatay p139Pontos, Mithradates VI. 120-63 BC. AV Stater. Time of the First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC. Kallatis mint. Diademed head of the deified Alexander III right with horn of Ammon / Athena seated left. TextImage
DeCallatay p140-D4-R2aKings of Pontos, Mithradates VI AV Stater. Time of the First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC. Kallatis mint. Diademed head of the deified Alexander III right with horn of Ammon / BAΣΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY left, Athena seated left, left elbow resting on shield, holding Nike in extended right hand; HP monogram above knee, KAΛ on throne, trident in ex. SNG Copenhagen 1089; AMNG 266. TextImage
DeCallatay p140-D6-R1Pontos, Kings of, Mithradates VI AV Stater. Time of the First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC. Kallatis mint. Diademed head of the deified Alexander III right with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, left elbow resting on shield, holding Nike in extended right hand; monogram above knee, KAΛ on throne, trident in ex. AMNG 258. TextImage
DeCallatay p140-D6-R4Kings of Pontos, Mithradates VI AV Stater. Time of the First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC, Kallatis mint. Diademed head of the deified Alexander III right with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, left elbow resting on shield, holding Nike in extended right hand; HP monogram above knee, KM beneath throne, trident in ex. SNG Cop 1089, AMNG 266. TextImage
DeCallatay p141-D1-R1Mithradates VI, King of Pontos AV Stater. Tomis mint, struck in the name of Lysimachos, during the First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander III right with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, left elbow resting on shield, holding Nike in extended right hand; HPA above knee, TO on throne, trident in ex. AMNG 2479. TextImage
DeCallatay p141-D4-R-Mithradates VI AV Stater. Time of First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC. Tomis mint. Diademed head of the deified Alexander III right with horn of Ammon / BAΣΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY left, Athena seated left holding Victory and resting arm on shield, monogram above knee, TO on throne, trident in ex. AMNG 2484. TextImage
DeCallatay p141-D4-R1Mithridates VI AV Stater. Tomis Mint, Types of Lysimachos continued, struck c. 87 BC, Diademed head of Mithridates VI right, as the deified Alexander, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, left elbow resting on shield, holding Nike in extended right hand; ΘEM above knee, TO on throne, trident in ex. SNGCop 1091, AMNG 2480. TextImage
DeCallatay p141Mithradates VI. 120-63 BC. AV Stater. Time of the First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC. Tomis mint. Alexander right wearing horn of Ammon / Athena seated left, left elbow resting on shield. TextImage
DeCallatay p141vMithradates VI, King of Pontos AV Stater. Time of First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC. Tomis Mint. Diademed head of deified Alexander III right with horn of Ammon; small dot above large dot behind / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, Nike standing left in Athena's extended right hand, Athena's left elbow resting on shield; TO on throne, ΔIO above knee, trident in ex. TextImage
DeCallatay p142cfMithradates VI AV Stater. Byzantium Mint, c. 88-86 BC, Head of Alexander III right with horn of Ammon, decorated with pellets / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, left elbow resting on shield, holding Nike in extended right hand, _I Y monogram above knee, BY on throne, trident left in exergue. TextImage
Price 1191Pontos, Mithradates VI AR Tetradrachm in name of Alexander III. Odessos mint, ca 125-65 BC. Head of Mithradates as Herakles right in lionskin / BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΛEXANΔΡOY left of Zeus seated left with eagle and sceptre; ΛA to left, OΔH in ex. TextImage
Price 1192Alexander III AR Tetradrachm. Odessos mint, ca 80-70 BC. Head of Herakles right in lionskin, with the features of Mithradates VI of Pontos / BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΛEXANΔΡOY of Zeus seated left with eagle and sceptre; LAK left, OΔH in ex. TextImage
Price 1193Mithradates VI AR Tetradrachm in the name of Alexander III. Odessa mint, time of the 2nd Mithraic War 83-82 BC. Mithradates as Hercules right in lionskin / BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΛEXANΔΡOY, Zeus seated left with eagle and sceptre, MAKΩ beneath arm, OΔH in ex. TextImage
RecGen 11Mithradates VI Eupator, King of Pontos, AR tetradrachm, ca 120-63 BC. 30 mm, 16.59 g. Amaseia or Sinope mint, ca 115-114 BC. Diademed, youthful head of Mithradates VI right, with slightly unruly hair, short beard and diadem ends fluttering behind him. / BAΣIΛEΩΣ MIΘΡAΔATOY EYΠATOΡOΣ, Pegasos grazing left, right leg raised, head lowered. Eight-rayed star over crescent in upper left field, BΔΔΔ monogram below. RecGen 11; Waddington 116; Winterthur 2388; Bloesch 52 in SNR 39 (1958).TextImage
SNG BS 1209Mithradates VI, c85-65 BC, AE23mm of Pontos, Amisos. Head of Mithradates as Dionysos wreathed in ivy right / AMIΣOY, Cista mystica, on which panther skin is draped; thrysus to left, monograms to left and right. TextImage
SNG BS 1213Amisos, Pontus, AE24 of Mithradates VI. Head of Perseus right, wearing vulture incorporated into helmet, face with features of Mithradates / Pegasus drinking left. TextImage
SNG Cop 1091Mithridates VI AV Stater. Tomis Mint, Types of Lysimachos continued, struck c. 87 BC, Diademed head of Mithridates VI right, as the deified Alexander, with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, left elbow resting on shield, holding Nike in extended right hand; ΘEM above knee, TO on throne, trident in ex. AMNG 2480. TextImage
SNG Cop 1093Mithradates VI. 120-63 BC. AV Stater. Time of the First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC. Tomis mint. Diademed head of the deified Alexander III right with horn of Ammon / Athena seated left. TextImage
SNG Cop 1094Mithradates VI AV Stater. Istros mint, time of the First Mithradatic War, 88-86 BC. Diademed head of the deified Alexander III right with horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left, left elbow resting on shield, holding Nike in extended right hand; ΔI above knee, IΣ on throne, trident in exergue. De Callata˙ pg. 139 (D1/R1), AMNG 482.TextImage
Entry for Pontos, Kings, Mithradates VI on the Digital Historia Numorum