Tripolis ad Maeandrum) (through the ages known as Neapolis, Apollonia and Antoninopolis) was on the northern bank of the Maeander between Sardes and Laodicea ad Lycum. Its Roman and Byzantine ruins still exist near Yenicekent, Turkey.
BMC 4 | Tripolis as Apollonia, Lydia, AE18, semi-autonomous. 1st c. BC. Laureate head of Zeus right / AΠOΛΛΩNIATΩN, horseman right, wearing chlamys, holding bipennis over shoulder, riding right over a maeander pattern. BMC (Lydia) 4-5; SNG Cop 712; Imhoof LS 1; Imhoof GM 425; Mionnet III (Caria),164; Paris 1758A; GRPC Lydia 3. | Text | Image |
BMC 6 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE15. semi-autonomous. AD 14-37. Magistrate Menandros. TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, laureate head of Apollo right, with lyre / MENANΔΡOΣ ΦIΛO KAIΣAΡ TO Δ, four lines within wreath, Maeander pattern below. BMC 6; RPC 3057; Weber 6954: SNG Cop 714; GRPC Lydia 5. | Text | Image |
BMC 8 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE24. semi-autonomous. AD 138-192. ΘEA ΡΩMH, Head of Roma right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Dionysos, naked, standing left, drapery over both arms, holding kantharos and thyrsos. BMC 8; SNG vA 3303; SNG Cop 715; Hunter 4; Waddington 2666; GRPC Lydia 11. etc. | Text | Image |
BMC 9 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE26, semi-autonomous. AD 138-192. TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, head of Artemis left, quiver over shoulder / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Apollo, naked, standing left, holding laurel branch and bow. BMC 8; Walcher 2443; Mionnet III (Caria), 499; Paris 1792; GRPC Lydia 7. | Text | Image |
BMC 10 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE22. Imperial times. Bust of Athena or Roma left, in crested helmet and aegis / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Zeus Lydios standing left, holding eagle and sceptre. BMC 10; GRPC Lydia 8. | Text | Image |
BMC 12 | Lydia, Tripolis. 2nd century AD. AE 30mm. Draped bust of the Roman Senate left / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Artemis standing right, drawing arrow from quiver and holding bow, and Apollo standing left, holding laurel branch. BMC 12; GRPC Lydia 12 | Text | Image |
BMC 12 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE30, semi-autonomous issue. AD 138-192. IEΡA CYNKΛHTOC, bare-headed, draped bust of the Senate left / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Artemis standing right, holding bow, reaching for an arrow from a quiver at her shoulder, facing Apollo, laureate, naked but for chlamys, standing left, holding laurel branch. BMC 12-13; SNG von Aulock 3301; SNG Fitzwilliam 4910; GRPC Lydia 12; SNG Lewis 1550 (this coin). | Text | Image |
BMC 14 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE30, semi-autonomous. 138-192. IEΡA CYNKΛHTOC, bare-headed, draped bust of the Senate left / LHTW TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Leto seated left, holding transverse sceptre. BMC 14; Mionnet III (Caria), 510; Imhoof, Klagenfurt coll., 105; GRPC Lydia 16. | Text | Image |
BMC 15 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE26. Imperial times. IEΡA CYNKΛHTOC, head of youthful senate right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Demeter standing left, holding corn-ears, poppies and torch. BMC 15: Aulock 3302; SNG Cop 721; GRPC Lydia 15. | Text | Image |
BMC 16 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE26, Imperial times. ΔHMOC TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, unbearded, bare head of Demos right / MAIANΔΡOC, river-god Meander reclining left, himation over lower limbs, holding reed and cornucopiae, resting left arm on overturned urn. BMC 16; Kurth "Demos", 690; RPC III 2572; GRPC Lydia 9. | Text | Image |
BMC 18 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE17, semi-autonomous. 200-268. Bearded head of Asklepios right, serpent-entwined staff before head / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Nemesis, winged, standing left, holding bridle in lowered left hand and drawing out the neck of her robe with her right hand. BMC 18; SNG Cop 726; SNG Righetti 1112; Mionnet Suppl. VI, 565; Waddington 2664; Paris 1761; GRPC Lydia 18. | Text | Image |
BMC 19 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE19, semi-autonomous issue. AD 193-268. Helmeted, draped bust of Athena right, aegis on chest, spear before shoulder / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Tyche standing left, kalathos on head, holding rudder in right hand and cornucopiae in left. Duesseldorf 4250; BMC 19; GRPC Lydia 25. | Text | Image |
BMC 20 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE17, semi-autonomous. AD 193-268. Helmeted head of Athena right, aegis on chest / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Nemesis, winged, standing left, holding bridle in lowered left hand and drawing out the neck of her robe with right. BMC 20-21; Waddington 2661; Paris 1784; GRPC Lydia 22. | Text | Image |
BMC 22 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE20, semi-autonomous. AD 117-192. Helmeted head of Athena right, with aegis / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Hermes, naked but for chlamys over shoulders, standing left, holding purse and caduceus. BMC 22; Mionnet Suppl. VI (Caria), 558; SNG Cop 723; Waddington 2662; Paris 1789D; GRPC Lydia 19 etc. | Text | Image |
BMC 23 | Lydia, Tripolis, civic coinage AE15. Time of the Antonines. Bust of Athena in crested helmet right, holding aegis / TPIPOLEITWN, Telesphorus standing facing, in hooded cloak, arms crossed in front. BMC 23; SNG von Aulock 3315; Universität Münster M1242; GRPC Lydia 24. | Text | Image |
BMC 25 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE 25, semi-autonomous. AD 193-268. ΘEA ΡΩMH, helmeted bust of Roma right, aegis on chest / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, river-god Maeander reclining left, holding reed and cornucopiae, resting left arm on an overturned urn, from which waters flow. BMC 25; SNG Tuebingen 3880; GRPC Lydia 65. | Text | Image |
BMC 27 | Tripolis, Lydia. AE28. 193-268 AD. ΔHMOC, unbearded, bare-headed, draped bust of Demos right / TΡIΠOΛE-ITΩN in two lines above, MAIANΔ-ΡOC in two lines in exergue, River-god Maeander reclining left, holding reed and cornucopiae; behind an inverted vase from which water flows. BMC 27; Weber 6963 (this coin); GRPC Lydia 46. | Text | Image |
BMC 28-29 Paris 1799 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE17, semi-autonomous. AD 193-268. ΔHMOC, head of Demos right, hair bound in a taenia. / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Leto sitting right on rock, suckling the infants Apollo and Artemis. BMC 28-29; SNG von Aulock 3308; Imhoof KM 2; Waddington 2670; Paris 1799; GRPC Lydia 42. | Text | Image |
