Anastasius I 491-518 |
Justin I 518-527 |
Justin I and Justinian I 527 |
Justinian I 527-565 |
Justin II 565-578 |
Justin II and Tiberius II Constantine 578
Tiberius II Constantine 578-582 |
Maurice Tiberius 582-602 |
Theodosius 590-602 |
Phocas 602-610 |
Revolt of the Heraclii 608-610 |
Heraclius 610-641 |
Heraclonas 641 |
Constans II 641-668 |
Mezezius 668-669 |
Constantine IV 668-685 |
Justinian II, First Reign 685-695, Second reign 705-711
Leontius 695-698 |
Tiberius III 698-705 |
Philippicus 711-713 |
Anastasius II, Artemius 713-715 |
Theodosius III of Adramytium 715-717 |
Leo III the Isaurian 717-741 |
Artavasdus and Nicephorus 742-743 |
Constantine V Copronymus and Leo IV the Khazar 741-775 |
Leo IV and Constantine VI 775-780 |
Constantine VI and Irene 780-797 |
Irene 797-802 |
Nicephorus I and Stauracius 802-811 |
Michael I Theophylactus 811-813 |
Leo V the Armenian 813-820 |
Michael II the Amorian 820-829 |
Theophilus 829-842 |
Michael III the Drunkard 842-867 |
Basil I the Macedonian 867-886 |
Leo VI the Wise 886-912 |
Alexander 912-913 |
Constantine VII, Porphyrogenitus 913-959 |
Romanus I (under Const. VII), 913-959 |
Romanus II 959-963 |
Nicephorus II, Phocas 963-969 |
John I Tzimisces 969-976 |
Basil II, Bulgaroktonos 976-1025
Constantine VIII 1025-1028 |
Romanus III, Argyrus 1028-1034 |
Michael IV 1034-1041 |
Michael V 1041-1042 |
Zoe and Theodora-1042 |
Constantine IX 1042-1055 |
Theodora 1055-1056 |
Michael VI 1056-1057 |
Isaac I Comnenus 1057-1059 |
Constantine X 1059-1067 |
Eudocia 1067 |
Romanus IV 1068 1071
Michael VII 1071-1078 |
Nicephorus III 1078-1081 |
Nicephorus Basilacius, Bryennius and Melissenus, Pretenders 1078-1081 |
Anonymous Folles coined by various emperors, 10th - 11th centuries |
Alexius I Comnenus 1092-1118 |
John II Comnenus 1118-1143 |
Manuel I Comnenus 1143-1180 |
Andronicus I Comnenus 1183-1185 |
Isaac Comnenus of Cyprus 1184-1191 |
Theodore Mankaphas 1188-1189 |
Isaac II Angelus 1185-1195 |
Alexius III Angelus-Comnenus 1195-1204 |
Isaac II (restored) and Alexius IV 1203-1204 |
Latin Rulers of Constantinople and Thessalonica |
Theodore I Comnenus-Lascaris (Empire of Nicaea) 1208-1222 |
John III (Empire of Nicaea) 1222-1254 |
Andronicus I Gidon (Empire of Trebizond) 1222-1235 |
Theodore II Ducas-Lascaris (Empire of Nicaea) 1254-1258 |
Empire of Nicaea, Uncertain Ruler |
Theodore Comnenus-Ducas (Empire of Thessalonica) 1224-1230 |
Manuel Comnenus-Ducas (Empire of Thessalonica) 1230-1237 |
John Comnenus-Ducas (Empire of Thessalonica) 1237-1244 |
Anonymous and uncertain issues of Thessalonica 1242-1246 |
Michael I, Angelus (Despotate of Epirus) 1204-1215
Theodore, Comnenus-Ducas (Despotate of Epirus) 1215-1230 |
Manuel, Comnenus-Ducas (Despotate of Epirus) 1230-1237 |
Michael II, Angelus (Despotate of Epirus) 1237-1271 |
Michael VIII Palaeologus 1261-1282 (with Andronicus II 1272-1282) |
Andronicus II Palaeologus 1282-1328 (with Michael IX 1295-1320; with Andronicus III 1325-1334) |
Andronicus III Palaeologus 1328-1341 |
John_V Palaeologus 1341-1391 |
John_VI Cantacuzenus 1347-1354 |
Andronicus IV Palaeologus 1376-1379 |
Manuel II Palaeologus 1391-1423 |
John VII Palaeologus 1390 and regent for Manuel II 1399-1423 |
Alexius IV Comnenus 1417-1446 |
John VIII Palaeologus 1423-1448 |
Constantine XI Palaeologus, 1448-1453 |
Anonymous Politikon Coinage, 1320-1350 |
Anonymous and Unattributed Palaeologan Coinage |
Empire of Trebizond (all Trebizond emperors) 1222-1461 |
Arab, Vandelic or other Imitative Issues, from all time periods. |
Of Interest: Byzantine Coinage, by Philip Grierson (pdf download) |
Of Interest (PDFs): Collection of Byzantine Coins in the British Museum, Vol 1 and Collection of Byzantine Coins in the British Museum, Vol 2(pdf downloads) |