BMC 31 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE25, semi-autonomous issue, AD 161-268. ΔHMOC, bare-headed, draped bust of Demos right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Tyche standing left, kalathos on head, holding rudder in right hand and cornucopiae in left. BMC 31; SNG Fitzwilliam 4909; SNG Munich 807; Mionnet III (Caria), 505; GRPC Lydia 50. | Text | Image |
BMC 32 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE22, Pseudo-autonomous issue. AD 138-268. ΔHMOC, unbearded, bare-headed, draped bust of Demos right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Tyche, standing left, kalathos on head, holding rudder and cornucopiae. BMC 32; Lindgren 848 (this coin); GRPC Lydia 50. | Text | Image |
BMC 33 | Lydia, Tripolis, 3rd century AD, 17mm, 2.24g. Bearded and draped bust of Serapis right, wearing modius / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Isis facing, head left, wearing kalathos, crescent behind shoulders, holding sistrum and situla. BMC 33; SNG von Aulock 3312; SNG München 798; GRPC Lydia 67. | Text | Image |
BMC 35 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE30, semi-autonomous. AD 193-268. IEΡA CYNKΛHTOC, bare-headed, draped bust of the Senate left / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN MAIANΔΡOC, river-god Maeander reclining left, holding reed and cornucopiae, resting left arm on an overturned urn. BMC 35; SNG von Aulock 3305 and 8292; SNG Righetti 1113; Falter 529; GRPC Lydia 71. | Text | Image |
BMC 36 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE27 semi-autonomous issue, AD 193-268. 3.12 g. IEΡA BOYΛH, veiled bust of Boule right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Tetrastyle temple with a statue of Leto running left within, carrying her twins, one on each arms. BMC 36; Weber 6960; Mionnet III (Caria), 515; Paris 1773; SNG Munich 803; GRPC Lydia 38. | Text | Image |
BMC 37 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE23, semi-autonomous. AD 193-268. Bearded head of Herakles right, club over shoulder / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Artemis walking right, holding bow and reaching for an arrow from quiver at her shoulder, hound at foot. BMC 37; Imhoof LS 15; Leypold I, 1332; GRPC Lydia 57. | Text | Image |
BMC 38 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE18, semi-autonomous. 193-268. Bearded head of Herakles left / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Nike walking right, holding wreath and palm branch. BMC 38; SNG von Aulock 3313; Weber 6961; Hunter 3; GRPC Lydia 61. | Text | Image |
BMC 39 | Tripolis, Lydia, semi-autonomous. AD 193-268. IEΡA BOYΛH, laureate, veiled and draped bust of Boule right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Demeter seated left, veiled, holding corn-ears, poppy and torch. BMC 39; Lindgren I 850; Paris 1775; GRPC Lydia 31. | Text | Image |
BMC 43 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE22, semi-autonomous. AD 193-268. Turreted, draped bust of Tyche right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Artemis running right, holding bow and reaching for an arrow from quiver at her shoulder. BMC 43; SNG von Aulock 3309 and 8294; Hunter 5; SNG Munich 797; GRPC Lydia 76. | Text | Image |
BMC 44 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE23 semi-autonomous, AD 193-268. Turreted and draped bust of Tyche right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Artemis standing right, holding bow and reaching for an arrow from quiver at her shoulder. BMC 44; Paris AA.GR.5088; Plankenhorn 1355; GRPC Lydia 77. | Text | Image |
BMC 45 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE22, semi-autonomous. AD 193-268. Turreted and draped bust of Tyche right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Artemis running right, holding bow and reaching for an arrow from quiver at her shoulder, hound at foot. BMC 45; Mionnet III (Caria), 500; Paris 1766; GRPC Lydia 75. | Text | Image |
BMC 47 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE32, semi-autonomous issue of the Letoian-Pythian Games, AD 193-268. IEΡA CYNKΛHTOC, bare-headed, draped bust of the Senate right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Leto hurrying left, looking back, holding the infants Artemis and Apollo in her arms, behind her is a table inscribed ΠYΘIA on which is a prize crown inscribed ΛHTΩEIA, containing two palm branches, with a purse on each side; amphora beneath the table. BMC 47; SNG Cop 735; Imhoof LS 11-12; Mionnet III (Caria), 512; SNG von Aulock 8293; GRPC Lydia 70 etc. | Text | Image |
BMC 48 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE34 semi-autonomous issue of the Letoian-Pythian Games, AD 193-268. IEΡA CYNKΛHTOC, draped bust of youthful senate right / Agonistic table, inscribed ΠYΘIA, on which is a prize urn, inscribed ΛHTΩEIA, and containing two palms; between two purses, amphora beneath the table. BMC 48; Imhoof LS 13; SNG Turkey 7, 439; Paris M4448; GRPC Lydia 68. | Text | Image |
BMC 49 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE semi-autonomous issue of the Letoian-Pythian Games, AD 193-268. ΔHMOC, bare-headed, draped bust of Demos right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN around ΛH-TΩEIA-ΠYΘI-A in four lines within laurel wreath. BMC 49; Mionnet III (Caria), 507; GRPC Lydia 41. | Text | Image |
GRPC Lydia 17 | Tripolis, Lydia, semi-autonomous issue, AE24, AD 138-268. 7.04 gr. IEΡA CYNKΛHTOC, bare-headed, draped bust of the Senate right. / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Tyche standing left, kalathos on head, holding rudder and cornucopiae. GRPC Lydia 17; SNG Turkey 11, 423. | Text | Image |
GRPC Lydia 40 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE24, semi-autonomous. 161-268. ΔHMOC, bare-headed, draped bust of Demos right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Demeter, veiled, standing left, holding corn-ears, poppy and torch. GRPC Lydia 40; Paris 1966.453; Kurth Demos 676; Rutten FAC 20040. | Text | Image |
GRPC Lydia 60 | Tripolis, Lydia. AE18, semi-autonomous issue, AD 193-268. Bearded head of Herakles left. / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Nemesis, winged, standing left, holding bridle in lowered left hand and drawing out the neck of her robe with her right hand. SNG Cop 729; Milne, Oxford 2 in NC 1939; GRPC Lydia 60. | Text | Image |
GRPC Lydia 72 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE31 semi-autonomous issue, ca. AD 193-268. 13.74 g. IEΡA CYNHΛHTOC, bare-headed, draped bust of the Senate right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, river-god Maeander reclining left, holding reed and cornucopiae, resting left arm on an overturned urn, from which waters flow. GRPC Lydia 72. | Text | Image |
Imhoof KM 1 | Tripolis as Apollonia, Lydia, AE13, Autonomous issue. 1st c. BC. 1.69 gr. Laureate head of Apollo right / AΠOΛΛΩNIATΩN, bee on a maeander pattern. Imhoof GRM 1; Imhoof KM 1; Waddington 3618 (under Pisidia in error); GRPC Lydia 1. | Text | Image |
Imhoof KM 2 | Tripolis, Lydia, semi-autonomous issue. AD 200-268. ΔHMOC, bare head of Demos right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Leto sitting right on rock, suckling the infants Apollo and Artemis. Imhoof KM 2; Waddington 2670; SNG von Aulock 3308; BMC 28-29; GRPC Lydia 42. | Text | Image |
Imhoof LS 5 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE18, Imperial times. TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Head of Hermes right, (caduceus before) / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Nemesis, winged, standing left, holding bridle in lowered left hand and drawing out the neck of her robe with her right hand. Imhoof LS 5; MacDonald, "Aphrodisias" 398; GRPC Lydia 62. | Text | Image |
Lindgren I 849 | Tripolis, Lydia. AE26. Pseudo-autonomous issue. Time of Marcus Aurelius, 161-180 AD. ΔHMOC, unbearded, bare head of Demos right / (from centre right) ZEYC CAΡAΠ-I-C, TΩN (below), Serapis seated left, wearing modius, himation over lower limbs, right hand outstretched over Cerberus at feet, left hand resting on vertical sceptre. Lindgren I 849 (this coin); Waddington 2669; Paris 1798; GRPC Lydia 66. | Text | Image |
Lindgren I 851 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE19 semi-autonomous, struck under Trajan, AD 98-117. 4.35 g. TΡIΠOΛ, draped bust of Hermes right; caduceus to right / AV KAI TΡAIANOC, Ares, helmeted, naked, walking right, holding spear and trophy. Lindgren I 851; Mionnet Suppl. VI (under Caria in error), 579; RPC III 2560; GRPC Lydia 106. | Text | Image |
Mionnet III, 509 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE35, semi-autonomous. 193-268. IEΡA CYNKΛHTOC, bare-headed, draped bust of the Senate left / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Zeus, naked but for chlamys draped over both shoulders, standing front, looking right, holding thunderbolt in lowered right hand and and sceptre in left. Mionnet III (Caria), 509; Gökyildirim Istanbul 904; GRPC Lydia 74. | Text | Image |
Mionnet III, 513 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE26, semi-autonomous. AD 193-268. Autonomous. 193-268. IEΡA CYNKΛHTOC, bare-headed, draped bust of the Senate right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN MAIANΔΡOC, river-god Maeander reclining left, holding reed and cornucopiae, resting left arm on an overturned urn. Mionnet III (Caria), 513; Paris 1778; GRPC Lydia 72. | Text | Image |
Mionnet III, 514 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE 31, semi-autonomous. AD 193-268. CYNKΛHTOC, bare-headed, draped bust of the Senate right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN MAIANΔΡOC, river-god Maeander reclining left, holding reed and cornucopiae, resting left arm on an overturned urn, from which waters flow. Mionnet III (Caria), 514; Paris 1776; McClean 8731; GRPC Lydia 73. | Text | Image |
Mionnet III, 516 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE21, semi-autonomous. AD 193-268. BOYΛH, turreted, draped bust of Boule right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Dionysos standing left, naked, cloak falling low down his back, holding kantharos and thyrsos. Mionnet III (Caria), 516; Paris 1772; Klose 34 in IM 1984; SNG Cop 732; GRPC Lydia 35. | Text | Image |
Mionnet Supp. VI, 562 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE17, semi-autonomous. AD 193-268. Radiate, draped bust of Helios right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Nike walking right, holding wreath and palm branch. Mionnet Suppl. VI (Caria), 562; Winterthur 3984; Paris 1791; GRPC Lydia 55. | Text | Image |
Paris 1778 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE27, semi-autonomous. AD 193-268. IEΡA CYNKΛHTOC, bare-headed, draped bust of the female Senate right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN MAIANΔΡOC, river-god Maeander reclining left, holding reed and cornucopiae, resting left arm on an overturned urn, from which waters flow. Paris 1778. (see also Mionnet III, 513 for male Senate); GRPC Lydia 72. | Text | Image |
Paris 1966.453 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE25, semi-autonomous issue, AD 161-268. ΔHMOC, bare-headed, draped bust of Demos right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Demeter, veiled, standing left, holding corn-ears, poppy and torch. Paris 1966.453; GRPC Lydia 40. | Text | Image |
Prowe III 1587 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE24, semi-autonomous. AD 193-268. Turreted and draped bust of Tyche right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Dionysos, naked except for chlamys over both arms from behind, standing left, holding kantharus and thyrsos. Prowe III 1587; Kurth Dionysos 127; GRPC Lydia 79. | Text | Image |
RPC I 3057 | Tripolis, Lydia, semi-autonomous. 14 BC-AD 37. Magistrate Menandros. TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, laureate head of Apollo right, holding lyre in right hand / MENAN-ΔΡOC ΦIΛO-KAICAΡ TO-Δ in four lines within Maeander pattern. BMC 6-7; RPC I 3057 (obv. desc. corr. in Supp. I); SNG Cop 714; Paris 1793; SNG Munich 787; Weber 6954; GRPC Lydia 5 etc. | Text | Image |
RPC IX 799 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE19 semi-autonomous issue. AD 249-268. 4.66 g. IEΡA BOYΛH, laureate, veiled and draped bust of Boule right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Artemis standing right, holding bow and reaching for an arrow from quiver at her shoulder. RPC IX 799 (Imhoof coll. Berlin); GRPC Lydia 29 (Aiello Coll.). | Text | Image |
SNG Cop 720 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE26, semi-autonomous. AD 193-268. ΔHMOC, laureate head of Demos right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN MAIANΔΡOC, river-god Maeander reclining left, holding reed and cornucopiae, resting left arm on an overturned urn, from which waters flow. SNG Cop 720; Waddington 2667; Paris 1765; GRPC Lydia 44. | Text | Image |
SNG Cop 721 | Tripolis, Lydia, semi-autonomous. AD 100-200. IEΡA CYNKΛHTOC, bare-headed, draped bust of the Senate right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Demeter, veiled, standing left, holding corn-ears, poppy and torch. SNG von Aulock 3302; Klose 26-27; SNG Lewis 1554; SNG Munich 800-801; GRPC Lydia 15. | Text | Image |
SNG Cop 724 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE19, semi-autonomous, AD 193-268. Helmeted, draped bust of Athena right, aegis on chest / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Tyche standing left, kalathos on head, holding rudder in right hand and cornucopiae in left. SNG Cop 724; SNG von Aulock 3314; Mionnet III (Caria) 501; Paris 1789A; GRPC Lydia 26 etc. | Text | Image |
SNG Cop 731 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE22, semi-autonomous issue. AD 193-268. IEΡA BOYΛH, veiled and draped bust of Boule right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Dionysos standing left, naked but for chlamys down his back, holding kantharos and thyrsos, panther at foot left. SNG Cop 731; Vienna GR 31060; RPC IX 800 corr. (BMC var, Boule bust type); GRPC Lydia 34. | Text | Image |
SNG Cop 731 | Tripolis, Lydia, semi-autonomous. AD 193-268. IEΡA BOYΛH, veiled and draped bust of Boule right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Dionysos standing left, naked but for chlamys draped over both arms, holding kantharos and thyrsos. SNG Cop 731; Vienna GR 31060; RPC IX 800 corr; GRPC Lydia 34. | Text | Image |
SNG Cop 732 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE24, AD 193-268. BOYΛH, turreted and draped bust of Boule right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Dionysos, naked but for chlamys draped over both arms, standing left, holding kantharus and thyrsos. SNG Cop 732; Klose 34 in IM 1984; Mionnet III (Caria), 516; Paris 1772; GRPC Lydia 35. | Text | Image |
SNG Fitz. 4909 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE25, Antonine times, 138-268 AD. ΔHMOC, unbearded, bare-headed, draped bust of Demos right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Tyche standing left, polos on head, holding rudder and cornucopiae. BMC 31-32; SNG Cop 736; SNG Fitzwilliam 4909; SNG Munich 807; Mionnet III (Caria), 505; GRPC Lydia 50. | Text | Image |
SNG Lewis 1552 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE25, semi-autonomous issue. AD 193-268. ΔHMOC TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, bare head of Demos right / ZEYC CAΡAΠIC, Zeus-Serapis, polos on head, seated left on stool, holding sceptre, Kerberos at foot left. BMC 34; SNG von Aulock 3304; SNG Lewis 1552; SNG Munich 806; SNG Cop 719; GRPC Lydia 54. | Text | Image |
SNG Lewis 1553 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE24, semi-autonomous. AD 138-192. TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, draped bust of Artemis left bow before, quiver behind shoulder / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Apollo, naked, standing facing, looking left, holding bow and laurel branch. SNG Lewis 1553; BMC 9; Walcher 2443; Mionnet III (Caria), 499; Paris 1792; GRPC Lydia 7. | Text | Image |
SNG Lewis 1554 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE26, semi-autonomous issue. AD 100-200. IEΡA CYNKΛHTOC, bare-headed, draped bust of the Senate right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Demeter, veiled, standing left, holding corn-ears, poppy and torch. SNG von Aulock 3302; Klose 26-Klose 27 (in IM 1984); SNG Lewis 1554; GRPC Lydia 15. | Text | Image |
SNG Lewis 1555 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE24, semi-autonomous issue. AD 161-268. ΔHMOC, bare head of Demos right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Demeter, veiled, standing left, holding corn-ears, poppy and torch. BMC 30; Kurth Demos 673-675; SNG Cop 738; SNG Lewis 1555; Waddington 2668; GRPC Lydia 39. | Text | Image |
SNG Lewis 1556 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE19, semi-autonomous issue. AD 193-268. Draped bust of Serapis right, polos on head / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Isis standing front, looking left, crescent behind shoulders, holding sistrum and situla. SNG von Aulock 3311-3312; SNG Lewis 1556; GRPC Lydia 67. | Text | Image |
SNG Leypold 1335 | Lydia, Tripolis, AE23, 6.0g. IEΡA BOYΛH; youthful, veiled head of Boule right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Hygieia standing right, holding serpent in arms, facing her father Asklepios standing facing, head left, leaning on serpent-entwined staff. Walcher 2447; Leypold I, 1335 corr. (IEΡA overlooked); GRPC Lydia 36. | Text | Image |
SNG Munich 803 | Tripolis, Lydia, 11.32 gr. semi-autonomous issue, 2-3 c. AD. IEΡA BOYΛH, veiled bust of Boule right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, tetrastyle temple with figure of Leto running left within, carrying her twins, one on each arm. BMC 36; Weber 6960; Mionnet III (Caria), 515; Paris 1773; SNG Munich 803; GRPC Lydia 38. | Text | Image |
SNG vA 3305 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE30.5 mm. semi-autonomous issue. AD 193-268. IEΡA CYNKΛHTOC, bare-headed, draped bust of the Senate left / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN MAIANΔΡOC, river-god Maeander reclining left, holding reed and cornucopiae, resting left arm on an overturned urn from which waters flow. SNG von Aulock 3305 (this coin) and 8292; BMC 35; SNG Righetti 1113; Helios, Falter 529; GRPC Lydia 71. | Text | Image |
SNG vA 3306 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE30, semi-autonomous issue. AD 193-268. ΔHMOC, bare-headed, draped bust of Demos right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, river-god Maeander reclining left, holding reed and cornucopiae, resting left arm on an overturned urn from which waters flow. SNG von Aulock 3306; Winsemann 2931; Falter 532; Kurth Demos 688; GRPC Lydia 47. | Text | Image |
SNG vA 3310 | Tripolis, Lydia. AE22, semi-autonomous issue. AD 193-268. 6.22 g. Turreted and draped bust of Tyche right. / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Dionysos standing left, naked but for chlamys over shoulder, holding kantharos and thyrsos, panther at foot left. SNG von Aulock 3310; Kurth Dionysos 295; GRPC Lydia 78. | Text | Image |
SNG vA 3311 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE19. 193-268 AD. Draped bust of Serapis right, wearing kalathos / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Isis standing left holding sistrum and situla. SNG von Aulock 3311; SLG Weber 6959; BMC 33; SNG Cop 728; GRPC Lydia 67. | Text | Image |
Waddington 2663 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE 22, semi-autonomous Letoian Games issue. AD 193-268. Helmeted bust of Athena right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN around ΛH-TΩEIA-ΠYΘI-A in four lines within laurel wreath. Waddington 2663; Paris 1787; SNG Munich 796; Mionnet III (Caria), 503; GRPC Lydia 20. | Text | Image |
Waddington 2665 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE22, semi-autonomous. AD 193-268. Bearded head of Herakles right, club behind shoulder / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Dionysos standing left, naked but for chlamys over both shoulders, holding kantharos and thyrsos. Waddington 2665; Paris 1794; GRPC Lydia 58. | Text | Image |
Waddington 2669 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE17, semi-autonomous. AD 117-192. Head of Serapis right, polos on head / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Hermes, naked but for chlamys over shoulders, standing left, holding purse and caduceus. Waddington 2669; Paris 1798; Lindgren I 849; RPC IX 796; GRPC Lydia 66. | Text | Image |
Waddington 2672 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE23, semi-autonomous. AD 193-268. BOYΛH, laureate, veiled and draped bust of Boule right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Hygieia standing right, feeding serpent in arms, facing Asklepios standing facing, looking left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. Waddington 2672; Paris 1801; Prowe III 1584; GRPC Lydia 37. | Text | Image |
Waddington 2673 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE31, semi-autonomous. AD 138-192. IEΡA CYNKΛHTOC, bare-headed, draped bust of the Senate right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Artemis standing right, holding bow, reaching for an arrow from a quiver at her shoulder, facing Apollo, laureate, naked but for chlamys, standing left, holding laurel branch. Waddington 2673-2674; Paris E438; SNG Cop 734; Mionnet Suppl. VI (Caria), 571; GRPC Lydia 13. | Text | Image |
RPC 3047 | Augustus, AE20 of Tripolis, Lydia, 27 BC-AD 14. Magistrate Apollonios Androneikos. ΣEBAΣTOΣ, bare head right, maeander pattern in left field / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN AΠOΛΛΩNIOY ANΔΡONEIKOY, eagle standing right, head left, wings spread. RPC I 3047; Paris 1807; Waddington 2677; Weber 6965; Righetti Coll. Sale IV, 907; GRPC Lydia 80. | Text | Image |
RPC 3049 | Augustus, AE20 of Tripolis, Lydia. 27 BC–AD 14). 3.9 g. Magistrate Tryphon Philopatridos. ΣEBAΣTOΣ, bare head right, maeander pattern in left field / TΡYΦΩN ΦIΛOΠATΡIΔOΣ TΡIΠOΛEITΩN downwards to left and right of eagle standing right on club, head left, wings spread. RPC I 3049; Imhoof LS 3;Paris 1806; Waddington 2676; SNG Cop 740; Vienna 36134; Lindgren I 852; GRPC Lydia 82. | Text | Image |
RPC 3051 | AE20 of Tripolis, Lydia, attributed to Augustus. Magistrates Tryphon and Hieratikos. ΣEBAΣTOΣ, bare head right, maeander pattern behind head / TΡYΦΩN IEΡATIKOΣ TΡIΠOΛEITΩN to left and right of Zeus, standing left, holding eagle. RPC 3051; BMC 52; GRPC Lydia 81. | Text | Image |
RPC 3048 | Caius Caesar, AE19 of Tripolis, Lydia. 5.60 g. 17 BC-AD 4. Magistrate Apollonios Androneikos. ΓAIOΣ KAIΣAΡ, bare head right / AΠOΛΛΩNIOΣ ANΔΡONEIKOY TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, horseman right, wearing chlamys, holding bipennis over shoulder, riding right over a maeander pattern. RPC I 3048; Vienna 18458; Paris 1810; Waddington 2680; Mionnet III (Caria), 521; Mionnet Suppl. VI (Caria), 578; GRPC Lydia 83. | Text | Image |
RPC 3050 | Caius Caesar, AE18 of Tripolis, Lydia. 17 BC-AD 4. Magistrate Tryphon Philopatridos. ΓAIOΣ KAIΣAΡ, bare head right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN TΡYΦΩN ΦIΛOΠATΡIΔOΣ, horseman right, wearing chlamys, holding bipennis over shoulder, riding right over a maeander pattern. RPC I 3050; Imhoof GRM 3; Paris 1811; Mionnet Suppl. VI (Caria), 577; GRPC Lydia 84. | Text | Image |
RPC 3053 | Livia AE16 of Tripolis, Lydia. Struck 14-29 AD. ΣEBAΣTH, head of Livia left / IEΡATIKOΣ, Club of Herakles. SNG Cop 741; Mionnet III, 519; GRPC Lydia 90 (ΣEBAΣTH anti-clockwise from lower right); GRPC Lydia 91 (ΣEBAΣTH anti-clockwise from upper left). | Text | Image |
RPC 3052 | Tiberius, AE20 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 14-37. Magistrate Hieratikos. ΣEBAΣTOΣ, bare head right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN IEΡATIKOΣ, horseman right, wearing chlamys, holding bipennis over shoulder, riding right over a maeander pattern. RPC I 3052; BMC 50-51; SNG von Aulock 3316; SNG Cop 739; GRPC Lydia 85 (rev IEΡATIKOΣ downwards to left, TΡIΠOΛEITΩN upwards to right); GRPC Lydia 86 (rev TΡIΠOΛEITΩN downwards to left, IEΡATIKOΣ upwards to right). | Text | Image |
RPC 3054 | Tiberius and Livia, AE18 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 14-37. Magistrate Menandros Metrodoros. ..ΣEBAΣTON KAIΣAΡA.., jugate heads left of Tiberius, laureate and Livia, draped / MENANΔΡOΣ MHTΡOΔΩΡOY ΦIΛOKAI TO Δ, radiate, draped bust of Helios right. RPC I 3054 corr. ("ΦIΛOKAIΣAΡ"); SNG Cop 744; Imhoof KM 4; GRPC Lydia 89. | Text | Image |
RPC 3055 | Tiberius, AE21 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 14-37. Magistrate Menandros Metrodoros. TIBEΡION KAIΣAΡA TΡIΠOΛEITAI, laureate head right / MENANΔΡOΣ MHTΡOΔΩΡOY ΦIΛOKAI TO Δ, radiate, draped bust of Helios right. RPC I 3055 corr. ("ΦIΛOKAIΣAΡ"); Imhoof KM 3; GRPC Lydia 88. | Text | Image |
RPC 3056 | Tiberius, AE20 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 14-37. Magistrate Menandros Metrodoros. TIBEΡION KAIΣAΡA TΡIΠOΛEITAI, laureate head right / MENANΔΡOΣ ΦIΛOKAIΣAΡ TO Δ, radiate, draped bust of Helios right. RPC I 3056; SNG von Aulock 3317; SNG Cop 743; Waddington 2681; GRPC Lydia 87. | Text | Image |
BMC 53 | Trajan, AE26 of Tripolis, Lydia, AD 98-117. TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, radiate, draped bust of Helios right / AY KAI TΡAIANOC ΔAKIKOC, emperor standing left, holding spear and crowning a trophy to left with a wreath. BMC 53; Waddington 2682; Paris 1819; RPC III 2562; GRPC Lydia 105. | Text | Image |
BMC 54 | Tripolis, Lydia, AE24, time of Trajan. ΘEAN ΡΩMHN TΡIΠOΛEITAI, draped bust of Roma right, hair rolled / AY KAI TΡAIANOC, Emperor, in cuirass, standing left, holding spear and crowning a trophy of arms before him. BMC 54; Weber 6966; Imhoof LS 6; Paris K2811; RPC III 2558; GRPC Lydia 107. | Text | Image |
BMC 55 | Trajan AE20 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 98-117. TΡIΠOΛ, helmeted head of Athena right, with aegis / AY KAI TΡAIANOC, emperor standing left, holding spear and crowning a trophy to left with a wreath. BMC 55; Weber 6967; SNG Munich 811; RPC III 2559; GRPC Lydia 101. | Text | Image |
BMC 58 | Trajan AE28 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 98-117. Magistrate Theodoros II. ΘEOΔΩΡOC B EXAΡA TΡIΠOΛ, bust of Artemis left, bow before head, quiver over shoulder / AY KAI TΡAIANOC CE ΔAKIKOC, Ares, helmeted, walking left, naked, holding spear and trophy. BMC 58; RPC III 2566; GRPC Lydia 93. | Text | Image |
BMC 60 | Trajan, AE25 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 98-117. ΔHMOC TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, bare head of Demos right / AYTO KAICAΡ TΡAIANOC, emperor standing left, holding wreath-bearing Nike and sceptre. BMC 60; Imhoof LS 7; Waddington 2684; Paris 1821; RPC III 2557; GRPC Lydia 102. | Text | Image |
GRPC Lydia 109 | Trajan AE31 of Tripolis, Lydia, (from top right) AYT KAI TΡAIANO CE ΓEΡ, Laureate head right / ΛHTΩ TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Leto seated left on rock. GRPC Lydia 109. | Text | Image |
Mionnet III, 523 | Trajan, AE29 of Tripolis, Lydia, AD 98-117. Magistrate Theodoros II. ΘEOΔΩΡOC B EXAΡ TΡIΠOΛ, laureate, draped bust of the Senate right / AY KAI TΡAIANOC CE ΔAKIKOC, Ares, helmeted, naked, standing left, holding spear and trophy. Mionnet III (Caria), 523; Paris 1813; RPC III 2569; GRPC Lydia 98. | Text | Image |
Mionnet III, 524 | Trajan, AE29 of Tripolis, Lydia, AD 98-117. Magistrate Theodoros II. ΘEOΔΩΡOC B EXAΡA TΡIΠOΛ, turreted head of Tyche right / AYT KAI TΡAIANOC CE ΔAKIKOC, Ares, helmeted, naked, standing left, holding spear and trophy. Mionnet III (Caria), 524; Paris 1814; RPC III 2570; GRPC Lydia 100. | Text | Image |
Paris 2002.33 | Trajan, AE26 of Tripolis, Lydia, AD 98-117. Magistrate Theodoros II. ΘEOΔΩΡOC B EXAΡA ΛHTO TΡIΠOΛ, veiled head of Leto right / AY KAI NEΡ TΡAIANOC CEB ΔAKIKOC, Emperor standing right before a trophy with bound captive sitting left at its base. Paris 2002.33; Burstein 749; RPC III 2571; GRPC Lydia 97. | Text | Image |
SNG Munich 812 | Trajan, AE26 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 98-117. IEΡA CYNKΛHTOC TΡIΠOΛ, bare-headed, draped bust of the Senate left / AY KAI TΡAIANOC ΔAKIKOC, emperor standing left, holding spear and crowning a trophy to left with a wreath. SNG Munich 812; Mionnet Suppl. VI (Caria), 580; RPC III 2563; GRPC Lydia 108. | Text | Image |
Weber (D) 3408 | Tripolis, Lydia, pseudo-autonomous issue, 98-117 AD. 2.85 g. TΡIΠOΛ, head of Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy / AY KAI TΡAIANOC, Ares, helmeted, naked, standing left, holding spear and trophy. Weber Germany 3408; Aufhauser 2, 244; RPC III 2561; GRPC Lydia 104. | Text | Image |
GRPC Lydia 111 | Antoninus Pius AE32 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 138-161. 17.80 gr. AY..NEΡ AΔΡIA ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right / ΛHTO TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Leto seated left, holding long transverse sceptre. GRPC Lydia 111; Vossen 138161. | Text | Image |
GRPC Lydia 112 | Antoninus Pius, AE30 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 138-161. AY KAICAΡ AΔΡIA ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Zeus or Poseidon, standing front, looking right, naked but for chlamys over shoulder, holding thunderbolt (?) and sceptre. RPC online 11145; GRPC Lydia 112. | Text | Image |
Imhoof GRM 4 | Marcus Aurelius AE36 of Tripolis, Lydia. 138-161. 19.35 gr. AY KAI ANTΩNEINOC, laureate, cuirassed bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN ΛHTΩ, Leto seated left, holding sceptre over right shoulder. Imhoof GRM 4 in RSN 13 and 14; Winterthur 3989; GRPC Lydia 115. | Text | Image |
Imhoof LS 8 | Marcus Aurelius AE26 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 138-161. M AYΡHΛIOC OYHΡOC KAICAΡ, bare head right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN MAIANΔΡOC, river-god Maeander reclining left, holding reed and cornucopiae, resting left arm on an overturned urn. Imhoof LS 8; SNG Munich 813; GRPC Lydia 113. | Text | Image |
Plankenhorn 1352 | Marcus Aurelius, AE37 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 161-180. AY KAI ANTΩNEINOC, laureate, cuirassed bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Zeus, standing left, naked but for chlamys over shoulder, holding sceptre and uncertain object. Plankenhorn (Naumann) 1352; GRPC Lydia 118. | Text | Image |
Righetti Coll. 5989 | Marcus Aurelius AE35 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 161-180. 21.62 gr. AY KAI ANTΩNEINOC, laureate and cuirassed bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Leto, wearing long robe, hurrying left, looking back, holding the twins Artemis and Apollo on her arms. Righetti Collection 5989; Righetti Coll. Sale IV, 911; GRPC Lydia 114. | Text | Image |
Waddington 2685 | Marcus Aurelius, AE23 of Tripolis, Lydia, AD 138-161. AYΡHΛIOC KAICAΡ, bare head right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN MAIANΔΡOC, river-god Maeander reclining left, holding reed, resting left arm on an overturned urn, cornucopiae behind him. Waddington 2685; Leypold I, 1339; Paris 1822; GRPC Lydia 113. | Text | Image |
BMC 63-66 | Faustina II AE29 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 146-180. ΦAYCTEINA CEBACTH, draped bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN MAIANΔΡOC, river-god Maeander reclining left, holding reed and cornucopiae, resting left arm on an overturned urn. BMC 63-66; SNG Cop 746; Imhoof FG 340; SNG von Aulock 3319-3320; SNG Lewis 1551; GRPC Lydia 119. | Text | Image |
CNG 160, 206 | Commodus as Caesar AE34 of Tripolis, Lydia, AD 166-177. Λ AYT KAICA AYΡ KOMOΔO, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Leto hurrying left, looking back, holding the infants Artemis and Apollo in her arms. GRPC Lydia 122; CNG 160, 206. | Text | Image |
GRPC Lydia 126 | Julia Domna, AE30 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 193-217. IOY ΔOMNA CEB, draped bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN MAIANΔΡOC, river-god Maeander reclining left, holding reed and cornucopiae, resting left arm on an overturned urn. GRPC Lydia 126; CNG 226, 450. | Text | Image |
Luynes 2742 | Julia Domna, AE29 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 193-217. 15.01 gr. IOYΛIA ΔOMNA CEBACT, draped bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Leto running left, looking right, carrying the infants Artemis and Apollo in her arms. de Luynes 2742; Imhoof Klagenfurt 106; GRPC Lydia 125. | Text | Image |
GRPC Lydia 127 | Caracalla, AE of Tripolis, Lydia. 198-217. 6.61 gr. AYT K M AYΡ ANTΩNEINOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Demeter seated left, holding corn-ears and torch, serpent at her side. GRPC Lydia 127; Rauch 95, 232. | Text | Image |
Mionnet Supp. VI, 581 | Caracalla, AE24 of Tripolis, Lydia, AD 198-217. AYT K M AYΡ ANTΩNEI, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Tyche standing left, kalathos on head, holding rudder in right hand and cornucopiae in left. Mionnet Suppl. VI (Caria), 581; Paris 1804B; GRPC Lydia 130. | Text | Image |
Paris 1991.652 | Caracalla. AE33 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 198-217. 15.20 gr. AYT K M AYΡ ANTΩNEINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, countermark: male head right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN MAIANΔΡOC, river-god Maeander reclining left, holding reed and cornucopiae, resting left arm on an overturned urn. Paris 1991.652; GRPC Lydia 129. | Text | Image |
SNG Cop 747 | Geta, AE25 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 198-209. Λ CEΠ ΓETAC KAI, bare-headed, draped bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Tyche standing left, kalathos on head, holding rudder in right hand and cornucopiae in left. SNG Cop 747; Mionnet Suppl. VI (Caria), 582; GRPC Lydia 134. | Text | Image |
SNG von Aulock 3321 | Geta, AE24 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 198-209. Λ CEΠ ΓETAC KAIC, bare-headed, draped bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN MAIANΔΡOC, river-god Maeander reclining left, holding reed and cornucopiae, resting left arm on an overturned urn. SNG von Aulock 3321; Paris 1826; GRPC Lydia 133. | Text | Image |
Waddington 2686 | Geta AE of Tripolis, Lydia. Λ CEΠ ΓETAC KAIC, bare-headed, draped bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Demeter standing left, holding grain-ears, poppy and torch. Waddington 2686; GRPC Lydia 132. | Text | Image |
BMC 67 | Severus Alexander. AE27 of Tripolis, Lydia, AD 222-235. A K M A AΛEXANΔ, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Demeter, veiled, standing left, holding corn-ears, poppy and torch. BMC 67; SNG von Aulock 8296; Waddington 2688; Paris 1827; GRPC Lydia 138. | Text | Image |
Leypold I, 1340 | Severus Alexander. AE27 of Tripolis, Lydia, AD 222-235. A K M A AΛEXANΔ, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Demeter, veiled, standing left, holding corn-ears, poppy and torch. Leypold I, 1340; GRPC Lydia 138.. | Text | Image |
Waddington 7053 | Severus Alexander, AE40 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 222-235. 23.44 gr. AY K M A AΛEXANΔΡOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Leto hurrying left, looking back, holding the infants Apollo and Artemis in her arms. Waddington 7053 (this coin); GRPC Lydia 139. | Text | Image |
Mionnet III, 584 | Julia Mamaea, AE25 of Tripolis, Lydia, AD 222-235. IOYΛIA MAMAEA AYΓOY, draped bust right, wearing stephane / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN MAIANΔΡOC, river-god Maeander reclining left, holding reed and cornucopiae, resting left arm on an overturned urn, from which waters flow. Mionnet Suppl. VI, 584 corr (obv legend); Boston MFA 63.1218; GRPC Lydia 147. | Text | Image |
Waddington 2687 | Julia Mamaea AE22 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 222-235. IOY MAMEA C, draped bust right, wearing stephane / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Artemis standing right, holding bow and reaching for an arrow from a quiver at her shoulder. Mionnet Suppl. VI (Caria), 583; Waddington 2687; Paris 1828; GRPC Lydia 144. | Text | Image |
BMC 68 | Maximinus, AE37 of Tripolis, Lydia, AD 235-238. A KA IOY MAXIMEINOC C, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Leto hurrying left, looking back, holding the infants Artemis and Apollo in her arms. BMC 68; Mionnet III (Caria), 531; Paris 1830; GRPC Lydia 149. | Text | Image |
GRPC Lydia 150 | Maximus, AE33 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 235-238. K Γ IOYH MAZIMOC, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN MAIANΔΡOC, river-god Maeander reclining left, holding reed and cornucopiae, resting left arm on an overturned urn. GRPC Lydia 150; Pecunem Gitbud and Naumann, 21, 421. | Text | Image |
Mionnet Supp VI, 586 | Maximus, AE35 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 235-238. Γ IO OYH MAZIMOC K, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Tyche standing left, kalathos on head, holding rudder in right hand and cornucopiae in left. Mionnet Suppl. VI (Caria), 585: Paris 1831; GRPC Lydia 151. | Text | Image |
BMC 69 | Gordian III, AE27 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 238-244. AYT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Demeter, veiled, standing left, holding corn-ears, poppy and torch. BMC 69; Klose 37 in IM 1984; Imhoof LS 9; SNG von Aulock 3322; GRPC Lydia 152. | Text | Image |
GRPC Lydia 155 | Gordian III, AE28 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 238-244. 8.87 g. AYT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, river-god Maeander reclining left, holding reed and cornucopiae, resting left arm on an overturned urn, from which waters flow. Boersema 14018; Aiello 739; GRPC Lydia 155. | Text | Image |
SNG Righetti 1115 | Gordian III, AE27 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 238-244. AYT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Tyche standing left, kalathos on head, holding rudder in right hand and cornucopiae in left. SNG Righetti 1115; Leypold I, 1341; Mionnet III (Caria), 533; GRPC Lydia 156. | Text | Image |
SNG von Aulock 8297 | Gordian III, AE36 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 238-244. AYT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Kybele, turreted, seated left on throne, holding sceptre, resting left arm on a drum. SNG von Aulock 8297; GRPC Lydia 153. | Text | Image |
Mionnet, Supp. VI, 587 | Philip I, AE27 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 244-249. 8.25 gr. AYT K M I ΦIΛIΠΠOC, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Herakles, naked, seated right, holding the infant Telephos on his knees; club at his side. Mionnet Suppl. VI (Caria), 587; Paris 1836A; GRPC Lydia 156. | Text | Image |
SNG Fitz 4912 | Philip I, AE of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 244–249. Alliance issue with Laodikeia, Phrygia. 22.47 g. AVT K M IOYΛ ΦIΛIΠΠOC AYΓ, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / TΡIΠOΛEI-TΩN K ΛAOΔIK NEΩK OMONOIA around and beneath Leto walking left, looking right, holding the infants Apollo and Artemis in her arms; Zeus standing left behind her, holding eagle on right hand and sceptre in left. SNG Fitzwilliam 4912; Kraft pl. 35.49e; SNG Turkey 10, 895; Franke-Nollé 2370-2371; GRPC Lydia 163. | Text | Image |
Waddington 2689 | Philip I, AE38 of Tripolis, Lydia, AD 244-249. AYT K M IOYΛ ΦIΛIΠΠOC AYΓ, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Kybele seated left on stool, holding sceptre, resting left arm on a drum, lion at her side. Waddington 2689; SNG von Aulock 8298; Paris 1832; GRPC Lydia 159. | Text | Image |
BMC 72 | Otacilia Severa AE33 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 244-249. M ΩTAK CEBHΡA CEB, draped bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Tyche standing left, kalathos on head, holding rudder in right hand and cornucopiae in left. BMC 72; Mionnet III (Caria), 535; Waddington 2690; Paris 1835; GRPC Lydia 159. | Text | Image |
Lindgren I, 854 | Otacilia Severa AE 27 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 246-248. M ΩTAK CE CEBHΡA CEB, draped bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN MAIANΔΡOC, river-god Maeandros reclining left, holding reed over shoulder and cornucopiae, resting left arm on an overturned urn, from which waters flow, fish swimming downwards behind the urn. Lindgren I 854; Mionnet III (Caria), 536; Helios, Falter 535; GRPC Lydia 165. | Text | Image |
SNG Cop 752 | Otacilia Severa AE32 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 244-249. M ΩTAK CEBHΡA CEB, draped bust right, wearing stephane / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Leto hurrying left, looking back, holding the infants Artemis and Apollo in her arms. Mionnet Supp VI (Caria), 588; Paris 1833; SNG Cop 752; GRPC Lydia 164. | Text | Image |
BMC 73 | Philip II, AE27 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 244-247. M IOYΛ ΦIΛIΠΠOC K, bare-headed, draped bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, river-god Maeander reclining left, holding reed and cornucopiae, resting left arm on an overturned urn. BMC 73-74; SNG von Aulock 3324; Mionnet III (Caria), 537; GRPC Lydia 172. | Text | Image |
BMC 75 | Philip II, AE26 of Tripolis, Lydia, AD 247-249. M IOYΛ ΦIΛIΠΠOC K, bare head right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Demeter, veiled, standing left, holding corn-ears, poppy and torch. BMC 75; Leypold I, 1343; Waddington 2691; Paris 1837; GRPC Lydia 168. | Text | Image |
Paris 1837A | Philipp II AE 4.30 gr. of Tripolis, Lydia. 246-248 AD. M IOVΛ ΦIΛIΠΠOC KAIC CEB, bare-headed, draped bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Hermes standing left, holding purse and caduceus. Paris 1837A; GRPC Lydia 171. | Text | Image |
McClean 8732 | Trajan Decius AE35 of Tripolis, Lydia, AD 249-251. A K Γ M K ΔEKIC TΡA CE, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Leto hurrying right, looking back, holding the infants Artemis and Apollo in her arms. McClean 8732; Rhousopoulos 4081; Milne, Oxford 4 in NC 1939; RPC IX 791; GRPC Lydia 175. | Text | Image |
Imhoof KM 5 | Hostilian, AE25 of Tripolis, Lydia. 6.7 g. AD 250-251. Γ ME OY ΔEKIC KC, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Imhoof KM 5; GRPC Lydia 178. | Text | Image |
SNG Fitz. 4911 | Herennia Etruscilla AE29 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 249-251. EΡ ETΡOYCKIΛΛA C, draped bust right on crescent, wearing stephane / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Leto hurrying left, looking back, holding the infants Artemis and Apollo in her arms, Zeus standing left behind her, holding eagle on right hand and sceptre in left. SNG Fitzwilliam 4911; Mionnet III (Caria), 538; Paris L1038; GRPC Lydia 176. | Text | Image |
Mionnet III, 539 | Herennius Etruscus, AE27 of Tripolis, Lydia, AD 251. Γ ME ETΡOYCKOC K, bare-headed, draped bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN MAIANΔΡOC, river-god Maeander reclining left, holding reed and cornucopiae, resting left arm on an overturned urn, from which waters flow. Mionnet III (Caria), 539; Mionnet Suppl. VI (Caria), 589; Paris 1840; GRPC Lydia 177. | Text | Image |
GRPC Lydia 180a | Valerian AE27 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 253-260. AY KA ΠO ΛIKI OYAΛEΡIANOC, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN ΠYΘIA above and beneath Leto running right, looking back, wearing chiton and peplos inflated by wind, carrying the infants Apollo and Artemis in her arms, a table to left with a prize urn inscribed ΛHTω-EIA and containing two palm branches. GRPC Lydia 180a; Savoca 29, 233. | Text | Image |
Mionnet III, 540 | Valerian, AE40 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 253-260. AY KA ΠO ΛIKI OYAΛEΡIANOC, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, tetrastyle temple with Leto hurrying left within, looking back, holding the infants Artemis and Apollo in her arms. Mionnet III (Caria), 540; Paris 676; GRPC Lydia 180. | Text | Image |
BMC 77 | Gallienus, AE of Tripolis, Lydia. 17.32 g. AV K Π ΛI ΓAΛΛIHNOC, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, tetrastyle temple containing Leto, standing facing, head right, holding the twins Artemis and Apollo on her arms. BMC 77; SNG Cop. 753; SNG von Aulock 3327; GRPC Lydia 188. | Text | Image |
BMC 78 corr. | Gallienus, AE34 of Tripolis, Lydia, AD 253-268. Letoian Games issue. AY K ΠO ΛIKIN ΓAΛΛIHNOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN around ΛH-TΩEIA-ΠYΘI-A in four lines within laurel wreath. BMC 78. (obv. legend corr.); Hunter 6; GRPC Lydia 184 | Text | Image |
GRPC Lydia 187 | Gallienus, AE32 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 253-268. AY K Π ΛIK ΓAΛΛIHNOC, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, tetrastyle temple with Leto hurrying left within, looking back, holding the infants Artemis and Apollo in her arms. GRPC Lydia 187; CNG 303, 222. | Text | Image |
MFA 61,1057 | Gallienus, AE34 of Tripolis, Lydia, AD 253-268. AY K ΠO ΛIK ΓAΛΛIHNOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, tetrastyle temple with Leto hurrying left within, looking back, holding the infants Artemis and Apollo in her arms. Boston MFA 61.1057; Aeruginis a0562; GRPC Lydia 186. | Text | Image |
SNG von Aulock 3328 | Gallienus, AE32 of Tripolis, Lydia. AD 253-268. Letoian-Pythian Games issue. AY K ΠO ΛIK ΓAΛΛIHNOC, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΠYΘIA TΡIΠOΛEITΩN beneath an agonistic table with lion's legs, on which is a prize crown inscribed ΛHTΩEIA. SNG von Aulock 3328; GRPC Lydia 182. | Text | Image |
Mionnet III, 544 | Salonina, AE32 of Tripolis, Lydia, AD 253-268. Alliance issue with Laodiceia, Phrygia. KOΡNHΛIA CAΛΩNEINA, draped bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN ΛAOΔ-IKEΩN OMONYA around and in exergue, Leto hurrying left, looking back, holding the infants Artemis and Apollo in her arms, Zeus standing left behind her, holding eagle on right hand and sceptre in left. Mionnet III (Caria), 544; Paris 1847; GRPC Lydia 190. | Text | Image |
SNG Cop 755 | Saloninus, AE of Tripolis, Lydia. 260 AD. 12.12 g. Π Λ K CAΛΩNINOC OVAΛEΡIANOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Leto hurrying left, looking back, veil billowing above head, holding the twins Artemis and Apollo on her arms. SNG Cop. 755; Imhoof-Blumer 10; SNG Tuebingen 3886; GRPC Lydia 192. | Text | Image |
Waddington 2692 | Saloninus AE30 of Tripolis, Lydia, AD 258-260. Π ΛIK CAΛΩNINOC OYAΛEΡIANOC, laureate, draped bust right / TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, Leto hurrying left, looking back, holding the infants Artemis and Apollo in her arms. Imhoof LS 10; Waddington 2692; Paris 1843; SNG Tuebingen 3886; Hunter 7; GRPC Lydia 192. | Text | Image |
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